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Pgcil DT Ee 27 10 2018-Compressed-5511589c

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27 10 2018

Section : Electrical Engineering

Q.1 One 50 kY line can nonnally carry as much power 11s how many 400 kV circuits for equal distance of transmission?
Question ID : 6967212632
Ans X 1. 3 Status : Answered
2. Chosen Option : 2

3. 4
4. 1

0.2 The Laplace transf01m of e-at sin rot is: Question ID : 6967212644
Ans Status : Answered
1. Chosen Option : 1
(s + a) 2 + w 2
(s +a)+ w
(s +a)+ w
(s+ a) 2 + w 2
Q.3 For a given electrical circuit, detennine the value ofR, such that NO power is dissipated
Question ID : 6967212569
across the 2 Q resistor.
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans X 1. 1 .Q

2. 3 .Q

3. 4 .Q

X 4· 2 .Q

0- 4 Which relay i also called angle impedance relay. Question ID: 6967212648
Ans Status : Answered
1. Impedance relay
Chosen Option : 3
2. Reactance relay

3. :tvlho relay
x4. Frnquency relay
Q.5 An insulator is so designed that it should fail only by: Question ID: 6967212610
Ans X 1. a line breakdo\Vtl Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. a flash-over

X 3. a puncture
X 4. less sag
Q.6 Which of the following power plants has a high initial cost, low running and maintenance
cost and no standby losses? Question ID: 6967212647
Status: Answered
X 1. Nuclear power plant Chosen Option: 3

x2. Steam pmver plant

3. Hydro-electric power plant
X4. Diesel power plant
Q.7 The ratio of the capacity of the star-star bank to the delta-delta bank of a transformer is:
Question ID: 6967212596
x1. 86.6% Status: Answered
X 2. 66.7% Chosen Option: 3

3. 57.7%
x4. 50%

Q.8 The type lightning arrester commonly used on systems operating at voltages up to 33 kV
is a:
Question ID: 6967212649
Ans X 1. horn gap arrester Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 3
X 2. rod gap arrester
X 3. valve type arrester
4. protector tube
Q.9 If the length of the cross-arm of tower is increased what is the net effect on the string
Question ID: 6967212663
Status: Answered
Ans 1. Increases Chosen Option: 4

X 2. No change
X 3-Zero

0.1o The material which is to be electroplated: Question ID: 6967212630

Ans X can be connected to either cathode or anode
1. Status: Answered

X 2. is freely kept in the electrolytic tank Chosen Option: 3

is connected to the terminal of the cathode


X 4- is connected to the terminal of the anode

Q.11 A 3-phase, 12-pole alternator driven at a speed of 500 rpm supplies power to an 8-pole, 3-
phase induction motor. Calculate the approximate full load speed of the motor if the slip Question ID: 6967212598
of the motor at full load is 3%. Status: Not Attempted and

l (3)
X 1. 6151pm Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
2. 7301pm
X 3. 5101pm
X 4. soo1pm
Q.12 Which of the statement is FALSE with respect to a shaded-pole induction motor?
Question ID: 6967212606
X 1. Efficiency vary from 5%to 35% Status: Answered

X 2. Extremely rugged Chosen Option : 3

3. High starting torque

X 4. Very little overload capacity
Q.13 The angle between the rotor poles of a synchronous motor and synchronously rotating
Question ID: 6967212591
stator flux is called as:
Status : Answered
Ans 1. torque angle
Chosen Option : 1
X 2. slip angle
X 3. power factor angle
X 4. synchronising angle.
Q.14 The figure shows two conductors of equal radius r located at a centre-to-centre distance of
Question ID: 6967212668
2H. The charge on each conductor is Q C/m and of opposite polarity. On a unit, a positive
Status : Not Attempted and
charge is located at Fat a distance ofx from the centre of the left conductor. The total force Marked For Review
exerted is given by: Chosen Option : •·

X1. Ef =-Q s {!_ ___ I )
2n. 0 \;: 2H + x

X2. Ef =-Q {!_ __I_)

2n£ 0 .\;: 2ff - X

4. Ef =-_Q f!_+__ I )
2n.s 0 \;: 2H - x
Q.15 The transient voltage that appears across the contacts at or near cWTent zero during arcing period is lomwn as:
Question ID: 6967212666
Ans 1. restrik:ing voltage Status: Answered
X 2. recovery voltage Chosen Option: 1

X 3. arc voltage
X 4. rated voltage
0-16 Fusing factor is the ratio of:
Question ID :6967212618

l (4)
Ans ?( 1
curre�t rating of fuse to the minimum fusing current ..._
ch os en o
Status: Answered
ption : 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _________, I I
minimum fusing cu1Tent to the current :rating of fuse
X 3. minimum fusing ClllTent to the fault cutTent
X 4.
minimum fusing cutTent to the arcing time -constant
Q.17 Which among the following is used as a voltage regulator?
Question ID: 6967212561
X 1. Light emitting diode Status : Answered

X 2. Photodiode C hosen Option : 4

X 3. Shockley diode
4. Zener diod.e
Q. 18 An alternating cwTent series motor run on:
Question ID: 6967212581
X 1. Alternating current only Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 3
X 2. Direct current only
3. AC and DC both
X 4. pulsating DC
Q.19 What is the effect of rumature reaction when the generator supplies a load at unity power factor?
Question ID: 6967212603
Ans X 1. Demagnetising Status : Answered
X 2. 1vfagnetising Chosen Option : 3

3. Cross-magnetising
x4 .
Partly magnetising and partly cross magnetising
Q.20 For a DC welding Motor-Generaior set which type of DC generator is used?
Question ID: 6967212628
1. Differential compound DC generator Status: Answered

X 2. DC Series generator
Chosen Option : 1

X 3. DC Shunt generator
X 4. Cumulati\ e compound DC generator
Q.21 Find the number ofpoles in the right-halfplane (RHP) for the system as shown. Is the system
Question ID: 6967212643

Status : Not Attempted and
R(s)+ E(s)I I Marked For Review
s(2.r'+J,-l+2sl +Js+2) �
J Chosen Option: --
1. 2 RHP poles; System is unstable
X 2. 2 RHP poles; System is stable
X 3. 3 RHP poles; System is unstable
X 4. 3 RHP poles; System is stable

Q.22 Calculate the frequency of the rotor cwTent when the synchronous speed is 1,500 rpm and
rotor speed is 1,440 rpm and supply frequency is 50 Hz. Question ID: 6967212605
Status: Answered
Ans 1. Hz
Chosen Option: 1
2- 5Hz
'X3. lHz
X 4. 0.5 Hz
Q.23 In a 3-phase induction motor for large value of slip the torque is:
Question ID: 6967212599
Ans X 1. proportional to square of slip Status : Answered

X 2. proportional to slip Chosen Option: 4

X 3. inversely proportional to square of slip

4. inversely proportional to slip
Q.24 In the per phase rotor equivalent circuit of a three-phase induction motor as shown below:
Question ID: 6967212577
x., Status: Answered

Chosen Option : 3

E. �------� R,

Expression for R, will be given by:

Ans X 1. R
x 2. o

Q.25 In a 3-phase induction motor the torque under running conditions will be maximum when:
Question ID: 6967212604
Ans 1.
Status : Answered
the rotor resistance per phase is equal to the rotor reactance per phase
Chosen Option: 1
X 2. the rotor resistance becomes zero
X 3.
the rotor resistance is not equal to the rotor reactance
x4 .
the rotor resistance is twice the rotor reactance
0- 26 Which of the follm:ving motor is used in \a.cuum cleaner? Question ID: 6967212589
X 1- Reluctance motor Status: Answered

X 2. Single-phase AC series motor Chosen Option : 3

3. Unh ersal motor

X 4. Hysteresis motor
Q.27 The relation between the old and new per unit impedance values is given by:
Question ID: 6967212651
Status : Answered
Chosen Option: 2

-zold_B_, _'_B_
1. Z!::ew -
vu s ,ew V ew
;; t
s•ld C'•" )' I

5 new V,"" '

X 2. z n ew -
old_B__ (_'_B_)I
- zpu
5;1d v;iew

X 3. znuew zold B
5 new (�= r B
p = pu 5old old

5 new (�•!dr
, B
X 4. old
Zpu = z;u
ew B
s; id . v new

Q.28 Binary addition of 16 and -83 using 2 's compliment results in: Question ID: 6967212670
Ans 1. -10000112 Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
X 2. 1000011 2 Chosen Option: -·

X 3. 1000010 2
X 4. -10000102

Q.29 The speed at which a fom-pole alternator should be driven to generate 50 cycles per
Question ID: 6967212587
second is:
Status: Answered
Ans X 1. 1,400 rpm Chosen Option: 1
X 2. 500 rpm
X 3. 1,000 rpm
4. 1,500 rpm
Q.30 For the transmission of power, a direct drive is only preferred when:
Question ID: 6967212667
Ans X 1. the slip is negligible Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
the speed of the driven machine equals the motor speed
X 3.
the high speed moior is to drive a low speed machine
X 4.
a noiseless, slipless and smooth operation is required
Q.31 Compensating winding is used in an AC series motor in order to:
Question ID: 6967212661
Ans X 1. decrease starting current Status: Answered

X 2- reduce effect of armature reaction Chosen Option: 3

3. reduce sparking at brushes

X 4. increase torque
0.32 The mmdmum HVAC transmission level in India is: Question ID: 6967212636
x 1. 900kV Status: Answered
2. Chosen Option: 2
X 3. 400kV
l (7)
X 4- 220kV
Q.33 A generating station supplies the following loads to various conswners
Question ID: 6967212615
A= 1,500 kW, B = 750 kW, C = 100 kW, D = 450 kW. If the maximwn demand on
Status: Answered
station is 2,500 kW, find the diversity factor.
Chosen Option: 1
Ans 1. 1.12
X 2. t.89
X 3. t.56
X 4- o.s
Q.34 A 200 V separately excited DC motor has an armature resistance of0.05 draws an
Question ID: 6967212576
armature current of 20 A, running at 1,200 rpm. Calculate the approximate torque
Status: Answered
developed for given armature current.
Chosen Option: 3
X 1- n:/200 Nm
X 2. 10/4Nm
3. l00hrNm
X 4. nllOONm
Q.35 From the given logic circuit, determine the expression for Z.
Question ID: 6967212654
Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --

A 1· p + R
X 2- PQ+R
X 3. Q + P
4. Q+R
Q.36 The solid angle subtended by a sphere surface at its centre is:
Question ID: 6967212629
X 1- -rr/2 steradians Status: Answered

X 2. 2n: steradians Chosen Option: 4

X 3. -n: steradians
4. 4n: steradians
Q.37 If the residual magnetism of a DC shunt generator is destroyed accidentally, it may be
Question ID: 6967212597
restored by connecting its shunt field:

X 1.
Status: Answered
in reverse Chosen Option: 2
2. to a DC source
X 3. to an AC source
X 4. to the earth
Q.38 If the percentage reactance of the system up to the fault point is 30% and the base kV·A is
9,000. Find the value of the short circuit kV·A. Question ID: 6967212617

Ans X 1. 50,000 Status: Answered

l (8)
X 2. 45,ooo Chosen Option: 3

3. 30,000
X 4. 33,ooo
Q. 39 Stroboscopic effect is NOT observed in: Question ID: 6967212631
Ans X 1. sodium vapour lamps Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
X 2. fluorescent lamps Chosen Option: --
3. incandescent lamps

X 4. mercury vapour lamps

Q.40 At ·which power factor, a transformer has negative voltage regulations?
Question ID: 6967212593
X 1. Lagging Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. Leading
X 3. Unity
X 4- Zero
Q.41 The maximum efficiency is achieved in a transformer when the:
Question ID: 6967212580
Ans X 1. iron loss becomes t\.vice the copper loss Status: Answered

X 2. Iron loss becomes zero Chosen Option: 3

3. copper loss equals to the iron loss

X 4. copper loss is not equal to the iron loss
Q.42 Synchronous motor can be used for power factor improvement when it operates with:
Question ID: 6967212611
Ans 1- Over excitation Status: Answered

X 2. No excitation Chosen Option: 1

X 3. Normal excitation
X 4. Under excitation
Q.43 Which of the following is the transfer function of: Question ID: 6967212642
dc(t) Status: Not Attempted and
-- + 2c(t) = r(t) Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
Ans S
X 1. G(s) =
X 2- G(s)=-­
X 3. G(s) = -­
s +2
4· G(s)=-­
s +2
Q.44 Which method is opted to achieve speed control above the rated RPM for a DC motor?
Question ID: 6967212585
Ans 1. Flux control method Status: Answered
X 2. Arrnature circuit resistance Chosen Option: 1
l (9)
X 3. Ward Leonard :rvrethod
X 4. Volt.age �-ontrol method
Q. The transfer fimction of the lead compensator is: Question ID: 6967212669
Ans i Status: Not Attempted and
G c (s) = - -----f- where P <1
1 s+- Marked For Review
{) s+ iJ-T Chosen Option: --

X 3. G e (s) = ------f- where P >1

1 s+-
{) s+-


G c (s) = ------f- P <1

1 s-
4. -
{) s- fJT

Q.46 A universal motor is prefen-ed for which application? Question ID: 6967212607
Ans 1. High speed and high torque Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 3
X 2. Low speed
X 3. Low torque and high speed
X 4. Low torque
Q.47 Determine the charging cw-rent (le) at 50 Hz of a single-conductor EHV transmission line having rnltage to ground of
500 kV and capacitance per unit length of the conductor to ground 2 nF/km. Question ID: 6967212633
Ans Status: Not Attempted and
1. 0.11C A Marked For Review
A 2· KA Chosen Option: --

X 3. 0.0lnA
°X4- 0.00b:A
Q.48 Calculate the demand factor if the maximum demand on a station is 20 MW and the
Question ID: 6967212623
connected load is 43 MW.
Status: Answered
i'( 1. 0.9 Chosen Option: 3
X 2. o.834
3. 0.465
X 4. 0.056
Question ID: 6967212659
Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --

l (10)
Consider a circular conductor and a bar magnet as shown below and state which of the
following statements is/are true?

0 /

I) The induced current in the conductor when the north pole of bar magnet is pushed towards
the conductor is in an anticlockwise direction.

II) The induced current in the conductor when the south pole of bar magnet is pushed away
from the conductor is in a clockwise direction.

III) The induced current in the conductor when the south pole of bar magnet is pushed away
from the conductor is in an anticlockwise direction.
IV) The induced current in the conductor when the north pole of bar magnet is pushed
away from the conductor is in an anticlockwise direction.

Ans 1. I and III only

2. I and II only

X 3. III and IV only

X 4. II and IV only

Q.50 The maintenance of the transmission line passing through polluted or coastal areas should
Question ID: 6967212641
be completed_ before the onset of winter.
Status: Answered
Ans 1. four times
Chosen Option: 3
X 2- thrice
X 3- twice
4. once
Q.51 A 6-pole, 50-Hz, three-phase induction motor develops mechanical power 16.252 kW at
Question ID: 6967212584
a rotor frequency of 1.5 Hz. The value of the rotor copper loss will be:
Status: Not Attempted and
Ans X 1- 235 \V Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
2. 0.5026 kW
X( 3.1.23 k\V
? 4. 0.6234 kW
A linear system: Question ID: 6967212645

x1. Status: Answered

satisfies the properties of homogeneity but not of superposition Chosen Option: 4
X 2.
satisfies the properties of superposition but not of homogeneity
X 3.
does not satisfy the properties of superposition and homogeneity
satisfies the properties of superposition and homogeneity

Q.53 Alan__ system utilises luminaries which send most of the light downwards directly
on the working plane but a considerable amount reaches the ceilings and walls also. Question ID: 6967212625

X 1- semi-indirect
Status: Not Answered
Chosen Option: --
X 2- direct
3. semi-direct
X 4. indirect
l (11)
Q.54 What would be the magnitude of the induced emf in a conductor of length 2 m moving at
a velocity of 20 mis at an angle 45 ° to a magnetic field of flux density 0.5 Wb/m2? Question ID: 6967212558
Status: Answered
Ans 1 -14.14 V
Chosen Option: 1
2 -1 V
X 3- o V
X 4. 7.07 V
Q.55 For the protection of a delta-star transfonner using differential protection scheme, which of the following CT
connection is used? Question ID: 6967212664
X 1. Primary Star, Secondary Star Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 3
x2. Primary
. Delta., Sec.ondarv
� Star
3. Primary Star, Secondary DeUa
X 4. Primary Delta� Sec.ondary Delta
Q.56 For lagging load power factor, the field of synchronous motor is:
Question ID: 6967212592
X 1. overexcited Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. underexcited
X 3. normally excited
X 4- not excited
Q.57 A BIT has its base current as 0.02 rnA, and the current ampliication factor as 0.9.
Question ID: 6967212562
Determine the value of the emitter current if the ICBo is found to be 30 µA.
Status: Not Attempted and
X 1. 0.9mA Marked For Review

X 2- 1 mA Chosen Option: •·

3. 0.5 mA
x4 . 0.45mA
Q.58 In a three-phase induction motor,. the slip is generally: Question ID: 6967212583
Ans X 1. ts% to 2s% Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. 2%to 5%
X 3. 0
X 4. 1v1ore than 45%
Q.59 Which type of instruments do . OT have a ON-linear scale?
Question ID: 6967212565
X 1. Moving Iron Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. P�II\11C
X 3. Electrofliat.ic
Q.60 The basis of .insulation de.sign in modem EHV lines is: Question ID: 6967212635
Ans 1. switching voltage Status: Answered

X 2.
Chosen Option: 1
X 3. current density
l (12)
X 4. corona
Q.61 Secondruy distribution is generally cruTied out at which voltage level?
Question ID: 6967212621
Ans 1. 440 V/ 230 V Status: Answered

?( 2. 11 kV/ 440 V Chosen Option : 1

?(3. JlkV/33kV
? 4. 440 V/ 110 V
Q.62 C = 200sin(2rr60t).
alculate the form factor of a voltage v
Question ID: 6967212571
Ans X 1. 2.22 Status : Answered

X 2. infinite
Chosen Option: 3

3. 1.11
X 4- 0.45
Q.63 A three-phase 500 V motor load has a power factor of 0.4. Two wattmeters connected to
Question ID: 6967212566
measure the input read 20 kW and IO kW. Find the reactive power (Q).
Status : Answered
Ans X 1. 51.96k.-var Chosen Option: 3
X 2. 1 O l'Var
3. 17.32 k-var
X 4. 30kvar
Q.64 According to grid standard regulation by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the
Question ID: 6967212637
maximum permissible value of voltage unbalance for a 220 kV line is:
Status: Not Attempted and
Ans 1. 2% Marked For Review

x 2- 1.5% Chosen Option: •·

X 3- 4%
X 4- 3%
Q.65 For an identical DC generator, what should be the number ofpoles such that the emf
Question ID: 6967212572
generated in case oflap winding and wave winding configurations will be the same?
Status: Answered
X 1. g Chosen Option : 3

]\2. 6

X 4- 4

Q.66 The Ybus representation of the model of transformer shown is:

Question ID: 6967212652

IP jl 19 Status: Answered
po I llffl\ I oq Chosen Option: 3

- -
- -


1-{� j; ][�]
X 1.
l (13)
X 2· [i.] = [ j�1
-.1�] [�:]

[t] = [ j; -1:1 [i.]

[i.] = [-.1� []
j; I �:
X ·


Q.67 Economisers are used to heat:

X 1. condensed steam
Question ID: 6967212608

X 2- air
Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 4

X 3. steam
4. feed water

Q.68 A circuit breaker is rated as a 1450 A, 1,200 MVA, 33 kV, 3 s, 3-phase oil circuit breaker.
Question ID: 6967212619
Find the breaking capacity.
Status: Answered
Ans 1. 1,200 M.VA Chosen Option: 1
X2. 33kV
X 3- 3 s
A 4. l,450A
Q.69 'Which of the following is OT a self-starting motor?
X 1. Three-phase
Question ID: 6967212588
Ans ™ Status: Answered

X 2- DC shunt motor Chosen Option: 4

X 3. DC serie.s motor
4. One-phase IM
Q.70 The property of a magnetic circuit of opposing the passage of magnetic flux lines is called
Question ID: 6967212570

as ---
Status: Answered

X 2- resistance
Chosen Option: 3


X 4.
Q.71 The 'NO load' test on transformer is conducted mainly to determine which of the
Question ID: 6967212578

Copper losses
following losses?
Status: Answered
X 1. Chosen Option: 4

X 2- No losses is found

l (14)
X 3. Friction and,, indage losses
4. Core lossei;
- �
Q.72 Consider a series circuit of a resistance and an inductance, both having 5 Q resistance. A
potential difference of 100 V (rms) is applied to it. If applied voltage is 0 Vat a certain Question ID: 6967212559
instant and is increasing then voltage drop across inductive reactance at that instant is: Status : Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
X 1- 20-tI.v Chosen Option : --

2. 50-/2V
x3. 50V
x4. ov
Q.73 What is the average value of a sinusoidally alternating voltage if its maximum value is
Question ID: 6967212560
equal to 10✓2 V?
Status : Answered
Ans X 1- 14.14 V Chosen Option : 2
2. �
X 3. 1.414 V
X 4. 10 V
Q.74 The phenomenon of intermittent arc taldng place in line to ground fault of a 3-phase
Question ID: 6967212613
system with consequent production of transients is known as:
Status : Answered
Ans X 1. resonance Chosen Option : 3
X 2. insulation failure
3. arcing ground
X 4. current chopping
Q.75 Which of the following is NOT a cause of hunting in a synchronous motor?
Question ID: 6967212602
Ans X1. Change in load
Status : Answered

X 2. Cyclic variation of load torque Chosen Option : 3

x3. Changes in field cunent

4. Change in supply frequency
Q.76 Wave winding is suitable for a__-voltage, __-current DC generator.
Question ID: 6967212573
Ans 1. High, lo\\ Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
x2. High, high
X 3. Low, low
x4. Low, high

0.77 The first nuclear plant ,vas built in India at: Question ID: 6967212614
x 1. Rana Pratap Sagar Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
x2. Padghe
X 3. Kalpakkam
4. Tarapur

l (15)
Q.78 If d is the diameter of an overhead transmission line conductor and t is the thickness of the
Question ID: 6967212639
ice covered over it then, the overall diameter of the ice-covered conductor becomes:
Status: Answered
X 1. D = d + 3t Chosen Option: 4

X 2. D =d+4t
I\ 3. D = d + t
4. D = d+ 2t
Q.79 Determine the value of equivalent resistance across nodes A and B.
Question ID: 6967212567
Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 1

Ans 1- 3 fl

X 2- l.Sfl
X 3- 2.Sfl
?( 4. 4.Sfl
Q.80 By improving the power factor of the system, the kWh delivered by the generating
Question ID: 6967212609
Status: Answered
Ans X 1. decreases Chosen Option: 3
X 2. does not change
3. increases
X 4. becomes zero
Q.s1 An HRC fuse does NOT use which of the folloVving? Question ID: 6967212665
Ans X 1- Sih er Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 4
2. Ceramic
X 3. Zinc
X 4. Lead
Q.82 A 250 V shunt motor has armature current 100 A and runs at a speed of300 rpm. The
armature resistance is 0.10 .Q. If the shm1t field is reduced to 50% of its normal value and Question ID: 6967212660

the armature cmrent to 50 A, then the new speed of the shunt motor will be: Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Ans 1. 612.5 tpill Chosen Option: --

X 2. 910.5 ipill
X 3. 312.5 ipill
X 4. s11.5 ipill
Question ID: 6967212554
Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 4

l (16)
Find the c11rrent through Ii, I2, 13_


Ans 1. 6A, 2A, 4A

X 2. 6A, 2 A, -4 A
f\ 3. 4 A, 6 A, 4 A
X 4. 6A, -2A,4A

Q.84 From the design perspective, how can the torque of a squirrel-cage induction motor be
increased? Question ID: 6967212586
X 1. By increasing the supply\ oltage
Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 1
2. By increasing the rotor resistance
X 3. By increasing the rotor reactance
X 4. By increasing rotor ENIF

Q.85 An Ajax-Wyatt furnace is which type of futnace? Question ID: 6967212627

Ans 1. Vertical core type induction furnace Status: Answered

X 2. Dielectric heating furnace

Chosen Option: 1

X 3. Direct arc furnace

X 4- Indirect arc fumac-e

Q.a 5 Find the currents Ii, 2 , 1 3- using mesh analysis. Question ID: 6967212556
Status : Not Attempted and
20 1n Marked For Review
Chosen Option: •·



Ans X 1. 5/9 A, 20/9 A� 10/9 A

X 2. 55/9 A, 10/9 A, 20/9 A
3. 55/9 A, 20/9 A, 5/9 A
?( 4. 20/9 A, l0/9 A, 55/9 A

Q.a7 A field test is performed on which type of DC motor? Question ID: 6967212601
Ans X 1- Shunt motor Status: Answered

X 2. Short shtmt motor

Chosen Option : 4

l (17)
X 3. Separately excited motor
4. Serie� motor
- �
Q.88 Plug Setting lv'Eultiplier (P.S.1--1) of relay is the ratio of:
Question ID: 6967212622
Ans X 1. pick up current to normal cun""ent Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
rated secondary current of CT to rated primary current of CT

fault curr,ent in circuit breaker to normal cunent
4. fault curr,ent in relay coil to pick up current

Q.89 The type of steel tower used to transmit power at 800 kV is a:

Question ID: 6967212638
Ans 1. guyed H structure Status : Not Attempted and

X 2. uarro\.\-base type tower

Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --
X 3. guyed V type tower
X 4. broad-base type tO\ver
Q.90 Tariff is defined as the rate at which _ is supplied to a consumer.
Question ID: 6967212612
Ans X 1. power Status : Answered
X 2- current Chosen Option : 3

3. energy
X 4. voltage
Q.91 Skin effect is more pronounced in which type of supply?
Question ID: 6967212616
X 1. Nejther AC nor DC supply Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
X 2. Both AC and DC supply
3. ACsupply
"i<,4. DC supply

Determine the diode current assuming it to be ideal. Question ID: 6967212656
Status : Not Attempted and
� Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --


R ;soon

'"'r'Vz. = lOV

[z ma., = 6mA

Ans -;<,1. 2mA

X 2. 6mA
3. 4mA
x4 . 8mA
l (18)
Q.93 Three loads are connected in parallel cross a I-phase, 1200 V, 50 Hz supply.
Question ID: 6967212650
Status: Answered
Load 1: Capacitive load, 10 kW and 40 kVAR Chosen Option: 4

Load2: Inductive load, 35 kW and 120 kVAR

Load3: Resistive load of 15 kW

What is the total complex power of the circuit?

X 1. (10 +j80) kVA
X 2. (60 -j160) kv:t\
A 3. (10 - j 160) kVA
4. (60 -j80) kVA
Q.94 How can a load be shifted from one DC shunt generator to another running in parallel?
Question ID: 6967212590
1. Adjust their field rheostat Status : Answered

X 2. Insert a resistance in the a11nature circuit Chosen Option: 1

X 3. Adjust the speed of the prime mover

X 4. Use an equaliser connection
Q.95 Which of the following induction motors has the highest power factor?
Question ID: 6967212582
X 1. split phase Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 3
2. shaded pole motor
3. capacitor run
X 4. capacitor start
Q.96 Which of the following generating power stations requires lot of time for starting?
Question ID: 6967212662
Ans 1. Steam power station Status: Answered
2. Diesel power plant Chosen Option : 1

X 3. Hydro-electric power plant

X 4. Nuclear power plant
Q.97 In a BIT, u and � are related by the expression: Question ID: 6967212653
1 Status: Answered
-X,1. a=-- Chosen Option: 3
X 2- a=--
1 +p
x3. a=--
1+ p
l (19)
Q.98 Meter A has a range of 0- 100 Vanda multiplier resistance of28 kQ and an internal Question ID: 6967212564
resistance of 2 kQ. It's sensitivity is: Status: Answered
Ans X 1- 0.6 kQ/ kV Chosen Option: 2

2- 0.3kWV

'X3. 0.5kQ/V

X,4. 3kQ/V
Q. The process of spot welding basically depends on: Question ID: 6967212626
Ans 1. Status: Answered

heat generation and application of forging pressure ---------------------

Chosen Option : 2

x 2. ohmic re.sistance
X 3. application of forging pressure
X 4. heat generation

Q;o Find the c11rrent I. Question ID: 6967212555

Status : Answered
20 Chosen Option: 4

3n 1,0V

Ans X 1. 5 V
X 2-2V
X 3. 0.8A
4- -0.8 A
Q.1O According to Foust and Menger, the corona loss (P,) is proportional to Where Vis the actual
1 voltage of the conductor? Question ID: 6967212634
Status : Answered
X 1_ y2
Chosen Option: 1
2. v3

"'X3. V
x4 . ,;v
Q.1O If the transmission voltage of a line increases, then the volume of the conductor material
2 required: Question ID: 6967212620

Status: Answered
1. decreases Chosen Option: 1
X 2. increase but ,.vith huge losses in line
X 3. increases but without huge losses in line
X 4. does not change
3 Question ID: 6967212673
Status: Answered
Chosen Option : 4

l (20)
The given circuit behaves as a:

Ans 1.
positive clipper Vlrith its negative peak at -50 V
positive clipper ,vith its positive peak at 50 V
x 3.
positive clipper ,vith its positive peak at 10 V
X 4.
positive clipper mth its negative peak at -1 O V
Q.1O For a parallel RLC resonant circuit with resistance in series with inductor, what will be the effect on resonant frequency,

4 if we increase the value of resistance? Question ID: 6967212568

X 1. e
Resonant fr.quency \.Vill increase
Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. Re,sonant fre.quency ·will decrease
X 3. Effe.ct cannot be estimated
X 4. Re,sonant fre.quency will remain
Q.1O Which type of instnunents are also called as transfer instnunents?
5 Question ID: 6967212671
Ans X 1- Electrostatic
Status : Answered
Chosen Option: 3
A 2. PlvilvlC
3. ENilvIC
4. Movin�0 hon
Q.1O Two steam driven alternators are operating in parallel. The load sharing between them
6 Question ID: 6967212594
may be adjusted by varying the:
Status: Answered
Ans 'X 1. power factor of the alteinator Chosen Option : 2

X 2. field strengths of the alternator

3. supply to their prime movers
X 4. speed of the alternator
Q.1O When Vos is the drain voltage and Vos(mnl is the maximum drain voltage, the JFET will
7 breakdo\\•n if: Question ID: 6967212655

X 1.
Ans Status : Answered
Vos < Vns(max) Chosen Option: 3

X 2. Vos = Vos(max)
3. Vos > VDS(max)
A 4. Vos = 0.25 Vns(max)
l (21)
The dimensions of po\.\er are: Question ID: 6967212563

[ML r-3J
Ans Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
[M L2 r-3J

x3. [M z L3 r-3J
x4. [M L2 r-1]
Q.10 Which type of material is used for a vruiable reluctance stepper motor?
9 Question ID: 6967212595
Status : Not Attempted and
X 1. Diamagnetic Marked For Review

2. Chosen Option : --

X 3. Non magnetic

X 4. Paramagnetic

Q.11 The frequency range required for dielectric heating is:

0 Question ID: 6967212672
X 1. 50Hito 500Hz Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
X 2.10 kHz to 200 kHz
X 3. 500 Hz to 10 kHz
4. t :rvrnz to 50 J\ffiz

Q.11 In river crossings, modem high voltage lines have a span length of:
1 Question ID: 6967212640
X 1- more than 200 m but less than 400 m Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
X 2. more than 400 m but less than 800 m
X 3. more than 100 m but less than 200 m
4. more than 800 m

Q.11 A 220 V DC motor has an armature resistance of 0.8 Q. Find the induced emf when the
2 motor has a full load armature cun-ent of 40 A. Question ID: 6967212575
Status : Answered
X1.22O V
Chosen Option : 3
X 2 -180 V
3-188 V
X 4. 32 V
Q.11 For a series resonant circuit, what happens to the Q-factor when the capacitance of the
3 circuit is increased three times and the frequency is slashed by four times? Question ID: 6967212557
Status : Answered
X 1. It remains-unchan�ed
�- Chosen Option : 4

X 2. It decreases by half
X 3. It doubles
4. It increases to 1.33 tunes

Q.11 Which of the following is the most efficient method for increasing the speed of 4 kW DC
4 shm1t motor? Question ID: 6967212600
Status : Answered
X 1. Armature control
Chosen Option : 2
2. F1u.x control
l (22)
X 3. Tapped fi.eld control
X 4. Ward-Leonard
Q. 11 In case of a simple lap wound generator, the number of parallel path is equal to the:
5 Question ID: 69672 12574
Ans X 1. flux pei-pole Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
nwnber of poles

X 3. ernf induced
X 4. speed of the machine
Q.11 Consider the following equations of two alternating sinusoidal voltages having the same
6 angular frequency w Question ID: 69672 12658
Status : Not Attempted and
e1 = 2sin (wt) Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --

The equation for the resultant voltage is given by:

X 1. er= 8.71sin{wt+ tan- 1 r,;} V
er = lOsin{wt + tan- 1
4:J V

X 3- er= 8.71sin{wt+ tan- 1 (3-v'2)}V

X 4- er = lOsin{wt + tan- 1 }V
Q 11
Find the voltage across Vab. Question ID: 69672 12657
Status : Not Attempted and

Marked For Review

mt o • ,ot
Chosen Option : --
2Yr "u'.:ob

Ans 3.6 y

?(2. 4.8 V
A 3. J.5 V
A 4- -1.5 V
Qt Which of the foHowing motor is often used in mixers: Question ID: 69672 12579
Ans X 1- Teludance motor Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
X 2. repulsion motor
3. universal motor
X 4. hysteresis motor
Q.1 1 The ratio of illwnination ru1der actual condition to illumination when everything is perfectly clean is known as:
9 Question ID: 69672 12624
Status : Not Attempted and
Ans 1. depreciation factor Marked For Review

l (23)
X 2. utilisation factor Chosen Option: --

X 3. reduction factor
X 4. space-to-height ratio
0�2 What is the value of con in the gi\ en transfer function?
Question ID: 6967212646
Status: Answered
G(s) = 2 Chosen Option: 4
s + 4.2s + 36
Ans X 1. 72
X 2- 4.2
x3. 36
4. 6

Section: Aptitude Test

Q.1 We presented the champion with __ smart-phone. (Choose the appropriate article,
Question ID: 6967212674
and 0 if no article is needed)
Status: Not Attempted and
Ans 1. a Marked For Review

X 2. the Chosen Option: --

x3. 0
X 4. an
Q.2 The writer comes through as ,rell-informed and 11·efl-read. __ is a one-\vord substitute for the phrase.
Question ID: 6967212680
Ans x1 . amateurish Status: Not Attempted and

x2. inexperienced
Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
3. emdite
x4. untrained
Q.3 India signed an agreement __ Russia recently for the purchase of S-400 air defence
missile systems. (Use the appropriate preposition) Question ID: 6967212676
Status: Answered
x 1. to
Chosen Option: 2
2. 1Ni th
X 3. tor
X 4. against
Q.4 We need to communicate on a regular basis __ create a peaceful environment for
Question ID: 6967212677
Status: Answered
Ans X 1. v.-ith a vie,:ii to Chosen Option: 3
x2. smce
3. in order to
X 4. for the purpose of

Q.5 She finds him to be __ irksome fellow, and thus loses patience when she sees him
Question ID: 6967212675
around. (Choose the appropriate article, and 0 if no article is needed)
Status: Not Attempted and
Ans 1. an Marked For Review

x2. a Chosen Option: --

l (24)
x3. 0
X 4. the
Q. 6 The gruesome murders that have been taking place in the cow1try have shaken our faith in the law of the land. The word
gruesome means_. Question ID: 6967212679
X 1. creating confidence Status : Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
X 2. building trust Chosen Option : --

X 3. inspiring peace and calm

4. inspiring h01Tor or repulsion
Q. 7 Moral turpitude, if proYed, is a serious grolUld for termination of services. The phrase moral wrpit11de is an expression
used in law to designate an act or behaviour that _ Question ID: 6967212678
Ans X 1. Status : Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
confonns to the accepted standard of the community Chosen Option : --
is affinns the accepted standard of the community
X 3.
is in compliance with the accepted standard of the community
gravely violates the accepted standard of the community

Entrepreneurship means different things to different people. However, in spite of the
differences� there are some common aspects. In 1961, Schumpeter defined an entrepreneur
as a "'dynamic agent of change; or the catalyst who transfonns increasingly, natural and
human resources into corresponding production possibilities."

Entrepreneurship has become the focal point in the last two decades .. There is a growing
awareness that economies of developing countries are not able to provide jobs for the
whole workforce.. Under the circumstances, self-employment or entrepreneurship offers
perhaps the best opportunity for gainful use of one's O\vn capabilities and time. The
government has taken an increasing interest :in promoting the growih of entrepreneur.ship.
Individuals are encouraged to form new business and are provided government support.
Entrepreneurship is not a matter of heritage. Any individual born in any caste, community
or class can start his/her own small-scale enterprise. This is particularly true for science
and technology graduates, and diploma holders who have a natural aptitude for grasping
technicalities involved in the production process.
SubQuestion No: 8
Q.8 If an entrepreneur is a dynamic agent of change, then the change is in the form of __.
Question ID: 6967212685
X 1- business Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

l (25)
X 2. governance
3. employment
4. self-employment
Entrepreneurship means different things to different people. However, in spite of the
differences� there are some common aspects. In 1961, Schumpe.ter defined an entrepreneur
as a "dynamic agent of change; or the catalyst who transfonns increasingly, natural and
human resources into con-esponding production possibilities.'�

Entrepreneurship has become the focal point .in the last two decades. There is a growing
awareness that economies of developing countries ar,e not able to provide jobs for the
whole worforce. Under the circumstances, se1f-employment or entrepreneurship offers
perhaps the best opportunity for gainful use of one's O\.vn capabilitie� and time. The
government has taken an increasing interest in promoting the growth of entrepreneurship.
Individuals are encouraged to form new business and are provided government supp01i.
Entrepreneurship is not a matte1: of heritage. Any individual born in any caste, community
or class can start his/her own small-scale enterprise. This is particularly true for science
and technology graduates, and diploma holders who have a natural aptitude for grasping
technicalities involved in the production process.
SubQuestion No: 9
Q.9 This passage is related to the specific field of ___ Question ID: 6967212682
An X 1. science Status: Answered
Chosen Option : 4
X 2. education
X 3. management
4. commerce

l (26)
Entrepreneurship means different to different people. However, in spite of the
differences� there are some common aspects. In 1961, Schumpeter defined an entrepreneur
as a "dynamic agent of change; or the catalyst who transfonns increasingly, natural and
human resources into corresponding production possibilities.�)

Entrepreneurship has become the focal point .in the last two decades. There is a growing
awareness that economies of developing countries are not able to provide jobs for the
whole workforce .. Under the circumstances, se1f-employment or entrepreneurship offers
perhaps the opportunity for gainful use of one's own capabilitie� and time. The
government has taken an increasing interest :in promoting the growth of entrepreneurship.
Individuals are encouraged to form new business and are provided government suppoti.
Entrepreneurship is not a matter of heritage. Any individual born in any caste, community
or class can start his/her m,vn small-scale enterprise. This is pmticularly ttue for science
and technology graduates, and diploma holders who hav,e a natural aptitude for grasping
technicalities involved in the production process.
SubQuestion No: 10
Q 1 Graduate and diploma holders in science and technology have natural aptitude for
0 grasping technicalities involved in production process. The meaning of aptitude in the Question ID: 6967212683
Status : Answered
context of the passage is _.
Chosen Option : 4
1. aberration
X 2. imbibed flair
3. innate talem
X 4. feigned skill

l (27)
Entrepreneurship means different to different people. However, in spite of the
differences� there are some common aspects. In 1961, Schumpeter defined an entrepreneur
as a "dynamic agent of change; or the catalyst who transfonns increasingly, natural and
human resources into corresponding production possibilities.�)

Entrepreneurship has become the focal point .in the last two decades. There is a growing
awareness that economies of developing countries are not able to provide jobs for the
whole workforce .. Under the circumstances, se1f-employment or entrepreneurship offers
perhaps the opportunity for gainful use of one's own capabilitie� and time. The
government has taken an increasing interest :in promoting the growth of entrepreneurship.
Individuals are encouraged to form new business and are provided government suppoti.
Entrepreneurship is not a matter of heritage. Any individual born in any caste, community
or class can start his/her m,vn small-scale enterprise. This is pmticularly ttue for science
and technology graduates, and diploma holders who hav,e a natural aptitude for grasping
technicalities involved in the production process.
SubQuestion No: 11
Q.1 Anyone can strut his/her own small-scale enterprise. One such initiative of the Union
Question ID: 6967212684
1 Government is
Status: Answered
X 1. Make in India Chosen Option : 3

X 2. SVi-achh Bharat Abhiyan

3. Stmt-up India
X 4. Jan-Dhan Yojana

Q.12 Re-airnnge the jumbled sentence elements in P, Q, R, and S so that they appear logically:
Question ID: 6967212689
P. and managing resources efficiently can ensure that Status: Not Attempted and
Q. praising employee accomplishments Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
R. actions like market research

S. a company can have a sufficiently long life

"i<,3. PRQS
Q.13 They had a tacit understanding on the issue, and would not Question ID: 6967212688
reveal their mind to anyone. ___ is the closest synonym Status: Answered
to tacit. Chosen Option : 3
Ans X 1. Indirect
X 2. Extracted
l (28)
X 3. Articulated
4. Unspoken

Q.14 He was asked to submit a fully comprehensive report on the incident v.rithin a week.
Question ID: 6967212687
__ is the closest synonym of the word comprehensive.
Status : Answered
Ans 1. Complete Chosen Option : 1
X 2. Prefe:rential
X 3. Exclusive
X 4. Expensive
Q.15 Human beings were nomads centuries ago. Nomads moved from place to place in search
of food. The closest synonym of the italicised word in the sentence is __ . Question ID: 6967212686

Ans Status : Answered

1. wanderers Chosen Option : 1
X 2. pilgrims
X 3. ramblers
X 4. vagabonds

Q.16 Observe the given pattern and replace the? with a suitable answer.
Question ID: 6967212701
Status : Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --

Ans X 1. 4
x 2- 1
3. 3
x4 .
Q. 17 Two statements are followed by two conclusions. Assume the facts in the statement to be true and decide which of the
conclusions follo,•t? Question ID: 6967212695
Status : Answered
Some elders are girls. Chosen Option : 1
Some girls are old.

I. Some elders are not old.
II. Some girls are not old.

X 1. Conclusion I or II follows
2- Conclusion I nor II foHows
X 3. Conclusion I follows
X 4. Conclusion II follmvs

Question ID: 6967212702
Status : Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --

l (29)
Observe the given pattern and replace the ? with a suitable answer.

1. 8,1
x2. 9,1
x3. 1,1
X 4. 6,1

Q.19 A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives.
The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of letters as in Question ID: 6967212693
the two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from Oto Status: Answered
4 and that Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be Chosen Option: 4
represented, first by its row and next by its column, e.g., 'A' can be represented as 01, 14,
etc. and E can be represented by 55, 66 etc.

Find the code for the word 'SPIDERMAN'.

Matrix -I Matrix - II
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 y AD R I 5 E M L N p
I D s I y A 6 L E p M N
2 I y S D s 7 p N E L M
3 A DR I y 8 N p M E L
4 S I y A D 9M L N p E

X 1. 24, 86, 41, 44� 88� 32 '. 87, 34, 97
X 2. u, 75, 33, 31, 77, o3, 68,30, 67
X 3. 24, 67:. 12, 10, 66, 32 '. 69 41� 69
4. u, 59, 04, 02, 55, 03,56 01� 58
Q.20 Replace the ? v-,ith an appropriate option from the given options to complete the figure.
Question ID: 6967212703
Status : Answered
Chosen Option: 4



X 2.

X 3.

l (30)
Q.21 There are five crude oil refining companies in India namely, A, B, C, D and E.
Statements: Question ID: 6967212697
Status: Answered
I. The production of Company B is more than that of Company A but not more than that
Chosen Option: 4
of Company E.

II. The production of Company C is more than the production Company B but NOT as
much as that of Company D.
III. The production ofE is NOT as much as the production of Company D.

Which of these statements is/are sufficient to answer the question that production of which
of the following companies is the highest?
X 1.
Statement (I) and Statement (IT) together are sufficient.
Either statement (I) and statement (II) together or statement (III) are statement

X 3. Any two statements together are sufficient.

Ali the statement (I), statement (II) and statement (III) together are sufficient.

Q.22 In the English alphabet, If every alternate letter from D (excluding vowels) onwards is
written in lower case while others are written in upper case, then how will be the fourth
Question ID: 6967212692
month of the second half of the year be written? Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Ans 1. OCtOBEr Chosen Option : --

X 2. OctOBer
X 3. nO\EMBEr
X 4- NoVervfuEr
Q.23 A paper sheet is made into following five different patterns. You are given five series of questions and you have 10 fmd
out the next series from the answer figures that follows the sequence oftbe questions figures. Question ID: 6967212700
Problem Figures:
Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Chosen Option: --

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Ans i<, 1. 5
x 2- 1
X 3- 4
Q.24 Replace the? with an appropriate option from the given options to complete the figure.
Question ID: 6967212704
Status : Answered
Chosen Option: 3

l (31)

Q.25 Directions: Stndy the following charts carefully and answer the given questions.
Question ID: 6967212691
Pie Chart Showing Percentagewise Distribution of Cars of a top company in Four
Different States I, 2, 3 and 4. Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Oisb1buUon or Cars
Chosen Option: --

Total cars = 100

Table sho\\cing Ratio between Diesel and Petrol Engine Cars which are Distributed among
Four Different States
States I Diesel Engine Cars I Petrol Engine Cars
State I I 3 i 4
State 2 I 5 I
State 3 I 5 I
State 4 I I I I

Ans X 1- 86.25
2. 89.25

X 3. 89.75
X 4. 86.75
Q.26 A paper sheet is made into following five different patterns. You are given five series of questions and you have 10 fmd
out the next series from the answer figures that follows the sequence oftbe questions figures. Question ID: 6967212698
Problem Figures:
Status: Not Attempted and
\c: •h :1•:xi; :\o :, Marked For Review
(A) (B) (C) (DJ {E)

Answer Figures·
Chosen Option : --

1: :1: :1� :1: :1: :1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Ans 1. 2
x 2- 3
X< 3- 4
Q.27 Two statements are followed by two conclusions. Assume the facts in the statement to be
Question ID: 6967212694
true and decide which of the conclusions follow?
Statements: Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
All axalites are guilty.
All Naxalites are criminals.

I. Either all criminals are guilty or all guilty are criminals.

II. Some guilty persons are criminals.
ill. Generally criminals are guilty.
IV. Crime and guilt go together.

X 1. Only I and III foUo\v
2. Only II follov1 s

l (32)
X 3. Only II and IV follov1
X 4. Only I fo1lov. s

Q.28 A paper sheet is made into following five different patterns. You are given five series of questions and you have 10 fmd
out the next series from the answer figures that follows the sequence of the questions figures. Question ID: 6967212699
Problem Figures:
Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Chosen Option: --

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Ans X 1. 2
X,2. 5
3. 3

X 4 -1
Q.29 Directions: The questions below followed by two statements numbered I and II. You have
to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Question ID: 6967212696
Read both the statements and give answer: Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
\Vhat is the marked price of the power bank?

I. A shopkeeper purchases two powerbanks for� 2,200 and earns� 55 per power bank
after giving a 23% discount.
II. A shopkeeper marks the price 36% more than the cost price and earns� 200 after
giving some discount.
Ans X 1.
The data in statements II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone is not sufficient to
answer ihe question.

The data in statements I alone or in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

The data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone is not sufficient to
answer the question.

The data in both the statements I and II is not sufficient to answer the question.

Q.30 Directions: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it.
The following chart shows the production of aluminium (in lakh tonnes) by six different
Question ID: 6967212690
companies of a country "X" for three consecutive years 2000, 2001, 2002. Status: Answered

•2000 •2001 •2002

Chosen Option : 1



The total production of Company A is what percentage of the total production of

Company E?

Ans 1. 68.9
2. 67.3
X 3- 70.4
X 4. 66.s
l (33)
The average of 12 numbers is 52. The average of the first 4 numbers is 42 and the average Question ID:6967212715
of the next 5 numbers is 56. If the 10th number is 7 less than the 1 I th number and the 12th Status: Not Attempted and
number is 3 less than the 1 Ith number, then what is the average of the 10th and 12th Marked For Review
number? Chosen Option:--
X 1. 54
2- 57
X 3- 53
X 4- s2
Q.32 Two trains of lengths 160 m and 195 mare running on parallel tracks in opposite
Question ID:6967212711
direction at speeds of 70 km/h and 56 km/h respectively. If they crossed each other in 3
min, what was the distance between two trains in metres? Status : Answered
Chosen Option:1
Ans 1. 6,300 m
X 2. 5,945 m
X 3. 6,755 m
X 4. 6,655 m
Q.33 A and B can complete a job in 15 days and 20 days respectively. If they work together, in
how many days they will complete 70% of that job? Question ID:6967212708

Ans X 1. 7
Status : Answered
Chosen Option:2
2. 6

X 3- 4
X 4- s
Q.34 1\rn ,·essels A and B contains spirit and water respectively in the ratio 5 : 12 and 7: 10. Their contents are mixed in the
ratio 3 : 5. What is the ratio of spirit and ,vater in the new mixtw-e? Question ID:6967212707
Ans X 1- 23 45 Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
X 2. 21 17 Chosen Option:--

X 3. 11: 36
4- 25: 43
Q.35 If2a: 3b = 5:6 and 5b: 4c = 3 : 2 and a+b+c = 296, then what is the value ofb?
Ans X 1. 116
Question ID:6967212706

2- so Chosen Option : 3

3- 96
X 4. 120
Q.36 To gain 30% after allowing a discount of 15%, the shopkeeper must mark the price ofan
Question ID: 6967212721
article which cost him " 1,190 as:
Ans X 1. � 1,680 Status:Answered
Chosen Option:3
X 2. � 1,sso
X 3. � 1,790
4. � 1,820
Q.37 The price of sugar is increased by 35%. If a person wants to increase his budget by only
Question ID:6967212716
10%, by what percentage, corrected to one decimal place, should he decrease his
consumption? Status:Answered

Ans X 1. 1 6%
Chosen Option : 4

l (34)
x2. 17.5%
X 3. 15%
4. 18.5%
- -
Q.38 An article is sold for� 644. If the profit is 15%, at what price, should it be sold to gain
Question ID: 6967212717
Status: Answered
X 1- � 12s Chosen Option: 3
x2- � 1ss
3- � 756
X 4- � 640
Q.39 A article is sold at successive discounts of 18% and 15% on the market price. If market
Question ID: 6967212719
price of the article is� 5,000, What is the selling price of the article?
Status: Answered
Ans X 1. � 3,350 Chosen Option: 3
X 2. � 3,770
3. � 3 ' 485
X 4. � 3,465
Q.40 A person sold two articles for � 2,640 each. On one he gains 10% and on other he gains
Question ID :6967212718
20%. What is his overall gain percent correct to one decimal place?
Status: Not Attempted and
Ans 1. 14.8% Marked For Review

X 2- 12:9% Chosen Option: --

X 3. 15.6%
X 4. 16.2%
Q.41 From a point 0, one car goes towards the east at a speed of 60 km/h and a second car goes
towards the north at a speed of 80 km/h. What is the distance between them after 3 hours Question ID: 6967212712
in kilometres? Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
X 1. 2sokm Chosen Option: --
2- 300km
X 3. 2sokm
X 4- 400km
If 25% of 20% of a number is _4 then the number is: Question ID: 6967212714
x 1. 460 Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 2
2. 480
x3. 520
X 4. 500
Q.43 The efficiency of A, Band C to complete a job is the ratio 3 : 4: 5. Working together,
they can complete a job in 12 days. In how many days \\�ll A alone complete 75% of that Question ID: 6967212710
job? Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 3
Ans X 1. 45
X 2. 42
X 3. 36
4. 39

l (35)
Q.44 The speed of a car is 72 km/h. If radius of its wheels is 35 cm, how many revolution it will make in 22 seconds?
Question ID: 6967212713
Ans X 1- 1so Status: Not Attempted and

X 2. 1so
Marked For Review
Chosen Option: --
3. 200
X 4. 160
Q.45 A bag contains 4 red, 5 white and 6 black balls. Three balls are drawn WITHOUT
Question ID: 6967212723
replacement. What is the probability that the three drawn balls are black?
Status: Answered
Ans 4
1. - Chosen Option: 4
x2. -

x3. �

Q.46 By selling 40 articles, a person loses the cost price of 3 articles. What is his loss
Question ID: 6967212720
Status: Answered
Ans 1- 8.5% Chosen Option: 2
2- 7.5%
X 3- 1.s%
X 4- 8%
Q.47 If A: B = 3; 4, C: B = 6: 5, thenA2: ci is equal to: Question ID: 6967212705
Ans X 1- 16: 25 Status: Answered

x 2- 9: 1
Chosen Option: 4

X 3. 9: 16
4- 5: 64
Q.48 Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting the sum as 8?
Question ID: 6967212722
X 1. -
Status: Not Attempted and
Marked For Review

7 Chosen Option: --

3. -

X 4. 9

Q.49 A, Band C can complete a job in 15 days, 20 days and 25 days respectively. They all
Question ID: 6967212709
started the job, but A left after 3 days and B after 5 days of the start of the job. In how
many days was the job completed? Status: Answered
Chosen Option: 4
Ans 51
x1. -

x2. 27
X 3. 53

l (36)

Q.50 A problem is given to 4 students A, B, C and D in a class. If the probability that they can
Question ID: 6967212724
solve the problem is �, ¾, ¾ and ¾ respectively, what is the probability that problem will be
Status : Not Attempted and
Marked For Review
Chosen Option : --
x 1.
Ans 2

X 2. 3


X4. 3

l (37)

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