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Unit 1 - Introduction of Energy Sources and Its Conversion: Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

Unit 1– Introduction of energy sources and its conversion

1. Hydropower is a 8. Biogas is produced by

conventional form of energy anaerobic decomposition of organic
a. True b. false waste by suitable bacteria.
a. True b. False.
2. Which of the following is 9. The energy which is not
not the renewable form of energy? derived from the sun is
a. Solar a. Biomass
b. Hydropower b. Fossil fuels
c. Tidal c. Nuclear energy
d. All of the above. d. Geothermal energy.
e. None of the above. 10. Bio fuels can be produced
3. A source of energy is a. Biomass
known as renewable source b. Agriculture waste
a. Fossil fuel c. Municipal garbage
b. Nuclear d. All of the above.
c. CNG 11. The function of steam
d. All of the above. nozzles is to convert the pressure
energy into
4. Which of the following a. Kinetic energy
energy is converted into electricity b. Mechanical energy
in a hydro power plant? c. Thermal energy
a. Nuclear energy d. Power
b. Potential energy of water 12. Steam turbine is used to
c. Thermal energy produce ____ energy by expanding
d. All of the above. high pressure steam.
e. None of the above. a. Kinetic
b. Mechanical
5. Solar energy is preferred c. Heat
because it is d. Power
a. Free from pollution 13. A generator converts the
b. Available in abundance a. Mechanical energy into
c. No fuel transportation electrical energy.
d. Can be converted in b. Thermal energy into
power electrical energy
e. All of the above. c. Electrical energy into
6. A solar collector is a mechanical energy.
device for collecting solar radiation d. Pressure energy into
on a surface called absorber and Kinetic energy
transfer this energy to another fluid.
a. True b. False 14. The control rods are used
7. The function of a dam / to regulate the energy released by
reservoir in hydro power plant is to absorbing.
provide high working head. a. Neutrons
a. True b. False b. Heat
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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

c. Coolant them.
d. Nuclear energy
15. In hydro electrical plants 18. Dam is used to increase
the …. energy of water is used to the storage capacity of.. … and
move hydraulic turbine. increase the working.. ... of the
a. Potential Energy plant.
b. Kinetic energy
c. Both option a and b. 19. Function of surge tank is
protect the …. due to sudden
16. Function of a boiler is to variations of flow of water.
generate ….. on expense of heat
energy supplied.
20. Hydraulic turbines are
17. Moderators in a nuclear used to convert the …… of
reactor are used to reduce the speed water into.… energy
of fast moving neutrons without ..…


Q. No. Solution Q. No. Solution

1 b 11 a
2 e 12 b
3 b 13 a
4 b 14 a
5 e 15 a
6 True 16 Steam
7 True 17 Absorbing
8 True 18 Reservoir, Head
9 c 19 penstock
10 d 20 Kinetic, Mechanical

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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

MCQ: Unit 1 Introduction of Energy Sources & Its Conversion

1. The modern steam turbines are

A) Impulse turbines
B) Reaction turbines
C) Impulse-reaction turbines
D) None of the above

2. The best capable alternative source which can meet the future energy demand is _____________
A) thermal power plant
B) nuclear power plant
C) hydroelectric power plant
D) geothermal power plant

3. How much coal is required to generate energy equivalent to the energy generated by 1 kg of
a) 30000 tonnes of high grade coal
b) 300 tonnes of high grade coal
c) 10000 tonnes of high grade coal
d) 3000 tonnes of high grade coal

4. Nuclear fuel in reactor lasts for ________________

a) more than 5 months
b) few weeks
c) few days
d) more than 5 years

5. Cost of nuclear fuel in nuclear power plant economics is considered as __________

a) running cost
b) maintenance cost
c) capital cost
d) development cost

6. What is the overall efficiency of nuclear power plant?

a) 20 to 25%
b) 25 to 30%
c) 30 to 40 %
d) 50 to 70 %

7. The land area required for installation of nuclear power plant is ________
a) more than thermal power plant
b) less than thermal power plant
c) equel to thermal power plant
d) depends on type of construction
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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

8. All of the nuclear fuel reserve will be ended in about 400 years.
a) True
b) False

9. With respect to the load centre which location is suitable for establishment of nuclear power
a) Load centre
b) Near load centre but at reasonable distance
c) Far away from load centre
d) Near chemical industries

10. Operating cost of nuclear power plant is less than thermal power plant.
a) True
b) False

11. The amount of electrical energy that can be generated by a hydroelectric power plant depends
upon ___________
a) Head of water
b) Quantity of water
c) Specific weight of water
d) Efficiency of Alternator

12. Potential energy of water is used to drive the turbine.

a) True
b) False

13. Hydroelectric power plant is __________

a) Non-renewable source of energy
b) Conventional source of energy
c) Non-conventional source of energy
d) Continuous source of energy

14. Hydroelectric power plant is generally located near load centre.

a) True
b) False

15. Hydroelectric power plant is mainly located in ____________

a) Flat areas
b) Deserts
c) Hilly areas
d) Deltas

16. Which statement about hydroelectric power plant is wrong?

a) Efficiency of hydroelectric power plant does not reduce with age
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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

b) Its construction coast is very high and takes a long time for erection.
c) It is very neat and clean plant because no smoke or ash is produced.
d) Meeting rapidly changing load demands is not possible in hydroelectric power plant.

17. Which of the following is not an advantage of hydroelectric power plant?

a) no fuel requirement
b) low running cost
c) continuous power source
d) no standby losses

18. Which of the following statement is true about hydroelectric power plant?
a) Hydroelectric power plants are multipurpose.
b) Due to non-uniform flow of water frequency control in such plants is very difficult.
c) Hydroelectric power plant has high running cost
d) Water is used as fuel in hydroelectric power plant

19. What is the main source for the formation of wind?

a) Uneven land
b) Sun
c) Vegetation
d) Seasons

20. “During the day, the air above the land heats up more quickly than the air over water”.
a) True
b) False

21. What happens when the land near the earth’s equator is heated?
a) All the oceans gets heated up
b) Small wind currents are formed
c) Rise in tides
d) Large atmospheric winds are created

22. What type of energy is wind energy?

a) Renewable energy
b) Non-renewable energy
c) Conventional energy
d) Commercial energy

23. What are used to turn wind energy into electrical energy?
a) Turbine
b) Generators
c) Yaw motor
d) Blades

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24. What is the diameter of wind turbine blades?

a) 320 feet
b) 220 feet
c) 80 feet
d) 500 feet

25. At what range of speed is the electricity from the wind turbine is generated?
a) 100 – 125 mph
b) 450 – 650 mph
c) 250 – 450 mph
d) 30-35 mph

26. Series and parallel combination of the solar cell is known as _________
a) Solar array
b) Solar light
c) Solar sight
d) Solar eye

27. Material used for making solar cell is _________

a) Silicon
b) Carbon
c) Sodium
d) Magnesium

28. The geothermal energy is the ________ from the earth.

a) Heat
b) Light
c) Photons
d) Protons

29. The hot water from the ground is used to ________

a) Turn turbines
b) Heat water
c) Heat turbines
d) Heat machinery

30. How many types of geothermal power plants are there?

a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 3

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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

31. Unlike other power plants, in geothermal power plants, no __________ is burned.
a) Kerosene
b) Petrol
c) Bio gas
d) Fossil fuel

32. From how many ways we can take the geothermal energy?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

33. Which of the following supplies maximum amount of hydrogen gas?

a) Natural gas
b) Anaerobic Digestion
c) Wastewater treatment
d) Electrolysis

34. In terms of green house gas emissions, how good or bad is hydrogen fuel?
a) Major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions
b) Zero-emission fuel
c) Lowest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions
d) Hydrogen cannot be used as fuel

35. Which of the following use hydrogen as fuel?

a) Fossil fuels
b) Anerobic digestion
c) Fuel cells
d) Cooking

36. Which of the following is the most popular application of hydrogen fuel cell?
a) Fuel cell vehicles
b) Fuel cell energy power plants
c) Fuel cells stand-alone power supplies
d) Fuel cells spacecraft

37. How is hydrogen gas produced from fossil fuels?

a) Partial oxidation of methane
b) Electrolysis
c) Evaporation
d) Biomass gasification

38. How does electrolysis produce hydrogen?

a) By running electricity to combine hydrogen and water

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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

b) By separating water into hydrogen and oxygen and generating electricity

c) By passing electricity into water to separate it into hydrogen and oxygen
d) By passing electricity into water to evaporate it into hydrogen

39. What is the main problem in using hydrogen as fuel for vehicles?
a) Capital intensive
b) Storage
c) Fuel cell technology is not well established
d) Cars will become heavy

40. What is a fuel cell?

a) Converts heat energy to chemical energy
b) Converts heat energy to electrical energy
c) Converts chemical energy to electrical energy
d) Converts kinetic energy to heat energy

41. The term biomass most often refers to ___________

a) Inorganic matter
b) Organic matter
c) Chemicals
d) Ammonium compounds

42. Dead organisms also come under the biomass.

a) True
b) False

43. Biomass is useful to produce __________

a) Chemicals
b) Fibres
c) Biochemicals
d) Transportation fuels

44. Which one of the following is an example of starch crops biomass feed stocks?
a) Sugar cane
b) Wheat straw
c) Corn stover
d) Orchard prunings

45. Which of the following is not used as biomass?

a) Hybrid poplar
b) Willow algae
c) Iron nails
d) Trap grease

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Strength of Mechanical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

46. Centrifugal pump is a_________

a) Turbomachinery
b) Flow regulating device
c) Drafting device
d) Intercooling device

47. Turbomachines work under ________

a) Newtons first law
b) Newtons second law
c) Newtons third law
d) Kepler’s law

48. The main function of nozzle is to __________

a) Varying temperatures
b) Pressure variations
c) Load variations
d) Heat variations

49. The main function of centrifugal pumps are to ________

a) Transfer speed
b) Transfer pressure
c) Transfer temperature
d) Transfer energy

50. Centrifugal pumps transfer energy from _______

a) Rotor to fluid
b) Fluid to rotor
c) Draft to rotor
d) Rotor to draft

51. Which among the following control the flow rate?

a) Valve
b) Pump
c) Head
d) Tank pipe

52. Turbines and compressors work with the gas, while centrifugal pump transfers energy.
a) True
b) False

53. The inlet passage of water entry is controlled by ________

a) Head race
b) Gate

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c) Tail race
d) Pump

54. Centrifugal pumps are a sub class of dynamic axisymmetric work absorbing turbomachinery.
a) True
b) False

55. Centrifugal pumps are used to transport ________

a) Pressure
b) Speed
c) Power
d) Fluid

56. Centrifugal pumps transport fluids by converting _________

a) Kinetic energy to hydrodynamic energy
b) Hydrodynamic energy to kinetic energy
c) Mechanical energy to kinetic energy
d) Mechanical energy to Hydrodynamic energy

57. The rotational kinetic energy comes from ______

a) Engine motor
b) Pump
c) Tank
d) Draft tube

58. The fluid coming into the centrifugal pump is accelerated by ________
a) Throttle
b) Impeller
c) Nozzle
d) Governor

59. Rotary compressors are used where ____ quantities of gas are needed at relatively ____ pressure.
a) large, high
b) large, low
c) small, high
d) small, low

60. Rotary compressor can be classified as

a) displacement compressor
b) steady-flow compressor

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c) both of the mentioned

d) none of the mentioned

61. The Roots blower and vane-type compressor are the types of
a) displacement compressor
b) steady-flow compressor
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

62. The centrifugal and axial flow compressor are the types of
a) displacement compressor
b) steady-flow compressor
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

63. Hydraulic energy is converted into another form of energy by hydraulic machines. What form of
energy is that?
a) Mechanical Energy
b) Electrical Energy
c) Nuclear Energy
d) Elastic Energy

64. In hydraulic turbines, inlet energy is greater than the outlet energy.
a) True
b) False

65. Buckets and blades used in a turbine are used to:

a) Alter the direction of water
b) Switch off the turbine
c) To regulate the wind speed
d) To regenerate the power

66. Which energy generated in a turbine is used to run electric power generator linked to the turbine
a) Mechanical Energy
b) Potential Energy
c) Elastic Energy
d) Kinetic Energy

67. Which kind of turbines changes the pressure of the water entered through it?
a) Reaction turbines
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b) Impulse turbines
c) Reactive turbines
d) Kinetic turbines

68. Which type of turbine is used to change the velocity of the water through its flow?
a) Kinetic turbines
b) Axial flow turbines
c) Impulse turbines
d) Reaction turbines


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