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Agapay V Palang

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Agapay v Palang

GR 116668 | July 28, 1997 | Romero Issue: Whether or Not Carlina Palang and
Herminia Palang Dela Cruz are entitled for the
Facts: recovery of the Riceland and house and lot
1. Miguel Palang married respondent which were both purchased during the
Carlina Palang on July 16, 1949. Miguel cohabitation of Miguel with Erlinda.
and Carlina’s only child is Herminia
Palang. Ruling: Yes, Respondents are entitled for the
recovery of the Riceland and the house and
2. However, On July 15, 1973, the then 63 lot.
year old Miguel contracted his second
marriage with Erlinda Agapay The provision of law applicable is Art
(petitioner), 19 years old. 148 of the Family Code as Miguel and Erlinda
contracted marriage on July 15, 1973, and thus,
said union was patently void because the earlier
3. Two months before the said second marriage of Miguel and Carlina was still
marriage, Miguel and Erlinda, as subsisting and unaffected by the latter’s de facto
evidenced by the Deed of Sale, jointly separation.
purchased a parcel of agricultural land
located at Pangasinan with an area of Under Art 148, only the properties
10,080 square meters. acquired by both of the parties through their
actual joint contribution of money, property or
4. A house and lot in Pangasinan was industry shall be owned by them in common in
likewise purchased on September 23, proportion to their respective contributions. It
1975, allegedly by Erlinda as the sole must be stressed that actual contribution is
vendee. required by this provision. In the absence of
proof for such requirement, there will be no co-
5. Miguel and Erlinda’s cohabitation ownership and no presumption of equal shares.
produced a son, Kristopher A. Palang.
In this case, petitioner Erlinda failed to
6. In 1979, Miguel and Erlinda were prove that she contributed money to purchase
convicted of concubinage upon Carlina’s price of the Riceland. Worth noting is the fact
complaint. that on the date of conveyance, Erlinda was only
around 20 years of age and Miguel was already
7. On July 11, 1981, Carlina Palang and 64 and a pensioner of the US government.
her daughter Herminia Palang Dela Considering her youthfulness, it is unrealistic to
Cruz instituted the case at bar, an action conclude that in 1973 she contributed P3,750.00
for recovery of ownership and as her share in the purchase price of subject
possession with damages against property, there being no proof of the same.
With respect to the house and lot, the
8. Private respondents sought to get back testimony of the notary public who prepared the
the Riceland and the house and lot both deed of conveyance reveals the falsehood of
located in Pangasinan allegedly this claim because Atty Sagun testified that
purchased by Miguel during his Miguel provided the money for the purchase
cohabitation with petitioner Erlinda. price and directed that Erlinda’s name alone be
place as the vendee, and thus, the transaction is
9. Erlinda, however, contented that as a donation. But such donation is clearly void and
regards to the Riceland, she had already inexistent by express provision of law because it
given half of the property to their son was made between persons guilty of
Kristopher while as to the house and lot, concubinage at the time of donation. (Art 739
she added that the same is her sole CC) And Art 87 of Family Code expressly
property, having bought the same with provides the prohibition against donation
her own money. between spouses now applies to donations
between persons living together as husband and
wife without a valid marriage.

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