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Earth's Energy Budget

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Earth’s Energy Budget


Earth’s Energy Budget is the net balance of radiant energy that reaches
Earth from the sun and the energy that flows from Earth back out to space

Energy from the sun is mostly in the visible portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum. However, all the energy reaching the Earth from the Sun doesn’t
make it to the Earth. About 30 percent of the sun’s incoming energy is
reflected back to outer space by clouds, atmospheric molecules, tiny
suspended particles called aerosols, and the Earth’s land, snow and ice
surfaces (white surfaces reflect most of the energy incident on it). The
Earth itself also gives out thermal radiant energy to space as infrared
energy. The intensity of thermal emission from a surface depends upon its

It accounts for the balance between the energy that Earth receives from

the Sun, and the energy the Earth radiates back into outer space after
having been distributed throughout the five components of Earth's climate
system. This system is made up of Earth's water, ice, atmosphere, rocky
crust, and all living things.

Importance of Studying the Earth’s Energy Budget

Any change is the quantum of heat or energy entering or leaving Earth will
directly affect the temperature on Earth, Since, most life forms depend on a
thin range of temperature to thrive and flourish, any changes in the Earth’s
moderate temperatures, either upwards or downwards, can trigger
ecosystem disruptions.

Earth’s energy budget can change through natural activities like volcanoes
and snow storms, or through man-made ones like carbon emissions and
industrial pollutants into rivers and air. All these things may cause the
Earth to increase or decrease the temperature to restore this balance.

Geographically, as well, there are wide variations in the difference between

the energy absorbed and radiated back into space. For example, the tropics
absorb more energy, being at a closer distance to the Sun than the poles,
which are further away. Now, to restore this balance the Earth must
arbitrage this energy from one place to the other. The Earth makes use of
its vast network of oceans and seas and high atmosphere. Oceanic or sea,
and air currents drive heat from local heat hotspots to more cooler places.
It’s also on these hot and cold, air and sea currents that many animals and
plants depend on. Any disruptions on one area of the globe has domino
effects on the biosphere and the geographies of this planet.

Even the Earth’s most important phenomenon, The Water Cycle depends
on the Earth’s Energy Budget. It is the constant insolation of radiation that
provides the requisite energy for water to evaporate, form clouds and
cause rain and snowfall on different parts of this planet.
Every element of the water cycle is important for energy preservation. The
water, when evaporates and forms clouds, stays in the form of water
vapour or small droplets suspended in air. The vapours and droplets act
gives greenhouse effect and hold an important percentage of global heat
reserve within them. In fact, the high specific heat capacity of water also
helps in doing this. Therefore, it is important to preserve the sanctity of the
Water Cycle as well, by not pollution our seas and rivers or resorting to
poor farming practices- one of the major disruptors to the Water Cycle.
Fig. Detailed diagram showing incoming and outgoing energy in a balanced example of Earth's
energy budget, with incoming and outgoing values of 341 W/m 2. General flows of energy on the
surface and in the atmosphere are shown as well

Exploring the Budget

The condition of radiation equilibrium is the one in which the flow of

heat to space is equal to incoming insolation.
The radiation emitted back averages about to 340 watts of solar power
per square meter. Any increase or decrease in this amount will lead to
change in global temperatures, triggering hysteria.
These changes in temperature are not brought about instantaneously
but depend on a number of factors.
There is still a very little net gain or loss of energy despite of the enormous
transfers of energy into and from the earth and it maintains a relatively
constant temperature. The Earth emits the same amount of energy via
atmospheric and terrestrial radiation to space as it receives via insolation.

Statistically, approximately 35% is reflected back from Earth’s diverse and

largely low albedo terrain, and the rest 65% of solar power is absorbed and
then eventually radiated back too, thus maintaining zero net gain of energy
by the earth.

The Role of the Earth’s Surface

The amount of energy reflected by a surface is called Albedo and is

measured as a value between 0 to 1.
a. Very dark colours have an albedo close to 0, meaning they absorb more
heat than reflect
b. Very light colours have an albedo close to 1, meaning they reflect more
heat than absorb.

Because much of the land surface and oceans are dark in colour, they have
a low albedo. They absorb a large amount of the solar energy that gets to
them, reflecting only a small fraction of it. Forests have low albedo, near
0.15. Snow and ice, on the other hand, are very light in colour. They have
very high albedo, as high as 0.8 or 0.9, and reflect most of the solar energy
that gets to them, absorbing very little.


1.  IPCC AR5 WG1 Glossary 2013 "energy budget"

2.  IPCC AR5 WG1 Glossary 2013 "climate system"

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