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Theory (Rollno. 20) - Merged

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2 Whal do yotl meon 6y Sunamenl Aecoumbing?

ubuli ho deofa
Arameial accounlng
A-Funancual decouning iu tRat knamel A occourlng Whick
dealy tui the drocdina d buine
ramaiuons dn ykonae a

onvnex Jor tka

pevuhou aaeandaiing the protl" ow lois dh Tka
buama eanna dunung Om nefarunyamll-
accoumime asnuod by
ALos Aceoum and do anarl
fe umameial hositm du The b Lmay
Peparumg a balanea tkeil Tkis knonod dr acecuilung pnende
wfotmaum taquuned by the vmanagonmeamd vonuouy othan anles
wwleneslos in the buaineA,.
Seope d Financial Accounling
Twnamcial accounmg uy a uebul loo Jo mamaga amd to
Lemal uaen duckoy skonehollen, Cnedlos, cusloma, embloqea
govemmuei proridy dnomalum ragandomg Tka dull
l ls oharaliory omd
tAe imameial dtali d the buain
&eaung l unomeak ramsacors Accotumdumg osa pnocem
dealy ony wal hoáR ranuackory which ane meawrolk m
Aans d Smoney. Angung ushieh comno be enprea in monelany
Tanumy dsna fomm pant d
imancia accouiling
Racrdng h 9nhemalun4ecounding is tha ant- r
cfunomcal ramadluny d buimay vrecordirg9
comcanm. is m foJide to
vtmamber all Ironsoduomy tie
busimay.Thanahora, the imormalan
eccdd iun a sel d dooko callad Jouwmal amd othert
amd subuidory beoky
meh Jo mmamagomenl in ils daciion- making knoces.
it) keheilungh Slanehtoy: thanahtery ralein
mgnay, dinsly
imdindhy omd oppoi a Boo whieh im um twvoró with
amagmon omd employes) num the brusime or fhe bonelit
horakdleng Thanehoe, yhe Acoha d momcal aecounnrg
, omauon umul e fuek fhal guy am overyeu dy tka emn
OLna um i ItlL,. Accoumurg umbhormaluon muw
daluaby tKa qualtiy a biry accunah, rulale omd limeiy.

Repo-Lig to cuslomesu n imgro thot ha ig inbuane


T R dcope du umameial accoumung ane The culomay a bumen.

hay wail t knor more akoid uine proslcs,¥Ke dufhly
skaim, okpnoaeh and woporalk seciol raponailleiTk
umametal stakone umamcal accounumg úmfotmaluon haye
9otum in deope ls emcomposa tean úm don to daluy tka meody
dr cuslmang

hay Couk Gos 1ubili the charaderiues ond adyanlogo

caah booh
As-Coak bock uis a special punpoa bodk hieh is aued oegart
all dramadury valokimg to caah suce om cosh paymrs un
ckaonological r d . shen tha book s orugimad emnyisCkee ane su
cask hamaackny ane mol rucordod in the jowvral
RCclo9 un a Aofonal boók callas laad boop.
himany omd fukiidiany book Saal boak h dubaistány bookd

accoum-amd a Jay bosp. t iy alho a, Junul book dl emy dr

all casK Jamaaelugny
Dusl funpoaa : Jt deuy th Aumoim d botka (ournal ard a

Jodgn atka Sorme m .

No balomea Tka cash bosk rocod) my cosh dnawadl

amdi,thenalore, i l tannd dkots amy cnad bolance.
CKocodunq uim chnonologucal orda U poah recaipsand
paymem ane JUCeded wm tkronologicoal oteker., accendny
the dile d tha oowsunea
3 oils te umpolames am aduunlago ( cosh bodk .
Ars-mporlames dl toskboah1
osh book iy the moik inr. dukuuliany book, bacauus
irap ths
Hecotd dr cash oamarliny d ha 6ne. folauyrg an tha
Jmberlamee d caah boch:

dlpl im ascsiaunmg fke Jus cak fotn: Thcashbok

ry Re Anue
poailin decaah ramyasuony AA ay ms Th&
badomes( Cark o dkorun by the cak bsdh muu ogras cuß ths
phyaical 6alames d cash in kamd um the Cash bock
lpb um ucash maragsmol osh book úio maiilamel9y
n y banay, bihalhen by on small un aye. vny buuma musl e
Caulioy obou caah mamaggmem . e, talh ricaihly omed
Cash faymorly. Tke bumex mua fmer tha onl cash vksl ha
6eom eoluded en/faymes thathauebeun made m daily, useahe
ond mohy baay.
i)dew a a documerlary evihomeefer cah balames oah book
e u o a doumankany endance for the availate coh dalame
6ecae the astual can balanea u companad 6y the cak balanea
dkoum 6, tka cask bo ok daily.
folwing one the advamages dr cask bodk
1).Acdaumemk d dasly cask Jnansackey &ines
all cask
namsaclumy tecrdes in cask book,iluy easy to asclau

fke Cah veceisl amd cask

foaymard m daily basig .

i Abcaranmenk cak balaneai ah balanes can be kneun

omy ama oy acorlaimung The balames d cauk 6oak a thal
Pon dl une . Tkene s mo mend A calculalung
um tRe 6 .

b Ay mitaka ot evme
con be dleleelad at S
clelpcolem eroy:
dumne thene isa dilbnemea
du venilicaln dr caak bech. J
the ctaal vcah im he caik bre amd o balane fan ha
c o k bock ilmaomy thane is dema a o t . clo,this a A Con 6e o A ) S

yPnepaning cash bock.

ule He Alhnenea elasem cask book and cal aceour
vrg-8aaiy C a Aeeouml
Nalna i a Suksudsany bsdk o m accouml
aFienanumg um The
meom Jor srecoddumg
JTAcAom paymedodrLedgen

i)ii)folo Ledgaa goio i nced

Cede im scash al.
cim the caah bosh.

Jt ya bosk dr bthR prumany

) Nalina
t ame uma tmday. Juna emlay oly
Name-Kuhu Shiwamee Giupta alassmte
Roll mo 46 Date

1 Write the difference between Assets and

1 . Assets are the reso urces1. Expenses are the
available to a business. resourcesconsumed
inrunning a business.

2Assets help a business 2. Expenses are incurred

to derive economic in the past and do mot
benefits in the future provide anu-benefits
infuture accounting

3Assets are reported for 3. Expenses are reported

la specific date on the far t h e entire accounting
balance sheet. period in the income

4. Assets can provice 4 Expenses only have a

Short terma n d Lonq short term utilits for
terms benefitS u Pa business.
5.Ex.Plant, Machinery, 5 Purchases, salaries to
Land and building, employees, purchase of
etc. Stattomeru etc

2Write the difference between expenses and


Expenses are those costs . Expenditure is thne

that incur to earn Cost that is Spet
revenues. on the purchase or
qrowth of fixed

2Expenseaffects the profit 2. Expenditure does

and Loss statenments of aa not have anu
Company as they appear implicationon the
as costs incurred to earn| financiol statements
evenue and is not usualls

3An expense is generally3 Expenditure is usually

for short-term Costs the lonq-tem costs
of theorganisation. of the orqanisation.

4An expense incurs multiple Expenditure is incurrad

times once in a period.

5 An expense is done for 5 Expendliture is dane

for Capital andd
general expenses. Expenses
are done
b y an_orqanisation Revenue expenditure.
So that itcon un on a Expenditures are
done by an organisation
day to day basis.
to estoblish it So that
it can Operate.

GEx Salary paid, ret 6 Purchase of new land,

paid, wages, etc. purchase of new
plants for business,
etc. are expmples

Expenses are hiqh and :Expenditures are nut

very frequently expected expected in that
frequet manner

3 what is B/D and C/D in accountinq

B/D and CID are the sbortened forms
used te for the balances when we count
and mention them in our boo.kkeephmg and

Balance bld stands for brought down' -

the one carried for inard from the previous
accountinq period an opening balamce is
referred to by this We_can i also use blf
for identifuing he opening balance, meaning-
brought forward Balance_cld Stands for
carried down'-the one carried down from
the ledger to the next accountinq periad, a
clasing balance is referred to bu this. we
can also use c/f_ for identifsinq t h e
closing balance, meaninq carried foritard'
What are
4.Toand Buy in Accounting

To account represents thhe account which
will qo the debit side of an account

By account represents the account which

ill aothe credit side of an account

5:What are debits and credits í

A debit ià an accountina entry tnat either

ncreases an asset or expense account, or
decreases a liability ar_equityOCcount.E
is pOsitioned to the left inan accOunting
A credit is an accountinq entrs that either
ncreoses a liability or e u i s QCcounty 0r
decre.ose an asset or expense account. Tt
s positioned tp the riaht in an accountinq


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