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Annotated Bibliography of Advance Nursing Practice

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1. Kaur Navdeep (2015), “Textbook of Advance Nursing Practice”, Jaypee

Brothers Medical Publishers, India; Rajkamal electric press, Haryana.

The book provides information regarding Nursing

profession, Health care delivery, Genetics, Epidemiology, Nursing
Practice and Computer application for Patient care. The author of this
book, Mr. Navdeep Kaur (M.Sc Pidiatrics) working as a principal at
Baba Farid University of Health Science, Faridkot, Panjab.

2. Lucita Mary (2014), “Clinical Nursing: Concepts and Trends”, Jaypee

Brothers Medical Publishers, India; Sanat Printers, Delhi.

This book deals with clinical Nursing, It involves trends and

concepts of community health nursing, Progressive patient care,
Nursing care delivery system, Legal aspects in Nursing, Cardio-
pulmonary Resuscitation, Management of cardiac arrest, Intensive care
nursing and Nursing care plans. The author of this book, Mary Lucita
(Ph.D Nursing) working as principal at Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kerala, India.

3. V. Kapur & RK Suri (1991), “Basic human Genetics”, Jaypee Brothers

Medical Publishers, Delhi; Lordson printers Delhi.

This book involves basic details about Chromosomes, Cell

Division, Chromosomal abnormalities, Genes, Inheritance, Population
Genetics and prevention & treatment of Genetic Disease.The author of
this book, Dr. V kapur (MS) is associate professor in department of
Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical college, New Delhi.

4. Sachdeva Anupam, Ajay Gambhir (2015), “Nursing in Paediatric
Intensive care”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, India.

This book depicts advances and changes in the level of

training of nurses in paediatric intensive care. Important topics of
discussion includes assessment of sick child, age releted vital
parameters, pidiatric basic life support, emergency drugs in PICU,
handeling of difibrilator and ventilator, preparation of IV fluids etc.

5. Vati Jogindra (2015), “Nursing Foundation: Concepts & Perspectives”,

Jaaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, India; Rajkamal printers, Delhi.

The book includes, Current concepts Involved in nursing,

Development of Nursing profession, Nursing process, Nursing
Theories, Trends in Nursing Practice and education, ethical Issues and
Quality assurance. The author of this book, Mr. Vati Jogindra (Ph.D
Nursing) works at National Institute of Nursing Education, PGIMER,

6. Elakkuvana Bhaskar Raj (2011), “Nursing Theories”, Jaypee Brothers

Medical Publishers, India; Sanat Printers.

The book has covered models and Theories of Nursing in a

very professional way.It also covered application of theories in nursing
process, conceptual models. The authors of this book, Mr. Elakkuvana
Bhaskar Raj (M.Sc Psy.) working as Associate professor at Padmashree
Institute of Nursing, Bengluru.

7. D’ Souza Jacintha (2015), “Manual of Community health Nursing

Practice”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, India; Lordson printers,

The book provides knowledge Regarding Community
health nursing, Home visit, Family nursing process, Community need
assessment, Beg technique and health education programme. It
systematically presents various basic procedures. The author of this
book, D’Souza Jacintha (M.Phill Nursing) and working as a principal
and professor at Father Muller College of Nursing, Kankanady,

8. K. Swaminathan (2010), “Pathology & Genetics for Nurses”, Jaypee

Btrothers Medical Publishers, India.

The book has included the basic information regarding

Cellular Injury, Inflammation, Neoplasia, Blood vessels, Fluid &
hemodynamic disturbances, Test for hemostasis, Urine analysis, CSF
examination, Semen analysis, Mutations, Genetic counselling and
advances in medical genetics. The author of this book , K. Swaminathan
(MD) is professor of Pathology, Tiruneliveli medical college,
Tamilnadu, India.

9. Clement Nisha (2016), “Essentials of Management of Nursing Services

and Education”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, India.

The book, “Essentials of Management of Nursing Services &

Education” provides understanding on Management, Principles,
Theories of Management, Functions and Process of Management. This
also provides information regarding Education, Educational
Institutions, Nursing as a Profession. The author of this book is
Associate professor at Employes State Insurance College of Nursing,
Bangluru, India.

10. Saxna Richa (2015), “ A Practical Guide to Obstetrics &
Gynaecology”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Sanat printers.

This book has two portions includes Obstetrics &

Gynaecology. It covers all topics from history, examination, normal and
abnormality of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It also included labour
room procedures, drugs and detailed explanation of Instruments used
in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The author of this book, Dr. Richa
Saxena (MBBS,MD.Obstetrics and Gynecology) is working as Associate
director at Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, India.

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