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(Reinforced Concrete)

Reinforced concrete foundations, or footings, transmit loads from a structure to the supporting soil.
Footings are designed based on the nature of the loading, the properties of the footing and the properties of
the soil. Design of a footing typically consists of the following steps: Determine the requirements for the
footing, including the loading and the nature of the supported Structure; select options for the footing and
determine the necessary soils parameters. This step is often completed by consulting with a Geotechnical
Engineer; and the geometry of the foundation is selected so that any minimum requirements based on soils
parameters are met.
Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below the
structure. Footings are designed to transmit these loads to the soil without exceeding its safe bearing capacity,
to prevent excessive settlement of the structure to a tolerable limit, to minimize differential settlement, and to
prevent sliding and overturning. The settlement depends upon the intensity of the load, type of soil, and
foundation level. Where possibility of differential settlement occurs, the different footings should be designed
in such a way to settle independently of each other. Foundation design involves a soil study to establish the
most appropriate type of foundation and a structural design to determine footing dimensions and required
amount of reinforcement. Because compressive strength of the soil is generally much weaker than that of the
concrete, the contact area between the soil and the footing is much larger than that of the columns and walls.

What is the difference between gross and net soil pressures?

Gross Pressure is the total pressure at the base of footing due to the applied column loads and footing self-
weight + overburden soil pressure (above the footing).

Net Pressure is the pressure due to column loads only.

The Gross Soil Pressure combines the upward pressure and the added pressure due to the applied
load, equal to the applied load divided by the footing area. For the Net Soil Pressure, the overburden and self-
weight is canceled out by an equal and opposite upward pressure, leaving a Net Soil Pressure equal to the
applied load divided by the footing area.

When a Net soil pressure is specified the load is compared against a modified soil capacity as shown below:

 Soil Capacity = Bearing Allowable (user-entered) + Footing Self Weight + Overburden (user-entered)

If the sum of Footing Self Weight and Overburden do not equal the soil weight which was present above
the footing/soil interface strata prior to excavation, then the modified soil capacity provided by the program is
incorrect. In this circumstance the Net Allowable Soil Bearing value should be specified as a Gross value in the
program, and the magnitude of Bearing Allowable should be increased by that pre-excavation soil weight.

In the design of concrete footing for shear and bending: USE THE


FOOTINGS EXAMPLE 1 - Design of a continuous (wall) footing

Determine the size and reinforcement for the continuous
footing under a 12 in. bearing wall of a 10 story building
founded on soil.

/Νc = 4 ksi
/y = 60 ksi
Dead Load = D = 25 k/ft
Live Load = L = 12.5 k/ft
Wind O.T. = W = 4 k/ft
(axial load due to overturning under wind loading)
Seismic O.T. = E = 5 k/ft
(axial load due to overturning under earthquake loading)
Allowable soil bearing pressures:
D = 3 ksf = "a"
D + L = 4 ksf = "b"
D + L + (W or E) = 5 ksf = "c"

Sizing the footing. Ignoring the footing self- φKn = Mu (12,000)/(bd2)

weight; φKn = 50.6 (12,000)/[(12)(17)2] = 176 psi
D/a = 25/3 = 8.3 ft For φKn = 176 psi, select ρ = 0.34%
(D + L)/b = 37.5/4 = 9.4 ft Ζ controls As = ρbd = 0.0034 (12) (17) = 0.70 in2/ft
(D + L + W)/c = 41.5/5 = 8.3 ft Check for As,min= 0.0018 bh
(D + L + E)/c = 42.5/5 = 8.5 ft As,min=0.0018(12)(21)=0.46 in2/ft <0.7in2/ft
Use B = 10 ft OK

Required strength. U = 1.4D Use bottom bars #8 @ 13 in c/c hooked at

= 1.4(25) ends. If these bars are not hooked, provide
= 35 k/ft or 3.50 ksf calculations to justify the use of straight
U = 1.2D + 1.6L bars.
= 1.2(25) + 1.6(12.5) Note: εt = 0.040 > 0.005 for tension
= 50 k/ft or 5.00 ksf (Controls) controlled sections and φ = 0.9
U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L Use top bars #5 @ 13 in c/c arbitrarily
= 1.2(25) + 1.6(4) +12.5 designed to take approximately 40% of
= 48.9 k/ft or 4.89 ksf bending moment due to possible reversal
U = 0.9D + 1.6W caused by earthquake loads.
= 0.9(25) + 1.6(4) 8# 5 top and bottom longitudinal bars will
= 28.9 k/ft or 2.89 ksf satisfy the requirement for shrinkage and
U = 1.2D + 1.0E + 1.0L temperature reinforcement in the other
= 1.2(25) + (5) + 12.5 6 direction.
= 47.5 k/ft or 4.75 ksf
U = 0.9D + 1.0E Check shear for earthquake load effects.
= 0.9(25) + (5) For structural members resisting
= 27.5 k/ft or 2.75 ksf earthquake loads, if the nominal shear
strength is less than the shear
corresponding to the development of
Design for shear. nominal flexural resistance, then;
Calculate Vu at d from the face of the φshear = 0.6
wall Mn = 61.9 ft-k/ft and the corresponding
φshear = 0.75 Vfn = 18.6 k/ft
Assume Vs = 0 (no shear reinforcement) = 2 4000(12)(17.5) /1000 c V
n c φV = φV = 26.5 k/ft > Vfn = 18.6 k/ft
V(2f'bd)ccwφ=φ Therefore, the use of φshear = 0.75 above is

Try d = 17 in. and h = 21 in. FOOTINGS EXAMPLE 2 - Design of a square spread

V 0.75( 2 4000 )(12 )(17 ) / 1000 c φ = footing
=19.35 k/ft Determine the size and reinforcing for a square
Vu = (10/2 - 6/12 - 17/12)(5.00) = 15.5 k/ft spread footing that supports a 16 in. square
n c u φV = φV > V OK column, founded on

Mu = (5)(4.5)2/2 = 50.6 ft-k/ft

soil. = 94.0 k
n c u φV = φV > V OK

Bearing resistance of footing
φbearing = 0.65
r c 1 2 1 B = φ(0.85 f ' A ) A / A
Br = 0.65(0.85)(4)(16)2 (2)
Br = 1131 k > 400 k 􀀀 OK

Calculate moment at the column face

Mu = (7.5)(3)2 (7.33)/2 = 248 ft-k
φKn = Mu (12,000)/(bd2)
φKn = 248 (12,000)/[(7.33)(12)(15.5)2]
ƒ’c = 4 ksi
= 141 psi
ƒy = 60 ksi
For φKn = 141 psi, select ρ = 0.27%
Dead Load = D = 200 k
As = ρbd = 0.0027 (7.33)(12)(15.5) = 3.7
Live Load = L = 100 k
Allowable soil bearing pressures:
Check for As,min= 0.0018 bh
Due to D = 4 ksf = "a"
As,min=0.0018(7.33)(12)(20)= 3.2 in2
Due to D + L = 7 ksf = "b"
< 3.7in2 OK
Use 9 #6 straight bars in both directions
Sizing the footing. Ignoring the footing self-
Note: εt = 0.050 > 0.005 for tension
controlled sections and φ = 0.9.
D/a = 200/4 = 50 sq. ft. (Controls)
(D+L)/b = 300/7 = 42.9 sq. ft.
FOOTINGS EXAMPLE 3 - Design of a rectangular
Use 7.33 ft x 7.33 ft
spread footing.
A = 53.7 > 50 sq. ft. OK
Determine the size and reinforcing for a
rectangular spread footing that supports a 16 in.
Required strength. U = 1.4D
square column, founded on soil.
= 1.4(200)
= 280 k or (280/53.7) = 5.3 ksf
U = 1.2D + 1.6L
= 1.2(200) + 1.6(100)
= 400k or (400/53.7)= 7.5 ksf

Design for shear.

φshear = 0.75
Assume Vs = 0 (no shear reinforcement)

One-way action
n c u φV = φV > V OK
ƒ’c = 4 ksi
bw = 7.33 (12) = 88 in. and d = 15.5 in.
ƒy = 60 ksi
Dead Load = D = 180 k
V 0.75( 2 4000 )( 88 )( 15.5 ) / 1000 c φ =
Live Load = L = 100 k
= 129.4 k
Wind O.T. = W = 120 k
Vu =7.33 [(7.33/2) – (8+15.5)/12](7.5)
(axial load due to overturning under wind loading)
Allowable soil bearing pressures: in2
Due to D = 4 ksf = “a” Check for As,min= 0.0018 bh
Due to D + L = 6 ksf = “b” As,min= 0.0018(5)(12)(27) = 2.92 in2
Due to D + L + W = 8.4 ksf = “c” < 4.72 in2 OK
Design a rectangular footing with
an aspect ratio ≤ 0.6 Use 8 #7 bars distributed uniformly across
the entire 5ft width of footing
Sizing the footing. Ignoring the self-weight of the Note: εt = 0.041 > 0.005 for tension
footing; controlled sections and φ = 0.9.
D/a = 180/4 = 45 sq.ft.
(D+L)/b = 280/6 = 46.7 sq.ft. Calculate moment in the short direction,
(D + L + W)/c = 400/8.4 = 47.6 sq.ft. at the column face.
Controls Compute flexural tension reinforcement
Use 5 ft x 10 ft Mu = (10.2)(1.83)2 (10)/2 = 171.4 ft-k
A = 50 sq.ft. is OK φKn = Mu (12,000)/(bd2)
φKn = 171.4 (12,000)/[(10)(12)(22.5)2]
Required Strength U = 1.4D = 33.9 psi
= 1.4(180) For φKn = 33.9 psi, select ρ = 0.07%
= 252 k or (252/50) = 5.1 ksf As = ρbd = 0.0007 (10)(12)(22.5)
U = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.89 in2
= 1.2(180) + 1.6(100)
= 376 k or (376/50) = 7.6 ksf Check for minimum reinforcement As,min= 0.0018
U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L bh
= 1.2(180) + 1.6(120) + 1.0(100) As,min= 0.0018(10)(12)(27) = 5.83 in2
= 508 k or 10.2 ksf (Controls) > 1.89 in2
U = 0.9D + 1.6W Use As = 5.83 in2
= 0.9(180) + 1.6(120) (Reinf. In central 5-ft band) / (total reinf.)
= 354 k or 7.1 ksf = 2/(β+1)
β = 10/5 = 2; and 2/(β+1) = 2/3
One-way action in the long direction is Reinf. In central 5-ft band = 5.83(2/3)
not a problem because the footing edge is = 3.89 in2
located within the potential critical
section for one-way shear. Use 7 #7 bars distributed uniformly across
the entire 5ft band.
Bearing Reinforcement outside the central band
Bearing resistance of footing = 5.83 – 7(0.6) = 1.63 in2
φbearing = 0.65 Use 6 #5 bars (3 each side) distributed
A/A221= uniformly outside the central band.
r c 1 2 1 B = φ(0.85 f ' A ) A / A
Br = 0.65(0.85)(4)(16)2 (2) FOOTINGS EXAMPLE 4 -
Br = 1131 k > 508 k OK Design of a pile cap.
Compute flexural tension reinforcement the size
Mu = (10.2)(4.33)2 (5)/2 = 479 ft-k and
φKn = Mu (12,000)/(bd2) reinforcing for
φKn = 479 (12,000)/[(5)(12)(23.5)2] a square
= 173.5 psi pile cap
For φKn = 173.5 psi, select ρ = 0.335%
As = ρbd = 0.00335 (5)(12)(23.5) = 4.72
that supports a 16 in. square column and is placed
on 4 piles. FOOTINGS EXAMPLE 5 - Design of a continuous
Given: footing with an overturning moment
ƒ’c = 5 ksi Determine the size and reinforcing bars for a
ƒy = 60 ksi continuous footing
Dead Load = D = 250 k under a 12-in. bearing wall, founded on soil, and
Live Load = L = 150 k subject to
16 x 16 in. reinforced concrete column loading that includes an overturning moment.
12 x 12 in. reinforced concrete piles Given:
(4 piles each @ 5 ft on centers) f’c = 4 ksi
fy = 60 ksi
Factored Loads: Depth from top of grade to bottom of footing = 3 ft
Column: Density of soil above footing = 100 pcf
U = 1.4D Density of footing concrete = 150 pcf
= 1.4(250) Vertical Dead Load = 15 k/ft (including wall weight)
= 350 k Horizontal wind shear = V = 2.3 k/ft (applied at 1 ft
U = 1.2D + 1.6L above
= 1.2(250) + 1.6(150) grade)
= 540 k = Vu (Controls) Allowable soil bearing pressure based on
Piles: unfactored loads
Pu = 540/4 = 135 k = Vu ignoring the = 4 ksf
self-weight of pile cap

The effective depth is conservative for the
two-way action but is O.K. considering
the overlapping of the critical sections
around the column and the piles
One-way action will not be a problem
because the piles are located within
potential critical sections for one-way

Design for flexure Sizing the footing. Try footing width = B = 7 ft

Find flexural tension reinforcement Area = A = 1(7) =7 ft2/ft
(bottom bars) Section Modulus = S =1(7)(7)/6=8.167 ft3/ft
Mu = 2(135)(2.5 - 0.67) = 495 ft-k Try a 14 inch thick footing
φKn = Mu (12,000)/(bd2) Weight of footing + soil above footing
φKn = 495 (12,000)/[(8)(12)(25.5)2] = (14/12)(0.150) + (36-14)(0.100/12)
= 95.2 psi = 0.175 + 0.183 = 0.358 ksf
For φKn = 95.2 psi, select ρ = 0.19% Total weight of footing + soil above footing
As = ρbd = 0.0019 (8)(12)(25.5) = 4.7 in2 + wall from top of grade to top of footing
Check for As,min= 0.0018 bh = (0.175)(7)+(.183)(7-1)+(36-14)(0.150/12)
As,min= 0.0018(8)(12)(33) = 5.7 in2 = 2.60 kips/ft
> 4.7 in2 Total Vertical Load = P = 15 + 2.6 =17.6k/ft
As (required) = 5.7 in2 (Dead Load)
Vertical distance from bottom of footing to
Use 10 #7 each way (bottom location of applied shear = H = 3 + 1 = 4 ft.
reinforcement) Overturning moment measured at base of
footing = M = (V)(H) face of wall
= (2.3)(4) = 9.2 ft-kips/ft (Wind Load) = 4.82 – (4.82 – 1.22)(2.17/7)
Eccentricity = e = M/P = 9.2/17.6 = 0.52 ft = 3.70 ksf
B/6 = 7/6 = 1.17 ft Vu = (3.70 – 1.2(0.358))(2.17) +
Since e < B/6, bearing pressure (4.82 – 3.70)(2.17/2)
= P/A ± M/S = 8.31 k/ft (controls)
Maximum bearing pressure φ Vn = φ Vc > Vu OK
=P/A + M/S
= (15 + 2.6)/7 + 9.2/8.167 = 3.64 ksf Moment Calculate the moment at the face of the
Minimum bearing pressure wall measured from the edge of the footing
=P/A – M/S
= (15 + 2.6)/7 – 9.2/8.167 = 1.39 ksf = (7/2 – 6/12)
Max bearing pressure < allowable: OK = 3.0 ft
U = 1.4D
Required Strength U = 1.4D Mu = (3.52 − 1.4(0.358))(3.0)2 / 2
= 1.4(17.6)/7 = 3.52 ksf = 13.58 ft-k/ft
U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L
1.2D = 1.2(17.6)/7 = 3.02 ksf
1.6W = 1.6(9.2)/8.167 = 1.80 ksf Bearing pressure measured at face of wall
1.0L = 0 = 4.82 − (4.82 − 1.22)(3/7) = 3.28 ksf
e = 1.6(M)/(1.2(P)) Mu = (3.28 − 1.2×0.358)(3.0)2 / 2
= 1.6(9.2)/(1.2(17.6) = 0.70 ft + (4.82 − 3.28)(3.0)2 / 3
Since e < B/6, bearing pressure = 17.45 ft-k/ft (controls)
= 1.2(P/A) ± 1.6(M/S)
U = 4.82 ksf (maximum) K M (12,000) /(bd 2 ) n u φ =
U = 1.22 ksf (minimum) K psi n φ =17.45(12,000) /(12×102 ) =175
U = 0.9D + 1.6W For K psi n φ =175 , select Δ = 0.34%
0.9D = 0.9(17.6)/7 = 2.27 ksf
1.6W =1.6(9.2)/8.167 = 1.80 ksf Compute flexural tension reinforcement
e = 1.6(M)/(0.9(P)) A bd in ft s
= 1.6(9.2)/(0.9(17.6) = 0.93 ft = ρ = 0.0034(12)(10) = 0.41 2
Since e < B/6, bearing pressure Check for Asmin = 0.0018 bh
= 0.9(P/A) ± 1.6(M/S) Asmin = 0.0018(12)(14) = 0.30 in2/ft
U = 4.07 ksf (maximum) < 0.41 in2/ft OK
U = 0.47 ksf (minimum)
Use bottom bars #6 @12 in.
Calculate Vu for the different load combinations Use 7#5 bottom longitudinal bars to satisfy the
that may control.Calculate at the location d from requirements for shrinkage and temper
the face of the wall.Delete the portion of bearing
pressure caused by weight of footing and soil
above footing. Distance d from face of wall
= (7/2 – 6/12 – 10/12)
= 2.17 ft
measured from the edge of the footing
U = 1.4D
Vu = (3.52 – (1.4)(0.358))(2.17)
= 6.55 k/ft
U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L
Bearing pressure measured at distance d from

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