Level 1 - Access - Workbook
Level 1 - Access - Workbook
Level 1 - Access - Workbook
2017 Edition
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ii Introduction
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Introduction iii
Learning outcomes v
Assessment summary xvi
1 Essential accounting procedures 1
2 Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning 25
3 Mathematics for accounting 33
4 Mathematics for accounting: Test your learning 51
5 Accounting in a professional environment 55
6 Accounting in a professional environment: Test your learning 73
7 Creating business documents 77
8 Creating business documents: Test your learning 99
Chapter tasks: answers 109
Test your learning: answers 121
AAT sample assessment 1 137
AAT sample assessment 1: answers 153
AAT sample assessment 2 161
AAT sample assessment 2: answers 177
BPP practice assessment 1 187
BPP practice assessment 1: answers 203
BPP practice assessment 2 213
BPP practice assessment 2: answers 229
Index 241
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iv Introduction
If you have any comments about this book, please email nisarahmed@bpp.com or write
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Introduction v
Learning outcomes
This assessment relates to four units.
Each of the units has a number of learning outcomes with assessment criteria in which
learners will need to demonstrate competence to complete this assessment.
Each chapter in this workbook relates to the learning outcomes and assessment criteria
below. Note that even-numbered chapters are assessment practice relating to the
preceding chapter.
Learning Objectives
This unit introduces the learner to some basic general accounting procedures.
Learning Outcomes
This unit consists of six learning outcomes, the learner will:
1. Understand basic accounting terminology [Chapter 1, section 1]
2. Understand the use of business documents [Chapter 1, section 2]
3. Prepare to record business transactions in the books of prime entry [Chapter 1,
section 2]
4. Understand types of coding and batch control [Chapter 1, sections 3 and 4]
5. Be able to prepare documents to process receipts and payments [Chapter 1,
section 2]
6. Be able to prepare a basic profit statement [Chapter 1, section 1]
Delivery guidance
Learners must be able to complete tasks on the topics and procedures specified below.
The learner will not be expected to understand or use the double entry bookkeeping
The learner will not be expected to understand or calculate VAT but VAT will be
shown on invoices and credit notes.
It is expected that learners are able to use a standard calculator.
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vi Introduction
Assessment criteria
1.1 Explain the terms assets, liabilities, income and expenditure. [Chapter 1, section 1]
1.2 Identify examples of assets, liabilities, income and expenditure.
[Chapter 1, section 1]
The learner should be able to explain these terms in their simplest form. The learner
will not be expected to provide definitions in accordance with accounting standards.
The learner should be able to classify items as assets, liabilities, income or
expenditure but will not be asked to differentiate between fixed and current assets
or long term and current liabilities.
1.3 Explain the terminology associated with the sale and purchase of goods for cash
and on credit. [Chapter 1, section 1]
The learner should understand and be able to explain, in basic terms, the meaning
of sales, cash sales, credit sales, purchases, cash purchases, credit purchases,
customer, supplier, receipt, payment, debtor (receivable) and creditor (payable).
1.4 Identify examples of cash transactions and credit transactions. [Chapter 1, section 1]
The learner should understand that cash transactions involve immediate payment
and credit transactions are when payment is delayed. The use of credit cards will
not be tested.
1.5 Explain the terms profit and loss. [Chapter 1, section 1]
The learner should understand that when income exceeds expenditure there is a
profit but if expenditure exceeds income there is a loss. The learner should
understand that gross profit is sales less cost of sales and net profit is gross profit
less expenses. Learners are not expected to understand the constituent parts of cost
of sales. Understanding of cost of sales is limited to the fact that cost of sales are
the cost to the business of the items sold.
Assessment criteria
2.1 Identify documents used in the process of buying and selling goods on credit and
when they are used. [Chapter 1, section 2]
2.2 Identify documents used to process cash sales and cash purchases. [Chapter 1,
section 2]
The learner should recognise and understand the use of invoices, credit notes, a
purchases order, a statement of account, a remittance advice and receipts. The
learner will not be asked to prepare any of these documents but they are expected
to understand the information contained in each.
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Introduction vii
Assessment criteria
3.1 Select appropriate documents to record transactions in the books of prime entry.
[Chapter 1, section 3]
3.2 Select the appropriate book of prime entry to record transactions relating to credit
sales and credit purchases. [Chapter 1, section 3]
3.3 Select the appropriate book of prime entry to record payments made and monies
received. [Chapter 1, section 3]
The learner should recognise invoices (sales and purchase) and credit notes and
understand that they are entered as appropriate into the sales, purchases or returns
day books. The learner should recognise cheques, paying in slips, cheques paid and
received listings, cash paid and received listings and understand that they are
entered as appropriate into the cash receipts or cash payments book. The learner
should be able to match a document to the appropriate book of prime entry. The
learner will not be required to make entries into the books of prime entry.
Assessment criteria
4.1 Identify types of codes used when recording financial transactions. [Chapter 1,
section 4]
The learner should understand the difference between numerical codes,
alphabetical codes and alphanumerical codes.
4.2 Explain what is meant by a batch control system. [Chapter 1, section 3]
The learner should be aware that purchases and sales invoices and credit notes can
be entered in the accounting system individually or in batches as a time saving
Assessment criteria
5.1 Complete a bank paying-in slip for notes, coins and cheques. [Chapter 1, section
The learner should be able to enter notes, coins and cheques for banking on the
front of a paying in slip. The learner should be able to total the amounts as
required. The learner should also be aware of the need to sign and date the paying
in slip.
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viii Introduction
Assessment criteria
6.1 Calculate gross profit. [Chapter 1, section 1]
6.2 Calculate net profit. [Chapter 1, section 1]
The learner should be able to calculate gross profit from sales and cost of sales
figures. The learner should be able to total up to five expense figures and deduct
the result from gross profit to arrive at net profit.
Learning objectives
This unit is about gaining a range of numerical skills required by a financial professional.
Learning outcome
This unit consists of one learning outcome; the learner will be able to apply basic
mathematical concepts to financial data. [Chapter 3, sections 2 to 8]
Delivery guidance
Learners must be able to complete tasks on the topics and procedures specified below.
It is expected that learners are able to use a standard calculator.
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Introduction ix
Assessment criteria
1.1 Add and subtract whole numbers and numbers up to two decimal places.
[Chapter 3, section 2]
The learner should be able to add and subtract up to five numbers which may be a
mixture of whole numbers, numbers to one decimal place and numbers to two
decimal places.
1.2 Multiply and divide whole numbers and numbers up to two decimal places.
[Chapter 3, section 3]
The learner should be able to multiply and divide any two numbers which may be a
mixture of whole numbers, numbers to one decimal place and numbers to two
decimal places.
1.3 Calculate the ratio or proportion of two numbers. [Chapter 3, sections 4 and 5]
The learner should be able to calculate the ratio or proportion of one whole number
to another whole number. The resultant answer can be a fraction, for example ½,
or a ratio. In the case of a ratio the answer will always be in the format of one
number to a base figure of one, for example 3:1.
1.4 Calculate the percentage of one number in relation to another number. [Chapter 3,
section 6]
The learner should be able to calculate what percentage one whole number is of
another whole number. The resultant answer may be a whole number, a number to
one decimal place or a number to two decimal places.
1.5 Find a percentage of a whole number. [Chapter 3, section 6]
Learners should be able to calculate a given percentage figure of a whole number.
The resultant answer may be a whole number, a number to one decimal place or a
number to two decimal places.
1.6 Apply a fraction to whole numbers. [Chapter 3, section 7]
Learners should be able to calculate a given fraction of a whole number. The
resultant answer may be a whole number, a number to one decimal place or a
number to two decimal places.
1.7 Calculate the average of a range of numbers. [Chapter 3, section 8]
Learners should be able to calculate the average value of a range of up to five
numbers. The resultant answer may be a whole number, a number to one decimal
place or a number to two decimal places.
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x Introduction
Learning objectives
This unit is about gaining a range of transferable skills with regard to working practices
and appropriate behaviours expected of a finance professional.
Learning outcomes
This unit consists of four learning outcomes, the learner will:
1. Understand basic organisations and how the finance professional contributes to the
organisation [Chapter 5, sections 1 and 2]
2. Understand the need to apply appropriate ethical behaviour and professionalism
within an accounting environment [Chapter 5, sections 3 to 5]
3. Understand that there is a legal framework within which organisations must operate
[Chapter 5, sections 3 and 6]
4. Understand how efficient working practices and personal development contribute to
achievement [Chapter 5, sections 7 to 9]
Delivery guidance
Learners must be able to complete tasks on the topics and procedures specified below.
Assessment criteria
1.1 Identify different types of business organisation. [Chapter 5, section 1]
The learner should be aware of the different types of organisation in the private
sector (limited companies, partnerships and sole traders), public sector (councils,
NHS, Police, Fire and Ambulance Services) and also Charitable organisations.
Knowledge of these organisations is limited to knowing which sector different types
of organisation fall into. Learners should understand that organisations in the
private sector exist to make a profit as compared to those in the public and
charitable sectors where profit is not a primary purpose.
1.2 Identify the 'customers' of the accounting function. [Chapter 5, section 2]
The learner should understand that any user of information produced by the finance
function could be considered to be a customer of the service. The learner should
appreciate that it is important to meet the needs of the 'customer' in order that the
information provided by the finance professional is fit for purpose. Learners'
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Introduction xi
Assessment criteria
2.1 Explain how to maintain confidentiality of information. [Chapter 5, section 3]
The learner should be able to understand that financial information is sensitive and
why the information should be kept confidential. They are expected to identify ways
of keeping information confidential. Examples include, but are not restricted to,
ensuring all documents are in secure storage and not left on desks or in unlocked
cupboards as well as ensuring information stored electronically is password
protected and not left visible on unattended workstations.
2.2 Explain the importance of ethical and professional behaviour to the role of those in
the accounting function. [Chapter 5, section 4]
The learner should understand the meaning of ethics in the context of the role of a
finance professional, with particular reference to the importance of having up to
date technical knowledge and acting with honesty and integrity. Learners will not
be expected to provide an explanation of any of the fundamental principles of
professional ethics.
2.3 Identify the importance of an organisation adopting environmentally and socially
responsible policies. [Chapter 5, section 5]
The learner should understand that the behaviour of organisations will impact upon
the environment. Examples include but are not restricted to organisations having
paper saving and fuel saving policies to reduce the negative environmental impact
of an organisation.
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xii Introduction
Assessment criteria
3.1 Identify the responsibility an organisation has to the health and safety of its
employees and of visitors to its premises. [Chapter 5, section 6]
Learners should know that organisations have a duty of care to all employees,
customers, visitors and anyone on their premises. Learners also need to know that
the employee has a duty to behave in a safe manner to ensure they do not put
themselves or colleagues in danger. The learner does not need to know any specific
legislative details or the content of the statute.
3.2 Explain the role of an employee in the accounting function in maintaining safe and
effective working practices. [Chapter 5, section 6]
The learner should understand that if they see unsafe practice they have a duty to
report it to a superior. They should understand the importance of keeping a tidy
work area both in respect of safety but also in respect of efficient working practice.
3.3 Identify how an employee in the accounting function can ensure that personal
information is protected and not disclosed without authority. [Chapter 5, section 3]
Learners must understand why personal information cannot be passed to
unauthorised people. They should understand that paper based information should
be stored securely and not left on desks or in unlocked cupboards. In addition when
the information is stored electronically the computer should be locked when the
employee is away from their workstation and sensitive files should be password
Assessment criteria
4.1 Identify efficient working practices which contribute to the achievement of own and
team goals. [Chapter 5, section 7]
The learner should understand that working as a team will achieve far more than
each individual working independently. They should appreciate that during busy
times individuals within a department/team should help each other in order to
complete tasks within deadlines. Learners should understand that they ought to
have some form of work plan to help analyse work tasks and ensure they are
achieved on time. Examples include, but are not restricted to, a 'to do' list, an in
tray, a diary and a schedule.
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Introduction xiii
4.2 Explain how communication within the team contributes to its overall efficiency.
[Chapter 5, section 7]
The learner should understand that an individual within a team does not work in
isolation and there are others within the team who are relying on information
produced by the individual in order to complete their work within deadlines.
Consequently when individual deadlines are not going to be met there must be
communication with others affected by this in order that contingency planning can
take place. Similarly this applies to teams within an organisation.
4.3 Identify the personal skills required to work in the accounting function. [Chapter 5,
section 8]
The learner should be able to identify the skills, attributes and behaviours required
of someone working in an accounting environment. These include (but are not
restricted to) being reliable, numerate, punctual, showing willingness to learn,
having good communication skills and being honest, straightforward and organised.
4.4 Identify ways in which new skills and knowledge can be acquired. [Chapter 5,
section 8]
The learner should understand that formal training is a way of acquiring new skills
and knowledge but there are other ways of acquiring knowledge and skills. These
include self study of professional journals, books and the internet, job rotation, on
the job training and job shadowing.
4.5 Explain how the acquisition of new skills can be agreed and subsequently reviewed
with the line manager. [Chapter 5, section 9]
Learners should understand that having a mentor/manager who works closely with
them to support their development is beneficial. They should understand that the
acquisition of new skills should be discussed and agreed prior to acquiring the skills
and afterwards there should be a process of review and evaluation to gain the
maximum benefit from such development opportunities.
Learning objectives
This unit introduces the learner to the importance of good quality communication by
raising awareness of the documents used by a business for formal and informal written
communication, both within and outside the business.
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xiv Introduction
Learning outcomes
This unit consists of three learning outcomes, the learner will:
1. Know that there are different types of business documents
[Chapter 7, sections 1 and 2]
2. Know why it is important to use the right communication style in business
documents [Chapter 7, sections 2 and 3]
3. Be able to produce routine business documents [Chapter 7, section 3]
Delivery guidance
Learners must be able to complete tasks on the topics and procedures specified below.
Assessment criteria
1.1 Identify different types of business document and when they might be used.
[Chapter 7, section 1]
The learner should be able to identify letters, emails, memos and reports and
understand the circumstances in which each document is used as an appropriate
form of communication. Learners should understand that some other business
documents are also a form of communication.
These include, but are not restricted to, sales invoices, purchase invoices, credit
notes, statements of account and remittance advices.
1.2 State why templates are used for some business documents. [Chapter 7, section 2]
The learner should understand the reason why organisations use templates. The
learner should understand that consistency of documentation is important both
within the organisation but also in presenting a consistent, positive message to
customers which also supports the organisation's core goals and ethos.
Assessment criteria
2.1 State why some businesses adopt a 'house style' for certain documents.
[Chapter 7, section 2]
The learner should understand the reason why organisations adopt house styles.
The learner should understand that consistency of documentation is important both
within the organisation but also in presenting a consistent, positive message to
customers which also supports the organisation's core goals and ethos.
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Introduction xv
Assessment criteria
3.1 Produce routine business documents using the appropriate communication style.
[Chapter 7, section 3]
3.2 Check documents for accuracy. [Chapter 7, section 3]
The learner should be able to structure and select appropriate content for inclusion
in letters, memos, emails and reports. Learners should understand that letters must
be dated, addressed to the recipient, include a suitable heading and a greeting with
an appropriate salutation. Learners should be aware that memos, emails and
reports must be dated, show who they are 'To' and 'From' and show the subject
matter. Learners should understand that all of these forms of communication
should contain an introduction followed by the main content and finally a short
sentence or two in conclusion. Learners will not be expected to differentiate
between formal and informal reports.
Learners should be able to check letters, emails and memos and identify any errors.
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xvi Introduction
Assessment summary
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Essential accounting
1 Terminology
Organisations exist to do something; usually this is providing goods or services, often to
make a profit. In doing this many organisations buy and sell things (carry out
transactions). If they buy things, they may own things (assets).
Organisation A borrows from the bank to buy a building Organisation A owes the bank
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2 1: Essential accounting procedures
You need to learn these definitions. Knowing what these terms mean is crucial in your
How it works
The following are examples of assets, liabilities, expenditure and income.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 3
Note about expenditure: there could be a large number of examples of different services
an organisation spends money on. Only a small number have been given here to
illustrate – try to think of some more in an organisation with which you are familiar.
TASK 1 Place the items listed below into the appropriate box.
Premises, advertising cost, sale, bank loan, insurance, fuel costs, interest received,
inventory, bank overdraft, salaries
Assets Liabilities
Income Expenditure
Credit transactions
Liabilities are made when an organisation borrows, or does not pay immediately for
something it has bought. An organisation may not pay for its purchases straightaway
because it has been extended credit by another organisation.
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4 1: Essential accounting procedures
How it works
Paper Products is an organisation which makes printed boxes and other items. It has a
customer, Applebys, and a supplier, Pearmans. It has credit transactions with both of
Creditor/payable Debtor/receivable
of Paper Products of Paper Products
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1: Essential accounting procedures 5
TASK 2 Place the items listed below into the appropriate box.
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6 1: Essential accounting procedures
How much an organisation spends and how much it sells at a given price level
determines whether it is successful, and able to continue in business.
How it works
Organisation A Organisation B
£ £
Income 100,000 Income 50,000
Expenditure 80,000 Expenditure 75,000
In these examples:
Organisation A has spent £20,000 less than it earned in the financial period. This is
therefore a profit for that period.
Organisation B has spent £25,000 more than it earned in the financial period. This is
therefore a loss for that period.
Note that expenditure is sometimes shown in brackets to show that it is being subtracted
from income.
A loss is often shown in brackets to show that it is a negative number, rather than being
shown as –£25,000.
Often in financial information, profit is divided into different elements so that users can
see the impact of different parts of an organisation's expenditure.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 7
In other words, the total expenditure is divided up into two kinds of expenditure: direct
cost of sales, and other expenditure (expenses).
How it works
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8 1: Essential accounting procedures
5 Using the information in the first two tables, place a tick in the appropriate
column of the third table below to show whether each of the organisations has
made a profit or a loss. You should not place more than one tick () against each
Organisation A Organisation B
£ £
Income 80,000 Income 150,000
Expenditure 70,000 Expenditure 120,000
You must be able to calculate gross profit and net profit. This means that you must:
1 Remember what makes up both gross profit and net profit
2 Do the calculation
The best way to be able to do these calculations is to practise them over and over
again. There are questions for you to practise in the next chapter and the practice
assessments at the end of the Workbook, but you should also run through the
following practice questions in Task 4.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 9
Organisation A Organisation B
£ £
Income 120,000 Income 364,600
Cost of sales 45,000 Cost of sales 149,400
Expenses 45,000 Expenses 55,780
2 Documents
In Section 1 we discussed how and when trading organisations buy and sell (transact).
Organisations usually provide documents to accompany transactions.
Documents used in credit sales
Customer Supplier
Purchase order
Credit note
Payment/remittance advice
Statement of account
Customer Supplier
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10 1: Essential accounting procedures
An invoice is the document a supplier gives a customer when it makes a credit sale
to the customer. It shows the customer what amount it owes and when that debt is
due to be paid.
A credit note is the document a supplier gives a customer when a customer returns
items sold on credit. It confirms what goods have been returned, and how much
money has been refunded or no longer needs to be paid.
A purchase order is the document a customer gives to a supplier requesting that the
supplier sells the organisation the goods stated on the order.
A statement of account is the document a supplier sends to a customer who it has
made credit sales to. It shows the invoices which the customer has paid in the period,
and the total of the invoices which the customer still owes to the supplier.
A remittance advice is the document a customer sends to a supplier when paying
some of its balance with the supplier, so that the supplier can see exactly which
invoices are being paid in that payment.
A receipt is the document given to a customer for a cash sale, showing the amount
of money the customer paid, and what it related to. You are almost certainly familiar
with receipts, as you are usually given one by a shop every time you go shopping.
Note. An organisation is both a customer and a supplier – so, for example, it
will send remittance advices to its own suppliers, as well as receiving them
from its customers.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 11
How it works
Haywood Distributors
Supplier Industrial Estate
Haywood HY4 2SK
Tel: 01234 563939
VAT registration: 0274 2694 49
Invoice date
Date/tax point: 7 September 20XX
Order number: 32011
Customer: Freeway Superstores
28 Liberty Park
Haywood HY4 5TR
Account number (customer code) HD 35
Description/product code Quantity Unit Total
£ £
Sondy Flat Screen TVs 6 300.00 1,800.00
Items /3200IST25
being sold
Period after
which payment
is due
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12 1: Essential accounting procedures
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1: Essential accounting procedures 13
ORDER Customer
28 Liberty Park
Haywood HY4 5TR
Tel 0303446 Fax 0303447
Items to be
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14 1: Essential accounting procedures
Haywood Distributors
Industrial Estate
Haywood HY4 2SK
Tel: 01234 563939
VAT registration: 0274 2694 49
Date: 30 September 20XX
Customer: Freeway Superstores
28 Liberty Park Customer
Haywood HY4 5TR
Account number (customer code) HD 35
Date Details Debit Credit Balance
£ £ £
21.08.XX Inv56019 316.40 316.40
28.08.XX CN08613 47.46 268.94
07.09.XX Inv56314 2,160.00 2,428.94
12.09.XX CN08641 360.00 2,068.94
20.09.XX Payment received – 268.94 1,800.00
thank you
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1: Essential accounting procedures 15
Payment being
20/08/XX Haywood Distributors
Date of sale Supplier
Sale of 300 parts @ £100
Cash payment
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16 1: Essential accounting procedures
How it works
The customer writes a cheque and gives or sends it to the supplier. The supplier gives
the cheque to the bank, which then draws money from the customer's bank account and
places that money in the supplier's bank account.
Although there is a delay in the cash reaching the supplier's bank account, a cheque
payment at the time of exchange of goods is known as a cash transaction. A cheque is
considered to be the same as cash. It is the timing of the payment of the cash or the
cheque which is important.
Customer's bank
Customer's bank account details
Supplier's name
(written in by
customer staff)
As stated above, when suppliers receive cheques, they must pay them in to the bank.
Cash payments may be paid into the bank too. A paying-in slip is used when money is
paid in to the bank.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 17
How it works
You are required to know how to fill in a cheque and a paying-in slip. Key things to
remember are:
1 Use full names and dates.
2 On a cheque, write out the amount in words and in numbers in the relevant
3 On a paying-in slip, total cash by note/coin: for example, 2 × £50 notes is £100,
so write £100 in the appropriate place.
The best way to learn this skill is to practise it. Try Task 5.
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18 1: Essential accounting procedures
TASK 5 On 21 August 20XX you have been asked to pay the following items into Haywood
Distributors' bank account.
Three £50 notes
Six £20 notes
Two £10 notes
Two £5 notes
Twenty 50 pence coins
Twelve 20 pence coins
Six 5 pence coins
Two 2 pence coins
Cheque £253.89
On 21 August 20XX you have also been asked to prepare a cheque to send to
Haywood Distributors' supplier, Allison Traders. The payment amount is £506.33.
(b) Complete the cheque below
26 - 33 - 20
MIDWEST BANK 002948 3958229
36 Pinehurst Place, Brighton B25 3AA Date
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1: Essential accounting procedures 19
How it works
You do not need to know anything more about books of prime entry in your assessment
other than which documents are entered into each book. Every time you come across a
document in this Workbook, think to yourself: which book of prime entry does this go
into? This will help prepare you for such a task in the assessment.
An organisation can receive a great number of documents in a day. It would take an
employee in the accounts department a great deal of time to enter each document
separately into the accounts system.
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20 1: Essential accounting procedures
Instead, it is possible to group documents together in a batch, and process them that
way. Documents should be batched in like groups (that is, purchase invoices in one
batch, sales credit notes in another).
TASK 6 1 Which of the following documents is entered into the sales day book?
Purchase invoice
Cheque received
Sales invoice
2 An organisation will enter a cheque sent to a supplier into which of the following
day books?
4 Codes
Look back at the documents you were shown above. In many cases, they had codes on
them. Some codes were unique to the document. Some codes were unique to the
customer or supplier. Codes help organisations to manage the vast numbers of
documents they deal with in the course of business, and be able to refer to specific
documents quickly and easily.
There are three main types of code, two of which were shown on the above documents.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 21
How it works
All you need to know about codes is which type they are and to be able to identify them.
Look back to the documents given in Section 2 and identify the codes on them, noting
what type of code each is.
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22 1: Essential accounting procedures
Chapter overview
Organisations usually exist to do something. Many organisations buy and sell things. If
they buy things, they may own things (assets).
Sometimes, in order to buy something, organisations need to borrow money. If they
borrow, they owe others that money (have liabilities).
You must learn the definitions of assets, liabilities, expenditure and income, profit, loss,
gross profit and net profit (see list of keywords) and understand them well enough to do
simple calculations of gross profit and net profit.
Organisations make both cash and credit transactions. A credit transaction is when
payment is delayed over a prearranged period.
An organisation will send and receive a large number of documents relating to its
transactions. The key documents are:
Credit notes
Purchase orders
Statements of account
Remittance advices
Payments may be made in cash or by cheque. Money will be banked using a paying-in
slip. You must be able to fill in such documents appropriately.
When a transaction occurs, an organisation will record the details from the initial
document into books of prime entry. The books of prime entry are:
Sales day book
Purchases day book
Sales returns day book
Purchases returns day book
Cash payments book
Cash receipts book
You must know which documents are recorded in which books of prime entry.
In order to process large numbers of documents quickly, an organisation may batch
documents into groups and process them together.
Organisations use codes to distinguish individual documents. Codes can be numerical,
alphabetical and alphanumerical.
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1: Essential accounting procedures 23
An ASSET is something the organisation owns.
A LIABILITY is something the organisation owes.
EXPENDITURE is when the organisation spends to purchase goods or services for the
INCOME is what the organisation earns when it makes sales of goods or services to
other parties.
A CUSTOMER is a person who buys goods or services.
A SUPPLIER is a person who sells goods and services to a customer.
A CASH SALE is a transaction to sell goods or services when payment is made
A CREDIT SALE is a transaction to sell goods or services when payment is made at a
later date than the delivery of goods or provision of the service.
A CASH PURCHASE is a transaction to purchase goods or services when payment is
made immediately.
A CREDIT PURCHASE is a transaction to purchase goods or services when payment is
made at a later date than the delivery of goods or provision of the service.
A RECEIVABLE is an asset. It is the amount that a customer (known as a debtor) owes
to the organisation (which is its supplier) in respect of credit sales, to be received at a
later date.
A PAYABLE is a liability. It is the amount the organisation, acting as a customer, (known
as a creditor) owes to a supplier in respect of credit purchases, to be paid at a later date.
PROFIT is what an organisation makes if income is greater than expenditure in a
financial period.
A LOSS is what an organisation makes if income is less than expenditure in a financial
GROSS PROFIT is income less direct cost of sales.
COST OF SALES is the cost to the organisation of the items sold.
NET PROFIT is gross profit less other expenses.
An INVOICE is the document a supplier gives a customer when it makes a credit sale to
the customer. It shows the customer what amount it owes and when that debt is due to
be paid.
A CREDIT NOTE is the document a supplier gives a customer when a customer returns
items sold on credit. It confirms what goods have been returned, and how much money
has been refunded or no longer needs to be paid.
A PURCHASE ORDER is the document a customer gives to a supplier requesting that
the supplier sells the customer the goods stated on the order.
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24 1: Essential accounting procedures
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Essential accounting procedures:
Test your learning
This chapter gives you question practice on the topics you covered in the
previous chapter. The questions are in the same style you can expect in
your assessment. You can find the answers at the back of this Workbook.
List of terms
(b) Select the appropriate word from the list of terms below to match the
List of terms
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26 2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning
2 Organisations often make sales and purchases for cash or for credit.
Complete the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate option from
the list of terms below.
When an organisation sells goods to a customer and the customer pays for the
goods three weeks after the goods are delivered, this is known as a
When an organisation buys services from a person and pays that person on the day
List of terms
Credit sale
Cash sale
Credit purchase
Cash purchase
3 Organisations issue and receive different documents when buying and selling goods.
Complete the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate option from
the list of terms below.
for cash.
List of terms
An invoice
A receipt
A purchase order
A credit note
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2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning 27
4 You work for Weaver Traders. You are preparing to record some documents in the
books of prime entry.
(a) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the cash
receipts book.
(b) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the purchases
day book.
(c) Insert an item from the following list into the bottom right-hand box of each
document below to show which book of prime entry that document will be
entered into, in Weaver Traders' books. You will not need to use all of the
Cash payments book
Cash receipts book
Purchases day book
Purchases returns day book
Sales day book
Sales returns day book
Weaver Traders
Unit 12, Industrial Park, Beeding, OS17 9DP
VAT registration: 427 4234 00
8 items of product SS2 @ £3.60 each 28.80
VAT @ 20% 5.76
TOTAL 34.56
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28 2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning
Gillespie Enterprises
35 High Road, Steeding ST2 9RT
VAT Registration No: 123 4433 00
4 items of product XX @ £0.99 each 3.96
VAT @ 20% 0.79
Total 4.75
National Bank
High Street, Beeding 14-24-19
Date 14 March 20XX
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2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning 29
6 Your organisation uses a batch processing system to enter purchase invoices into
the accounting records.
Show whether the following statement is true or false.
Purchase invoices can be entered into the system together.
17 April 20XX
17 March 20XX
(b) Which ONE of the following options shows how the three £50 notes you are
banking should be shown on the paying-in slip?
3 × £50
(c) Which ONE of the following options shows how the following cheque should
be shown on the paying-in slip: Cheque from DS Supplies, £309.35?
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30 2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning
8 It is 16 April 20XY. You work for Hollands Traders. You have been asked to prepare
two cheques for the chief accountant to sign. The cheques will be paying the
following balances:
DK Traders £64.87
SG Company £464.82
Complete the TWO cheques below, ready for the chief accountant's signature.
National Bank
National Bank Business Centre, Main Road 14-88-51
for Hollands Traders
National Bank
National Bank Business Centre, Main Road 14-88-51
for Hollands Traders
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2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning 31
9 At the end of every year your organisation calculates the profit or loss for the year.
(a) Show whether the following statement is true or false.
Income less cost of sales equals gross profit.
Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the
table below.
(b) Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following
(i) Calculate gross profit.
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32 2: Essential accounting procedures: Test your learning
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Mathematics for
This chapter covers the unit Mathematics for Accounting Section number
Chapter coverage
1 Using a calculator
Working in an accounting environment, it is important for you to be familiar with a
calculator and how it works. Calculators can be simple or complicated, but the basic
functions that you will use in this assessment will be the same.
Addition (+)
Subtraction (–)
Multiplication ()
Division ( ÷ or /)
Decimal point
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34 3: Mathematics for accounting
How it works
Total 37,226.37
To add the figures together to come to the total in the shaded box, you should:
1 Enter the first figure carefully into your calculator
Ensure you enter figures
2 Press the + button
carefully into your calculator,
3 Enter the second figure including the decimal point,
4 Press the + button or you may make an error.
5 Enter the third figure
6 Press the + button
7 Enter the fourth figure
8 Press the = button
Try this on the sum above and see if your answer matches ours.
In your assessment, you will be required to subtract or 'take away' numbers, both whole
numbers and numbers with one or two decimal places.
How it works
You may be required to take away (subtract) one number from another; for example, as
you learnt in the previous chapters, income take away cost of sales is gross profit. To
determine net profit, you would then have to subtract a further number (total other
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3: Mathematics for accounting 35
Income 100,000
Cost of sales 20,000
Other expenditure 15,000
In the assessment, tasks will often ask you to 'calculate', so you must decide if addition
or subtraction is required. Often a task will require both functions to be performed, such
as when completing missing records (see the 'How it works' example below).
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36 3: Mathematics for accounting
How it works
In the first example below you need to add all the figures to come to the total for parts
expenditure at the bottom, which is £182,000. This is adding the column of figures, as
seen above.
List of parts £
Part A 25,000
Part B 54,000
Part C 36,000
Part D 67,000
Total (all parts)
In the next example, below, you need to subtract the three given wages and salaries
figures from the total figure given, to arrive at the missing administration salaries cost,
which is £65,000. The easiest way is to do this in two steps, as shown in the working
below the table.
Step one – add the three wages and salaries costs you have been given.
Factory 1 wages 120,000
Factory 2 wages 140,000
Directors' salaries 125,000
Total of costs itemised 385,000
Step two – subtract this figure from the total given in the original table.
Total cost 450,000
Total of costs itemised (385,000)
Administration salaries 65,000
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3: Mathematics for accounting 37
TASK 1 1 Your organisation keeps detailed records of expenses. Motor fuel expenses for each
of four delivery vehicles are shown in the table below.
Complete the table to show the total expense for motor fuel.
2 Complete the table to show the expense for envelopes. (Tutorial note. You may
need to do this in two steps in a separate working, as shown above.)
3 Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the table
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38 3: Mathematics for accounting
Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following calculations:
(a) Calculate gross profit.
4 Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the
table below:
Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following calculations:
(a) Calculate gross profit.
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3: Mathematics for accounting 39
How it works
For example, if your answer is 25.52384, you would present this as 25.52.
If your answer is 25.52684, you would present this as 25.53.
You are likely to be told that an organisation has bought a number of items at a unit
price, and to work out the total price. To do this, you must multiply the price by the
number of items purchased.
How it works
Your organisation purchased 5 ink cartridges at £24.95 per cartridge from Combes
Stationers. What is the total cost of the ink cartridges?
To calculate this sum on your calculator, you should:
1 Enter the cost figure, which is 24.95
2 Press the button
3 Enter the number of cartridges purchased, which is 5
4 Press the = button
5 The screen will now show the total cost of the ink cartridges
Alternatively, you could be told that an organisation has bought a number of items at a
total price, and be asked to work out the unit price. To do this, you must divide the total
price by the number of items purchased.
How it works
Your organisation purchased 30 reams of paper from Office Suppliers, for a total cost of
£74.40. What is the unit price of one ream of paper?
To calculate this sum on your calculator, you should:
1 Enter the total cost figure, which is 74.4
2 Press the ÷ button
3 Enter the number of reams purchased, which is 30
4 Press the = button
5 The screen will now show the unit price of a ream of paper
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40 3: Mathematics for accounting
TASK 2 Your organisation purchased 12 bottles of hand soap at £1.25 per bottle from Discount
(a) What is the total cost of the hand soap?
Your organisation purchased 12 towels from Discount Suppliers, with a total cost of
(b) What is the unit price of a towel?
4 Ratios
In your assessment, you may have to calculate the ratio of one whole number to another
whole number. A ratio will be presented as 'a whole number : a whole number', for
example, 3 : 1. This is a way of expressing mathematically that the first number is three
times bigger than the second number.
How it works
You are likely to be given a list of costs (for example, stationery items, below), and asked
what the ratio of one item to the total or another item is. You may be given a range of
ratios and asked which the correct one is, as shown below.
Which of the following is the ratio of the total expense for stationery items to the
expense for ink tanks?
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3: Mathematics for accounting 41
To calculate this, divide the total expense by the expense of ink tanks. On your
calculator, you should:
1 Enter the total expense figure, which is 75
2 Press the ÷ button
3 Enter the figure for ink tanks, which is 25
4 Press the = button
5 This gives the answer 3, so the ratio is 3:1. In other words, the total expense is
three times bigger than the cost of ink tanks.
TASK 3 Your organisation has the following costs relating to light and heat.
Light 200,000
Heat 100,000
Total 300,000
Which of the following is the ratio of the total cost for light and heat to the cost for
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42 3: Mathematics for accounting
How it works
You could be given the same list of costs as you were given above and asked what
proportion of total stationery costs the ink tanks are.
As the amount for ink tanks is smaller than the total stationery costs, the answer is going
to be a fraction. This fraction would be presented initially as 25 . However, fractions
should always be presented in the smallest numbers possible.
To do this, you need to find a number that both numbers in the fraction can be divided
by. In simple cases, the bottom number will be divisible by the top number (which
means you will be able to divide the bottom number by the top number and the answer
will be a whole number). You should take the following steps:
25 25 1
75 25 3
The answer is therefore
There may be occasions when the bottom number cannot be divided by the top number
so as to give a whole number. In such cases, you need to find a number that divides into
both numbers, to give whole numbers for the fraction. Calculations will be fairly simple
in your assessment.
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3: Mathematics for accounting 43
How it works
Say the initial fraction was 10 . 10 does not divide by 4 to give a whole number, so try
and find another number that both 4 and 10 divide by, for example, 2. (The division of 4
and 10 by 2 can be done on a calculator if required.)
How it works
Say the initial fraction was 18
30 . 30 does not divide by 18 to give a whole number, so try
and find another number that both 18 and 30 divide by, for example, 3.
However, 6 and 10 are still both divisible by 2, so the fraction is not being presented in
the smallest numbers. Go through the steps again.
6 2 3
10 2 5
Now you have reached the point where the numbers will not divide by the same number
and remain whole numbers. (Note. This could have been done in one step if you had
originally chosen to divide 18 and 30 by 6.)
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44 3: Mathematics for accounting
TASK 4 Your organisation has the following costs for catering supplies.
Tea 150
Coffee 250
Milk 350
Total 750
6 Percentages
In your assessment, you may be required to calculate what percentage one figure is of
another. The answer may be a whole number, or a number to one or two decimal places.
A simple example of a percentage is that '75% of the population drinks tea'. What this
means is that out of every 100 people in the population, 75 of them drink tea.
Accordingly, 25 of them don't, so you could also say that 25% of the population does
not drink tea.
Calculating a percentage in this way can give more user-friendly information than if you
were told that the population is 61,792,000, of which 46,344,000 drink tea.
In the same way, it might be more useful for directors of an organisation to be told that,
for every £100 earned, £25 is gross profit (25%) – rather than just being told that for
total income of £37,794,584, gross profit is £9,448,646.
How it works
You might be given figures for sales, cost of sales and gross profit (or previously have
been asked to calculate gross profit), for example:
Sales 120,000
Cost of sales 90,000
Gross profit 30,000
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3: Mathematics for accounting 45
You may then be asked to calculate gross profit as a percentage of sales. To calculate
this on your calculator, you should:
1 Enter the gross profit figure, which is 30,000
2 Press the ÷ button
3 Enter the sales figure, which is 120,000
4 Press the = button
5 The screen should show a figure after the decimal place, 0.25
6 Press the × button
7 Enter 100
8 Press the = button
9 The screen will show the percentage figure (in this case, 25%). In other words, for
every £100 earned, the organisation makes £25 gross profit.
Alternatively, you may be given a figure (for example, a sales price) and be told that it is
going to increase by a certain percentage. You may be asked what the amount of the
increase is.
How it works
You might be told that the sales price for Part AB23 is £4.80 and that it is going to
increase by 5%. You could be required to calculate the amount of the rise.
The best way to understand this is to say that £4.80 is 100%. You can calculate what
1% is by dividing the price by 100. You can then find 5% by multiplying by 5. To
calculate the figure, you therefore need to:
1 Enter the existing price, which is 4.80
2 Press the ÷ button
3 Enter 100
4 Press the = button
5 The screen shows 1%, which is 0.048
6 Press the × button
7 Enter 5
8 Press the = button
9 The screen shows 5%, which is 0.24
The increase is 24 pence (you would show this in the assessment as £0.24).
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46 3: Mathematics for accounting
TASK 5 (a) Your organisation has produced the following figures for the year.
Sales 253,700
Cost of sales 190,275
Gross profit 63,425
(b) The current selling price of part DC45IT is £569. This is going to increase by 3%.
Calculate the increase in the selling price.
7 Fractions
Similarly in your assessment, you might be asked to apply a fraction to a whole number.
This may give an answer which is a whole number, or a number to one or two decimal
How it works
You might be told the current selling price of an item and be told that it is going to rise
by a fraction. For example, the current selling price of part AX345 is £36. It is going to
rise by 1 . What is the increase in selling price for part AX345?
To calculate this figure on your calculator, you need to:
Steps 2 and 3 are NOT absolutely
1 Enter the existing price, which is 36 necessary when the top number of
2 Press the button the fraction is 1, but are necessary
3 Enter the top number in the fraction, which is 1 if the top number is higher than 1,
4 Press the ÷ button for example where the fraction is
5 Enter the bottom number in the fraction, which is 6
6 Press the = button
7 The screen shows the increase in the selling price, which is 6
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3: Mathematics for accounting 47
TASK 6 (a) The current selling price of part XZ20 is £49. This is going to increase by 1 .
Calculate the increase in the selling price.
(b) The current selling price of part CVB34 is £25. This is going to increase by 2 .
Calculate the increase in the selling price.
8 Averages
In your assessment, you may have to calculate the average value of a range of numbers
up to five numbers. The answer may be a whole number or a number with one or two
decimal places. The average cost of five units, for instance, is the total cost divided by
the number of elements making up that cost (5); that is what the individual unit cost
would be if they were all the same. It is critical therefore to work out how many elements
make up the total, in order to do the calculation.
How it works
You may be given a range of costs, with a total, and asked what the average cost is. For
example, the following are the costs of wages per department in your organisation. There
are four elements (departments) making up the total cost.
Department 1 253,049
Department 2 645,900
Department 3 234,984
Department 4 302,845
Total 1,436,778
To calculate the average cost per department on your calculator, you need to:
1 Enter the total cost, which is 1,436,778
2 Press the ÷ button
3 Enter the total number of departments being averaged (in this case 4)
4 Press the = button
5 The screen should show the average cost per department, which is 359,194.50
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48 3: Mathematics for accounting
The key thing to remember when calculating an average is that the number you divide by
is the number of things being averaged. This will never be more than 5 in your
assessment, but could be 2, 3 or 4.
TASK 7 The following table shows the number of miles driven by the three delivery vehicles
belonging to your organisation during the year:
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3: Mathematics for accounting 49
Chapter overview
Working in an accounting environment, it is important for you to be familiar with a
calculator and how it works.
In your assessment, you will be required to add numbers, both whole numbers and
numbers with up to two decimal places.
Money is usually shown to two decimal places, as the numbers before the decimal point
indicate the pounds and the numbers after the decimal point indicate the pence.
Ensure you enter figures carefully into your calculator, including the decimal point, or you
may make an error.
In your assessment, you will be required to subtract numbers, both whole numbers and
those with up to two decimal places.
Tasks will often ask you to 'calculate', so you must determine if addition or subtraction is
In your assessment, you could be required to multiply or divide any two numbers, which
could be a mixture of whole numbers or numbers with one or two decimal places.
If your answer comes to more than two decimal places, you will need to do what is
called 'rounding' to two decimal places.
In your assessment, you may have to calculate the ratio of one whole number to another
whole number. A ratio will be presented as 'a whole number : a whole number' (for
example, 3:1). This is a way of expressing mathematically that the first number is three
times bigger than the second number.
In your assessment, you might be required to calculate the proportion of one whole
number to another whole number and the answer might result in a fraction.
This is an expression of the relationship between the two numbers, for example, that
directors' salaries equal half of total salary costs at an organisation.
Fractions should always be presented in the smallest numbers possible.
In your assessment, you will be required to calculate what percentage one figure is of
another. The answer may be a whole number, or a number with one or two decimal
Alternatively, you may be given a figure (for example, a sales price) and be told that it is
going to increase by a certain percentage.
In your assessment, you might be asked to apply a fraction to a whole number. This may
give an answer which is a whole number, or a number with one or two decimal places.
In your assessment, you may have to calculate the average value of a range of numbers
up to five numbers. The answer may be a whole number or a number with one or two
decimal places.
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50 3: Mathematics for accounting
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Mathematics for accounting:
Test your learning
This chapter gives you question practice on the topics you covered in the
previous chapter. The questions are in the same style you can expect in
your assessment. You can find the answers at the back of this Workbook.
1 Your organisation sold 2 cars for £958.30 in total to Super Car Traders.
(a) What is the average price of each car?
Super Car Traders paid for the cars when they collected them.
(b) Is the sale of the cars a cash transaction or a credit transaction?
2 Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the table
(a) Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following calculations:
(i) Calculate gross profit.
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52 4: Mathematics for accounting: Test your learning
(b) Using your answer from (a)(ii), calculate net profit as a percentage of sales.
If your answer is not a whole number make sure you give your answer to two
decimal places.
The current selling price of product number AZ25 is £9. This is to be increased by
(b) Calculate the increase in selling price for product number AZ25.
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4: Mathematics for accounting: Test your learning 53
Outlet 1 250,368.25
Outlet 2 199,473.79
Outlet 3 302,699.39
Outlet 4
Total 1,127,751.60
Item £
Ladieswear 61,506
Childrenswear 62,595
Total 250,380
(d) Which of the following is the ratio of total sales at Outlet 1 to sales of
childrenswear at Outlet 1?
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54 4: Mathematics for accounting: Test your learning
(e) Which of the following is the proportion of the total sales at Outlet 1 made
up by household fabrics?
Premises 1 50,924.72
Premises 2
Total 102,049.94
Item £
Cost of sales 34,368
Distribution costs 6,372
Administration costs 10,185
Total 50,925
(c) Which of the following is the ratio of total costs to administration costs?
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Accounting in a
professional environment
Section number
This chapter introduces the unit Accounting in a
Chapter coverage
1 Types of organisation
So far in this Workbook you have considered a very simple business model – an
organisation that buys and sells items, trying to make profit.
There are many organisations that exist to make a profit, but there are also organisations
with different aims. Organisations fall into what are called different sectors.
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56 5: Accounting in a professional environment
How it works
The table below shows the types of organisations that fall into each of these sectors:
At this stage of your studies, you do not need to know anything more about these types
of organisation, only the sectors they are in and the main purpose of organisations in
those sectors.
TASK 1 Fill in the gaps in the sentences below, using words given in the options. You may have
to use the same word more than once.
cost saving
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 57
The accounting function may be a large department with many staff, or it may be one
individual – the organisation's accountant. It exists to support the organisation, by
recording transactions and providing information to its customers.
How it works
Customers of the accounting function of ABC Traders
Accounting function
ABC Traders
Managers in the organisation use the information given to them by the accounting
function to make better business decisions and to enable them to run their departments.
When an accounting function provides information to another department in the
organisation, it is important that it is complete, timely and accurate, to enable managers
to use it to run the organisation effectively and efficiently.
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58 5: Accounting in a professional environment
3 Confidentiality
The type of information produced by an accounting function for other departments is very
often sensitive; the organisation could be harmed if it was made public. The organisation
needs to keep that information private, in other words secret, within the organisation.
Another word for this privacy is confidentiality.
Customers might not be happy at the Suppliers might not be happy at the
amount of profit that the organisation amount of profit that the organisation
makes on sales to them, and buy them makes on items that the suppliers sell
from someone else… to the organisation, so they may raise
their prices, or attempt to cut out the
organisation and sell direct to its
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 59
There is even information produced by an organisation that it might not want its own
staff to know:
The accounting function might have access to such information, but have to keep it
confidential until top management want it to be public in the organisation.
So, how does an organisation keep information confidential?
How it works
Small practical issues are extremely important. For example:
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60 5: Accounting in a professional environment
Many accounts departments are open plan, but people with certain key roles are likely to
have private space to work in:
The finance controller (likely to have access to confidential, director-level
The wages clerk (access to confidential personnel information)
There are laws governing disclosure of personal information (for example, the type of
information an employee might have on a personnel file) and therefore this sort of
information must be kept confidential too. People working in an accounting function
might have access to such personal information and so must take care to keep it
confidential, by keeping files private and safe as outlined above.
TASK 3 List three ways that someone dealing with confidential information can keep that
information secret.
1 ……………………………………………………………………………..
2 ……………………………………………………………………………..
3 ……………………………………………………………………………..
Accountants and people who work in an accounting function are expected to conform to
particular rules of behaviour, because organisations and individuals rely on the
information they produce to make important decisions.
The key aspects of these rules for people working in an accounting function are that
those people should be:
Honest (sometimes called having integrity or being straightforward)
Up to date in the technical knowledge they need to do their job (for example,
knowing about the most recent accounting standards)
Keeping sensitive information confidential is another important rule of behaviour for
those working in an accounting function.
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 61
TASK 4 Accountants must keep training throughout their careers, to keep up to date with
changes in accounting during their career.
How it works
Positive environmental policies
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62 5: Accounting in a professional environment
TASK 5 Place a tick () in the boxes to indicate which THREE of the following are sensible
social and environmental policies for an organisation to adopt.
For example, if building work was taking place and a large hole had been dug in the floor
to be left overnight, the organisation has a duty to fence it to protect anybody who goes
into the premises while the hole is there, even if the people are not supposed to be there.
The duty extends to employees of the organisation, who are required to:
behave in a safe manner
…so they don't put …so they don't put the people they
themselves in danger. work with (colleagues) or anyone
else in danger.
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 63
How it works
Examples of what would be unsafe behaviour:
John has seen Rashid smoking in the stationery cupboard. He should should not
Karen is visiting Total Traders. Total Traders does does not have a duty to
Amandeep has asked maintenance to increase the number of electric points at her desk.
They have not yet done so. Amandeep should should not use an adaptor
brought in from home to enable her to use all her electronic equipment at the same time.
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64 5: Accounting in a professional environment
Efficiency is functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and
How it works
Efficient working is affected by different things:
A work plan, in simple terms, is a list or a record of work that an individual or group
intends to do, often ordered in terms of priority that each element of that work is
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 65
How it works
Work plans take many forms, for example:
To-do lists
In-trays – a place to collect incoming documents that require your attention
Work plans are important in their own right because they help individuals work
efficiently. However, they also tie into communication within the team, because if work
is planned and that plan is written down, team members can access the plan if needed.
For example, if a team member is ill, members can re-assign work to continue to work
efficiently as a team.
It is rare in an accounting function for someone to work in isolation. Usually one person
depends on work being done by another person if they are to carry out their own work.
How it works
For example, if the sales clerk does not process the invoices, the credit controller does
not have an up-to-date record of who owes money, and when. As another example, if the
purchases clerk does not process the invoices, the payments clerk does not know who to
pay, or when.
This is why communication is vital: if one person is going to miss a deadline, it might
mean that everyone in the team goes on to miss their deadlines, and the work of the
whole function becomes inefficient.
If individuals who are having problems meeting deadlines communicate with the rest of
their team, contingency plans (back-up plans) can be made and other members of the
team can contribute to enable that deadline to be met. The same is true if a team of
people in the accounting function is not going to meet a deadline required by another
It may be important that an individual in a team assists another team member with work
that the first individual would not usually do, in order to keep the whole team efficient.
This would not be the case if confidentiality were affected but a team member might be
able to assist a struggling team member by answering the phone, taking over
administration tasks, or proof-reading a non-confidential letter or report.
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66 5: Accounting in a professional environment
How it works
A junior clerk is not likely to help the payroll clerk to produce the payroll as they might
not have the skills to do so, and confidentiality could be affected. However, if the payroll
clerk is experiencing difficulty meeting deadlines, the junior clerk could take over any
non-confidential tasks, such as answering the phone or printing out documents.
A member of the accounting function should keep a tidy desk to ensure efficient
working practices.
A member of the accounting function should communicate with the team about
meeting deadlines.
A member of the accounting function should keep his or her work diary confidential.
A member of the accounting function should communicate with the team to
contribute to their work efficiency.
Continue with your work to ensure that you meet your deadlines and leave early if
you have the opportunity.
Go to your colleague and ask her if there is anything you could do to help her
meet her deadline.
Recommend the colleague just submits the report without further checking, so
she meets the deadline.
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 67
How it works
Development method
AAT qualification This is formal training, involving passing assessments
in order to obtain the qualification.
Training courses This is formal training, involving being taught the
information required to pass the assessments referred
to above. This may be in a classroom, or by use of a
home learning package.
On-the-job training This is formal training (it tends to be more practical
than the two other examples of formal training given
Job rotation This can be formal training. Many apprentices or
trainees are required to work in more than one area
in an accounts department or business during their
training period, to help them gain an overview of the
processes of the organisation (by 'rotating' between
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68 5: Accounting in a professional environment
Development method
Job shadowing This can be formal or informal. It involves watching
another member of staff do their job to learn how it
is done. This may be done as a formal part of
training or simply informally as a junior clerk learns
from those around him or her.
Self-study: for example, This is informal learning that a person can do to
reading journals or books or improve their own knowledge and abilities and to
researching something on the complement formal training undertaken as outlined
internet. above.
Training should be discussed with a supervisor before being carried out, and also
afterwards, in the form of an appraisal, so that the supervisor can ensure the training
was understood. In addition, a supervisor will ensure that the training is relevant to, and
used in, the organisation. Ideally a supervisor will arrange that a person's practical work
and their formal training are in harmony – so that what is being learnt is being used in
practice. Then, by monitoring the person's work, a supervisor can further identify whether
the training is being understood.
A mentor can:
Discuss training needs and make recommendations
Carry out or arrange relevant training (in conjunction with the supervisor)
It is possible that one person could undertake both supervisor and mentoring roles for
someone. It could also be the case that an individual has a supervisor at work, and a
mentor connected with the formal classroom learning side of training.
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 69
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70 5: Accounting in a professional environment
Chapter overview
There are many organisations that exist to make a profit, but there are also organisations
with different aims.
Organisations fall into different sectors (private, public and charitable).
The accounting function is one of the departments in an organisation.
The customers of the accounting function are other departments of the organisation (for
example, production, sales), external trade customers of the organisation and suppliers of
the organisation.
The accounting function provides information to its customers.
Information should be complete, accurate and timely to be useful to users.
Managers use the information given to them by the accounting function to make better
business decisions and work effectively and efficiently.
Some information must be kept private, that is, confidential.
Practical steps, such as password-protecting documents and keeping files locked up, will
help keep information confidential.
Some personal information must be kept private and people working in the accounting
function must ensure this is done, by using the same practical methods of, for instance,
locking files and using passwords.
Members of the accounting function must abide by certain rules of conduct.
In particular, they should be honest and keep up to date with technical knowledge.
Organisations should take steps to reduce their impact on the environment.
Organisations are required by law to ensure that people are safe in their premises.
The duty extends to employees of the organisation, who are required to behave in a safe
An employee in the accounting function has a duty to support the organisation by
reporting any unsafe practices to a supervisor.
Efficiency is affected by teamwork, communication and work plans.
Someone working in the accounting function needs integrity, technical knowledge and
organisation, reliability, punctuality, willingness to learn (and continue learning), good
communication skills and to be numerate.
Continuing training can be formal or informal.
Training should be arranged and reviewed in consultation with a supervisor.
The supervisor can ensure that training is used to the benefit of the individual and the
organisation and that training is understood, by supervising the ongoing work of that individual.
A mentor can add value to training by tailoring it to the individual's needs.
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5: Accounting in a professional environment 71
Organisations in the PRIVATE SECTOR aim to make a profit.
Organisations in the PUBLIC SECTOR and the CHARITABLE SECTOR have different
aims, and making a profit may not be the most important of them.
The ACCOUNTING FUNCTION is one of the departments in an organisation.
The CUSTOMERS OF THE ACCOUNTING FUNCTION are other departments of the
organisation (for example, production, sales), external trade customers of the
organisation and suppliers of the organisation.
CONFIDENTIALITY is the concept of keeping sensitive information private.
ETHICS is another word for rules of behaviour.
A DUTY OF CARE is a legal responsibility. Organisations are required to have made an
effort to ensure anyone on their premises is not at risk.
EFFICIENCY is functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and
A WORK PLAN, in simple terms, is a list or a record of work that an individual or group
intends to do, possibly ordered in terms of the priority that each element of that work is
A SUPERVISOR is a junior manager who oversees a process, such as the training of a
junior staff member.
A MENTOR is a trusted advisor and guide who adds value to the training process, either
by undertaking teaching personally or by directing the trainee to the best training options
for that trainee.
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72 5: Accounting in a professional environment
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Accounting in a professional environment:
Test your learning
This chapter gives you question practice on the topics you covered in the
previous chapter. The questions are in the same style you can expect in
your assessment. You can find the answers at the back of this Workbook.
private sector
public sector
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74 6: Accounting in a professional environment: Test your learning
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6: Accounting in a professional environment: Test your learning 75
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76 6: Accounting in a professional environment: Test your learning
Ask your colleague if she is able to spare any time to help you meet
the deadline
Tell your supervisor that you will definitely meet the deadline.
Purchase order
Paying-in slip
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Creating business
1 Business documents
You were introduced to some business documents in Chapter 1:
Credit notes
Statements of account
Remittance advice
These documents are the main way that organisations communicate with their
customers and suppliers.
Routine business documents (such as invoices or remittances) will be sent to customers
and suppliers. Other business documents may be sent to stakeholders (other parties
associated with the business).
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78 7: Creating business documents
How it works
An email is an electronic form of communication which may be sent both within and
outside of the organisation.
A letter is a written form of communication, usually sent outside of the organisation.
A memo is a relatively informal written form of communication, sent from one
employee to another within the same organisation.
A report is a relatively formal written form of communication, which can be sent from
one employee to another within the same organisation or outside of the organisation.
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7: Creating business documents 79
How it works
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80 7: Creating business documents
Headed paper
including the company
Letter name and address
Industrial Estate
Indication letter is for addressee only HY4 2SK
J M Jones
Addressee and his address Date
Pursel Retail Ltd
Pear Tree Lane Industrial Estate
Sussex BN1 4PW 3 September 20X0
Uses polite form of his
name as letter is formal
Dear Mr Jones, Introductory sentence outlining
what letter is about
Account No 0139742
Thank you for your letter of 28 August 20X0 regarding credit payments owing to
your account as a result of product returns.
I have looked into the matter that you raised and I am afraid that your earlier letter
of 26 July was indeed overlooked, due to the temporary absence of the member of
Body of letter
staff to whom you addressed it. dealing with
I apologise for the delay in processing your credit payment. I have arranged for your the issues
account to be credited with the sum of £346.99, and I enclose a printout of your
account status confirming the balance.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Courteous closing
Your Name Signature sentence
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7: Creating business documents 81
ksaltmarsh@haywooddistributors.co.uk Recipient
In response to your query, the following sales variances by product type were
incurred in June:
Simple introduction
Product Variance
If you require further detail, please let me know. Courteous sign off
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82 7: Creating business documents
Headed paper
Title of report
1 Introduction Introduction
This report was compiled by Your Name, Accounts Clerk, at the request of Jenny
Faulkner, Financial Accountant, and submitted on 3rd September 20X0.
2 Non-compliance with policy and procedure Main issue in report
In recent months, I have witnessed several cases in which staff members failed to
comply with formal policies and procedures.
Cheque requisition forms have had to be returned to the originators because
they were incorrectly completed or authorised. (See copies attached:
Appendix 1.)
There is an apparent lack of respect for the confidentiality of other staff
members' personal details, in verbal and written communication with third
Staff members fail to take part in fire evacuation drills, and when they do
take part, fail to comply with proper procedures (eg by taking lifts and
leaving fire doors open). (See the Safety Officer's report on the most recent
drill: Appendix 2.)
3 Reasons for concern Implications of main issue in report
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7: Creating business documents 83
To: [Recipient's name, designation] Reference: [File reference]
From: [Sender's name, designation] Date: [In full] Date
Subject: [Concise statement of main theme or topic of message]
Subject matter
Sender _________________________________________________________________
The main text of the memo is set out in correct, concise, readily understandable
English, in spaced paragraphs following a clear, logical structure. Note that no inside
address, salutation or complimentary close are required.
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84 7: Creating business documents
Note also whether the documents are used inside the organisation or outside. It is these
details which will help you decide when each form of communication is appropriate.
How it works
Tracey has been asked to send a product sample to a customer. You need to determine
the most appropriate form of communication to send with this sample. You can take a
number of steps to work this out.
1 Eliminate obviously wrong options
In this case, an email would be inappropriate, as the sample needs to be physically
sent by traditional mail.
2 Determine if the communication is internal or external
In this case, the communication is external, so a memo would be inappropriate.
3 Consider the purpose of the communication
In this case, the purpose of the communication is to be polite. The customer does
not need any additional information other than the price list. Therefore, a formal
report would be inappropriate.
In this case, by process of elimination, we have determined that the appropriate method
of communication is a letter.
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7: Creating business documents 85
TASK 1 1 A written form of communication usually sent outside of the organisation is:
A memo
An email
A letter
2 John has been asked to check that everyone in the sales department is able to
attend an important meeting on 25 February 20XX. It is 23 February now. The
most appropriate method of communication for him to use is:
A memo
An email
A letter
A report
A template is a standard for business documents, such as invoices and credit notes,
so that all such documents issued by a business look the same, and are instantly
recognisable for what they are.
Organisations use templates to benefit themselves and their customers and suppliers. If
the receiving party knows exactly what a document is and who it is from, they can
process it quickly and easily. This should mean that the organisation receives what it
wants promptly too (for example, payment, in the case of a sales invoice, or goods, in
the case of an order).
'House style' is an expression of how the organisation wants to present itself in its
It may include:
The use of standardised letterheads and memo pads
How letters and memos are laid out
What headings and formats are used for reports
The logos, typefaces and colours used as part of the corporate identity (the image
the organisation presents)
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86 7: Creating business documents
How it works
For example, at Haywood Distributors, there is a house style manual for all
communications sent to external parties.
Standardised stationery is available for handwritten and word-processed documents –
and also for email messages. The corporate letterhead appears as follows:
Industrial Estate
Every email must be 'signed off' with a standard block of text called a 'signature block',
which is inserted automatically by the email software:
[Sender's Name]
[Sender's Position]
Haywood Distributors
Industrial Estate, Haywood, HY4 2SK
Tel: +44 (0)20x xxx xxxx Fax: +44 (0)20x xxx xxxx
Web: www.haywooddistributors.co.uk
This message and any attachments are confidential and may contain information
that is subject to copyright. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. While
we take reasonable precautions to prevent computer viruses, we cannot accept
responsibility for viruses transmitted to your computer and it is your responsibility
to make all necessary checks. We may monitor email traffic data and the content
of emails to ensure efficient operation of our business, for security, for staff training
and for other administrative purposes.
Using templates and house style benefits the organisation both internally and externally.
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7: Creating business documents 87
Internal benefits
Templates make it easier for staff to do their job, as they produce standard documents
routinely which is easier than creating them separately.
House style reinforces the organisation's ethos and core values.
External benefits
Templates make standard business documents recognisable and therefore they can be
processed easily.
House style makes less standard business documents identifiable with a particular
organisation, which also helps them to be processed easily.
House style reinforces the organisation's ethos and core values, which helps to remind
customers and suppliers why they trade with that organisation and feel confident that
they are right to do so.
TASK 2 1 Organisations use templates because they support the corporate image.
2 Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because companies are required to
do so by law.
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88 7: Creating business documents
How it works
The following is a message you might send a friend via a text message:
RU busy tomoro?
This is not acceptable business English. It uses abbreviations and misspelling, and could
be misunderstood. In acceptable business English, the sentence would read:
Are you busy tomorrow?
As you can see, the abbreviations have been changed to full words.
Slang is very informal language, that is acceptable in some daily speech and informal
written communication – but not in business communication.
How it works
Examples of common slang that would be inappropriate in business communication are:
Slang Preferable formal English
Hi Hello
Cheers Thank you
There are also some rules about each specific type of communication that you must
For example, for letter writing you must learn the correct forms, ie, the beginning and
end of the letter.
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7: Creating business documents 89
Check that for any letter you put together, you have included:
The name and address of the recipient
Greeting (or 'salutation' as shown above)
Subject heading (a brief, helpful 'cue' to what the letter is about)
The main body of the letter
Complimentary close
Signature. If an assistant is signing a letter on behalf of the writer, the writer's name
must be preceded by 'For' (or its equivalent from legal terminology 'pp')
For emails, memos and reports, you must ensure they show who they are 'To' and
'From', that they contain the date, and that they have a subject in the subject line.
All forms of communication should include an introduction, the main content, and then
a short conclusion.
In the assessment, you will be given a number of options to drag and drop to create a
business communication. You will have to choose how many to use and where to put
them. The best way to learn this is to see an example and then practise as many
questions as you can.
How it works
You work for ABC Suppliers.
You have been asked to write a letter to a customer, Linda Thomson, at Greenleys,
21 Hythe Road, Kinsington, KT2 4DR.
You are to return a cheque received this morning, 26 April 20XX.
The cheque is in payment of invoice 705 for £195.00.
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90 7: Creating business documents
Many thanks for your cheque which we received this morning. Greenleys
Unfortunately the cheque was completed incorrectly and therefore we would ask that you send a
new cheque as soon as possible.
You wrote our name wrong and so we need another cheque. L Thomson
21 Hythe Rd
Use the recipient's KT2 4DR
address on the letter
Many thanks for your co-operation
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7: Creating business documents 91
When you have analysed all the options, compile the letter using the appropriate
L Thomson
21 Hythe Rd
Unfortunately the cheque was addressed incorrectly and therefore we would ask
that you send a new cheque as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
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92 7: Creating business documents
Using the items below, compose an appropriate letter in the box that follows. You will
not need to use all of the items.
1 May 20XX Dear Pristine Parts Dear Sir Yours faithfully Yours sincerely
We need to source 200 before 31 May. Would you be able to supply them to us?
If you have the part available we can provide references and would very much like to
discuss terms with you.
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7: Creating business documents 93
You might have to put together or correct other forms of communication. Key things to
look for:
Use of the wrong name
Spelling errors
Use of slang
Blank required elements (such as the subject line in an email, or a lack of
recipient's address in a letter)
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94 7: Creating business documents
How it works
Below is an email which has been sent to Clare Short, at Bellfield (bellfield.co.uk). The
purpose of the email is to request an annual price list because your organisation, Healy
Traders, has not received one as it is accustomed to doing. Errors in the email have been
highlighted to illustrate the kind of analysis you need to carry out.
Clare's name has been misspelt,
claireshort@bellfield.co.uk meaning it is possible that the email
won't even arrive.
8 January 20X8
Anual price list
The email contains other spelling mistakes
Dear Clare,
(anual and recieved) which is unprofessional.
I just wanted to enquire if there has been a delay with the price list, as we have
not yet recieved it.
Please let me know if we are going to receive a new price list, and when it will
arrive if so.
TASK 4 You work for Brown Brothers and have been asked to send an email to David Dunn, your
manager, confirming your attendance at annual staff training on 14 and 15 May and
requesting overnight accommodation on 14 May.
Using the items at the bottom of the next page, compose an appropriate email in the
template provided.
You will not need to use all of the items.
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7: Creating business documents 95
From: AATstudent@brownbrothers.com
daviddunn@brownbrothers.com Confirmation
Hello David
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96 7: Creating business documents
Chapter overview
Sometimes organisations might have to communicate with their customers, suppliers or
other parties, using communication methods other than invoices and statements.
In addition, organisations communicate internally.
Examples of such communications include emails, letters, memos and reports.
Routine business documents (such as invoices, remittance advices) will be sent to
customers and suppliers. Other business documents (the letters, emails and reports
discussed above) may be sent to other parties associated with the business, known as
Using templates and a house style benefits the organisation both internally and
externally. Templates make it easier for staff to do their job, as they produce standard
documents routinely which is easier than creating each one separately.
House style reinforces the organisation's ethos and core values.
Templates make standard business documents recognisable and therefore they can be
processed easily.
House style makes less standard business documents identifiable with a particular
organisation, which also helps them to be processed easily.
House style reinforces the organisation's ethos and core values which helps to remind
customers and suppliers why they trade with that organisation and feel confident that
they are right to do so.
A key way of presenting a positive, professional image is by using acceptable business
English and not slang, text speak or abbreviated language.
You need to learn the forms that govern opening and signing off letters, and also the
standard contents of letters, emails, memos and reports.
Practising questions designed around putting together business communications is the
best way to learn these skills.
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7: Creating business documents 97
STAKEHOLDERS are people or groups who have an interest in the organisation.
An EMAIL is an electronic form of communication, which may be sent both within and
outside of the organisation.
A LETTER is a written form of communication, usually sent outside of the organisation.
A MEMO is a relatively informal written form of communication, sent from one employee
to another within the same organisation.
A REPORT is a relatively formal written form of communication, which can be sent from
one employee to another within the same organisation or outside of the organisation.
A TEMPLATE is a standard for business documents, such as invoices and credit notes,
so that all such documents issued by a business look the same, and are instantly
recognisable for what they are.
'HOUSE STYLE' is an expression of how the organisation wants to present itself in its
SLANG is very informal language that is acceptable in some daily speech and informal
written communication, but not in business communication.
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98 7: Creating business documents
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Creating business documents:
Test your learning
This chapter gives you question practice on the topics you covered in the
previous chapter. The questions are in the same style you can expect in
your assessment. You can find the answers at the back of this Workbook.
You have been asked to circulate the monthly results to department heads.
(b) Select the most appropriate form of communication to accompany the
monthly results.
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100 8: Creating business documents: Test your learning
3 You work for ABC Company and have been asked to send an email to Ben Seales,
the managing director, enquiring whether the budgets for the year you sent to him
were received.
Using the items provided, compose an appropriate email in the template below.
You will not need to use all of the items.
From: AATstudent@abccompany.com
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8: Creating business documents: Test your learning 101
Hi Ben
Kind regards
AAT student
Please could you confirm whether you received the
budgets I sent to you yesterday?
Hello Ben
benseales@abccompany.com AAT student
Thank you
Did you get the budgets? AAT student
4 You work for Total Traders. You have been asked to write a letter to a customer,
Tom Parker, at Lyme Ltd, High Road, Thwaite, YK2 6PY. You are to inform them
that payment of an invoice is extremely overdue and the organisation is going to
have to hand it over to their debt collectors. The related invoice is 16360 for
£13,535. The letter is to confirm what you have discussed with Tom over the
phone. If payment is received within seven days of today's date (6 July 20XX), no
further action will be taken.
Using the items provided, compose an appropriate letter in the box on the
following page. You will not need to use all of the items.
6 July 20XX Dear Mr Parker Dear Sir Yours faithfully Yours sincerely
As discussed previously with you on the telephone, the above debt is seriously
Unfortunately if payment is not received by us within seven days of the date of this
letter, we shall have to hand this matter over to our debt collectors, ABC Collection Ltd.
If payment is received within seven days You need to pay the above invoice
of the date of this letter, no further action now or we'll send in the debt
will be taken. collectors.
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102 8: Creating business documents: Test your learning
Total Traders
Stiring Street, Castlebury, DY4 2RC
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8: Creating business documents: Test your learning 103
5 You work for Hamlyn Traders. You have been asked to send a copy of the new
internal control handbook to all department heads. You have been asked to send a
memo with the handbook, pointing out that the procedures set out in the handbook
are binding from 1 April 20XX, and the major changes from the previous edition,
which are set out on page 4 of the handbook. The date today is 24 March 20XX.
Using the items below, compose an appropriate memo in the box on the following
page. You will not need to use all of the items but may need to use some more
than once.
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
New internal control manual
I draw your attention to the changes from the previous edition, which are set out on
page 4 of the handbook.
Please find the new internal control This is the new internal control
manual accompanying this memo. handbook.
Make sure you have read the changes from the previous edition.
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104 8: Creating business documents: Test your learning
To: _________________________________________________
From: _________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________
Subject: _________________________________________________
6 You work for Westfield Traders. You have been asked to send a report to James
Fox, head of the sales department, outlining the sales results for the last six months
compared to budget. The overall sales were higher than anticipated, but with some
variances from what was expected on a month-by-month basis.
The date today is 5 July 20XX, and the results are for the six months up to 30 June
The results are as follows:
Using the items below, compose an appropriate report in the box below. You will
not need to use all of the items.
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8: Creating business documents: Test your learning 105
5 July 20XX
RESULTS: The overall sales are £34,504 higher than anticipated for the period,
but there are significant variances on the month-by-month budget, significantly
in March and April (which may indicate an error in cut off between those months)
and June, when sales are significantly more than was predicted.
Conclusion: Overall sales for the period are higher than were budgeted,
however, the pattern of those sales was not as was expected.
Recommendations: I would recommend that some further investigations into
market factors is undertaken to explore the reasons behind the high level of
sales in June and whether we can expect this trend to continue.
Conclusion: Overall sales for the period are lower than were budgeted,
however, the pattern of those sales was not as was expected.
INTRODUCTION: The sales for the period show a better result than was
budgeted, but there were some surprises in the month-by-month analysis.
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106 8: Creating business documents: Test your learning
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Chapter tasks:
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108 This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
Chapter tasks: answers
Chapter 1
Task 1
Assets Liabilities
Premises Bank loan
Inventory Bank overdraft
Income Expenditure
Sale Advertising cost
Interest received Insurance
Fuel costs
Task 2
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110 Chapter tasks: answers
Task 3
Task 4
1 Gross profit for Organisation A and Organisation B
Organisation A: £120,000 – £45,000 = £75,000
Organisation B: £364,600 – £149,400 = £215,200
2 Net profit for Organisation A and Organisation B
Organisation A: £75,000 – £45,000 = £30,000
Organisation B: £215,200 – £55,780 = £159,420
Task 5
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Chapter tasks: answers 111
Task 6
1 The following document is entered into the sales day book:
Sales invoice
2 An organisation will enter a cheque sent to a supplier into:
Chapter 3
Task 1
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112 Chapter tasks: answers
Stationery items Expense
Ink tanks 37.50
Printer paper 18.39
Envelopes 40.91
Pens 7.23
Total 104.03
£ 71,000
£ 10,500
£ 232,000
£ 37,380
Task 2
(a) The total cost of the hand soap = 12 × £1.25
£ 15
£ 4.38
Task 3
The ratio of the total cost for light and heat to the cost for heat
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Chapter tasks: answers 113
Task 4
150 150
The proportion of the total cost made up by tea is ÷
750 150
Task 5
(a) Gross profit as a percentage of sales = £63,425 ÷ £253,700 × 100
25 %
£ 17.07
Task 6
(a) The increase in the selling price = £49 × 1 ÷ 7
£ 7
£ 10
Task 7
The average number of miles driven by the delivery vehicles = 4,575 ÷ 3
1,525 miles
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114 Chapter tasks: answers
Chapter 5
Task 1
Task 2
1 Customers of the organisation
Suppliers of the organisation
Other departments of the organisation
Task 3
THREE from:
Keeping confidential files locked up
Not leaving work on your desk when you leave your desk, even for a few moments
Password-protecting computer files
Locking your computer screen when you leave your desk, even for a few moments
Careful disposal of documentation once it is no longer required to be kept
Giving staff working on sensitive issues private offices
Task 4
Accountants must keep training throughout their careers, to keep up to date with
changes in accounting during their career.
Task 5
The following are sensible social and environmental policies for an organisation to adopt:
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Chapter tasks: answers 115
Task 6
John has seen Rashid smoking in the stationery cupboard. He should report this to
his supervisor.
Karen is visiting Total Traders. Total Traders does have a duty to ensure Karen is
Amandeep has asked maintenance to increase the number of electric points at her desk.
They have not yet done so. Amandeep should not use an adaptor brought in from
home to enable her to use all her electronic equipment at the same time.
Task 7
The following three statements are true:
A member of the accounting function should keep a tidy desk to ensure efficient
working practices.
A member of the accounting function should communicate with the team about
meeting deadlines.
A member of the accounting function should communicate with the team to
contribute to their work efficiency.
Task 8
Go to your colleague and ask her if there is anything you could do to help her
meet her deadline.
Task 9
A person training in an accounting function should discuss training needs with their
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116 Chapter tasks: answers
Chapter 7
Task 1
1 A written form of communication usually sent outside of the organisation is:
A letter
2 John has been asked to check that everyone in the sales department is able to
attend an important meeting on 25 February 20XX. It is 23 February now. The
most appropriate method of communication for him to use is:
An email
Task 2
1 Organisations use templates because they support the corporate image.
2 Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because companies are required to
do so by law.
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Chapter tasks: answers 117
Task 3
Head of sales
Pristine Parts Ltd
Unit 12
Hurst Industrial Park
Hurst HU2 4PY 1 May 20XX
Dear Sir
Availability of part XD
We need to source 200 before 31 May. Would you be able to supply them to
If you have the part available we can provide references and would very much
like to discuss terms with you.
Yours faithfully
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
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118 Chapter tasks: answers
Task 4
From: AATstudent@brownbrothers.com
To: daviddunn@brownbrothers.com
Hello David
Kind regards
AAT student
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Test your learning:
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120 This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
Test your learning: answers
Chapter 2
1 Organisations have assets, liabilities, income and expenditure.
2 When an organisation sells goods to a customer and the customer pays for the goods
three weeks after the goods are delivered, this is known as a credit sale.
When an organisation buys services from a person and pays that person on the day
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122 Test your learning: answers
Weaver Traders
Unit 12, Industrial Park, Beeding, OS17 9DP
VAT registration: 427 4234 00
8 items of product SS2 @ £3.60 each 28.80
VAT @ 20% 5.76
TOTAL 34.56
Gillespie Enterprises
35 High Road, Steeding ST2 9RT
VAT Registration No: 123 4433 00
4 items of product XX @ £0.99 each 3.96
VAT @ 20% 0.79
Total 4.75
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Test your learning: answers 123
National Bank
High Street, Beeding 14-24-19
Date 14 March 20XX
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124 Test your learning: answers
National Bank
National Bank Business Centre, Main Road 14-88-51
Date 16 April 20XY
Pay DK Traders
Sixty four pounds and eighty seven pence only
for Hollands Traders
National Bank
National Bank Business Centre, Main Road 14-88-51
Date 16 April 20XY
Pay SG Company
Four hundred and sixty four pounds and
for Hollands Traders
eighty two pence only
£ 192,900
£ 98,400
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Test your learning: answers 125
Chapter 4
1 (a) The average price of each car = £958.30 ÷ 2
£ 479.15
£ 291,600
£ 94,017
16.28 %
£ 3.40
(b) The increase in selling price for product number 12 = £18 ÷ 100 × 6
£ 1.08
4 (a) The increase in selling price for product number 104 = £62 × 1 ÷ 8
£ 7.75
(b) The increase in selling price for product number AZ25 = £9 ÷ 100 × 6
£ 0.54
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126 Test your learning: answers
Outlet 1 250,368.25
Outlet 2 199,473.79
Outlet 3 302,699.39
Outlet 4
Total 1,127,751.60
£ 281,937.90
Item £
Ladieswear 61,506
Childrenswear 62,595
Total 250,380
(e) The proportion that household fabrics is of the total sales at Outlet 1
50,076 50,076 1
÷ =
250,380 50,076 5
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Test your learning: answers 127
Premises 1 50,924.72
Premises 2
Total 102,049.94
£ 51,024.97
Chapter 6
1 (a) A sole trader is a private sector organisation.
A supplier of the organisation where you work asks you who the main customers of
the organisation are. You reply:
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128 Test your learning: answers
(b) An employee has a duty not to put him or herself in danger at work.
It is important to keep a tidy desk to ensure you work efficiently.
(b) Training for the AAT qualification is the only appropriate method of formal
training for a finance professional.
One reason somebody training to be a finance professional discusses training
needs with their supervisor is so that the supervisor can make
(a) Ask your colleague if she is able to spare any time to help you meet
the deadline.
(b) Planning is very important to help you meet your deadlines. The following
document is a planning aid.
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Test your learning: answers 129
Chapter 8
1 (a) Organisations use templates to present a positive, consistent view of the
Organisations use a house style for documents because it helps customers
understand their core values.
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130 Test your learning: answers
From: AATstudent@abccompany.com
To: benseales@abccompany.com
Subject: Budgets
Hello Ben
Kind regards
AAT student
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Test your learning: answers 131
Total Traders
Stiring Street, Castlebury, DY4 2RC
T Parker
Lyme Ltd
High Road
6 July 20XX
Dear Mr Parker
As discussed previously with you on the telephone, the above debt is seriously
If payment is received within seven days of the date of this letter, no further
action will be taken.
Yours sincerely
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
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132 Test your learning: answers
To: Department Heads
Please find the new internal control manual accompanying this memo.
I draw your attention to the changes from the previous edition, which are set
out on page 4 of the handbook.
Thank you
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Test your learning: answers 133
6 Tutorial note. When answering the question it was important that you selected the
sales table from the options provided which matched the table in the question
scenario. You should have noticed that of the two tables provided, only the first one
had the correct figures for total budgeted sales in the period.
INTRODUCTION: The sales for the period show a better result than was
budgeted, but there were some surprises in the month-by-month analysis.
RESULTS: The overall sales are £34,504 higher than anticipated for the
period, but there are significant variances on the month-by-month budget,
significantly in March and April (which may indicate an error in cut-off
between those months) and June, when sales are significantly more than was
Conclusion: Overall sales for the period are higher than were budgeted,
however, the pattern of those sales was not as was expected.
Recommendations: I would recommend that some further investigations into
market factors is undertaken to explore the reasons behind the high level of
sales in June and whether we can expect this trend to continue.
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134 Test your learning: answers
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Practice assessments
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136 This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
AAT sample assessment 1
(b) Place a tick () in the appropriate column of the table below to show
whether each of the items listed is an example of an asset, a liability,
income or expenditure. You should not place more than one tick against
each item.
1.2 It is important to understand the terminology used when buying and selling goods
for cash and on credit.
Insert an item from the following list into the right-hand column of the table
below, to identify the term described. You will not need to use all of the items.
Cash sales
Cash purchases
Credit sales
Credit purchases
A debtor
A creditor
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138 AAT sample assessment 1
1.3 Your organisation purchased 24 boxes of printer paper at £4.65 per box from
Brookes Stationers.
(a) What is the total cost of the printer paper?
Brookes Stationers agreed to issue an invoice asking your organisation to pay for the
printer paper within 30 days.
(b) Is the purchase of the printer paper:
(i) A cash transaction; or
(ii) A credit transaction?
1.4 Organisations issue and receive different documents when buying and selling goods.
Complete the sentences below by inserting the most appropriate option from the
following list:
a purchases order
a receipt
an invoice
a statement of account
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AAT sample assessment 1 139
(b) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the cash
receipts book.
(c) Insert an item from the following list into the bottom right-hand box of each
document to show which book of prime entry that document will be entered
into. You will not need to use all of the items.
Cash payments book
Cash receipts book
Purchases day book
Purchases returns day book
Sales day book
Sales returns day book
Pebbles Printing
5 Valley Road, Redport, RE7 9PP
VAT Registration No. 217 8621 00
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140 AAT sample assessment 1
Latif Traders
24 Lower Street, Redport, RE4 7GD
VAT Registration No. 456 7421 00
Latif Traders
Cheques to suppliers listing
25 July 20XX
F Adams and Co 200.00
HR Electrics 65.90
Total 265.90
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AAT sample assessment 1 141
1.7 Your organisation uses a batch processing system to enter purchases invoices into
the accounting records.
Show whether the following statement is True or False.
In a batch processing system, purchases invoices are entered into the accounting
records as soon as they are received.
1.8 On 24 July 20XX you have been asked to pay the following items into Bond Ltd's
bank account:
Two £20 notes
Five £5 notes
Six £2 coins
Eight 10p coins
One cheque for £350.00
(a) Complete the paying-in slip below. Make sure you enter all the figures in
pounds and pence, for example 16.00, 2.50 and 0.75.
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142 AAT sample assessment 1
July 20XX
17 July 20XX
17 July
(b) Which ONE of the following options shows the payee as it should be written
on the cheque?
Dawsons Electrics
(c) Which ONE of the following options shows the amount in words as it should
be written on the cheque?
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AAT sample assessment 1 143
1.10 At the end of every year your organisation calculates the profit or loss for the year.
(a) Complete the sentence below by selecting the most appropriate option from
the following list.
is more than
is less than
Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the table
(b) Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following
(i) Calculate gross profit.
(c) Use your answer from (b)(i) to calculate gross profit as a percentage of sales.
If it is appropriate make sure you give your answer to 2 decimal places.
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144 AAT sample assessment 1
The current selling price of product number 347 is £18.00. This is to be increased
by 1/8 (one-eighth).
(b) Calculate the increase in selling price for product number 347.
If necessary, you may use the space below for your workings.
1.12 Your organisation keeps detailed records of expenses.
Motor fuel expenses for each of four delivery vehicles are shown in the table below.
(a) Complete the table to show the total expense for motor fuel.
Pens 11.60
Total 75.00
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AAT sample assessment 1 145
(d) Which of the following is the ratio of the total expense for stationery items to
the expense for ink tanks?
does not
2.2 It is important to understand the role of the accounting department within an
Show whether the following statements are True or False.
Information provided by the accounting department is used by managers within the
organisation to make better business decisions.
An example of a customer of the accounting department is people living close to the
2.3 You work for Orchard Fruits and have been asked to send an email to Sarah Clarke,
your manager, confirming your attendance at annual staff training on 10 and 11
July and requesting overnight accommodation on 10 July.
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146 AAT sample assessment 1
Using the items at the bottom of the page, compose an appropriate email in the
template below. You will not need to use all of the items.
From: AATstudent@orchard.com
Susieclare@orchard.com Confirmation
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AAT sample assessment 1 147
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148 AAT sample assessment 1
2.6 Finance professionals and organisations have a duty to behave in a professional and
socially responsible manner.
Complete each sentence in the following table by inserting the most appropriate
item from the list below. You will not need to use all of the options.
Sentence Item
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AAT sample assessment 1 149
professional attitude.
and be able to show a
casual attitude.
2.9 It is important to work effectively.
(a) Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
It is Friday lunchtime and you have completed all of your tasks for the week.
Your colleague has just received a report. The report is late and she is very
busy with other work. Consequently it is unlikely she will be able to complete
all of her tasks.
Which ONE of the following actions should you take?
Start tidying your desk to make sure it is clear for next week.
Go home early.
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150 AAT sample assessment 1
Expenses sheet
To-do list
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AAT sample assessment 1 151
You work for Samuel Motors.
You have been asked to write a letter to a customer, Sandra Robinson, at
Ashdowns, Fylde Road, Mythop. FY6 2DP.
You are to return a cheque received this morning, 6 July 20XX.
The cheque is in payment of invoice 236 for £35.00.
The cheque was dated incorrectly and will have to be returned for a new one
to be issued.
You have a good relationship with Ashdowns, who always pay on time.
Using the items below, compose an appropriate letter in the box on the next page.
You will not need to use all of the items.
6 July 20XX Dear Sandra Dear Sir Yours faithfully Yours sincerely
Unfortunately the cheque was dated incorrectly and therefore we would ask that you
send a new cheque as soon as possible.
You dated the cheque wrong and so we need another cheque. Ashdowns
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152 AAT sample assessment 1
Samuel Motors
Back Henry Street, Thornbury, FY7 1XY
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AAT sample assessment 1: answers
Description Term described
A transaction to purchase goods when payment is Cash purchase
made immediately.
Someone who owes money to an organisation for A debtor
goods sold by the organisation.
£ 111.60
Credit transaction
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154 AAT sample assessment 1: answers
Pebbles Printing
5 Valley Road, Redport, RE7 9PP
VAT Registration No. 217 8621 00
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AAT sample assessment 1: answers 155
Latif Traders
24 Lower Street, Redport, RE4 7GD
VAT Registration No. 456 7421 00
Terms: 30 days net Book of prime entry: Sales returns day book
Latif Traders
Cheques to suppliers listing
25 July 20XX
F Adams and Co 200.00
HR Electrics 65.90
Total 265.90
1.6 In an alphabetical coding system all codes consist of letters and numbers.
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156 AAT sample assessment 1: answers
1.7 In a batch processing system, purchases invoices are entered into the accounting
records as soon as they are received.
1.8 (a)
(b) Paying-in slips should be signed by the person who pays the items into the
1.9 (a) 17 July 20XX
(b) Dawsons Electrics
(c) One hundred and seventy eight pounds and ninety pence
(d) If the amount in words on a cheque is different from the amount in figures the
cheque is still correct.
1.10 (a) When income is more than expenditure this results in a profit.
£ 48,000
£ 7,520
40 %
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AAT sample assessment 1: answers 157
1.11 (a) The increase in selling price for product number 256:
£ 1.44
£ 2.25
1.12 (a)
£ 97.43
Pens 11.60
Total 75.00
(d) Ratio of total expense for stationery items to the expense for ink tanks is:
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158 AAT sample assessment 1: answers
2.2 Information provided by the accounting department is used by managers within the
organisation to make better business decisions.
An example of a customer of the accounting department is people living close to the
From: AATstudent@orchard.com
To: Sarahclarke@orchard.com
Hello Sarah
Kind regards
AAT Student
2.4 (a) Organisations use templates because they have to be used by law.
Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because it supports the
corporate image.
(b) The most appropriate form of communication to accompany a price list is:
2.5 Information about staff wages held on the computer should be kept
Your sister is a customer of the organisation where you work. She asks you how
much profit the organisation is making. You reply:
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AAT sample assessment 1: answers 159
Sentence Item
… they must complete sufficient training
Once accountants are qualified…
to maintain their professional competence
2.7 (a) An organisation has a duty to provide a safe environment for staff and visitors .
A tidy desk will encourage you to work more efficiently.
2.8 (a) A finance professional should have good communication skills and be
It is important for somebody who is currently training to be a finance
professional to meet regularly with their manager to discuss their specific
training needs.
2.9 (a) Go to your colleague and ask her if there is anything you could do to
help her
To-do list
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160 AAT sample assessment 1: answers
Samuel Motors
Back Henry Street, Thornbury, FY7 1XY
S Robinson
Fylde Road
6 July 20XX
Dear Sandra
Unfortunately the cheque was dated incorrectly and therefore we would ask
that you send a new cheque as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
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AAT sample assessment 2
An asset
A liability
(b) Place a tick in the appropriate column of the table to show whether each of
the items is an example of an asset, a liability, income or expenditure.
1.2 It is important to understand the terminology used when buying and selling goods
for cash and on credit.
Use the appropriate term to identify the item described.
Description Term
A transaction to sell goods when payment is made
A transaction to purchase services when payment
is made a month later.
List of terms
Cash sales Credit purchases
Cash purchases A debtor
Credit sales A creditor
1.3 Your organisation sold 128 boxes of oranges on credit for £2.62 per box.
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162 AAT sample assessment 2
(b) When will your organisation receive payment for the oranges?
1.4 Organisations issue and receive different documents when buying and selling goods.
Link each document below to the appropriate description by drawing a line from
the left-hand box to the right-hand box.
Document Description
A document sent to a creditor accompanying a
Sales invoice
payment, listing items included in that payment.
1.5 You work for Gould Ltd. You are preparing to record some documents in the books
of prime entry.
(a) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the sales day
(b) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the cash
receipts book.
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AAT sample assessment 2 163
(c) Place the appropriate item in each document below to show which book of
prime entry that document will be entered into. You will need not to use all
of the items.
Bateman Retail
19 White Lane, Conglefield, WA4 6TX
VAT Registration No. 176 39688 00
Invoice No. 2045
Total 417.60
Gould Ltd
3 Granby Road, Sailport, SS1 2HS
VAT Registration No. 397 3813 00
Credit note No. CN620
Total 136.80
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164 AAT sample assessment 2
Gould Ltd
Cash payments listing
20 July 20XX
LH Hallsworth – for repairs to roof 67.00
Express Cars – taxi fare 35.60
Total 102.60
List items
Cash payments book
Purchases returns day book
Cash receipts book
Sales day book
Purchases day book
Sales returns day book
1.7 Your organisation uses a batch processing system to enter purchases invoices into
the accounting records.
Show whether the following statement is True or False.
In a batch processing system a group of purchases invoices are entered into the
accounting records at the same time.
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AAT sample assessment 2 165
1.8 On 24 July 20XX you have been asked to pay the following items into Fraser Ltd's
bank account.
Three £50 notes
Five £10 notes
Six £1 coins
Eleven 10p coins
One cheque for £270.00
(a) Enter these items and the date onto the paying-in slip below. Make sure you
enter all figures in pounds and pence. For example, 16.00, 2.50 and 0.75.
Account £5 notes
Fraser Ltd £2 coin
£1 coin
Paid in by Other coin
Total cash
40-29-67 Cheques, POs
10672348 Total £
July 20XX
11 July 20XX
1 July 20XX
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166 AAT sample assessment 2
(b) Which ONE of the following options shows the payee as it should be written
on the cheque?
Dawes Paints
(c) Which ONE of the following options shows the amount in words as it should
be written on the cheque?
One thousand three hundred and forty-seven pounds and ninety pence
One thousand three hundred and forty-seven pounds and nine pence
1.10 At the end of every year your organisation calculates the profit or loss for the year.
(a) Complete the following sentence by selecting the most appropriate option.
is more than
is less than
Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the table
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AAT sample assessment 2 167
(b) Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following
(i) Calculate gross profit.
(c) Using your answer from (b)(ii) calculate net profit as a percentage of sales.
If your answer is not a whole number make sure you give your answer to
2 decimal places.
The current selling price of product number 361 is £24.00. This is to be increased
by 15%.
(a) Calculate the increase in selling price for product number 361.
Region Sales
North 5,683.68
South 25,289.02
East 3,672.70
West 2,455.00
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168 AAT sample assessment 2
(b) Calculate the average sales per region for the last month.
J967 6,420.00
Total 109,546.33
(d) Calculate the ratio of the expenses for store N001 to the expenses for store
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AAT sample assessment 2 169
2.3 You work for Parry Stores and have been asked to send an email to Mohan Singh,
your manager, confirming your verbal request for annual leave from Monday 4 July
to Friday 15 July. You are also required to state the remaining number of days you
have left of your annual leave entitlement.
Use the items below to produce an appropriate email. You will not need to use all
of the items.
From: AATstudent@parrystores.com
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170 AAT sample assessment 2
Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because it ensures the image
of the organisation is correctly portrayed.
You have received an electronic file containing data from the production department
and have been asked to query some of the figures. This is a very urgent task as the
figures have to be agreed by the end of today.
(b) Select the most appropriate form of communication.
(b) Complete the following sentence by selecting the most appropriate option.
should not
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AAT sample assessment 2 171
2.6 Finance professionals and organisations have a duty to behave with integrity and
act in a socially responsible manner.
Complete the statements by selecting the TWO appropriate items from the lists
below. You will not need to use all of the items.
Statement Item
Statement Item
Examples of environmentally
responsible policies are
only for warehouse staff
only for office staff
for all staff and visitors
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172 AAT sample assessment 2
Statement Item
List items
show a willingness to learn.
not discuss their training needs with anyone.
display a careless attitude.
discuss their training needs with their manager.
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AAT sample assessment 2 173
A schedule of work
An invoice
You work for Downs Electrics.
You have been asked to write a letter to a supplier Clare Richmond at Capers,
Maine Road, Newberry, BB6 2RP.
You are to request a credit note for faulty goods received by Downs Electrics
on 12 July 20XX and returned to Capers on 17 July 20XX.
The faulty goods were 25 boxes of Product AB3 and were invoiced at
£3,701.25 on invoice number 3629.
Although it is unusual to receive faulty goods from Capers, you are keen to get
a credit note as the amount of £3,701.25 is shown as owing on the
statement just received from Capers.
Today's date is 26 July 20XX.
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174 AAT sample assessment 2
Use the items below to produce an appropriate letter to Clare Richmond. You will
not need to use all of the items.
Downs Electrics
Bradwell Road, Darsley, SS7 1BY
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AAT sample assessment 2 175
If you need to discuss the situation further do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
We want a credit note for these so we don't have to pay the amount on the statement.
We have just received a statement from you requesting payment of £3,701.25 for these
goods and therefore ask that a credit note is raised as soon as possible for these items.
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176 AAT sample assessment 2
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AAT sample assessment 2: answers
1.1 (a)
A liability
is something an organisation owes.
Description Term
A transaction to sell goods when payment is made Cash sales
A transaction to purchase services when payment Credit purchases
is made a month later.
£ 335.36
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178 AAT sample assessment 2: answers
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
AAT sample assessment 2: answers 179
Bateman Retail
19 White Lane, Conglefield, WA4 6TX
VAT Registration No. 176 39688 00
Invoice No. 2045
Total 417.60
Gould Ltd
3 Granby Road, Sailport, SS1 2HS
VAT Registration No. 397 3813 00
Credit note No. CN620
Total 136.80
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180 AAT sample assessment 2: answers
Gould Ltd
Cash payments listing
20 July 20XX
LH Hallsworth – for repairs to roof 67.00
Express Cars – taxi fare 35.60
Total 102.60
1.6 Numerical
1.7 In a batch processing system a group of purchases invoices are entered into the
accounting records at the same time.
1.8 (a)
(b) The person who should sign the 'Paid in by' section of the paying-in slip
should be the bank cashier.
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AAT sample assessment 2: answers 181
1.10 (a) When income is more than expenditure this results in a profit.
£ 146,000
£ 67,600
26 %
1.11 (a) The increase in selling price for product number 361
£ 3.60
£ 38
1.12 (a)
Region Sales
North 5,683.68
South 25,289.02
East 3,672.70
West 2,455.00
Total 37,100.40
£ 9,275.10
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182 AAT sample assessment 2: answers
J967 6,420.00
Total 109,546.33
2.2 Information produced by the accounting department will only be used by managers
in the accounting department.
Customers of the accounting department are always from outside of the
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AAT sample assessment 2: answers 183
From: AATstudent@parrystores.com
To: Msingh@parrystores.com
Hello Mohan
Further to our conversation I wish to request annual leave from Monday 4 July to
Friday 15 July. This will result in me having 4 further days of annual leave
entitlement remaining.
Kind regards
AAT Student
2.4 (a) Organisations use templates to save time, as staff only have to input the key
Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because it ensures the image
of the organisation is correctly portrayed.
(b) The most appropriate form of communication is:
2.5 (a) Confidential information can be left on your desk as long as you are not going
to be away from your desk for longer than 1 hour.
(b) You should lock your computer when you leave your desk.
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184 AAT sample assessment 2: answers
Statement Item
attending an accountancy update
A finance professional could renew course.
job-related technical knowledge by
reading the financial newspapers.
Statement Item
using double-sided printing to save
Examples of environmentally paper.
responsible policies are asking staff to use public transport
wherever possible.
2.8 (a) A finance professional should have good numeracy skills and show a
responsible attitude.
Statement Item
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AAT sample assessment 2: answers 185
Downs Electrics
Bradwell Road, Darsley, SS7 1BY
26 July 20XX
C Richmond
Maine Road
Dear Clare
If you need to discuss the situation further do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely
AAT Student
Accounts Assistant
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186 AAT sample assessment 2: answers
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BPP practice assessment 1
(b) Place a tick in the appropriate column of the table below to show whether
each of the items listed is an example of an asset, a liability, income or
expenditure. You should not place more than one tick () against each item.
1.2 It is important to understand the terminology used when buying and selling goods
for cash and on credit.
Choose the appropriate term from the list below to match the description.
List of terms
Cash sale
Cash purchase
Credit sale
Credit purchase
Debtor (receivable)
Creditor (payable)
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188 BPP practice assessment 1
1.3 Your organisation purchased 12 boxes of paper for £60.72 in total from RG Office
(a) What is the cost of each box of paper?
RG Office Supplies agreed to issue an invoice asking your organisation to pay for
the boxes of paper within 60 days.
(b) Is the purchase of the boxes of paper a cash transaction or a credit
1.4 Organisations issue and receive different documents when buying and selling goods.
Complete the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate option from
the list of terms below.
listing goods sold to the organisation and showing the amount due to be paid, and
when it is due to be paid by.
showing the total amount the organisation owes in respect of credit sales, detailing
the invoices that have not yet been paid.
List of terms
a purchase order
a receipt
a statement of account
an invoice
1.5 You work for Price Traders. You are preparing to record some documents in the
books of prime entry.
(a) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the sales day
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BPP practice assessment 1 189
(b) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the cash
receipts book.
(c) Insert an item from the following list into the bottom right-hand box on each
document to show which book of prime entry that document will be entered
into in Price Traders' books. You will not need to use all the items.
Cash payments book
Cash receipts book
Purchases day book
Purchases returns day book
Sales day book
Sales returns day book
Price Traders
Unit 1, Industrial Park, Spantage, SP1 4LD.
VAT registration: 247 8597 00
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190 BPP practice assessment 1
Price Traders
Unit 1, Industrial Park, Spantage, SP1 4LD.
VAT registration: 247 8597 00
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BPP practice assessment 1 191
1.7 Your organisation uses a batch processing system to enter sales invoices into the
accounting records.
Show whether the following statement is True or False.
In the accounting system, sales invoices must be entered into the accounting
records individually.
1.8 On 16 March 20XX you have been asked to pay the following items into Tricky
Traders' bank account:
Six £50 notes
Three £20 notes
One £5 note
Twenty 50 pence coins
Twelve 20 pence coins
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192 BPP practice assessment 1
24 April 20XY
24 April 20XX
(b) Which ONE of the following options shows the payee as it should be written
on the cheque?
Woodcutter Ltd
Woodcuter Ltd
(c) Which ONE of the following options shows the amount in figures as it should
be written on the cheque?
1.10 At the end of every year your organisation calculates the profit or loss for the year.
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BPP practice assessment 1 193
Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the table
(b) Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following
(i) Calculate gross profit.
(c) Using your answer from (b)(ii), calculate net profit as a percentage of sales.
If your answer is not a whole number, make sure you give your answer to
two decimal places.
The current selling price of product number 598 is £36.80. This is to be increased
by (one-eighth).
(a) Calculate the increase in selling price for product number 598.
The current selling price of product number 396 is £21.00. This is to be increased
by 7%.
(b) Calculate the increase in selling price for product number 396.
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194 BPP practice assessment 1
Service and repair costs for each of four delivery vehicles are shown in the table
(a) Complete the table to show the service and repair costs for Vehicle 2.
Delivery vehicles £
Vehicle 1 375.66
Vehicle 2
Vehicle 3 496.55
Vehicle 4 1,035.12
Total 2,408.60
(b) Calculate the average service and repair cost per vehicle.
Costs relating to advertising and marketing are shown in the table below.
(c) Complete the table to show the total advertising and marketing costs.
Item £
Marketing 200.60
Advertising 2,104.60
Consultant 526.15
Sundries 137.45
(d) Which of the following is the ratio of the cost of advertising to the cost of the
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BPP practice assessment 1 195
private sector
public sector
2.3 You work for ABC Chemicals and have been asked to send an email to Andy Poole,
your manager, confirming your attendance at the annual staff conference on 1 and
2 June and requesting overnight accommodation on 1 June.
Using the items provided, compose an appropriate email in the template given.
You will not need to use all of the items.
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
196 BPP practice assessment 1
From: AATstudent@abcchemicals.com
andypoole@abcchemicals.com Confirmation
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BPP practice assessment 1 197
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
198 BPP practice assessment 1
2.6 Finance professionals and organisations have a duty to behave in a professional and
environmentally responsible manner.
Complete each sentence in the following table by inserting the most appropriate
item from the list below. You will not need to use all of the items.
Sentence Item
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BPP practice assessment 1 199
a professional attitude.
and be able to show
an unprofessional attitude.
Go home.
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
200 BPP practice assessment 1
Credit note
2.10 You work for Smith and Co. You have been asked to send a copy of the draft
management accounts to all the directors. You have been asked to send a memo
with the accounts, confirming that the directors should read the accounts and have
prepared their comments about them for the meeting on Friday 5 April 20XX. The
date today is 24 March 20XX.
Using the items given, compose an appropriate memo in the box provided. You
will not need to use all of the items.
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
BPP practice assessment 1 201
AAT student
Management accounts Meeting 5 April 20XX
Accounts Assistant
Please find the draft management accounts enclosed with AAT student
this memo. Accounts Assistant
Please ensure that you have read the accounts, and prepared your comments, in time
for the meeting on 5 April 20XX.
Please ensure that you have read the accounts, and prepared your comments, in time
for the meeting on 24 March 20XX.
Read them and have something to say in the meeting (5 April 20XX).
To: _________________________________________________
From: _________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________
Subject: _________________________________________________
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202 BPP practice assessment 1
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
BPP practice assessment 1: answers
Description Term described
A transaction to sell goods when payment is made Credit sale
at a later date than delivery of the goods.
A transaction to buy goods when payment is Cash purchase
made immediately.
£ 5.06
Credit transaction
goods sold to the organisation and showing the amount due to be paid, and when it
is due to be paid by.
showing the total amount the organisation owes in respect of credit sales, detailing
the invoices that have not yet been paid.
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204 BPP practice assessment 1: answers
Price Traders
Unit 1, Industrial Park, Spantage, SP1 4LD.
VAT registration: 247 8597 00
Price Traders
Unit 1, Industrial Park, Spantage, SP1 4LD.
VAT registration: 247 8597 00
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BPP practice assessment 1: answers 205
1.7 In the accounting system, sales invoices must be entered into the accounting
records individually.
1.8 (a)
(b) Paying-in slips should not be dated by the person paying the money into the
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206 BPP practice assessment 1: answers
£ 550,000
£ 270,000
27 %
1.11 (a) The increase in selling price for product number 598
£ 4.60
£ 1.47
Delivery vehicles £
Vehicle 1 375.66
Vehicle 2
Vehicle 3 496.55
Vehicle 4 1,035.12
Total 2,408.60
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BPP practice assessment 1: answers 207
£ 602.15
Item £
Marketing 200.60
Advertising 2,104.60
Consultant 526.15
Sundries 137.45
(d) The ratio of the cost of advertising to the cost of the consultant
(b) An example of a customer of the accounting department is the sales
department of the company.
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208 BPP practice assessment 1: answers
From: AATstudent@abcchemicals.com
To: andypoole@abcchemicals.com
Hello Andy
Kind regards
AAT student
2.4 (a) Organisations use templates to present a positive, consistent view of their
Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because it helps customers
know documents are genuine.
(b) The most appropriate form of communication to accompany the credit note is:
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
BPP practice assessment 1: answers 209
2.5 Information about staff bonuses held on the computer should be kept:
A friend is a supplier of the organisation where you work. She asks you how much
profit your organisation is making on items sold on. You reply:
Sentence Item
… they should complete sufficient training
Once accountants are qualified…
to maintain professional competence.
It is important to keep a tidy desk for health and safety reasons.
a professional attitude.
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210 BPP practice assessment 1: answers
Somebody who is training to be a finance professional meets regularly with
their manager to discuss their specific training needs.
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BPP practice assessment 1: answers 211
To: Directors
Please find the draft management accounts enclosed with this memo.
Please ensure that you have read the accounts, and prepared your comments,
in time for the meeting on 5 April 20XX.
Thank you
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
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212 BPP practice assessment 1: answers
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
BPP practice assessment 2
(b) Place a tick in the appropriate column of the table below to show whether
each of the items listed is an example of an asset, a liability, income or
expenditure. You should not place more than one tick () against each item.
1.2 It is important to understand the terminology used when buying and selling goods
for cash and on credit.
Choose the appropriate term from the list below to match the description.
List of terms
Cash sale
Cash purchase
Credit sale
Credit purchase
This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
214 BPP practice assessment 2
1.3 Your organisation sold 8 desks for £240.40 in total to JP Fitters Company.
(a) What is the price of each desk?
Your organisation issued an invoice asking JP Fitters Company to pay for the desks
within 30 days.
(b) Is the sale of the desks a cash transaction or a credit transaction?
1.4 Organisations issue and receive different documents when buying and selling goods.
Complete the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate option from
the list below.
goods sold to the customer and showing the amount due to be paid, and when it is
due to be paid.
requesting that the goods specified in the document be sold to the customer.
List of terms
a purchase order
a receipt
a statement of account
an invoice
1.5 You work for Smyth Traders. You are preparing to record some documents in the
books of prime entry.
(a) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the purchases
returns day book.
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BPP practice assessment 2 215
(b) Select which ONE of the documents below will be entered in the purchases
day book.
(c) Fill in the boxes on each document given below to show which book of prime
entry that document will be entered into. Select your answer from one of the
following options.
Cash payments book
Cash receipts book
Purchases day book
Purchases returns day book
Sales day book
Sales returns day book
Midwest Bank Business Centre, High Street 34-04-32
Date 24 March 20XX
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216 BPP practice assessment 2
Khan Enterprises
Unit 7, Westford Industrial Park, WF23 6TD
VAT Registration No: 529 5999 00
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BPP practice assessment 2 217
1.8 On 6 March 20XX you have been asked to pay the following items into Taylor
Trading Ltd's bank account:
Four £20 notes
Twelve £10 notes
Four £5 notes
Two £2 coins
Six £1 coins
A cheque £574.88
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218 BPP practice assessment 2
(a) Which ONE of the following options shows the date as it should be written
on the cheque?
14 April 20XY
14 April XY
(b) Which ONE of the following options shows the payee as it should be written
on the cheque?
Easy Easels
(c) Which ONE of the following options shows the amount in figures as it should
be written on the cheque?
1.10 At the end of every year your organisation calculates the profit or loss for the year.
(a) Show whether the following statement is True or False.
If income exceeds expenditure, the organisation has made a loss.
Last year your organisation recorded income and expenditure as shown in the table
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BPP practice assessment 2 219
(b) Use the income and expenditure figures to complete the following
(i) Calculate gross profit.
(c) Using your answer from (b)(ii), calculate net profit as a percentage of sales.
If your answer is not a whole number make sure you give your answer up to
two decimal places.
Repair costs for each of four production machines are shown in the table below.
(a) Complete the table to show the repair costs for Machine 1.
Machine 1
Machine 2 208.12
Machine 3 345.77
Machine 4 105.11
Total 816.20
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220 BPP practice assessment 2
(b) Calculate the average service and repair cost per machine.
Item £
Electricity 1,200.50
Wages 3,450.20
Security 51.15
Insurance 153.45
Total costs
(d) Which of the following is the ratio of the cost of insurance to the cost of
private sector
public sector
does not
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BPP practice assessment 2 221
2.3 You work for MK Manufacturing and have been asked to send an email to Chris
Cairns, the production manager, confirming the number of parts of XY that have
been purchased in the year to date.
Using the items on the next page, compose an appropriate email in the template
You will not need to use all of the items.
From: AATstudent@MKM.com
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222 BPP practice assessment 2
chriscairns@MKM.com XY parts
Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because they are required to
by law.
You have been asked to send an application pack to someone enquiring after a job
in your organisation.
(b) Select the most appropriate form of communication to accompany the
application pack.
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BPP practice assessment 2 223
Leave the payroll documents on her desk, as she'll only be gone five minutes.
Lock the payroll documents in her desk drawer, because she will be away
from her desk.
A friend is a journalist, writing a story on local businesses for the local paper. She
asks you how many people your organisation employs. You reply:
'I don't think it is appropriate for you to ask me; you should request a meeting
with the managing director.'
2.6 Finance professionals and organisations have a duty to behave in a professional and
environmentally responsible manner.
Complete each sentence in the following table by inserting the most appropriate
item from the list below. You will not need to use all the items.
Sentence Item
Integrity is…
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224 BPP practice assessment 2
An employee to behave in a
willingness to learn.
and be able to show a
willingness to teach.
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BPP practice assessment 2 225
Keep a record of the work you have done on the project, and the
outstanding work, so that other team members will be able to follow
what you have done.
Statement of account
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226 BPP practice assessment 2
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BPP practice assessment 2 227
Using the items below, compose an appropriate letter in the box below. You will
not need to use all of the items.
Weston Traders' staff attending the presentation will be Marc Sprout, Managing
Controller, and Andy Singer, Financial Director
Weston Traders' staff attending the presentation will be Mark Sprout, Managing
Director, and Andy Singer, Financial Controller.
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228 BPP practice assessment 2
Weston Traders
Castle St, Weston, KC6 7SC
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BPP practice assessment 2: answers
Description Term described
The amount that will be paid by the organisation Payable
to a supplier at a later date in respect of credit
The amount that will be paid to the organisation Receivable
by a customer at a later date in respect of credit
£ 30.05
Credit transaction
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230 BPP practice assessment 2: answers
Midwest Bank Business Centre, High Street 34-04-32
Date 24 March 20XX
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BPP practice assessment 2: answers 231
Khan Enterprises
Unit 7, Westford Industrial Park, WF23 6TD
VAT Registration No: 529 5999 00
1.7 Purchase invoices may be batched, and entered into the accounting system
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232 BPP practice assessment 2: answers
1.8 (a)
(b) A person paying money into a bank should sign the paying-in slip.
1.9 (a) 14 April 20XY
(b) Easy Easels
(c) £545.02
(d) The date on the cheque should be the day it is likely to arrive at the supplier's
1.10 At the end of every year your organisation calculates the profit or loss for the year.
£ 236,220
£ 64,980
7.30 %
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BPP practice assessment 2: answers 233
£ 4.15
£ 0.17
Machine 1
Machine 2 208.12
Machine 3 345.77
Machine 4 105.11
Total 816.20
£ 204.05
Item £
Electricity 1,200.50
Wages 3,450.20
Security 51.15
Insurance 153.45
Total key costs
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234 BPP practice assessment 2: answers
(b) An example of a customer of the accounting department is the general public.
From: AATstudent@MKM.com
To: chriscairns@MKM.com
Hello Chris
Kind regards
AAT student
Organisations use a 'house style' for documents because they are required to
by law.
(b) The most appropriate form of communication to accompany the application
pack is:
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BPP practice assessment 2: answers 235
2.5 Gail is working on the payroll. She leaves her desk to make a cup of tea. She
Lock the payroll documents in her desk drawer because she will be
away from her desk.
A friend is a journalist, writing a story on local businesses for the local paper. She
asks you how many people your organisation employs. You reply:
'I don't think it is appropriate for you to ask me; you should request a
meeting with the managing director.'
Sentence Item
… keep up to date with technical
A qualified accountant should…
… an important characteristic for
Integrity is…
An organisation should adopt socially … it impacts on the environment through
responsible practices because… its operations.
It is not environmentally responsible … print out copies of emails that could be
for a company when staff … stored online.
(b) Power cables to Tracy's computer trail across a corridor next to her desk. This
is appropriate.
JP Trailers is a no-smoking zone. Peter sees Zain smoking in the stationery
cupboard. Peter should report Zain to a superior.
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236 BPP practice assessment 2: answers
Someone who is training to be a finance professional should discuss the
training they have done with a supervisor, to ensure that the new skills can be
used in the organisation.
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BPP practice assessment 2: answers 237
Weston Traders
Castle St, Weston, KC6 7SC
A Singh
AA Advertising
High Road
28 April 20XX
Weston Traders' staff attending the presentation will be Mark Sprout, Managing
Director, and Andy Singer, Financial Controller.
They look forward to meeting you and learning more about what your company
could do for our organisation.
Yours sincerely
AAT student
Accounts Assistant
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238 BPP practice assessment 2: answers
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240 This is a licenced copy of BPP Material, intended solely for the use of the agreed licence holder.
Index 241
C alculator, 33 Knowledge, 60
Cash purchase, 4, 23
Cash sale, 4, 23
Charitable sector, 55, 71 Letter, 78, 97
Communication, 65 Liability, 2, 23
Confidentiality, 58, 71 Loss, 6, 23
Cost of sales, 7, 23
Credit note, 10, 23
Credit purchase, 4, 23
Memo, 78, 97
Credit sale, 4, 23 Mentor, 68, 71
Creditor, 4, 23 Multiplication, 38
Customer, 4, 23
Customers of the accounting function, Net profit, 7, 23
57, 71 Numerate, 67
Numerical code, 20, 24
D iaries, 65
Division, 38 On-the-job training, 67
Duty of care, 62, 71
Organisation, 67
E fficiency, 64, 71
Payable, 4, 23
Efficient working practices, 64
Email, 78, 97 Percentages, 44
Ethics, 60, 71 Personal skills and development, 67
Expenditure, 2, 23 Private sector, 55, 71
Professional behaviour, 60
Profit, 6, 23
Formal training, 67 Proportions, 41
Fractions, 46 Public sector, 55, 71
Punctuality, 67
Gross profit, 7, 23 Purchase order, 10, 23
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242 Index
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Notes 243
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244 Notes
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Notes 245
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246 Notes
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Notes 247
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248 Notes
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Notes 249
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250 Notes
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Notes 251
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252 Notes
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Notes 253
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254 Notes
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