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Abap Cds DDL

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5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

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CDS data definitions are made using the ABAP CDS DDL in CDS source code. CDS data definitions
can be used to defined (and possibly enhance) CDS entities:
CDS views
CDS table functions

A CDS entity is a structured ABAP CDS object managed by ABAP Dictionary. When a CDS data
definition is activated, it is created as metadata in CDS source code. CDS entities are not
transported and are created after the transport of a piece of CDS source code when this code is
activated in the target system. Each CDS entity is defined in a separate piece of CDS source code in
the ABAP Development Tools (ADT). In the development tools, CDS entities are only visible as CDS
definitions in their CDS source code. The ABAP Dictionary tool in ABAP Workbench (SE11) does not
support any CDS data definitions of CDS entities. The ABAP runtime environment and other
frameworks do not access the internal metadata of CDS entities. For example, the ABAP runtime
environment does not recognize a CDS entity as a data type of ABAP Dictionary or as a potential
data source of Open SQL statements. The name of a CDS must be unique accordingly.
As a data type in ABAP Dictionary, a CDS entity represents a structured type. In ABAP CDS, the CDS
entity can be used as a data source in other CDS entities. In ABAP, a CDS entity can be specified
after the TYPE addition to reference this structure type and its components in ABAP programs. The
components of the structured type are, as usual, specified using the structure component selector
cds_entity-comp. In Open SQL read statements, however, CDS entities cannot be accessed in Native

A CDS entity cannot be used as a data type in ABAP Dictionary. It cannot, for example, be used as a
type of a substructure, as an include structure, or as the row type of a table type.

The following sections describe the possible CDS entities and the associated DDL statements:

CDS views
CDS table functions
DDL statements

A further section describes the problems that can arise due to cyclical dependencies between CDS

The CDS source code of a data definition for a CDS entity does not need to have the same
name as the entity, but this is recommended.
In activations, the names of a piece of CDS source code, the CDS entity, and (if necessary) the
CDS database view construct an indivisible defining unit. After a piece of CDS source code is 1/106
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transported for the first time, this defining unit cannot be used elsewhere and none of the
names used can be modified. More specifically, the following applies:
In a piece of CDS source code, the name of a CDS entity or a CDS database view cannot
be renamed.
A CDS entity or CDS database view cannot be used in a different piece of CDS source
code, if the original source code was deleted.
A piece of CDS source code already used for a CDS entity or CDS database view cannot
be used for a different CDS entity or CDS database view.
The same applies to the CDS source code of a CDS view extension and its append view.
The CDS source code in data definition for a CDS entity is edited in a different editor from the
CDS source code of a CDS role for CDS access control. The ADT documentation describes
how the different types of source code are created.
The program DEMO_SHOW_DDL_SOURCE displays CDS source code in SAP GUI.
A structure type defined using a CDS entity exists alongside the classic structures in ABAP

➤ ABAP CDS - Views

A CDS view is defined for existing database tables and any other views or CDS views in ABAP
Dictionary using the statement DEFINE VIEW in the DDL in ABAP Core Data Services (CDS). This is
done in the CDS source code of a CDS data definition in the ABAP Development Tools (ADT). When
the CDS data definition of a CDS view is activated, two ABAP Dictionary objects area created:
The CDS entity

The CDS entity represents the actual CDS view. It is based on a CDS database view and makes other
attributes possible, such as access controls defined in CDS. The name of this entity, cds_entity, is
defined in the definition of a CDS view after DEFINE VIEW. The definition of the CDS entity occurs
only as CDS source code. The ABAP Dictionary tool in ABAP Workbench (SE11) does not recognize
the CDS entity.

As a data type in ABAP Dictionary, the CDS entity represents a structured type with the elements of
the CDS view as components and can be used like any CDS entity.
In ABAP CDS, the CDS entity can be used as a data source of other CDS entities.
In ABAP, the CDS entity can be used as a data type and in Open SQL read statements.
The CDS entity cannot be used as a data type for definitions of classic dictionary
objects in ABAP Dictionary.

A CDS database view

The CDS database view is the technical foundation of the CDS view in ABAP Dictionary. It is a read-
only classic database view. The name CDS_DB_VIEW of this view is defined in the definition of a CDS
view in the CDS annotation @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName. The ABAP Dictionary tool in ABAP
Workbench (SE11) can display a CDS database view, but it cannot be edited here. When the view is
activated, the corresponding SQL view is created with the same name.

As a data type in ABAP Dictionary, the CDS database view represents (like all classic database views)
a flat structure with the elements of the CDS view as components. The CDS database view of a 2/106
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client-specific CDS view always has a client column, unlike the CDS entity.
In ABAP Dictionary, the CDS database view can be used like any classic structure, such as the
type of a substructure, as an include structure, or as the row type of a table type.
The CDS database view should not, however, be used in ABAP. It can be used wherever
database tables or classic database views can also be specified (using its name
CDS_DB_VIEW), such as after the TYPE addition, in Open SQL read statements and also in
Native SQL or after the TABLES statement (but this is not recommended). More particularly,
the use of the CDS database view in reading Open SQL statements is obsolete and forbidden
in strict mode from Release 7.50. Instead, the CDS entity should be accessed in ABAP, which
covers all attributes of the CDS view.

Both the names cds_entity and CDS_DB_VIEW are in the namespace of the data types in ABAP
Dictionary. The view is also known under both names within the ABAP CDS DDL. Furthermore, only
the CDS entity should be accessed in other CDS entities using its name cds_entity and not the CDS
database view using the name CDS_DB_VIEW.

A CDS view has two types of keys:

For CDS entities, KEY can be used to define key elements. This key is the semantic key of the
CDS view.
The key of the CDS database view is determined implicitly, as in a classic view. This key is the
technical key of the CDS view.

In Open SQL, the key used is determined according to whether the name of the CDS entity or the
name of the CDS database view is used to access a CDS view.

The following sections describe client handling and SAP buffering for CDS views:
Client handling
SAP buffering

The programming of CDS views using the DDL of the Core Data Services is one of the tasks
included in the implementation of data models in ABAP Dictionary and is not usually the
responsibility of regular ABAP application programmers. Once created, CDS views are used in
ABAP programs using Open SQL read statements and must be stable enough to allow this.
As well as the specific functions available for CDS views, such as the definition of associations,
the options for the regular SQL DDL of the CDS DDL are far more comprehensive than the
form-based ABAP Dictionary tool in ABAP Workbench used to define classic views.
CDS views are defined as platform-independent views. They can, however, contain
components that are not currently supported by all database systems. Before an ABAP read,
the class CL_ABAP_DBFEATURES can be used to determine whether the feature is supported
in the current system, which stops an exception from being raised.
If a CDS role is defined for a CDS entity using the DCL statement DEFINE ROLE and CDS
access control is not disabled using the value #NOT_ALLOWED for the annotation
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck, any reads performed on the CDS entity using Open SQL
or using an SADL query are subject to implicit access control and only that data is read that
meets the access conditions. 3/106
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A CDS database view is created for each CDS view and this database view supports only
transparent tables, which means that pooled tables and cluster tables cannot be accessed
using CDS views.
For CDS views, CDS view enhancements are a separate way of making enhancements without
making modifications.

1. ABAP CDS - Client Handling in CDS Views

The CDS annotation @ClientDependent can be used to switch client dependency on and off for a
CDS view in ABAP CDS (the default setting is on). If a client-specific CDS entity is used as a data
source in another CDS view, this view is also client-specific. In Open SQL reads, the client
dependency of a CDS view has the following consequences for the CDS entity and the associated
CDS database view:

CDS entity
The view fields of the CDS entity of a CDS view with client dependency switched on do
not cover a client column. A client column specified explicitly in the SELECT list is also
not a component of the structured data type represented by the CDS entity and is
removed implicitly from the results set of a SELECT statement. A client column specified
in the SELECT list is preserved in the results set only if client dependency is switched off
explicitly using the annotation @ClientDependent:false. The column is then applied like
a regular view field when the CDS entity is accessed.
If SELECT is used to access a CDS entity with client dependency switched on, the data
of the current client or the client specified in the addition USING CLIENT is read
implicitly. If the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED is specified, the column is added to the
results set and is filled with the associated client ID for each row. Before this column
can be used in the SELECT statement, a name must be assigned to it after the addition
CLIENT SPECIFIED. If the name is not defined, no addressing is possible in a clause and
no inline declarations can be made after INTO. The defined name is also used in the
case of INTO CORRESPONDING. If no name is defined, the client column is not
CDS database view
The view fields of a CDS database view of a CDS view with client dependency switched
on always cover a client column, unless all data sources are cross-client. This applies
regardless of whether the client column is specified in the SELECT list. If client
dependency is switched off explicitly using the annotation @ClientDependent:false, a
CDS database view does not have a client column if it is not specified explicitly in the
SELECT list. If client handling is switched off, a client column specified in the SELECT list,
however, makes the CDS database view client-specific.
In obsolete accesses made to the CDS database view using SELECT, the view is handled
in accordance with the usual automatic client handling, where a client column is
evaluated implicitly or explicitly using the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED. This applies in
particular to CDS database views of CDS views in which client dependency is switched
off but a client column is specified in the SELECT list.
The name of the client column of a CDS database view with activated client handling is
defined in accordance with the following hierarchy: If the client column is specified in
the SELECT list, its name or its alternative name is used. If the client column is not
specified in the SELECT list, MANDT is used. If MANDT is already used as an (alternative) 4/106
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element name in the SELECT list, CLIENT is used. If neither MANDT or CLIENT is
possible, a syntax error occurs.

CDS views for application data should usually be client-specific.
CDS views with client columns in the SELECT list display different behavior depending on
whether the CDS entity is accessed or the CDS database view and this is one of the reasons
why only the CDS entity should be accessed. In this case, switching off client dependency only
affects the CDS entity.
Native SQL can only be used to access the CDS database view. When client-specific views are
accessed, the client ID must be specified as usual and only data in the current client should be

CDS Views, Client Handling

This example demonstrates various ways in which the client column of CDS views can be handled.

Source Code

REPORT demo_cds_client_handling.




METHOD main.
  DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

  out->next_section( 'Data Types' ).

    name = 'Client dependent, no client field, CDS entity'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_SPFLI' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Client dependent, no client field, database view'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Client dependent, client field, CDS entity'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( 5/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

                    'DEMO_CDS_SPFLI_CLIENT_1' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Client dependent, client field, database view'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN1' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Not client dependent, no client field, CDS entity'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_SPFLI_CLIENT_2' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Not client dependent, no client field, database view'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN2' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Not client dependent, client field, CDS entity'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_SPFLI_CLIENT_3' )
                      )->components ).

    name = 'Not client dependent, client field, database view'
    data = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
                    'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN3' )
                      )->components ).

  out->next_section( 'SELECT Statements' ).

         FROM demo_cds_spfli
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result1)
         UP TO 1 ROWS. 6/106
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    name = 'Client dependent, no client field, CDS entity'
    data = result1 ).

         FROM demo_cds_prjctn
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result2)
         UP TO 1 ROWS.
    name = 'Client dependent, no client field, database view'
    data = result2 ).

         FROM demo_cds_spfli CLIENT SPECIFIED demo_cds_spfli~myclient
         WHERE myclient = @sy-mandt
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result3)
         UP TO 1 ROWS.
    name = 'Client dependent, no client field, CDS entity,' &
           ' CLIENT SPECIFIED'
    data = result3 ).

         FROM demo_cds_spfli_client_1
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result4)
         UP TO 1 ROWS.
    name = 'Client dependent, client field, CDS entity'
    data = result4 ).

         FROM demo_cds_spfli_client_2
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result5)
         UP TO 1 ROWS.
    name =  'Not client dependent, no client field, CDS entity'
    data = result5 ).

         FROM demo_cds_prjctn2
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result6)
         UP TO 1 ROWS. 7/106
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    name =  'Not client dependent, no client field, database view'
    data = result6 ).

         FROM demo_cds_spfli_client_3
         WHERE mandt = @sy-mandt
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result7)
         UP TO 1 ROWS.
    name = 'Not client dependent, client field, CDS entity'
    data = result7 ).

         FROM demo_cds_prjctn3 CLIENT SPECIFIED
         WHERE mandt = @sy-mandt
         ORDER BY carrid, connid
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result8)
         UP TO 1 ROWS.
    name = 'Not client dependent, client field, database view,' &
           ' CLIENT SPECIFIED'
    data = result8 ).

  out->display( ).

demo=>main( ).


The program accesses the following CDS views:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_spfli
as select from spfli
   { key spfli.carrid,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN1'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_spfli_client_1
as select from spfli 8/106
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   { key spfli.mandt,
     key spfli.carrid,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN2'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@ClientDependent: false
define view demo_cds_spfli_client_2
as select from spfli
   { key spfli.carrid,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN3'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@ClientDependent: false
define view demo_cds_spfli_client_3
as select from spfli
   { key spfli.mandt,
     key spfli.carrid,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }

The first view, DEMO_CDS_SPFLI, is a regular client-specific CDS view in which the client column is
not specified in the SELECT list. The other views are used to demonstrate the handling behavior in
less common cases:

DEMO_CDS_SPFLI_CLIENT_1 is a client-specific CDS view in which the client column is

specified in the SELECT list.
DEMO_CDS_SPFLI_CLIENT_2 is a cross-client CDS view in which the client column is not
specified in the SELECT list.
DEMO_CDS_SPFLI_CLIENT_3 is a cross-client CDS view in which the client column is specified
in the SELECT list.

RTTI is used to read the components of the associated data types:

The structure of the client-specific CDS entity without client column in the SELECT list does
not have a client column.
The database view of the client-specific CDS view without client column in the SELECT list has
a client column.
Nevertheless, the structure of the client-specific CDS entity with client column in the SELECT
list does not have a client column.
The database view of the client-specific CDS view with client column in the SELECT list has a
client column.
The structure of the cross-client CDS entity without client column in the SELECT list does not
have a client column. 9/106
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The database view of the cross-client CDS view without client column in the SELECT list does
not have a client column.
The structure of the cross-client CDS entity with client column in the SELECT list has a client
The database view of the cross-client CDS view with client column in the SELECT list has a
client column, which makes it client-specific.

The statement SELECT is used to make the following accesses:

Regular access to a client-specific CDS entity without client column in the SELECT list. The
data from the current client is read. The results set does not have a client column.
Regular access to a database view of the client-specific CDS entity without client column in
the SELECT list. The data from the current client is read. The results set has a client column.
Access to a client-specific CDS entity without client column in the SELECT list using CLIENT
SPECIFIED. The data of the client specified in the WHERE condition is read. A name myclient
must be defined for this. The result set has a client column with this name.
Regular access to a database view of the client-specific CDS entity with client column in the
SELECT list. The data from the current client is read. The results set does not have a client
Regular access to a cross-client CDS entity without client column in the SELECT list. The data
of all clients is read and no conditions can be specified for the client. The results set does not
have a client column.
Regular access to a database view of the cross-client CDS entity without client column in the
SELECT list. The data of all clients is read and no conditions can be specified for the client. The
results set does not have a client column.
Regular access to a cross-client CDS entity with client column in the SELECT list. The data of
the client specified in the WHERE condition is read. It is not possible to specify the addition
CLIENT SPECIFIED here. The results set has a client column.
Access to a database view of the cross-client CDS with client column in the SELECT list using
CLIENT SPECIFIED. The data of the client specified in the WHERE condition is read. The
addition CLIENT SPECIFIED must be specified here and the results set has a client column.

The accesses to the database views of the CDS shown here are for demonstration purposes only.
This way of accessing CDS views is obsolete and only the CDS entities should now be accessed.

2. ABAP CDS - SAP Buffering of CDS Views

The CDS annotation @AbapCatalog.buffering.status can be used to define whether and how SAP
buffering is allowed for a CDS view in ABAP CDS. Further annotations, AbapCatalog.buffering.type
and AbapCatalog.buffering.numberOfKeyFields, define the buffering type and, if generic buffering is
used, the number of key fields involved.

SAP buffering for CDS views is performed in the same way as for database views and the same
prerequisites apply. Furthermore, a CDS view can be buffered only if it does not contain any views
(database views or CDS views) as data sources.

Note: 10/106
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In SAP buffering of CDS views, only the key fields of the CDS database view are relevant and not the
key elements of the CDS entity defined using KEY.


Enables full buffering for a CDS view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: '...'
@AbapCatalog.Buffering.status: #ACTIVE
@AbapCatalog.Buffering.type: #FULL
define view ...
 as select from ...
 { ... }

➤ ABAP CDS - Table Functions

A CDS table function is defined in CDS source code of a CDS data definition in the ABAP
Development Tools (ADT) using the statement DEFINE TABLE_FUNCTION in the ABAP Core Data
Services (CDS) DDL. A CDS table function includes the following:

The CDS entity

A CDS table function is declared as a CDS entity using the name of its CDS entity as it is defined as
cds_entity after DEFINE TABLE_FUNCTION. As a data type in ABAP Dictionary, the CDS entity
represents a structured type with the elements of the CDS table function as components and can be
used like any CDS entity.
1. In ABAP CDS, the CDS entity can be used as a data source of other CDS entities.

2. In ABAP, the CDS entity can be used as a data type and in Open SQL read statements.
3. The CDS entity cannot be used as a data type for definitions of classic dictionary objects in ABAP
An AMDP function implementation

CDS table functions are implemented in Native SQL in an AMDP method and the implementation is
managed as an AMDP function by the AMDP framework in the database system.
The AMDP method is specified after the addition IMPLEMENTED BY in the definition of the CDS
table function using DEFINE TABLE_FUNCTION. It must be declared as a special AMDP function
implementation for precisely one CDS table function using the addition FOR TABLE FUNCTION.
The parameter interface of the AMDP function is defined using the input parameters and the
element list of the CDS table function.

Like a CDS view, a CDS table function is client-specific by default and client handling is automatic in
Open SQL accesses.


CDS table functions can only be used in a database system that supports AMDP.
When a CDS table function is created, the CDS entity must be activated first, before the
associated AMDP function implementation is created. 11/106
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When a CDS table function is transported, the CDS entity is first transported as part of the
dictionary transport objects and then the AMDP function implementation as part of the ABAP
transport objects. Depending on the size of the transport, there can be a considerable delay
between these two phases where the CDS table function is not in a usable state.

➥ ABAP CDS - Client Handling in CDS Table Functions

The CDS annotation @ClientDependent can be used to switch client dependency on and off for a
CDS table function in ABAP CDS (the default setting is on). The client dependency of a CDS table
function has the following consequences for the CDS entity and the associated AMDP function
Client-specific CDS table function
The element list of a client-specific CDS must have an explicit client field with the
predefined dictionary type CLNT as its first element. The client field is a column of the
tabular return value of the associated AMDP function implementation and is not a
component of the structured data type represented by the CDS entity.
When a client-specific CDS table function is accessed using SELECT without the
addition CLIENT SPECIFIED, only those rows are selected implicitly from the results set
of the function that contain the ID of the current client or the client specified in the
addition USING CLIENT in the client field.
A CDS table function is always implemented in the associated AMDP method in Native
SQL. All required data must be provided by the implementation including the correct
use of the client columns in the ON conditions of joins.
For performance reasons, it is best to restrict the results set of the function to the
required clients at the implementation stage. This usually involves passing the client ID
in question to an input parameter of the function. Here, it is advisable to use an input
parameter of the dictionary type CLNT, which needs to be annotated with the
annotation @Environment.systemField and the predefined value #CLIENT. In this case,
SELECT passes the correct client ID implicitly.
It is not advisable to access the current client in the implementation of a CDS table
function instead of using an input parameter and the ABAP-specific session variable
CLIENT. In this case, the addition USING CLIENT of the Open SQL statement SELECT is
If the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED is specified, the column is added to the results set and
is filled with the associated client ID for each row. Before this column can be used in the
SELECT statement, a name must be assigned to it after the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED.
If the name is not defined, no addressing is possible in a clause and no inline
declarations can be made after INTO. The defined name is also used in the case of INTO
CORRESPONDING. If no name is defined, the client column is not transported
Cross-client CDS table function
The element list of a cross-client CDS does not need to have an explicit client field with
the predefined dictionary type CLNT. If the first element has the type CLNT, it does not
function as a client field. Instead, it is a column of the tabular return value of the
associated AMDP function implementation and also a regular component of the
structured data type represented by the CDS entity. 12/106
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When a cross-client CDS table function is accessed using SELECT, an element of the
type CLNT does not have a special meaning and is handled like any other element.

Note: CDS table functions for application data should usually be client-specific.


1. Client-specific CDS table functions

This example demonstrates client-specific CDS table functions.

Source Code

REPORT demo_cds_functions_client.




METHOD main.
  IF NOT cl_abap_dbfeatures=>use_features(
          requested_features =
            VALUE #( ( cl_abap_dbfeatures=>amdp_table_function ) ) ).
      `System does not support CDS table functions` ).

  DATA carrid TYPE s_carr_id VALUE 'LH'.

  cl_demo_input=>request( CHANGING field = carrid ).
  carrid = to_upper( carrid ).

         FROM demo_cds_get_scarr_spfli( carrid = @carrid )
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result1)
  cl_demo_output=>write( result1 ).

         FROM demo_cds_get_scarr_spfli_inpcl( carrid = @carrid )
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result2)
  ASSERT result2 = result1. 13/106
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         FROM demo_cds_get_scarr_spfli( carrid = @carrid )
              CLIENT SPECIFIED demo_cds_get_scarr_spfli~client
         WHERE client = @sy-mandt
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result3)
  cl_demo_output=>display( result3 ).


demo=>main( ).


This example program accesses two client-specific CDS table functions.

The CDS table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI does not have any input parameters of
the type CLNT. The implementation in the AMDP method GET_SCARR_SPFLI_FOR_CDS of the
associated AMDP class CL_DEMO_AMDP_FUNCTIONS reads the data of all clients. Only the
current client is selected here in SELECTs performed without the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED.

@ClientDependent: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI
with parameters carrid:s_carr_id
returns { client:s_mandt;
          cityto:s_to_city; }
implemented by method
The CDS table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_INPCL has one input parameter CLNT
of the type CLNT. The annotation @Environment.systemField is assigned to this parameter
with the predefined value #CLIENT. The client ID of the current client is passed to this
parameter implicitly in SELECTSs. The implementation in the AMDP method
GET_SCARR_SPFLI_FOR_CDS of the associated AMDP class
CL_DEMO_AMDP_FUNCTIONS_INPCL uses the input parameter to restrict the results set to
the current client.

@ClientDependent: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_INPCL
with parameters @Environment.systemField: #CLIENT
                carrid:s_carr_id 14/106
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returns { client:s_mandt;
          cityto:s_to_city; }
implemented by method
The result of the accesses performed without the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED is the same for both
CDS table functions. If the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED is used to access the CDS table function
without an input parameter for the client, the results set has an extra client column and the current
client must be selected explicitly in the WHERE column. The addition CLIENT SPECIFIED cannot be
specified for the CDS table function with an input parameter for the client.

2. Cross-client CDS table functions

This example demonstrates cross-client CDS table functions.

Source Code

REPORT demo_cds_functions_no_client.




METHOD main.
  IF NOT cl_abap_dbfeatures=>use_features(
          requested_features =
            VALUE #( ( cl_abap_dbfeatures=>amdp_table_function ) ) ).
      `System does not support CDS table functions` ).

  DATA carrid TYPE s_carr_id VALUE 'LH'.

  cl_demo_input=>request( CHANGING field = carrid ).
  carrid = to_upper( carrid ).

         FROM demo_cds_get_scarr_spfli_nocl( clnt   = @sy-mandt,
                                             carrid = @carrid )
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result1)
  cl_demo_output=>write( result1 ). 15/106
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         FROM demo_cds_get_scarr_spfli_clnt( clnt   = @sy-mandt,
                                             carrid = @carrid )
         INTO TABLE @DATA(result2)
  cl_demo_output=>display( result2 ).


demo=>main( ).


This example program accesses two cross-client CDS table functions.

The CDS table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_NOCL does not have any elements of
the type CLNT.

@ClientDependent: false
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_NOCL
with parameters clnt:abap.clnt,
returns { carrname:s_carrname;
          cityto:s_to_city; }
implemented by method
The CDS table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_CLNT has one element client of the
type CLNT.

@ClientDependent: false
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_CLNT
with parameters clnt:abap.clnt,
returns { client:s_mandt;
          cityto:s_to_city; }
implemented by method
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

Both CDS table functions have an input parameter clnt of the type CLNT without the annotation
@Environment.systemField. The client ID of the current client is passed explicitly to this parameter
by the statement SELECT. The implementations in the AMDP method GET_SCARR_SPFLI_FOR_CDS
of the associated AMDP classes CL_DEMO_AMDP_FUNCTIONS_NOCL or
CL_DEMO_AMDP_FUNCTIONS_CLNT use this input parameter in their WHERE conditions to read
the data of the current client only. Both results sets have the same number of rows and are
distinguished only by the extra client column of the function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_CLNT.

Note: In both table functions, the input field for the client ID could also be annotated with the
predefined value #CLIENT using the annotation @Environment.systemField to stop the client ID
from being passed explicitly by SELECTs.

➤ ABAP CDS - DDL Statements

The data definition language DDL in ABAP CDS is used to create CDS data definitions. The DDL
follows the general CDS syntax rules and comprises the following statements for the definition and
enhancement of CDS entities:

Statements for CDS views

Statements for CDS table functions
Language elements for various CDS entities
Input parameters
Element annotations

DDL has its own editor in ADT, which is documented there.



@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CDS_DB_VIEW'
[DEFINE] VIEW cds_entity [ name_list] [ parameter_list] AS select_statement [;]


Defines a CDS view in the ABAP CDS in a CDS source code. A CDS is implemented using a query
select_statement. The annotation AbapCatalog.sqlViewName must be specified before the view
itself is defined using DEFINE VIEW. Further annotations view_annot1, view_annot2, ... can also be
specified. This is optional.

Two objects are created for a CDS view (of the ABAP CDS) that is defined using DEFINE VIEW. A
name must be specified for each of the two objects: 17/106
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The name CDS_DB_VIEW of the CDS database view must be specified in quotation marks after
the annotation @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName. This view is the technical foundation of the CDS
view in ABAP Dictionary. The usual rules for ABAP Dictionary views apply to this name and it
is not case-sensitive (it is transformed internally into uppercase letters). The associated SQL
view is created under this name on the database. The name given to the database view can
no longer be changed after the CDS view is transported into a follow-on system.
The name cds_entity of the CDS entity is defined after the keywords DEFINE VIEW (DEFINE is
optional). No quotation marks need to be specified. This name follows the rules of the CDS
database view, but can have 30 characters. The CDS entity represents all properties of the
CDS view.

Both names are in the namespace of the data types in ABAP Dictionary and must each be unique.
The name cds_entity of the CDS entity can be used in other DDL statements or in ABAP programs to
access the CDS view.
The information specified in name_list can be used to define the names of the elements of the view
in a name list. parameter_list can be used to assign input parameters to the view. These input
parameters can be specified in operand positions of the view and can be assigned actual
parameters when the view is used.


The CDS database view of a CDS view defined using DEFINE VIEW can be displayed by
entering the name CDS_DB_VIEW in the ABAP Dictionary tool in ABAP Workbench. However
the view cannot be edited here. Furthermore, this display does not provide all information.
The CDS entity cds_entity cannot be displayed here.
The CDS database view CDS_DB_VIEW can also be accessed directly in the DDL of the CDS
and in ABAP. It is strongly recommended, however, that only the CDS entity is used, since
only this entity covers all properties of the CDS view. This makes the use of the CDS database
view in Open SQL obsolete.
ABAP annotations can be used to assign further technical and semantic attributes to a view in
ABAP Dictionary. Component annotations can be used to give the view specific semantic
attributes for other SAP frameworks.
If a CDS role is defined for a CDS entity using the DCL statement DEFINE ROLE, implicit access
control applies by default when the CDS entity is accessed using Open SQL or an SADL query.
CDS access control can be disabled using the value #NOT_ALLOWED for the annotation
If a CDS entity is accessed using an Open SQL SELECT statement and the name cds_entity, the
syntax check is performed in strict mode, which handles the statement more strictly than the
normal syntax check.
Every CDS view has its own CDS source code. The CDS source code in a CDS view is edited in
a different editor from the CDS source code of CDS role. The ADT documentation describes
how the different types of source code are created.
The CDS source code of a CDS view does not need to have the same name as the CDS entity,
but it is advisable to use this name.
After a piece of CDS source code is transported, the combination of its name and the name of
the CDS view defined in it and its CDS database view is defined and can no longer be
modified by being renamed. 18/106
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The programming of CDS views using the DDL of the Core Data Services is one of the tasks
included in the implementation of data models in ABAP Dictionary and is not usually the
responsibility of regular ABAP application programmers. Once created, CDS views are used in
ABAP programs using Open SQL read statements and must be stable enough to allow this.

The following CDS view works in exactly the same way as the classic projection view DEMO_SPFLI.
The program DEMO_CDS_PROJECTION uses SELECT to access the view. Unlike when the classic
database view DEMO_SPFLI is accessed, no client column is returned when the CDS entity
DEMO_CDS_SPFLI is accessed. The CDS database view DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN returns the client
column too.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PRJCTN'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_spfli
as select from spfli
   { key spfli.carrid,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }

1. ABAP CDS - DEFINE VIEW, view_annot


... @annotation ...


Specifies an annotation annotation as a view annotation in the definition of a CDS view of the ABAP
CDS before the statement DEFINE VIEW. The name annotation of the annotation must be prefixed
directly with the character @.

The following tables show the possible ABAP annotations that can be specified, and their meanings.
The ABAP annotations are evaluated by the ABAP runtime environment for every CDS entity.
Annotations with other identifiers are usually SAP annotations. These are not evalutated by an ABAP
run time environment but by other SAP frameworks.

➽ AbapCatalog annotations
➽ AccessControl annotations
➽ ClientDependent annotations
➽ DataAging annotations
➽ EndUserText annotations
➽ Examples

The first column displays the name annotation of an ABAP annotation and the second column
displays its meaning. The third column shows the possible values value. The fourth column displays
the value, which has been set implicitly for value, if the annotation is not used explicitly. If nothing is
specified for value, the annotation should be specified without a value. 19/106
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➽ AbapCatalog annotations

Annotation Meaning Possible Values Default Value

AbapCatalog.buffering.status Enables and #ACTIVE: #SWITCHED_OFF

disables SAP SAP buffering active
buffering for #SWITCHED_OFF:
the CDS view SAP buffering allowed but
not active

SAP buffering not allowed

AbapCatalog.buffering.type Buffering type #SINGLE: #NONE

in SAP Single records
buffering #GENERIC:
Generic area



AbapCatalog.buffering.numberOfKeyFields Number of key Number between 0 and k- 0

elements in 1, where k is the number of
SAP buffering key elements
of generic

AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter Defines the true: false

evaluation of The filter conditions are
filter conditions compared and, if they
in path match, the associated join
expressions of expression is evaluated
the CDS view only once.
A separate join expression
is created and evaluated
for each filter condition.

AbapCatalog.sqlViewName Name of the Character string with a  -

CDS database maximum of 16 characters
view in the CDS consisting of letters,
view numbers and underscores
and that starts with a
namespace prefix.

Each definition of a CDS view must contain the ABAP annotation AbapCatalog.sqlViewName,
which defines the name of the CDS database view in ABAP Dictionary. 20/106
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The name given to the database view can no longer be changed after the CDS view is
transported into a follow-on system.

➽ AccessControl annotations

Annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


AccessControl.authorizationCheck Defines the #CHECK: #CHECK

implicit access If Open SQL is used to access the view,
control when access control is performed implicitly if a
Open SQL is used CDS role is assigned to the view. If there
to access the CDS is no role for the view, a syntax check
view warning occurs.
Like #CHECK, but there is no syntax check

No access control is performed. This
produces a syntax check warning in the
DCL source code of a role for the view.

➽ ClientDependent annotations

Annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


ClientDependent Defines client true: true

handling when The CDS view is client-specific. The view fields of the CDS
Open SQL is used entity do not cover a client column, from the perspective
to access the CDS of an ABAP program. When accessed using SELECT,
view. automatic client handling is performed.
The CDS view is a cross-client view. No automatic client
handling is performed.


If a CDS view is configured as cross-client with the ABAP annotation ClientDependent false, all CDS
views that use this view as a data source are also cross-client.

➽ DataAging annotations 21/106
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Annotation Meaning Possible Default

Values Value

DataAging.noAgingRestriction Defines the handling of obsolete data on a SAP true: false

HANA database when Open SQL is used to access Open SQL
the CDS view reads all data
Open SQL
reads current
data only

➽ EndUserText annotations

Annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


EndUserText.label Translatable short text of the CDS Character string with maximum 60 -
view characters

ABAP annotations introduced using EndUserText are used to define translatable semantic texts for a
CDS object. The value of an annotation like this is saved in special tables that have a language key
and that are translatable. The value specified in the source code should consist of text in the
original language of the CDS source code and is translated into the required languages. The
methods of the class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE read these texts in accordance with an
input parameter for the language. There are also special methods GET_LABEL_... that are designed
for these texts only.

➽ Examples


Defines additional attributes with ABAP annotations for the CDS view business_partner (except for
the mandatory @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName with the name BPA_VW for the ABAP repository). The
short text Business partner and the CDS view are cross-client.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_VW'
@EndUserText.label:       'Business partner'
@ClientDependent:         false
define view business_partner as
select from snwd_bpa
       { key snwd_bpa.bp_id as id,
             snwd_bpa.bp_role as role,
             snwd_bpa.company_name, 22/106
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             snwd_bpa.phone_number }


Activates SAP buffering with single record buffering for the CDS view business_partner.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:      'BPA_VW'
@AbapCatalog.buffering.status: #ACTIVE
@AbapCatalog.buffering.type:   #SINGLE
define view business_partner as
select from snwd_bpa
       { key snwd_bpa.bp_id as id,
             snwd_bpa.bp_role as role,
             snwd_bpa.phone_number }


For the CDS view business_partner, activates SAP buffering for a generic area and a key element.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:                 'BPA_VW'
@AbapCatalog.buffering.status:            #ACTIVE
@AbapCatalog.buffering.type:              #GENERIC
@AbapCatalog.buffering.numberOfKeyFields: 1
define view business_partner as
select from snwd_bpa
      { key snwd_bpa.bp_id as id,
            snwd_bpa.bp_role as role,

            snwd_bpa.phone_number }

2. ABAP CDS - DEFINE VIEW, name_list


... ( name1, name2, ... ) ...


Defines the element names of a CDS view in ABAP CDS in a name list. The specified names name1,
name2, ... are assigned to the elements defined explicitly in the SELECT list of the SELECT statement
in the order given. The names work like the alternative names defined in the SELECT list using AS
and overwrite these names. If a name list is specified, it must contain a name for each element of
the view.

The view field is created under the element name in the CDS database view. Accordingly, an
element name must comply with the rules for names of view fields of database views, as well as the
general naming rules for names: 23/106
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which means that it must also meet the

naming conventions for component names of structures in ABAP Dictionary and

cannot be a reserved component name. The reserved names that cannot be used are in the
database table TRESE.

A name list can be specified only if the elements in the SELECT list are specified explicitly. No name
lists can be used if the SELECT list is specified as * or if the element list contains the entry

An explicit name list can be used, for example, to define the element names of a CDS view
that defines a union set of multiple SELECT statements using UNION.
A CDS view with an explicit name list cannot be expanded using EXTEND VIEW.

Defines the names of the four elements of the CDS view business_partner as id, role,
company_name, and phone_number.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_VW'
define view business_partner
(id, role, company_name, phone_number) as
select from snwd_bpa
       { key snwd_bpa.bp_id,
             snwd_bpa.phone_number }


Defines the names of the three elements of the CDS view employee_sales_figures as financial_year,
employee_id, and gross_amount.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_FIG_VW'
view employee_sales_figures
(financial_year, employee_id, gross_amount) as
 select from sales_2011_tab
        { key '2011' as year,
          key id,
          amount }
   select from sales_2012_tab
          { '2012' as year,
            gross_amount }

3. ABAP CDS - DEFINE VIEW, parameter_list 24/106
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... WITH PARAMETERS parameter1, parameter2, ...


Defines input parameters parameter1, parameter2, ... in a CDS view in ABAP CDS in a comma-
separated list.

An input parameter called pname can be used as an operand in the following places in the SELECT
statement of the view using the syntax :pname or $parameters.pname:

1. Element in the SELECT list.

2. Operand of an arithmetic expression.
3. Operand operand directly after case in a case distinction.
4. Right side of an expression cond_exp in a WHERE clause or HAVING clause.
5. Right side of an expression cond_exp in an ON condition in an ABAP join or an association.
6. Right side of an expression cond_exp in a filter condition of a path expression.

The following CDS view has a list of three input parameters used in the WHERE clause of the SELECT
statement. For passing actual parameters in a SELECT statement in ABAP, see SELECT, CDS View
with Input Parameters.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PARA'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_parameters
with parameters p_distance_l:S_DISTANCE,
as select from spfli        
          { key carrid,
            key connid,
                distid }
          where distid = :p_unit and
                         distance between :p_distance_l
                                      and :p_distance_o;



SELECT [DISTINCT] { select_list

                  FROM data_source
                  [association1 association2 ...] }
              | { FROM data_source 25/106
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                  [ association1 association2 ...]

                  {select_list} }


The SELECT statement defines a query performed on the data sources specified in data_source for a
CDS view in ABAP CDS. Possible data sources are database tables defined in ABAP Dictionary,
classic views, or other CDS views.

select_list defines the components read in a list.

association1, association2, ... define associations for the current SELECT statement. These
associations can be accessed in data_source and in select_list using path expressions.
DISTINCT removes duplicates from the results list.

Both forms of the code have the same semantics. Curly brackets { } must be used in the second
variant to set select_list.
The optional additions clauses are SELECT clauses that enable conditions, groupings, and union sets
to be specified or created.


The CDS view business_partner_role defined here is a view of an existing CDS view,
business_partner. An element bp_role is defined in the SELECT list and given the comment Business
partner role. Any duplicate values of the element are removed using DISTINCT.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_ROLE_VW'
define view business_partner_role as
select distinct
       from business_partner
       { business_partner.role //Business partner role

The CDS view business_partner_role can be addressed in ABAP programs using Open SQL, for

SELECT * FROM business_partner_role INTO TABLE @itab ...

The addition DISTINCT of SELECT is no longer needed in this case.

1. ABAP CDS - SELECT, data_source

... entity[ parameters]| path_expr [[AS] alias] [ join] ...


Defines a data source of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. A data source can be a database table defined in
ABAP Dictionary, a classic view, an external view, or a CDS entity. 26/106
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The data source is specified either directly using its name entity or using a path expression
path_expr in which associations are evaluated. The path expression must be closed by an
If the data source is a CDS view with a list of input parameters, actual parameters must be
passed to these using parameters.
An alternative name alias for a directly specified data source can be defined after AS. In fact,
AS can be left out. An alternative name must be defined if a path expression is used. The
name must comply with the naming rules for names.
The syntax join can be used to join multiple data sources as joins.

Only transparent tables can be accessed using CDS views. A pooled table or cluster table can be
specified as a data source. In this case, no CDS database view is created when the table is activated.
When the CDS entity is accessed using the Open SQL statement SELECT, a syntax check warning
occurs. When the statement is executed, an exception is raised. This enables CDS views for pooled
tables or cluster tables to be created that exist in follow-on systems as transparent tables.


The CDS view business_partner is defined for the database table snwd_bpa, for which an alternative
name partner is specified. This name is used in the SELECT list.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_VW'
define view business_partner as
select from snwd_bpa as partner
       { key partner.bp_id,
         partner.bp_role }

as can also be omitted in front of the alternative name partner. The following example
demonstrates another valid spelling that is potentially confusing:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_VW'
define view business_partner as
select from snwd_bpa
         partner{ key partner.bp_id,
                  partner.bp_role }

➠ ABAP CDS - SELECT, parameters


... ( pname1 : act1, pname2 : act2, ... ) ...


Passes actual parameters act1, act2, ... to the input parameters pname1, pname2, ... of a CDS view.

The following can be specified for actual parameters: 27/106
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Session variables

The data types of the actual parameters should match the typing of the input parameters exactly.
However the following options are also possible:
bind character-like actual parameters to character-like input parameters with a different
bind numeric actual parameters to numeric input parameters with a greater value range.


The following CDS view uses the CDS view demo_cds_parameters in a join. The input parameters of
this view are supplied with the input parameters of the current view as actual parameters. The
program DEMO_CDS_PARAMETERS_JOIN uses SELECT to access the view. Here the input
parameters are supplied with actual parameters.
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PARJOIN'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_parameters_join
with parameters in_distance_l:S_DISTANCE,
as select from demo_cds_parameters
                 ( p_distance_l : $parameters.in_distance_l,
                   p_distance_o : $parameters.in_distance_o,
                   p_unit       : $parameters.in_unit ) as flights  
          join scarr on scarr.carrid = flights.carrid  
          { key scarr.carrname,
            key flights.connid,
                flights.distid };



... { [INNER] JOIN }|{ LEFT|RIGHT OUTER JOIN } data_source ON cond_expr ...


Defines a join between two data sources of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The code above is part of the
syntax of a data source data_source and contains the recursive syntax of a data source data_source.
Two data sources joined using JOIN create a join expression.

In every join expression, a join condition cond_expr must be specified after ON. When specified,
special rules apply to this condition. 28/106
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Both inner and outer joins are possible:

A join between two data sources using INNER JOIN or just JOIN selects all entries of the data
sources whose fields meet the ON condition.
A join between two data sources using LEFT OUTER JOIN selects all entries on the left side. A
join between two data sources using RIGHT OUTER JOIN selects all entries on the right side.
Entries that meet the ON condition have the same content as in the inner join. In entries that
do not meet the ON condition, the elements on the right or left side have the null value that
is set to a type-friendly initial value when the CDS view is used in Open SQL.

In nested join expressions, the order of the evaluation is specified by the arrangement of the ON
conditions. From left to right, the most adjacent ON conditions are assigned to each JOIN and this
expression is parenthesized implicitly. These implicit parentheses can be made explicit using actual
parentheses, ( ). This is optional.

A join condition must always be specified.

A WHERE condition for a SELECT statement with joins is applied to the results set created
using the joins.
In nested join expressions, parentheses are recommended for making the code easier to read.
They can be specified wherever the ON conditions specify parentheses implicitly.

The following CDS view works in exactly the same way as the classic database view
DEMO_SCARR_SPFLI. The program DEMO_CDS_JOIN uses SELECT to access the view. Unlike when
the classic database view DEMO_SCARR_SPFLI is accessed, no client column is returned when the
CDS entity DEMO_CDS_SCARR_SPFLI is accessed. The CDS database view DEMO_CDS_JOIN returns
the client column too.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_JOIN'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_scarr_spfli
(id, carrier, flight, departure, destination)
as select from spfli
          join scarr on scarr.carrid = spfli.carrid
   { key spfli.carrid,
     key scarr.carrname,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }


The following non-parenthesized chaining of join expressions

... from tab1

      tab2 29/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

          tab3 on =
               on = ...

is parenthesized implicitly as follows:

... from tab1

      ( tab2
            tab3 on = ) on = ...

No elements from tab1 can be specified in the inner ON condition.

2. ABAP CDS - SELECT, association

... ASSOCIATION [ [min..max] ] TO target [AS _assoc] ON cond_exp ...


1. ... [min..max]

2. ... AS _assoc


Defines an association of the name _assoc in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. An
association associates the current CDS view as a source data source with the target data source
target specified in the definition of the association using an ON condition cond_exp . A data source
target can be a database table defined in ABAP Dictionary, a classic view, an external view, or a CDS

An association of a SELECT statement in a CDS view can be accessed as follows:

By specifying its name in a path expression in the same statement and in all places where this
is documented.
If an association is published using a path expression in the SELECT list of the current SELECT
other CDS views
or Open SQL statements

can use it in their path expressions.

When a CDS view is activated with path expressions, every association specified here is transformed
to a join expression. The source data source represents the left side and the target data source
represents the right side. The ON condition of the association is added to the ON condition of the
join. By default, the category of the join is determined by where the path expression is used:

After FROM, it is an inner join (INNER JOIN) 30/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

In all other locations, it is a left outer join (LEFT OUTER JOIN)

This setting can be overwritten when specifying the association in a path expression using an
When specifying the ON condition, the following special rules apply:

If the association in the SELECT list of the current SELECT statement is published, the fields of
the source data source specified in the ON condition must also be listed in the SELECT list.
This ensures that a join expression can be built from the association (when used in a path
expression). In the ON condition, the field name can be prefixed by $projection instead of the
name of the source data source. An alternative element name defined using AS can be used
here instead of the field name.
The fields of the target data source must be prefixed in the ON condition by the name of the
association (prefix _assoc. separated by a period).

Associations not listed in the SELECT list can only be used in path expressions of the current
SELECT statement.
The syntax for defining and using associations is a high-value wrapping of the syntax for
joins. Using associations instead of directly programming joins makes it easier to read the
definition of a CDS view. Associations can be used to model relationships between CDS
entities that can be accessed simply using path expressions in CDS views or in Open SQL.
When a CDS view is activated, a join defined by an association is built for every use in a path
expression and not for the definition of the association. No joins are constructed for
associations that are not used in their CDS views.
Associations and join expressions can be used in a SELECT statement of a CDS view.
Cyclical dependencies should be avoided when using associations to prevent problems
occurring in mass activations of CDS entities. 

Addition 1
... [min..max]


Defines the cardinality of the target data source of a CDS view, which is defined with an association
ASSOCIATION. The square brackets [ ] are part of the syntax. For min and max, positive integers
(including 0) and asterisks (*) can be specified:

max cannot be 0.
An asterisk * for max means any number of rows.
min can be omitted (set to 0 if omitted).
min cannot be *.
When an association is used in a WHERE condition, 1 must be specified for max.

If the cardinality is not explicitly defined, the cardinality "to 1" is implicitly used ([min..1]).
When specified, the cardinality is used mainly to document the semantics of the data model. The
cardinality is not validated at runtime but can produce syntax check warnings. 31/106
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Note: The specified cardinality is evaluated by the syntax check for paths specified in the CDS DDL
or in Open SQL. Currently, a warning is produced if a value greater than 1 is specified for max,
indicating that a path specified in this way influences the cardinality of the results set.

Addition 2

... AS _assoc


Defines the name _assoc of an association defined using ASSOCIATION of a CDS view. If no name is
explicitly defined with AS, _assoc is set implicitly to the name of the target data source. The name
_assoc must comply with the naming rules for names.

Note: We recommend the naming convention of using an underscore _ as the first character of the
association name.


Example of a simple association. The following CDS view provides the same result as the CDS view
DEMO_CDS_SCARR_SPFLI in the joins example, as shown in the program DEMO_CDS_ASSOCIATION
using an assertion. Furthermore, the association spfli_scarr is published to be used from outside in
the SELECT list by specifying a path that contains only the name of an association. The program
DEMO_CDS_ASSOCIATION also shows how the association can be accessed by specifying a path in
Open SQL.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_ASSOC'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_association
(_spfli_scarr, id, carrier, flight, departure, destination )
as select from spfli
          association [1..1] to scarr as _spfli_scarr
            on $projection.carrid = _spfli_scarr.carrid
   { _spfli_scarr,
     key spfli.carrid,
     key _spfli_scarr.carrname,
     key spfli.connid,
     spfli.cityto }


The following CDS view sales_order_invoice_header returns information about sales invoices and
works with the following databases: snwd_so_inv_head, snwd_so, snwd_bpa, snwd_so_inv_item.

Two associations are defined:

_buyer stands for a join between the current view and the target data source snwd_bpa. 32/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

_invoice_items stands for a join between the current view and the target data source

The source data source fields used in the ON conditions - node_key and buyer_guid - are part of
the SELECT list. Here the recommended prefix $projection is used instead of the prefixes
snwd_so_inv_head or snwd_so_inv_head.
The association _buyer is not listed in the SELECT list and can only be used in path expressions of
the current SELECT statement. This association can be specified in the WHERE condition due to the
cardinality [1..1]. Association _invoice_items is not accessed in path expressions of the current
SELECT statement. However, this association is listed in the SELECT list, which means it can be used
in path expression of other CDS views. This association cannot be specified in a WHERE condition
due to the cardinality [1..*]. where clause down can't have _assoc if it has [1..*]

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALESO_INVHDR_VW'
define view sales_order_invoice_header as
select from snwd_so_inv_head
         inner join snwd_so
           on snwd_so_inv_head.so_guid = snwd_so.node_key
       association [1..1] to snwd_bpa as _buyer
         on $projection.buyer_guid = _buyer.node_key
       association [1..*] to snwd_so_inv_item as _invoice_items
         on $projection.node_key = _invoice_items.parent_key
       { key snwd_so_inv_head.node_key,      //used in assoc _invoice_items
             snwd_so_inv_head.buyer_guid,    //used in assoc _buyer
             snwd_so.so_id as sales_order_id,
             _buyer.bp_id as buyer_id,       //from assoc _buyer
            @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code'
             _invoice_items                  //publish assoc _invoice_items
        where _buyer.bp_role = '001';          //usage of assoc buyer used in where as _buyer has [1..1]

The CDS view can be accessed in an ABAP program with a simple SELECT statement (Open SQL).

SELECT sales_order_id, buyer_id, payment_status

     FROM sales_order_invoice_header

The complexity of the actual query is wrapped transparently in the CDS view for the application
programmer. When the view is accessed, the join (defined by the association _invoice_items)
between snwd_so_inv_head and snwd_so_inv_item is not built, because there are no path
expressions that need to access the join. 33/106
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The CDS view sales_order_invoice_header mentioned above is used as the data source in the
definition of the CDS view sales_order_invoice_items. This data source is used to access the
published association _invoice_items. The elements of the association are accessed in this view.
There is no visual indication that it is the result of a join. This join between snwd_so_inv_head and
snwd_so_inv_item is created when the CDS view sales_order_invoice_items is activated. The other
association _buyer of the CDS view sales_order_invoice_header cannot be accessed.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALESO_INVITM_VW'
define view sales_order_invoice_items as
select from sales_order_invoice_header as header
{ header.sales_order_id,
  header._invoice_items.inv_item_pos as item_position,
 @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code'
  header._invoice_items.gross_amount }

➨ ABAP CDS - path_expr

path expression: _assoc. after dot = path expression

elements in select list
... [viewEntity.]_assoc1[ parameters][attributes] operands in where & having
             [._assoc2[ parameters][ attributes] ... ][.element] ...


Defines a path expression in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. A path expression is a
string of associations separated by periods (.) whose names are specified using _assoc1, _assoc2
and so on.

Path expressions can be specified in the DDL of ABAP CDS as data sources data_source, as elements
of SELECT lists, and as operands of WHERE conditions or HAVING conditions. Path expressions
specified as operands of a condition must be closed using an element. As a non-aggregated
element of a SELECT list of aggregate expressions and in a WHERE condition or HAVING condition,
the result of the path expression must be monovalent. This means that the cardinality of all
associations used is either "to 1" or the path expression can contain only filter conditions that are
declared as monovalent using the addition 1:.

The following is evaluated when a CDS view is accessed using a path expression:

The joins defined by the associations, from left to right.

All other conditions of the CDS views in question.

The path expression addresses the full result of this evaluation or a single element appended using
If the path expression is closed using an element, this must be an element of the target data
source of the final association in the path.
If the path expression is closed using an association, this interpreted as follows depending on
the position of the path expression: 34/106
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After FROM, the association is a data source data_source.

As an element of a SELECT list, the association is published for use in other CDS views
or in Open SQL.

In a WHERE clause or HAVING clause, the path expression must be closed using an element.
The name of the CDS view in which the first association is defined can be specified in front of this
association. The first association in a path expression must either be defined in the current CDS view
or published as an element in a data source of the current view. All further associations must be
published in the target data source of the directly prefixed association in the path expression.

attributes can be used to specify attributes in angle brackets after every association. These
attributes define the following further properties of this section of the path expression:
Declaration of monovalency
Category of the join expression
Specification of filter conditions
If the data source entity of a specified association is a CDS view with a list of input
parameters, parameters must be used after the name _assoc to pass actual parameters to

The most simple path expression is the name of a single association.
DDL path expressions can also be used in conditions in the ABAP CDS DCL.
An association whose target data source does not publish an association cannot be followed
by any further associations in a path expression. More specifically, no further associations can
be made into a path expression after associations whose target data sources are database
tables or classic views.
The ABAP annotation AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter can be used to specify whether
the filter conditions are compared for the path expressions of a view. If the filter condition
matches, the associated join expression is created only once, which generally improves
performance. Otherwise a separate join expression is created for each filter condition.
However, the results sets of both configurations can differ.

This example shows three CDS views, sales_order, business_partner, and invoice. The CDS view
invoice uses its own association and associations from the other two views in path expressions:

The association sales_order of the CDS view business_partner is specified as a data source
after FROM. A filter condition guarantees that only certain orders can be used as data
The separate association invoice_header is used in a path expression as an operand in the
WHERE condition.
The association note_header of the CDS view sales_order is addressed using the alternative
name bpa in business_partner and defined as an element of the SELECT list. This means this
association can also be used in CDS views that use invoice as a data source.

one: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW'

define view sales_order as view : sales_order
select from snwd_so
select from snwd_so 35/106
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       association [0..1] to snwd_text_key as _note_header

         on snwd_so.note_guid = _note_header.node_key
{ * } // Include all fields from snwd_text_key
two: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_VW'
view: business_partner
define view business_partner as
select from snwd_bpa
       association [0..*] to sales_order
         on snwd_bpa.node_key = sales_order.buyer_guid
three: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALESO_INV_VW'
define view invoice as
select from
old view with filter as data source to current view
       /* Association "sales_order" with filter as data source */
association with filter as data source
         lifecycle_status <> 'C' and lifecycle_status <> 'X']
         as bpa_so //alias for data source
       /* Association only used in this view definition */
       association [0..1] to snwd_so_inv_head as _invoice_header
         on bpa_so.node_key = _invoice_header.so_guid
      { key bpa_so.node_key, //Field from ON-condition in _invoice_header
            bpa_so.note_guid, //Field from ON-condition in note_header
            /* Association is not published, but its element */
            /* Association from data source is published here */
            bpa_so.note_header }
        /* Path expression in WHERE clause */
        where _invoice_header.dunning_level > '0';

➥  ABAP CDS - path_expr, attributes

... [ [1:] [INNER|{LEFT OUTER} [WHERE]] [ cond_expr] ] ...


1. ... 1:


3. ... cond_expr


A CDS view of the ABAP CDS attributes for this part of the path expression can be defined in square
brackets [ ] for every association _assoc of a path expression. Using these attributes: 36/106
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the section with 1: can be declared as monovalent,

the type of join expression can be specified
a filter condition cond_expr can be specified 

Addition 1
... 1:


If the attribute 1: is specified, the current association is not declared as polyvalent. The addition
makes it possible to use filter conditions in path expressions, which are used in WHERE clauses or
HAVING clauses. The addition overwrites the cardinality of the association in this type of clause.

The addition 1: cannot be specified as the only addition in square brackets.

Note: The addition prevents a syntax error, if a path specification with filter conditions or with a
quantity value cardinality is used in a WHERE clause or HAVING clause. However, the system can
check at runtime if the required uniqueness is reached by the condition.

Addition 2



Definition of the type of join expression where the current expression is implemented:

INNER is an inner join

LEFT OUTER is a left outer join

If the type of join expression is not specified explicitly, the type depends on the place where the
path expression is used:
After FROM, it is an inner join (INNER JOIN)
In all other locations, it is a left outer join (LEFT OUTER JOIN).

If the type of join expression is defined before filter condition cond_expr, the addition must be
listed before addition WHERE. If this is not the case, WHERE cannot be specified.
Addition 3

... cond_expr


Filter condition for the current association. A filter condition is a condition cond_exp that is
implemented when resolving the relevant association in a join in an advanced condition for the join.
Special rules apply when specifying the condition.

Note: The ABAP annotation AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter can be used to specify whether

the filter conditions are compared for the path expressions of a view. If the filter condition matches,
the associated join expression is created only once, which generally improves performance. 37/106
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Otherwise a separate join expression is created for each filter condition. However, the results sets of
both configurations can differ.

3. ABAP CDS - SELECT, select_list

... element1, element2, ...
| * ...


Defines the elements of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The elements can be specified as follows:

In a comma-separated list, elements can be defined by specifying element1, element2 (...and

so on).
* can be used to define all fields of the data source of the CDS view as elements and expose
associations of the current view. If another CDS view is used as a data source, the associations
exposed in its SELECT list are, however, not exposed by the current CDS view. The asterisk *
cannot be specified if the current CDS view contains joins or union sets when the data source
is specified.

The names of the elements of a CDS view are either

the names of the elements taken from the data sources,
alternative element names specified using AS, or
the names specified in a name list.

These names are also the names of the view fields of the CDS database view and the corresponding
rules that must be kept.

The following CDS view sales_order is a view of database table snwd_so. Three elements - so_id,
currency_code and gross_amount - are defined for this view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW'
define view sales_order as
select from snwd_so
  { key so_id,
        @Semantics.currencyCode currency_code,
        @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' gross_amount }


The following CDS view sales_order is a view of all the fields of database snwd_so. Accessing the
CDS view has the same effect as when the database itself is accessed.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW'
define view sales_order as
select from snwd_so
       { * } 38/106
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➥ ABAP CDS - SELECT, element


... { [@element_annot1] 
      [KEY] { { field 
              | path_expr [AS alias] } 
            | { literal 
              | parameter 
              | session_variable 
              | aggregate 
              | arith_expr 
              | builtin_func 
              | case_expr 
              | cast_expr AS alias } 
    ... } 
| { $EXTENSION.* } }  ... 


1. ... field|path_expr|literal|parameter|... 

2. ... $EXTENSION.* 


Defines an element of a SELECT list of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. 

Alternative 1

... field|path_expr|literal|parameter|... 


1. ... @element_annot ... @

2. ... KEY 

3. ... AS alias 

Effect 39/106
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Specifies individual elements.

When the name field is specified directly, an element of a data source data_source of the
current CDS view is defined as an element. The field name can be prefixed with the name of
the data source or its alternative name. The prefix is separated using a period (.). AS can be
used to define an alternative element name alias.
When a path expression path_expr is specified, two cases arise:
If the path expression identifies an element, the target of the path expression is defined
as an element. The element is part of the results set of the CDS view, a field of the CDS
database view, and a component of a type defined in ABAP with respect to the CDS
If a path expression is specified that ends with an association, this association is
published for use in other CDS views or in Open SQL. A different CDS view can evaluate
the association in its path expressions. In the same way, the association can be used in
path expressions in Open SQL. Like every element, an association published in this way
is part of the SELECT list and must also be specified in a name list. It is not, however,
part of the results set, a field of the CDS database view of the CDS view, or a
component of a type defined in ABAP with respect to the CDS view. AS can be used to
define an alternative element name alias.
literal can be used to declare a literal. AS must be used to define an alternative element name
alias. The literal can be prefixed with the name of a domain.
parameter can be used to specify a parameter from the parameter list parameter_list. If AS is
used, an alternative element name alias must be defined, which cannot be the name pname
of the parameter.
session_variable can be used to specify a session variable. AS must be used to define an
alternative element name alias.
aggregate, arith_exp, builtin_func, and case_exp can be used to specify aggregate
expressions, arithmetic expressions, calls of predefined functions in the database, and case
distinctions. The expressions and functions are evaluated when the CDS view is accessed in
the database system. If AS is used, an alternative element name alias has to be defined, unless
there is a name list.

If an association is published in the SELECT list using a path expression path_expr, all fields of the
source data source that occur in the ON condition must also be specified as elements of the SELECT
list. If a path expression contains more than one association, this type of element must be listed as a
path expression closed by the field.

Note: When publishing an association using a path expression path_expr in the SELECT list, it is not
possible to pass actual parameters to any input parameters of the target data source to assign start
values to the input parameters.


The following CDS view opens its own association _spfli and the association _sflight published by its
target data source demo_cds_assoc_spfli. The fields of the source data source, which are used in the
ON conditions of the associations, are specified in the SELECT list. In the case of the association 40/106
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published using _spfli._sflight, path expressions _spfli.carrid and _spfli.connid must be used
accordingly. The element scarr occurs twice, which means that an alternative element name must be
defined using AS.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PUBASC' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_publish_assoc 
  as select from scarr 
     association to demo_cds_assoc_spfli as _spfli 
                 on scarr.carrid = _spfli.carrid 
  { _spfli, 
    scarr.carrid as scarr_carrid, 
    _spfli.connid } 

Addition 1

... @element_annot ... @


Specifies annotations for the element. The annotations can be specified before the element using
@element_annot or after the element using @

Note: An annotation can be used to assign further technical and semantic attributes to an element
in ABAP Dictionary. Component annotations can be used to give the element specific semantic
attributes for other SAP frameworks. 

Addition 2

... KEY 


KEY is used to define the current element as the key element of the current CDS entity. Any
elements of a SELECT list can be defined as key elements that are placed without gaps at the start
of the list.

The key elements of the CDS entity are evaluated as follows if the CDS view is used as a data source
of a SELECT statement in Open SQL.
By the addition ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. In this case, the key elements must be defined at
the start of the SELECT list without any gaps.
In implicit access control. 41/106
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In other cases, the key elements of the CDS entity are used to document the semantics of the data
model. The addition KEY is ignored when the CDS view is activated and when other accesses are
performed in program executions.

More specifically, the key elements defined using KEY are ignored by the key of the CDS database
view. Like in classic views, the key fields of the database view are derived implicitly from the key
fields of the basis tables and the join conditions. If this is not possible, all fields of the database view
are key fields.

In SAP buffering, only the key fields of the CDS database view are relevant and not the key elements
of the CDS entity defined using KEY.
In the syntax check in Open SQL, the key elements used depend on whether the name of the CDS
entity is specified or the CDS database view (with the latter being obsolete). 

Addition 3

... AS alias 


Defines an alternative element name for the current element. The alternative element name
replaces the actual name of the element from the data source data_source. The view field is created
under the alternative element name in the CDS database view. Accordingly, the alternative element
name must comply with the rules for names of view fields of database views, as well as the general
naming rules for names:

which means that it must also meet the

naming conventions for component names of structures in ABAP Dictionary and
cannot be a reserved component name. The reserved names that cannot be used are in the
database table TRESE.

This is only checked, however, if there is no explicit name list that overrides the alternative element

Alternative element names can be used in the current CDS view to grant unique names for
identically named elements from different entities of the data source. When the current CDS view is
accessed, the alternative element names must be used instead of the actual name. Alternative
element names cannot be used within the CDS view, with one exception: alternative element names
can be specified directly or after $projection in the ON condition of an association. 

Alternative 2


Effect 42/106
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Specifies all elements of an enhancement of the enhancement concept for classic objects in ABAP
Dictionary. If $EXTENSION.* is specified as an element, all fields that occur in an enhancement of a
database table or a classic view in ABAP Dictionary in the data source data_source become
elements of the current CDS view automatically.

If $EXTENSION.* is specified, it works only for the current CDS view. It is not applied to other CDS
views in whose data source the current CDS view is used or to CDS views in the data source of the
current CDS view.

$EXTENSION.* cannot be specified if aggregate expressions aggregate occur in the current SELECT
list or if the current CDS view is a union set created using UNION.

$EXTENSION.* is specified independently of when an enhancement is made. It is also applied
when a database table or a view is enhanced only after the activation of the CDS view.
The statement EXTEND VIEW can be used to enhance the current CDS view.


The data source of the CDS view sales_order is an inner join of the database tables snwd_bpa and
snwd_so and contains three directly defined elements sales_order_id, business_partner_id, and
company_name and (because $EXTENSION.* is specified) all fields that exist due to enhancements
in the database tables snwd_bpa and snwd_so. The alternative name partner is defined for the
database snwd_bpa and is used in the ON condition. The names of the elements sales_order_id and
business_partner_id are alternative element names. The element sales_order_id is defined as a key

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_bpa as partner 
  inner join 
    snwd_so on partner.node_key = snwd_so.buyer_guid 
{ key so_id as sales_order_id, 
      bp_id as business_partner_id, 
      company_name, //from snwd_bpa 
      $extension.* }

➥ ABAP CDS - SELECT, element_annot


... @annotation ... 

... @

Effect 43/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

Specifies an annotation annotation as an element notation in the definition of an element of a

SELECT list in a CDS view in ABAP CDS. Element annotations can be specified before and after the
In front of the element, the character @ must be placed before the name annotation of the
Following the element, the characters @< must be placed before the name annotation of the

The elements of CDS entities can be assigned to the ABAP element annotations grouped under


In the CDS view corporation_sales_order, a short text and a tooltip are assigned to the element role.
The element currency_code is flagged as a currency key and is assigned as a currency key to the
element gross_amount.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CORP_SO_VW' 
define view corporation_sales_order as 
select from snwd_bpa as business_partner 
         inner join snwd_so as sales_order 
           on business_partner.node_key = sales_order.buyer_guid 
       { key sales_order.so_id as sales_order_id, 
             business_partner.bp_id as corporation_id, 
            @EndUserText.label: 'Corporation Role' 
            @EndUserText.quickInfo: 'Customer or supplier' 
               business_partner.bp_role as role, 
            @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' 
               sales_order.gross_amount } 
       where business_partner.legal_form = 'Inc.'; //Corporations only

4. ABAP CDS- SELECT, clauses

... [WHERE cond_expr]
  [GROUP BY field1, field2, ...]
  [HAVING cond_expr]
  [UNION [ALL] SELECT ...] ...

Effect 44/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

The optional clauses of the SELECT statement of CDS view in ABAP CDS have the following

The WHERE clause restricts the rows in the results set when the CDS view is accessed.
The GROUP BY clause groups rows in the results set when the CDS view is accessed. It is
applied after rows are selected using the WHERE clause.
The HAVING clause restricts the results set further after a GROUP BY clause. Here, aggregate
expressions can be specified in the condition.
UNION can be used to create the union of the results sets from two SELECT statements.



... WHERE cond_expr ...


Defines a WHERE condition for the results set of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. When the CDS view is
accessed, the results set contains only the data from the data source data_source that meets the
condition cond_expr specified after WHERE.

The fields evaluated in the condition do not need to be defined as elements of the CDS view in the
SELECT list. Special rules apply when specifying the condition.


Unlike in the HAVING condition, aggregate expressions cannot be specified in the WHERE


When the CDS view sales_order is accessed, the results set contains only orders where the company
name of the business partner starts with "S" and that were created between January and March

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_so 
       association to snwd_bpa as _partner 
                   on snwd_so.buyer_guid = _partner.node_key 
       { key so_id, 
             @Semantics.currencyCode currency_code, 
             @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' gross_amount 45/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

       where _partner.company_name like 'S%' and 
                     created_at between 2013010100000.0 
                                   and 20130401000000.0; //Jan-March



... GROUP BY field1, field2, ... 

           path_expr1, path_expr2, ...


Groups those rows in the results set of a CDS view in ABAP CDS that have the same content in the
elements specified by the fields field1, field2, ... or path expressions path_expr1, path_expr2 ... as a
single row. The fields must be specified using the same names as the fields in the data source
data_source. The current CDS view cannot be specified using alternative element names, which are
defined with AS.

Any elements of the CDS view that are not specified after GROUP BY must be defined in the SELECT
list using aggregate expressions. Conversely, GROUP BY must be used if aggregate expressions are
contained in the SELECT list and all elements not defined using aggregate expressions must be
specified after GROUP BY. Literals and other expressions cannot be specified after GROUP BY. If
expressions or calls of predefined functions are specified as elements of the SELECT list using
aggregate expressions, all the fields used must be specified in the GROUP BY clause.

When the CDS view is accessed, the results of the aggregate expressions are calculated from the
values of the corresponding fields of the combined rows and the results are placed in the element
of the resulting row in the results set.


A WHERE condition is evaluated before the rows are combined using GROUP BY.


When a CDS view is accessed, the view returns sales_order for every role of a business partner and
returns the number of business partners and the total of all gross amounts for every currency.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_so 
  inner join 
    snwd_bpa on buyer_guid = snwd_bpa.node_key 
    { bp_role as role, //e.g. customer or supplier 46/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

      count(distinct buyer_guid) as partners_count, 

      @Semantics.currencyCode snwd_so.currency_code, 
      @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' 
        sum(snwd_so.gross_amount) as sum_gross_amount } 
    group by bp_role, snwd_so.currency_code;



... HAVING cond_expr ...


Defines a HAVING condition for the results set of a CDS view in ABAP CDS after a GROUP BY clause
is evaluated. A HAVING condition can only be specified together with GROUP BY. Special rules apply
when specifying the condition.

Removes all rows from the results set that do not meet the condition cond_expr specified after


Unlike in the WHERE condition, aggregate expressions can be specified in the HAVING condition.


When accessed, the CDS view sales_order returns the number of business partners for each
business partner role in which the total gross amount in Euros is greater than 100000.00.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_so 
  inner join 
    snwd_bpa on buyer_guid = snwd_bpa.node_key 
{  key bp_role as role, //e.g. customer or supplier 
   count(distinct buyer_guid) as partners_count, 
   sum(snwd_so.gross_amount) as sum_gross_amount } 
where snwd_so.currency_code = 'EUR' 
group by bp_role 
having sum(snwd_so.gross_amount) > 100000.00;


Syntax 47/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

... UNION [ALL] select_statement ...


Creates the union of rows in the results sets of two SELECT statements of a CDS view in ABAP CDS.
A prerequisite is that the structures of the results sets are compatible. This means that the results
sets must have the same number of elements and that the pairs of elements in each position have a
compatible data type. If no name list is specified, the element names of the result sets must match.

A union results set can itself be the left side of a further union. The properties of the union results
set are defined as follows:
The element names are taken either from an explicitly specified name list or, if no list is
specified, the matching names from the SELECT lists of all SELECT statements are used.
The definition of the key elements is taken from the SELECT list of the first SELECT statement.
The data type of each element is a data type from ABAP Dictionary whose value range covers
the data types of the associated columns of all results sets involved.
If the addition ALL, is not specified, all duplicate entries are removed from the results set.
They are not removed if ALL is specified.

In CDS views where UNION is used to create union sets, no associations can be defined in SELECT

Union sets can be a good way of transforming non-standardized database tables into a
standardized view of the data.
A CDS view with union sets cannot be expanded using EXTEND VIEW.


Union set without name list. The element names of the SELECT lists must match.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: '...' 
define view ... as 
  from demo_join1 
    { a as c1, b as c2, c as c3, d as c4 } 
      from demo_join2 
        { d as c1, e as c2, f as c3, g as c4 }

Union set with name list. The element names of the SELECT lists do not need to match.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: '...' 
define view ... ( c1, c2, c3, c4 ) as 
  from demo_join1 48/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

    { a, b, c, d } 
      from demo_join2 
        { d, e, f, g }

5. ABAP CDS - SELECT, Operands and Expressions

Fields of data sources
Session variables
Aggregate expressions
Arithmetic expressions
Case distinction

➥ ABAP CDS - literal data type of literal is numc

numeric literal with a decimal point is floating point number
... [#|:domain.]'character_literal'|numeric_literal ... FLTP


... #|:domain.


Literal in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. It is either a character literal or a number

A character literal 'character_literal' is a character string enclosed in quotation marks. If the

character string consists exclusively of digits, the data type of the literal is NUMC. If this is not
the case, the data type is CHAR. When activated, the length of the corresponding field in the
database system is set to a size at least as large as the actual length of the literal.
A numeric literal numeric_literal is a series of digits between 0 and 9. It can be directly
prefixed by a + or - sign and can contain a decimal point .) after the first digit. A numeric
literal without a decimal point is handled as a field of the type INT1, INT2, or INT4, depending
on the value. There is no implicit handling as a field of type INT8. A numeric literal with a
decimal point is floating point number of type FLTP.

Literals can be used at all operand positions where this is documented.

0.5 is valid numeric literal, but .5 is not
0.5 is a valid numeric literal, but .5 is not.
No byte-like literals are currently supported.

Example 49/106
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The CDS view demonstrates various literals at operand positions.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CORP_SO_VW'
define view corp_sales_order as
select from snwd_so
       association [1..1] to snwd_bpa as _partner
         on snwd_so.buyer_guid = _partner.node_key
       { key snwd_so.so_id as sales_order_id,
             _partner.bp_id as corporation_id,
             _partner.company_name as corporation_name,
            'corporation' as legal_form,
            'EUR' as currency_code,
           @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code'
             snwd_so.gross_amount as sales_order_gross_amount }
       where _partner.legal_form = 'Inc.' //Corporations only
         and snwd_so.currency_code = 'EUR'
         and snwd_so.gross_amount > 100000


... #|:domain.


In certain operand positions, a literal can be prefixed with a name of a domain domain introduced
using the character # or : and separated by a period, .. In this case, a check is made to verify
whether the value of the literal is defined as a fixed value in the value range of the domain. If this is
not the case or if the domain does not exist as an active domain, a syntax check warning occurs.
Apart from this, the literal is handled like a regular literal.

A domain can be specified in front of a literal in the following operand positions:

Element of the SELECT list

Right side of a comparison condition
Parameters passed to predefined functions

In the case of character literals consisting only of letters, numbers, underscores (_), and
slashes (/) and that start with a letter, underscore, or slash, the quotation marks can be
omitted after the domain.
#domain.xXx has the same semantics as
Numeric literals can only be checked using fixed values of numeric domains.
Currently, not all potential literal values can be represented as fixed values of domains. For
example, a numeric domain can only have positive integers as fixed values and there are no
fixed values for domains of type FLTP. 50/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

Fixed value EXA of the domain ABDOCTYPE as the operand of the WHERE condition of a view.

AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ABAPDOCTREE'
define view abapdoc_tree as
select from abapdocu_tree
       { * }
       where node_type = #ABDOCTYPE.'EXA';

➥ ABAP CDS - field


... [entity.]field|[alias.]field ...


Field of a data source entity of the current CDS view. FIELD expects the actual name of the element.
Any alternative element names defined using AS cannot be used, with the exception of the ON
condition of an association.

If the field name field is not unique, the data source must be prefixed with a name entity (separated
by a period .)) or an alias name alias defined using AS. A name can be prefixed if the field name is
unique, but this is not mandatory.

➥ ABAP CDS - parameter


... :pname|$parameters.pname ...


Specifies an input parameter pname from the parameter list parameter_list in an operand position
of a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS.

The name of the parameter pname must be prefixed by a colon (:) or $parameters..


Specifies the parameters p1 and p2 using both syntax options in the SELECT list.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SPFLI_PROJECTION'
define view spfli_proj
with parameters p1 : abap.int4,
                p2 : abap.int4 as
select from scarr
       { key carrid,
             :p1 as para1,
             $parameters.p2 as para2
       }; 51/106
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➥ ABAP CDS - session_variable


... $session.vname ...


Specifies a session variable vname in an operand position in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in
ABAP CDS. The variable is case-sensitive. $session.vname, $Session.Vname, and $SESSION.VNAME
can all be used. No other spellings are allowed.

Session variables have a predefined name and can be set to a predefined value when the CDS view
is used in Open SQL. This also applies to CDS views that are used as data sources in other CDS
views. The following session variables exist:

vname Value in Open SQL accesses

user Current user name, nominal value of the ABAP system field sy-uname.

client Current client, nominal value of the ABAP system field sy-mandt.

system_language Language of the current text environment, nominal value of the ABAP system field sy-langu

From a technical perspective, session variables indicate global variables of the current
database that are set to their value when the CDS view is used in Open SQL. If Open SQL is
not used to access a CDS view with session variables, the content of the variables is undefined
(with the exception of the SAP HANA database.
On a SAP HANA database used as a central AS ABAP database, the ABAP-specific session
variables are called APPLICATIONUSER, CLIENT, and LOCALE_SAP and exist and are set
independently of ABAP CDS and Open SQL. They can be accessed using the database
For input parameters of CDS views annotated with the special annotation
environment.systemField, Open SQL can pass the values of the session variables specified
here automatically too. It is generally preferable to use this type of local input parameter.
In existing CDS views without corresponding input parameters, session variables can be
passed to the input parameters of CDS views or CDS table functions used there.
If the Open SQL statement SELECT is used to access a CDS view that uses session variables,
the additions USING CLIENT and CLIENT SPECIFIED cannot be used.


The following CDS view contains the possible session variables in the SELECT list. The program
DEMO_CDS_SESSION_VARIABLES uses Open SQL to access the view and fills the session variables
with the associated values.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_SESSVAR' 52/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_session_variables 
   from demo_expressions 
     { id, 
       $session.user            as system_user, 
       $session.client          as system_client, 
       $session.system_language as system_language     

The following CDS view DEMO_CDS_SELECT_T100 accesses a further CDS view

DEMO_CDS_SELECT_T100_LANGU with an input parameter for the language to which the
annotation environment.systemField with the value system_language is assigned. Unlike in Open
SQL, there is no implicit pass of the actual parameter to the input parameter here and the
corresponding session variable $session.system_language is passed instead. The program
DEMO_CDS_T100 uses Open SQL to access both views and the result is identical. When
DEMO_CDS_SELECT_T100_LANGU is accessed, the value of the system field sy-langu is passed
implicitly to the input parameter. When DEMO_CDS_SELECT_T100 is accessed, the session variable
$session.system_language is filled with this value.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_T100' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_select_t100 
as select from 
  demo_cds_select_t100_langu( p_langu:$session.system_language ) 
  { * } 
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_T100_LG' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_select_t100_langu 
with parameters @Environment.systemField:#SYSTEM_LANGUAGE 
                p_langu : lang 
as select from t100 { * } 
   where sprsl = :p_langu and 
         arbgb = 'SABAPDEMOS'

➥ ABAP CDS - aggregate


... { MAX( [DISTINCT] operand )

  | MIN( [DISTINCT] operand )
  | AVG( [DISTINCT] operand )
  | SUM( [DISTINCT] operand )
  | COUNT( DISTINCT operand )
  | COUNT(*) } ... 53/106
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Aggregate expression in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. An aggregate expression
calculates a single value from an operand operand by calling an aggregate function from multiple
rows of a results set. The following table shows the possible aggregate functions:

Aggregate Meaning

MIX Greatest value of operand

MIN Least value of operand

 AVG Average value of operand (the operand must be numeric). The type INT8 and the types DF16_...
and DF34_... for decimal floating point numbers are not supported.

SUM Sum of operand (the operand must be numeric).

COUNT If DISTINCT operand is specified, the number of distinct values of operand; if * is specified, the
number of rows in the results set.

If DISTINCT is used, only distinct values of operand are respected. The following can be specified for
A literal
A field of a data source data_source of the current CDS view
A path expression that identifies a field of a data source data_source
A case distinction CASE that returns a value

The data type of the result is defined when the CDS view is activated and is determined by the
aggregate function and the value range of the data types of the operands.

Aggregate expressions can be used as elements of a SELECT list. Here they need an alternative
element name defined using AS and require a GROUP BY clause to be used. Aggregate expressions
can be compared with literals in a HAVING condition.

The names of the aggregate functions AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, and SUM are protected and
cannot be used as self-defined names.
A CDS view with aggregate expressions in the SELECT list cannot be expanded using EXTEND


In the SELECT list of the CDS view sales_order, aggregate expressions calculate the sum, the
minimum, and the maximum of the gross amounts of each business partner. Also, the number of
requests is determined. An alternative element name is defined for each aggregation. The non-
aggregated fields buyer_guid and currency_code are specified in the GROUP BY clause. 54/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_so 
{ key buyer_guid, 
     @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' 
      sum(gross_amount) as sum_gross_amount, 
     @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' 
      min(gross_amount) as min_gross_amount, 
     @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' 
      max(gross_amount) as max_gross_amount, 
     @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'currency_code' 
      avg(gross_amount) as avg_gross_amount, 
      count(*) as sales_orders_count } 
group by buyer_guid, currency_code

➥ ABAP CDS - arith_expr


... [-]operand1 [+|-|*|/ [-]operand2 [+|-|*|/ [-]operand3 ... ]] ...


Arithmetic expression in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. An arithmetic expression
uses arithmetic operators to calculate a numeric value from numeric operands. The possible
operators are as follows:

Operator Meaning

+ Adds the operands

- Subtracts the right operand from the left

* Multiplies the operands

/ Divides the left operand by the right

A - in front of an operand multiplies it by -1. The data type of the operands must be numeric and
be based on one of the predefined data types INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN, or FLTP.
The following can be specified:
Numeric literals without a domain prefix
Numeric fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view
Parameter with numeric data type
Path expressions that identify a numeric field of a data source data_source
Predefined functions that return a numeric type
Casting expressions that return a numeric type 55/106
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When a division is performed, the operands of type FLTP or numeric literals with fractional
digits and the right operand cannot have the value 0.

The subexpressions of an arithmetic expression can be placed in parentheses (...).

If an expression contains an operand of type DEC, CURR or QUAN, the expression is a decimal
expression. In this case, the syntax check checks that the result of each operation is in the value
range of the type DEC with length 31 and a maximum of 14 decimal places. If any operands are
specified that could produce other values, a syntax error occurs.

Arithmetic expressions can be used as elements of a SELECT list, where they need alternative
element names defined using AS.

Note: When a division is performed with two numbers of type DEC, the SQL function DIVISION can
be used.


SELECT list of a CDS view with arithmetic expressions.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_so 
       association [1..*] to snwd_so_i as _item 
         on snwd_so.node_key = _item.parent_key 
       { key snwd_so.node_key, 
             gross_amount - tax_amount as pre_tax_amount, 
             cast(gross_amount as abap.fltp) 
               + (cast( -gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.03) 
                 as reduced_amount, 
          cast(gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.03 as overall_savings, 
          _item.so_item_pos as item_position, 
          _item.gross_amount as item_gross_amount, 
          cast(_item.gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.97 as item_savings 

➥ ABAP CDS - case_expr

Syntax Forms

Simple case distinction 

1. ... CASE operand

         WHEN operand1 THEN result1
        [WHEN operand2 THEN result2] 56/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

        [ELSE resultn]
    END ...

Complex case distinction 

2. ... CASE WHEN cond_expr1 THEN result1

        [WHEN cond_expr2 THEN result2]
        [WHEN cond_expr3 THEN result3]
        [ELSE resultn]
    END ...


Case distinction in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. Either a simple case distinction
(simple case) or a complex case distinction (searched case).

Case distinctions can be specified in the SELECT list and in operand positions of other expressions.

◈ ABAP CDS - simple_case_expr


... CASE operand

       WHEN operand1 THEN result1
      [WHEN operand2 THEN result2]
      [ELSE resultn]
  END ...


Simple case distinction (simple case) in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The case
distinction compares the values of the operand operand with the operands operand1, operand2, ...
in the order given. The result provided is the operand result after THEN for which the comparison is
true for the first time. If no matches are found, the result specified after ELSE is selected. If ELSE is
not specified, the result is the zero value.

The following can be specified for operand:

Fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view
Session variables
Path expressions that identify a field of a data source data_source
Predefined functions
Arithmetic expressions
The following can be specified for operand1, operand2, ... :
Literals without a domain prefix
Fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view 57/106
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Path expressions that identify a field of a data source data_source

Predefined functions
A further case distinction
The following can be specified for result1, result1, ...:
Literals without a domain prefix
Fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view
Path expressions that identify a field of a data source data_source
Aggregate expressions
Casting expressions
Predefined functions
Arithmetic expressions
A further case distinction

The operand operand must be comparable with operand1, operand2, ... When the CDS view is
activated, a result type is determined from the operands result1, result1, ... that covers their types.
The operands must be compatible with each other.

Case distinction in a SELECT list.

case partner.bp_role
  when '01' then 'customer'
  when '02' then 'supplier'
end as partner_role

◈ ABAP CDS - searched_case_expr


... CASE WHEN cond_expr1 THEN result1

      [WHEN cond_expr2 THENresult2]
      [WHEN cond_expr3 THENresult3]
      [ELSE resultn]
  END ...


Complex case distinction (searched case) in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. Case
distinction evaluates the sequence of conditions cond_expr1, cond_expr2, ... and returns the
operand result as the result after THEN, for which the condition is true for the first time. If none of
the conditions are true, the result specified after ELSE is selected. If ELSE is not specified, the result
is the zero value. Special rules apply when specifying the conditions.


The following CDS view has a complex case distinction in the SELECT list. 58/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_SCASE'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_searched_case as
select from spfli
  { key carrid,
    key connid,
      when distance >= 2000 then 'long-haul flight'
      when distance >= 1000 and
           distance <  2000 then 'medium-haul flight'
      when distance <  1000 then 'short-haul flight'
                            else 'error'
    end as flight_type }
  where distid = 'MI'

➥ ABAP CDS - cast_expr


... CAST( operand AS dtype ) ...


Cast (type adjustment) in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The cast expression
converts the value of the operand operand to the dictionary type specified by dtype. The result has
the type dtype. One of the following can be specified for dtype:

Any data element

A predefined data type in ABAP Dictionary

If a data element is specified for dtype, the predefined data type, the length, and the number of
decimal places of the operand and target data type must match exactly (with the exception that the
length can differ in the case of type CHAR)
The following table shows the syntax for specifying predefined data types:

dtype Dictionary Type

abap.char( len ) CHAR with length len

abap.clnt[(3)]  CLNT

abap.cuky( len ) CHAR with length len

abap.curr(len,decimals)  CURR with length len and decimals decimal places

abap.dats[(8)] DATS

abap.dec(len,decimals)  DEC with length len and decimals decimal places 59/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

abap.fltp[(16,16)]  FLTP

abap.int1[(3)] INT1

abap.int2[(5)] INT2

abap.int4[(10)] INT4

abap.int8[(19)] INT8

abap.lang[(1)] LANG

abap.numc( len ) NUMC with length len

abap.quan(len,decimals)  QUAN with length len with decimals decimal places

abap.raw(len)  RAW

abap.sstring(len)  SSTRING

abap.tims[(6)]  TIMS

abap.unit( len )  CHAR with length len

he actual length of the result is defined when the CDS view is activated and is must be at least as
long as an explicitly defined length len. The predefined values can be specified for types with fixed
lengths and decimal places, but this is not mandatory.

The following can be specified for operand:

A literal without a domain prefix
A parameter
A session variable
A field of a data source data_source of the current CDS view
A path expression that identifies a field of a data source data_source
A predefined function
An arithmetic expression
A case distinction with CASE
A nested cast expression

Cast expressions can be specified in the SELECT list and in operand positions of expressions.

If a data element is specified for dtype, the result of the expression is given its semantic
attributes. An exception to this is the use of the CAST expression within a case distinction
using CASE,
Casts to data elements are used mainly to modify the semantic attributes of the operand. To
avoid unnecessary type conversions on the database, the syntax of this cast is restricted to
type-friendly data types. To specify a data element for an incompatible data type regardless, a
nested CAST expression can be used to create the data type required for the data element. 60/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

When performing a conversion between currency fields with type CURR, it should be noted
that CAST respects the decimal places defined for the type. In ABAP applications, on the other
hand, the position of the decimal point is usually ignored.
The characters in the surrogate area of the system code page UTF-16 are handled as two
characters in cast expressions for strings. Care should be taken to avoid splitting these
characters in cutoff operations.


Cast expressions in a SELECT list.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW' 
define view sales_order as 
select from snwd_so 
       association [1..*] to snwd_so_i as _item 
         on snwd_so.node_key = _item.parent_key 
       { key snwd_so.node_key, 
             gross_amount as original_amount, 
             cast(gross_amount as abap.fltp) + 
               (cast( -gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.03) 
                 as reduced_amount, 
             cast(gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.03 
               as overall_savings, 
             _item.so_item_pos as item_position, 
             _item.gross_amount as item_gross_amount, 
             cast(_item.gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.97 
               as item_savings }


In the following view, the column char1 of the database DEMO_EXPRESSIONS is cast to the data
element demo_char_text.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_CAST_DE' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_cast_data_element as 
select from demo_expressions 
 { cast ( char1 as DEMO_CHAR_TEXT ) as char_with_text };
The following function module call returns the attributes of the view field The text shows that the
semantic attributes of the data element were applied. The column char1 does not have its own text.

DATA dfies_tab TYPE TABLE OF dfies. 

  tabname   = 'DEMO_CDS_CAST_DE' 
  fieldname = 'CHAR_WITH_TEXT' 61/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

  langu     = sy-langu 
              dfies_tab = dfies_tab. 
cl_demo_output=>display( dfies_tab[ 1 ]-fieldtext ).


In the following view, a literal is given the semantic attributes of the data element S_MANDT. To do
this, the literal must first be converted into the suitable data type CLNT.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_CSTCLNT' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_cast_clnt as   
select from scarr 
 { key cast ( cast( 'XXX' as abap.clnt ) as s_mandt ) 
       as pseudo_client, 
   key carrid, 
       carrname };
1. ABAP CDS - cast_expr, Conversion Rules

The following sections describe the conversion rules for cast expressions in the ABAP CDS DDL.

Numeric Source Type

Source type INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8

Numeric target type

The possible target types are INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN, and FLTP.
The source value is converted to the internal representation for the target type.
If the value range is exceeded, an exception is raised that can be caught in ABAP using
In the case of the target types DEC, CURR, and QUAN, a syntax check warning is
produced if a static check identifies that an exception can be raised.
Character-like target type

The possible target types are CHAR and CLNT (in the case of INT1).
The number value is converted to a character string in mathematical notation without decimal
separators and is left-aligned.
The length of the target type must be enough for all potential values including the sign. The
minimum lengths for INT1, INT2, INT4, and INT8 are 3, 6, 11, and 20.

Source type DEC, CURR, QUAN

Numeric target type

The possible target types are DEC, CURR, QUAN, and FLTP.
The source value is converted to the internal representation for the target type. 62/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

In the case of the target types DEC, CURR, and QUAN an exception is raised if the value
range in the integer digits is exceeded. This exception can be caught in ABAP using
CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB. Any surplus decimal places are cut off without rounding.
In the case of the target type FLTP, values that cannot be represented as binary floating
point numbers are converted to the next adjacent number.
Character-like target type

The potential target type is CHAR.

The number value is converted to a character string in mathematical notation and is left-
The length of the target type must be enough for all potential values in the source type
including the sign and decimal separator.

When the source type DEC is converted to a character-like target type, the database specifies
whether non-relevant zeros are displayed before and after the decimal separator.

Character-Like Source Type

Source type CHAR

Character-like target type

The possible target types are CHAR, NUMC, CLNT, LANG, DATS, TIMS, UNIT, and CUKY.
The character string is written to the target field as a left-aligned string including leading
blanks. If the target type is too short, the string is truncated on the right and a syntax check
warning occurs. If the target field is too long, it is padded on the right with blanks.
There is no special handling for the special target type for numeric text, NUMC, and for the
date/time types DATS and TIMS. It is advisable to only convert valid values. In the case of the
target type NUMC, the predefined function LPAD can be used to create leading zeroes.

Source type NUMC

Numeric target type

The possible target types are INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN, and FLTP.
The validity of the content of the source field is not checked, which means that there
can be decimal places.
The source field must contain a character string that can be interpreted as a number. If
not, an exception is raised that can be caught in ABAP using CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB.
In the case of the target types INT1, INT2, INT4, and INT8, the length of the source type
cannot be too great for the target type. The source value cannot contain any decimal
In the case of the target types DEC, CURR, and QUAN an exception is raised if the value
range in the integer digits is exceeded. This exception can be caught in ABAP using
CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB. A syntax check warning occurs it a static check identifies that an
exception can be raised. Any surplus decimal places are cut off without rounding.
In the case of the target type FLTP, values that cannot be represented as binary floating
point numbers are converted to the next adjacent number. 63/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

Character-like target type

The possible target types are CHAR, NUMC, CLNT, DATS, and TIMS.
The validity of the source field is not checked.
The character string is written to the target field as a left-aligned string including
leading blanks. If the target type is too short, the string is truncated on the right and a
syntax check warning occurs. If the target field is too long, it is padded on the right
with blanks.
The lengths of the source type and target type must match for the special target type
for numeric text, NUMC, and for the date/time types DATS and TIMS. No other special
handling takes place. It is advisable to only convert valid values. In the case of the
target type NUMC, the predefined function LPAD can be used to create leading zeroes.

Source types DATS and TIMS

Character-like target type

The potential target type is CHAR.

The validity of the source field is not checked.
The character string is written to the target field as a left-aligned string including leading
blanks. If the target type is too short, the string is truncated on the right and a syntax check
warning occurs. If the target field is too long, it is padded on the right with blanks.

➥ ABAP CDS - cond_expr


... rel_expr
| [NOT] cond_expr [AND|OR cond_expr] ...


Formulates a condition in a CDS view in ABAP CDS whose result is true or false. A condition is either
a single relational expression, rel_expr, or an expression constructed from the Boolean operators
NOT, AND, and OR in which parenthesized full conditions cond_expr using the parentheses ( ... ) are

The relational expressions rel_expr from which a condition cond_expr can be constructed are:

Comparisons with relational operators

Interval comparisons using BETWEEN
Pattern comparisons using LIKE
Checks on the null value using IS NULL

The Boolean operators work as follows:

NOT negates the result of the following condition.
An AND join is true if both joined conditions are true.
An OR join is true if at least one of the joined conditions is true.

The operator NOT is a stronger binding than AND, which itself is a strong binding than OR. This
produces implicit parenthesizing, which can be overridden by explicit parenthesizing. 64/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

◈ ABAP CDS - cond_expr, Relational Operators


... lhs operator rhs ...


Makes a comparison in a condition in a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The following table shows the
possible operators operator of the relational expressions rel_exp:

rel_expr True if

lhs = rhs Value of lhs is equal to the value of rhs

lhs <> rhs Value of lhs is not equal to the value of rhs

lhs < rhs Value of lhs is less than the value of rhs

lhs > rhs Value of lhs is greater than the value of rhs

lhs <= rhs Value of lhs is less than or equal to the value of rhs

lhs >= rhs Value of lhs is greater than or equal to the value of rhs

Context-dependent rules apply when specifying the operands lhs and rhs.
The tables of comparable types show which data types can be compared with each other.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, LIKE 

◈ ABAP CDS - cond_expr, BETWEEN


... lhs BETWEEN rhs1 AND rhs2 ...


Compares an interval in a condition in a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The relational expression is true if
the value of lhs is between the values of rhs1 and rhs2 The expression has the same meaning as the
following join of two comparisons:

... lhs >= rhs1 AND lhs <= rhs2 ...

The corresponding context-dependent rules apply to the operands lhs, rhs1, and rhs2. The same
conditions for the data types also apply.
◈ ABAP CDS - cond_expr, LIKE

... lhs LIKE rhs [ESCAPE esc]... 65/106
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Compares a pattern in a condition in a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The relational expression is true if
the string in lhs matches the pattern in rhs. The same rules apply to lhs as to comparisons. Only
character-like data types can be used. Only character-like literals without domain prefix are allowed
for rhs.

The wildcard characters % for any strings and _ for any character can be used in the pattern in rhs.
The optional addition ESCAPE can be used to define an escape character. esc expects a single-
character character-like literal without domain prefix. In the pattern in rhs, an escape character may
only be placed before a wildcard character or before the escape character itself. In this case, these
lose their special meaning.

Patterns in rhs closed by the wildcard characters % or _ should not be used to find trailing
blanks, since the result is determined by the database platform in question and may be
Unlike the LIKE condition in Open SQL, lhs LIKE '%' is not true if lhs contains the null value.

◈ ABAP CDS - cond_expr, NULL


.... lhs IS [NOT] NULL ...


Identifies the null value in a CDS view in ABAP CDS. The relational expression is true if the value of
lhs is (not) the null value. The same context-dependent rules apply to the operand lhs as to
◈ ABAP CDS - cond_expr, Operands

The following rules apply when specifying the operands lhs and rhs in the relational expressions of
the SELECT statement in ABAP CDS:
General Rules
Character literals cannot be used in comparisons with numeric values.
Numeric literals that represent a value outside the value range of INT4 must be
specified as floating point literals with a decimal point.
Rules for use in a WHERE condition
Rules for use in a HAVING condition
Rules for use in an ON condition of a join expression
Rules for use in an ON condition of an association
Rules for use in a filter condition of a path expression
Rules for use in a complex case distinction.

Note 66/106
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For comparisons, the tables of comparable types show which data types can be compared with
each other.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, WHERE

Rules for conditions cond_exp in a WHERE condition of a CDS view in ABAP CDS:

All relational operators are allowed.

lhs expects a field of a data source data_source.
A field of a data source data_source, a literal with optional domain prefix, a parameter, or a
session variable can be specified for rhs (with the exception of the operator LIKE).
A data source field can be specified using a path expression, if this expression is not
The cardinality of the contained associations is "to 1".
The path expression only contains filter conditions with addition 1:.
Other expressions and function calls are not allowed.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, HAVING

Rules for conditions cond_exp in a HAVING condition of a CDS view in ABAP CDS:

The relational operator BETWEEN is not allowed.

The Boolean operator NOT is not allowed.
A field of a data source data_source or an aggregate expression for this kind of field can be
specified for lhs.
An element of the SELECT list, an aggregate expression, a literal with an optional domain
prefix, or a parameter can be specified for rhs (with the exception of the operator LIKE). If lhs
is an aggregate expression, a literal must be specified.
A data source field can be specified using a path expression, if this expression is not
The cardinality of the contained associations is "to 1".
The path expression only contains filter conditions with addition 1:.
Other expressions and function calls are not allowed.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, ON, Join

Rules for conditions cond_exp in an ON condition of a join of a CDS view in ABAP CDS:

All relational operators are allowed.

lhs expects a field of the data source data_source that represents the left side of the join.
A field of both data sources data_source of the join, a literal with optional domain prefix, a
parameter, or a session variable can be specified for rhs (with the exception of the operator
At least one comparison for equality between a field of the left data source and a field of the
right data source of the join must be performed.
No path expressions or other expressions or function calls can be specified.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, ON, Association

Rules for conditions cond_exp in an ON condition of an association of a CDS view in ABAP CDS:

All relational operators are allowed. 67/106
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A field of one of the two data sources data_source of the association can be specified for lhs.
A field of both data sources data_source of the association, a literal with optional domain
prefix, a parameter, or a session variable can be specified for rhs (with the exception of the
operator LIKE).
A field of the source data source cannot be specified using an alternative element name of
the current CDS defined using AS.
At least one comparison for equality between a field of the initial data source and a field of
the target data source of the association must be performed.
No path expressions or other expressions or function calls can be specified.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, Filter

Rules for conditions cond_exp in a filter condition of a path expression of a CDS view in ABAP CDS:

All relational operators are allowed.

lhs expects a field of the target data source of the current association.
A field of the target data source of the current association, a literal with optional domain
prefix, a parameter, or a session variable can be specified for rhs (with the exception of the
operator LIKE).
No path expressions or other expressions or function calls can be specified.

ABAP CDS - cond_expr, CASE

Rules for conditions cond_exp in a complex case distinction of a CDS view in ABAP CDS:

All relational operators are allowed.

lhs expects a field of a data source data_source.
A field of a data source data_source, a literal with optional domain prefix, a parameter, or a
session variable can be specified for rhs (with the exception of the operator LIKE).
A data source field can be specified using a path expression, if this expression is not
The cardinality of the contained associations is "to 1".
The path expression only contains filter conditions with addition 1:.
Other expressions and function calls are not allowed.

6. ABAP CDS - SELECT, Predefined Functions

The following predefined functions can be specified in the SELECT list and at operand positions of
other expressions.
1. SQL Functions
2. Coalesce Function
3. Special Functions

1. ABAP CDS - sql_functions

Syntax 68/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

... func( arg1[, arg2] ... ) ...


Calls predefined SQL functions in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. For passed
arguments arg1, arg2, ..., a predefined SQL function returns a numeric, character-like, or byte-like
result. The possible functions are:
Numeric functions
String functions
Byte string functions

If an argument contains the null value, the result is always the null value. If an argument contains an
invalid value or the value range of a result type is exceed, an exception is raised.

➥ ABAP CDS - Numeric Functions

The following table shows the potential numeric SQL functions in a CDS view in ABAP CDS, plus the
requirements made on the arguments.. The meaning of the functions can be found under SQL
Functions for Numeric Values.

Function Valid Argument Types Result Type

ABS(arg) INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN, Data type of arg

CEIL(arg) INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN, INT4, INT8 (if arg is of type INT8)

DIV(arg1, arg2) INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN Data type arg1: here DEC, CURR and QUAN are
without decimal places. implemented after INT4.

DIVISION(arg1, arg1, arg2: INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, DEC with dec decimal places. The length of the
arg2, dec) CURR, QUAN result is the length of arg1 minus the decimal
dec: Integer numeric literal greater than or places in arg1 plus the decimal places in arg2
equal to 0 and not greater than the plus dec. This value must not be greater than
maximum value of 6 and the length of 31.
arg2 plus the number of decimal places of
arg1 plus 1

FLOOR(arg) INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, QUAN Data type of arg for the integer types, else DEC
without decimal places

MOD(arg1, INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8 Data type of arg1


ROUND(arg, arg: INT1, INT2, INT4, INT8, DEC, CURR, Data type of arg, where INT1 and INT2 are
pos) QUAN updated to INT4.
pos: Literal, field of a data source or input
parameter of type INT1, INT2, INT4 69/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

The following can be specified as the arguments arg:

Literals of a suitable type. The literal can be prefixed with the name of a domain.
Suitable fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view.
Path expressions that identify a suitable field of a data source data_source.
Input parameters from the parameter list parameter_list.
The following predefined functions and expressions (if they return a matching type):
Other predefined SQL functions
Arithmetic expressions
Type modifications using CAST


The SQL functions DIV and MOD behave differently with respect to the signs than the ABAP
operators DIV and MOD. In the SQL function DIV, the amounts of the arguments are divided and
then the sign is assigned (positive if the arguments have the same signs and negative if they have
different signs). Accordingly, the result of MOD can be negative, so that multiplying the result of
DIV with expr2 plus the result of MOD produces the value of expr1. The ABAP operator MOD, on
the other hand, only produces positive results. See Example.


The following CDS view applies predefined numeric SQL functions in the SELECT list to columns of
the database table DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The program DEMO_CDS_SQL_FUNCTIONS_NUM uses
SELECT to access the view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_NUMFUNC' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_sql_functions_num 
 as select from demo_expressions 
 { abs(       num1          ) as r_abs, 
   ceil(      fltp1         ) as r_ceil, 
   floor(     dec1          ) as r_floor, 
   div(       num1, num2    ) as r_div, 
   mod(       num1, num2    ) as r_mod, 
   division(  dec2, dec3, 3 ) as r_division, 
   round(     dec3, 2       ) as r_round }

➥ ABAP CDS - String Functions

The following table shows the potential SQL functions for strings in a CDS view in ABAP CDS, plus
the requirements made on the arguments.. The meaning of the functions can be found under SQL
Functions for Strings.

Function Valid Argument Types Result Type 70/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

CONCAT(arg1, arg2) See below SSTRING if an argument has the type

SSTRING, else CHAR with the length
of the result.

CONCAT_WITH_SPACE(arg1, arg1, arg2: see below spaces: positive SSTRING if an argument has the type
arg2, spaces ) numeric literal greater than 0 and less SSTRING, else CHAR with the length
than or equal to 1331 of the result.

INSTR(arg, sub) arg: see below sub: non-empty INT4

numeric literal

LEFT(arg, len) arg: see below len: positive numeric SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING,
literal greater than 0 and less than or else CHAR with length len
equal to 1333

LENGTH(arg) See below INT4

LPAD(arg, len, src) arg: see below len: positive numeric SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING,
literal greater than 0 and less than or else CHAR with length len
equal to 1333 src: character Literal

LTRIM(arg, char) arg: see below char: Character literal SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING,
with length 1 else CHAR with the length of arg.

REPLACE(arg1, arg2, arg3) See below SSTRING if arg1 or arg3 has the type
SSTRING, else CHAR with the
maximum possible length of the

RIGHT(arg,len) arg: see below len: positive numeric SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING,
literal greater than 0 and less than or else CHAR with length len
equal to 1333

RPAD(arg, len, src) arg: see below len: positive numeric SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING,
literal greater than 0 and less than or else CHAR with length len
equal to 1333 src: character literal

RTRIM(arg, char) arg: see below char: Character literal SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING,
with length 1 else CHAR with the length of arg.

SUBSTRING(arg, pos, len) arg: see below pos and len: positive SSTRING, if arg has the type SSTRING,
numeric literal not equal to zero else CHAR or NUMC with a length of
at least len

The following can be specified as the arguments arg:

Literals of a suitable type. The literal can be prefixed with the name of a domain.
Suitable fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view.
Path expressions that identify a suitable field of a data source data_source.
Input parameters from the parameter list parameter_list.
The following predefined functions and expressions (if they return a matching type):
Other predefined SQL functions
Arithmetic expressions
Type modifications using CAST 71/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

The valid argument types for arg, arg1, arg2, and arg3 are CHAR, CLNT, LANG, NUMC, CUKY, UNIT,

In functions where an explicit length len is specified, the actual length of the result is defined when
the CDS view is activated and is at least as long as len.

In all functions with the exception of LPAD and RPAD, the trailing blanks of all arguments are
removed before the actual processing and the trailing blanks of the result are removed before the
return operation. In LPAD and RPAD, the trailing blanks of the argument src are preserved.


The characters in the surrogate area of the system code page UTF-16 are handled as two characters
by the CDS string functions. This must be respected when the length is determined and these
characters must not be split by mistake.


The following CDS view applies predefined SQL functions for strings in the SELECT list to columns of
the database table DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The program DEMO_CDS_SQL_FUNCTIONS_STRING uses
SELECT to access the view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_STRFUNC' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_sql_functions_string 
 as select from demo_expressions 
 { length(            char1               ) as r_length, 
   instr(             char1, 'CD'         ) as r_instr, 
   concat(            char1, char2        ) as r_concat, 
   concat_with_space( char1, char2, 10    ) as r_concat_with_space, 
   left(              char1, 3            ) as r_left, 
   right(             char2, 3            ) as r_right, 
   lpad(              char1, 10, 'x'      ) as r_lpad, 
   rpad(              char2, 10, 'y'      ) as r_rpad, 
   ltrim(             char1, 'A'          ) as r_ltrim, 
   rtrim(             char1, 'E'          ) as r_rtrim, 
   replace(           char2, 'GHI', 'XXX' ) as r_replace, 
   substring(         char2, 2, 3         ) as r_substring }

➥ ABAP CDS - Byte String Functions

The following table shows the potential SQL functions for byte strings in a CDS view in ABAP CDS,
plus the requirements made on the arguments.. The meaning of the functions can be found under
SQL Functions for Byte Strings.

Function Valid Argument Types Result Type 72/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

BINTOHEX(arg) RAW in a maximum length of 255 CHAR with twice the length of arg

HEXTOBIN(arg) CHAR or NUMC in a maximum length of 510 CHAR with half the length of arg

The following can be specified as the arguments arg:

Only fields of data sources for BINTOHEX.
Only literals and fields of data sources for HEXTOBIN. Literals can contain only an even
number of case-sensitive hexadecimal characters "0" to "9" and "A" to "F". Fields of data
sources can also contain leading and trailing blanks.


The following CDS view applies predefined SQL functions for byte strings in the SELECT list to
columns of the database table DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The program
DEMO_CDS_SQL_FUNCTIONS_BYTE uses SELECT to access the view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_BINFUNC' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_sql_functions_byte 
 as select from demo_expressions 
 { bintohex(  raw1  ) as r_bintohex, 
   hextobin(  char1 ) as r_hextobin }

2. ABAP CDS - coalesce


... COALESCE( arg1, arg2 ) ...


Coalesce function in a SELECT statement of a CDS view of the ABAP CDS. The coalesce function
returns the value of the argument arg1 (if this is not the null value); otherwise it returns the value of
the argument arg2. The arguments can be literals, fields of a data source, input parameters,
predefined functions, or expressions of data types CHAR, SSTR, CLNT, LANG, NUMC, CUKY, UNIT,

The data types of both arguments must either match of the data type of one argument must
represent the full value of the other data type. The result has the dictionary type of the argument
with the greater value range.

3. ABAP CDS - Special Functions

These functions are delivered by SAP and are not provided as native functions on every database

➤ Conversion functions

Syntax 73/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

... UNIT_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... )

| CURRENCY_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... )
| DECIMAL_SHIFT( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... ) ...


1. ... UNIT_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... )

2. ... CURRENCY_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... )

3. ... DECIMAL_SHIFT( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... )


Functions for conversions between units and currencies. The functions have keyword parameters p1,
p2, ... (some of which are optional), to which the actual parameters a1, a2, ... must be assigned when
called using =>.

Variant 1

... UNIT_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... )


The function UNIT_CONVERSION performs a unit conversion for the value passed to formal
parameter quantity. The result has the data type QUAN with the length 31 and 14 decimal places.
The unit conversion is performed on the basis of the client-specific rules stored in transaction CUNI
and in the database tables T006... of the package SZME.

The table below shows the actual parameters p1, p2, ... and their meaning.

Formal Optional Meaning Data Actual

Parameter Type Parameter

quantity - Source value QUAN, Field of a

DEC, data
INT1, source,
INT2, parameter

source_unit - Source currency from column MSEHI of database table UNIT Field of a
T006 data

target_unit - Target unit from column MSEHI of database table T006 UNIT Field of a
parameter 74/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

client x Client whose rules are used to perform the unit CLNT Field of a
conversion, default value: Content of sy-mandt data

error_handling x Error handling. If "FAIL_ON_ERROR" (default value), an CHAR Literal

error raises an exception; if "SET_TO_NULL", the result is with
reset to the null value; if "KEEP_UNCONVERTED", the length
source value is not changed. 20


The precision of the result of the unit conversion depends on the database platform. The highest
precision is achieved on databases that support decimal floating point numbers. Due to rounding,
the result can be different from a unit conversion performed using ABAP methods, such as a
standard function module.


The following CDS view calls a unit conversion in the SELECT list for column DEC3 of database table
DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The source unit is a literal that is cast to the required type. The target unit
must be passed as a parameter. In the event of an error, for example if a conversion between the
entered units is impossible, the result is reset to zero.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_UNTCNV' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_unit_conversion 
 with parameters to_unit:abap.unit(3) 
 as select from demo_expressions 
 { id, 
   dec3 as original_value, 
   cast( 'MI' as abap.unit(3) ) as original_unit, 
   unit_conversion( quantity => dec3, 
                    source_unit => cast( 'MI' as abap.unit(3) ), 
                    target_unit => :to_unit, 
                    error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as converted_value, 
   :to_unit as converted_unit }

The program DEMO_CDS_UNIT_CONVERSION accesses the view in a SELECT statement. Here, the
target unit is passed to the parameter in question. As a comparison, the same conversion is also
performed using the function module UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE. As prerequisite for the example,
the units and their conversion rules must be available in the corresponding database tables. 

Variant 2 75/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

... CURRENCY_CONVERSION( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... ) 


The function CURRENCY_CONVERSION performs a currency conversion for the value passed to
formal parameter amount. The result has the data type CURR with the same technical attributes as
the actual parameter passed to amount. The currency conversion is performed on the basis of the
client-specific rules stored in the database tables TCUR... of package SFIB. These rules can be edited
using transaction OB08.

Formal Parameter Optional Meaning Data Actual

Type Parameter

amount -  Source value CURR Field of a


source_currency  -  Source currency from column WAERS of database CUKY Field of a

table TCURC data

target_currency  -  Target currency from column WAERS of database CUKY Field of a

table TCURC data

exchange_rate_date - Exchange rate date from column WAERS of database DATS Literal,
table TCURR parameter

exchange_rate_type  x Exchange rate type from column KURST of the CHAR Literal,
database table TCURR, default value: "M" with parameter

client x  Client whose rules are used to perform the currency CLNT Field of a
conversion, default value: Content of sy-mandt data

round x  If "X" (default value), the intermediate result of the CHAR Literal
conversion is rounded to the end result using
commercial rounding; otherwise, it is truncated

decimal_shift x  If "X" (default value), the decimal places of the source CHAR Literal
value are moved as specified by the decimal places of
the source currency.

decimal_shift_back x If "X" (default value), the decimal places of the result CHAR Literal
are moved as specified by the decimal places of the
target currency. 76/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

error_handling x Error handling. If "FAIL_ON_ERROR" (default value), an CHAR Literal

error raises an exception; if "SET_TO_NULL", the result with
is reset to the null value; if "KEEP_UNCONVERTED", length
the source value is not changed.  20

The literals #cdsboolean.TRUE, #cdsboolean.true, #cdsboolean.FALSE, and #cdsboolean.false can

also be specified for the input parameters round, decimal_shift, and decimal_shift_back with the
domain prefix CDSBOOLEAN (case-sensitive) or the literals "true" or "false" (not case-sensitive).
Internally, these literals are handled like the values "X" or " ".

Handling the Decimal Places

The value passed is rounded to two decimal places before it is converted.
Before the conversion, the value passed is multiplied by 10 to the power of the number of
decimal places of the source currency.
If the value "X" or "TRUE" is passed to the parameter decimal_shift, the value passed is
multiplied by 10 to the power of two minus the number of decimal places of the source
currency before it is converted.
If the value "X" or "TRUE" is passed to the parameter decimal_shift_back, the result is divided
by 10 to the power of two minus the number of decimal places of the target currency before
it is converted.
After the conversion, the result is divided by 10 to the power of the number of decimal places
of the target currency.

The conversion is performed on the database, which means that part of the calculation takes
place using different rounding rules from ABAP. However the conversion is made, the same
results cannot be expected as when using standard function modules for currency conversion,
since these modules are generally less precise and round the intermediate results accordingly.
The parameter decimal_shift is intended to set the source value to the number of decimal
places of the source currency before the conversion. This assumes that its technical type,
CURR, has two decimal places as usual. The parameter decimal_shift_back is intended to
perform the reverse operation.
If the technical type CURR of the source value does not have two decimal places, the function
CURRENCY_CONVERSION may display unexpected behavior.


The following CDS view calls a currency conversion in the SELECT list for column AMOUNT of
database table DEMO_PRICES. The target currency must be passed as a parameter. In the event of
an error, for example when a currency does not exist, the result is reset to zero.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_CURRCO' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_curr_conv 
 with parameters to_currency:abap.cuky(5), 
                 exc_date:abap.dats 77/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

 as select from demo_prices 

 { id, 
   currency_conversion( amount => amount, 
                        source_currency => currency, 
                        round =>  'X', 
                        target_currency => :to_currency, 
                        exchange_rate_date => :exc_date, 
                        error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as amount, 
   :to_currency as currency }

Program DEMO_CDS_CURRENCY_CONVERSION accesses the view in a SELECT statement, in which

the target currency is passed. As a comparison, the same conversion is also performed using the
function module CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY. As prerequisite for the example, the currencies
and conversion rules must be available in the corresponding database tables. 

Variant 3

... DECIMAL_SHIFT( p1 => a1, p2 => a2, ... ) 


The function DECIMAL_SHIFT sets the decimal separator of the value that is passed to formal
parameter amount in accordance with a currency. The result has the data type CURR with the length
31 and 14 decimal places. Its value is produced by multiplying the input parameter rounded to two
decimal places by 10 the power of two minus the decimal places defined by the currency passed.

Possible currencies and their decimal places are based on the database tables TCUR... of package

Formal Optional Meaning Data Actual

Parameter Type Parameter

amount -  Source value CURR Field of a


currency  -  Currency from column WAERS of database table TCURC; the CUKY Field of a
associated decimal places determined from the column data
CURRDEC of TCURX source,

error_handling -  Error handling. If "FAIL_ON_ERROR" (default value), an error CHAR Literal

raises an exception; if "SET_TO_NULL", the result is reset to with
the null value; if "KEEP_UNCONVERTED", the source value is length
not changed. 20 78/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions


If the type of the actual parameter passed to amount has two decimal places, its value is set to the
number of decimal places of the passed currency.


In the SELECT list, the following CDS view sets the decimal separator for the column AMOUNT of
the database table DEMO_PRICES, in accordance with currencies with decimal places between 0 and
5. The column AMOUNT has two decimal places, which means that the decimal places are
determined directly by the currencies passed. In the event of an error, for example when a currency
does not exist, the result is reset to zero.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_DCSHFT' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_decimal_shift 
 as select from demo_prices 
 { id, 
   amount as original, 
   decimal_shift( amount => amount, 
                  currency => cast( '0 ' as abap.cuky(5) ), 
                  error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as shift_0, 
   decimal_shift( amount => amount, 
                  currency => cast( '1 ' as abap.cuky(5) ), 
                  error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as shift_1, 
   decimal_shift( amount => amount, 
                  currency => cast( '2 ' as abap.cuky(5) ), 
                  error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as shift_2, 
   decimal_shift( amount => amount, 
                  currency => cast( '3 ' as abap.cuky(5) ), 
                  error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as shift_3, 
   decimal_shift( amount => amount, 
                  currency => cast( '4 ' as abap.cuky(5) ), 
                  error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as shift_4, 
   decimal_shift( amount => amount, 
                  currency => cast( '5 ' as abap.cuky(5) ), 
                  error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL' ) as shift_5 }

The program DEMO_CDS_DECIMAL_SHIFT accesses the view in a SELECT statement. As prerequisite

for the example, the currencies and their number of decimal places must be available in the
corresponding database tables. 79/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

➤ Date functions and time functions

◉ Date Functions

... DATS_IS_VALID(date)
| DATS_DAYS_BETWEEN(date1,date2)
| DATS_ADD_DAYS(date,days,on_error)
| DATS_ADD_MONTHS(date,months,on_error) ...


1. ... DATS_IS_VALID(date)

2. ... DATS_DAYS_BETWEEN(date1,date2)

3. ... DATS_ADD_DAYS(date,days,on_error)

4. ... DATS_ADD_MONTHS(date,months,on_error)


These functions perform operations with arguments of the predefined data type DATS. The
functions have positional parameters to which actual parameters need to be assigned when called.
There are currently no optional parameters. Suitable fields of a data source, literals, parameters,
path expressions, predefined functions, or expressions can all be specified as actual parameters.
Only literals can be passed to the parameter on_error. If an actual parameter contains the null value,
every function except DATS_IS_VALID returns a null value.


It is not currently possible to access the current system date directly in a CDS view. Instead, a CDS
view can be given an appropriate input parameter. The special annotation
@Environment.systemField makes it possible to pass the value of the ABAP system field sy-datum
to this parameter.

Variant 1

... DATS_IS_VALID(date)

The function DATS_IS_VALID determines whether date (if specified) contains a valid date in the
format YYYYMMDD. The actual parameter must have the predefined data type DATS. The result has
the data type INT4. A valid date produces the value 1 and all other input values (including the null
value) produce the value 0.

Note 80/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

The value "00010101" is a valid date but the value "00000000" is not.

Variant 2

... DATS_DAYS_BETWEEN(date1,date2)

The function DATS_DAYS_BETWEEN calculates the difference between two specified dates, date1
and date2, in days. The actual parameters must have the predefined data type DATS and should
contain a valid date in the format YYYYMMDD. Any invalid dates specified are initialized or set to
the value "00010101" before the calculation. The result has the data type INT4. If date2 is greater
than date1, the result is positive. In the reverse case, it is negative.


Before the difference is calculated, the specified dates are converted to integers, like in ABAP, and
the corresponding rules apply.

Variant 3

... DATS_ADD_DAYS(date,days,on_error)

The function DATS_ADD_DAYS adds days days to a specified date date.

The actual parameter date must have the predefined data type DATS and should contain a
valid date in the format YYYYMMDD. Any invalid date specified is initialized or set to the
value "00010101" before the calculation.
The actual parameter days must have the predefined data type INT4.
The actual parameter on_error must have the predefined data type CHAR with the length 10
and must have one of the following values:
"FAIL" (an error raises an exception)
"NULL" (an error returns the null value)
"INITIAL" (an error returns the initial value)
"UNCHANGED" (an error returns the unmodified value of date)

The format is not case-sensitive. Any incorrectly specified values raise an exception.
The result has the data type DATS. If days is positive, the number of days is added to date. In other
cases, the number of days is subtracted. If the calculation produces an invalid date, the error is
handled as specified in on_error.


For the calculation, the specified date is converted to an integer, like in ABAP, and the result is
converted to a date again while applying the corresponding rules.

Variant 4 81/106
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... DATS_ADD_MONTHS(date,months,on_error)

The function DATS_ADD_MONTHS adds months months to a specified date date.

The actual parameter date must have the predefined data type DATS and should contain a
valid date in the format YYYYMMDD. Any invalid date specified is initialized or set to the
value "00010101" before the calculation.
The actual parameter months must have the predefined data type INT4.
The same applies to the actual parameter on_error as to DATS_ADD_DAYS.

The result has the data type DATS. If months is positive, the number of months is added to date. In
other cases, the number of months is subtracted.
An attempt is made to create a date with the same day in an earlier or later month. If the maximum
day possible in a month is exceeded, the greatest possible day is used. If the calculation produces
an otherwise invalid date, the error is handled as specified in on_error.


The following CDS view applies date functions in the SELECT list to columns of the database table
DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The program DEMO_CDS_DATE_FUNCTIONS uses SELECT to access the view.
The columns DATS1 and DATS2 in the database table and the actual parameters for the input
parameters of the view can be given any values. In the case of DATS_ADD_DAYS and
DATS_ADD_MONTHS. invalid values or values that produce invalid results are handled as specified
in the view.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'demo_cds_datfnc'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_date_functions
with parameters p_days:abap.int4,
as select from demo_expressions {
  dats1 as date1,
  dats_is_valid(dats1) as valid1,
  dats2 as date2,
  dats_is_valid(dats2) as valid2,
  dats_days_between(dats1,dats2) as difference,
  dats_add_days(dats1,:p_days,'INITIAL')  as day1,
  dats_add_months(dats2,:p_months,'FAIL') as day2 }

◉ Time Functions


... TIMS_IS_VALID(time) ... 82/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions


1. ... TIMS_IS_VALID(time) ...


These functions perform operations with arguments of the predefined data type TIMS. The
functions have positional parameters to which actual parameters need to be assigned when called.
There are currently no optional parameters. Suitable fields of a data source, literals, parameters,
path expressions, predefined functions, or expressions can all be specified as actual parameters. If
an actual parameter contains the null value, every function except TIMS_IS_VALID returns a null


It is not currently possible to access the current system time directly in a CDS view. Instead, a CDS
view can be given an appropriate input parameter. The special annotation
@Environment.systemField makes it possible to pass the value of the ABAP system field sy-uzeit to
this parameter.

Variant 1

... TIMS_IS_VALID(time) ...


The function TIMS_IS_VALID determines whether time (if specified) contains a valid time in the
format HHMMSS. The actual parameter must have the predefined data type TIMS. The result has
the data type INT4. A valid date produces the value 1 and all other input values (including the null
value) produce the value 0.


The following CDS view applies time functions in the SELECT list to columns of the database table
DEMO_EXPRESSIONS. The program DEMO_CDS_TIME_FUNCTIONS uses SELECT to access the view.
The column TIMS1 of the database table can be given any values.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'demo_cds_timfnc'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_time_functions
 as select from demo_expressions {
  tims1 as time1,
  tims_is_valid(tims1) as valid1 }

◉ Time Stamp Functions

Syntax 83/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

... TSTMP_IS_VALID(tstmp)
| TSTMP_SECONDS_BETWEEN(tstmp1,tstmp2,on_error)
| TSTMP_ADD_SECONDS(tstmp,seconds,on_error) ...


1. ... TSTMP_IS_VALID(tstmp)


3. ... TSTMP_SECONDS_BETWEEN(tstmp1,tstmp2,on_error)

4. ... TSTMP_ADD_SECONDS(tstmp,seconds,on_error)


These functions perform operations with arguments of the predefined data type DEC with length 15
or of the data element TIMESTAMP. The content of an argument of this type is interpreted as an
ABAP-specific time stamp.

With the exception of TSTMP_CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP, these functions have positional

parameters to which actual parameters must be assigned when called. There are currently no
optional parameters. Suitable fields of a data source, literals, parameters, path expressions,
predefined functions, or expressions can all be specified as actual parameters. Only literals can be
passed to the parameter on_error. If an actual parameter contains the null value, every function
except TSTMP_IS_VALID returns a null value.


The time stamp functions enable time stamps to be edited on the database that are stored in the
ABAP-specific format in database tables. As in ABAP, other types of access to these fields interpret
these time stamps as regular numeric values.
There is currently no function that can transform a time stamp into date and time fields.

Variant 1

... TSTMP_IS_VALID(tstmp)

The function TSTMP_IS_VALID determines whether tstmp (if specified) contains a valid time stamp in
the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. The actual parameter must have the predefined data type DEC
with length 15 and no decimal places. The result has the data type INT4. A valid time stamp
produces the value 1 and all other input values (including the null value) produce the value 0.

Variant 2

5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions


The function TSTMP_CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP returns a UTC time stamp in accordance with the
POSIX standard. The result has the data type DEC with length 15 and no decimal places.


The date and time of the current UTC time stamp is extracted using the SQL function substring in
the following CDS view. This requires a conversion to a character-like type using CAST.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'demo_cds_datim'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_date_time
as select from demo_expressions {
  substring( cast( tstmp_current_utctimestamp()
    as abap.char(17) ), 1, 8 ) as dat,
  substring( cast( tstmp_current_utctimestamp()
    as abap.char(17) ), 9, 6 ) as tim }

Variant 3

... TSTMP_SECONDS_BETWEEN(tstmp1,tstmp2,on_error)

The function TSTMP_SECONDS_BETWEEN calculates the difference between two specified time
stamps, tstmp1 and tstmp2 in seconds. The actual parameter must have the predefined data type
DEC with length 15 and no decimal places and contain valid time stamps in the format
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Any invalid time stamps produce an error. If tstmp2 is greater than tstmp1,
the result is positive. In the reverse case, it is negative.

The actual parameter on_error controls error handling. It must have the predefined data type CHAR
with the length 10 and must have one of the following values:

"FAIL" (an error raises an exception)

"NULL" (an error returns the null value)
"INITIAL" (an error returns the initial value)
The format is not case-sensitive. Any incorrectly specified values raise an exception.

Variant 4

... TSTMP_ADD_SECONDS(tstmp,seconds,on_error)

The function TSTMP_ADD_SECONDS adds seconds seconds to a time stamp tstmp. The actual
parameter tstmp must have the predefined data type DEC with length 15 and no decimal places
and contain a valid time stamp in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. An invalid time stamp produces 85/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

an error. The actual parameter seconds must also have the predefined data type DEC with length 15
and no decimal places. Any negative values are subtracted. If the result is invalid, an error occurs.

The actual parameter on_error controls error handling. The same applies as to the function
TSTMP_SECONDS_BETWEEN. The additional value "UNCHANGED" can be used to specify that an
error caused the unchanged value of tstmp to be returned.


The following CDS view applies time stamp functions in the SELECT list to columns of the database
access the view. The column NUM1 of the database table is given a value that is added to a time
stamp in the column TIMESTAMP1 as seconds. The difference is found between this sum and a time
stamp retrieved on the database by the function TSTMP_CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP. A delay, wait,
can be integrated between the time stamp in the ABAP program and the time stamp created on the

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'demo_cds_tsfnc'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_timestamp_functions
as select from demo_expressions {
  timestamp1 as timestamp1,
  tstmp_is_valid(timestamp1) as valid1,
      cast( num1 as abap.dec(15,0) ),
   'FAIL') as difference }



@AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'CDS_APPEND_VIEW'
EXTEND VIEW cds_entity WITH cds_view_extension
          [association1 association2 ...]
          { select_list_extension } [;]

Effect 86/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

Extends an existing CDS view cds_entity using a CDS view extension cds_view_extension in CDS
source code. The extension adds the following to the SELECT list of the available view without
making changes:

The elements of the specified extension list select_list_extension as view fields

Optional associations association1, association2, ... for the SELECT statement of the extended
CDS view

The annotation AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName must be specified before the view extension

itself is defined using EXTEND VIEW. Further annotations extension_annot1, extension_annot2, ...
can also be specified. This is optional.
Two ABAP Dictionary objects are created for a CDS view extension that is defined using EXTEND
VIEW. A name must be specified for each of the two objects:

The actual name cds_view_extension of the CDS view extension is specified after the keywords
EXTEND VIEW. This name follows the same rules as the name of an append view, but can
have up to 30 characters.
The name CDS_APPEND_VIEW for a classic append view must be specified in quotation marks
after the annotation @AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName created when the CDS view
extension was activated. This name is subject to the same rules as the name of a classic view
in ABAP Dictionary. The new append view extends the CDS database view of the extended
CDS view. The name given to the append view can no longer be changed after the CDS view
is transported into a follow-on system.

The extended CDS view must be specified under the name of its CDS entity. The name of the CDS
database view cannot be specified here. It is possible to access all fields of the data sources used in
the extended CDS view in the extension list select_list_extension. The list can have all elements of a
SELECT list, except aggregate expressions. You can also specify the following:
Input parameters of the extended CDS view
Path expressions for various associations and for associations of the extended CDS view
Other literals, expressions and functions

If an appended element already occurs in the existing SELECT list or if a different extension occurs, it
must be given an alternative element name using AS. An appended field cannot be defined as a key
field using KEY.
The following CDS views cannot currently be extended:

Views with an explicit name list

Views with aggregate expressions and a GROUP-BY clause
Views with a UNION clause for union sets

CDS view extensions themselves cannot be extended.


Every CDS view extension has its own CDS source code. The CDS source code in a CDS view
extension is edited in a different editor from the CDS source code of a CDS view. The ADT
documentation describes how these types of source code are created.
An existing CDS view can be extended using multiple CDS view extensions. 87/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

The name of the new append view and of the actual CDS view extension should be located in
the customer namespace (or in the namespace of a partner or special development) to
protect it against being overwritten by upgrades or new releases.
Currently it is not possible to define extension categories for CDS views. The following
restrictions apply for this reason:
CDS views have the property can be extended in any way with respect to the extension
category of structures. The consequences of this must be respected when extending a
CDS view.
Functional extensions, such as adding aggregate functions and the associated changes
to the GROUP-BY clause or extensions to join expressions or other clauses, are not
The attributes of a CDS view defined using annotations, such as switching on SAP
buffering, cannot currently be modified using extensions.
It is advisable to contact SAP before extending CDS views from basis packages.
The CDS source code of a CDS view extension does not need to have the same name as the
CDS view extension entity, but it is advisable to use the name of the entity.
After a piece of CDS source code is transported, the combination of its name and the name of
the CDS view extension defined in it and its APPEND view is defined and can no longer be
modified by being renamed.

The following CDS view extension:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'DEMO_CDS_EXTENS'
extend view demo_cds_original_view with demo_cds_view_extension
{ spfli.distance,
  spfli.distid as unit };
adds two view fields to the existing CDS view:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_ORIG'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_original_view
as select from spfli
          join scarr on scarr.carrid = spfli.carrid
   { key scarr.carrname as carrier,
     key spfli.connid   as flight,
     spfli.cityfrom     as departure,
     spfli.cityto       as destination };

The classic append view DEMO_CDS_EXTENS is created in ABAP Dictionary. The program
DEMO_CDS_VIEW_EXTENSION uses the statement SELECT to access the extended view and also
displays the components of the dictionary structures in question.

1. ABAP CDS - EXTEND VIEW, extension_annot


... @annotation ... 88/106
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Specifies an annotation annotation as an extension annotation in the definition of a CDS view in

ABAP CDS before the statement EXTEND VIEW. The name annotation of the annotation must be
prefixed directly with the character @.

The following tables show the possible ABAP annotations that can be specified, and their meanings.
The ABAP annotations are evaluated by the ABAP runtime environment for every CDS entity.
Annotations with other identifiers are usually SAP annotations. These are not evalutated by an ABAP
run time environment but by other SAP frameworks.

AbapCatalog annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName Name of the Character string, maximum 16 characters, -

append view of which consists of letters, numbers and
the CDS view underscores and starts with a namespace
extension prefix.


1. Each definition of a CDS view must contain the ABAP annotation

AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName that defines the name of the append view in ABAP Dictionary.
2. The name given to the append view can no longer be changed after the CDS-view is transported
into a follow-on system.



       IMPLEMENTED BY METHOD amdp_function [;]


Defines a CDS table function in CDS source code. The implementation of the CDS table function
Native SQL is performed in an AMDP method amdp_function, which is created using the AMDP
framework in the database system as an AMDP function.

@function_annot is used to specify optional annotations for the CDS table function. 89/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

parameter_list is used to declare a list of optional input parameters for the CDS table
function. These also define the input parameters of the AMDP function.
element_list is used to declare the elements of the CDS table function. These also define the
columns of the tabular return value of the AMDP function.
When amdp_function is used, an AMDP function implementation must be specified in the
form amdp_class=>amdp_method. Here amdp_class is an AMDP class and amdp_method is
an AMDP function implementation contained in this class. When this function
implementation is declared, the current CDS table function is specified after the addition FOR
TABLE FUNCTION. The AMDP function implementation must not exist when the CDS table
function is created and activated. . The name of an AMDP function implementation
amdp_function can only be specified in a single CDS table function.

A CDS table function returns a tabular result set. This can be used (like every CDS entity) as a data
source in other CDS entities or in Open SQL read statements. The prerequisite for use is that the
specified AMDP function implementation exists and is active.

Table functions constitute a database extension that is not supported by all database systems.
However, the ABAP CDS DDL allows table functions to be created and accessed
independently of the database system. If SELECT is used to access a table function or a view
that contains table functions as data sources but the current database system does not
support them, a non-handleable exception of the class CX_SY_SQL_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE
is raised.
In an ABAP program, it is possible to use the method USE_FEATURES of the class
CL_ABAP_DBFEATURES to check whether the current database system supports table
functions. This requires the constant AMDP_TABLE_FUNCTION of the class to be passed to the
method in an internal table.
The CDS source code of a CDS table function does not need to have the same name as the
CDS table function, but it is advisable to use the name of the CDS table function.
After a piece of CDS source code is transported, the combination of its name and the name of
the CDS table function view is defined and can no longer be modified by being renamed.

The following DDL source code shows a client-specific CDS table function. It contains an input
parameter (with the annotation @Environment.systemField and the predefined value #CLIENT) for
the client, which is implicitly supplied with the ID of the current client when used as a data source of
the Open SQL statement SELECT. For more information about how to use this function, see the
example for AMDP Functions.

@ClientDependent: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define table function DEMO_CDS_GET_SCARR_SPFLI_INPCL
with parameters @Environment.systemField: #CLIENT
returns { client:s_mandt;
          carrname:s_carrname; 90/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

          cityto:s_to_city; }
implemented by method



... @annotation ...


Specifies an annotation annotation as a function annotation in the definition of a CDS table

function in ABAP CDS in front of the statement DEFINE TABLE FUNCTION. The name annotation of
the annotation must be prefixed directly with the character @.

The following tables show the possible ABAP annotations that can be specified, and their meanings.
The ABAP annotations are evaluated by the ABAP runtime environment for every CDS entity.
Annotations with other identifiers are usually SAP annotations. These are not evalutated by an ABAP
run time environment but by other SAP frameworks.

AccessControl Annotations
ClientDependent Annotations
DataAging Annotations
EndUserText Annotations

The first column displays the name annotation of an ABAP annotation and the second column
displays its meaning. The third column shows the possible values value. The fourth column displays
the value, which has been set implicitly for value, if the annotation is not used explicitly. If nothing is
specified for value, the annotation should be specified without a value.
AccessControl Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


AccessControl.authorizationCheck Defines implicit #CHECK: #CHECK

access control If Open SQL is used to access the table
when Open SQL function, access control is applied
is used to access implicitly if a CDS role is assigned to the
the CDS table table function. If there is no role for the
function table function, a syntax check warning
Like #CHECK, but there is no syntax check
No access control is performed. This
produces a syntax check warning in the
DDL source code of a role for the table function. 91/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

ClientDependent Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


ClientDependent Defines client handling when true: true

Open SQL is used to access the The CDS table function is client-specific.
CDS table function. When accessed using SELECT, automatic
client handling is performed.
The CDS table function is a cross-client table
function. No automatic client handling is


If a CDS table function is configured to be cross-client with the ABAP annotation ClientDependent
false, all CDS views that use this table function as a data source are also cross-client.

DataAging Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Default

Values Value

DataAging.noAgingRestriction Defines the handling of obsolete data on a SAP true: false

HANA database when Open SQL is used to access Open SQL
the CDS table function reads all data
Open SQL
reads current
data only

EndUserText Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


EndUserText.label Translatable short text of the CDS Character string with maximum 60 -
table function characters

Note 92/106
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ABAP annotations introduced using EndUserText are used to define translatable semantic texts for a
CDS object. The value of an annotation like this is saved in special tables that have a language key
and that are translatable. The value specified in the source code should consist of text in the
original language of the CDS source code and is translated into the required languages. The
methods of the class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE read these texts in accordance with an
input parameter for the language. There are also special methods GET_LABEL_... that are designed
for these texts only.



... WITH PARAMETERS parameter1, parameter2, ...


Defines input parameters parameter1, parameter2, ... in a CDS table function in ABAP CDS in a
comma-separated list.

The input parameters of the AMDP function implementation amdp_function specified after
IMPLEMENTED BY METHOD are generated from the input parameters specified here. The ABAP
data types of the input parameters of the AMDP function implementation are derived from the
predefined data types in ABAP Dictionary specified by the typing, in accordance with the associated
mapping rules for type references to ABAP Dictionary.

In the case of client-specific CDS table functions, each input parameter with the predefined
dictionary type CLNT must be annotated with the annotation @Environment.systemField and the
predefined value #CLIENT.



... RETURNS { element1; element2; ...; } ...


Defines the elements of a CDS table function in ABAP CDS. The elements are specified in a
semicolon-separated list element1; element2; ...; in curly brackets { }. The final element must also be
followed by a semicolon.

These elements have the following meaning:

◈ They determine the components of the structured data types represented by a CDS table
function with respect to ABAP.

◈ This structured data type is the row type of the tabular return value result of the AMDP function
implementation amdp_function specified after IMPLEMENTED BY METHOD.

The ABAP data types of the components of the structured data type are derived from the dictionary
types of the elements in accordance with the associated mapping rules. 93/106
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In a client-specific CDS table function, the first element must be typed with the predefined
dictionary type CLNT. This element is the client field of the CDS table function. It is a column of the
tabular return value of the associated AMDP function implementation and is not a component of
the structured data type represented by the table function.

Note: In a client-specific CDS table function, the structured data type of the table function and the
row type of the return value of the AMDP function implementation are not compatible. The
addition CLIENT SPECIFIED of the statement TYPES can be used to create a structure type
compatible with the row type of the return value.


The program DEMO_AMDP_FUNCTION_TYPE uses RTTI to show the following for various CDS table

◈ The components of the structured data type

◈ The parameters of the associated AMDP function implementation
◈ The row type of the return value of the associated AMDP function implementation

For client-specific table functions, a client field is defined after RETURNS. This field is a column of
the return value of the AMDP function implementation and is not part of the structured data type.



... [@element_annot1]
    [KEY] name : typing
  [@<element_annot2] ...


1. ... @element_annot ... @<element_annot

2. ... KEY


Specifies an element in the list of elements of a CDS table function in ABAP CDS. name expects a
unique element name that complies with the naming rules. Furthermore, name cannot contain any
slash (/) characters and cannot be a reserved name in ABAP Dictionary. The reserved names that
cannot be used are specified in the database table TRESE.

Each element must be typed with an elementary data type typing. This typing determines the data
type of the corresponding component of the structured data type represented by the CDS table
function and the associated column of the tabular return value result of the associated AMDP
function implementation. 94/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

It is not case-sensitive. The blanks in the comma-separated list are ignored and can be omitted.

Addition 1

... @element_annot ... @<element_annot


Specifies annotations for the element. The annotations can be specified before the element using
@element_annot or after the element using @<element_annot.


An ABAP annotation can be used to assign further technical and semantic attributes to an element
in ABAP Dictionary. Component annotations can be used to give the element specific semantic
attributes for other SAP frameworks.

Addition 2

... KEY


KEY is used to define the current element as the key element of the current CDS table function. Any
elements from the element list can be defined as key elements.

The key elements of the CDS entity are evaluated as follows if the CDS view is used as a data source
of a SELECT statement in Open SQL.

◉ By the addition ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. In this case, the key elements must be defined at the
start of the SELECT list without any gaps.

◉ In implicit access control.

In other cases, the key elements of the CDS entity are used to document the semantics of the data
model. The addition KEY is ignored when the CDS view is activated and when other accesses are
performed in program executions.


◉ In the Open SQL syntax check, the key elements are used in places where the key is respected.

◉ The key elements are not relevant for the uniqueness of rows within the results set of the CDS
table function, which means that exceptions can be raised when making assignments to internal
tables with appropriately unique table keys.

3.1.1 ABAP CDS - DEFINE TABLE FUNCTION, element_annot


... @annotation ...

... @<annotation ... 95/106
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Specifies an annotation annotation as an element annotation in the definition of an element of a

CDS table function in ABAP CDS. Element annotations can be specified before and after the

In front of the element, the character @ must be placed before the name annotation of the
Following the element, the characters @< must be placed before the name annotation of the
The elements of CDS entities can be assigned to the ABAP element annotations grouped under

➥ ABAP CDS - parameter


... [@parameter_annot1]
  pname : typing


... @parameter_annot ... @<parameter_annot


Defines an input parameter with the name pname in the parameter list of a CDS view or the
parameter list of a CDS table function in ABAP CDS.

The name pname must comply with the naming rules for names. Furthermore, pname cannot
contain any slash (/) characters and cannot be a reserved name in ABAP Dictionary. Furthermore,
the reserved name connection cannot be used in table functions. The reserved names that cannot
be used are in the database table TRESE. It is not case-sensitive. The blanks with in the comma-
separated list are ignored and can be omitted. Each input parameter must be typed with an
elementary data type typing.

When using a CDS entity with input parameters as a

◉ data source or in a path expression of a different CDS view or

◉ as a data source of a SELECT statement from Open SQL in ABAP

each input parameter must be assigned a suitable actual parameter whose value is then used in the
operand positions in which the parameter is specified. The actual parameters are assigned using a
parenthesized comma-separated list 96/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

... cds_entity( pname1 : act1, pname2 : act2, ...) ...,

that must be specified directly after the name of the view when using a view with parameters (both
within the DDL in ABAP CDS and in Open SQL). In Open SQL , an equals sign (=) is used instead of a
colon (:).


It is not currently possible to define optional input parameters or replacement parameters for input
parameters. The annotation @Environment.systemField can be used, however, to make Open SQL
pass ABAP system fields to an input parameter implicitly.


... @parameter_annot ... @<parameter_annot


Specifies annotations for the parameter. The annotations can be specified before the parameter
using @parameter_annot or after the parameter using @parameter_annot.

⇰ ABAP CDS - parameter_annot


... @annotation ...

... @<annotation ...


Specifies an annotation annotation as a parameter annotation in the definition of an input

parameter parameter of a CDS view or a CDS table function in ABAP CDS. Parameter annotations
can be specified before and after the parameter.

- In front of the parameter, the character @ must be placed before the name annotation of the
- The name annotation of the annotation must be prefixed directly with the characters @< after the

The following tables show the possible ABAP annotations that can be specified, and their meanings.
The ABAP annotations are evaluated by the ABAP runtime environment for every CDS entity.
Annotations with other identifiers are usually SAP annotations. These are not evalutated by an ABAP
run time environment but by other SAP frameworks.

1. EndUserText Annotations
2. Environment Annotations

The first column displays the name annotation of an ABAP annotation and the second column
displays its meaning. The third column shows the possible values value. The fourth column displays
the value, which has been set implicitly for value, if the annotation is not used explicitly. If nothing is
specified for value, the annotation should be specified without a value. 97/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

1. EndUserText Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


EndUserText.label Translatable short text of the Character string with maximum 60 -

parameter characters

EndUserText.quickInfo Translatable tooltip of the String -



ABAP annotations introduced using EndUserText are used to define translatable semantic texts for a
CDS object. The value of an annotation like this is saved in special tables that have a language key
and that are translatable. The value specified in the source code should consist of text in the
original language of the CDS source code and is translated into the required languages. The
methods of the class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE read these texts in accordance with an
input parameter for the language. There are also special methods GET_LABEL_... that are designed
for these texts only.

2. Environment Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


Environment.systemField Assigns an ABAP system field to the input #CLIENT: -

parameter for implicit parameter passing in sy-mandt

An input parameter can be annotated strictly once with the annotation Environment.systemField. If
the CDS entity is used as a data source of a SELECT statement in Open SQL, this assignment has the
following consequences:

- No explicit actual parameter can be assigned to an input parameter to which the system field sy-
mandt was assigned using #CLIENT. Open SQL always passes (implicitly) the ID of the current client 98/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

in accordance with the nominal value of sy-mandt or from the clients specified using USING CLIENT.
The addition CLIENT SPECIFIED cannot be specified when a CDS entity of this type is accessed.

- An explicit actual parameter does not need to be be assigned to an input parameter assigned a
different system field using #SYSTEM_.... If no explicit actual parameter is specified, Open SQL
passes the nominal value of the assigned system field implicitly.

Any other values for value are ignored using an exception. Instead of the value #USER, the value
#APPLICATION_USER can be specified too. This is, however, only offered for reasons of downward


- The annotation @Environment.systemField is ignored in parameter passing to the CDS entity in

other CDS entities. Explicit actual parameters must be specified here, for example input parameters
from the current entity or even session variables.

- The value #CLIENT of the annotation @Environment.systemField is particularly significant for

client-specific CDS table functions. If an input parameter is annotated accordingly, it is given the
current client ID implicitly by the Open SQL statement SELECT and can be used to restrict the results
set in the Native SQL implementation of the function.


The following CDS view associates all input parameters with ABAP system fields and the SELECT list
consists only of the input parameters. The ABAP program DEMO_CDS_SYSTEM_FIELDS accesses the
CDS view by specifying parameters in full implicitly and explicitly and produces both results.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_SYST' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_system_fields 
with parameters 
  @Environment.systemField : #CLIENT 
  p_mandt : syst_mandt, 
  @Environment.systemField : #SYSTEM_DATE 
  p_datum : syst_datum, 
  @Environment.systemField : #SYSTEM_TIME 
  p_uzeit : syst_uzeit, 
  p_langu : syst_langu   
  p_uname : syst_uname   
as select from demo_expressions           
   { :p_mandt as client, 
     :p_datum as datum, 
     :p_uzeit as uzeit, 99/106
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     :p_langu as langu, 
     :p_uname as uname  } 
    where id = '1';

➥ ABAP CDS - typing


... dtype | data_element  ...


Types elements or parameters of CDS entities in ABAP CDS. The following is typed:

Input parameters parameter of the parameter list parameter_list in a CDS view

Input parameters of the parameter list parameter_list in a CDS table function
Elements of the element list element_list in a CDS table function
A typing can be specified either directly with dtype (using a predefined data type in ABAP
Dictionary) or using the name of a data element data_element. The table below shows the possible
options for dtype and their meanings.

dtype Predefined Data Type in ABAP Dictionary

abap.char( len ) CHAR with length len

abap.clnt[(3)] CLNT

abap.cuky(5) CUKY with length 5

abap.curr(len,dec) CURR with length len and with dec decimal places

abap.dats[(8)] DATS

abap.dec(len,dec) DEC with length len and with dec decimal places

abap.fltp[(16,16)] FLTP

abap.int1[(3)] INT1

abap.int2[(5)] INT2

abap.int4[(10)] INT4

abap.int8[(19)] INT8

abap.lang[(1)] LANG

abap.numc( len ) NUMC with length len

abap.quan(len,dec) QUAN with length len and with dec decimal places

abap.raw(len) RAW with length len

abap.sstring(len) SSTRING with length len

abap.tims[(6)] TIMS 100/106
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abap.unit(3) UNIT with length 3

In len and dec, specific values must be specified for the length and decimal places (with respect to
the relevant generic types). The values specified here in parentheses must be within the value
ranges permitted by ABAP Dictionary. The predefined values can be specified for types with fixed
lengths and decimal places, but this is not mandatory. For data_element, every ABAP Dictionary
data element whose predefined type is listed in the table above can be specified.


Currently no structured or tabular parameters are supported, only elementary data types.


The following CDS view has two input parameters. p_date is typed with the data element
DEMODATE and p_num is typed with the predefined data type DEC with both the length and
number of decimal places specified.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_PTYPE' 
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED 
define view demo_cds_parameter_type 
with parameters p_date:demodate, 
                p_num:abap.dec(10,3) as 
select from demo_expressions           
       { key id, 
             :p_date       as col_date, 
             :p_num + dec3 as col_num 
The program DEMO_CDS_PARAMETER_TYPE accesses the view using the following SELECT

SELECT id, col_date, col_num 

     FROM demo_cds_parameter_type( p_date = @sy-datlo, 
                                   p_num  = '1.234' ) 
     INTO TABLE @DATA(result).

➥ ABAP CDS - element_annot

Element annotations are annotations for the following elements:

◉ Elements in the SELECT list of a CDS view

◉ Elements in an element list of a CDS table function

Both the elements of a CDS table functions and the elements of the SELECT list in a CDS view define
the components of the results set of database accesses using SELECT and of structured data types
in ABAP. The annotations enrich these components with additional semantic attributes. 101/106
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The following tables show the possible ABAP annotations that can be specified, and their meanings.
The ABAP annotations are evaluated by the ABAP runtime environment for every CDS entity.
Annotations with other identifiers are usually SAP annotations. These are not evalutated by an ABAP
run time environment but by other SAP frameworks.

◉ EndUserText Annotations
◉ Semantics Annotations

The first column displays the name annotation of an ABAP annotation and the second column
displays its meaning. The third column shows the possible values value. The fourth column displays
the value, which has been set implicitly for value, if the annotation is not used explicitly. If nothing is
specified for value, the annotation should be specified without a value.

EndUserText Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


EndUserText.label Translatable short text of the Character string with maximum 60 -

element characters

EndUserText.quickInfo Translatable tooltip of the String -



ABAP annotations introduced using EndUserText are used to define translatable semantic texts for a
CDS object. The value of an annotation like this is saved in special tables that have a language key
and that are translatable. The value specified in the source code should consist of text in the
original language of the CDS source code and is translated into the required languages. The
methods of the class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE read these texts in accordance with an
input parameter for the language. There are also special methods GET_LABEL_... that are designed
for these texts only.

Semantics Annotations

annotation Meaning Possible Values Default


Semantics.amount.currencyCode Element is defined as a currency Name of an element -

field to which a currency key is defined as a currency
assigned key

Semantics.currencyCode Element is defined as a currency - -

key 102/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

Semantics.quantity.unitOfMeasure Element is defined as a quantity Name of an element -

field to which a unit of defined as a unit of
measurement key is assigned measurement key

Semantics.unitOfMeasure Element is defined as a unit of - -

measurement key


The Semantics annotations are used to define the currency fields and quantity fields of CDS views
and CDS table functions.

➤ ABAP CDS - Cyclical Dependencies

In ABAP CDS, CDS entities can be defined with mutual dependencies. For example, a CDS view
accesses a different CDS view or a CDS table function as a data source or exposes a different CDS
view in an association. A CDS entity that consumes another CDS entity is dependent on the
consumed entity. A distinction should be made between the following:
◉ Technical dependencies

CDS entities have a technical dependency on each other when the database entities created by their
activation are also dependent on each other.

◉ Semantic dependencies

CDS entities have a semantic dependency on each other when the dependency is produced by
metadata not reflected in the database entities in question.

A cyclical dependency (or cycle) is produced if a chain of dependencies starting from one CDS
entity leads back to the same CDS entity. Two categories of cyclical dependencies can be

◉ Cycle of technical dependencies

Once the entities in question are activated, the technical dependencies would also incur a cyclical
dependency between the generated database entities. It is not possible to characterize a cyclical
dependency between entities on the database and a set of entities joined in this way cannot be
activated. Examples:
   ◉ CDS views in which a CDS entity is used as a direct data source and the CDS view is directly or
indirectly dependent on this source. CDS entities of this type can usually be detected by syntax
errors, since the consumed entities cannot exist in active versions.
   ◉ A CDS view consumes an association from another view in a path expression and a cyclical
dependency is detected when the path expression is transformed to a join expression in the
database. Usually, the error does not occur until the entity is activated.

◉ Cycle caused by semantic dependencies 103/106
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If a cycle contains semantic dependencies and removing the semantic dependencies would remove
the cyclical dependency, activating the entities in question does not produce a cyclical dependency
between the associated database entities. This can be the case when CDS vies are joined using
associations, but not all associations are characterized by consuming path expressions. Sets of
entities that have dependencies like this can be activated.

A set of CDS entities that exists for for a semantic cycle cannot be activated in a single step:

◉ In mass activations, the ABAP Dictionary activation tool attempts to activate the set in multiple
steps (if possible). It first attempts an activation without the semantic relationships and then with
them. This function does not yet, however, work in all situations.

◉ If it is not possible to resolve semantic cyclical dependencies using step-by-step activations, a

cycle problem exists and it can only be solved by intervening manually. Here, CDS source code must
be modified manually before individual activation steps to remove the semantic dependencies

When solving a cycle problem manually in a system, it should be remembered that CDS entities in a
cyclical dependency display the same problems after a transport into a target system. This requires
consecutive transports of subsets of objects. If this is not possible (if cycle problems cannot be
solved manually), the cyclical dependencies in question must be removed from the data model. For
example, consumed associations can be replaced by explicit join expressions, which then only
produce dependencies where they actually exist.


◉ To avoid activation problems, cyclical dependencies should be kept to a minimum, even if the
CDS entities in question could in principle be activated. The data model should enable a hierarchical
view of the data and in this way remove the need for cyclical dependencies, even if they are not
characterized on the database.
◉ A solution for full resolution of semantic cyclical dependencies using step-by-step activation in
mass activation of CDS entities is currently being developed and will be shipped in a future release.
◉ Classic objects in ABAP Dictionary cannot have technical dependencies on each other, but they
can have semantic dependencies. Classic views, for example, cannot contain other views as data
sources. Semantic references, however, are possible, for example using foreign key relationships or
value tables. Mass activations of classic dictionary objects resolve any semantic cyclical
dependencies using step-by-step activation.


The following two CDS views consume each other as data sources, which creates a technical cycle.
Both of the views have incorrect syntax and cannot be activated as long as the other view does not
exist in an active version. One option is to remove the dependency on the other view from one of
the views and then activate both views. If the dependency is then applied again, the view has
correct syntax but still cannot be activated. This is because the associated CDS database views
cannot have cyclical dependencies on each other. 104/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'TEST1'
define view test_view1 as
     select from
     { * }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'TEST2'
define view test_view2 as
        select from


The cyclical dependency of the following views is produced by associations and has a semantic

◉ The view test_view1 defines and exposes an association _assoc1 to the view test_view2.
◉ The view test_view2 defines and exposes an association _assoc2 to the view test_view3.
◉ The view test_view3 consumes test_view1 as a data source and consumes its association _assoc1
in a specified path.

This means that test_view2 makes test_view1 dependent on test_view3, which itself is dependent on
test_view1. The views, however, do not contain any path expressions that characterize the
dependencies between test_view1 and test_view2 and between test_view2 and test_view3 as join
expressions on the database, which means there is no technical cycle and they can be activated in
principle. Mass activations of all the views, however, is not currently possible. Situations of this type
do not usually arise only after transports into target systems and not during the development
phase. In this case, activations are only possible manually. This is done by removing the dependency
of the view test_view3 on test_view2 (by deleting the association _assoc2 in test_view2) and
applying the dependency again after the three views are activated. This would have to be done in
every target system of a transport.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'TEST1'
define view test_view1 as
     select from
     association to test_view2 as _assoc1
                    on table1.field =  _assoc1.field
     { _assoc1,
       field }

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'TEST2'
define view test_view2 as
     select from
     association to test_view3 as _assoc2 105/106
5/3/2018 SAP ABAP Central: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions

                    on table2.field =  _assoc2.field
     { _assoc2,
       field }

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'TEST3'
define view test_view3 as
     select from
     { _assoc1.field }

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