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Police1 Police Report Example

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Clear, defined, bolded

headings A Guide to the Perfect Police

Synopsis: Who,
Report Format what, when, where
Synopsis: Artificial Intelligence Edition

On August 4, 2020, Jason CARTER and Jaqueline ANDERSON were arrested on (1) count
of aggravated assault (ARS 13-1204A) for striking Blake OSHAGHANOSEE with a
hammer. ANDERSON was also arrested on (1) count of possession of marijuana (13-
3405A1). Mike BENTONCOURT, an accomplice of CARTER and ANDERSON, fled the
scene before the officers arrived. OSHAGHANOSEE, was transported to Banner Gateway
for treatment. Some agencies
require this
Body Camera Statement:

During this investigation, I was wearing an on-officer body camera. The digital video file
was downloaded and stored at XYZ.

Involved People:

(S1) – Jason Carter, DOB 03/22/1984. ID confirmed with MVD picture and verbally.

(S2) – Jaqueline Anderson, DOB 03/28/1984. ID confirmed with MVD photo and AZDL

(IL) Mike Bentoncourt, DOB 12/09/1988. ID confirmed through fingerprint and video
(2) forms of ID
(V) – Blake Oshaghanosee, DOB 03/01/1990. ID confirmed with MVD photo and verbally required for all
(IO) - Tessa Evans, DOB 12/16/1984. ID confirmed with AZDL and verbally - Verbally

(RP) – Sally May, DOB 09/18/1903. ID confirmed with AZDL and verbally - Drivers/ID Card

- MVD photo
(W) – Jake Buttercup, DOB 01/01/2001. ID confirmed with AZDL and verbally
- Fingerprint

Evidence Property:

Evidence #12345 – black and yellow hammer List the location.

You can either do
- found on the north side of the McDonald’s dumpster it here or directly
in the narrative.
Evidence #12556 – approximately (2)oz of marijuana *Example shown
below in RED
- found in the ANDERSON’s right front pocket

Evidence #12554 – Video surveillance from McDonald’s

Clear, defined, bolded headings Use [brackets] for
editorial comments:
Narrative: For example:
Dispatch never said

On August 4, 2020 at 0900 hours, I arrived at 125 N Gilbert Road (McDonald’s) to [victim] but I used it
investigate an aggravated assault. Dispatched comments said a male [victim] was to help for clarity.
struck in the head with a hammer by another male. The male then handed the
hammer to a female who also struck the male [victim] in the head. The female then
gave the hammer to a different male and fled the scene.

I arrived at the McDonalds at 0903 hours. I pulled my gun and ordered the male, (S1) Use identifiers

Jason CARTER, and the female, (S2) Jaqueline ANDERSON, to the ground. They when a person is
complied. Officer Gomez arrived and helped me detain both CARTER and ANDERSON introduced
in handcuffs. We placed ANDERSON in my police car and CARTER in Officer Clifford’s
police car. Officer Gomez watched both CARTER and ANDERSON while I went to go Use UPPERCASE for
check on the (V) Blake OSHAGHANOSEE. last names as an
identify instead of
OSHAGHANOSEE was awake but bleeding uncontrollably from his head. (W) Jake first names.

BUTTERCUP was applying pressure to OSHAGHANOSEE head using a shirt. I asked

OSHAGHANOSEE how he was feeling, and he told me he was just hit in the head with UPPERCASE first
a hammer. names if people
share the same last
Medics arrived at 0908 hours to treat OSHAGHANOSEE. OSHAGHANOSEE was name.
transported to Loving Medical Center for treatment. EXAMPLE:

Investigation: JOSE Smith

ALEX Smith
I spoke with (W) BUTTERCUP, who said the following:

CARTER took a hammer out of his back pocket then “whacked” OSHAGHANOSEE To avoid redundant
over the head. CARTER yelled, “that’s for looking on my girlfriend.” CARTER then sentences like “He
gave the hammer to ANDERSON, who “smacked him [OSHAGHANOSEE] with the told me this, then
hammer in the face” while yelling, “you pervert.” he told me that,
then he said this”
BUTTERCUP yelled at both CARTER and ANDERSON to stop. ANDERSON then
gave the hammer to another male who ran north from McDonalds. Just write,

I spoke with
BUTTERCUP completed a witness statement. [whoever] who told
I then spoke with (RP) Salley MAY, who said the following:

She didn’t see anything because she is “really old.” However, she heard that
someone was being beaten outside with a hammer, so she called the police.
I asked how she knew that someone was being beaten with a hammer. She said (WHITE SPACE to
she used to be in a violent street gang and routinely beat people with hammers, emphasize parts
so she knows what it sounds like to be beaten with a hammer. and make it easier
to follow
MAY refused to write a witness statement.
Write a short
After I spoke with MAY, (IO) Theresa EVANS walked up to me and told me she overheard
summary of what
us talking about a hammer, so she went out to look for it. She found a hammer near a another officer told
dumpster that matched the description of the one used in the assault. She walked me to you. DO NOT just
the McDonald’s dumpsters and pointed to a black and yellow hammer hidden on the write “please see
north side of the dumpster. I assigned Officer Smith to stand by the hammer until a Officer XYZ’s
crime scene technician arrived. report”

I sent Officer Hinkleman to go to the hospital to check on injuries and to interview

OSHAGHANOSEE. Officer Hinkleman told me the following. (For complete details, please
see his supplemental report).
Document Injuries

OSHAGHANOSEE was struck once in the head and once in his face. There is a
small fracture to OSHAGHANOSEE’s skull and significant bruising on his face. Dr.
Amanalui said he should be released in a few days.

OSHAGHANOSEE told Officer Hinkleman he was eating a quarter pounder with

cheese and fries when he saw a girl [ANDERSON] that “was not from around
here.” He kept his eye on her while he ate his meal. After he left the restaurant,
he noticed ANDERSON waiting by the front door. He said “hello” to her and
started to walk away. Soon after, a male [CARTER] took out a hammer and hit
him over the head. CARTER then gave the hammer to ANDERSON who “bitch Use exact quotes
slapped me” with the hammer.

I then interviewed CARTER who was sitting in Officer Clifford’s patrol car. I read CARTER
Miranda at 0948 hours and he said, “Yes,” he understood his rights. Under Miranda,
CARTER said the following:

“I ain’t gonna answer shit.”

I interviewed ANDERSON who was sitting in my car. I read ANDERSON Miranda at 0950
hours and she said, “yes,” she understood her rights. Under Miranda, ANDERSON said LEGAL: Document
the following: Miranda times
and exact
A “creepy” guy [OSHAGHANOSEE] was looking at her while she was eating food. statements from
She finally had enough, so she left the restaurant. When she was outside with suspect.
CARTER, she saw OSHAGHANOSEE come out the front door. He said, “Hello,” but
CARTER got mad and “whacked him over the head with his favorite hammer.”

ANDERSON continued saying:

CARTER then gave her the hammer, so she “bitch slapped him” because it “just Indentations
felt right.” She then handed the hammer to her friend, “MB.” (WHITE SPACE)
to emphasize
ANDERSON said she knew what she did was wrong and that I should just take her parts and make it
to jail. She also did not know “MB’s” real name. easier to follow
Clear, defined, bolded subheadings

Search and Arrest:

Documenting Handcuffing

I arrested CARTER at 1000 hours for (1) count of Aggravated Assault (ARS 13-1204A).
Since I already placed handcuffs on him, I double-checked the fit and made sure they
were double locked. I searched CARTER and put his personal belongings in a property
bag for the jail.
I arrested ANDERSON at 1005 hours for (1) count of Aggravated Assault (ARS 13-
1204A). Since she was already in handcuffs, I double-checked the fit and made sure
they were double locked. ANDERSON said her right hand hurt, so I adjusted the fit once
again. She told me it felt much better.
While I was searching ANDERSON, I found a small baggie of marijuana in her right front
pocket. She immediately said, “It’s just weed.” *Alternative

Or; Use this format

when you find
While I was searching ANDERSON I found the following: multiple pieces of
Right front pants pocket – approximately (2)oz of marijuana evidence in various

Crime Scene Tech

CSS Gutman arrived to take photographs and collect the hammer and take photographs
of the crime scene. He later left the scene to take photographs of OSHAGHANOSEE at
the hospital.
CSS Gutman also field-tested and collected ANDERSON’s marijuana which field tested
positive for the presence of marijuana.
Please see his report for further.

Post Arrest Follow Up

CSS Gutman immediately processed the hammer for fingerprints. He found both
ANDERSON’s and CARTER’s fingerprints along with (IL) Mike BENTONCOURT’s.
I compared Mike BENTONCOURT’s MVD photo with the video surveillance taken from
McDonald’s. BENTONCOURT’s MVD photo was almost identical to that of the person in
the video surveillance.
I reviewed the video surveillance from McDonald’s. I saw CARTER hit OSHAGHANOSEE
over the head with the hammer then give the hammer to ANDERSON, who slapped him
with it. ANDERSON then handed the hammer to BENTONCOURT who fled northbound
through the parking lot.

I am requesting follow-up from detectives to: List exactly what

you would like
1) interview Mike BENTONCOURT
detectives to do.
2) Follow-up with OSHAGHANOSEE medical injuries
Never put, “I am
detective follow
Attachments: up.” Tell them what
you need.
1) Witness statement from BUTTERCUP

Case Disposition LEGAL: Case

Cleared arrest for ANDERSON and CARTER. Disposition is
required in order to
legally close a case.

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