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Learning Objectives: Updates From The Office For Exceptional Children

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Updates from the Office for Exceptional

Learning Objectives
The learner will be updated by the Ohio Department of
Education, Office for Exceptional Children on:
• Each Child Means Each Child, Ohio’s Plan to Improve
Learning Experiences and Outcomes for Students with
• The review and revision of the Operating Standards,
• Screening and Intervention for Children with Dyslexia; and
OSPA Spring Conference 2021 • The Department’s latest data on disproportionality.

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Each Child Means Each Child

3 4

Rules Updates What is Significant Disproportionality?

The Ohio Operating Standards for the

Education of Children with Disabilities 5-
year rule review:
When children from any racial or ethnic group are
– These rules address the special education requirements
for districts in the State of Ohio.
identified for special education, placed in more
– The rules’ language had to be reviewed based on a
five-year review date. restrictive settings, or disciplined at a markedly higher
– By April 2021, all rules will have been presented to the
State Board of Education rate than their peers

5 6


Changes to Federal Significant National Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Discipline

Disproportionality Regulations Total Disciplinary Removals Per 100 SWD Ages 3-21
Require a standard approach across states for three Black 65
primary categories Multiracial 40
All Disabilities 29
Clarify requirements for reviewing polices, procedures American Indian 27 A disciplinary removal is defined as any
instance in which a child with a disability is
and practices White 26 removed from his/her educational placement
Hispanic 24 for disciplinary purposes, including in-school
suspension, out-of-school suspension,
Pacific Islander 19
Require districts to identify and address contributing factors expulsion, removal by school personnel to
Asian 7 an interim alternative educational setting,
with redirected funds and removal by hearing officer for likely
injury to the child or others.
Source: OSEP Fast Facts

7 8

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Ohio

Identify Black students with intellectual disabilities

2 times as likely to Place Black students in more restrictive settings

in Ohio Remove Black students for discipline
To promote equity by
are more
than Identify Black students with an emotional disturbance
identifying and
3 times as likely to
Expel Black students
Black students make up 15% of enrollment,
but 44% of out-of-school suspensions

9 10

Categories of Analysis Racial and Ethnic Groups

Calculations cover seven racial/ethnic categories:
Identification Placement Discipline
1) American Indian or Alaskan Native
All students ages 3-21 Students with disabilities ages 6-21 Students with disabilities ages 3-21

1. All Disabilities 8. Inside a regular class for 10.Out-of-school suspensions

2) Asian
2. Intellectual Disabilities less than 40 percent of the and expulsions of 10 days
day or fewer 3) Black or African American
3. Specific Learning
Disabilities 9. Inside separate schools or 11.Out-of-school suspensions
residential facilities and expulsions of more 4) Hispanic or Latino
4. Emotional Disturbance
than 10 days
5. Speech or Language 5) Multiracial (two or more races)
Impairments 12.In-school suspensions of
10 days or fewer
6. Other Health Impairments 6) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
13.In-school suspensions of
7. Autism
more than 10 days
14.Total disciplinary removals 7) White

11 12


How is Significant Disproportionality Calculated? What does a risk ratio really mean?
Set a risk ratio threshold
Risk Ratio What does it mean?
Calculate risk for racial group
1.00 Equal or proportionate representation
Calculate risk for comparison group
>1.00 Overrepresentation (greater risk of…)
Calculate risk ratio
<1.00 Underrepresentation (lower risk of…)
Use three consecutive years of data

Apply reasonable progress calculation

13 14

Example Risk Ratio Calculation

What is a risk ratio threshold? 30.00%
Black students with Risk for Black students
Black students 100
an Emotional to be identified with an
in the district
Emotional Disturbance
The level above which disproportionality is Disturbance

considered significant
200 2,000 Risk for non-Black
non-Black students non-Black
Determined by each state, with input from with an Emotional students in the
100 students to be identified
with an Emotional
Disturbance district Disturbance

Ohio’s risk ratio threshold: 3.00

Risk ratio for Black students in this district to be
>2.50 for three consecutive years identified with an Emotional Disturbance

15 16

Alternate Risk Ratios

State Non-White State Non-
Identification Non-
Alternate risk ratios apply to districts that do not enroll Category
Students with
enough students of other races to form a comparison group Risk*

Alternate Risk
All Disabilities 89,632.66 536,679.21 16.70%
Specific Learning
34,468.30 536,679.21 6.42%

Regular Risk Ratio Alternate Risk Ratio Ratio Other Health




What is the risk that educators will What is the risk that educators will Speech-Language
8,143.63 536,679.21 1.51%
identify Black students with identify Black students with Impairments
disabilities in this district compared disabilities in this district compared Intellectual Disability
7,995.29 536,679.21 1.49%
to the risk that educators will identify to the risk that educators will identify Emotional
non-Black students with disabilities non-Black students with disabilities Disturbance 7,268.47 536,679.21 1.35%
in this district? in the state?

17 18


Three Consecutive Years of Data Reasonable Progress

Districts with risk ratios greater than 2.50 for three consecutive years in States need not identify a district with significant disproportionality
the same category will be identified with significant disproportionality. if the district is making reasonable progress in lowering risk ratios.
.30 4.26
.26 4.00

2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2.50

required to
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

19 20

The Concern More data

• 32 LEAs flagged (31 traditional districts, 1 community
• All LEAS flagged were for white students
• 31/32 were flagged using the Alternate Risk Ratio
• SST regions 1,6, 12 have 6 flagged for disproportionality
• SST Region 7 has 4 flagged for disproportionality

21 22

The Questions to Ask Dyslexia Legislation

• Are we overidentifying?
• Are we under identifying?
• What’s it mean to have a disability?
• What’s it mean to have a Developmental Delay /v/ a delay
in development?
• What does a standard score mean? Not mean?
• What’s the purpose of an evaluation and the ETR?
• What role can each of you play? Spring 2021

23 24


Keeping it All Connected

Dyslexia Legislation Literacy in Ohio
Reading Achievement
Improvement Third Grade Reading
Plans/Local Literacy Guarantee

Ohio’s Plan
to Raise

State Systemic
Dyslexia Model
Demonstration Site
Plan/State Personnel
Development Grant

Striving Readers
State Literacy
Development Grant

25 26

Simple View of Reading Simple View of Reading

Decoding (Word Language Reading
-level Reading) Comprehension Comprehension
Decoding (Word Language Reading
-level Reading) Comprehension Comprehension Academic Academic
Knowledge Language Skills Vocabulary

• The ability to • The ability to

transform print understand spoken Inferential Narrative
into spoken language Language Skills Language Skills

• Gough, 1986 • Gough, 1986

27 28

Simple View of Reading Dyslexia Laws

Decoding (Word Language Reading 3319.077
-level Reading) Comprehension Comprehension • Professional Development Requirements

Decoding Skills 3319.078

• Multi-sensory structured literacy certification process
Print Concepts
Phonological • Appropriate certification
Fluency • Ohio Dyslexia Committee and tasks
• Dyslexia Guidebook
Phonics and
• Tier 1 & 2 screening
Recognition • Risk ID & progress monitoring
• Parent notification of results & information
Word • Gough, 1986 • Multidisciplinary team


29 30


Section 3319.077. Professional Section 3319.078. Multi-sensory Structured

Development Requirements Literacy Certification Process
• ODE maintains a list of courses that fulfill the professional development • Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, each school
• The Ohio dyslexia committee shall prescribe a total number of clock hours of
district shall establish a multi-sensory structured literacy
instruction in approved courses for a teacher to complete to satisfy the certification process for K-3 teachers.
professional development requirements
–Each process shall align with the guidebook
• Not later than the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, K-1 teachers and
special education teachers will complete an approved professional development
– Not later than the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year for 2-3 teachers
– Not later than the beginning of 2025-2026 school year for 4-12 teachers

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Section 3323.25. Definitions Section 3323.251

• Dyslexia • Tier one dyslexia screening measure
• Appropriate certification • Risk identification and parent notification
• Monitoring progress

33 34

Section 3323.251. cont Dyslexia Inbox

• Reporting data results to parents and provide information
• Tier two dyslexia screening measure
• Multidisciplinary team

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Contact Information @OHEducation

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