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An Ivory Tower Analysis of Real World Poverty: Perspectives

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An ivory tower analysis of real world poverty
UNICEF put up a billboard in Juba, learn from a successful intervention say, good or bad weather, or collapsing
the capital of South Sudan, which like Sierra Leone.) Collier is also very or soaring commodity prices. The
says in English and Arabic: “Armed specific on the desirable length of apparent effect of an aid action may
conflict is health risk”. I think this was foreign military occupation: “both just be a stand-in for some other
pretty well understood by the South sending and recipient governments factor—for example, an economic
Sudanese without UNICEF’s help. should expect this presence to last for recovery after a drought may occur
But economists and aid officials have around a decade, and must commit at the same time as the usually tardy
shown new interest in recent years in to it. Much less than a decade and drought-related foreign aid arrives,
finding the cure for this health risk. domestic politicians are likely to play generating a spurious correlation
Oxford University economist Paul a waiting game rather than building between aid and economic recovery.
Collier has been the go-to guy for the peace…Much more than a decade Controlling for third factors is both
analysing the economic determinants crucial and difficult, yet again Collier The Bottom Billion: Why the
of civil war, state failure, and recovery “Economists should not be has little to enlighten the reader about Poorest Countries are Failing
and What Can Be Done About It
from civil war and state failure, and allowed to play games with just how he arrived at his assertions on Paul Collier. Oxford University
deserves much credit for calling statistics, much less with guns.” which actions cause which outcomes. Press, 2007. Pp 224. US$28·00,
attention to these tragic problems. Others have noticed these problems. £16·99. ISBN 0-19531-145-0.
Now Collier has published a book Much of Collier’s civil war research was See Editorial page 1460
summarising many of his findings for and citizens are likely to get restive for done when he was at the World Bank. A
the people most affected, the poorest foreign troops to leave the country.” later evaluation of World Bank research
one billion people in the world. His Is it really impossible to turn it by a blue-ribbon panel of economists,
book has already attracted much around when things fall apart? No, led by Angus Deaton of Princeton,
interest from people desperately Collier believes we should “recall that singled out Collier’s civil war research
looking for constructive solutions for these situations typically start out with for criticism on these same grounds.
the world’s poor, not just for ending war very poor governance and policies, Deaton’s panel concluded that the
but also for alleviating poverty. Collier they are highly fluid: change is easy.” “analyses in these studies cannot be
promises a pragmatic, evidence-based If only it were so. Alas, having read the used to support the conclusions that
look at what works in poor countries, research on which this book is based, I they ostensibly reach”. Massachusetts
and thus many commentators have am reluctantly forced to conclude that Institute of Technology economist
welcomed his book as the long-sought Collier erects this constructive advice Daron Acemoglu was part of the panel
middle way between the critics and the on a shaky foundation. and wrote the evaluation of the civil
cheerleaders of foreign aid. His recommendations are based on war work, saying “the correlations that
Collier supplies much detailed advice cross-country statistical associations are interpreted as causal effects are
about how to make aid work. First, between foreign aid, military actions, really no more than correlations”.
“technical assistance in a failing state and national outcomes. But which is The problem of correlation versus
prior to turnaround has little prospect causing which? Is the turnaround going causation pervades the book. “The
of a turnaround occurring”. However, well because the aid-financed foreign bottom billion” are—no surprise—
there is no need to give up hope yet for experts just arrived in Liberia or did the poor. Again, Collier presumes poverty
the Democratic Republic of the Congo: experts arrive in Liberia because there causes war (what he calls a “conflict
“Technical assistance during the first was a turnaround already happening trap”). Poverty and war do seem to
4 years of an incipient reform, and for local reasons? Collier does mention go together, but Collier fails to offer
especially during the first 2 years, has that causality between actions and out- convincing evidence that a given
a big favourable effect on the chances comes usually flows in both directions, amount of poverty relief (however that
that the momentum of the reforms but never explains how he then would be accomplished) would cause
will be maintained.” establishes the causal effect of actions reduced war. And the threat of spurious
Collier sees armies as part of the on outcomes that form the basis for correlation is still a problem, as poverty
aid package: “security in postconflict his remarkably confident statements. and civil war may go together only
societies will normally require an There are also lots of other tricky because they are both symptoms of
external military presence”. (He urges us problems, like controlling for other deeper problems, like Africa’s weak
not to dwell too much on Afghanistan, factors that might be triggering both states, ethnic antagonisms, and the
Iraq, and Somalia, but instead to foreign actions and local outcomes— legacy of the slave trade and colonial Vol 370 October 27, 2007 1475


exploitation. His shaky analysis leads to over the previous decades. Think of an also bemoaning the lousy growth of
real world advice (like foreign military analogy—the poorest gamblers after South Korea in the 1950s and India in
intervention to break the “conflict a 2-week long vacation in Las Vegas the 1950s through to the 1970s, before
trap”) that could be tragically wrong. would be those who lost most of their their growth turned around with little
Collier thinks the bottom billion are bets—but that doesn’t mean that help from foreign aid. Unfortunately,
subject to many kinds of traps—the those poor bettors faced worst odds there were also reversals in the other
conflict trap, the coup trap, the natural beforehand than the others. direction. Countries like Cote d’Ivoire
resource trap, the landlocked with bad So if you want to test whether there and Kenya had rapid economic growth
neighbours trap, the corruption trap. is a poverty trap, you need to look in the 1960s and 1970s, before
So he thinks they need the West to at whether those who were poor at declining their way (despite lots of
rescue them, because “breaking the the beginning of any period you want foreign aid) into the Bottom Billion in
conflict trap and the coup trap are not to look at were more likely to have the 1980s and 1990s.
tasks societies can readily accomplish poor economic growth than the rest With such a statistical muddle,
for themselves”. For Collier, “They will afterwards. The answer is no. In both to remake other societies on the
be stuck in poverty unless we help historical and contemporary experience, basis of what numbers flicker across
them far more than we have to date.” there are plenty of countries that start Oxford computer screens is at best
The image of the trap is reinforced off poor and then grow their way out hubris, and at worst irresponsibility.
by Collier’s alarming statement of poverty (remember all of today’s If Collier’s statistical analysis does not
that the bottom billion are falling rich nations were once as poor as the hold up under scrutiny, unfortunately,
further behind the rest of us. So bottom billion, as were more recent then his recommendations are not a
is there a poverty trap—ie, the success stories like South Korea, China, reliable guide for deploying foreign
poorest countries are condemned India, Vietnam, and Botswana). aid, technical assistance, or armies.
to the worst growth? No, this is yet Moreover, even if today’s bottom Economists should not be allowed to
another statistical misunderstanding. billion have had the worst growth play games with statistics, much less
If you pick out who are in the poorest rates, they are not doomed to continue with guns.
1 billion today, naturally they would be having lousy growth—the evidence
disproportionately likely to be those suggests that growth reversals are William Easterly
that had the worst growth of incomes common. For example, observers were

In brief
Case Studies in Global Health:
Book Global health guides working group that selected these women’s health, and at the different
Millions Saved Given the challenge of improving cases for analysis chose them on challenges of tackling communicative
Ruth Levine. Jones & Bartlett global health in the 21st century, the basis of strict criteria, such as and non-communicative diseases in
Publishers Inc, 2007. Pp 172.
£23·99. ISBN 0-763-74620-9.
some commentators conclude that being large scale, lasting longer than developing countries. He also maps aid for public-health programmes is 5 years, and being costeffective. out the key players in global health
catalog/9780763746209 unlikely to ever be more than a band- As a companion, Richard Skolnik’s and looks ahead to future challenges.
aid. But Case Studies in Global Health Essentials of Global Health is so Levine’s book is by turns
offers an optimistic counterpoint comprehensive that it will be key motivational and informative, but
to such critics by showcasing reading in international health. In also practical—the contributors
20 “success stories” that prove major accessible language, he explains why are under no illusions that getting
public-health initiatives can work. good health is crucial to economic funding for health-care problems
Ruth Levine highlights aspects development, what indicators help that aren’t high profile can be hugely
of public-health management that track changes in global health, difficult. But, as these books point
are needed to achieve such success. and requirements for good health out, if humanitarian ideals aren’t
Expert consensus can be vital, systems. Approaches to solving enough of an incentive for action,
Essentials of Global Health
and rigorous project evaluation world health problems must be the knowledge that healthier people
Richard Skolnik. should be a prerequisite to health- underpinned by good ethics and mean healthier economies should
Jones & Bartlett Publishers Inc, care programmes. Good local human rights guidelines, he says, motivate stakeholders to act.
2007. Pp 172. US$49·95.
management and community par- and local practices and cultures
ISBN 0-7637-4620-7. http:// ticipation are also key. These are much must not be ignored. Skolnik Priya Shetty
catalog/9780763734213 more than just feel-good stories. The looks in detail at children’s and

1476 Vol 370 October 27, 2007

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