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Chinese Mythology: Time and Places

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Chinese Mythology 

Jumpchain CYOA by ericshaofangwang 

Credits to /u/1000PeopleAndAMonkey for their contributions 
Welcome, Jumper. You might recognise this place from the myths of the Far East. This the land 
of Chinese myth, a world born when Pangu split the primordial egg that contained the universe. 
To prepare you for your journey here, take 1000 CP. You may freely choose your age or gender, 
it does not truly matter much here. 
Time and Places 
You may choose your time and place of origin. 
You arrive just after the world has been created, and its first creatures have formed.  
Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors 
A mythical period of time, when god-kings and emperors ruled the people. This time is a golden 
age for mortals, being prosperous and guarded. 
Dynastic China 
From the Xia to the Qing, these are the times that mortals rule themselves.  
The underworld, or hell. It’s unknown how you arrived here, but unless you work in this place 
it’s best for you to leave. 
From the 36 Heavens to the Pure Lands, the places that make up Tian, or Heaven, are where 
celestial beings reside. Presided over by the Jade Emperor and the Buddha respectively, this 
locale is mostly safe and calm. 
Ah, yes. The earthly realm, sitting between Tian and Diyu. This is the location for most events 
that take place in this world, and where the stories of many stories of great heroes and monsters 
came to be. 
Origins are free. All three origins can be used as drop-in options, where you don’t receive 
in-jump memories. 
You count yourself among the mortals of the land, a fragile existence of flesh and blood. Life is 
dangerous, with humans being small fish in a big pond. While many great figures come from 
this lot, the journey to renown is fraught with danger. 
Monsters, spirits and fallen celestials, the yaoguai are a very broad category of supernatural 
beings. These supernatural entities are as distinct as they are varied. They are considered to be 
mostly earthly beings, with some having links to heaven or hell. You can choose what kind of 
yaoguai you are. 
Celestial Being 
From the immortals of Heaven to the Bodhisattvas and Arhats of Nirvana, these figures are seen 
as divine. Celestial beings reside not in the earthly realm, but in the various heavens and pure 
100 CP perks are free when discounted. 
[Free] The ************* Sage 
If there's one thing that can be said for the figures here, is that they hold poetic and flavourful 
titles. You can style yourself a title that others will know you by instinctively should you 
introduce yourself to someone. 
[100] Hermit 
There are many sages and immortals who live a solitary existence away from civilisation. Long 
periods of isolation do not negatively affect your mental state, and you can spend as much time 
outside society and civilisation as you want without worry. 
[100] Yin and Yang 
The universe is balanced on a cycle of two opposites, just as your mind is. You possess this 
balance in both mind and body. You are healthy and fit in body and mind, not being subject to 
fragility in either. 
[200] Alchemy 
Countless alchemists have tried to attain immortality through their craft. Some are said to have 
succeeded, and some failed. You have satisfactory skill in this supernatural art, being able to 
transmute one substance into another and create elixirs and potions of longevity, if not outright 
[200] Cultivated Power 
You are a passable Taoist magician. You can perform most basic spells, such as creating simple 
wards to repel lesser yaoguai, imbue items with magical power to enhance some of their 
qualities and are able to perform a few transformations. Your spirit is stronger than most 
mortals and you can live several centuries. 
[300] Oracle Bones 
You are a skilled diviner, able to read prophecies of the future through various divining rituals. 
The events that are in these prophecies are always the most likely outcomes of current and 
future affairs, and can go as far as several centuries into the future. 
[300] General 
Tales and legends abound for the generals of celestials, demons and mortals alike. You have 
what can be considered decent skills for a general. You are skilled in martial arts and fighting 
with weapons that can be expected to be seen on ancient and medieval Chinese battlefields. 
Your leadership skills are enough to command several hundred men competently and you are 
well versed in tactics and strategy. 
[400] Expulsion of Three Worms 
Through the practice of Taoism, you have reached the goal of eternal life. By permanently 
expelling the three worms, Disease, Old Age and Death from body, you have shed away your 
physical mortality. You cannot ever become sick nor age, and your body is nigh-unkillable. 
Nearly any injury you take upon your body will heal, up to and including total annihilation, 
though sufficiently powerful magical and/or otherwise supernatural weapons and effects can 
negate this protection. Your mind and soul do not share this protection, however, so be careful. 
[600] Present Gods 
Every phenomenon, life form and object has a god. No matter if it’s the wind and seas, or 
mountains and forests, a god resides in each one. Most of all, this is especially true for you. 
Every time you offer up a sacrifice in the form of food and drink or currency or valuable 
possessions to the gods, the phenomenon or action you ask for will come to fruition. The 
sacrifices scale with the potency and scale of the phenomenon or action; asking for some light 
rain on a farm might only cost a meal or two, while asking for a flood or great catastrophe might 
cost a banquet fit for hundreds. Similarly this can also be used to dispel natural phenomena, 
with appropriate costs accordingly. 
[100] Which Emperor? 
For the most part, the common citizens of the various dynasties have lived the same lives for 
thousands of years. The emperor may change, but most of the time, life was the same and people 
would carry on. Things are similar for you. Worry and fear about changing times and 
circumstances will never overwhelm you, and you’ll carry on like always. 
[200] Examinations and Bureaucrats 
Imperial China’s administrative machine needed both a solid bureaucracy and people to fill 
those roles. You can now proudly call yourself a capable administrator, having some expertise in 
logistics and delegation. You are able to go through paperwork at a rapid pace, quickly reading 
everything and not missing a single detail. 
[200] Philosopher 
There’s something to be said for the far-reaching influence of philosophers in China. Confucius 
and Laozi undoubtedly left deep marks in the development of Chinese philosophy. You, too are 
able to make your mark on others’ mindsets, crafting attractive philosophies and ideologies. 
You are socially adept and charismatic as well, navigating social cues and quickly extrapolating 
circumstances of people from your interactions with them. 
[200] Controlling the Floods 
The floods that once devastate the central plains were able to be tamed by humans. And in 
particular, the efforts of one man stand out above others. Yu, the first ruler of Xia. You hold the 
same strength of will as he, for you will carry through any adversity and obstacle. Even when 
your body is crumbling and worn, your unshakeable will shall be the same as ever. 
[400] Shooting Suns 
Just as Hou yi was able to shoot down nine suns with the skill of his archery, so too can you. 
Your skill with the bow is legendary, rivalling that of greatest archer in Chinese myth. You are 
able to effortlessly shoot the wings off a gnat from kilometres away, hit a moving target 
obscured by bushes and trees, and a whole manner of archery skills. 
[400]​ ​Potential for Divinity 
If there’s one thing standing out in this world, it’s the number of mortals who either ascend or 
become deified by others. You too hold a similar sort of potential; while the rate of growth for 
your abilities has not changed with this perk, your potential for improvement is unlimited. 
Through hard work and effort you too can call yourself a peer to the celestial beings above. 
[400] Wugushen 
It was said that Shennong, the legendary founder of Chinese of medicine, tasted and tested 
hundreds of plants to test their medicinal value. You have managed to inherit his skill in the 
same arts. Your body is immensely resistant to poison and toxins, unaffected by all but the 
strongest poisons this world can offer. Your knowledge in the medicinal value of various 
substances is broad and deep; you are able to identify the effects different materials have on the 
body with but a taste, if not from a glance, and you are able to quickly and accurately diagnose 
patients with conditions in but a fraction of the time it usually takes. 
[600] Mandate 
The Emperors of China ruled under the Mandate of Heaven, an accord that the people would 
accept their rule if they performed their role justly. While many used it as a convenient 
justification for their overthrow of a previous dynasty, for you it is a very real thing. Should you 
lead a group or organisation of any sort, the people within will accept you as their rightful 
leader without opposition so long as you don’t perform any serious transgressions against them. 
Likewise you are also able to easily incite rebellions against oppressive leaders and regimes, 
having them replaced by you or someone else. This perk also boosts your ability as a ruler and 
leader, to the point that you would be comparable to the most legendary earthly emperors in 
their ability to rule. 
[1000] Holding up Heaven 
The primordial​ ​human Pangu was a being of immense strength. After separating the 
metaphysical forces of Yin and Yang, he kept them apart by holding Heaven aloft and the Earth 
down for 18 000 years. You have a measure of the same strength as him, able to hold up Heaven 
itself. Your strength extends well into the supernatural, able to resist and push back against 
metaphysical forces and concepts through pure physical might. 
[100] Strange Creatures 
Yaoguai are a vast category of beings, but many have been known to disguise themselves in 
human forms to fool their victims. You are, relatively speaking, very good at disguising yourself. 
You can trivially change your outward character and mannerisms, and adopt the forms of beings 
you have lived in close proximity to for a prolonged period of time. 
[200] Unnatural Powers 
Many yaoguai have some sort of powers they are known for. Some are famous for their ability to 
bring plague and misfortune, others known for trickery and illusion, and yet several different 
abilities. You have an area of magic that you are particularly skilled at, like plagues, misfortune, 
shapeshifting etc. 
[200] From Lower States 
A few kinds of demons were once inanimate objects. Being spirits of those, they could manifest 
their true forms. You are able to manifest an object of your choice, and depending on what it is, 
you are skilled in its use. If it’s a musical instrument like a Pi Pa you can play music with it 
skillfully, or if it’s something like a sword you may be skilled in fighting with it. What manifests 
will be able to channel your powers through it. 
[200] Consumption 
Yaoguai of all sorts consume humans in both flesh and spirit. You are able to consume other 
beings for their spiritual essence, adding their energy to your own, or drain them through 
intimate contact. The amount you gain from others depends on how powerful they spiritually 
are; an ordinary human might be equivalent to a few drops of power, while immortals and 
powerful yaoguai can grant much more. These increases in power can help enhance your magic 
and other soul related abilities as your soul power grows. 
[400] Huli Jing 
The fox spirits of folklore are of great cunning and power. You can freely take on different 
humanoid forms, from young or old, male or female and with an appearance and figure of your 
choosing. Accompanying this is great skill in illusion magic, being able to conjure voices and 
images from thin air, and create life-like apparitions and glamours. Over centuries and 
millennia , your abilities naturally grow to its apex; after a millenium, your powers will eclipse 
what they were a thousand years prior. 
[400] Rid of Weakness 
Some Yaoguai have fears and weaknesses towards certain materials, methods or charms and 
talismans. Whether it’s things like peaches or blood, or even something as simple as certain 
breathing exercises monsters can be repelled. The same cannot be said for you. The materials, 
charms and methods that specifically work on your kind does not affect you in the slightest. 
Racial weaknesses are nullified and moot for you. 
[400] Apparitions in the Night 
More than a few varieties of yaoguai are ghosts, spirits who for whatever reason did not or could 
not pass on to the afterlife. Some wander around, looking for bodies to possess, while others 
terrorise and bring harm to the living. You are one of these beings. You can survive without a 
body and physically affect things with your wandering soul, and possess mortals and those that 
are weak of will. 
[600] Demon King 
Some monsters, through either their charm or power manage to gather a following of lesser 
demons. In many cases, these beings proclaim themselves as lords and kings, ruling over a small 
domain filled with yaoguai. Much of it is the same thing for you. You are an exemplary example 
of a powerful, charismatic demon. Your skill in fighting, combined with your physical and 
magical might makes you an equal to the likes of the Bull Demon King or the Gold and Silver 
Horned Kings. You have a commanding presence over demons and monsters, with those your 
significant lesser bending the knee at your order or command.  
[1000] Monster of the Great Flood 
​When the demon Gong Gong lost the battle for the Heavenly Throne to the fire god Zhurong, 
he rammed and nearly destroyed Mount Buzhou in a fit of rage. With one of the Pillars of 
Heaven now irreparably damaged, the sky itself tilted sideways and the world’s axis altered; 
leading to a great flood bringing ruin to the earthly realm. Gong Gong’s might has passed to 
you. Your physical power and skill is such that you can bring down the Pillars of Heaven with 
your blows, and fight for days on end against the best of Heaven’s combatants. What’s more, 
any major actions you take will often cause unforeseen and catastrophic negative consequences 
for your opponents, often causing disasters in their ranks and making dealing with you all the 
more difficult. 
Celestial Being 
[100] Area of Influence 
Every god or immortal needs to have a role to play in the Celestial Hierarchy. You can choose 
your domain/s or area/s of influence, to be a god of something, whether that’s fire, earth, water 
rain etc. and receive powers related to those areas. Keep in mind, however, that your powers in 
those areas won’t exceed that of a minor god or goddess. You also have a body fit for a celestial 
being, as you don’t age, have better physical abilities than mortals and are more resistant to 
ailments and disease. 
[200] Celestial Bureaucracy 
If there’s one thing Heaven and Hell are known for, is that they both have large, churning 
bureaucracies. With every bureaucracy comes red tape and delays. Not for you, however. 
Whatever organisation you are part of, you’ll receive priority queueing for your requests and 
complaints, superseding everyone except those in the highest positions. Likewise, you can have 
any actions you plan to take authorised immediately and without delay by the group or 
organisation in question. 
[200] Taking the Offering 
As a god or immortal, people will inevitably pray to you and give you offerings. Now, you may 
receive them! You are now able to hear prayers directed your way, and have the ability to 
process all the prayers made to you. Whether you act on those prayers is your choice, though 
hopefully you don’t disappoint people in their time of need. You are also able to receive the 
offerings people give to you, with the offerings teleporting next to you as you will them to do so. 
[200] Long 
The dragons of eastern myth have long been seen as deities associated with water; be it the 
rivers, rains, or seas. You hold similar authority and powers, able to invoke rain and 
thunderstorms, control the rivers and seas and manipulate water. Your presence is larger than 
life; commanding and regal, your stature being greater than the mediocre individuals around 
you. Your voice also holds weight in most discussions and discourse, so long as you have a mote 
of expertise in the subjects of those. 
[400] From Clay and Dirt 
The goddess Nuwa was renowned and respected for her creation of mankind. Her craftsmanship 
is second to none; repairing the sky and the pillars of heaven and creating life from dirt and clay. 
You too possess her divine skill, able to craft intelligent life from seemingly worthless material, 
and creating magical items able to perform great feats, so long as you have the ingredients for 
them. The powers of the items you create are only limited by your imagination; whether they’re 
gems that control the weather, stones that repair the sky itself or great pillars able to hold up 
heaven, few things are out of reach. 
[400] Bodhisattva 
Those who have delayed their own pursuit of Nirvana in order to ascend all sentient beings to 
Buddhahood are known as Bodhisattva. You as well can be counted among them. You are an 
exceptional teacher, able to pass on lessons and skills with great ease. With only a few lessons, 
or even a single one, you may steer someone away from their negative tendencies, move them 
beyond their inner demons and pass on your skills to them. 
[400] Samsara 
The cycle of death and rebirth is something that pervades this land to its deepest levels. You are 
able to reincarnate once every ten years should you meet your untimely demise or make the 
choice consciously. Reincarnating will also clear you of all damage done to your mind and soul. 
[600] Heaven’s Eye 
Firstly, on your forehead is a third eye, one able to distinguish between truth and lies, see 
through glamours and illusions and perceive good and evil in any being. Through this eye you 
also possess a form of clairvoyance, being capable of seeing others from vast distances. The eye 
can also produce divine fire and light, disintegrating armies and mountains. Secondly, you are 
nearly invulnerable to physical and magical damage, being able to effortlessly shrug off magical 
weapons capable of killing or severely injuring lesser gods and immortals. Your physical 
strength is great enough to slice apart mountains and you're skilled enough in armed and 
unarmed combat that few others can call themselves your equal. You will find that this 
metaphysical eye grants you great talent in any magical arts you deign to learn should you 
decide to pursue such endeavours. 
[1000] Nirvana 
Your soul has achieved complete liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Indeed, with 
your mind and soul free of such constraints, your spirit has become truly immortal. No harm nor 
death will come to your spirit from anything that befalls it, nor shall the same be done to your 
mind. Your will is likewise unbreakable, and can endure any adversity. This same transcendent 
state also marks any prison you are trapped in moot, for you can instantly escape their confines. 
Your body is granted no such protection, however, and this by itself will not prevent the death 
of the body. 
[100] Warding Staff 
A relatively simple stave made of peachwood. When being carried and in plain sight, this stave 
wards away lesser demons and minor supernatural creatures. Should it be broken or destroyed, 
it will miraculously reappear in your warehouse a day later. 
[100] Sack of Coins and Notes 
This shopping bag sized sack is filled with currency appropriate to the time and place you’re in. 
In this case it comes with coins, sycees and/or notes depending on which period of China you 
are arriving in. 
[200] Humble Abode 
You now own a small house. It contains three bedrooms, a kitchen, a guest room, and all the 
other necessities a home has. It’s enough to live comfortably, but not extravagantly. Restores 
itself in three days in the Warehouse after damage or destruction. In future jumps, this home 
will be in a location that is out of sight, but still easily reachable. 
[200] Refined Materials 
A must-have for any practicing alchemist. You have a set of alchemical ingredients such as 
cinnabar, gold, lead, mercury etc. that replenishes every week, usable for everything from 
transmutation, pills of health and longevity and medicine. 
[400] Yinyang Mirror 
An artifact of Mt Kunlun, this double-sided mirror has two functions. When the Yang side is 
invoked, it can instantly bring someone back to life so long as there is a body and no 
supernatural measures have been taken to prevent resurrection, and the Yin side can instantly 
kill a mortal. 
[600] Five Coloured Brush 
In legends and folktales, it was said that whatever was drawn with this brush would materialise 
or come to life. In this case, this replica you wield can bring to life or materialise anything 
smaller than a small mountain, and with less power than you. Hope you’re skilled with 
brushwork, you don’t want to be bringing weird stick figures to life. 
[800] Jade Books 
You hold in your hands the Jade Books in Heaven, which contain the untold secrets and 
workings of the universe. The knowledge within these books are beyond priceless, detailing the 
creation and workings of everything from Heaven, Diyu and the earthly realm. In future jumps, 
this book will update to also hold detailed knowledge of the current universe’s laws and 
[100] Jian 
What you have here is a relatively simple sword. It won’t rust nor need to be maintained, but 
that’s all that’s special about it. Is restored in your Warehouse three days after being broken or 
[200] Golden Coin 
The Treasure Defeating Golden Coin is a small flying object able to deflect and block 
projectiles. This one is bound to you, and can block dozens of magical weapons of middling 
potency. Should it break, it will be restored in your Warehouse after five days. 
[200] Baton 
The Immortal Thrashing Whip is… a baton. No, seriously, it’s a wooden stick. This club is 
empowered by the various Taoist inscriptions on it, and is able to inflict great harm upon many 
monsters and immortals. Downside to it, or upside, depending on your view, is that this baton 
can only harm beings that have their names written on to a tablet that comes with this weapon. 
[400] Flying Dagger 
Contrary to its original title, this artifact is a rather small humanoid in a gourd. Upon its 
invocation, a small wispy humanoid will emerge, fly and proceed to decapitate, or failing that, 
dismember the target, and capture its soul. Captured souls are held within the gourd, and can 
only be freed by your will alone. 
[400] Sun Felling Bow 
This is a perfect replica of the bow that Hou Yi used to fell nine of the ten tripedal sun crows. It 
possesses immense range and power, able to bring down gods and immortals from kilometres 
away. This bow does more harm to creatures closely associated with the sun, inflicting far 
greater wounds and damage against such entities. 
[400] Peach Blossom Spring 
This sanctuary is obscured by a forest of peach trees, with a stream leading through the forest. 
Past this forest is a grotto with residences and living amenities, where one can live in relative 
comfort. This place is perpetually hidden from prying eyes, and cannot be reached nor detected 
through mundane means unless you allow it. This sanctuary will always be within reach for you, 
and in future jumps will follow you in close proximity. 
[600] Imperial Palace 
An Emperor isn’t without his palace. This is your palace, where thousands of people live and 
work for you. Soldiers, bureaucrats, courtesans, and more are housed in this immense palace and 
its surrounding land and buildings. Has everything you can expect of such a property, from 
residences, barracks, replenishing food storage and more. This is stored as an attachment to 
your Warehouse for future jumps, though it can be brought out. Reconstructs itself two months 
after damage or destruction in your Warehouse. The individuals within are followers, and will 
respawn in the Palace if killed and will not be affected by age. These followers can leave the 
palace if you allow them to. 
[1000] Pangu’s Axe 
The mighty axe of the creator is a wondrous thing to behold. The axe is immense, standing as 
tall as a tree and requiring great strength to wield. This was the tool that was used to part the 
primordial Chaos and separate the metaphysical forces of Yin and Yang. By wielding this axe, 
one could part Heaven and Earth, and even metaphysical forces and concepts with but a single 
strike. Use with caution. 
[100] Fearsome Outfit 
Presentation can sometimes be just as important as execution. This is an outfit of your design 
that is catered to emphasise your more terrifying features and make you look more intimidating. 
[200] Spare Body 
This is, well, it’s a rather morbid item. What you have here is the soulless corpse of someone. It 
can serve as a bit of nourishment for you in a pinch, or as a target for possession if you are able 
to do so. It will never decay and never undergo rigor mortis, regenerating in the Warehouse a 
day after being damaged or destroyed. 
[200] Small Shrine 
This is a small shrine to receive offerings from. Anything that is offered to you and interred into 
this shrine will be teleported next to you. It can be disguised as a shrine for other gods or as 
something for yourself. It will follow you in future jumps, manifesting in a location you find 
suitable, in a form appropriate to the setting that won’t draw undue attention unless you want it 
to appear foreign or incongruous to its surroundings. 
[400] Piece of Hell 
Many monsters and demons live in Diyu, often in service to the Yama kings present. This plot of 
land is your own little slice of hell, with a cozy residence and an environment hostile to 
unwelcome visitors. You can choose from which court of hell this plot comes from, such as the 
Mountain of Flames or the Hill of Ice. Has a mansion in the middle and the environment within 
will not harm you. Exists as a Warehouse attachment and will restore itself a month after 
damage or destruction. 
[400] Somersault Cloud 
This little cloud functions as a platform you can use. With a single leap, it can transport you ten 
thousand miles in moments. 
[400] Iron Fan 
A replica of the magical fan used by the Bull Demon King’s wife, this tool can create immense 
winds capable of putting out fires from long distances, or blowing people and objects thousands 
of kilometres away. 
[600] Demon King’s Castle 
As a powerful and influential demon, it is only right that you too have a fortress you can call 
home. Within this mountain-fortress, hundreds of lesser demons and yaoguai are at your beck 
and call. This fortress contains a self-refilling food storage, full residences, barracks and 
armoury. Will be restored in your warehouse a month after destruction, with all its inhabitants 
Celestial Being 
[100] Banquet Table 
A self-refilling table piled with the highest quality foods and drinks of your choosing. While it 
cannot refill itself with foods and drinks that make modifications to you or empower you, the 
meals are always guaranteed to be both filling and delicious. 
[200] Jade Seal 
This jade seal is as much a proof of authorisation as it is of identity. Presenting this seal to 
someone will be the same as giving them irrefutable proof of either your in-jump identity or as 
your nature as a jumper, whichever you wish. 
[200] Heavenly Mirror 
This small mirror is a minor artifact, but one with powerful effects nonetheless. It can see 
through illusions, glamours and shapeshifting, revealing the true form of something through its 
[400] Zhu Xian Zhen 
A trap powered by four magical swords, this contraption was designed to kill anything that 
enters it, immortals in particular. Immortal or deathless beings imprisoned in this trap will die a 
true death upon its activation. Should this trap be damaged or destroyed, it will reform after a 
week in your Warehouse. 
[400] Bodhi Tree 
This is a Bodhi tree propagated from the original that the Buddha himself sat under. While in 
close proximity to this tree you learn and master skills at a significantly greater rate, with 
endeavours taking weeks shortened to a few days and those taking months to only a few weeks. 
[400] Peach Garden 
This, my friend is no ordinary peach orchid. This is a replica of the peach garden owned by the 
Queen Mother of the West, holding its own peaches of immortality. Unlike hers, your peaches 
ripen far faster, taking only a few months to bud and ripen, and holding its fruit all year round. 
Eating a peach from this garden grants agelessness and physical immortality, allowing one to 
live indefinite lives, and stopping them from dying to mundane means. This garden is housed in 
your Warehouse, and is restored in a month should it somehow be damaged or destroyed. 
[600] Mount Penglai 
The island and mountain of Penglai are said to be one of the residences of the Eight Immortals, 
being a resplendent and mystical location. You now have ownership of a replica of this 
paradisiacal island. Fruits that are able to grant eternal youth, cure ailments and bring back the 
deceased grow aplenty, and the food bowls and wine glasses here refill themselves. Exquisite 
gems grow on trees here, and the palaces on this mountain are made from gold and platinum. 
This isle follows you wherever you go and is always nearby, while being undetectable and 
unreachable through mundane means. Restores itself in your warehouse two months after being 
damaged or destroyed. 
[100 for one, 200 for two, and 300 for three or more] Companion Import 
You can import companions into this jump. Companions receive 600 CP each. 
[300] Create Companion 
You can create and customise your own companion. 
[100] Jin Die 
A mortal scholar and bureaucrat, Jin Die is not one for martial pursuits. However, he makes for 
a competent secretary, treasurer and administrator, and is knowledgeable and interested in 
supernatural creatures. Through certain circumstances, he has found himself in service to you 
and does his best to make sure you are prepared for anything. 
[100] Shi Yuan 
The ghost of a recently deceased girl, Shi is unwilling to pass on to the afterlife. In her life as a 
wandering soul, she has latched onto you, a being of power and for her, security. She does not 
ask for much from you, only some conversation and a willingness to occasionally keep her 
[200] Wei Yang 
A beautiful fox spirit, Wei Yang is mischievous and cunning. She has taken a liking to you as a 
friend, with perhaps a spark of something more. Her social skills have been honed over years of 
disguising herself as a human, giving her a certain charisma. Wei is a powerful spirit, being very 
proficient in the art of illusions and shapeshifting.  
[200] Yi Men 
This demon lord is a minor celestial immortal who has descended to cause mischief and chaos. 
Currently, he’s mostly been on the down low now that one of his relatives is looking for him, but 
he has made a few friends in the earthly realm, like you. Through a series of favours he’s become 
your sworn brother and will follow you into hell and back. 
[200] Huang Shi 
Huang is a captain in the Celestial army, being responsible for vanquishing demons and ghosts. 
An exceptional fighter and leader, Huang is never one to back down from a challenge or insult. 
In his years of service he has befriended you, and in many of the times off duty he drunk and 
feasted with you. The captain respects you and holds you in high esteem, treating you as a 
[200] Canon Companion 
You can recruit one of the locals here for your journey. 
[+0] Another Myth 
Chinese mythology, due to how it’s a melting pot for different mythological imports, is not 
internally consistent and there are often multiple variations of the same myth or different myths 
altogether for the same occurrences, like the many creation myths that abound. You may freely 
pick from the myths and legends that form the foundations of this world. 
[+100] Unbearably Ugly 
Your true form is ugly as sin. As in, it’s nearly unbearable to look at. People who look at you feel 
queasy and perhaps even scared from your visage. Better be good with illusions, I suppose. 
[+100] Hauntings 
The reason some spirits stay around and don’t pass on is often due to the proper burial rites not 
being observed. In particular, ghosts of this type tend to haunt you, being annoying and absolute 
nuisances. One will always appear at the most inconvenient moments to haunt you, and getting 
rid of it will have another take its place a week later. 
[+200] Task of the Jade Hare 
For whatever reason, there is a task of great importance that you must perform regularly, and 
will keep failing at. Like Chang’e’s servant, you have something of great emotional importance 
to you that you are obliged to perform, and without any result or success, for the rest of your 
stay here. A feeling of futility will accompany this task. 
[+200] Cast from Heaven 
There’s a… ​distressing​ amount of celestials being thrown out of Heaven in Chinese myth. For 
whatever inane reason, the Jade Emperor has decided to exile you to the earthly realm. You will 
never be able to return to heaven without armed resistance barring you, unless you make 
amends for whatever it is you did. Heaven is also monitoring your movements too, so don’t be 
thinking you can just up and do whatever you want now that you’re on Earth. 
[+300] Youthful Flesh 
It is said that many yaoguai consume the essence and flesh of humans in a bid to achieve 
immortality. And now they’ve set their eyes on you. Every year, some manner of supernatural 
creature will try to kill you and consume your flesh. Most of these will be minor spirits, but a 
few will hold the strength to grind mountains to dust and topple celestial armies with their 
might. Tread carefully. 
[+300] Mischief on Earth 
Many gods seem to run off without supervision to cause chaos and mischief in the earthly realm. 
More often than not, another immortal or god has to be called in to take care of the problem. 
Such troubleshooting can often involve heavy collateral damage, and you and your belongings 
tend to be caught up in the crossfire. Once every three months a celestial being will descend 
near you to cause mischief, and a god will be sent after them shortly to bring them back. The 
fighting that this inevitably results in will cause serious damage to, if not outright destroy your 
properties wholesale and you’ll find yourself dodging stray attacks from these battles. Oh, and 
Heaven won’t recompense you for any damages incurred either. 
[+300] Vulpine Cruelty 
You are… a sadist, to understate things. Your cruelty is such that Daji herself would be proud to 
call you her equal. An urge to harm and torture others is constantly active at the back of your 
mind. It is torturous to resist, and can only be sated by causing great suffering to another. 
Should you give in to these desires, Heaven will notice and send someone to deal with you, and 
they won’t be small fry either. 
[+400] Sacrifices 
Some of the more benevolent gods and deities were not always so. Some, like Ao Guang, 
demanded human sacrifices to be paid to them. In this case, one of the Dragon Kings of the 
Four Seas demands tribute from you. Every year, you must give up something of immense 
importance to you, and that item has to be something that you would fight tooth and nail to 
protect. If the sacrifices are not met, he might pay you a visit personally and try killing you 
himself. If you manage to best him, his allies in Heaven will not hesitate to intervene on his 
[+600] Havoc in Heaven 
It seems that you have truly, monumentally pissed off Heaven. They want you dead, and are 
sending all their available forces to crush you. Have fun. 
Stay Here 
Fond of this place, are you? I suppose this isn’t somewhere half bad. Have fun! 
Go Home 
Weary after your time here? Ah, well. You may return to your home universe. 
And so your journey continues on. The Wheel of Samsara turns once again. 
Chinese myth in general isn’t as familiar in the west as Greeco-Roman or Norse/Germanic 
mythologies. To those who are less familiar with Chinese folklore, I offer a few links. This jump 
is meant to be very general and covering a broad, if conflicting, take on Chinese mythology, as 
Chinese myth tends to have elements of different religions bleeding into it, ranging from 
Buddhism to Taoism and folk religion. This muddies the line between some parts, as there is a 
thorough mixing of what can be regarded as different cosmologies.. 
This an article about Pangu, who in some tales is regarded as the creator god of the universe. 
A link to an article about Nuwa, who in some myths created humanity from clay and silt. 
This one was the only free online translation I could find of the Ming dynasty novel F ​ enshen 
Yanyi​, or I​ nvestiture of the Gods​. The tales within are mostly about the transition between the 
Shang and Zhou dynasties, told through a mythologised account. In particular, it focuses on the 
downfall of King Zhou and his consort Daji, whose demise was ordered by the goddess Nuwa. 
Many of the items were sourced from this novel. 
A book detailing the various myths of China. While it is a handful to read, I found sections of it 
to be rather useful as a resource for this jumpdoc. The book itself is interesting reading 
material, though the Wade Giles pronunciation can be annoying to some. 
Journey to the West was also a source used during the creation of this document, given that it is 
quite a rich source of lore for the various demons and yaoguai 
As a note, the three categories for origins have areas of overlap in Chinese myth. Yaoguai can 
also come from humans or celestial beings, with several types being the souls of deceased 
humans or exiled celestials or even the pets of some divine beings. Many mortals in myth also 
end up becoming gods themselves, either through their own merit or being deified by others 
after their death. 
As some may have guessed, Heaven’s Eye is based on Erlang Shen, the foremost general of 
Heaven and the one who fought Sun Wukong to a standstill. 
Mandate, is, well based on the Mandate of Heaven. To explain how the concept works and its 
history, it began as a way for the Zhou to legitimise their overthrowing of the Shang, and later 
was expanded upon by Confucius and Mencius. The Mandate of Heaven was heavily 
meritocratic in nature and dictated that a King or Emperor’s right to rule was in how well they 
governed their people. Should they do badly, however, i.e. corruption, poor administration, 
famine and poorly dealing with natural disaster, then they have lost the favour of Heaven and 
the people therefore had the right to rebel and install a new leader. In most cases this was used 
as propaganda to legitimise a new dynasty’s rule, though most often the numerous histories the 
first few rulers commissioned had some grain of truth to them.  
Chinese myth as a whole tends to have a lot of chronological and regional differences, and in 
some cases the line between folk religion and mythology is quite blurry; what in one region 
might be widely considered to be folk religion might be considered to be mythology in another, 
so I ask that people using this jump to be respectful and understanding of others’ beliefs in this 
As far as chronological differences are concerned, from the Neolithic to roughly the Spring and 
Autumn period saw the first interpretations of Tian or Heaven, which is different to the Taoist 
or Buddhist interpretations. As a very general and oversimplified explanation, people in the 
Shang and early Zhou dynasties believed in a sort of Supreme deity of Heaven. This deity was 
rather aloof and really wasn’t directly worshipped. Instead, there was (and in the present still is) 
a strong tradition of ancestor worship, where the spirits of the deceased are venerated and act as 
messengers for this god. 
Taoist interpretations of the cosmos, which this jump draws very heavily from alongside the 
folk legends and myths, consists of a celestial hierarchy where everything has a god, from 
natural phenomena to objects to people and animals. Taoism really became active during the 
later parts of the Warring States, just as Buddhism made its way into China. The jump really 
doesn’t go into the full nuances of this, as it’s meant to be very general in coverage. 

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