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The North African Military Balance

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The North African Military Balance:

Force Developments in the Maghreb

Anthony H. Cordesman
Center for Strategic and International Studies

With the Assistance of Khalid Al-Rodhan

Working Draft: Revised March 28, 2005

Please note that this document is a working draft and will be revised regularly. To comment, or to provide suggestions and corrections, please e-
mail the author at
Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page ii

Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................5
RESOURCES AND FORCE TRENDS ...............................................................................................................................5
II. NATIONAL MILITARY FORCES....................................................................................................................22
THE MILITARY FORCES OF MOROCCO......................................................................................................................22
Moroccan Army ...................................................................................................................................................22
Moroccan Navy....................................................................................................................................................23
Moroccan Air Force ............................................................................................................................................25
Moroccan Paramilitary and Security Forces ......................................................................................................26
THE MILITARY FORCES OF ALGERIA ........................................................................................................................26
Algerian Army......................................................................................................................................................26
Algerian Air Force...............................................................................................................................................28
Algerian Navy ......................................................................................................................................................29
Algerian Paramilitary Forces and Internal Security...........................................................................................31
THE MILITARY FORCES OF LIBYA ............................................................................................................................31
Libyan Army ........................................................................................................................................................31
Libyan Navy.........................................................................................................................................................33
Libyan Air Force .................................................................................................................................................34
Libyan Land-Based Air Defenses ........................................................................................................................36
Libyan Paramilitary and Security Forces............................................................................................................37
THE MILITARY FORCES OF TUNISIA .........................................................................................................................37
Tunisian Army......................................................................................................................................................37
Tunisian Navy ......................................................................................................................................................38
Tunisian Air Force...............................................................................................................................................39
Tunisian Paramilitary Forces and Internal Security...........................................................................................39
III. FUTURE PATTERNS IN MILITARY DEVELOPMENT.............................................................................48
MAJOR TRENDS IN MAHGREB MILITARY FORCES ....................................................................................................48

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page iii

Table of Figures
FIGURE 1.1 .....................................................................................................................................................................9
ALGERIAN, LIBYAN, MOROCCAN, AND TUNISIAN FORCES IN 2005 ...............................................................................9
FIGURE 1.2 ...................................................................................................................................................................11
LEVELS BY GLOBAL STANDARDS .........................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 1.3 ...................................................................................................................................................................12
IMPORTS, AND TOTAL POPULATION: 1985-1999 ..................................................................................................12
FIGURE 1.4 ...................................................................................................................................................................13
NORTH AFRICAN MILITARY EXPENDITURES BY COUNTRY: 1997-2004 .......................................................................13
FIGURE 1.5 ...................................................................................................................................................................14
1999 .....................................................................................................................................................................14
FIGURE 1.6 ...................................................................................................................................................................15
NORTH AFRICAN ARMS IMPORTS AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL IMPORTS: 1985-1999 .......................................................15
FIGURE 1.7 ...................................................................................................................................................................16
NORTH AFRICAN NEW ARMS AGREEMENTS AND DELIVERIES BY COUNTRY: 1988-2003............................................16
FIGURE 1.8 ...................................................................................................................................................................17
NEW NORTH AFRICAN ARMS ORDERS BY SUPPLIER COUNTRY: 1988-2003 ................................................................17
FIGURE 1.9 ...................................................................................................................................................................18
THE DECLINE IN LIBYAN SPENDING AND ARMS IMPORTS: 1986-1999.........................................................................18
FIGURE 1.10 .................................................................................................................................................................19
TRENDS IN NORTH AFRICAN MILITARY MANPOWER ...................................................................................................19
FIGURE 1.11 .................................................................................................................................................................20
TOTAL MANPOWER IN NORTH AFRICAN MILITARY FORCES IN 2005 ...........................................................................20
FIGURE 1.12 .................................................................................................................................................................21
FIGURE 2.1 ...................................................................................................................................................................40
MOROCCAN FORCE DEVELOPMENTS 1980-2005 .........................................................................................................40
FIGURE 2.2 ...................................................................................................................................................................42
ALGERIAN FORCE TRENDS 1980-2005 .........................................................................................................................42
FIGURE 2.3 ...................................................................................................................................................................44
LIBYAN FORCE TRENDS 1980-2005 .............................................................................................................................44
FIGURE 2.4 ...................................................................................................................................................................46
TUNISIAN FORCE TRENDS 1980-2005 ..........................................................................................................................46
FIGURE 3.1 ...................................................................................................................................................................51
TOTAL NORTH AFRICAN ARMOR IN 2004-2005 ...........................................................................................................51
FIGURE 3.2 ...................................................................................................................................................................52
TOTAL NORTH AFRICAN MAIN BATTLE TANKS IN 2005 ..............................................................................................52
FIGURE 3.3 ...................................................................................................................................................................53
TOTAL NORTH AFRICAN MEDIUM ACTIVE MAIN BATTLE TANKS BY TYPE IN 2005 ....................................................53
FIGURE 3.4 ...................................................................................................................................................................54
FIGURE 3.5 ...................................................................................................................................................................55
FIGURE 3.6 ...................................................................................................................................................................56
TOTAL NORTH AFRICAN ARTILLERY IN 2005...............................................................................................................56
FIGURE 3.7 ...................................................................................................................................................................57
NORTH AFRICAN SELF-PROPELLED ARTILLERY IN 2005..............................................................................................57
FIGURE 3.8 ...................................................................................................................................................................58
NORTH AFRICA: TOTAL FIXED COMBAT AIRCRAFT AND ARMED HELICOPTERS IN 2005 .............................................58
FIGURE 3.9 ...................................................................................................................................................................59
FIGURE 3.10 .................................................................................................................................................................60

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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NORTH AFRICAN MEDIUM AND HIGH QUALITY COMBAT AIRCRAFT BY TYPE IN 2005................................................60
FIGURE 3.11 .................................................................................................................................................................61
FIGURE 3.12 .................................................................................................................................................................62
NORTH AFRICAN LAND BASED AIR DEFENSES IN 2005................................................................................................62
FIGURE 3.13 .................................................................................................................................................................63
NORTH AFRICAN NAVAL SHIPS IN ACTIVE INVENTORY BY CATEGORY IN 2005 ..........................................................63
FIGURE 3.14 .................................................................................................................................................................64
NORTH AFRICAN MAJOR ACTIVE COMBAT SHIPS IN 2005 ...........................................................................................64
FIGURE 3.15 .................................................................................................................................................................65
POLISARIO FORCES IN 2005..........................................................................................................................................65

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 5

I. Introduction
There is no military balance in North Africa in the classic sense of the term. While there are still rivalries and
tensions between Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, no state in the Maghreb now actively prepares for war with
its neighbors, and the prospects of such conflict are limited at best. Several countries have had border clashes in the
past, but none have approached the point of serious conflicts with each other since achieving independence. The
Maghreb states only project token forces outside the Maghreb.
While several states have sent token forces to past Arab-Israeli forces, such forces were only deployed at levels
approaching “token” contributions, and had no real military significance. This does not mean, however, that the
region has been peaceful. Libya has had major regional ambitions in the past, and fought a war with Chad on its
southern border, but its military adventures largely failed. Libya made mass arms purchases in the 1970s and 1980s,
but never developed the manpower and support base to use them effectively and has been unable to sustain its arms
buys because of economic problems and sanctions.
Morocco has had minor border clashes with Algeria in the past, but none had major military significance. It has long
fought a war to annex the former Spanish Sahara, fighting with local forces called the Polisario. This has been a low
intensity conflict, although Algeria has provided the Polisario with sanctuary and support.
The bloodiest war in the region since independence has been a civil conflict: The Algerian Civil War has now gone
on for well over a decade. This war has pitted a corrupt military junta, which has ruled behind the façade of an
elected government, against Islamists that effectively won a popular election in the early 1990s, and were then
deprived of power. When civil war broke out, violent extremist elements among these Islamists quickly came to
dominate the fighting, while the military increasingly relied on equally violent repression. This civil war consumed
so many resources that it led to major cuts in Algerian military modernization, although arms purchase have risen as
the military have been able to sharply reduce the Islamist threat.
Today, the military balance in North Africa consists largely of efforts to create military forces that can defend a
nation’s borders, maintain internal security, and serve the purposes of national prestige. The states of North Africa
have also had to adapt to the threats posed by terrorism, asymmetric warfare, and proliferation. These are not new
challenges. Libya has supported terrorist and extremist movements in the past, and has been guilty of state
terrorism. It has largely ended such efforts in recent years, however, and is currently making a major effort to been
seen as a moderate and pragmatic regime that is primarily interested in economic development and better relations
with the West. It is struggling with its own Islamic extremists. Morocco and Tunisia have never supported terrorism
or extremism, and Algeria’s ruling military junta has had to fight Islamic extremists and terrorists for more than a
Proliferation has been a problem. Algeria made contingency plans to acquire nuclear weapons in the late 1980s, and
has examined options for acquiring long-range missiles. There is no current evidence, however, that Algeria has
implemented major programs to actually acquire such capabilities or to deploy such forces. Libya has sought
chemical and nuclear weapons and long-range missiles, and has some 80 Scud B missile launchers and up to 350-
500 missiles. It may have examined options for acquiring biological weapons. It stated in 2003, however, that it
would crease all such efforts, and opened up its nuclear facilities to inspection by the US and International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA).

Resources and Force Trends

The patterns in the North African military balance have been erratic at best. The newly independent Maghreb states
followed the same pattern of rapid military build-up that characterized virtually all of the newly independent states
in the Near East and Southwest Asia. They embarked on a wasteful military build-up and increased their military
forces sharply after the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1973. This eventually led them to spend more than their national
incomes could sustain. In the mid-1980s, military spending began a moderate decline, followed by a sharper decline
after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Spending rose again in the late-1990s, but has not approached the levels of
real spending that occurred in the 1970s.
• Figure 1.1 provides a summary comparison of the present strength of Algerian, Libyan, Moroccan and
Tunisian military forces.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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• Figure 1.2 shows the trends in military expenditures and arms imports in constant dollars. The massive
decline in spending after the mid-1980s is clearly apparent, as is the fact that arms imports dropped far
more quickly than military expenditures. The rise in military expenditures in the late 1990s was driven
largely by the Algerian civil war, and low intensity conflict between Morocco and the Polisario. This helps
explain why arms imports remained comparatively low, and it is clear that military modernization has been
badly undercapitalized for more than a decade.
• Figure 1.3 shows the same trends in terms of military effort as a percentage of GNP, central government
expenditures, and arms imports as a percent of total imports. While North African states failed to properly
capitalize their military forces, they did significantly reduce the impact of military spending on their
economies, national budgets, and imports.
• Figure 1.4 shows the more recent trends in military expenditures in current US dollars, drawn from a
different source. Algeria clearly dominates regional military spending, driven in part by civil war and partly
by the ambitions and bureaucratic momentum of its ruling military junta, and fueled by its oil and gas
exports. Morocco has maintained high spending levels, largely because of the continuing cost of its war
with the Polisario. Libyan military spending has continued to decline because of its impact of its economic
problems and US and UN sanctions. Tunisia has never attempted to build-up major military forces.
• Figure 1.5 shows how the regional trends in North African arms imports compared with those in other
regions between 1985 and 1999. It is clear that North Africa was never a significant part of the world arms
trade in spite of the ambitions of several regional states.
• Figure 1.6 highlights the sharp decline in arms imports as a percent of total imports. One the one hand this
reveals a significant drop in the impact of arms imports on local economies. On the other hand, it illustrates
just how sharply North African states – none of which has significant domestic military industries – have
undercapitalized the modernization of their military forces.
• Figure 1.7 provides more current data on new arms orders and deliveries. They show that recent Algerian
new orders have not declined consistently and that significant arms deliveries took place between 1995 and
2002. Libya exhibits a consistent, precipitous decline in arms orders and deliveries. Morocco shows a less
steep decline, and Tunisia shows an increase in deliveries during 1995-1998 – although the amounts
involved are so small that they scarcely constitute a military build-up.
• Figure 1.8 shows recent arms imports by supplier country. Morocco and Tunisia are the only countries to
have received US arms, and there have been no recent orders. Morocco has depended largely on Europe for
its arms, although again new orders dropped sharply between 1987 and 2002. Libya has only placed limited
orders, and has not placed significant orders with any country capable of supplying it with the most
advanced weapons. It did step up its new orders during 1999-2002, however, reflecting an easing of UN
sanctions and the ability to import arms from developing countries that are less careful about UN sanctions.
Algeria has relied largely on Russia and East Europe, and placed significant new orders during 1995-1998.
• Figure 1.9 highlights just how serious the decline in Libyan military efforts were between the mid-1980s
and 2000, revealing a sharp imbalance between continued military spending and inadequate arms imports
during most of the 1990s.
• Figures 1.10 and 1.11 reveal other imbalances in North African military efforts. Most countries maintained
larger manpower and equipment pools than they could afford to sustain. All of the Maghreb states except
Tunisia bought more military equipment during the 1970s and 1980s than they can now adequately support.
Like many less developed countries, the Maghreb states confused weapons numbers and the "glitter factor"
of buying advanced weapons technology with military effectiveness. Algeria, Libya, and Morocco
saturated their military forces with weaponry between 1972 and 1985 without buying proper support,
sustainability, and C4I equipment. They created teeth-to-tail ratios about two to three times the proper ratio
for military effectiveness.
• Figure 1.12 shows the most recent data on how North Africa military manpower by service. It should be
noted that the training and equipment levels for almost all reserve forces in Maghreb countries are so low
that manpower numbers have little real military value. Algeria’s force structure reflects a heavy emphasis
on the paramilitary forces needed to fight its civil war. Morocco’s large army reflects the need to maintain
large forces to protect the south from Polisario attack. As later figures show, Libya has very low manning

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 7

levels for its total equipment holdings. Tunisia’s distribution of military manpower is what might be
expected of a small and defensive military power.
The cumulative message of these Figures is that the force structures of Algeria, Libya, and Morocco grew to the
point where their economies no longer could provide the funding for the equipment, manpower, training, logistics,
infrastructure, and sustainability necessary to make these force structures effective. This over-expansion of the total
force structure was particularly severe in the case of Libya, which sized its forces based on its peak oil revenues in
1981 and 1982, when it spent over 12% of its GNP on its military forces. Libya has never been able to find the
resources or manpower to use more than half of the equipment it bought, and cut military spending to around 5-6%
of its GNP after 1993.i This resulted in substantial waste, and many purchases were rendered nearly useless by the
lack of proper support. As arms spending decreases, nations often let portions of their older equipment become
inoperable or obsolete. Algeria and Libya are only spending a small fraction of their military budget on the
modernization that is necessary to recapitalize their forces.
The Maghreb states have seen conscription, and the expansion of military manpower, as a useful means of providing
employment and ensuring the loyalty of their youth. These efforts at nation building have complemented a similar
expansion of national civil service and employment in the state sector of the economy. This approach to nation-
building helped lead to over-expansion of their forces during the early 1980s and the creation of large armies filled
with poorly trained men. The cost of maintaining large pools of military manpower helped to diminish economic
growth during the early and mid-1980s, and this situation has continued ever since in spite of cuts in total manning
after that date.
The military value of such an approach to military manpower is dubious for other reasons. Conscript service is
often touted as a form of education and nation building. In practice, it has helped disguise unemployment, but the
training conscripts actually receive has little value in training and educating young men. Conscript service has also
proven to do little to win the loyalty of young men, aid in internal stability, and serve the cause of “nation-building”.
It has often been either a source of added alienation or a schooling in propaganda and repression.
Like most developing countries, the Maghreb states have long under funded advanced training and the other aspects
of manpower quality for their full-time and career forces. None of the Maghreb states have maintained average
military expenditures per man in uniform high enough to maintain effective manpower quality and retain technically
trained manpower. Morocco and Tunisia have done better than the others. All the Maghreb states have had serious
problems in adapting their military organization and discipline to take into account the need for far more skilled
junior officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs). The Maghreb states have also demonstrated poor
management of military personnel and career structures.
Several detailed national trends that helped shape the trends in the previous Figures 1.1 to 1.12 are worth noting:
• Algeria has a force structure of over six active division equivalents with a total Army manpower of only
110,000 men, 75,000 of which are poorly trained conscripts. In addition, it has six military regions that
require military manpower. This force structure has sharply over-stretched its army and made effective
force planning impossible. Things have been made worse by rampant corruption at the highest levels of the
Algerian officer corps.
• Algeria did a relatively good job of buying armor before its civil war begin in the late 1980s, but it spent
too much on artillery quantity and too little on artillery and infantry mobility and quality. It bought a poor
mix of relatively low quality anti-tank weapons and air defense systems. Since that time, it has increased
its paramilitary forces to over 181,200 men to deal with its civil war – compounding all of its military
planning, force structure, and force modernization problems.
• The Algerian Air Force has only bought a limited number of modern air defense fighters for a force with a
total of 175 combat aircraft and 91 armed helicopters, and has bought only 10 modern Su-24 attack aircraft.
It has long sought to buy aircraft like the MiG-29 and Su-24, but has not had the money. Its surface-to-air
missile defenses are early to late 1970s technology and are now vulnerable to commercially available
electronic warfare capabilities and any force with modern anti-radiation missiles.
• Until the late 1980s, Algeria gave its more advanced units with heavy armor and advanced aircraft adequate
funding, but sharply under funded its overall manpower and support structure. Since the late 1980’s it has
had to concentrate its resources on fighting a steadily intensifying civil war and this meant it had to sharply
under fund its equipment modernization..

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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• Tunisia has provided reasonable wages for its career officers, but has done little to turn its many 12-month
conscripts into effective soldiers.
• Libya has invested in equipment and facilities rather than a sound manpower, infrastructure, and support
base. Its poorly trained conscripts and "volunteers" suffered a decisive defeat in Chad at the hands of lightly
armed Chadian forces. Its forces have since declined in quality.
• Libya's military equipment purchases have been chaotic. During the Cold War and the period before Libya
was placed under UN sanctions, its arms buys involved incredible waste and over-expenditure on
equipment. They were made without regard to providing adequate manpower and support forces, and they
did not reflect a clear concept of force development or combined arms.
• Libya's adventures in trying to influence events in other states, and its disastrous military intervention in
Chad, involved comparatively little actual use of Libya's total forces. Libya did, however, have a powerful
catalytic effect on the military build-up of other states in the region. As bad as Libya's military forces were,
no neighbor could ignore the build-up of a vast pool of military equipment and Libya's large numbers of
Soviet bloc advisors.
• Libya has to keep many of its aircraft and over 1,000 of its tanks in storage. Its other army equipment
purchases require far more manpower than its small active army and low quality reserves can provide. Its
overall ratio of weapons to manpower is militarily absurd, and Libya has compounded its problems by
buying a wide diversity of equipment types that make it impossible to create an effective training and
support base.
• Morocco's continuing low-level tensions with Algeria and Mauritania, and its nearly two decade long war
with the Polisario over the control of the Western Sahara, are the key factors shaping its force trends. It is
interesting to note, however, that Morocco's arms purchases were not particularly well suited to dealing
with a low-level guerrilla threat until 1982-1983. As late as 1992, Morocco's combat engineering efforts
reflected a sounder pattern of purchases for dealing with the Polisario than did its weapons buys. These
problems were partly the result of the fact that the Moroccan army was still focusing on a possible
confrontation with Algeria, rather than on the conflict with the Polisario.
• Morocco then spent much of its money on maintaining a force of 100,000-150,000 men in the Spanish
Sahara. This force became relatively effective by the early 1990s, and has effectively defeated its
opposition. Morocco still is unable to fund adequate force modernization, however, and has bought so
many different types of major land weapons over the years that that it finds it difficult to keep its support
costs at reasonable levels, to provide proper training, and to maintain suitable C4I battle management
• Morocco has maintained a higher real average of spending per man in its career forces than the other
Maghreb states, but it still under funds and under-trains its conscripts and enlisted men.
• The Moroccan Air Force has a better balance of equipment type than its armed forces or naval forces.
Nevertheless, Morocco still relies on obsolescent F-5s and Mirages F-1s, and its purchase of both French
and U.S. types of combat aircraft has increased its training and support problems. Morocco also has no
meaningful surface-to-air missile defenses.
• Tunisia began to acquire modern armor and fighter aircraft in 1985, but still has bought only limited
numbers of weapons. It has done a reasonably good job of expanding its army and air force, but its force
size and equipment holdings are inadequate for combat with either of its larger neighbors. They also
include too many types of equipment to allow for effective organization and support.
• Money still severely limits the size and modernization of the Tunisian force structure. In early 2005, it had
only 35,000 actives, of which 22,400 were conscripts. Its only modern armored consisted of 54 M-60A3
and 30 older M-60A1 tanks and its 140 M-113 armored personnel carriers. It had no self-propelled artillery,
and its most modern aircraft consisted of 12 aging F-E/Fs. It had no modern attack helicopters and no major
surface-to-air missiles.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 9

Figure 1.1

Algerian, Libyan, Moroccan, and Tunisian Forces in 2005

Category/Weapon Algeria Libya Morocco Tunisia

Total Active 127,500 76,000 196,300 35,000
(Conscript) 75,000 38,000 100,000 23,400
Total Regular - 76,000 196,300 35,000
Royal/Special Guard and Other 0 ? 1,500 -
Total Reserve 150,000 40,000 150,000 -
Total Active and Reserve 277,500 116,000 346,300 35,000
Paramilitary 181,200 ? 50,000 12,000

Land Forces
Active Manpower 110,000 45,000 175,000 27,000
(Conscripts) 75,000 25,000 100,000 22,000
Reserve Manpower 150,000 - 150,000 -
Total Active and Reserve Manpower 260,000 45,000 325,000 27,000

Main Battle Tanks 1,000 800(1,040) 520(224) 84

AIFVs/Armored Cars/Lt. Tanks 989 1,000 215 54
APCs/Recce/Scouts/Half-Tracks 903 1,065 1,064 327
ATGM Launchers - 3,000 720 600

SP Artillery 185 444 227 -

Towed Artillery 406 647 185 117
MRLs 144 830 40 -
Mortars 330+ 500 1,470 191
SSM Launchers - 125 0 0
AA Guns 899 600 425 115
Lt. SAM Launchers 1,000+ 2,500+* 107 74

Air & Air Defense Forces

Active Manpower 10,000 23,000 13,500 3,500
(Air Defense Only) NA ? - -
Reserve Manpower - - - -
(Air Defense Only) NA ? - -
Total Fighter/FGA/Recce 175 380 95 29
Bomber 0 6 0 0
Fighter 83 235 15 0
FGA/Fighter 66 172 54 12
Other Combat Unit (OCU) - - - 5
Recce 12 11 6 0
Airborne Early Warning (AEW/EW) 0 0 4 0
Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) 15 0 0 0
Combat Capable Trainer 10 23 24
Tanker 0 0 3 0
Transport 27 83 33 16
Attack/Armed/ASW 91 60 24 15
Other 50 90 88 43
Total 141 150 112 58
SAM Forces
Batteries 9 39 - -
Heavy Launchers 43 236 - -
Medium Launchers - - - -
AA guns - 4+ - -

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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Naval Forces
Active Manpower 7,500 8,000 7,800 4,500
Regular Navy 7,500 8,000 6,300 4,500
Naval Guards - - - -
Marines - - 1,500 -
Reserve Manpower - - - -
Total Active & Reserve Manpower 7,500 8,000 7,800 4,500
Submarines 2 1(4) 0 0
Destroyers/Frigates/Corvettes 9 2 2 0
Missile 6 2 2 0
Other 3 0 0 0
Missile Patrol 9(2) 8(22) 4 6
Coastal/Inshore Patrol 10 - 23 13
Mine 0 2 0 0
Amphibious Ships 3 3(2) 4 0
Landing Craft/Light Support 3 12 4 2
MPA/ASW/Combat Helicopter 0 7 2 0

* Extensive, but unknown amounts inoperable or in storage.

Note: Figures in parenthesis are additional equipment in storage. Total equipment holdings for the Iranian land forces include
470 tanks, 620 other armored vehicles, 360 artillery weapons, 40 rocket launchers, and 140 anti-aircraft weapons with the land
units of the Revolutionary Guards. Iranian & Iraqi attack helicopters are in the army. Only about 60% of the US supplied fixed
wing combat aircraft in Iran are operational and 80% of the Chinese supplied aircraft.
Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from data provided by US experts, and the IISS, Military Balance, 2003-2004, 2004-

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 11

Figure 1.2

North African Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers in Constant Dollars Have
Dropped to Low Levels by Global Standards
(Algerian, Libyan, Moroccan, and Tunisian spending in Constant $US 1999 Billions)










0.0 Military Expenditures

1985 1986
1987 1988
1989 1990
1991 Arms Imports
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Arms Imports 3.7 2.9 2.3 2.6 2.4 1.2 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.7
Military Expenditures 8.9 8.3 6.0 6.3 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from Bureau of Arms Control in the US State Department (formerly US State
Department, Bureau of Arms Control), World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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Figure 1.3

North African Military Efforts Declined Sharply as a Percent of GNP, Government

Expenditures, Imports, and Total Population: 1985-1999

25.0 Military Spending as a Percent of GNP

Military Spending as a Percent of Central Government


Arms Imports as a Percent of Total Imports


Active Military Manpower per 1,000 People




85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Military Spending as a Percent 7.7 7.6 5.6 6.1 5.5 4.7 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.7 4.0 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.2
of GNP
Military Spending as a Percent 19.5 19.1 15.0 16.2 15.3 15.3 12.3 12.1 11.0 11.0 11.9 12.1 12.1 12.8 13.1
of Central Government
Arms Imports as a Percent of 12.3 10.0 9.4 9.4 7.7 3.5 2.6 0.8 0.5 1.2 1.0 1.2 2.2 1.1 1.7
Total Imports
Active Military Manpower per 8.2 8.6 8.4 7.3 7.2 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 6.0 5.7 5.8
1,000 People
Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from US State Department, World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, various
editions, GPO, Washington. Middle East does not include North African states other than Egypt.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 13

Figure 1.4

North African Military Expenditures by Country: 1997-2004

(in $US Current Millions)








1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003* 2004e*
Algeria 2,100 2,400 3,100 3,000 3,200 3,100 2,200 2,800
Libya 1,300 1,500 1,300 1,200 1,000 562 747 1,310
Morocco 1,400 1,700 1,800 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,800 2,000
Tunisia 334 355 351 356 321 404 492 537

Source: Adapted by Anthony Cordesman from the ISS, Military Balance, various editions. * Note that the ISS does not report
military expenditures, but they report military budget, which does not included any procurement costs.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 14

Figure 1.5

North African Arms Deliveries Are Declining, and Are a Minor Portion of the World
Market: 1985-1999
(Arms Deliveries in Constant $US 1999 Billions)








0 Developing


Middle East






North Africa







1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
North Africa 3.2 2.6 2.2 2.5 2.4 1.2 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.7
Middle East 26.2 26.2 30.2 25.6 22 22.3 18.1 18.8 17.5 15.5 18.2 17.1 20.3 15.4 13.5
Developing 48.7 50.7 56 51.5 45.8 42.2 29.1 25.7 23.6 23.3 28 25.6 29.3 20.9 22.2
World 67.9 72.5 79.3 76.5 70.5 67.2 56.2 49.9 47.4 43.5 46.1 45.8 58.4 47.5 51.6

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from Bureau of Arms Control in the US State Department, World Military Expenditures and Arms
Transfers, various editions. Middle East does not include North African states other than Egypt.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 15

Figure 1.6

North African Arms Imports as a Percent of Total Imports: 1985-1999



10 10

9.4 9.4



1.2 1.2 1.1
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from Bureau of Arms Control in the US State Department, World Military Expenditures and Arms
Transfers, various editions. North Africa does not include Egypt.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 16

Figure 1.7

North African New Arms Agreements and Deliveries by Country: 1988-2003

(in $US Current Millions)



Agreements Deliveries





88-91 92-95 96-99 00-03 88-91 92-95 96-99 00-03
Algeria 700 400 1,500 500 1,800 400 1,200 700
Libya 2,000 0 700 500 2,900 0 200 400
Morocco 500 500 600 100 600 200 600 300
Tunisia 100 200 0 0 100 100 200 0
0 =
Data less than $50 million or nil. All data rounded to the nearest $100 million.
Source: Richard F. Grimmett, Conventional Arms Transfers to the Developing Nations, Congressional Research Service, various

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 17

Figure 1.8

New North African Arms Orders by Supplier Country: 1988-2003

(Arms Agreements in $US Current Millions)


Libya Tunisa
Algeria Morocco




88-91 92-95 96-99 00-03 88-91 92-95 96-99 00-03 88-91 92-95 96-99 00-03 88-91 92-95 96-99 00-03
All Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 100 200 0 600 300 0 0 0 0
Other Europe 100 100 800 100 300 0 200 0 200 0 100 100 0 100 0 0
Major W. Europe 0 0 0 0 100 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
China 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Russia 600 300 500 400 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 100 0 0 0 0
US 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 0

0 = less than $50 million or nil, and all data rounded to the nearest $100 million.
Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman, CSIS, from Richard F. Grimmett, Conventional Arms Transfers to the Developing Nations,
Congressional Research Service, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 18

Figure 1.9

The Decline in Libyan Spending and Arms Imports: 1986-1999

(Constant $US 1999 Millions)











1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Arms Imports 1710 805 1233 1383 448 491 103 0 11 0 42 10 30 20

Military Expenditures 4326 2824 2919 2300 2363 1820 1700 1170 1050 1590 1998 1663 1406 2363
Thousands of Troops 91 91 86 86 86 86 85 85 80 80 80 80 70 85

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from US State Department, World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, GPO, Washington,
various editions. Some data adjusted or estimated by author.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 19

Figure 1.10

Trends in North African Military Manpower

(Algerian, Libyan, Moroccan, and Tunisian Military Manpower in Thousands)








198 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199
5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Manpower 464 494 499 447 447 442 442 441 441 436 430 429 434 420 435

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the US State Department, World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, various editions.
Middle East does not include North African states other than Egypt.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 20

Figure 1.11

Total Manpower in North African Military Forces in 2005

Total Active Regular Paramilitary Reserve






Polisario Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia
Total Active Regular - 196,300 127,500 76,000 35,000
Paramilitary 3,000 50,000 181,200 - 12,000
Reserve 3,000 150,000 150,000 40,000 -

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 21

Figure 1.12

Total Regular Military Manpower in North African Forces by Service in 2005

Air Force Navy Active Army Paramilitary Reserve











Polisario Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia
Reserve 3,000 150,000 150,000 40,000 0
Paramilitary 3,000 50,000 181,200 - 12,000
Active Army - 175,000 110,000 45,000 27,000
Navy - 7,800 7,500 8,000 4,500
Air Force - 13,500 10,000 23,000 3,500

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, and JCSS, Military Balance in the Middle East, various

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 22

II. National Military Forces

Each of the nations of North Africa has taken a different approach to developing its military forces. These national
patterns may be summarized as follows:

The Military Forces of Morocco

Morocco’s only major external threat is Algeria, which no longer presents a significant risk. Its military spending is
driven largely by its war with Polisario for control of the Western Sahara, and by factors like bureaucratic
momentum, regional rivalries with Algeria and Spain, and the search for status and prestige. This spending
consumes some 4-5% of Morocco’s GNP, and 13-14% of its national budget. This is not high by regional standards,
but Morocco has a sharply rising population, massive unemployment, and desperately needs resources for economic
development. Military spending and the war in the Western Sahara are a major burden on the country.

The trends in Moroccan military forces are shown in Figure 2.1. Morocco’s military forces and budget has
increased steadily since 1975, with a large jump in expenditures between 1985 and 1990, during its war with the
Polisario. Morocco’s total manpower and land forces shot up during that period as well. Total manpower increased
from 149,000 in 1985 to 192,500 in 1990. Its land forces rose from 130,000 men to 175,000 men in that period.
Since 1990, the have been only limited changes in total force size.
In 2005, Morocco had a total of 196,300 actives, with 150,000 army reserves. Its land forces had an inventory of 744
main battle tanks, 559 armored infantry fighting vehicles (AIFVs), 785 armored personnel carriers (APCs), 255 self-
propelled (SP) artillery, 190 towed artillery, and 39 multiple rocket launchers (MRLs). Its air forces had a total of 95
combat aircraft and 24 attack helicopters. Its navy possessed one major surface ship, four missile patrol craft, 23
other patrol craft, and 4 amphibious ships.
Moroccan Army
The 175,000-man Moroccan army is the only force in the Maghreb that has recently had to train and organize for
serious combat, although this combat has consisted largely of guerrilla warfare. The army is organized into two
major commands: Northern Zone (Rabat) and Southern Zone (Agadir). The Northern Zone deals largely with
defense of the Algerian border and internal security. The Southern Zone is organized to fight the Polisario. The
order of battle alters to deploy the forces necessary to deal with the threat in the Western Sahara at any given time.
The Army has three mechanized infantry brigade headquarters, one light security brigade, two paratroop brigades,
and eight mechanized/motorized infantry regiments (2-3 battalions each). It also has an exceptionally large number
of small independent units. These include 11 armored battalions, 39 infantry battalions, three motorized (camel
corps) battalions, one mountain battalion, two cavalry battalions, 9-12 artillery battalions, one air defense group,
seven engineering battalions, 4-7 commando units, and two airborne battalions.
The Moroccan army has a significant number of conscripts, but also has a strong cadre of experienced regulars.
Morocco's large population and low per capita income have led many poorer Moroccans to make the army a career.
The pay and benefits are adequate, and living conditions are acceptable, even in the camps and strong points in the
south. Training, however, is still erratic and much of it is conducted at the unit level. This leads to very different
levels of effectiveness, depending upon the particular unit involved.
A 50,000-man reserve exists on paper, but – as is the case with virtually all reserve forces in the Middle East -- most
of this manpower serves little real purpose. There is little reserve training, and there are few combat ready officers,
other ranks, and specialists with the kind of current warfighting skills the army would need in war. The only combat
effective reserves would be men called back to units they had recently left. The paramilitary Force Auxillaire is
probably more effective. It is a 30,000-man force designed to reinforce the army in a campaign against Algeria, and
would provide service support and rear area security. It also includes a 5,000 man Mobile Intervention Force that is
fully equipped with light armored vehicles and Land Rovers, and with automatic and crew-served weapons. The
Force Auxillaire has also been used successfully in rear area security operations against the Polisario.
The Gendarmerie Royal is a 15,000-20,000-man support force that includes a wide range of state security functions.
It is headquartered in Rabat and has heavy elements that can deal with major internal security threats. Its order of
battle includes a Special Brigade, Mobile Group South, Mobile Group North, Air Squadron, and Coastguard Support

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 23

The army is deployed to concentrate Morocco's armored forces in the North and a large anti-guerrilla force in the
south. This reflects its long-standing emphasis on deterring Algeria, while fighting the Polisario. There is one Royal
Guard battalion, a mountain battalion, an armored squadron, a mechanized squadron, a cavalry squadron, and an
artillery group in the Northwest Atlas. The border is defended by two mechanized infantry regiments, three infantry
battalions, one camel corps battalion, two armored squadrons, and one artillery group.
There normally are three mechanized infantry brigades, nine mechanized infantry regiments, 25 infantry battalions,
two paratroop battalions, two camel corps battalions, four armored squadrons (with UR-416 APCs), and seven
artillery groups in the south. Morocco also plays a significant peace keeping role. One additional Moroccan battalion
with 360 men is deployed in Equatorial Guinea, Moroccan troops are with the UN force in Angola, and Morocco
deployed 5,000 men in the UAE during the Gulf war, including a 700-man paratroop unit. In addition, Morocco has
deployed 800 soldiers in one motorized infantry brigade to aid the UN peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia.
Morocco's purchases of 224 M-48A5, 300 M-60A1, 120 M-60A3, and 100 T-72 main battle tanks have given the
army adequate heavy armor. However, most of the M-48A5s remain in storage. Morocco also had an additional 100
SK-105 Kuerassier light tanks, but these are obsolescent. Overall levels of tank training are limited to adequate, and
Morocco only conducts limited maneuver and large unit training.
Reports differ as to the strength and types of other fighting vehicles in Moroccan forces, but its armored
reconnaissance strength seems to include 16 EBR-75, 80 AMX-10RCs, 190 AML-90s, 38 AML-60-7s, and 20 M-
113s. It also had 30 Ratel 20, 30 Ratel 90, 45 VAB-VCIs, and ten AMX-10P employed as AIFVs. Its APC include
420 M-113s and 320 VAB-VTTs. It may also have 45 OT-62 and OT-64 APCs. This diverse mix of armored
fighting vehicles and APCs is often of mediocre quality and readiness, and lacks effective standardization.
Morocco's emphasis on armored infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers does, however, reflect a
response to the special needs imposed by its terrain and to its experience in fighting the Polisario. While Algeria
poses a somewhat theoretical threat of armored warfare, Morocco has had to fight the Polisario largely using
mechanized and light infantry.
Morocco is well equipped with artillery. In early 2004, it had 190 towed weapons. These included 30-35 L-118, 20
M-101, and 36 M-1950 105-mm weapons, 18 M-46 130-mm weapons, and 35 FH-70, 20 M-114, and 26 M-198
155-mm weapons. It had 222 self-propelled weapons: five Mk 61 105-mm howitzers, 98 AMX-F3, 20 M-44, 44 M-
109/109A1 155-mm howitzers, and 60 203-mm M-110 howitzers. It also had 26 BM-21 and 14 M-1979 122-mm
multiple rocket launchers, and some 1,500 81mm and 120mm mortars. Roughly 600 of the mortars were 120-mm
weapons, 20 of which were mounted on VAB armored vehicles. This artillery strength does not match Algeria’s, but
it includes a large number of modern self-propelled weapons. Morocco seems to be able to operate most of its
artillery weapons effectively as individual units, but has problems with combined arms, artillery maneuver, and
beyond visual range targeting.
Morocco’s holdings of anti-tank weapons include 440 M-47 Dragon, 80 Milan, 150 BGM-71A TOW and 50 AT-3
anti-tank guided missile launchers. Roughly 80 of the TOWs were mounted on M-901 armored vehicles. Its other
anti-tank weapons include 150 3.5in M-20. The army also has some 350 M-40A1 106mm recoilless rifles. Morocco
has some 425 anti-aircraft guns, including 200 ZPU-2 and 20 ZPU-4 14.5mm guns, 40 M-167 and 60 M-163 Vulcan
SP 20mm guns, 90 ZU-23-2s 23mm guns, and 15 KS-19 towed 100mm guns. It also has 37 M-54 Chaparral self-
propelled surface-to-air missile launchers, and 70 SA-7s.
The army’s war fighting effectiveness is mixed. It is most experienced in dealing with light infantry and guerilla
forces like the Polisario, and the Moroccan army is best trained and organized for defense against this kind of
warfare. While Morocco has some outstanding battalion-sized elements, most of its heavy armor lacks proper
support equipment, technical manpower, and spares. Morocco does not conduct serious large unit armored
maneuver training, and lacks the service support and sustaining capability it needs to fight a prolonged conflict with
Algeria. Its artillery is effective against infantry and slow moving forces, but lacks proficiency in combined arms
and armored maneuver speed. Logistic support, however, is adequate and Morocco has shown that it can maintain
an adequate supply line over considerable distances.
Moroccan Navy
The 7,800-man Moroccan navy is a relatively large force by local standards, although it scarcely makes Morocco a
major Mediterranean or Atlantic naval power. It has two frigates, four missile fast attack craft, 17 large coastal
patrol craft, six inshore patrol craft, four amphibious landing craft, four support ships, and 40 customs and coast

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 24

guard vessels. 1,500 men are organized in a marine naval infantry battalion. The navy is based in Casablanca,
Agadir, Al Hoceima, Dakhla, and Tangier. Casablanca is its headquarters and the key port. Dakhla and Agadier are
the main secondary bases on the Atlantic, and Al Hociema is the key secondary base on the Mediterranean. The
Ministry of Fisheries also operates 11 Pilatus Britten-Norman Defender Maritime Surveillance Aircraft.ii
The Navy had two new French-made Mohammed V-class frigates (French Floreal-class): The Mohammed V and
Hassan II, commissioned in 2002 and 2003. Each had four Exocet ship-to-ship missiles, two Matra Simbad surface-
to-air missile launchers, a 76mm gun, 2X3 Mk 46 torpedos, and two 375mm anti-ship marine mortars. They also
hade electronic support measures, and have chaff and IR flare launchers. They had modern Thompson air/surface
search radars and can carry one Panther helicopter. Their ASW sonar capabilities were unclear.
The navy also had one 1,480-ton modified Descubierta-class guided-missile frigate, named the Lt. Colonel
Errhamani, commissioned in 1983, and refitted in Spain in 1996. The ship had with 4 MM38 Exocet launchers (sea-
skimming missiles with semi active radar guidance, a range of 42 kilometers, and a 165 kilogram warhead), an
octuple Aspide launcher (semi-active radar homing to 13 kilometers at Mach 2.5), one 76mm gun, six 324mm
torpedo tubes, and anti-submarine mortars. The navy rarely loaded Exocets, or exercised missile firings, on its
guided-missile frigate, and its air search radar was removed in 1998. The ability to fight the ship effectively in
combat against a force equipped with modern sensors and countermeasures was uncertain, as was its ability to
operate effectively with other ships in fleet operations.
The navy had four Lazaga-class 425-ton fast attack craft -- all of which were equipped with four M-38 Exocets and
one 76mm gun. The missile ships were generally considerably better-manned and equipped than Morocco's other
vessels. Individual officer training for these ships ranged from adequate to good, and crew training ranged from
mediocre to adequate. The navy had six 425-ton Lazaga class missile patrol craft with four MM 38 Exocet missiles
each, one 76-mm gun, 20 and 40 mm anti-aircraft guns, and fire control and surface search radars. These ships dated
back to the early 1980s. One had its 76-mm gun removed in 1998. It had six 425-ton Cormoran-class large patrol
craft with 40mm and 20mm guns. The navy also had five 580-tons Rais Bargach-class patrol craft commissioned in
the mid-to-late 1990s. These were French-made craft with 20-mm and 40-mm guns and surface search radars. It had
four 475-ton Osprey Mark II-class large patrol craft with one 40mm and two 20mm guns each. These were equipped
with surface search radars, and were commissioned in the late 1980s and 1990. Some were assigned to the Customs
It had two Okba-class 445-ton large patrol craft with one 76mm gun each, and with surface search radars. These
French-supplied patrol craft dated back to the mid-1980s. It had four El Hahiq (Osprey II) class, 475-ton large patrol
craft with 40mm and 20mm guns. The navy also had six 89-ton El Wacil-class coastal/inshore patrol craft with 20-
mm guns and surface search radars. The training and crew proficiency of these ships was suitable largely for
commercial patrol purposes.
The navy had one Newport-class Landing Ship Tank (LST), displacing 8,450 tons fully loaded, and with the
capacity to carry 400 troops 500 tons of vehicles, 3 LCVPs and 1 LCPL. The ship has experienced repeated
maintenance and operating problems. It carried three Batral-class 1,409-ton LSTs, and had the capacity to carry 140
troops or 12 vehicles, one 670-ton LCT, and up to 26 LCMs. Support craft included two small 1,500-ton transports
and one Ro-Ro Ferry converted to be a troop transport ship. The navy also had three 1,409-ton Batral-class landing
ship (tank) or LSTs, which could carry 140 troops and 12 vehicles or 300 tons of cargo, and one Edic-class 670-ton
landing craft (tank) which could carry up to 11 vehicles.
The Customs and Coast guard have four P-32 coastal patrol craft, 18 Arcor-class coastal patrol craft, 3 Sar craft, and
15 Arcor 53-class inshore patrol craft.
The Moroccan navy has shown it can operate these fast attack craft, patrol craft, transport and amphibious ships
reasonably well. It is capable of patrolling local waters, but has limited ability to operate in the Atlantic, and training
is said to be mediocre. Its capabilities for anti-air and anti-ship missile warfare are limited. It would not be capable
of successfully engaging Spanish naval forces, and would experience serious problems in any engagement with
Morocco has limited repair and at-sea replenishment capability, although it does have two logistic support ships, and
most of its ships have limited endurance. Morocco is scarcely the possessor of a "blue water" navy that can play a
role in the Atlantic or in controlling the entrance to the Mediterranean. The Moroccan navy is adequate for coastal
defense most practical mission requirements, and probably represents the largest and most effective naval force that

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 25

Morocco can support given its limited defense budget and the need to concentrate on the defense of the western
border and south.
Moroccan Air Force
In 2004, the 13,500-man Moroccan Air Force had 95 combat aircraft and 24 armed helicopters. There were major air
bases in Kenitra, Marrakesh-Menara, Meknes-Mezergues, Rabat-Sale and Sidi Slimane, as well as three to four
operating bases in the south.
Morocco’s forces included fighter ground-attack squadron consisting of 8 F-5As, 3 F-5Bs, 24 F-5Es, 4 F-5Fs, and
14 Mirage F-1Ehs; plus one air defense squadron with 15 Mirage F-1CHs. It also had a reconnaissance squadron
with 4 OV-10s and 2 CH-130s with side looking radar; and 2 C-130 and 2 Falcon 20 electronic intelligence and
warfare planes. It had 51 training aircraft, including 23 Alphajets with dual capability in light attack missions.
Morocco had relatively modern air munitions, including some AIM-9B/D/Js, R-530s, R-550 Magics, and 125 AGM-
65B Mavericks for F-5Es. All of its combat aircraft are aging, however, and Morocco needs to fund more modern
fighters during the next decade.
Its transport forces were relatively large and included 12 C-130H, 7 CN-235, 2 Do-28, and 2 Falcon 20, plus 1
Falcon 50, 2 Gulfstream, 4 King Air 100 and 3 King Air 200. Morocco is one of the few air forces with tanker and
mid-air refueling assets; it has 1 B-707 and 2 KC-130H transport/tanker aircraft. Morocco makes extensive use of
air transport and supply in its operations against the Polisario.
Morocco had 24 SA-342 armed helicopters, 12 with HOT anti-guided missiles and 12 with cannon. These armed
helicopters do not have advanced sensors and avionics, but are adequate for day combat. It has seven CH-47 heavy
transport helicopters, 58 medium transport helicopters, and 23 light helicopters. Helicopter mobility and readiness
are good by regional standards.
The Moroccan air force is one of the few regional air forces without a major land-based air defense component.
Morocco has no medium and heavy surface-to-air missile units and does not have the radars and battlement
management systems to support them.
The Moroccan Air Force experienced considerable political instability in the early 1970s, and then had problems in
the war with the Polisario. It lost a considerable number of aircraft to Polisario SA-6s and SA-7s in the early and
mid-1980s, and often aborted missions or dropped bombs where they had limited effect. Since that time, however, it
has gradually corrected many of its past training, maintenance, and leadership problems. It has achieved a
reasonable level of proficiency in using its Mirage F-1s, F-5E/Fs, and Alphajets in basic attack and support
The air force is also effective in using its attack and reconnaissance aircraft, and its CH-130s with SLAR have
proven to be of considerable value in monitoring the defensive wall in the Western Sahara and locating and targeting
Polisario movements with vehicles. It seems able to make effective use of its two C-130 and two Falcon 20 ELINT
aircraft, and is one of the few regional air forces with such an electronic intelligence capability. It acquired a
Westinghouse air defense system in the early 1980s, and has moderately effective warning and combat air control
The air force cannot, however, properly operate all of its Mirage F-1 fighters, which constitute 29 aircraft out of a
total combat strength of 95 aircraft. There are 14 Mirage F-1EHs in the attack role and 15 Mirage F-1CHs assigned
to the air defense role. It is unclear whether Morocco's problems in operating the Mirage F-1 stem from problems in
maintaining the aircraft or from a failure or inability to fund the spare parts and equipment it needs. Its 13 F-5A/Bs
and 29 F-5E/Fs are adequate for missions against the Polisario, but are aging aircraft that lack modern avionics.
They are not adequate to engage modern fighters with beyond-visual-range radars and air-to-air missiles, and lack
the avionics and sensors to use modern air-to-surface guided weapons at long ranges.
Morocco does not have a significant land-based air defense system. It has upgraded its Northrop Grumman tactical
radar system (TPS-63) with new solid-state transmitters and digital signal processors (AN/TPS-63). This upgrade
increases detection range by 250 percent and improves reliability, maintainability and supportability. It has
reasonably good warning and air control capability, but no airborne air control and warning assets and only limited
surveillance and electronic warfare capabilities.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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The air force's other limitations include its lack of advanced or airborne sensors and AC&W capability, its lack of
advanced combat training capability, continuing maintenance problems and dependence on foreign technicians, and
its limited C I battle management capability in the event of a major Algerian attack. Some of these problems may be
solved over the next few years as a result of a 1991 contract that Morocco signed with Westinghouse to modernize
its communications, entire air defense system, and air traffic system.
Moroccan Paramilitary and Security Forces
Like all Maghreb states, Morocco’s military, paramilitary, and security forces play a major role in internal security
and in safeguarding the power of the regime. Morocco's paramilitary forces total roughly 42,000 men, most of which
can act as land forces. These include 12,000 men in the Gendarmerie Royale, which is organized into one brigade,
four mobile groups, one air squadron, one paratroop squadron, and a coast guard unit. The Gendarmerie has 18
patrol boats, two light aircraft, and 22 helicopters.
The Border Police, the National Security Police, and the Judicial Police are all departments of the Ministry of
Interior, while the Royal Gendarmerie reports directly to the Palace. Its activities are focused primarily on Islamic
extremists, student and labor unrest, and the Sahrawis in the Western Sahara.
Until recently, the Moroccan security apparatus has been repressive, and the security services have often acted a
power in their own right, as well as a key source of support for the monarchy. This rule by the security forces, or
“makhzen,” has been controlled by the Minister of the Interior, which commands several overlapping police and
paramilitary organizations. The Ministry of the Interior has also exerted power through the fact that it determined
eligibility for some aspects of welfare and free medical care, and supervises the state and public committees dealing
with investment and businesses in Morocco’s sixteen provinces.
The Ministry of the Interior has been responsible for the conduct of elections, cooperation with the United Nations
in the referendum on the Western Sahara, the appointment and training of many local officials, the allocation of
local and regional budgets, the oversight of university campuses, and the licensing of associations and political
parties. The Ministry has also exerted substantial influence over the judicial system.

The Military Forces of Algeria

Algeria has been long been dominated by a corrupt and inefficient military junta, sometimes called “the Power,”
which has ruled the country behind the façade of an elected government. Since the early 1990s, Algeria has been
involved in a violent civil war with Islamic extremists, after more moderate Islamic political factions were denied
power following their victory in an election. This civil war has been vicious on both sides, often involving large-
scale atrocities. The armed forces have largely won, but the fight continues.
Algeria has changed its force posture over time to reflect the state of its improving relations with Morocco, the
decline in any threat from Libya, Algeria’s economic problems, and its need to focus on its civil war. The trends in
Algerian military forces are shown in Figure 2.2. Algerian regular military manpower peaked at around 170,000 in
the mid 1980s, but declined to around 150,000 in 1990. It dropped to less than 122,000 in 1995, but has since
increase slowly. Algeria had 127,000-128,000 actives in 2005, including 75,000-85,000 conscripts. It had a paper
reserve strength of some 150,000, with little or no real-world readiness and war fighting capability.
Algeria’s civil war has led it however, to increase its paramilitary forces that rose from around 30,000 men in 1986
to some 181,200 in 2004, with 60,000 in the army-controlled gendarmerie, 20,000 in the Directorate of National
Security Forces, 1,200 in the Republican Guard, and around 100,000 in the “Legitimate Defense Groups.” To put
these figures in perspective, they compare with a peak threat of only about 2,000-3,000 full-time regulars in the
Group Islamique Armee (GIA), operating in small groups of 50-100. The Armed Front for Islamic Jihad (FIDA) and
Islamic League for the Call and Jihad (LIDD) probably have peaked at less than 1,000 actives each.
Algeria has a large pool of major weapons systems. Its forces have 1,000 main battle tanks, 124-173 armored
reconnaissance vehicles, 989 AIFV’s, 730 APCs, 185 self-propelled (SP) artillery, 406 towed artillery, and 144
multiple rocket launchers (MRLs). Its air force consisted of 175 combat aircraft and 93 attack helicopters. Its naval
forces included 2 submarines, 8 major surface ships, 12 patrol craft, and 3 amphibious ships.
Algerian Army
Algeria’s military forces are called the National Popular Army or ANP. The Algerian Army is by far the largest
element of the ANP and is currently organized into six military regions. Like Morocco and Libya, Algeria has

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gradually built up a network of roads and facilities in its border areas that are designed to allow its forces to deploy
and fight against either Morocco or Libya. Many of its units are not deployed in the border area, however, and the
Algerian army is scarcely on a wartime footing. The army has major bases at Algeris, Annaba, Batna, Becher,
Biskra, Blida, Constantine, Djanet, Ghardaia, El Golea, Oran, Ouargla, Reggane, In Salah, Skikda, Tamanrasset,
Tarat, Timimoun, Tindouf, and Touggourt.
At the top of the chain of command is the Higher Council of State to the General Staff, followed by the Army
Commander, Navy Commander, and Air Force and Air Defense Commander. The organization of the armed forces
has been streamlined since 1996, and but still has a highly bureaucratic and grossly over-manned and over-ranked
headquarters and support structure. It would probably be more efficient with one-third less manpower. The army is
under the command of the Chief of the General Staff, who has a separate Inspector General, and exercises a direct
line of command to the major combat units.
In the mid-1980s, the army reorganized its divisions into something approaching a modern regimental structure,
added armored forces, and attempted to modernize its command structure. The army is now organized into two
armored divisions, each consisting of three tank regiments (95 T-62s or T-72s and 30 BMP-1s or BMP-2s each).
Each also has one mechanized regiment (30 T-62s or T-72s, 30 BMP-1s or BMP-2s, and 60 BTR-60s each), an
artillery group with 120 guns, a reconnaissance battalion, an air defense battalion, and engineer and logistic
The army has two mechanized divisions, each consisting of three mechanized regiments and an artillery group with
120 guns, a reconnaissance battalion, an air defense battalion, and engineer and logistic elements. The army also has
one airborne division with five airborne regiments, plus one independent armored brigade, one tank regiment, four
or five independent motorized/mechanized infantry brigades, and one anti-tank battalion. Depending on the source,
it has two to seven artillery battalions, and five to seven air defense battalions – one a surface-to-air missile unit.
Most of these latter battalions support a given division and are effectively part of its force structure.
Algeria also has large paramilitary forces, which have carried out most of the fighting in the civil war. The Ministry
of the Interior has a 16,000-20,000 man National Security Force used as anti-terrorist and security force in desert
and mountain areas. The Republican Guard Brigade is a 1,200-man force with armored reconnaissance vehicles that
aids in border surveillance and anti-terrorist operations in desert areas. There is a 50,000-man police force and
50,000-60,000man gendarmerie used for security and anti-terrorists, as well as police functions. These latter forces
are controlled by the Ministry of the Interior.
In 2005, the regular army had about 110,000 full-time actives, about 75,000-85,000 were conscripts. Conscripts
serve for 18 months and generally receive inadequate basic training, in both unit training and field training. Algeria
also has a large army reserve on paper, but it has little real structure and only limited and highly selective call-up
training. It would take weeks to retrain most reserves to serve basic military functions, and months to create
effective reserve units.
The Algerian Army had roughly 1,000 tanks, including 320 T-54/55s, 330 T-62s and 350 T-72s – 55 of which were
delivered during 1999-2000. It had 124 BDRM-2 reconnaissance vehicles (64 with AT-3 Sagger), and possibly 49
Saladins. It had 989 armored infantry fighting vehicles, including 700 BMP-1s and 289 BMP-2s. Continuing
deliveries of BMP-2s took place during 1999 and 2000. It had some 730 armored personnel carriers, including 100
Fahds, 30 BTR-50/OT-62s, 400 BTR-60/OT-64s, and 200 BTR-80s. The overall readiness of Algerian armor was
limited by significant obsolescence and maintenance problems, little large unit training, and poor to mediocre
training in rapid maneuver, night warfare, support and logistics, and aggressive offensive combat.
The army had 406 major towed artillery weapons, including 28 D-74, 100 M-1931/37, 60 M-30, and 198 D-30 122-
mm weapons, 10 M-46 130 mm weapons, and 10 M-1937 152-mm weapons. It also had 185 self-propelled artillery
weapons, including 150 122-mm 2S1s and 35 2S3 152-mm weapons. Its multiple rocket launcher strength included
48 122-mm BM-21s, 48 140mm BM-14 and BM-16s, 30 BM-24 240mm weapons, and 18 new long-range Smerch
9A52s. It had 120 120-mm, 150 82-mm and 60 160-mm mortars. This artillery strength included far more self-
propelled weapons than Algeria had in the mid-1980s, and the army has moderate capabilities for mass fire against
static or area targets. It has little training in artillery maneuver, however, and poor capabilities for combined arms,
counter-battery fire, switching fire, and beyond visual range targeting.
The Algerian Army had 156 towed 57mm and 85 anti-tank guns, plus 3 T-12 and 50 Su-100 100-mm self-propelled
weapons in storage. Other anti-tank weapons included AT-2 Swatter and AT-3 Sagger anti-tank guided weapons
(ATGWs). An unknown number of modern AT-4 Spigot and AT-5 Spandrel ATGWs have been delivered and

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further deliveries are planned. The Army had 178 recoilless rifles. Some of the Saggers are mounted on BRDM-2s.
About 156 of the towed anti-tank guns are obsolete 57mm weapons, and 80 more are obsolescent 85mm D-44 with
limited anti-armor capability against modern tanks. Few crews have realistic combat training in killing tanks or other
The army had some 770 air defense guns, including 219 self-propelled, radar-guided ZSU-23-4s. It also had large
numbers of manportable SA-7s, SA-14s, and SA-16s; and 20 SA-8 and 20 SA-9 light surface-to-air missile
launchers. While most of its air defense weapons have limited lethality, and most crews have limited training,
Algeria has enough modern weapons and sheer weapons strength to provide a considerable "curtain fire" capability
against low flying aircraft.
These weapons holdings show that Algeria is relatively well equipped in terms of equipment numbers for a 110,000-
man army. However, much of Algeria's equipment is 10-20 years old, and some is no longer fully operational. This
includes many BTR combat vehicles, and a few of Algeria's towed artillery weapons. Algeria needs more self-
propelled artillery weapons and more modern short-range air defenses. It needs far more third and fourth generation
anti-tank guided missiles. It also needs modern artillery counter-battery radars and fire control equipment, and
improved command, control, and communications systems. It would have to be extensively re-equipped for effective
night combat and beyond visual range targeting.
The Algerian Army has had no meaningful combat experience against a regular army since its border clashes with
Morocco in 1963. The army is heavily politicized, it is corrupt and nepotistic and this affects promotion at the higher
levels of command. It spends far more time on internal security problems than developing its warfighting capability.
Training tends to be over-rigid and repetitive. Combined arms, combined operations, and maneuver training are
poor. Leadership is weak at every level, there is considerable corruption and favoritism in promotion and command
assignments, and the army has serious organizational, training, logistic, and combat and service support problems.
Technical training and maintenance standards are weak. The army often buys new equipment more quickly than it
can effectively absorb it. It then fails to follow-up with effective training, maintenance, and logistic subsystems.
The military “culture” of the army is also an awkward mix of Algerian ideology and long-outdated and relatively
slow-moving Soviet tactics and doctrine. The army relies on mass and attrition, not maneuver and technology. Its
leadership has never fully converted from an ideological focus on the army as a popular or revolutionary force to
one that is fully capable of modern armored and maneuver combat. Many units lack adequate manning and
readiness, and large-scale exercise training is poor. Algeria's internal security problems, and the high degree of
politicization and bureaucratization of its forces, may well make it impossible to change this situation during the
next decade. High level positions are highly political and so is promotion; there is massive internal corruption
among the top leadership.
It is striking that it is the paramilitary forces and militias that have done so much of the actual fighting in the
Algerian civil war, and not the regular army – which has drained so many resources out of the nation for so long a
period. The National Security Force, Republican Guard Brigade, police force, and gendarmerie have performed
most security anti-terrorist functions. Much of the responsibility for security has also been turned over to the
extensive regional militia forces, and the roughly 100,000 men in what are called the Legitimate Defense Groups.
Where Morocco painfully learned how to fight a guerrilla war, the Algerian army largely stood aside and let proxies
do much of the fighting.
The relatively small size of the organized military forces of the Islamic opposition is also striking. The Group
Islamique Armee (GIA) is estimated to have small groups of 50-100 men, with a total of less than 3,000 actives. The
Armed Front for Islamic Jihad (FIDA) is estimated to have small groups of 50-100 men, and now estimate of total
active strength is available. The same is true of the Islamic League for the Call and Jihad (LDD).iii
Algerian Air Force
Algeria's air force had roughly 10,000 actives in 2004. It emerged as a modern force as the result of an expansion
that took place in the mid-1970s after the clashes between Algerian forces and Morocco and those of Morocco. It
had 175 combat aircraft, and 91 armed helicopters. The air force organized along Soviet lines, although Pakistan
provided advisors and pilots and Egypt provided air training. Its main missions are the defense of Algerian cities,
and conducting air defense and attack operations in the event of a conflict with Morocco or Libya. It has bases in
central Algeria at Ain Oussera, Blida, Boufarik, and Bou Sfer; near the Moroccan border at Bechar/Oukda,

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Mecheira, Oran and Tindouf; and near the Libyan border at Biskra. There are also dispersal bases at Ozukar and
Sidid bei Abbas.
The combat strength of the Algerian air force is organized into regiments. In 2004, it had three fighter ground-attack
regiments, one with 28 Su-24s and two with 28 MiG-23BNs. Algeria is reported to have ordered 22 Su-24s from
Russia in October 2000. Deliveries were to start in November, 2000 and all were to be delivered and in service by
late 2001. The Su-24s were to be the same SU-24M (Fencer D) model already in service in Algeria, and were to be
taken from Russia’s operational inventory, with some upgrading and reconditioning.
The air force had five fighter regiments, one with 20+ MiG-29C/UB, one with 10 MiG-25s, one with 30 MiG-
23B/Es, and two with 30 MiG-21MFs. The air force had two reconnaissance squadrons, one with 6 MiG-25Rs and
one with 6 Su-24Es. Some reports indicate Algeria also had four Su-24 MR (Fencer E) reconnaissance aircraft. iv
With the exception of Algeria’s 48 Su-24s and MiG-29s, whose design dates back to the 1980s, Algeria’s 175
combat aircraft are now badly dated. The Su-24s and MiG-29s are the only aircraft with modern avionics, the
capability to fight effectively in night, all-weather, and beyond-visual range air-to-air combat, or the ability to use
air-to-ground ordnance with high effectiveness. Algeria’s attack aircraft lack the avionics, sensors, all-weather
navigation aids, and computers to take advantage of modern precision-guided weapons.
There were two maritime reconnaissance squadrons in, with 15 Super King Air B-200Ts, but it is unclear that all
these aircraft are operational. Algeria had a large numbers of training aircraft, some of which are part of its combat
strength. They included three MiG-21Us, five MiG-23Us, and three MiG-25Us.
Unless it receives additional modern aircraft, Algeria faces serious long-term modernization problems. Many U.S.
and French experts also seriously question the merit of past Algerian attempts to try to reconfigure its aging Soviet
systems to use Western technology. These experts feel that re-engineering Soviet fighters and trying to upgrade
Soviet electronics and avionics would raise the life cycle cost of such equipment above the cost of new Russian or
Western equipment.
There were a total of 65 attack helicopters, organized into a regiment. They included 30 Mi-17Js, 30 Mi-24s and 30
aging Mi-8s and Mi-17s. Russia delivered six Mi-171 upgraded helicopters employing the Geofizika night-vision
technology, with 36 more to follow.v The air force had 63 heavy transport helicopters, including two Mi-4s, five
Mi-6s, 46 Mi-8/17s, and ten AS 355s. Algeria had an extensive supply of fixed wing transport and VIP aircraft,
including ten C-130Hs, six C-130H-30s, nine IL-76s, two Falcon 900s, three Gulfstream IIIs, and two F-27s.
Algeria’s surface-to-air missile forces are organized into three surface-to-air missile regiments. In 2004, there were
two major regiments with a total of 30-35 SA-3 and 50-60 SA-6 launchers and one with a total of 30-35 SA-8
launchers. It had three brigades of air defense artillery units with unguided 85-mm,100-mm, and 130-mm weapons.
The Algerian air defense C4I, air defense and warning system, and radar sensor net is now obsolescent and lacks
modern battle management and electronic warfare capability.
The Algerian air force has no real combat experience, and training is outdated and poorly organized for large-scale
attack or air defense operations. Reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and countermeasure capabilities range from
poor to mediocre. Maintenance standards are poor and some aircraft are virtually in storage because of a lack of
trained manpower and support capability.
The Algerian air force also suffers from limited and obsolescent C3I/BM capability as well as serious problems in
the quality and modernization of its air control and warning capability. Its SA-3, SA-6, and SA-8 units, and air
defense brigades, have low readiness and operational capability, and poor aircraft and munitions operability and
technology. Algeria seems to have poor to mediocre electronic warfare and countermeasure capability and does not
seem to have received the level of technical support and upgrading that the USSR provided to Libya.
Algerian Navy
The 7,500-man Algerian navy is based at Mers el Kebir (2nd Region), Algiers (1st Region), Annaba (GG
headquarters), and Jijel (5th Region). It is under the command of a general-major and headquartered at Algiers. In
addition to the navy, Algeria has 600 naval infantry and 500 men in its Coast Guard. The navy has a strength of two
submarines, three frigates, six corvettes, nine missile fast attack craft, 10 fast attack craft, and three amphibious
ships. The navy has one survey ship, one major auxiliary ship, and several tug and support vessels. It has two Kebir-
class fast attack craft in construction. The coastal defense force has four truck-mounted batteries of SS-C-3 Styx

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coastal anti-ship defense missiles that are based at Algiers, Mers-el-Kebir, and Jijel, and linked by coastal
The Algerian navy’s two 2,325-ton Kilo-class (type 877E) submarines are equipped with six 533mm torpedo tubes,
long-range torpedoes with active/passive homing, and pattern active/passive homing torpedoes and mines. These
submarines, refitted in 1995 and 1996, are active, but still seem to have little operational training. Algeria used to
have two additional Romeo-class submarines, but these left the fleet in 1989, and are now restricted to training. As a
result, Algeria has sought to acquire up to two more Kilos. The purpose and mission of Algeria’s submarine force is
unclear. Its operating standards are as low as those of most Third World navies. Algeria could not use these
submarines effectively against a modern Western navy, and it is unclear how they would be used against Libya or
The Algerian navy’s major surface ships are more capable. The navy has three Mourad Rais class, 1,900-ton ASW
frigates (ex-Soviet Koni-class), armed with four 76-mm and four 30-mm guns, twin launcher SA-N-4 Gecko
surface-to-air missiles (with a maximum range of 15 kilometers or eight nautical miles and speed of Mach 0.9),
There are also ASW rocket launchers, mine rails, and depth charges. The ships date back to the early and mid-1980s.
The ships have relatively modern air/surface radars and fire control systems, but they only have decoys and chaff
launchers as countermeasures and do not have torpedo tubes. They are all active, but one ship is used for training
purposes. One ship was refitted in Russia during 1997-2000, and has returned to service a second ship is to be
refitted, but no date has been announced.
There are three 660-ton Burya-class missile corvettes (ex- Soviet Nanuchka-class) armed with SS-N-2Cs (active
radar or IR homing to 46 kilometers or 25 nautical miles), twin launcher SA-N-4 surface-to-air missiles, and two 57-
mm guns. There were delivered as new ships during 1980-1982. One completed a refit in 1998-2000, and a second
is scheduled to be refitted, but no date has been announced.
There are two 540-tons Chinese-designed Type 802 or Djebel Chinoise-class coastal patrol corvettes each armed
with one 76mm gun, two twin 40-mm guns, and twin 23-mm guns. They lack effective fire control systems but do
have a surface search radar. The ships were delivered in 1985 and 1990, and the second ship ran into financing
problems and is not fitted with a main gun. Neither seems fully combat operational.
The navy also has nine Osa I and II 210-245-ton missile fast attack craft, plus two non-operational 210-ton Osa-I
class attack craft. They are each armed with four SS-N-2A anti-ship missiles with infrared and radar homing, and
four 30-mm guns. The SS-N-2A is an aging system vulnerable to countermeasures, but has a maximum speed of
Mach 0.9 and range of 46-kilometers (25 nautical miles) with semi-active radar or IR homing. These ships are rarely
seen at sea, and it is unclear whether more than 6 Osa II-class craft and their weapons systems are fully operational.
They were delivered in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and need refitting and re-engining.
Algeria has at least 12 active 200-ton Kebir-Class (Brooke Marine) patrol boats with one 76-mm gun each, plus two
twin 25-mm guns and two twin 14.5-mm guns, and the navy has ordered 15 – although financing problems have
delayed construction and delivery of the additional ships. Six have been transferred to the Coast Guard. These boats
have surface search radars, but do not have modern countermeasures or serious aid defense capabilities.
The Navy's amphibious strength is large enough to give Algeria a potential capability to conduct landings against
Morocco or Libya. It includes two British-made 2,450-ton LSLs (capacity 240 troops, seven tanks, one helicopter)
and one 834-ton Polnochny B-class LSM (capacity 180 troops, six tanks).
The Navy also operates one survey ship, two support ships, 11 ocean-going minesweepers, a number of tugs, 12
fishery protection craft, SSC-3 coastal defense missiles, and two Beechcraft Super Knight 200T aircraft with
weather radars. These aircraft are only capable of visual reconnaissance. The 500-man coast guard is under navy
command. It has 29 small ships and two more are under construction. In addition to the Kebir-class ships, it has
seven El Mouderrib-class 388-ton patrol craft with twin 14.5-mm guns; five Baglietto-class 44-ton patrol craft with
20-mm guns, and four El Mounkid-class patrol craft used for search and rescue missions.
The Algerian Navy has reasonable ship strength, and a number of modern combat surface ships that have
considerable anti-ship missile capability be regional standard and may have or be acquiring SS-N-25 missiles. Its air
defenses and countermeasure capabilities are more limited, however, and a number of its ships are obsolescent and
poorly equipped in terms of their sensors and weaponry. It has poor operational performance, overall readiness,
training, and equipment quality. It could not defend itself adequately against Western strike aircraft or anti-ship
missile attacks, but would probably be able to defeat either the Moroccan or Libyan navies.

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Algerian Paramilitary Forces and Internal Security

Part of Algeria’s military weakness is explained by the fact that it faces far more serious internal threats than foreign
ones. Beginning in 1992, Algeria has had to actively fight a bitter civil war with horrible abuses and atrocities on
both sides. At present, the main function of its military and paramilitary forces is to fight this civil war and maintain
the power of the regime. No quarter is given on either side, and much of the government’s internal security forces,
including virtually all of the 100,000 man Legitimate Self-Defense Force, are little more than an armed rabble. The
Legitimate Self-Defense Force is a force of poorly-trained and organized local militias that have sometimes carried
out massacres and bloody reprisals of their own.
The government’s formal paramilitary forces and security apparatus is composed of the army, air force, navy, and
the national gendarmerie (the national police). The less formal elements include the communal guards (a local
police), and local self-defense forces. The US State Department reports that all of these elements are involved in
counterinsurgency and counter-terrorism operations and are under the control of the government. All have been
responsible for numerous serious human rights abuses.
The best-organized paramilitary forces include the 1,200-man Republican Guard, which is a small elite security
force with AML-60s and M-3s. They also include the Gendarmerie, which is a force of 25,000 men. This force is
assigned to the Ministry of Defense and has 44 AML-60 and M-3 armored vehicles, 200 Fahd armored personnel
carriers, and 28 Mi-2 helicopters. It is reasonably well-trained, organized along military lines, and has played a
major role in the government's efforts to assert control over the FIS and in its armed clashes with Islamic
fundamentalists. The 20,000-man National Security Forces have mediocre training and are equipped largely with
small arms.

The Military Forces of Libya

Libya has sought to shed its image as an extremist state and supporter of terrorism in recent years. It seems to have
reached a settlement over its terrorist attacks on UTA and Pan Am passenger aircraft, and to have halted most
support for terrorist groups. It agreed in late 2003 to give up its efforts to acquire and deploy weapons of mass
destruction and allow inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Libya did so partly because of
years of frustration and failure in various political and military adventures, and partly because of the impact of UN
and US sanctions, and growing economic problems, and the need to deal with a low-level Islamic extremist
insurgent threat.
The Libyan armed forces have, however, been sharply affected by Qadhafi’s eccentricities and his past efforts to
eliminate military ranks and create a people’s army. They are divided into an army, navy, and air force, but there are
large numbers of both men and women who have at least a paper assignment to paramilitary forces like the People’s
Militia, Revolutionary Guards Corps, and People’s Cavalry Force. The army operates Libya’s surface-to-surface
missile forces, the National Air Defense Command is part of the Air Force, and the Navy controls the Coast Guard.
The trends in Libyan military forces are shown in Figure 2.3. On paper, Libya still retains large military assets.
Libya’s land forces have a total of 2,025 tanks 1,130 AIFVs, 990 APC’s, 444 SP artillery, 647 towed artillery, and
830 MRLs. Its air forces consist of 400 combat aircraft and 41 attack helicopters. Its naval forces have one
submarine, 2 major surface ships, 8 missile patrol craft, 2 mine warfare ships, and 3 amphibious ships. These totals
are impressive for a relatively small country, but much of this force is in storage or non-operational, combat
readiness is exceptionally low, and modernization rates are very poor.
The true result of Libya's military build-up during the 1970’s and 1980’s is a vast weapons inventory that has turned
Libya into the world's largest military parking lot, and Libya’s military capabilities are unlikely to evolve much
beyond the parking lot stage in the foreseeable future. Libya does not have modern military forces; it has a modern
military farce. Bad as Libya’s forces are, however, Libya's neighbors cannot count on the permanence of the
“parking lot syndrome,” and ignore the sheer mass of Libya's arms holdings. Libya can engage in costly and
prolonged confrontations and clashes in the border area with its other neighbors.
Libyan Army
The Libyan Army has a total active strength of only 45,000 men, including 25,000 badly trained conscripts. While
the Libyan army is sometimes reported to have some 40,000 men in its People's Militia, this force is more a symbol
of Qadhafi's ever changing ideology than a military force. The Revolutionary Guards Corps is at most a brigade-
sized force with about 3,000 men and equipped with tanks, armored personnel carriers, anti-tank guided weapons,

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air defense weapons, and helicopters. The People’s Cavalry Force is a largely token force. The Libyan army seems
to lack anything approaching an effective and well-trained reserve system.
Reports differ sharply over the organization of Libya forces. The IISS seems to be the most credible source and
reports it is organized into 11 Border Defense and Four Security Zones, and has 1 elite regime security brigade, 10
tank battalions, 10 mechanized infantry battalions, 18 infantry battalions, 6 paratroop/commando battalions, 4
surface-to-surface missile brigades, 22 artillery battalions, and 7 air defense artillery battalions. Another source
indicates that the Libyan Army is organized into two to three tank divisions, two to four mechanized infantry
divisions, two independent tank brigades, and two independent mechanized brigades. It also has three independent
tank battalions, eight mechanized infantry battalions, a Republican Guard brigade, 12-13 paracommando battalions,
seven surface-to-surface missile brigades, three surface-to-air missile brigades, 41 artillery battalions, and two AA
gun battalions.
Regardless of the exact totals, Libya only has about 25-33% of the manpower needed to man its strength of combat
units, and total equipment pool – a factor which explain why so much of its major combat equipment is in storage.
Even its best combat units are under strength and have severe training and leadership problems. These manpower
problems are compounded by tight political control, promotion based on political favoritism, and training which is
often limited to erratic small unit training. As has been noted earlier, Qadhafi also rotates officers arbitrarily to
prevent coup attempts, and restricts some forms of training because he regards them as a threat to his security.
In 2004, the Libyan Army had some 2,020 main battle tanks. Its operational holdings, however, only included some
800 tanks: 145-200 T-72s, 100 T-62s, and 500 T- T-55s. The other 1,225 tanks, were in storage, including some
1,040 T-55s, 70 T-62s, and 115 T-72s. Many of both the operational and stored tanks had significant maintenance
problems, and Libya was actively negotiating with Russia and the Ukraine in 2000 for modernization and overhaul
contracts for these tanks, as well as for its other armor and much of its artillery.
The army had some 130 armored reconnaissance vehicles, including 50 BDRMs and 70 EE-9 Cascavals – a small
portion of the number Libya had originally purchased. There were 1,000 aging BMP-1 armored infantry fighting
vehicles, and about 990 APCs, including 750 BTR-50s and BTR-60s, 100 OT-62s and OT-64s, 40 M-113s, and 100
EE-11 Urutus. These holdings represented far too many types of APCs to allow for effective support and
maintenance. Their armament and armor were dated and often of low quality and many were worn. Like Libya’s
tanks, many of its other armored vehicles were in storage or had serious maintenance problems. Only a few
battalion-sized elements of Libyan armor had even moderate effectiveness in offensive and maneuver operations.
Libya's artillery strength included some 647 major towed artillery weapons, 444 self-propelled artillery weapons,
and 830 multiple rocket launchers – many not operational. The towed weapons included 42 105-mm M-101s, 190
D-30 and 60 D-74 122-mm weapons, 330 130-mm M-46 weapons, and 25 M-1937 152mm weapons. The self-
propelled artillery included 130 2S1 122-mm weapons, 160 Palmaria and 14 M-109 155-mm weapons, and 60 2S3
and 80 DANA 152-mm weapons. Libya's multiple rocket launchers included 300 Type 63 107-mm weapons; 200
BM-11, 230 BM-21 and 100 RM-70 122-mm weapons. Libya also had over 500 82mm and 120mm mortars, and
some M-160 160mm mortars. Libya also had some 45 FROG-7 and 80 Scud B surface-to-surface missile launchers.
(Some reports indicate an additional 450-500 North Korean No dong missiles, but are not confirmed.)
This artillery strength was numerically impressive, but once again, much of it was in storage or not operational.
Libya had poor standardization in terms of weapon and ammunition types. It also lacked the training, organization,
and sensors and C4 (command, control, communications, and computers) equipment to conduct combined arms
operations, maneuver effectively, switch fires rapidly, target beyond visual range, and conduct efficient counter-
battery operations.
Libya's anti-tank weapons included roughly 3,000 ATGW launchers, with Milans, AT-3 Saggers (some mounted on
BDRMs), AT-4 Spigots, and AT-5 Spandrels. These anti-tank guided weapons are effective against any tank other
than the M-1A and possibly T-80, but Libya does not normally provide effective live-fire training under realistic
conditions. The army also had at least 220 M-40A1 106mm recoilless rifles, and large numbers of anti-tank rocket
Nothing approaching an accurate count of Libya's operational light air defense weapons is available. Some estimates
indicate that the army had an inventory of about 600 air defense guns, including large numbers of radar-guided
ZSU-23-4 SP and ZU-23 23mm weapons, M-53 and M-59 30mm weapons, L/70 40mm weapons, and 92 S-60
57mm weapons. Libya also had large numbers of SA-7, SA-9, SA-13, and Crotale light surface-to-air missiles.
Many of these weapons are also stored or have limited operational readiness. The overall air defense training of

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Libyan army forces is poor. The Army had O1-E liaison aircraft and the Libyan air force could support it with 34
transport and liaison helicopters. These included 18 CH-47s and 34 Mi8/Mi-17 transport helicopters and 5 AB-206s,
and 11 SA-316s.
Libya’s combat support, service support, and logistics units and system are capable of little more than sustaining
peacetime garrison operations and occasional set-piece exercises. They would break down quickly in the event of
war. The army seems to have no real training using support and logistics capabilities at even the major combat unit
In summary, Libya's army and paramilitary forces have little military effectiveness. While a few regular army
brigades and some independent elements may have moderate effectiveness, Libya can do comparatively little to
make use of its massive inventory of land weapons. Training and readiness are very poor. Libya's erratic equipment
purchases make logistics, support, and maintenance a military nightmare. Some purchases seem to be made with no
regard to whether the equipment will have any military utility or can be absorbed into Libya's force structure. Nearly
half the army's equipment is in storage or has limited operational availability, and overall leadership and
organization are poor. Even Libya's better units would have difficulty fighting anything other than static defensive
Libyan Navy
The Libyan navy and coast guard have a nominal strength of 8,000 men, but may only have 4,000-4,100 actives.
The navy has significant combat ship strength, but little real-world warfighting capability for anything more than
surprise or hit and run missions. Maintenance and manpower readiness are poor. it has little ability to operate
outside of coastal waters, and its sea training and patrol activity are far below the level needed for high military
proficiency. It cannot count on significant air support in an encounter with a Western navy, and has negligible
offensive capability beyond launching a few missiles. vii
Jane's reports the Navy has its headquarters at Surt, naval bases at Al Khums and Tobruq, a submarine base at Ras
Hilal, a naval air station at Al Girdabiyah, a naval infantry battalion at Sidi Bilal, and working ports at Tripoli,
Derna, and Benghazi. The IISS reports main naval bases at Tripoli, Benghazi, Derna, Tobruk, Sidi Bilal, and Al
The Libyan Navy's main combat forces consist of two aging Foxtrot class fleet submarines (six were delivered, but
five are non-operational), three missile corvettes, two guided missile frigates, two guided missile corvettes. 14
missile patrol craft (a number in semi non-operational reserve), and five ocean minesweepers. Libya also had five
landing ships (two in reserve), three LCTs, one training ship, one support ship, one diving ship, ten transport ships,
one salvage ship, two floating docks, and seven coastal tugs. According to IISS, Libya’s operational strength
included two submarines, two frigates, three corvettes, 13 missile patrol boats, six mine countermeasure vessels,
four amphibious vessels, and nine support ships.
Libya has done a poor job of creating operational naval forces. Libya once had six 1,950-ton ex-Soviet Foxtrot-class
submarines that were delivered between 1976 and 1982. These were export versions of the submarine from a
reactivated production line and were obsolescent when delivered. They were armed with ten 533-mm torpedo tubes
and had Soviet Type 53 active/passive and SEAT-60 passive homing torpedoes (15-kilomter range) homing
torpedoes. They were only fully operational as long as the crews were FSU trained and supported, and the ships
were maintained by the FSU. This does not seem to have been the case since 1984, and there have been no regular
undersea patrols since that time. One submarine sank in 1993. It was raised, but was not returned to service. Libya
was seeking to overhaul and modernize its remaining submarines when UN sanctions were imposed, but its
remaining ships are now so obsolete that there is little point in such modernization. Only two of its submarines are
now operational, and only one – the Al Khybedr – makes occasional surface patrols.
Libya retains two missile frigates: 1,900-ton ex-Soviet Koni-class vessels, delivered in 1986 and 1987. They each
were armed with four SS-N-2C Styx missiles (83 kilometers range), four 76mm guns, four twin 30mm guns, SA-N-
4 Gecko surface-to-air missile launchers, and four 406mm torpedo tubes. They could fire Soviet Type 40
active/passive anti-submarine torpedoes. These two frigates lack some of the sensors and electronics of Soviet ships
but are relatively modern. Both ships are active, but have not had any significant modernization since they were
delivered in the late 1980s. Libya’s capability to fully operate these two ships in combat is uncertain.
Libya has two 660-ton Soviet Nanuchka II-class corvettes with four SS-N-2C missiles (83 kilometers range), SA-N-
4 Gecko surface-to-air missile launchers, and two twin 57mm guns. It originally had four One was sunk by the US

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navy on March 24, 1986. Another, the Tariq Ibn Ziyad (formerly the Ean Mara), was severely damaged by the US
navy on March 25, 1986, but was repaired in the FSU and returned to service. It and Ean Zara – seem to be quasi-
operational. Another, the Ean Al Gzala has not been at sea for four years and may have been stripped for parts.
Libya has eight 311-ton Combattante IIG-class missile patrol boats, delivered in 1982-1983. Each has with four
Otomat Mark I/II launchers (60-80 kilometers) and 12 76mm guns. Only some of these ships are crewed and
operational. Libya’s missile patrol craft also include six 245-ton OSA-II class boats, delivered during 1976-1980,
each with four SS-N-2C Styx anti-ship missile launchers (83 kilometers) and two twin 30mm guns. It is uncertain
that their anti-ship missiles are fully operational.
Libya still has other patrol craft in its navy, including one 100-ton Poluchat-class torpedo recovery vessel, four
Garian-class large patrol craft, and three Benina-class large patrol crafts. It is not clear that any of these craft are
now truly operational.
The navy still has five 804-ton Soviet Natya-class ocean-going mine sweepers in inventory. These represent a
moderate threat because they can lay mines with little warning, though Libya has already used commercial cargo
ships to lay mines in the Red Sea, and this kind of asymmetric warfare does not require combat ships. At least five
are operational, and possibly six. They are used for coastal patrols and training, and have never been observed in
minesweeping exercises.
The Libyan Navy has five amphibious ships and three LCTs in inventory. These ships include two 2,800-ton PS-700
class landing ship-tanks (240 troops and eleven tanks each). Both have not been modernized since the late 1970s,
but are operational. One, however, may have been transferred to commercial service. There are three Turkish-made
600-ton landing craft-tanks (100 troops and five tanks each.), but their operational status is doubtful. Libya has a
number of training and support ships. They include one 500-ton training ship, one support ship, a salvage ship, a
diving tender, seven tugs, and 10 2,412-ton transport ships. These latter transport ships are now in commercial
service, and can be used to either move heavy equipment and troops or lay mines.
The navy has the support of two air force squadrons with a total of 32 armed helicopters, including 25 Mi-14 Haze
ASW helicopters, and seven SA-321 Frelon and SA-341 Super Frelon ASW and SAR helicopters. They are worn
and obsolete and most are not operational. They can carry AM-39 Exocets but do not seem to do so. The operational
status of the Hazes is unclear. There were five SA-316B support helicopters assigned to support the police and
customs, but none now seem to be operational. The air force also provides support in the naval reconnaissance and
surface support roles. In addition, the navy had several shore batteries, including some with Otomat, SSC-3 and SS-
N-2d missiles (95 kilometers). Libya also has some kind of coastal radar and surveillance system, and may be using
part of its popular militia in a coast watch mission.
The Libyan navy's overall training and readiness levels were never high, and declined sharply after the mid-1980s,
possibly because of decreased funding and a resulting drop in support from the FSU. The Navy suffered badly from
UN sanctions, but acquired some Ukrainian technical support in 1995 and received more parts deliveries and repairs
after 1998. Some individual ship crews have moderate capability, but overall training, readiness, and command
standards are low, and weapons systems and combat electronics are rarely exercised. Libya cannot operate as an
effective fleet. Maintenance seems to be as badly organized as most aspects of Libyan military activity.
Libyan Air Force
In early 2004, Libya's air force and air defense command had a nominal strength of 23,000 men, although some
estimates put the total below 18,000. They had approximately 380 combat aircraft and 60 armed helicopters. It has at
least 10 large air bases with shelters and land-based anti-aircraft defenses. It has major air bases at Umm Aitqah,
Banghazi-Banina, El Adem (General Abdel Nasser), Tripoli (Okba Ibn Nafa), Bengazi, and Zawiyat-El Bayda.
Libya’s forces are concentrated at bases in Tripoli and Benghazi. There are dispersal bases at Ghat, Sebha, and
Libya’s air force includes some advanced aircraft types, but much of it is obsolete or ineffective. The Libyan Air
Force still has one bomber regiment with six Tu-22 Blinders. The USSR transferred 12 long-range Tu-22 bombers
in April 1979, and five to six may still be marginally operational. These aircraft are obsolete medium altitude
bombers that are very vulnerable to both air-to-air and surface-to-air missile defenses.
Libya’s air force has 7 fighter ground attack squadrons (down from a peak of 13), 9 fighter squadrons, two
reconnaissance squadrons, an attack helicopter squadron, and numerous fixed and rotary wing helicopter units. Its

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squadrons are organized into regiments, some of which have both defense and attack missions, but which are
normally either strike/attack or air defense regiments.
The only Libyan air force unit with advanced combat aircraft was a single Su-24 strike/attack squadron with only six
aircraft. Soviet transfers of six to ten Su-24Ds 1989 gave Libya a more serious long-range strike fighter, which was
then one of the most advanced aircraft in Soviet inventory. The Su-24 is a twin seat swing-wing aircraft that is
roughly equivalent in terms of weight to the F-111, although it has nearly twice the thrust loading, and about one-
third more wing loading. It is deployed in five variants. Although it is not clear which variant Libya has received, it
seems likely that it is the expert version of the Su-24D.
Although its avionics are now a decade old, the SU-24D has a sophisticated radar warning receiver, an improved
electronic warfare suite, an improved terrain avoidance radar, a bean, satellite communications, an aerial refueling
probe, and can deliver electro-optical, laser, and radar-guided bombs and missiles. The Su-24 can carry payloads of
nearly 25,000 pounds, and can operate missions with a 1,300-kilometer radius when carrying 6,600 pounds of fuel.
With a more typical 8,818 pound (4,000-kilogram) combat load, it has a mission radius of about 790 kilometers in
the LO-LO-LO profile, and 1,600-kilometers in the LO-HI-LO profile. With extended-range fuel tanks and airborne
refueling, the Su-24 can reach Italy, Egypt, Chad, and even Israel, although the latter mission would be demanding,
would have to be flown out of an eastern base like Benghazi, and would allow only a limited time over the target.
The Su-24 can carry up to three AS-7 Kerry radio command guided missiles (5-kilometers range), one AS-9 These
can include a mix of Kyle anti-radiation missile with passive radar guidance and an active radar fuse (90-kilometers
range), three AS-10 Karen passive laser guided missiles with an active laser fuse (10-kilometers range), and three
AS-11 Kilter anti-radiation missiles with passive radar guidance and an active radar fuse (50-kilometers range). It
also can carry up to three AS-12 Kegler anti-radiation missiles with passive radar guidance and an active radar fuse
(35-kilometers range), three AS-13 Kingposts, and three AS-14 Kedge semi-active laser guided missiles with a
active laser fuse (12-kilometers range). The Su-24 also can carry demolition bombs, retarded bombs, cluster bombs,
fuel air bombs, and chemical bombs.
Libya has acquired a limited long-range refueling capability in order to ease many of the problems that it would face
in conducting such strikes. While Libya did not get the modified IL-76 that it had originally sought from the USSR
for refueling its Su-24s, it did get the technology that it needed to convert one of its C-130s into a tanker for airborne
refueling from West German firms. Libya has experimentally refueled its Mirage F-1s, and is seeking a modifiable
cargo jet so that it will be able to refuel at higher speeds and without the maneuver problems inherent in trying to
refuel a jet fighter from a propeller aircraft.
Libya’s six additional fighter ground-attack units had a total of 40 MiG-23BNs, 15 MiG-23Us, 30 Mirage 5D/DEs,
14 Mirage 5DDs, 14 Mirage F- 1ADs, and 53 Su20/-22s. Some sources indicate there also was still a COIN
squadron with 30 J-1 Jastrebs. Libyan attack aircraft performed poorly in close air support and interdiction missions
in Chad, and there are no reports that Libya has since developed effective training systems and facilities, or has
practiced meaningful exercises in low altitude combat, air defense evasion, countermeasure penetration, or
combined arms with the Libyan army. Libya did, however, have relatively modern AS-7, AS-9, and AS-11 Soviet
air-to-surface missiles and some anti-radiation missiles. It had large stocks of unguided bombs, including napalm,
and seems to have had some laser-guided bombs.
The Libyan Air force had nine fighter squadrons, equipped with a total of 15 Mirage F-1ED/BDs, 45 MiG-21s, 70
MiG-23 Flogger Es, 94 MiG-25s, and three MiG-25Us. These air defense fighters had aging avionics with limited
capability, but advanced air-to-air missiles like the AA-6 Acrid, AA-7 Apex, AA-8 Aphid, R-530, and R-550 Magic
Only the Mirage F-1s and some MiG-25s had more than very limited long range intercept, and look-down shoot-
down capabilities, and Libya had major pilot training problems and had lost a number of aircraft to accidents.
Libyan air-to-air training levels and air combat tactics have remained far inferior to those of U.S. pilots and well-
trained Middle Eastern pilots like those of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Libya seems to have had a serious shortage of
even mediocre combat pilots, and may be dependent on Soviet and other foreign officers and technicians for
effective ground-controlled intercepts. It still does not seem to be able to conduct effective electronic warfare.
Libya had two reconnaissance squadrons with four Mirage-5DRs and seven MiG-25Rs. If the MiG-25R is similar to
Soviet versions, it has infrared, side-looking radar, and ESM capabilities. Libya also has some remotely piloted
vehicles. This gives Libya a reasonable mix of basic reconnaissance capabilities, but it seems doubtful that it has
organized to use them effectively. It may well rely on the slow daylight photography system of most Third World

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Libya had an attack helicopter squadron with 29 Mi-25s and 31 Mi-35s. Some of these helicopter forces seemed to
had moderate training, but the helicopters were equipped obsolescent avionics and with AT-2 Swatter air-to-ground
missiles. Readiness was poor and some aircraft had been lost to accidents.
Other air units included seven transport squadrons, transport helicopters, and training aircraft. The transport
squadrons had 23 An-26, seven CH-130s, two L-100-20s, three L-100-30s, 6 G-222s, 25 IL-76s, and 15 L-410s.
There was a heavy transport helicopter squadron with 17 CH-47Cs, a medium transport squadron with 34 Mi-8s and
Mis-17s, and a light unit with 11 SA-316s, and five AB-206s. The transport forces seemed to be the most effective
element of the Libyan air force.
These holdings are impressive in terms of sheer numbers, but the air force still has severe shortages of competent
pilots, and training levels and quality were poor. The overall readiness of Libyan aircraft is poor, and most Libyan
aircraft are now dated or obsolescent in terms of avionics and upgrades. The operational sustainability of even
Libya’s most combat-ready aircraft is limited, and most bases can evidently only support limited numbers of types
of aircraft. The air force seems to be dependent on foreign technicians for training, maintenance, and sometimes
even combat missions. Overhaul and combat repair capability is limited, and combat sustainability is poor.
Maintenance is mediocre, and an over-centralized and politicized command structure limits air defense proficiency
and makes it difficult to effectively plan coherent air attacks and sustain significant numbers of sorties. In 2004, up
to half of Libya's aircraft were in storage or of negligible operational value, and the air force still seemed to rely
heavily on Syrian, FSU, North Korean, and Pakistani "instructors" to fly actual missions.
Libyan Land-Based Air Defenses
Libya’s land-based air defenses are badly dated and are largely obsolete or obsolescent. They are, however, among
the largest such defenses in the Middle East. In 2005, Libya's air defense forces included four SA-5 brigades, each
with two battalions of six launchers (48 total), four air defense gun batteries, and a radar company. According to
some reports, these SA-5 units were partly manned by some Russian personnel.
There were five regional surface-to-air missile commands, each with five to six brigades with 18 SA-2 launchers
each (160-180 launchers total); two to three brigades with 12 SA-3 launchers each (100 to 110 launchers total); and
three brigades with 20-24 SA-6s (130-150 launchers) and some SA-8s each. These missile units were loosely
integrated by Libya's Senezh air defense and command system. Both the SAM units and command system of the Air
Defense Command were heavily dependent on expatriate support personnel, who sometimes seem to act as
operators. Overall capability is low, except for those forces with direct foreign "supervision".
Libya's major surface-to-air missile forces were first placed under an Air Defense Command, which was formed in
1973, the year of the October War. This command was merged and reorganized in the late 1980s after the U.S. air
strikes on Libya. The Air Defense Command seemed to be somewhat more effective than the air force. In 2000, it
was reasonably well-deployed and provided overlapping coverage by a range of different missiles along the coastal
areas. The network of radars was badly dated, however, as were its electronic warfare and command and control
If British reports are correct, Libya still uses a modification of the same kind of Central Command Center and
regional Sector Operations Centers that the Former Soviet Union set up in Algeria, Syria, Iraq, and many other
countries dependent on FSU arms and aid. The Libyan system, however, was upgraded more than Algeria’s before
the breakup of the Soviet Union. Soviet high capacity communications systems have been installed, and extensive
use is made of buried land lines to reduce the electronic and physical vulnerability of the system. The Air Defense
Command also seems to have been upgraded with relatively modern early warning radars, and electronic warfare
These problems led Libya to make the acquisition of new surface-to-air missiles a key priority once sanctions were
suspended in April 1999. Libya sought a new air defense system from Russia based on the S-300PMU1 and S-
300PMU2 air defense missiles and their supporting radars and C4 systems. Price was still a major issue during the
Russian-Libyan negotiations in 2000, however, and Libya evidently looked at Belarus and Ukrainian versions of the
same system.xii
The obsolescence of Libya’s aging Soviet-supplied surface-to-air missiles is scarcely its only problem. Operator
training and proficiency remains low. The system is over-centralized and has relatively slow data process and
limited automated analysis capability. Ergonomics and data interfaces are poor and the system is vulnerable to
electronic warfare and anti-radiation missiles. Overall alert rates are poor to mediocre, and Libyan operators have

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not fully adapted to the use of Soviet automated systems. It is also unlikely that Libya's electronic warfare assets
give it much protection against the level of jamming and countermeasure technology that the U.S. deployed in
Operation Desert Storm and Desert Fox.
Libyan Paramilitary and Security Forces
Like most North African states, Libya is better at internal repression than at dealing with foreign threats. Libya has a
number of paramilitary forces and security services. They act as a means of controlling the power of the regular
military and providing Qadhafi with security.
The data on such forces is uncertain and sources report very different details. There seems to be a 3,000-man
Revolutionary Guard Corps (Liwa Haris Al-Jamahirya) to guard Qadhafi with T-54/55/62 tanks, armored cars,
APCs, multiple rocket launchers, and ZSU-23-4s and SA-8s, which are taken from the army inventory. There also
seem to be up to 2,500 men in the Islamic Pan African Legion, which may have one armored, one infantry, and one
paracommando brigade, although its total manpower strength could only man less than one brigade slice. The
Islamic Pan African Legion has at least 75 T- 54s and T-55s and some EE-9 MICVs. Roughly 700-1,000 men from
the Islamic Pan African Legion were believed to be in the Sudan in 1988, but current deployments are unknown.
There is also a People's Cavalry Force that acts largely as a parade unit, and a people's militia with a nominal
strength of about 40,000 men.
As is the case with other North African states, there are comparatively little reliable data on the operations of the
government’s security forces. The best unclassified reporting comes from the US State Department, and much of
this reporting provides reliable insights into the operations of the security forces. The US State Department reports
that Libya maintains an extensive security apparatus, consisting of several elite military units, including Qadhafi’s
personal bodyguards, local Revolutionary Committees, and People’s Committees, as well as the “Purification”
Committees, which were formed in 1996. The result is a multi-layered, pervasive surveillance system that monitors
and controls the activities of individuals.

The Military Forces of Tunisia

Tunisia has always been a defensive military power. Until recently, its major threat has been Libya. At this point, it
faces no serious external threat. Its armed forces are designed largely for border defense, internal security, and
protection of key economic facilities. Tunisia lacks the active force and equipment strength necessary to deploy
significant strength on either border in peacetime, and keeps most of its units near urban centers. It does, however,
have special units in the Sahara brigade that cover the border and provide a light screen of security forces.
The armed forces have a conventional organization and command structure, with a Minister of Defense and an
Army Chief of Staff, and an army, national guard, navy and air force. The trends in Tunisian military forces are
shown in Figure 2.4. Tunisia had total force with only some 35,000 men in 2004, including 23,400 conscripts. Its
land forces had a total of 84 tanks, 149 AIFV’s, 268 APC’s, and 117 pieces of towed artillery. Its air force possessed
29 combat aircraft and 7 attack helicopters. Its naval forces had 6 missile craft and 13 patrol boats. These small
equipment holdings make Tunisia an exception to the “militarism” of most North African states. They are force
levels that are far closer in size to Tunisia’s real strategic needs than the force levels of any of its neighbors, but
vulnerability is the price of moderation.
Tunisian Army
The Tunisian army has a total of 27,000 men, of which some 22,000 are conscripts with limited experience and
training. Officer and career other ranks training and proficiency are good by Third World standards. Conscripts are
selected to ensure they have a good basic education, but only serve for 12 months. Overall training standards are
physically rigorous, but conscripts gain little proficiency in combined arms and maneuver warfare. The total strength
of Tunisia's organized reserves is currently unknown. There is little indication that they are well trained or
organized, or would be combat effective without months of reorganization and training.
The army was reorganized in the early 1990s to create three mechanized brigades, and the chain of command now
flows down from the Army Chief of staff to the First, Second, and Third Mechanized Brigades, the Saharan Brigade,
and a Special Forces Brigade. The major Tunisian army base is in Tunis. The army is now organized into three
mechanized brigades (each with one armored regiment, two mechanized infantry regiments, one artillery regiment,
and one air defense regiment). One report indicates that a typical mechanized brigades is supposed to have a tank
battalion with 42 main battle tanks, a mechanized battalion with 45 armored personnel carriers, a motorized rifle

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battalion with 34 light armored vehicles, an artillery battalions with 18 guns, an anti-tank guided weapons battery
with 12 fire units, an anti-aircraft battalion, an engineer battalion, a reconnaissance company, and logistic, transport,
and supply elements. The army also has one reinforced Sahara brigade, one Special Forces brigade, and one
engineer regiment. These formations are generally relatively small. A Tunisian brigade generally has only about
5,000 men, and a regiment of only 1,000 to 1,500 men.
The army has slowly acquired 84 main battle tanks (30 M-60A1s and 54 M-60A3s). It has 54 obsolescent Steyr SK-
105 Kuerassier light tanks, and 69 relatively low-grade armored reconnaissance vehicles, including 24 Saladins and
45 AML-90s. It has about 268 APCs, including 140 M-113 A-1/2s, 18 EE-11 Urutus, and 110 Fiat F-6614s.
Tunisia is learning how to use modern armor, but is, at best, capable of largely static defense in the event of a major
attack by Libya or Algeria. Its armor is poorly standardized, and many items are aging or obsolete. Overall, Tunisian
armored forces have continuing maintenance and standardization problems. They are trained well enough for light
defensive operations, but have limited maneuver and offensive capability.
The army has made improvements in its artillery strength in recent years, and most Tunisian artillery battalions now
seem to have a full complement of weapons. Total strength has risen from 80 artillery pieces in 1988, to about 117
weapons in 1998, and 123 weapons, but this strength is all in towed weapons that cannot maneuver with armor.
Tunisia has 48 M-101A1/A2 105mm towed weapons, 12 M-114A1 155mm towed weapons, and 57 M-198 155mm
towed weapons. It also has 95 81mm mortars and 66 4.2-inch and 107mm mortars. It has been able to employ these
weapons defensively in small batteries, but has limited maneuver, command and control, counter battery, and
beyond visual range targeting capability.
The anti-tank weapons strength of the Tunisian army is limited, although it includes some modern types like the
Milan and TOW. In 1998, Tunisia had a mix of 500 Milan and 100 MGM-71A TOW anti-tank guided missile
launchers, including 35 TOW anti-tank guided missile launchers mounted on M-901 armored vehicles. It had 140
57mm M-18 recoilless rifles and 70 M-40A1 106mm recoilless rifles. It also had 300 M-20 3.5" and 300 LRAC-89
89mm anti-tank rocket launchers. Few anti-tank crews have high readiness or realistic training against mobile armor.
The air defense weapons of the Tunisian army include 48 aging RBS-70 and 25 M-48 Chaparral surface-to-air
missile fire units. Tunisia also has 100 M-55 20mm and 15 M-1939/Type 55/-65 37mm AA guns. These weapons
are capable of providing limited low altitude point defense. Tunisia has no heavy surface-to-air missile systems in
either the army or the air force.
Tunisia is only beginning to acquire the elements of modern armored warfare training, and faces massive problems
in rationalizing its diverse inventory, which now consists of far too many erratic small buys of incompatible or hard-
to-support equipment. The Tunisian army badly needs to improve its manpower management, emphasis on
professionalism and career incentives, and support and logistic capabilities. At present, most units cannot operate
effectively for any length of time unless they are near their peacetime depots and casernes, and even then, the
logistic and service support system is not particularly effective.
Tunisian Navy
The 4,500-man Tunisian navy is based at Bizerte, Sfax, LaGoulette and Keliba. It has nearly 700 conscripts, but ship
crews tend to be relatively professional. In early 2001, its holdings included three missile fast attack craft, three
missile patrol craft, two regular fast attack craft, five large patrol craft, 21 coastal patrol craft, 14 small patrol craft,
and five training/survey ships. Two more regular fast attack craft were on order, and a number of its patrol craft
were not truly operational or were laid-up.
The navy had three Combattante III-class 425-ton missile guided fast attack craft, each with two quad MM-40
Exocet anti-ship missile launchers, The Exocet missiles have active radar homing and a maximum range of 70-
kilometers (40-miles). They also have one 76mm gun, and two twin 40mm Breda guns. There is an air/surface
search radar, but there are no surface-to-air missile launchers. These ships were all delivered in the mid-1980s and
need modernization and refits. Tunisia also had three Bizerte-class 250-ton missile patrol craft with eight
Aerospatiale SS12M and four 37mm guns. The SS-12M is a very short-range missile (5.5 kilometers or 3 nautical
miles) with a small warhead. These Bizerte-class ships are all operational but are badly in need of refits.
Other combat ships included three 120-ton Haizhui-class ex-PRC fast attack craft, each with four 25mm guns. These
ships were delivered in the mid-1990s, and are all operational. They included three 250-ton Bizerte-class large patrol
craft with 20mm guns that date back to the late 1970s, but have had their guns updated and are operational. The

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Navy had ten coastal patrol craft. These included four Istiklal-class 80-ton coastal patrol craft with twin 20mm guns
and surface search radars; and six 38-ton coastal patrol craft with 20mm guns. The remaining vessels include five
Kondor-class 377-ton patrol craft with twin 25-mm guns, and five Bremse-class 42-ton patrol craft with twin 14.5-
mm guns, operated by the Coast Guard, plus eleven 32-ton coastal patrol craft operated by customs, 4 Gabes-class
18-ton patrol boats, and six training/survey ships.
While Tunisia is capable of operating most of its individual ships, it does not seem to be organized for any kind of
fleet or combined arms operations. The Tunisian Navy is adequate for patrol missions in local waters, but is not
capable of engaging the navies of any of Tunisia's neighbors. It is not strong enough to survive an attack by the
Libyan or Algerian navies. Overall logistic and maintenance capabilities seem to be limited, At the same time,
Tunisia can probably count on European, US and/or Egyptian naval support in the event of any offensive attack by
its neighbors – none of whom can risk confronting these naval powers.
Tunisian Air Force
The 3,500-man Tunisian Air Force (TAF) has some 700 conscripts. It has slowly developed relatively effective
manpower policies and is gradually developing the capability to train and retain competent pilots and air crews. It is
expanding steadily, and had 29 combat aircraft and 15 attack helicopters in early 2004. Its main bases are in Bizerte-
Sidi Ahmed, Bizerte-La Karouba, and Sfax-El Maou. Its forces are organized largely along squadron lines with air
defense, counterinsurgency (COIN), and attack training.
The TAF has done a good job of absorbing and operating its 12 F-5E/Fs in the fighter ground-attack role, and has
gradually developed a limited capability for daytime air-to-air combat. It is unclear whether Tunisia still suffers
from a shortage of trained F-5 pilots. It also had five MB-326s in the COIN role. Some its 5 MB-326B and 12 L-59
training aircraft seem to have limited combat capability.
These aircraft are reasonably effective in attack missions against troops that are not equipped with modern
manportable or short range guided missiles -- a limitation that may present serious problems if the Tunisian Air
Force must deal with regular Libyan or Syrian forces. None of its combat aircraft have advanced air defense or
attack capabilities, however, and Tunisia needs 12-24 more modern combat aircraft during the next 5-8 years. Given
potential threats, it needs a modern all-weather air defense fighter with beyond visual range air-to-air intercept
The air force has two S-208M liaison aircraft, and a training wing with 18 combat capable SF-260s, five MB-326s,
and 12 L-59s. It also has a wing with 43 helicopters, including six SA-313s, three SA-316s, 15 AB-205s, 12 UH-1s,
six AS-350Bs, and one AS-365F. These helicopters give Tunisia's armed forces considerable tactical air mobility for
a force of their size.
In broad terms, Tunisia has a primitive air control and warning system, and limited sensor coverage of Tunisian air
space. It is not organized to fight at the air force level, as distinguished from the formation or squadron level. It has
the same problems in terms of retaining and training good personnel as does the army, and is heavily reliant upon
foreign contractors for logistics and maintenance. Some effort has been made to give the Tunisian air force a
combined operations capability based on U.S. doctrine and training concepts, but success is evidently still very
Tunisian Paramilitary Forces and Internal Security
Tunisia's paramilitary forces consist of a National Guard with 10,000-12,000 men. It has a naval element with some
13 patrol craft and an aerial element with five P-6B aircraft and eight SA-318 and SA-319 helicopters. The National
Guard shares responsibility for internal security with the police. The police operate in the capital and a few other
cities. In outlying areas, their duties are shared with, or ceded to, the National Guard. Both forces are under the
control of the Minister of Interior and the President.
As is the case with other North African states, there is comparatively little reliable detailed data on the operations of
the government’s security forces. The best unclassified reporting comes from the US State Department, and much of
this reporting provides reliable insights into the operations of the security forces.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 40

Figure 2.1

Moroccan Force Developments 1980-2005

Category/Weapon 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2004 2005

Defense Budget
($Current Billions) 0.676 0.504 1.36 1.23 1.8 1.5 2.0 ?

Mobilization Base
Men Ages 13-17 - - 1,437,000 1,599,600 1,690,000 1,780,000 1,780,000 ?
Men Ages 18-22 - - 1,343,000 1,439,000 1,526,000 1,612,000 1,612,000 ?

Active 116,500 149,000 192,500 195,500 196,300 198,500 196,300 196,300
(Conscript) - - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Reserve - - 100,000 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000
Total - - 292,500 249,500 - 348,500 346,300 346,300

Paramilitary 30,000 33,000 40,000 42,000 42,000 48,000 50,000 50,000

Land Forces
Active Manpower 105,000 130,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000
(Conscripts) - - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Reserve Manpower - - - 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000
Total Manpower - - - 325,000 - 325,000 325,000 325,000

Main Battle Tanks 170 190 284 524 524 744 520 520
AIFVs/Arm. Cars/Lt. Tanks 740 612 474 559 559 539 215 215
APCs/Recce/Scouts/Half-Tracks 644 806 879 785 785 1,109 1,064 1,064
ATGM Launchers - - 850 720 720 720 720 720

SP Artillery/SP Anti-tank guns 217 174? 230 175 167 227 227 227
Towed Artillery 132 174 144 164 190 185 185 185
MRLs 36 20 40 39 39 26 40 40
Mortars- - 1,290 680+ 1,700 1,700 1,470 1,470 1,470
SSM Launchers - - - - 0 0 0 0
AA Guns - 140 427 - 425 425 425 460
Lt. SAM Launchers - - - 107 107 107 107 107

Air & Air Defense Forces

Active Manpower 7,000 13,000 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -

Total Fighter/FGA/Recce 90 105 93 99 89 74 95 95
Bomber 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fighter 0 0 15 15 15 15 15 15
FGA/Fighter 68 77 0 0 0 0 0 0
FGA 0 0 31 34 47 53 54 54
Recce 0 0 6 2 6 6 6 6
COIN/OCU 22 28 46 50 0 0 0 0
Airborne Early Warning (AEW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electronic Warfare (EW) 0 0 3 3 3 3 4 4
Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Combat Capable Trainer 35 52 - 12 23 23 24 24

Tanker 0 0 4 3 3 3 3 3
Transport 29 33 33 35 36 33 33 33


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Attack/Armed/ASW 0 18 50 24 24 24 24 24
Other 117 90 24 89 88 89 88 88
Total 117 108 74 113 112 113 112 112

SAM Forces
Batteries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heavy Launchers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Naval Forces
Active Manpower 4,500 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,800 10,000 7,800 7,800
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -
Total Manpower - - - - - 10,000 7,800 7,800

Submarines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Destroyers/Frigates/Corvettes 0 1 1 3 1 1 2 2
Missile 0 1 1 3 1 1 2 2
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Missile Patrol 2 6 4 4 4 4 4 4
Coastal/Inshore Patrol 15 17 21 23 23 23 23 23
Mine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Amphibious Ships 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
Landing Craft/Light Support - - - - 4 4 4 4
ASW/Combat Helicopter 0 - - - 0 0 2 2

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from data provided by US experts, and the IISS, Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 42

Figure 2.2

Algerian Force Trends 1980-2005

Category/Weapon 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2004 2005

Defense Budget
(In 96-97, $Current Billions) 0.705 0.938 1.01 1.36 1.9 2.1 2.8 ?

Mobilization Base

Men Ages 13-17 - - 1,535,000 1,796,000 1,891,000 1,986,000 1,986,000 ?

Men Ages 18-22 - - 1,328,000 1,551,800 1,693,000 1,934,000 1,834,000


Total Active 101,000 170,000 125,000 121,700 122,000 124,000 127,500 127,500
(Conscript) - 100,000 70,000 90,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Total Reserve 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Total 201,000 320,000 275,000 271,700 272,000 274,000 277,500 277,500

Paramilitary 10,000 30,550 23,000 105,000 146,200 181,200 181,200 181,200

Land Forces

Active Manpower 90,000 150,000 107,000 105,000 105,000 107,000 110,000 110,00
(Conscripts) - 100,000 70,000 90,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Reserve Manpower - - 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000
Total Manpower - - 257,000 255,000 - 257,000 260,000 260,000

Main Battle Tanks 600 700 900 960 951 1,089 1,000 1,000
AIFVs/Armored Cars/Lt. Tanks 250 800 1,055 1,035 1,000 1,174 989 989
APCs/Recce/Scouts/Half-Tracks 830 550 860 460 680+ 945 903 903
ATGM Launchers - - - - - - - -

SP Artillery 140 100 120 185 185 185 185 185

Towed Artillery 340 550 390 405 416 418 406 406
MRLs 85 170 78 126 126 96 144 144
Mortars 180 180 - 330 330 330+ 330+ 330+
SSM Launchers 50 - - - - - - -
AA Guns 540 280+ 855 895 895 980 899 899
Lt. SAM Launchers - - - - 1,000+ 1,000+ 1,000+ 1,000+

Air & Air Defense Forces

Active Manpower 7,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -

Total Fighter/FGA/Recce 278 332 257 170 181 166 175 175
Bomber 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fighter 90 110 146 100 110 114 83 83
FGA/Fighter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FGA 110 150 47 50 50 48 66 66
COIN/OCU 44 0 18 0 0 0 0 0
Recce 10 6 3 9 10 10 12 12
Airborne Early Warning (AEW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electronic Warfare (EW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) 0 8 2 2 15 15 15 15
Combat Capable Trainer 18 39 60 11 8 10 10 10

Tanker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Transport 20 29 26 26 27 27 27 27

Attack/Armed/ASW 20 35 38 60 65 63 93 91
Other 37 72 91 53 63 50 50 50
Total 57 107 129 113 138 138 143 142

SAM Forces
Batteries 1 5 9 9 9 9 9 9
Heavy Launchers 18 44 51 51 43 43 43 43

Naval Forces
Active Manpower 4,000 8,000 6,500 6,700 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -
Total Manpower - - - - - - - -

Submarines 0 2 4 2 2 2 2 2
Destroyers/Frigates/Corvettes 0 7 6 6 6 8 9 9
Missile 0 4 3 3 3 5 6 6
Other 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Missile Patrol 17 8 11 11 11 9(2) 9(2) 9(2)
Coastal/Inshore Patrol 12 - 11 8 5 3 10 10
Mine 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Amphibious Ships 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Landing Craft/Light Support - - - - 3 3 3 3
ASW/Combat Helicopter - - - - 0 0 0 0

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from data provided by US experts, and the IISS, Military Balance various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 44

Figure 2.3

Libyan Force Trends 1980-2005

Category/Weapon 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2004 2005

Defense Budget
($Current Billions) 0.448 0.709 1.39 0.967 1.3 1.21 1.31 ?

Mobilization Base
Men Ages 13-17 - - 262,000 312,400 350,000 387,000 387,000 ?
Men Ages 18-22 - - 216,000 262,200 291,000 320,000 320,000 ?

Total Active 53,000 73,000 85,000 80,000 65,000 76,000 76,000 76,000
(Conscript) - - - - - 40,000 38,000 38,000
Total Reserve - - 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Total Active + Reserve - - 125,000 120,000 105,000 116,000 116,000 116,000
Paramilitary - 7,000 5,500 - - - - -

Land Forces
Active Manpower 45,000 58,000 55,000 50,000 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000
(Conscripts) - - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - -
Total Manpower - - - - - - -

Main Battle Tanks 2,400 2,800 2,300 2,210 2,025 985(1,040) 800(1,040) 800(1,040)
AIFVs/Armored Cars/Lt. Tanks 990 1,200 1,635 1,640 1,630 1,438 1,000 1,000
APCs/Recce/Scouts/Half-Tracks 900 1,160 950 900 990 1,381 1,065 1,065
ATGM Launchers 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000

SP Artillery 18 218 370 450 450 265 444 444

Towed Artillery 590 930 720 720 720 647 647 647
MRLs 250 600 650 700 700 564 830 830
Mortars 450 450 - - - - 500 500
SSM Launchers 2 48 120 120 120 120 120 125
AA Guns 450 350+ 600+ 600 600 600 600 600
Lt. SAM Launchers - - - - 1,000+ 1,000+ 2,500+ 2,500+

Air & Air Defense Forces

Active Manpower 4,000 8,500 22,000 22,000 22,000 23,000 23,000 23,000
Reserve Manpower - - - -
Total Fighter/FGA/Recce 287 535 513 417 420 360 400 380
Bomber 17 7 4 6 6 6 6 6
Fighter 105 285 284 209 212 177 209 189
FGA/Fighter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FGA 140 204 206 164 194 172 172 172
Recce 25 7 13 12 11 11 11 11
COIN/CU 0 30 30 30 0 0 0 0
Airborne Early Warning (AEW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electronic Warfare (EW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Combat Capable Trainer 25 14 - - 21 - 23 23

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Tanker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transport 47 62 82 78 75 81 83 83
Attack/Armed/ASW 26 42 35 52 52 41 41 60
Other 62 55 89 98 98 112 90 90
Total 88 97 124 150 150 153 131 131

SAM Forces
Batteries 12 12 33 39 39 39 39 39
Heavy Launchers 300 76? 150? 236 236 236 236 236

Naval Forces
Active Manpower 4,000 6,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - -
Total Manpower 4,000 6,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000

Submarines 3 6 6 4 2 2 1(4) 1(4)

Destroyers/Frigates/Corvettes 2 10 10 6 7 5 2 2
Missile 1 10 10 6 7 3 2 2
Other 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Missile Patrol 14 25 24 24 21 13(8) 8(22) 8(22)
Coastal/Inshore Patrol 11 5 23 8 8 - - -
Mine 0 7 8 8 8 6 2 2
Amphibious Ships 5 3 5 5 5 4(1) 3(2) 3(2)
Landing Craft/Light Support 1 - 4+ 10 10 12 12 12
ASW/Combat Helicopter 0 - 31 30 32 7 7 7

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from data provided by US experts, and the IISS, Military Balance, 2001-2002, 2003-2004.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 46

Figure 2.4

Tunisian Force Trends 1980-2005

Category/Weapon 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2004 2005

Defense Budget
($Current Billions) 0.114 0.437 0.388 0.262 0.340 0.332 0.537 ?

Mobilization Base
Men Ages 13-17 - - 459,000 499,000 514,000 529,000 529,000 ?
Men Ages 18-22 - - 430,000 450,400 478,000 505,000 505,000 ?

Total Active 28,600 35,100 38,000 35,500 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
(Conscript) - 27,000 26,400 26,400 23,400 23,400 23,400 23,400
Total Reserve - - - - - - - -
Total 28,600 35,100 38,000 35,500 35,00035,000 35,000 35,000
Paramilitary 2,500 9,500 13,500 23,000 12,00012,000 12,000 12,000

Land Forces
Active Manpower 24,000 30,000 30,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000
(Conscripts) - 26,000 25,000 25,000 23,400 22,000 22,000 22,000
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -
Total Manpower - - - - - - - -

Main Battle Tanks 0 68 98 84 84 84 84 84

AIFVs/Armored Cars/Lt. Tanks 85 110 139 114 114 123 54 54
APCs/Recce/Scouts/Half-Tracks 80 68 208 268 268 337 327 327
ATGM Launchers - 565 565 600 600 600

SP Artillery 45 54 28 0 0 0 0 0
Towed Artillery 50 83 123 117 117 117 117 117
MRLs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mortars - - - 135 161 155 191 191
SSM Launchers - - 0 0 0 0 0 0
AA Guns 45 - - 115 115 115 115 115
Lt. SAM Launchers - - - 73+ 73+ 73+ 74 74

Air & Air Defense Forces

Active Manpower 2,000 2,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -

Total Fighter/FGA/Recce 14 20 50 32 44 51 29 29
Bomber 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fighter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FGA/Fighter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FGA 0 12 19 15 15 15 12 12
Recce 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
COIN/OCU 14 8 11 5 5 5 5 5
Airborne Early Warning (AEW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electronic Warfare (EW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maritime Reconnaissance (MR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Combat Capable Trainer 12 7 - 23 25 24 0 0

Tanker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transport 4 6 4 7 11 13 16 16

Attack/Armed/ASW 1 1 0 7 7 7 15 15

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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Other 31 49 0 35 37 38 43 43
Total 32 50 41 42 44 45 58 58

SAM Forces
Batteries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heavy Launchers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Naval Forces
Active Manpower 2,600 2,600 4,500 5,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500
Reserve Manpower - - - - - - - -
Total Manpower - - - - - - - -
Submarines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Destroyers/Frigates/Corvettes 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Missile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Missile Patrol 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6
Coastal/Inshore Patrol 18 17 14 17 14 13 13 13
Mine 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0
Amphibious Ships 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0
Landing Craft/Light Support - - - - 3 2 2 2
ASW/Combat Helicopter - - 0 0 0 0 0 0

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from data provided by US experts, and the IISS, Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 48

III. Future Patterns in Military Development

The irony behind the region’s problems in military effectiveness is that it is not clear that they really matter all that
much to the nations concerned. They have no real foreign enemies, and the future patterns of security in the
Maghreb depend more on internal stability and the health of each economy than on strategic goals, military doctrine,
and force plans. These helps explain several at the most probable trends in the military developments in both the
region and each country within it:
• The Maghreb states are likely to expand their internal security forces and modernize some of their major
weapons, in spite of diminished military requirements. This expansion will largely be the result of
continuing internal and external political tension, bureaucratic momentum, and demographic pressure.
Once the expansion of military forces takes place in a less developed country, it has a powerful "ratchet
effect" that has nothing to do with local threats or military requirements. The lack of alternative
employment and career paths, coupled with the role of the military in the nation's power structure and the
sheer momentum of global military expansion and technological change, leads to military expansion almost
regardless of local political conditions.
• Morocco’s forces should be able to limit the Polisario threat to militarily, politically, and economically
acceptable levels. Morocco should also be able to maintain adequate relations with Algeria so that both
states can avoid an arms race. There is no guarantee that this will happen, however, and it is impossible to
rule out a long-term return to some form of arms race, or conflict, between Algeria and Morocco.
• Libya will continue its failure to properly man and modernize its military forces, in spite of the suspension
of UN sanctions in 1999. As the analysis later in this book shows, it will continue to seek weapons of mass
destruction. These Libyan efforts will pressure the other states in the region to maintain higher levels of
military spending than they desire.
• Libya and Algeria will experience steadily growing problems with obsolescence. Much of their equipment
is worn, aging, improperly maintained, and hard to support. The end result will be a steady decline in the
operational readiness of older types of equipment and growing problems in supporting the overall force mix
in combat. Given Algeria’s and Libya's limited revenues, both states are likely to drop in net military
effectiveness, even though they may acquire enough equipment to have an apparent increase in force
• The internal tensions within each country's military forces will make military politics more important than
military effectiveness. In Algeria, the army does not serve the country—it owns it. The army suspended
elections in 1992 in order to deny Islamic fundamentalists political control of the country. Since that time,
Algeria has been engaged in a confusing, bloody internal conflict between the military government and
Islamic extremists. Morocco's war with the Polisario now ties down its military, and has led to significant
economic strains. A civil regime has taken over power from Bourguiba in Tunisia, but the incompetence
and profiteering of the civil authorities may lay the groundwork for an eventual military or radical Islamic
takeover. Qadhafi has reportedly purged the Libyan military, but it is virtually the only body that could
replace him. Qadhafi has endured numerous coup attempts.
• The end of the Cold War has effectively ended the threat of Communism and Soviet penetration into the
region's military forces. Islamic fundamentalism now represents the greatest threat of instability and is the
rival of the secular and regular military forces in Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt.
• Creeping proliferation is likely to remain a problem. Algeria and Libya have taken some steps to acquire
weapons of mass destruction, and Libya has chemical weapons. This proliferation, however, is now
severely limited by funding problems and access to technology.

Major Trends in Mahgreb Military Forces

The trends in the strength of Mahgreb military forces become clearer when they are examined by major category of
military strength. The data on manpower have already been discussed.
• Figures 3.1 through 3.2 display the trends in armor, tanks, and artillery in the Mahgreb. As Figure 3.1
shows, Libya possesses over 4,600 armored vehicles (although some 1,040 tanks are in storage and

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 49

useless), Algeria has over 2,600, Morocco has over 1,800, and Tunisia has over 400. These inventory
figures provide a rough indication of the amount of armor any given force can bring to bear, although Libya
can operate only a comparatively small portion of the armor it holds, other nations hold an unknown
amount of this armor in storage, and North African armies are not organized to deploy and support massed
armored forces.
• Figures 3.2 through 3.4 show the number and type of tanks in each country. Algeria and Libya have the
largest holdings, but the disparities in operational tanks are not as great as the total inventory data might
indicate. Algeria and Libya have rough parity in operational tanks. Morocco has about half as many tanks,
and Tunisia less than 100. Egypt has about four times more operational tanks than the largest North African
power, and these include 1,300 M-60A3 and 555 M-1A1 tanks. Morocco has a comparatively large
percentage of relatively modern M-60A3s, but a total of only 240. The 350 T-72s in Algerian forces, and
145 in Libyan forces, are roughly comparable to the M-60A3 in quality. However, the export version
proved to be far more vulnerable in the Gulf War than many experts had previously estimated and suffer
from a lack of modern fire control systems.
• Figure 3.5 compares the number of armored fighting vehicles. Morocco has large holdings, but also has
large numbers of different types that are difficult to support. Algeria and Libya also have large holdings,
and reflect better standardization of equipment types, but also have large holdings of BMP-1s. The BMP-1
has also proved to be more vulnerable than was initially estimated, and to have poor warfighting
• Figures 3.6 through 3.7 indicate that Libya owns over 1800 pieces of artillery, Algeria has over 700,
Morocco has just under 400, and Tunisia has over 100. Egypt’s totals reflect considerably less emphasis on
artillery than on armor. The totals for self-propelled weapons provide a rough indication of the capability to
carry out combined arms maneuver, and rapidly deploy artillery to a new sector of a front. Algeria and
Morocco have moderate to good self-propelled artillery strength relative to their armor. The figures for
Libya reflect total inventories. Once again, many of these holdings are in storage and Libya only has the
manpower and support capabilities to fight a fraction of its total holdings.
• Figures 3.8 through 3.11 display data on combat aircraft, armed helicopters, and electronic warfare aircraft.
Libya has 420 fixed wing aircraft and 52 armed helicopters. Algeria has 181 fixed wing aircraft and 65
armed helicopters, Morocco 89 and 24, and Tunisia 44 and 7. As Figure 3.4 shows, however, that the
Mahgreb countries have limited numbers of modern combat aircraft and relatively few reconnaissance, air
control and warning, and electronic warfare aircraft. Algeria is the only nation now actively modernizing
this portion of its military forces.
Morocco and Tunisia have no true high-performance combat aircraft. Libya has a token force of 6 Su-24s,
but the rest of its holdings are aging 1970s and 1980s designs, and many are inactive or in storage. Egypt,
in contrast, has a force of 143 modern F-16CDs, plus 35 F-16A/Bs and 18 Mirage 2000s. It is the only
power neighboring the region with airborne battle management assets and anything approaching modern
electronic air warfare capabilities. The large air orders of battle of Algeria and Libya conceal what is
becoming a technological museum.
• Figure 3.12 shows the strength of land-based air defense forces. Libya has a large quantity of major and
light SAM launchers and 600 AA guns. Algeria has SA-6 and SA-3 major SAMs and 895 AA guns.
Morocco and Tunisia have significantly smaller amounts of SAMs and AA guns. Almost all of these
weapons systems are obsolescent or obsolete, however, and no North African state has a modern system of
sensors, battle management systems, airborne early warning, and integrated air/land-based command and
control systems to operate and support its surface-to-air missile systems.
• Figures 3.13 through 3.14 display the total naval ship strength in North African forces. The number of
ships in inventory, however, provides only a limited picture of comparative ship quality and war fighting
capability. The country-by-country analyses that follow show that many ships are poorly modernization
and weaponized, and have uncertain operational status or are inactive. Libya, in particular, has many ships
that are in reserve to the point where it is questionable whether they will ever be active again, or are
actually little more than hulks. Most North African combat ships have had little modernization, their air
defense capabilities are weak, and their anti-ship missile defenses are very poor. No North African navies
can operate as coherent fleets or task forces, or in effective joint operations.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 50

• Figure 3.15shows the strength of the Polisario forces challenging Morocco in the Western Sahara. These
forces are small compared to the totals for Morocco. At the same time, Morocco cannot attack them
systematically in their relative sanctuary in southern Algeria and must defend a vast territory. This presents
a military challenge in spite of an extensive barrier defense system and Morocco’s massive advantage in
force numbers.
Taken together, these figures and tables provide a good picture of the overall military balance in the region, to the
extent that such a balance exists. The figures dealing with equipment types also show the massive obsolescence of
much of the Maghreb’s military forces. As is discussed in detail in the chapters that follow, these Tables and Figures
also show the end result of a failed military build-up in Algeria and Libya and of decades of war in Morocco. As the
country analyses in each chapter reveal, only Tunisia has been relatively immune to the region’s tragedy of arms.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 51

Figure 3.1

Total North African Armor in 2004-2005

Tanks (in Storage) Lt. Tank Recce AIFV APC









Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia
APC 740 730 945 268
AIFV 115 989 1,000 -
Recce 324 173 120 69
Lt. Tank 100 - - 54
(in Storage) 224 - 1,040 -
Tanks 520 1,000 800 84

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, and JCSS, Military Balance in the Middle East, various

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 52

Figure 3.2

Total North African Main Battle Tanks in 2005

(in Storage) Tanks









Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
Tanks 520 1,000 800 84 3,755
(in Storage) 224 - 1,040 - 100

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 53

Figure 3.3

Total North African Medium Active Main Battle Tanks by Type in 2005







Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia
M1A1 Abrams - - - -
M-60A3 120 - - 54
T-72 100 350 200 -
M-60A1 300 - - 30
T-62 - 330 100 -
Ramses II - - - -
T-54/55 - 320 500 -

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 54

Figure 3.4

Total North African Medium Quality and Modern Active Main Battle Tanks in 2005









Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia
M1A1 Abrams - - - -
M-60A3 120 - - 54
T-72 100 350 200 -
M-60A1 300 - - 30
T-62 - 330 100 -

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 55

Figure 3.5

Total North African Medium Quality & Modern Other Armored Fighting Vehicles in 2005
(Less APCs)








Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
BRDM-2 124 50 300
Saladin - 49 - 24 -
VAB-VCI 45 - - - -
Ratel 60 - - - -
AML-90 190 - - 45 -
AML-60 38 - - - -
AMX-10 90 - - - -
EBR-75 16 - - - -
SK-105 100 - - 54 -
EE-9 - - 70 - -
BMP-2 - 289 - - -
BMP-1 - 700 1000 - -
M-901 - - - - 52
YPR-765 - - - - 212
Commando Scout - - - - 112

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 56

Figure 3.6

Total North African Artillery in 2005

2500 Towed SP MRL





Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
MRL 40 144 830 - 356
SP 227 185 444 - 320
Towed 185 406 647 117 971

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 57

Figure 3.7

North African Self-Propelled Artillery in 2005












0 0
Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 58

Figure 3.8

North Africa: Total Fixed Combat Aircraft and Armed Helicopters in 2005
(Totals include all combat-capable, fixed-wing aircraft)

600 Fixed Wing Armed Helicopters







95 91

24 29

Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 59

Figure 3.9

North African Active Bomber, Fighter, FGA, and Strike Combat Aircraft by Type in 2005
(Does not include stored, unarmed electronic warfare or combat-capable recce and trainer aircraft)







Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
J-7 - - - - 53
J-6 - - - - 44
F-16C/D - - - - 113
F-16 A/B - - - - 26
F-5E/F 28 - - 12 -
F-5A/B 11 - - - -
F-4E - - - - 29
Alphajet - - - - 42
Mirage 2000 - - - - 15
Mirage V - - 48 - 75
Mirage F-1 14 - 32 - -
Su-20/22 - - 53 - -
Su-24 - 44 6 - -
MiG-21 - 43 45 - 88
MiG-23 - 56 130 - -
MiG-25/25R - 16 80 - -
MiG-27 - - - - 67
MiG-29 - 20 - - -
Tu-22 - - 6 - -

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 60

Figure 3.10

North African Medium and High Quality Combat Aircraft by Type in 2005
(Does not include stored, unarmed electronic warfare or combat-capable recce and trainer aircraft)









Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
F-16C/D - - - - 113
F-16 A/B - - - - 26
F-4E - - - - 29
Alphajet - - - - 42
Mirage 2000 - - - - 16
Mirage V - - 48 - 82
Mirage F-1 29 - 29 - -
F-5E/F 28 - - 12 -
Su-20/22 - - 53 - -
Su-24 - 58 6 - -
MiG-23 - 58 130 - -
MiG-25 - 16 77 - -
MiG-29 - 20 - - -

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 61

Figure 3.11

North African Active AEW, ELINT and Electronic Warfare Aircraft by Type in 2005
(Does not include recce or dedicated maritime reconnaissance aircraft)




Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
DHC-8 7
Commando 2E Hel. - - - - 4
Beech 1990 - 6 - - 3
Falcon ELINT 2 - - - -
C-130 Elint 2 - - - 2
C-130H Recce 2 - - - -
E-2C - - - - 4

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 62

Figure 3.12

North African Land Based Air Defenses in 2005

Country Major SAM Light SAM AA Guns

None 37 M-54 Chaparral 200 ZPU-2 14.5mm
70 SA-7 20 ZPU-4 14.5mm
40 M-167 Vulcan 20mm
60 M-163 Vulcan SP
90 ZU-23-2
15 KS-19 100mm

Algeria 1/24 SA-6 SA-7 895 guns

1/18 SA-3 SA-8 80 ZPU-2/4 14.5mm
SA-2 SA-8 100 20mm
1 SA-8 105 ZU-23
SA-9 219 ZSU-23-4 SP
SA-14 150 M-1939 37mm
SA-16 75 S-60 57mm
20 KS-12 85mm
150 KS-19 100mm
10 KS-30 130mm
725 guns
1 85mm regt.
1 100mm regt.
1 130mm regt.

Libya Senez Air Defense

command & control system
4/8/48 SA-5A SA-7 600 guns
5/90-108 SA-2 SA-9 ZU-23, ZSU-23-4,
3/24-36 Twin SA-3 SA-13 M-53/59 30mm,
2/48 SA-6 24 Quad Crotale S-60 57mm
1/20-24 SA-8

Tunisia None 48 RBS-70 100 M-55 20mm

25 M-48 Chaparral 15 T-55/56 37mm

Egypt 664 launchers 2,000 SA-7 Ayn as Saqr 200 ZPU-2/4 14.5 mm
40/282 SA-2 20 SA-9 280 ZU-23-2 23mm
53/212 SA-3 50 M-54 Chaparral SP 230- ZSU-23-4 SP 23mm
14/56 SA-6 14/24 Crotale 36 Sinai SP 23mm
12/78 I Hawk 72 Amoun Skyguard/ 200 M-1939 37mm
(4 Div./100 Btn.) RIM-7F 600 S-60 57mm
36 quad SAM 40 ZSU-57-2 SP 57mm
Ayn as Saqr 14/- Chaparral
2000 20mm, 23mm,37mm,
57mm, 85mm, 100mm
36 twin radar guided
35mm guns
Sinai radar-guided 23mm

Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, Military Balance and Jane’s Sentinel, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 63

Figure 3.13

North African Naval Ships in Active Inventory by Category in 2005






Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
Submarines 0 2 1 0 4
Destroyers 0 0 0 0 1
Frigates 2 3 1 0 10
Corvettes 0 6 1 0 0
Missile Patrol 4 9 8 6 25
Other Patrol 23 10 0 13 19
Mine 0 0 2 0 12
Amph 4 3 3 0 3
Support 4 3 9 2 20

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance and Jane’s Fighting Ships, various editions.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 64

Figure 3.14

North African Major Active Combat Ships in 2005









Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt
Mine 0 0 2 0 12
Other Ocean and Coastal Patrol 23 10 0 13 19
Missile Patrol 4 9 8 6 25
Other Corvettes 0 3 0 0 0
Guided Missile Corvettes 0 3 1 0 0
Other Frigates 0 3 0 0 0
Guided Missile Frigates 2 0 1 0 10
Other Destroyers 0 0 0 0 1
Guided Missile Destroyers 0 0 0 0 0
Submarines 0 2 1 0 4

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from the IISS, The Military Balance and Jane’s Fighting Ships, various editions

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 65

Figure 3.15

Polisario Forces in 2005

(Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army)




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


T-55/T-62 Tanks 100

BMP-1 AIFVs 60

EE-9 MICVs 35

D-30/M-30 Arty 25

BM-21 122mm MRL 15

120 mm Mortars 20

ZSU-23-2/23-4 AA 50

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Other Equipment: Numbers Unknown

• Steyr SK-105 Light. Tanks
• Panhard APCs
• Ratel 20 AFVs
• Eland armored reconnaissance vehicles
• AML-90
• AT-3 Sagger anti-tank guided missiles
• SA-6, SA-7, SA-8, SA-9 surface-to-air missiles

Source: Adapted by Anthony H. Cordesman from data provided by US experts, the IISS, Military Balance, and Jane’s Sentinel.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

Cordesman: The Middle East Military Balance: Force Development in North Africa 3/28/05 Page 66

For further details see US State Department, Bureau of Arms Control, World Military Expenditures and Arms
This discussion draws heavily on interviews and the details provided in Jane’s Fighting Ships, 2003-2004, and the
country section in the IISS, Military Balance, 2003-2004.
IISS, Military Balance, 2003-2004.
Jane’s Defense Weekly, October 25, 2000, p. 15.
Jane’s Defense Weekly, “Algeria to Get Night-Upgraded Mi-171 Helicopters,” January 15, 2003,, Accessed January 8, 2004. Labeled Baetjer 1
This discussion draws heavily on interviews and the details provided in Jane’s Fighting Ships, 2003-2004, plus
other data from London, Jane’s Information Group, and the country section in the IISS, Military Balance, 2003-
This discussion draws heavily on interviews and the details provided in Jane’s Fighting Ships, 2003-2004,
London, Jane’s Information Group, 1, and the country section in the IISS, Military Balance, 2003-2004.
This is a report from one source. The creation of a coast watch seems erratic even for Libya.
Reports that Libya acquired 12 Soviet SS-12M (SS-22) missiles between mid-1980 and mid-1981 do not seem
accurate. Yoseff Bodansky and Vaughn Forrest, Chemical Weapons in the Third World, p. 4; Libya's Chemical-
Biological Warfare Capabilities, Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, House Republican
Research Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1990, p. 3; M. Sicker, The Making
of a Pariah State, New York, Praeger, 1987, pp. 104- 105; John K. Colley, Libyan Sandstorm, New York, Holt,
Rinehart, and Winston, 1982, pp. 248-251.
Aviation Week and Space Technology, April 10, 1989, pp. 19-20; New York Times, April 5, 1989, September 7,
1989; Washington Times, January 16, 1989; FBIS/NES, April 10, 1989.
Foreign technicians could provide effective support in the use of radar reconnaissance data. The basic problems
with daylight reconnaissance photography are that it is not as discriminating as radar or electro-optics, cannot be
processed until the aircraft lands, takes several hours to process, and requires expert interpretation. This is adequate
against static targets, but even infantry units often move too quickly to use such data for targeting purposes.
IISS Strategic Comments, “Libya’s armed forces,” Volume 6, Issue 10, December 2000.

© Copyright 2005, Anthony H. Cordesman, all rights reserved.

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