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Draw, Name and Describe The Four Symbols Used in A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) - You May Use A Table To Present Your Answer

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Student Number: 60550112 Assignment Number: 674096

Question 1

1.1 Draw, name and describe the four symbols used in a data flow diagram (DFD).
You may use a table to present your answer.

Name Draw Describe

Process A process receives input data

and produces output that has
a different content, form, or

Data Flow A data flow is a path for data

to move from one part of the
information system to
another. A data flow in a DFD
represents one or more data

Data Store A data store is used in a DFD

to represent data that the
system stores because one
or more processes need to
use the data at a later time.

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Student Number: 60550112 Assignment Number: 674096

External Entity A person, place or thing, or

event for which data is
collected and maintained. A
DFD shows only external
entities that provide data to
the system or receive output
from the system. A DFD
shows the boundaries of the
system and how the system
interfaces with the outside

1.2 Briefly describe the following with respect to DFDs:

1.2.1 Levelling

The process of drawing a series of increasingly detailed diagrams to reach the desired
level of detail until all functional primitives are identified.

1.2.2 Balancing:

Maintains consistency among a set of DFDs by ensuring that input and output data
flows align properly.
A process used to maintain consistency among an entire series of diagrams, including
input and output data flows, data definition, and process descriptions. Balancing
ensures that the input and output data flows of the parent DFD are maintained on the
child DFD.

1.2.3 Data dictionary

A data dictionary, or data repository, is a central storehouse of information about

the system’s data. An analyst uses the data dictionary to collect, document, and
organize specific facts about the system, including the contents of data flows, data
stores, entities, and processes. The data dictionary also defines and describes all data
elements and meaningful combinations of data elements.

1.3 Draw a diagram of an example of each of the following showing the process, and
the input(s) and output (s), where applicable. You should name each process, input
or output used. Do not use the examples from the prescribed test book; rather use
them as guidelines.

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Student Number: 60550112 Assignment Number: 674096

1.3.1 Spontaneous Generation

The APPLY STUDENT PAYMENT process, produces output, but has no input data flow.
Because it has no input, the process is called a spontaneous generation process.

1.3.2 Black Hole

Black hole. CREATE NEW MEMBER ACCOUNT is called a black hole process, which is
a process that has input, but produces no output.

1.3.3 Grey Hole

A grey hole is a process that has at least one input and one output, but the input obviously is
insufficient to generate the output shown. For example, a name input is not sufficient to produce
a final payslip output in the CALCULATE WAGES process.

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Student Number: 60550112 Assignment Number: 674096

Question 2

2.1 The goal of system design is to build systems that are effective, reliable and
maintainable. Identify and briefly describe any four basic principles of system design
for a project.


 Carefully examine any point where users provide input or receive output.
 The user interface must be easy to learn.
 Input processes should be easy to follow, intuitive, and forgiving of errors.
 Predesigned output should be attractive and easy to understand, with an appropriate
level of detail.


 The possible growth of the system must be considered and possible changes that could
 Consider a parts inventory database that contains a one-character field for category
such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic. The design works well, but what if the
company decides to break these overall groups down into more specific segments? A
better design would anticipate possible expansion to two or more characters.
 For example, in 1999, there was widespread concern about what was called the Y2K
issue because many older programs used only two characters to store the year and might
not recognize the start of a new century.

 A system should not be hard coded with fixed values. The user must be given the
flexibility to decide what information they wish to view according to their changing needs
and what will work best for them.
 Suppose that a user wants a screen display of all customer balances that exceed
$5,000 in an accounts receivable system. The program could be coded to check
customer balances against a fixed value of 5,000, however, that approach is inflexible. A
better approach would be to let the user enter the amount, or start with a default value
that displays automatically.


 In addition to its effect on users, data management impacts company efficiency,
productivity, and security. To reduce input errors, the system should enter and verify
data as soon as possible, and each data item should have a specific type, such as
alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric, and a range of acceptable values.
 It is important to collect input data as close to its source as possible.
 In an efficient design, data is entered only once. A central data storage area could be
created that caters for all systems that require the information.
 A secure system also includes audit trails that can log every instance of data entry and

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2.2 Use the internet to find the ISO 9241-11 standard meaning of usability with respect to
computer interfaces.

Usability: the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified
goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.

2.3 How is usability related to Human-Computer Interaction?

The User Interface is the key to usability, which includes user satisfaction, support for business
functions, and system effectiveness.

Human-computer interaction is the study of how humans interact with computers. When this
term is used, it typically describes not just usability, but how to design the computer so as to
enhance its usability, and what software techniques are involved in creating user interfaces.

 All user interfaces used by humans are a form of human-computer interaction.

 How easy or difficult that interaction is for the human being is a measure of
its usability.
 So usability is an essential part of human-computer interaction and can make a great
difference in the user experience of the system.

Question 3 [15]
According to the prescribed textbook, normalisation is “the process of creating table designs
by assigning specific fields or attributes to each table in the database”. Refer to the ERD for
the Reliable Pharmaceutical Service provided on the next page and develop a normalised
database schema in 3NF. Clearly indicate all keys. All tables should be in 3NF. Underline
all primary keys, and use the letters FK to indicate foreign key, for example …,
Product-code (FK),….

A schema is simply a list of each table name and its fields/attributes in a database as in the
example below.
Product (Product-Code, Product-name, …)
Customer (Customer-ID, Customer-name,…)
etc …
Note that, in the given ERD:
Not all fields are provided for each entity.
Some fields may not be necessary for some tables.
Primary keys and FKs are not shown.

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Client Health-Care Organization(OrganizationNumber, Name, Address)

Client Unit (ClientUnitNumber, OrganizationNumber(FK), Name, Address, Floor, Wing)

Drug (DrugCode, ChemicalName)

DrugItem (DrugItemCode, DrugCode(FK), UnitType, UnitDosage, QuantityOnHand,

ReorderPoint, ReorderQuantity, Price)

DrugItemPackage (DrugItemCode(FK), ManufacturerNumber(FK), UPC, PackageType,

PackageQuantity, BrandName, Price)

Manufacturer (ManufacturerNumber, Name, Address)

Order (ClientUnitNumber(FK), LicenseNumber (FK) ,Date, StartTime, EndTime)

OrderItem (ClientUnitNumber(FK), LicenseNumber(FK), PatientNumber(FK),

DrugItemCode(FK), Price)

Patient (PatientNumber, ClientUnitNumber(FK), Name, DateOfBirth, Sex, RoomNumber)

Prescription (PatientNumber(FK), DrugItemCode (FK) ,StartDate, StartTime, EndDate,

EndTime, Quantity, Frequency, SpecialInstruction)

Pharmacist (LicenceNumber, Name)

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Question 4 [17]
Scenario: In a university registration system, such as that of Unisa, a student can
register for one or more subjects, and a subject may have a number of students. A
course may be offered to a number of students. A student has to register for one
course only at a time. A course consists of a number of subjects and a subject must
belong to at least one course.

4.1 Draw an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for this registration system. The ERD
should not contain any many-to-many relationships. No attributes/fields are required
in this section. (10)

4.2 Create a relational database schema from the ERD showing all tables in 3NF.
Each table should include at least three fields/attributes. Appropriate primary keys
should be used. Primary keys must be underlined and each foreign key should have
the letters FK in brackets after it, for instance xyz (FK). (7)

Student (StudentID, Name, Surname, Address)

Register(StudentID(FK), SubjectID(FK), Grade)
Subject (SubjectD, Name, Credits, Description)
Course (CourseID, Name, Description, CreditHours)
CourseContent(CourseID (FK), SubjectID (FK), IsElectiveSubject)

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Student Number: 60550112 Assignment Number: 674096

Question 5 [11]
The following diagram shows a simple structured chart for a Calculate pay amounts module
of a payroll system.

5.1 Explain in detail how this module works. Your explanation should mention each
of the inputs into and outputs from each of the submodules / functions. (9)

All modules are strongly cohesive and loosely coupled.

The diagram shows a control module that triggers four subordinate modules.

In the first submodules the control module, “Calculate Pay Amounts” sends two Data couple
inputs, Hours and Job Category, to the subordinate module “Calculate base amount” which then
calculates the “Base Pay” and returns the “Base Pay” data couple as output to the control

In the second submodules the control module, “Calculate Pay Amounts” sends one Data couple
input, Hours, to the subordinate module “Calculate overtime amount” which then calculates the
“Overtime Amount” and returns the “Overtime Amount” data couple as output to the control

In the third submodules the control module, “Calculate Pay Amounts” sends one Data couple
input, Dependants, to the subordinate module “Calculate taxes” which then calculates the
“Taxes” and returns the “Taxes” data couple as output to the control module.

In the fourth submodules the control module, “Calculate Pay Amounts” sends one Data couple
input, Deduction Information, to the subordinate module “Calculate other deductions” which then
calculates the “deductions” and returns the “Deduction Amount” data couple as output to the
control module.

The control module can then use the data outputs returned from the relevant subordinate
modules to calculate the amounts that need to be paid and so the Net pay.

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Student Number: 60550112 Assignment Number: 674096

5.2 Write a formula for the Net pay, using only the variable given in the diagram
(i.e. Net pay = ____________). (2)

Net Pay = Base pay + Overtime amount – Taxes – Deduction amount

Question 6 [10]
6.1 What guidelines should you be aware of when designing training programmes?
 Train people in groups, with separate training programs for distinct groups.

 Select the most effective place to conduct the training.

 Provide for learning by hearing, seeing, and doing.

 Rely on previous trainees. (Using a train-the-trainer strategy)

6.2 Identify and briefly describe any three system changeover methods. (6)

Direct Cutover
The direct cutover approach causes the changeover from the old system to the new system to
occur immediately when the new system becomes operational. It is the least expensive
changeover method however, involves more risk.

Parallel Operation
The parallel operation changeover method requires that both the old and the new information
systems operate fully for a specified period. Data is input into both systems, and output
generated by the new system is compared with the equivalent output from the old system.
When users, management, and the IT group are satisfied that the new system operates
correctly, the old system is terminated.

Pilot Operation
The pilot operation changeover method involves implementing the complete new system at a
selected location of the company. During pilot operation, the old system continues to operate for
the entire organization, including the pilot site. After the system proves successful at the pilot
site, it is implemented in the rest of the organization, usually using the direct cutover method.

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Question 7 [8]
Briefly describe each of the following with respect to system support and security.
7.1 Preventive maintenance (2)

Preventive maintenance reduces the possibility of future system failure. Preventive

maintenance often results in increased user satisfaction, decreased downtime, and reduced

7.2 Version control (2)

Version control is the process of tracking system releases, or versions. When a new
version of a system is installed, the prior release is archived, or stored. If a new version
causes a system to fail, a company can reinstall the prior version to restore operations.

7.3 Identity management (2)

Identity management refers to controls and procedures necessary to identify legitimate
users and system components. An identity management strategy must balance technology,
security, privacy, cost, and user productivity.

7.4 Incremental backup (2)

Fastest backup and requires the least storage space because it only saves files that have
never been backed up. However, requires many restore steps – one for each incremental

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