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Crystalliser Design

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Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729—737

Design of industrial crystallisers for a given product quality

Herman J.M. Kramer*, Sean K. Bermingham, Gerda M. van Rosmalen
Laboratory for Process Equipment, Technische Universiteit Delft, Leeghwaterstraat 44, 2628 CA Delft, The Netherlands


The main challenge in the design of industrial crystallisers is to predict the influence of crystalliser geometry, scale,
operating conditions and process actuators on the process behaviour and product quality. The quality characteristics,
such as the crystal size distribution, inclusion content and morphology determine to a large extent the product
performance and are therefore of importance. The quality of the product crystals is basically determined by the rates at
which crystals are born and attrited, grow or dissolve and agglomerate in the different regions of the crystalliser. An
analysis technique is therefore introduced to describe the various crystallisation phenomena as a function of local process
conditions such as supersaturation and energy dissipation. This technique is based upon:

E the derivation of pure kinetic parameters from an MSMPR experiment.

E setting up compartmental models for design alternatives in order to separate kinetic and hydrodynamic phenomena.
E analysis of the process behaviour of the design alternatives by applying the same kinetic model and parameters for
each compartments.
E optimisation of the design alternatives with respect to product quality using crystalliser geometry, operating
conditions and the appropriate process actuators, like a fines removal system, as degrees of freedom.

The advantage of this technique over conventional techniques is illustrated for an evaporative DTB crystalliser.  1999
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction glomeration and purity, i.e. uptake of mother

liquid, foreign molecules or ions into its lattice.
The performance of a crystal product, such as its The quality characteristics of a crystalline prod-
filterability, flowability, drying, caking and tablet- uct are a complex function of the physical and
ting behaviour is mainly determined by the product thermodynamic properties of the solvent—solute
quality, which is expressed in terms of crystal size system on the one hand and the various process
distribution, morphology, polymorph, degree of ag- conditions experienced by the crystals during their
stay in the different regions of the crystalliser vessel
on the other.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #31 15 278 5593; fax: In order to predict product quality, and
#31 15 278 6975; e-mail: thus product performance, a priori for a certain

0022-0248/99/$ — see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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730 H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737

solvent—solute system, crystalliser geometry and tions on crystallisation behaviour. Although it has
set of operating conditions, it is thus necessary to already long been recognised, that industrial crys-
take into account the non-uniform distribution tallisers are far from ideally mixed, geometrically
throughout the vessel of process variables, such as lumped descriptions of the crystallisation phe-
the solids density, crystal size distribution (CSD), nomena in a vessel and their effect on product
supersaturation and energy dissipation, and also quality still prevail.
the system dynamics, an inherent quality of most The need for a description of the crystallisation
crystallisation processes. phenomena on a local scale in an industrial crystal-
Traditional scale-up strategies for crystallisers do liser, i.e. on a scale where process conditions are
not take these geometric and time-dependent vari- uniform, is widely recognised:
ations into account, and it is therefore hardly sur-
E A geometrically lumped description only yields
prising that these strategies practically fail without
one average value for the supersaturation, thus
exception. In this paper, we will discuss an ap-
ignoring possible peak values. In evaporative
proach to the full scale design of industrial crystal-
crystallisers the supersaturation will be above
lisers for a predefined set of product specifications.
average in the boiling zone and lower, possibly
Main emphasis will be upon:
undersaturated, after the heat exchanger. Near
1. The need for a more detailed and separate de- feed points of a cooling crystalliser, where
scription of the hydrodynamics and kinetics to a saturated stream is mixed with the much cooler
analyse and optimise the behaviour of design contents of the vessel, high supersaturation
alternatives. values can be expected, possibly leading to pri-
2. Setting up hydrodynamic models for industrial mary nucleation or scaling. In both these exam-
scale crystallisers (typically non-MSMPR), in ples, a lumped description of the crystallisation
which the crystalliser volume is divided into process will probably ignore or definitely under-
hydrodynamically well-defined regions, i.e. re- estimate the occurrence of certain phenomena,
gions in which the supersaturation, energy dissi- such as dissolution and primary nucleation.
pation, solids density and CSD are uniformly E Whenever there is a difference in material density
distributed. of the solid and liquid phase, particle segregation
3. Obtaining scale and geometry independent kin- will occur to some extent. To what extent, de-
etic parameters, for a certain kinetic model, from pends on the internal circulation rate, which is
laboratory scale (MSMPR) experiments. The related to the specific power input of a circula-
key problem here is how to obtain pure kinetic tion pump or impeller. If particle segregation is
parameters, that are not polluted with hy- such that large particles will have a significantly
drodynamic information. shorter residence time in the boiling zone,
4. Description of the crystallisation phenomena the growth rate of these particles will appear to
in full scale crystallisers as a function of local be below average. In a geometrically lumped
process conditions, in order to properly predict description of such a process, this effect can only
the influence of changes in crystalliser geo- be described by lowering the growth rate con-
metry, scale and operating conditions on the stant of the larger particles. The error in this
resulting product quality and its related product approach becomes evident when the internal cir-
performance. culation rate is increased, particle segregation
decreases and the growth rate of these particles
approaches average values.
2. Drawback of current design practice These examples also obviate the problems en-
countered in practice, when a kinetic model, of
The main problem with the current design prac- which the parameters were estimated from the be-
tice, is the lacking of an adequate tool to predict the haviour of a non-ideally mixed crystalliser, is
influence of geometry, scale and operating condi- applied to another crystalliser. These kinetic
H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737 731

parameters will undoubtedly contain hy-

drodynamic information, such as the above-men-
tioned particle segregation effect, that is specific for
a certain crystalliser and operating conditions. It is
therefore not surprising that simple scale-up rules,
based on geometrically lumped descriptions of the
process behaviour, fail for crystallisation processes.
We therefore stress the need for laboratory scale,
MSMPR experiments for the derivation of ‘pure’
kinetic parameters, i.e. parameters that are not hy-
drodynamically polluted.
As a consequence, the design procedure which is
proposed in the next section, is partly based upon
a kinetic model of which the parameters are derived
from MSMPR experiments, and partly upon a hy-
drodynamic analysis of the full scale crystalliser.
Fig. 1. Multi-level design strategy.

3. Proposed design procedure

tration as well as its absolute value (Fig. 2).
Crystalliser design is a complex task in which Criteria such as the production capacity, scaling
many degrees of freedom are present. As a conse- tendency and width of the CSD determine the
quence it is convenient to decompose these degrees operation mode, i.e. (semi-)batch or continuous.
of freedoms into sets related to the chemical envi- The crystalliser type, i.e. DTB, FC, Oslo or stir-
ronment, the basic unit operation design and the red tank, strongly influences the maximum crys-
detailed, full scale crystalliser design (Fig. 1). tal size that can be obtained. This is related to
the severity of the mechanical interactions be-
1. Design alternatives are first of all generated by tween the crystals and the crystalliser hardware.
selecting a solvent and possibly additives, in In addition, calculations need to be performed
order to obtain the desired polymorph, the opti- to determine residence time, solids concentra-
mal crystal morphology and an acceptable solu- tion, operation temperature and pressure, main
bility for the main compound as well as for the crystalliser and heat exchanger dimensions, as
present impurities. The influence of solvent and well the various flows rates. At this stage only
additives upon morphology and polymorphism specifications for the yield, average crystal size
is determined by means of molecular modelling and overall purity of the crystals are used.
calculations in combination with laboratory ex- 3. Full-scale crystalliser design. At this stage, de-
periments. These calculations are based purely tailed analyses will be performed of the design
on physical and thermodynamic data of the alternatives generated in the previous level. The
materials involved. No process or equipment main objective is to check whether a certain
information is needed. crystalliser is capable of producing crystals of
2. ¹he basic unit operation design. For the alterna- the desired quality. The main degrees of freedom
tives resulting from level one, the crystallisation that are manipulated in this stage are the crystal-
method, the operation mode and the crystalliser liser geometry, the process conditions and the
type need to be selected. This part of the design type and dimensions of the process actuators.
task has a strong empirical nature. The crystal- This task requires a detailed model, which can
lisation method, i.e. evaporation, cooling or use the kinetic models and parameters obtained
flash cooling, is mainly determined by the tem- from laboratory scale experiments to predict
perature dependence of the saturation concen- the product quality of the full scale, typically
732 H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737

geometry, operating conditions and the appro-

priate process actuators as degrees of freedom.
The remainder of this paper will focus on level 3 of
this proposed crystalliser design procedure. First of
all, a methodology is discussed to derive a compart-
mental model for a particular crystalliser. This
methodology is subsequently applied to both la-
boratory- and industrial-scale crystallisers. Labor-
atory scale crystallisers need to be identified as an
MSMPR crystalliser for a specific solute—solvent—
additive system and for the applied process condi-
tions. This check is essential, as the technique in
this design procedure for the analysis of full-scale
crystalliser performance, requires a kinetic model
Fig. 2. Heuristics for crystallisation method selection.
with parameters that are not hydrodynamic pol-
luted. Compartmental models also need to be
derived for these large-scale crystallisers in order to
non-ideally mixed crystalliser as a function of
account for the non uniformly distributed process
local process conditions. For this purpose,
a compartmental modelling approach is applied,
to divide the crystalliser volume into a number
of well-mixed regions, with respect to super-
4. Deriving a compartmental model
saturation, energy dissipation, solids density and
In this section a heuristic approach for the deri-
vation of a compartmental model for suspension
To perform a detailed analysis of the behaviour of
crystallisers [2] is summarised. Setting up a com-
full-scale crystalliser design alternatives, for a par-
partmental model comprises of determining the
ticular solute—solvent—additive system, the follow-
location and size of the various compartments, as
ing steps are required:
well as the interconnecting flow rates and corre-
sponding cross-sectional areas. The compartments
E Select a kinetic model structure with the appro-
in a compartmental model must be chosen such,
priate mechanistic relations for the various crys-
that they contain negligible internal gradients with
tallisation and hydrodynamic phenomena.
respect to supersaturation, energy dissipation and
E Analyse the laboratory scale crystalliser with re-
crystal size distribution. The steepness of these
spect to MSMPR behaviour, i.e. uniform process
gradients is influenced by the kinetics and material
properties of the material to be crystallised, the
E Perform experiments to derive the ‘pure’ kinetic
geometry of the crystalliser vessel and the operating
parameters, i.e. parameters which contain no hy-
conditions. As a consequence, a compartmental
drodynamic information. Also the dependency of
model is not specific for a certain crystalliser, but
the hydrodynamics variables like e must be de-
may need to be re-derived for different operating
conditions or another solute—solvent—additive
E Set up the compartmental models for the full-
scale crystalliser design alternatives.
Four steps can be distinguished in the derivation
E Analyse the process behaviour of the design al-
of a compartmental model:
ternatives, by combining compartmental models
with the kinetic model and parameters. E First of all, compartments are selected to repres-
E Subsequently, optimise the design alternatives ent the overall flow pattern within the crystal-
with respect to product quality, using crystalliser liser. This is done on the basis of crystalliser
H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737 733

dimensions, geometry and operating conditions. model, is illustrated for ammonium sulphate in
In this phase, the majority of the rates of flows water using a 22 l evaporative DT crystalliser. For
connecting the various compartments is deter- this system, first of all the kinetic model derived by
mined roughly. Ö Meadhra et al. [7] was selected. This model is
E Secondly, the compartments are checked for in- discussed below, in order to highlight the depend-
ternal gradients in local energy dissipation. encies of the various kinetic phenomena on super-
Strong gradients may be expected around the saturation and crystal size. Note that no intrinsic
impeller or inside the pump and near feed loca- dependency of changes in energy dissipation are
tions. If they are indeed present, one or more of present in the model.
the compartments selected in the first step will be In a recently published new model for secondary
split up. nucleation [5], the direct relation is formulated
E In the third place, all compartments are checked between the crystallisation kinetics and the fre-
for the presence of internal supersaturation quency and energy of particle—impeller collisions
gradients, or in other words the degree of liquid- depending on a number of material properties of
phase mixing is analysed. For this purpose, the the crystals. This promising new model, which is
half lifetime for supersaturation decay must discussed in the contribution of Neumann et al. [8],
be one order of magnitude larger than the resi- will open the possibilities for the formulation of the
dence time in the compartment. Depending on direct relation between the energy dissipation and
the crystallisation system, the half lifetime varies crystallisation kinetics.
from a few seconds to several minutes. The growth kinetics are dependent on both the
E Finally, classification functions are calculated to supersaturation and the crystal size. The size de-
describe particle segregation or the non-uniform pendency is a result of internal stress in the smaller
distribution of the solids phase. These functions particles. This stress is a consequence of the attri-
act upon the flows connecting the individual tion process, by which these particles were formed
compartments, which effectively makes the resi- (secondary nucleation).
dence time of the crystals in a compartment size

¸ N
dependent. The classification function of a slurry G (¸,p)"p pN 1!(1!p ) exp . (1)
stream is related to its superficial flow velocity, 
flow direction, viscosity and density difference The attrition rate function accounts for the fact that
between the liquid and solid phases. the smaller particles do not develop sufficient kin-
etic energy to undergo attrition. From a certain
It must be noted that the same material, energy
size onwards the crystals become more and more
and population balances are used to describe each
susceptible to attrition:
compartment in a compartmental model [1]. This

also applies to the physical and thermodynamic 1
G (¸)"p 1! . (2)
property relations as well as the kinetic rate expres-   1#(¸/p )N
sions. Different nucleation, growth, dissolution, at- 
trition, breakage and aggregation rates are purely The effective growth rate of a crystal thus depends
a result of different local conditions, not of different on its size and the supersaturation:
sets of parameters. G (¸,p)"G (¸,p)!G (¸). (3)
The volumetric rate of attrition is given by

5. Crystallisation kinetics derived from laboratory 
scale experiments »Q "3k G (¸)n(¸)¸ d¸. (4)

The analysis of a kinetic model structure and of The secondary nucleation rate is related to the
a particular laboratory scale crystalliser’s suitabil- attrition rate by means of a supersaturation-depen-
ity to derive pure kinetic parameters for that kinetic dent survival efficiency ("p p). Furthermore, an

734 H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737

experimentally determined size distribution of

nuclei has been incorporated:
B(¸)"p p»Q H(¸). (5)
For undersaturated conditions, the kinetic model
was extended with a dissolution model given by
Jager [6]. The kinetic dissolution rate is calculated
as a function of a mass transfer coefficient and
relative supersaturation. Using a diffusion control-
led model and experimental results of Daudey [3]
the mass transfer coefficient for ammonium sul-
phate at 50°C was estimated:
G (¸,p)"!k (¸)p, (6)
k (¸)" #constant. (7)
The 22 l DT evaporative crystalliser is equipped
Fig. 4. Simulated trend of the median crystal size in a 22 l DT
with an internal heat exchanger, to avoid the use of crystalliser obtained with both the MSMPR and the six com-
an external loop and have it resemble MSMPR partment model.
behaviour as much as possible. At a first glance,
internal turnover times of 1—3 s compared to
a characteristic time for supersaturation depletion
of 50 s and vertical fluid velocities of 0.7 m/s,
should ensure ideal mixing. To check the heuristics, A mean residence time of 4500 s and a heat input of
presented in the compartmental modelling section, 120 kW/m were used for these simulations. The
a more detailed study was required. Using a six- response of the median crystal size after start-up of
compartment model (see Fig. 3), derived from CFD the 0.022 m DT crystalliser, calculated with the
studies, of this crystalliser on the one hand and an one-compartment model is shown in Fig. 4. The
MSMPR approach on the other, simulations of this trend of the median size calculated with the six-
crystalliser’s process behaviour were performed. compartment model could not be distinguished
from the one obtained with the one compartment
approach. The validity of the MSMPR assumption
for this laboratory scale evaporative DT crystalliser
is also confirmed by the fact that the relative super-
saturations in the different compartments were all
in a range of 0.0045 (in the boiling zone) to 0.0041
(inner draft tube).

6. Analysis of full-scale crystalliser design


The analysis of full scale crystalliser design alter-

natives will be illustrated for DTB crystallisers. The
design of this type of crystalliser is a delicate task as
DTB crystallisers have a tendency towards unsta-
Fig. 3. Six compartment model of a 0.022 m DT crystalliser. ble process behaviour. In this respect, the design of
H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737 735

Fig. 6. Simulated trend of the median crystal size for a 1.1 m

MSMPR crystalliser (Q "0 l s\) and a 1.1 m DTB crystal-

liser using the one compartment model with ideal fines dissolver
(Q "2.5 and 3 l s\).

Fig. 5. Six compartment model of a 1.1 m DTB crystalliser. of the draft tube, a compartment to describe the
classification in the annular zone and temperature
increase in the external heat exchanger, and a
the external circulation loop in which fine compartment in which fine particles are dissolved
crystals are dissolved and the internal circulation after the heat exchanger (see Fig. 5). For compari-
through the draft tube are essential for larger son purposes, the crystalliser was also modelled as
crystallisers. a classical one-compartment model with an ideal
Changes in the fines removal rate influence the fines dissolver [7]. In both the six- and one-com-
cut size of the fines classification system, as a direct partment model, the particle segregation in the
consequence of an increased vertical velocity in annular zone was described using a model de-
the annular zone. This flow rate also determines veloped by Eek et al. [4], which was based on CSD
the residence time in the heat exchanger and the measurements of the fines and product streams.
temperature rise of the fines flow. The degree of The median crystal size trend after start-up
dissolution is determined by a combination of these simulated with the one compartment model and
effects. ideal fines dissolver is shown in Fig. 6 for fines
The behaviour of a DTB crystalliser is thus flows of 2.5 and 3 l s\. Comparison with the
strongly influenced by its geometry, actuator design MSMPR trend given in the same figure, denotes
and operating conditions. The analysis of DTB that ideal fines dissolution strongly affects the me-
crystalliser design alternatives therefore requires dian crystal size, while the process dynamics are
a detailed description of crystallisation phenomena hardly affected. In reality, however, often a much
on a local scale. Such a detailed analysis will be smaller effect is observed on the steady-state value
illustrated for a 1.1 m evaporative DTB crystal- of the median crystal size, whereas the dynamics are
liser. For this purpose, a six-compartment model strongly affected, occasionally resulting in severe
was derived, consisting of a boiling zone, a stirrer cyclic behaviour of the crystalliser [4,8,9]. This
zone, two zones for the inner and outer sections discrepancy between model and reality, makes the
736 H.J.M. Kramer et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 (1999) 729–737

model, are given in Figs. 7 and 8. Fig. 7 shows

the trends of the median crystal size for two fines
removal rates in combination with two different
volumes of the dissolution vessel (V ). In Fig. 8 the

population density of the streams to and from the
dissolution compartment are given. Depending on
the volume of the compartment, only a small part
of the fines dissolve. These results show that when
the partial dissolution of crystals is taken into ac-
count, a much more realistic trend in the simulated
median crystal size is obtained for the steady-state
values as well as the dynamics.

7. Conclusions

Simulations of a large-scale DTB crystalliser

Fig. 7. Simulated trend of the median crystal size for a 1.1 m were performed with a one-compartment model
DTB crystalliser using the six compartment model (Q "2.5 and

with ideal fines dissolution on the one hand and
3 l s\) with a multi-compartment models with a physical
dissolution model on the other.
Comparison of the results showed that the sensi-
tivity of crystalliser design for geometry, process
actuators and operating conditions can only be
described using the extended analysis technique
presented in this paper.
It was shown, that the same analysis technique
can be applied to determine whether a laboratory
scale crystalliser is suitable to estimate kinetic param-
eters for a certain crystallisation system.


The Dutch Foundation of Technology (STW),

AKZO-Nobel, BASF, Bayer A.G., Dow Chemicals,
DSM, DuPont de Nemours and Purac Biochem
are gratefully thanked for their support of the
UNIAK research program.

Fig. 8. CSD of the removed and returned fines flows, simulated

with the six compartment model of a 1.1 m DTB crystalliser.
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