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Evidence: Wiki "My Favorite City" English Dot Work 2 Semana 3

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Evidence: Wiki “My favorite city” English dot work 2 semana 3

a. Describir su ciudad favorita.

My favorite city is Cúcuta, the city where I live.
I live in the city of Cúcuta Norte de Santander (Colombia).
People in Cúcuta are very friendly and the food is delicious.
Cúcuta is beautiful. It is a small town and not expensive.

It is a city surrounded by lots of nature, there are many trees in the city, and it is considered the greenest city in Colombia.
The weather is hot, warm, and sunny. My

neighborhood is La Playa.

There is a great park to go for a walk, the park is called "Parque de los niños". My
neighborhood is near the center city. It is really nice.
In Cucuta there are many bus stop and taxis, so I don’t have problems with transportation.

The only negative aspect is traffic jams. There

are many stores nearby.
There is a supermarket "Los montes” behind my home. I buy
all my groceries there.

My neighborhood is just 20 minutes from the International Airport Camilo Daza, and Ventura Plaza Shopping Center, in
the financial and commercial center of the city.

My house is located across from the post office "Servientrega", and in

the corner there is a bakery.
I love my city !.

There are many gym for exercise.

I will name several gyms: Flex Gym Center, fitness gym The Super bodytechGym 13.

There is a tourist site Cucuta known as "Pozo Azul" can take a tour of the nature and end of the route there is a blue lake,
where you can swim and enjoy the scenery.
This site is near the road called the "Anillo Vial".

In Cúcuta the border with Venezuela is closed.

There are places from visited, the park of the water, there is swimming pool, sport field soccer.

In Cúcuta there are sports activities are called Ciclovia, close the Libertadores avenue for people to make outdoor sports, as
they do in Miami Beach in United States.

The Libertadores Avenue opens at 8:00 am and close at 1:00 pm every Sunday. Every
Sunday there are people who go out to perform different outdoor sports.

The Libertadores Avenue also call the Malecon.

In Cúcuta, on Sundays close street Malecon, there are people Working out different sports for example: Riding a bike,
walking, talking, playing, to walking with the dogs, skating, and aerobics.
There are exotic places such as: “pozo azul”.
Pozo azul is a place where you can walk around the nature. At 40

minutes, there are a small town “El Zulia”,

The people travel the weekend a swimming in the river Zulia, besides, cook food is called Sancocho.

There are two large shopping mall.

The nearest shopping center is called Ventura Plaza and the other mall called Unicentro.

In the Ventura Plaza shopping mall, there is a movie theater, there are a videogames for children. There are

many good restaurants.

There are restaurants from every country - Italian, Chinese.
The Colombians eat a lot of seafood. It’s very fresh!.

In Colombia the price of the dollar today April 10, 2016 is $ 3076.29 COP.
$ 1 USD = $ 3076.29 COP (Colombian currency).

There are cheap hotels in the center city, in the Avenue 4 with street 12. A
room is about $16.25 dollars (USD) a night,

and in Colombian currency it has a value of $ 50,000 COP COP (Colombian currency) the night. There are

international hotels in the center.

A hotel called International Casino Hotel.

The International Casino Hotel is 4-star hotel has an executive and cozy style, is located on 11th Street in the center city.

Here a room is about $ 58.51 dollars (USD) a night,

and in Colombian currency it has a value of $ 180,000 the night.

Near the city of Cucuta, there are villages of cold weather, which is often visited the village Chinacota, because there are
many nature and is a very quiet place to rest, you can also rent cabins to rest.

I hope soon your visit this city and enjoy, happy day and see you soon.

My favorite city in English Mi ciudad favorita en Ingles.

My favorite city is Cúcuta, the city where I live. I Mi ciudad favorita es Cúcuta, la ciudad donde vivo. Yo
live in the city of Cúcuta Norte de Santander vivo en la ciudad de Cúcuta Norte de Santander
(Colombia). (Colombia).
People in Cúcuta are very friendly and the food is La gente en Cúcuta es muy amable y la comida es
delicious. deliciosa.
Cúcuta is beautiful. It is a small town and not Cúcuta es precioso. Es una ciudad pequeña y no es caro.
Es una ciudad rodeada de mucha naturaleza, hay muchos
It is a city surrounded by lots of nature, there are árboles en la ciudad, y se considera la ciudad más verde de
many trees in the city, and it is considered the Colombia.
greenest city in Colombia. El clima es caliente, caliente, y soleado.
The weather is hot, warm, and sunny.
Mi barrio es La Playa.
My neighborhood is La Playa.
There is a great park to go for a walk, the park is Hay un gran parque para ir a dar un paseo, el parque se
called "Parque de los niños". llama "Parque de los niños".
My neighborhood is near the center city. It is really Mi barrio está cerca del centro de la ciudad. Es muy
nice. agradable.
In Cucuta there are many bus stop and taxis, so I don’t En Cúcuta hay muchos parada de autobús y taxis, así que
have problems with transportation. no tienen problemas con el transporte.

The only negative aspect is traffic jams. There El único aspecto negativo es atascos de tráfico. Hay
are many stores nearby. muchas tiendas cerca.
There is a supermarket "Los montes” behind my Hay un supermercado "Los Montes" detrás de mi casa.
home. Compro todas mis compras allí.
I buy all my groceries there.
Mi barrio está a sólo 20 minutos del Aeropuerto
My neighborhood is just 20 minutes from the International Internacional Camilo Daza, y Ventura Plaza Shopping
Airport Camilo Daza, and Ventura Plaza Shopping Center, in Center, en el centro financiero y comercial de la ciudad.
the financial and commercial center of the city.
Mi casa está situada al otro lado de la oficina de correos
My house is located across from the post office "Servientrega",
"Servientrega", y en la esquina hay una panadería.
and in the corner there is a bakery. I Amo a mi ciudad !.
love my city !.
Hay muchos gimnasio para hacer ejercicio.
There are many gym for exercise. Voy a nombrar varios gimnasios: Flex Gym Center, gym
I will name several gyms: Flex Gym Center, fitness El Super bodytechGym 13.
gym The Super bodytechGym 13.
Hay un sitio turístico Cúcuta conocido como "Pozo Azul"
There is a tourist site Cucuta known as "Pozo Azul" can puede hacer un recorrido por la naturaleza y al final de la
take a tour of the nature and end of the route there is a ruta hay un lago azul, donde se puede nadar y disfrutar del
blue lake, where you can swim and enjoy the scenery. paisaje.
This site is near the road called the "Anillo Vial". Este sitio está cerca de la carretera llamada "Anillo Vial".

En Cúcuta la frontera con Venezuela está cerrado. Hay

In Cúcuta the border with Venezuela is closed. There are lugares de visita, el parque del agua, hay piscina, campo de
places from visited, the park of the water, there is fútbol deporte.
swimming pool, sport field soccer.
En Cúcuta hay deportes actividades se denominan
In Cúcuta there are sports activities are called Ciclovia, Ciclovía, cierran la avenida Libertadores para las
close the Libertadores avenue for people to make outdoor personas que hacen deportes al aire libre, como lo hacen
sports, as they do in Miami Beach in United States. en Miami Beach, en Estados Unidos.

The Libertadores Avenue opens at 8:00 am and close at La Avenida Libertadores se abre a las 8:00 am y cierran
1:00 pm every Sunday. a las 1:00 pm todos los domingos.
Every Sunday there are people who go out to perform Todos los domingos hay personas que van a realizar
different outdoor sports. diferentes deportes al aire libre.

The Libertadores Avenue also call the Malecon. La Avenida Libertadores también llamado el Malecón.

In Cúcuta, on Sundays close street Malecon, there are En Cúcuta, los domingos cerca de la calle Malecón, hay
people Working out different sports for example: Riding a personas que trabajan a cabo diferentes deportes, por
bike, walking, talking, playing, to walking with the dogs, ejemplo:
skating, and aerobics. Andar en bicicleta, caminar, hablar, jugar, al caminar con los
perros, patinaje, y aeróbic.
There are exotic places such as: “pozo azul”. Hay lugares exóticos tales como: "Pozo Azul". Pozo
Pozo azul is a place where you can walk around the Azul es un lugar donde se puede caminar alrededor de
nature. la naturaleza.
At 40 minutes, there are a small town “El Zulia”, A los 40 minutos, hay una ciudad pequeña "El Zulia",
The people travel the weekend a swimming in the river Los alimentos gente viaja el fin de semana al nadar en el
Zulia, besides, cook food is called Sancocho. río Zulia, además, cocinero se llama Sancocho.
There are two large shopping mall. Hay dos gran centro comercial.
The nearest shopping center is called Ventura Plaza and El centro comercial más cercano se llama Ventura Plaza y
the other mall called Unicentro. el otro centro comercial Unicentro llamada.
In the Ventura Plaza shopping mall, there is a movie En el centro comercial Ventura Plaza, hay una sala de cine,
theater, there are a videogames for children. hay videojuegos para los niños.
There are many good restaurants. Hay muchos buenos restaurantes.
There are restaurants from every country - Italian, Hay restaurantes de todos los países - italiana, china. Los
Chinese. colombianos comen mucho marisco. Es muy fresco !.
The Colombians eat a lot of seafood. It’s very fresh!.

En Colombia, el precio del dólar hoy el 10 de abril de, 2016

In Colombia the price of the dollar today April 10, 2016 is es COP $ 3.076,29.
$ 3076.29 COP. $ 1 USD = $ 3076.29 COP (moneda colombiana).
$ 1 USD = $ 3076.29 COP (Colombian currency).
Hay hoteles baratos en el centro de la ciudad, en la Avenida 4
There are cheap hotels in the center city, in the Avenue 4 con calle 12.
with street 12. Una habitación es de unos $ 16.25 dólares (USD) por noche,
A room is about $16.25 dollars (USD) a night, y en moneda colombiana que tiene un valor de $
50.000 COP COP (moneda colombiana) la noche.
and in Colombian currency it has a value of $ 50,000
COP COP (Colombian currency) the night. Hay hoteles internacionales en el centro.
Un hotel que se llama Internacional Casino Hotel.
There are international hotels in the center. A
hotel called International Casino Hotel. El Casino Hotel Internacional es hotel de 4 estrellas dispone
de un ejecutivo y un estilo acogedor, está ubicado en la calle
The International Casino Hotel is 4-star hotel has an 11 en el centro de la ciudad.
executive and cozy style, is located on 11th Street in the
center city. Aquí una habitación es de aproximadamente $ 58.51
dólares (USD) por noche,
Here a room is about $ 58.51 dollars (USD) a night, y en moneda colombiana que tiene un valor de $
180.000 la noche.
and in Colombian currency it has a value of $
180,000 the night. Cerca de la ciudad de Cúcuta, hay pueblos de clima frío,
que a menudo se visitó el pueblo Chinacota, porque hay
Near the city of Cucuta, there are villages of cold weather, muchos naturaleza y es un lugar muy tranquilo para
which is often visited the village Chinacota, because there descansar, también se puede alquilar cabañas para
are many nature and is a very quiet place to rest, you can descansar.
also rent cabins to rest.
Espero pronto su visita a esta ciudad y disfrutar, feliz día y
hasta pronto.
I hope soon your visit this city and enjoy, happy day and
see you soon.
b. Comparar dos ciudades y explicar cuál es mejor basado en el post de un
Bogota is bigger than Cúcuta.
Cúcuta is smaller than Bogota.
Cúcuta is hotter than Bogota.
Bogota is colder than Cúcuta.
Bogota is older than Cúcuta.
The buildings in Bogota are more modern than the buildings in Cúcuta. Bogota
is more dangerous than Cúcuta.
Bogota is more exciting than Cúcuta.
Cúcuta is safer than Bogota.
Bogota is more expensive than Cúcuta.
Cúcuta is cheaper than Bogota. Cúcuta is
more beautiful than Bogota.

In Bogota there are more thieves than in Cúcuta.

In Cúcuta There are many parks and natural places to enjoy than in Bogota. In
Bogota there are more stores nearby to my house than in Cúcuta.
In Cúcuta There are more nature and forest than in Bogota.
In Bogota there are more traffic jams than in Cúcuta.
In Bogota there are more shopping centers than in Cúcuta.

Bogota is noisier than Cúcuta.

In Bogota you get stressed easier than in Cúcuta.
Bogota is more populated than Cúcuta.
Bogota is more polluted than Cúcuta.
Bogota is more modern than Cúcuta.
Bogota is dirtier than Cúcuta.
In Bogota there are streets dirtier than Cúcuta.
In Bogota you find more interesting places to visit than in Cúcuta. Life
in Bogota is more expensive than in Cúcuta.
Life in Cúcuta is quieter than life in Bogota. Life
in Cúcuta is slower than Bogota life.
Life in Bogota is faster than Cúcuta life.
The airport in Bogota is the farthest of the center than the airport in Cúcuta. Life in
Bogota is busier than Cúcuta life.
The people in Bogota is busier than Cúcuta people.

Bogota is bigger than Cúcuta. Bogotá es más grande que Cúcuta.

Cúcuta is smaller than Bogota. Cúcuta es más pequeña que
Cúcuta is hotter than Bogota. Bogotá. Cúcuta es más caliente que
Bogota is colder than Cúcuta. Bogotá. Bogotá es más frío que
Bogota is older than Cúcuta. Cúcuta.
The buildings in Bogota are more modern than the Bogotá es más antiguo que Cúcuta.
buildings in Cúcuta. Los edificios en Bogotá son más modernos que los
Bogota is more dangerous than Cúcuta. edificios en Cúcuta.
Bogota is more exciting than Cúcuta. Bogotá es más peligroso que Cúcuta.
Cúcuta is safer than Bogota. Bogotá es más emocionante que Cúcuta.
Bogota is more expensive than Cúcuta. Cúcuta es más seguro que Bogotá.
Cúcuta is cheaper than Bogota. Bogotá es más caro que Cúcuta.
Cúcuta is more beautiful than Bogota. Cúcuta es más barato que Bogotá.
Cúcuta es más hermoso que
In Bogota there are more thieves than in Cúcuta. Bogotá.
In Cúcuta There are many parks and natural places to
enjoy than in Bogota. En Bogotá hay más ladrones que en Cúcuta.
In Bogota there are more stores nearby to my house En Cúcuta Hay muchos parques y lugares naturales para
than in Cúcuta. disfrutar que en Bogotá.
In Cúcuta There are more nature and forest than in En Bogotá hay más tiendas cerca de mi casa que en
Bogota. Cúcuta.
In Bogota there are more traffic jams than in Cúcuta. En Cúcuta Hay más naturaleza y bosque que en Bogotá.
In Bogota there are more shopping centers than in
Cúcuta. En Bogotá hay más atascos de tráfico que en Cúcuta.
En Bogotá hay más centros comerciales que en
Bogota is noisier than Cúcuta. Cúcuta.
In Bogota you get stressed easier than in Cúcuta.
Bogota is more populated than Cúcuta.
Bogota is more polluted than Cúcuta. Bogotá es más ruidoso que Cúcuta.
Bogota is more modern than Cúcuta. En Bogotá se estresan más fácil que en Cúcuta.
Bogota is dirtier than Cúcuta. Bogotá es más poblada que Cúcuta.
In Bogota there are streets dirtier than Cúcuta. Bogotá está más contaminado que
In Bogota you find more interesting places to visit Cúcuta. Bogotá es más moderno que
than in Cúcuta. Cúcuta.
Life in Bogota is more expensive than in Cúcuta. Bogotá es más sucia que Cúcuta.
Life in Cúcuta is quieter than life in Bogota. En Bogotá hay calles más sucias que Cúcuta.
Life in Cúcuta is slower than Bogota life. En Bogotá a encontrar los lugares más interesantes para
Life in Bogota is faster than Cúcuta life. visitar que en Cúcuta.
The airport in Bogota is the farthest of the center La vida en Bogotá es más caro que en Cúcuta.
than the airport in Cúcuta. La vida en Bogotá es más tranquila que la vida en Cúcuta.
La vida en Cúcuta es más lenta que la vida Bogotá.
La vida en Bogotá es más rápida que la vida Cúcuta.
El aeropuerto de Bogotá es el más alejado del centro que
el aeropuerto de Cúcuta.
Life in Bogota is busier than Cúcuta life. La vida en Bogotá está más ocupado que la vida Cúcuta.
The people in Bogota is busier than Cúcuta people. La gente en Bogotá está más ocupado que la gente

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