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CBR Assignment SUBMITTED BY:Shawn Jimmy Group:2: Village Rehabilitation Worker Answer

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Village rehabilitation worker

Village rehabilitation worker comes under primary health care in India.

"Primary health care is essential health care made universally accessible

to individuals and acceptable to them, through their full participation
and at a cost the community and country can afford". Alma-Ata 1978

Principles of primary health care

► Equitable distribution:The first key principle in the primary health
care strategy is equity or equitable distribution of health services, i.e. ,
health services must be shared equally by all people irrespective of their
ability to pay
► Community participation:The involvement of individuals, families,
and communities in promotion of their own health and welfare, is an
essential ingredient of primary health care
►Intersectoral coordination:The Declaration of Alma-Ata states that
"primary health care involves in addition to the health sector, all related
sectors and aspects of national and community development, in
particular agriculture, animal husbandry, food, industry, education,
housing, public works, communication and others sectors"
►Appropriate technology:Appropriate technology has been defined as
"technology that is scientifically sound, adaptable to local needs, and
acceptable to those who apply it and those for whom it is used, and that
can be maintained by the people themselves in keeping with the
principle of self reliance with the resources the community and country
can afford"
Functions of primary health care center
• Medical care • MCH including family planning • Safe water supply and
sanitation • Locally endemic diseases prevention and control •
Collection and reporting of vital statistics • Education concerning health
• National Health Programs• Referral services • Training of health
personnel • Basic laboratory services
•In 1977, the Government of India launched a Rural Health Scheme,
based on the principle of "placing people's health in people's hands''. It
is a three tier system of health care delivery in rural areas.
•Keeping in view the WHO goal of "Health for All" by 2000 AD, the
Government of India evolved a National Health Policy based on primary
health care approach.

Village Level
The basic principle of primary health care is universal coverage and
equitable distribution of health resources
This is implemented through the following scheme
•ASHA scheme
•ICDS scheme
•Training of local Dais


•Must be a resident of the village
•Preferably in the age group of 25 to 45 years
•Married /widow/divorced
•Formal education up to eighth class
•Communication skill and leadership qualities
•General norms of selection of one ASHA for 1000 population

Role and responsibilities of ASHA

1) ASHA takes steps to create awareness and provide information to the
community on
-basic sanitation
-existing health services
2)She is responsible in counselling women
3) Mobilizing the community and facilitates the people in accessing
health and health services
4)She works with the village health and sanitation committee
5) She escorts pregnant women and children those who needs
treatment to the nearest health facility
6)Provides primary medical care for minor aliments
7)Acts as a depot holder for essential provision being made available to
every habitations
8)Her role as a provider can be enhanced subsequently
9)Informs about birth and death and also about any unusual problems
/disease outbreak to primary health centre
10)She will promote construction of household toilets under total
sanitation campaign.


•Organizing health day
•AWW’s and ANM’s will act as resource person in training of ASHA
IEC activity through display of posters , folk dancers etc.
•Anganwadi workers issues drug kits to ASHA
•AWW will update the list of eligible couples and also the children less
than one year in the village with the help of ASHA
•Asha helps AWW in mobilizing pregnant and lactating women’s and
infants for nutrition supplement.
NOTE:AWW:Anganwadi worker
ANM:Auxiliary Nurse Midwife


•She will hold weekly /fortnightly meetings with ASHA
•AWW’s and ANMs will act as resource person for training ASHA
•ANMs will inform ASHA regarding date and time of the outreach
•ANM will participate and guide in organizing the health days at
Anganwadi centre
•Takes help in updating the eligible couple register of the village
•Motivating pregnant women to come for regular check-up and married
couples to adopt family planning
•Motivate pregnant women to take full course of iron and folic acid
tablets , etc
•ANMs will orient ASHA on the dose schedule and side effects of oral
•Educate ASHA on danger signs of pregnancy and labour
•ANMs will inform ASHA on date , time and place for initial and periodic
training schedule
•ANMs will inform ASHA on date , time and place for initial and periodic
training schedule
•It is the most important scheme in the field of child welfare
•Blue print for the scheme was prepared by the department of social
welfare in 1975

Objectives of ICDS
•To improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age
group 0-6yrs
•To lay the foundations for proper psychological ,physical and social
development of the child
•To reduce mortality and, morbidity , malnutrition and school drop-out
•To achieve an effective coordination of policy and implementation
among the various departments working for the promotion of child
•To enhance the capability of the other and nutritional needs of the
child through proper nutrition and health education

1)Supplementary nutrition
Given to children below 6yrs and nursing and expectant mothers from
low income group
a)each child 6-72 months -500 calories and 12-15g grams of protein
b)severely malnourished child 6-72 months – 800calories and 20-25g of
c)pregnant and nursing women -600calories and 18-20g of proteins

2)Nutrition and health education

-Women in the age group 15-45yrs
-Priority to nursing and expectant mothers
-Children-preventable disease
-Expectant mothers- tetanus
4) Health check-up
-antenatal care
- post natal care
-Children under 6 years
5) Non-formal pre school education
-in anganwadi
•This scheme was initiated during 2001-2002
•Dais are female traditional birth attenders who conduct deliveries at
•To train at least one dai in every village with the objective of making
deliveries safe
•To decrease maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity
•To encourage institutional deliveries
•To ensure safe delivery for those unwilling or unable to go to health
•To identify danger signs and promptly refer to a higher center when
•To decrease maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity
•To encourage institutional deliveries
•To ensure safe delivery for those unwilling or unable to go to heal

•Improvement in maternal and neonatal health
•Unsafe practices have been decreased
•Decline in infection of umbilical cord
•Improvement in nutritional status of both mother and child
•No cases of prolapsed uterus
•Decline in neonatal mortality

Park text book 26th edition

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