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Objectives: After Completing This Chapter We Will Be Able To Know

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Lecture 02 AGR 17th Batch

Department of Animal Science

Faculty of Agriculture
EXIM Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh
Course Title- Introductory Animal Science
Course Code- ANS 132
BS Agriculture, Term-02

Objectives: After completing this chapter we will be able to know-

Scope of Livestock in the economy of Bangladesh
Census and Trends of Livestock Production in Bangladesh
Problems and suggestions regarding Livestock production in Bangladesh

Scope of Livestock in Economy of Bangladesh, Livestock Census, Trends in Livestock


Livestock population in Bangladesh:

Livestock production performance has been more impressive than that of food grain
production. Milk, egg, meat, and fish showed impressive growth. Livestock represents the
only way in which the natural vegetation that covers large parts of Bangladesh can be
converted in to products that can be used by man. It provides drought power and manure to
the crop enterprise and this in turn provides feed and fodder. The value of output from the
livestock sector was 1.54 % of the Total (GDP, 2017-18).

Fortunately Bangladesh is blessed with a tremendous livestock wealth. The cattle population
of Bangladesh is very large. According 2017-18, census the cattle population was estimated
at 240.86 lakhs, 14.85 lakhs buffaloes, 34.68 lakhs sheep and 261.00 lakhs goats. The poultry
population constituted a 3379.98 lakhs (Chickens- 2821.45 lakhs and Ducks-558.53 lakhs).

Table: Present status of Livestock Industry in Bangladesh-

Prepared By-
DR. Jahangir Alam
Lecturer, Department of Animal Science
Lecture 02 AGR 17th Batch

Scope of Livestock production in Bangladesh:

Milk production:
It is a matter of sadness to mention that the per capita availability of milk to the Bangladeshi
people is estimated at 158.19 ml per day in contrast to demands of 250 ml per day. It has
been the only source of sufficient energy, minerals, vitamins and animal proteins.

Meat production:
Flesh foods are rich in protein and are good sources of vitamin B12 which is absent in plant
food. The per capita availability of meat is 122.10 gm /day whereas the demand is 120
gm/day. This is our achievement that we have 2.1 gm/day/head surplus of meat in
Broiler production in Bangladesh is recent rearing poultry for meat purposes started only in
seventies, but the growth is significant. The poultry industry has achieved a spectacular
growth during last thirty years.

Demand, production, availability and deficiency of milk, meat and eggs (2017-18)

Animal draught power:

The bullock pair may be regarded as the backbone of Bangladeshi Agriculture. The
horsepower obtained from 1 bullock is equivalent 0.75 H.P. Mechanization in Agriculture has
been to the tune of 20% only whereas 80% of the agriculture/farm operations are done by
bullock drawn .implements. It is estimated that 40,000 megawatts, of Energy (Traction
power) is made available through the use of draft animals.

Farm yard manure for organic farming:

A minimum of 10-20 kg dung is obtained on an average from every cow or buffalo. This is
an excellent source of F.Y.M. or compost manure. This is badly needed to improve the
inherent soil fertility, and to have the extended manorial effect on the crops parts. Dung cakes
are utilized as a source of fuel in rural parts of Bangladesh. Besides the cow dung, goat
excreta and poultry dropping can also be better utilized for organic manure.

Employment generation and Women Empowerment:

Animal Husbandry & Dairying may be regarded as a source to create the employment in rural
areas all-round the year. Many of the operations in Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming

Prepared By-
DR. Jahangir Alam
Lecturer, Department of Animal Science
Lecture 02 AGR 17th Batch

can be done by the rural women. It is estimated that this sector has created on an average
20% employment opportunity directly and 45% indirectly.

Export opportunity:
Bangladesh started export of day old chicks, beef (Bengal Meat) and feed to other countries
during 2002-2007 and it is temporarily stopped due to AI. However if we control the AI, we
will be in position to export not only the chicks and feed but also poultry meat.

Increased demand for processed meat and processed food:

The international restaurants (KFC, Macdonald, Nandos etc.) have been operating in
Bangladesh since last 5 years. Besides, fast food shops are also increasing every year. There
is a demand of hygienically slaughter meat in these shops

Contribution of Livestock & Poultry in the National Economy of Bangladesh (2017-18)

Present Trends of Livestock Production in Bangladesh:

As a result of various dairy development programmers the country is having presently many
processing plants and milk products factories. Various cattle improvement project have been-
started in community blocks. The country has now intensive cattle development programs,
cattle breeding farms, and frozen semen banks in operation.

Major Problems of Livestock Productions in Bangladesh:

1. Wide yields gap between the traditional and intensive and semi-intensive farming;
2. Lack of availability of high-breed animals and also the lack of knowledge and
technological knowledge how of maintaining the high-breed varieties;
3. Animal Diseases are also among the most important constraints to livestock
development in Bangladesh.
4. Lack of organized market for selling farm produce is an important problem,
particularly for the smallholders in Bangladesh;
5. Inadequate coverage of animal health services;
6. Low investment in livestock research and its poor management are matters of major
concern also.

Prepared By-
DR. Jahangir Alam
Lecturer, Department of Animal Science
Lecture 02 AGR 17th Batch

Actions may be taken into consideration for the development of Livestock sector:

1. Ensuring sustainable management of animal genetic resources, and emphasizing the

localised nature of livestock production as well;
2. Improving diagnostic capacity and veterinary clinical and extension services
3. Ensuring feed and fodder at affordable prices to the small holder and poor farmers;
4. Providing training to the farmers regarding improved animal farming;
5. Managing the processing and value chain of livestock products efficiently, and
ensuring better market linkages
6. Providing long-term credit at affordable rate to the small-holder and poor farmers;
7. Investing in research and development

“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that
is the risk of doing nothing.”

-Denis Waitley

Prepared By-
DR. Jahangir Alam
Lecturer, Department of Animal Science

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