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Extreme Planets

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E xtreme P lanets - E xtreme S ports!

Noreen Grice, Travelers Science Dome at the Gengras Planetarium

Our neighborhood in space is called the solar system. Our home planet Earth has temperatures that Saturn is a gas planet like Jupiter, but a little smaller.
It has planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteoroids can range from more than 125 degrees F in This planet is most famous for its
and one star (the Sun). The planets can have extreme the deserts to -125 degrees F in Antarctica. Oceans rings. For a long time, people thought
conditions where they are very hot, cold, wet or dry. make up more than two-thirds of Earth and our Saturn had three rings. Then scientists sent robotic
Some planets also have craters, mountains, valleys and home has lots of mountains, valleys, deserts and an spacecraft and found thousands of rings orbiting the
inactive volcanos. Let’s check out some amazing facts atmosphere that we can breathe. Can you think of a planet. The rings are not solid but are made of small
about our extreme planets and try to imagine which new extreme sport that we could try on Earth? pieces of ice, gas and rocks. What sport could be
sports would be good matches for them. played in Saturn’s rings?

Mars is about half the size of Earth. Valles

How fast can you run? Speedy Mercury travels Marineris is a dry valley on the red planet, Uranus and Neptune are also gas
about 31 miles per second as it orbits the Sun. but if that valley were brought back to Earth it planets, about four times the size of Earth. They
That’s like running from Boston to Hartford in less than would stretch from Connecticut to California. Mars have a small number of thin rings, and storms have
4 seconds! Mercury also has extreme temperatures. has the solar system’s largest volcano, called Olympus been observed in their atmospheres. Uranus is extreme
The side of Mercury that faces the Sun can reach 800 Mons. It’s not active but it’s three times taller than Mt. because its poles do not face “up and down” like on
degrees F, while the other side of the planet, in shade, Everest and as wide as the state of Colorado. Orbiting Earth, but face sideways, as if the planet was knocked
can dip below -300 degrees F. Would you play summer spacecraft images suggest that there is water below on its side. Neptune is extreme because it can be
sports, winter sports or try both on Mercury? some surface areas. Besides hiking, what other sport very windy, with wind speeds reaching 750 miles per
could we do on Mars? hour! Can you think of a sport that would be good with
extreme winds?
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is
the hottest planet in our solar system. How Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar
can Venus be hotter than Mercury? Mercury has no system, but you can’t walk on it. This is a gas Let’s include Pluto in our tour. Pluto is smaller than
atmosphere of its own, but Venus has an atmosphere giant, so most of the planet is composed of hydrogen Earth’s Moon, and it takes 248 years to
so thick that the clouds hold in heat, causing the and helium gases, and you could fit 1200 Earth’s complete its long journey around the Sun. In
temperature to soar to more than 880 degrees F! And inside. Jupiter spins fast, rotating once in about 10 2015, The New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto.
when it rains, it rains sulfuric acid. What sports would hours, and this causes many storms and high winds. We learned that it has an icy surface, a thin nitrogen/
work well here? One of the most famous storms is the Great Red Spot, methane atmosphere and at least 5 moons. When
which is the size of about three Earths side-by-side. scientists compared surface images of Pluto, they saw
What sport would be good in windy conditions? that the ice was slowly moving. What’s a good sport
for ice?

Did you come up with extreme

sports for our extreme planets?

F un T hings To Do !
Look through this week’s
Hartford Courant to find:
D id
id You
ou K now
Our solar system is not the only place for
• News about new planet discoveries with the
Kepler Space Telescope
planets. There are planets beyond our
• News about NASA missions to other planets
solar system and we found more than two
thousand of them using the Kepler Space
The Children’s Museum Telescope. When you look up at the night
Visi t in West Hartford! sky and look at the faint stars, think
Check out the International Which planets are currently
about other planets orbiting those stars.
Space Station model in the visible in the sky? If there is life there, are they
Find out under the
GENGRAS TRAVELER’S looking back at us?

Common Core State Standard

RI (Reading Standards for informational text):
grades 3-5 (1,2,3,5,7) and RF (Reading Standards
for Foundational Skills):
grades 2-5 (4)
CT Science Standards: 2.1, 3.1, 4.1 5.3

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