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School Based Assessment 2021 Grade 5 English: (Multiple Choice Questions) Total Time: 1 Hour Total Marks: 50

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School Name (EMIS code ):_____________________________________________________________

Tehsil: ________________________ District: ______________________________________________

Student Name: ________________________________ Section: ___________________________

Roll Number : ________________________________ Date: _____________________________

General Instructions for students:

1) Use mask & keep at least 3 ft. distance from each other.
2) Read carefully and attempt all questions.
3) Encircle the correct option of each of the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) as shown in the
example given below.
Example: I am _____ my homework.
a) does b) did
c) doing d) done

4) If more than one options are encircled in a question, no mark will be given.

5) Marks: 50
Total (Multiple Choice Questions) Total Time: 1 Hour

Instructions: - Twenty five (25) questions are given in this paper. Each question carries 2 marks.
Q.No.1. Identify the rhyming word for “Think”.
a) Link b) Quick
c) Bank d) Sank
Q.No.1. Identify the rhyming word for “Reach”.
a) Match b) Teach
c) Catch d) Much

Q.No.1. Choose the correct rhyming word for “Rain”.

a) Pain b) Seen
c) Fine d) Moon

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Grade-5, English Paper, SBA
Q.No.1. Identify the rhyming word for “Know”.
a) Now b) Cow
c) How d) Sow
Q.No.2. Which of the following can be used to make a compound word that starts with “White”?
a) gate b) book
c) colour d) board

Q.No.2. Which of the following can be used to make a compound word that starts with the word
a) brush b) milk
c) clean d) white

Q.No.2. Which of the following can be used to make a compound word that starts with the word
a) day b) time
c) man d) new

Q.No.2. Which of the following can be used to make a compound word that starts with the word “Ice”?
a) cream b) milk
c) cold d) white
Q.No.3. Identify the word which has silent “b” sound.
a) Bulb b) Verb
c) Comb d) Slab

Q.No.3. Identify the word which has silent “t” sound.

a) Teach b) Night
c) Kite d) Match
Q.No.3. Identify the word which has silent “g” sound.
a) Foreign b) Cage
c) Stage d) Begin

Q.No.3. Identify the word which has silent “t” sound.

a) Write b) Night
c) Bright d) Often

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Q.No.4. “He lives in _______village.”
a) a b) the
c) an d) any
Q.No.4. “I saw _____ elephant in the zoo.”
a) the b) any
c) a d) an
Q.No.4. “My friend is __________ honest man.”
a) a b) any
c) the d) an
Q.No.4. “He is singing _________ beautiful song.”
a) a b) an
c) the d) any
Q.No.5. In the given picture, the boy is ______ a kite.
a) making
b) buying
c) flying
d) selling
Q.No.5. In the given picture, the girl is ____________.
a) reading a book
b) watching T.V.
c) eating lunch
d) playing football

Q.No.5. In the given picture, the girl is _______ food.

a) giving
b) selling
c) eating
d) cooking
Q.No.5. In the given picture, the horses are_____.
a) sleeping
b) grazing
c) drinking
d) running
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Q.No.6. Identify the past form (2nd form) of the verb “Tell”.
a) Tell b) Told
c) Tells d) Telling
Q.No.6. Identify the past form (2nd form) of the verb “See”.
a) Seeing b) See
c) Saw d) Seen

Q.No.6. Identify the past form (2nd form) of the verb “Write”.
a) Wrote b) Writes
c) Written d) Writing
Q.No.6. Identify the past form (2nd form) of the verb “Do”.
a) Do b) Doing
c) Done d) Did

Q.No.7. “The boys are____________ in the ground.”

a) play b) playing
c) plays d) played
Q.No.7. “Saba is______________ with her doll.”
a) playing b) play
c) plays d) played

Q.No.7. Choose the sentence with correct use of present continuous tense.
a) The bird is singing.
b) The boys are ready.
c) We are friends.
d) He is a king.

Q.No.7. “The students are__________ books from a shop.”

a) buy b) bought
c) buying d) buys
Q.No.8. “It __________ here yesterday.”
a) rains b) rain
c) rained d) raining

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Q.No.8. “Last week, students _______their school.”
a) decorated b) decorate
c) decorates d) decorating
Q.No.8. “I________ your letter yesterday.”
a) receive b) receives
c) received d) receiving

Q.No.8. “He did not___________ to school.”

a) go b) goes
c) went d) gone
Q.No.9. “We________ come to your home tomorrow.”
a) have b) shall
c) had d) are

Q.No.9. “The boys ____________ be waiting for the bus.”

a) will b) are
c) had d) have
Q.No.9. “The postman will ___________ the letter to him.”
a) deliver b) delivers
c) delivered d) delivering

Q.No.9. “Our team_________ play a match next week.”

a) will b) are
c) have d) had
Q.No.10. Identify the correct structured sentence.
a) She book gave me a. b) She a book gave me.
c) She gave a book me. d) She gave me a book.

Q.No.10. Identify the correct structured sentence.

a) They have arranged a function in school.
b) They have function a arranged in school.
c) They have in school arranged a function.
d) They in school have arranged a function.

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Q.No.10. Identify the sentence with correct structure.
a) Will I this win match?
b) Will match I this win?
c) Will I win this match?
d) Will this win I match?
Q.No.10. Identify the correct structured sentence.
a) He has posted the already letter to his father.
b) He has posted already the letter to his father.
c) He has posted the letter to already his father.
d) He has posted the letter already to his father.

Q.No.11. “We_________ a nice home.”

a) has b) are
c) were d) have
Q.No.11. “Our school library _________ ten thousand books.”
a) was b) is
c) have d) has

Q.No.11. “My friends ____________ a new ball.”

a) has b) him
c) are d) have
Q.No.11. “He___________ many plants in the lawn.”
a) was b) were
c) have d) has
Q.No.12. “You do not want to go outside the room. What will you say?”
a) Go out, please. b) May I go out?
c) I am going out. d) I shall not go out.
Q.No.12. “Your brother is playing with glass. How will you stop him to do so?”
a) It is dangerous to do so.
b) Share your toys with your friends.
c) Hold it with your hands.
d) Don’t give it to your mother.

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Q.No.12. “Your mother is ill. What will you say her to ask about her health?”
a) What are you? b) Who are you?
c) How are you? d) Where are you?
Q.No.12. “Your friend wants you to play but you are busy. What will you say as acceptance?”
a) Sorry, I have to work. b) It’s a great idea.
c) Ok, let’s study. d) I’ll be travelling.

Q.No.13. Choose the adjective of size among the following.

a) Pakistani b) Big
c) Round d) Red
Q.No.13. Choose adjective of colour among the following.
a) Brave b) Blue
c) Some d) Small

Q.No.13. Choose the adjective of shape among the following.

a) Nice b) White
c) Small d) Flat
Q.No.13. Choose adjective of colour among the following.
a) Yellow b) Some
c) Simple d) Round

Q.No.14. “They are running fastly.” Identify the category of the underlined word.
a) Noun b) Adverb
c) Pronoun d) Adjective
Q.No.14. “He advised me to never tell a lie.” Identify the category of underlined word.
a) Verb b) Adverb
c) Noun d) Pronoun

Q.No.14. “Amir reads loudly.” Identify the category of the underlined word.
a) Pronoun b) Noun
c) Adjective d) Adverb

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Q.No.14. “He is speaking slowly.” Identify the category of the underlined word.
a) Verb b) Adverb
c) Noun d) Pronoun
Q.No.15. “The shopkeeper is selling books and pencils.” Identify the compound word used in the
a) Selling b) Pencils
c) Shopkeeper d) Books
Q.No.15. Identify the compound word in the following sentence. “Sweeper cleaned the bedroom in the
a) Sweeper b) cleaned
c) bedroom d) evening
Q.No.15. “Some boys are playing in the playground.” Identify the compound word used in the
a) Playground b) Boys
c) Playing d) Some
Q.No.15. Identify the compound word used in the sentence. “Children were catching butterflies
in the garden.”
a) Children b) Catching
c) Butterflies d) Garden
Q.No.16. Identify the word with long vowel sound.
a) Big b) Fun
c) Tree d) Won

Q.No.16. Identify the word which has a long “e sound”.

a) Better b) Sheep
c) Parrot d) Sets
Q.No.16. Identify a group of words that has the same sound.
a) Hear, Here b) Feet, Fate
c) Read, Rode d) Dear, Dare

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Q.No.16. Identify the word which has a long vowel sound.
a) Hat b) Hit
c) Heat d) Hut
Q.No.17. Choose the imperative sentence.
a) Ali is a student. b) Open your books.
c) You do not work. d) Are they ready?

Q.No.17. Identify the declarative sentence among the following.

a) My brother is sleeping.
b) Is my mother cooking?
c) Go and sleep well.
d) Please, do not sleep now.
Q.No.17. Identify the sentence which shows an instruction.
a) Schools have opened after the lockdown.
b) Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
c) Markets are usually closed on Sunday.
d) My friend lives near Iqbal Park.

Q.No.17. Identify the sentence which asks a question.

a) My father works in a bank.
b) Which subject do you like the most?
c) We are planning to go for a walk.
d) My friend has moved to Karachi.
Q.No.18. Identify the sentence with the correct position of the adverb “carefully”.
a) He drives his carefully car and advises me the same.
b) Carefully, his car he drives and advises me the same.
c) He carefully his car and advises me the drives same.
d) He drives his car carefully and advises me the same.

Q.No.18. Choose the sentence with the correct use of an adverb.

a) You run very fastly. b) I am very tired.
c) We work in an office. d) He drinks water slow.

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Q.No.18. Identify the sentence with the correct place of adverb.
a) I am happy very much. b) That boy always helps us.
c) Slowly, Ali is hard working. d) I have visited a never zoo.
Q.No.18. Identify the sentence with the correct use of an adverb.
a) The children song loudly the sang.
b) The loudly children sang the song.
c) The children sang the song loudly.
d) The children sang loudly the song.
Q.No.19. Identify the word with a short vowel sound.
a) Sad b) Ate
c) Van d) Pin
Q.No.19. Identify the word which has a short vowel sound
a) Stood b) Food
c) Pick d) Strong

Q.No.19. Identify the word with a short vowel sound.

a) Says b) Eat
c) Jug d) Face
Q.No.19. Identify the word which has a silent “d” sound.
a) Pride b) Bridge
c) Trade d) Grade
Q.No.20. Choose the correct option to complete the word “ma_____” meaningfully.
a) tsh c) tch
c) sch d) shr
Q.No.20. Choose correct option to complete the word “____el” meaningfully.
a) Ghr b) Shr
c) Chr d) Whe
Q.No.20. Choose the correct option to complete the word “______eak” meaningfully.
a) Fh b) Ph
c) Hr d) Br
Q.No.20. Choose the correct option to complete the word “____eam” meaningfully.
a) Go b) Dr
c) Mr d) Ir
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Grade-5, English Paper, SBA
Paragraph: Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Dog is a mammal. All mammals have hair on their bodies. People, horses and elephants are also
mammals. Hair protects a mammal’s skin. The hair protects skin from getting scraped. Hair also protects
mammals from cold and heat. There are many other characteristics in a mammal. For examples, every
mammal has a backbone. That bone is also called the spine. Mammals are warm-blooded. That means the
temperature in their bodies is warm and usually stays the same. Female mammals make milk in their bodies.
They feed the milk to their babies.

Q.No.21. What do all mammals have in common?

a) Hair and a backbone
b) Scales and fins
c) A tail and hair
d) Backbone and fins
Q.No.22. Which of the following has characteristics of a mammal?
a) Eagles b) Horse
c) Snake d) Spider
Q.No.23. Which information is true about dogs?
a) Dogs have hair. They do not have backbones.
b) Dogs have both hair and backbones.
c) Dogs have backbones. They do not have hair.
d) Dogs have no hair and backbones.

Q.No.24. A suitable title for the paragraph is:

a) Mammals b) Birds
c) Insects d) Reptiles
Q.No.25. The word “characteristics” means:
a) important b) features
c) difference d) unusual

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Grade-5, English Paper, SBA
Paragraph: Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
A female sea turtle crawls along the beach. She finds a safe spot. She digs a hole to lay eggs inside
it. The sea turtle mother covers the eggs with sand. She does it to protect the eggs from other animals. Then,
the sea turtle mother returns to the sea. Two months later, the eggs hatch. Baby turtles dig out of the sand. They
cross the beach to the ocean. The little turtles eat and grow in the ocean. They may live for more than eighty
years. Female sea turtles come back only to lay eggs. Then the cycle of life begins again.

Q.No.21. Where does a mother sea turtle lay her eggs?

a) In the ocean
b) A nest in a tree
c) A hole in the beach
d) Inside bushes on the sea shore
Q.No.22. According to the paragraph, where do baby sea turtles go after they hatch?
a) The ocean b) The beach
c) A river d) A lake

Q.No.23. The word “protect” means:

a) attack b) secure
c) waste d) break
Q.No.24. Which information is NOT correct about turtles?
a) A female sea turtle digs a hole to lay eggs inside it.
b) Female sea turtles come back to see baby turtles.
c) Turtles may live for more than eighty years.
d) Eggs hatch after two months.

Q.No.25. Identify the thing with which the turtle mother covers eggs with.
a) Grass b) Sand
c) Stones d) Feathers

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Grade-5, English Paper, SBA
Paragraph: Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Most birds fly. Some do not. Penguins, ostriches and kiwis do not fly. Like all birds, they have
feathers. They also hatch from eggs. Penguins live on land and in water. They have short legs. They hop when
they walk. Penguins use their wings to swim. Their wings are like flippers. Ostriches are the largest birds. They
can grow taller than the tallest person on the Earth. They are fast runners. They use their wings for balance.
Kiwis have brown feathers. Their beaks are long. Kiwis have tiny wings. Their wings are too small for flying.

Q.No.21. What do all birds have in common?

a) All birds can fly.
b) All birds live in nests high in trees.
c) All birds hop when they walk.
d) All birds have feathers and hatch from eggs.
Q.No.22. Instead of flying, what do penguins use their wings for?
a) Flying b) Swimming

c) Balancing d) Attacking
Q.No.23. What does the word “tiny” mean?
a) Important b) Little
c) Huge d) Great

Q.No.24. Which among the following is NOT true information?

a) Kiwis have brown feathers.
b) Penguins live on land and in water.
c) Ostriches are the largest birds.
d) Penguins use their wings to fly.
Q.No.25. Which of the following birds can fly?
a) Penguin b) Ostrich
c) Parrot d) Kiwis

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Grade-5, English Paper, SBA
Paragraph: Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Dolphins are beautiful marine mammal. Theses mammals live in water. They are usually found in
oceans and rivers. Dolphins eat meat of the fish and other marine animals. They swim in company and their
group is named pod. They can see and hear more than others. They do not have the smelling sense. Some
dolphins are very big even 30 feet long. Others are as small as a man. They are very intelligent animals.
They talk to one another by clicking and whistling.

Q.No.21. The word, “oceans” means:

a) rivers b) lakes
c) seas d) canals
Q.No.22. As mentioned in the paragraph, where do the marine mammals live?
a) Water b) Land
c) Forest d) Desert

Q.No.23. Which information is NOT correct about dolphins?

a) Dolphins are marine mammals.
b) Dolphins swim alone without company.
c) Dolphins can be as tall as 30 feet.
d) Some Dolphins are as small as a man.
Q.No.24. Identify the sentence which is true about a sense of dolphins.
a) Dolphins cannot smell.
b) Dolphins cannot see.
c) Dolphins cannot hear.
d) Dolphins cannot touch.
Q.No.25. A suitable title for the paragraph is:
a) Types of Dolphins b) Marine Mammals
c) Mammals d) Dolphins

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