Religion Essay 1
Religion Essay 1
Religion Essay 1
through prayers. These prayers are found in the jewish book called the siddur.
With these prayers there are instructions and comments in the siddur as well.
More prayers will be recited like on holidays such as Sabbath and hanukkah.
minyan. Like other religions, the length and or style of the prayer depends on
the individual synagogue. The most important object in any Jewish place of
worship is the Torah, the scroll of the Law, in its large ornamented box,
called the Ark, at the front of theHall Within the synagogue they hire a
They pray three times a day;morning, midday and evening. Jewish people
worship in holy places known as synagogues, and their spiritual leaders are
called rabbis. The most important thing in Jewish life is family. Marriage is
the holiest thing in this religion and a relationship between a man and a
woman is crucial. This also includes raising a family and getting approved by
Saturday commemorates the Lord’s day of rest after the work of creation,and
it intended for the rest to refresh the body and soul. On Sabbath no work is
done is a feast and a celebration at the dinner tables and at the synagogue.
The jewish
lovely bride to be welcomed with eager love from the family and the groom's
family. Besides the Sabbath worship, The Jewish calendar has several
festivals. Many jew observe tge High holy days also known as Rosh
hashanah Yom Kippurand the passover. Rosh Hashana Head of the year is
kept as the anniversary of Jewish New Years day. Then after ten days of
repentance, Yom Kippur. The day of atonement. It's described as the day
when God redskins up the sins of every person from the previous year and
sets their fate for the upcoming year. For the jews, God is simply a metaphor
provides and will continue to provide a choice to the modern Jew that reflects the