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BMSCW: I Semester M.Sc. Examination, January 2015 (Y2K11 (RNS) Scheme) Mathematics M103: Topology - I

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*PG967* PG – 967

I Semester M.Sc. Examination, January 2015

(Y2K11 (RNS) Scheme)
M103 : Topology – I

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) Answer any five full questions choosing atleast two from
each Part.
2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. a) Define an infinite set. Prove that every super set of an infinite set is infinite. 8
b) Let X be an infinite set, and x 0 ∈ X then prove that X – {x0} is an infinite set. 8

2. a) Prove that the open interval (0, 1) of reals is non-denumerable set. 8

b) State and prove Cantor’s theorem. 8


3. a) Define a metric on a nonempty set X. If d is a metric on X, then prove that

d( x , y )
e(x, y) = , ∀x, y ∈ X is a metric on X. 8
1 + d( x , y )

b) Prove that a subspace of a complete metric is complete iff it is closed. 8

4. a) State and prove contraction mapping theorem. 6

b) State and prove Baire’s category theorem. 10


5. a) Define a topology on a non-empty set. Prove that the intersection of two topologies
is again a topology. 5

b) Is the union of two topologies a topology ? Justify. 3

c) Prove that every metric space is a topological space. 8

PG – 967 -2- *PG967*

6. a) Prove the following hold in [x, ℑ ]. 6

i) α(φ ) = φ
ii) A ⊆ B implies d(A) ⊆ d(B)
ii) d(A ∪ B) = d(A) ∪ d(B)

b) If A ⊆ (X, ℑ ], then prove that A ∪ d(A) is closed. 4

c) Prove that a point x belongs to the closure of a set A iff every open set G
which contains x has a nonempty intersection with A. 6

7. a) Prove the following :

i) A° ⊆ A
ii) A is open iff A = A°
iii) A ⊆ B ⇒ A ° ⊆ B°
iv) A ° ∩ B° = (A ∩ B )°
W 8
b) Let (Y, ℑ *) ⊆ (X, ℑ ) and E ⊆ Y ⊆ X, then prove the following

i) Ey = E ∩ Y

ii) E° = E° Y ∩ Y °
iii) bY(E) ⊆ b(E) ∩ Y 8

8. a) Prove that a mapping f : X → Y is continuous iff inverses of open sets are

open. 8

b) Prove that a bijective function f : X → Y is a homeomorphism iff

f( A°) = f(A)° ∀ A ⊆ X . 8


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