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Rediscovering India For Indians

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Volume - 1

A Book Compiled By,

P. R. Chithambaran
Re-Discovering India

Why This Book…???

I have always searched in my text

books, about the great history of
India, which I happen to encounter
when I visited many temples , places
and met many noble people, around

Sadly, What I see in text books today, is mostly the India,

after 1500 AD.Its all about, Invasions, Freedom struggle and a
part of Freedom fighters. For more than 70 years now, we
have never learnt the real history of India, which exactly is
from 1500 BC to 1500 AD. ( 3000 yrs.) Just the last 500 years
of history which is told, seems to be ruined and tainted.

When I don’t learn this , how will the next Gen Learn? If the
Real history of Bharath are taught at schools, kids will be
inspired and a lot more of inventions and discoveries will
happen from Indian Kids.
Please spend time in going through the details. Research
and Discuss on these details with your kids and Family.
I have Presented mixed details, without any pattern, to
avoid any boredom during the reading. And that is also the
reason to keep it at 50 Facts per volume.
P. R. Chithambaran
Re-Discovering India


All these details are compiled, based on the details available in the Internet and various
textbooks from various times. However, I have taken enough time to ascertain the
information's provided. Still this compilation assumes no responsibility or liability for
any errors or omissions in the content of this book.
Self Published by Chithambaran.P.R

The Book is for Private Circulation Only.

For any feedback or any other communications, please email me

at the below email ID.


Re-Discovering India


Please Do not search for contents and

Page numbers…
Please go through each and every page
and kindly think on the topics, discuss
with your kids… ☺
Re-Discovering India

History Books- The need for Changing them..

Caesar's invasion of Britain Mongolians ruled China

Today, the students in these countries, do not learn about,

who ruled them in their history book.

They Learn about the Rich History of their Country and

its greatness
Just explore what is taught to our kids, in the history book

Its Okay to teach the mistakes of History , But Not

Let the next generation of India do not grow up , with a
Slave Mindset..


Re-Discovering India
What Foreigners have Said about India??

We Owe a Lot to Indians, Who taught us , how to Count.

Without which, No Worthwhile, Scientific Discovery
could have been Made..
- Albert Einstein - Theoretical physicist

India , is the cradle of Human Race, the Birthplace of

Human speech, the Mother of History, the grand mother
of the Legend, and the Great grand mother of Tradition.
Our Most valuable and most constructive materials in the
History of man are treasured up in India only.
- Mark Twain – American Writer

The Indian Way of life, Provide, the vision and Natural

way of Life. We Veil, ourselves with unnatural Masks.
On the Face of India, are the Tender, Expressions,
which carry the Mark of the Creators Hand.
George Bernard Shaw- Irish Play Writer

Many of the Advances in Sciences that we Consider today

to have been made in Europe, were in fact made in India
centauries ago…- Grand DUFF ( British Historian)

After the Conversation about Indian Philosophy,

Some of the ideas of Quantum Physics, that had been
seemed crazy, suddenly made much more Sense
– W. Heisenberg ( German Physicist)

And what do our Children learn about India???

Re-Discovering India
Mt. Kailash
The History Behind the
Sacred Mountain

Nobody has climbed to its peak:

Mount Everest- 8,848 meters high – Summit Climbed
Mount Kailash - 6,638 meters High – Summit Not Climbed Yet. Reason

One Can Witness Time Travel

Nails and hair Growth of 2 weeks in normal conditions,
takes place at Mt.Kailash in just 12 hours

Regular Change In Position

The mountain strangely changes its position for those who climb it.
Afterwards, many people journey have failed to climb its peak.
Geographical location of Kailash Parvat
Accords to the science it is the axis of the earth and to keep all living being
alive it maintains the atmosphere. It location is in synchronization with all
other ancient monuments in the universe and earth poles.

The Mysterious shapes of Manasarovar and other lakes

Manasarovar lake – Sun Like Shape- the color of water that changes blue from
around the shores to emerald green at the center. Rakhast Tal is the devils lakes
and its shape like the moon. And the other two lakes represent solar and lunar
forces, bad and good energy respectively.

Though it is now in, Tibet; it is considered as a Holy Place

according to Indian History…How many of us can
understand the Myth behind…


Re-Discovering India
OM or AUM – What's the Science behind it ??



One of the most popular MISCONCEPTION

about “OM” is that it is religious symbol. No..
it is NOT
Its actually a Science of Sound and Vibration,
that can help in Mental Stability of any person.

Chanting “aaaaaaa” one can feel the sensation and resonance

in your nervous system, stomach and chest region.

Chanting “ooooo” creates sensations and resonance in

your throat & chest region.

Chanting “mmmm” creates sensations and resonates with

your nasal cavity as well as skull/brain region.

Time Frequency Analysis ,shows, after days

of Chanting Om, focus, concentration &
steadiness, peace, reduction in mental stress
& Improved calmness were found in People
who chanted

“Aum” was taught to World, by Indians. But Who teaches this to

the Next Generation Indians?
Re-Discovering India
MITOCHONDRIA – Where Energy Comes From?

In India, Why woman is Called a

Form of Shakthi and Why Shakthi
is Worshipped as Mother?

Biological energy which is produced in our body, in most of

the cell by a metabolic process called oxidative
phosphorylation. This process produces most of our energy,
more that 99% that we utilize in our day to day living.

This comes from the metabolic process. This process takes

place in subcellular compartment called

These mitochondria in a Child’s Body comes from Mother

only! Thus the site of Kinetic energy is MOTHER only!

That is the reason, Indian Philosophy, calls Mother or the

Woman as Shakthi- the Kinetic Energy…

“It is This Science, which is at the Back, of Calling Women

as Shakthi and Worshipping Shakthi as Mother in India”.
Who Explains this to our Kids???


Re-Discovering India
25 Famous Temples are at 79° E Longitude in

1. KEDARNATH - 30.735216° N, 79.066900° E

2. Tungnath - 30.488515° N, 79.216902° E
3. Kalpeshwar - 30.549642° N, 79.449108° E
4. Rudranath - 30.519122° N, 79.318445° E
5. Madhya Maheshwar - 30.635194° N, 79.221632° E
6. Omkareshwar, Uttarakhand 30.520735° N, 79.102818° E
7. Jageshwar Temples, Uttarakhand 29.637498° N, 79.853995° E
8. Baijnath Dham, Uttarakhand 29.906864° N, 79.615734° E
9. Kandariya Mahadev, Khajuraho 24.852927° N, 79.920335° E
10. Ramappa Temple, Telangana 18.259805° N, 79.941247° E
11. Kaleshwaram, Telangana 18.811846° N, 79.904528° E
12. Mallikarjun Jyotirling, AP16.073159° N, 78.868031° E (near 79° E)
13. Kalahasti, Andhra Pradesh 13.749976° N, 79.698279° E
14. Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu 12.842670° N, 79.696243° E
Were Constructed
at different Period
15. Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu 12.232047° N, 79.066688° E
by Different people
16. Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu 11.399259° N, 79.693521° E
17. Thiruvanakoil, Tamil Nadu 10.852928° N, 78.705673° E (near 79° E)
18. RAMESHWARAM, Tamil Nadu 09.288195° N, 79.317787° E
19. Badri Vishal / BADRINATH 30.744791° N, 79.491057° E Shiv and Vishnu
20. Yogdhyan Badri 30.632568° N, 79.546289° E Temples
21. Bhavishya Badri 30.482458° N, 79.641716° E
22. Vridha Badri 30.550504° N, 79.564754° E
23. Adi Badri 30.156086° N, 79.225438° E
24. Narsingh Mandir at Joshimath 30.557085° N, 79.553738° E
25. Tirupati Temple - 13.683121° N, 79.347183° E

Still this is not a Wonder in the World. No History, Geography or

Science book Teaches this??
Re-Discovering India
The Science and Details inside Bhagavad Gita

Einstein Mass Energy Equivalence in

Bhagavad Gita
bhūmir āpo ‘nalo vāyuḥ , khaḿ mano buddhir eva ca ,
ahańkāra itīyaḿ mebhinnā prakṛtir aṣṭadhā ||
Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 7, Verse 4
Translation : Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego—
all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.

Law of Conservation of Energy explained in Bhagavad Gita

Krishna also stated in Gita that, Soul can neither be created nor destroyed.
It just transfers from one body to another, that is from one form to another or
one body to another. Many years later, science said, Energy can neither be created or
nor be destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another. This proves that
soul is nothing but energy.

nainam chindanti sastrani nainam dahati pavakah na

cainam kledayanty apo na sosayati marutah

Translation : The soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be
burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.
It just leaves old body and finds new body.

"When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God

created this universe everything else seems so superfluous."
Albert Einstein

More than this, Stress Management Science , Science of Travelling Faster

than light, Parallel Universe, Origin of Universe, Number of Species of
Living Beings, Science of Sense Gratification, and many more are
explained Detailly in Bhagavad Gita


Re-Discovering India
The Science behind Temple Construction

Location: (Positive Energy Wave) Temples are

Constructed deliberately at a place where the
positive energy is available abundantly from the
magnetic and electric wave conveyances of
north/south post push, as per Agama.

Removing Footwear outside: (Vibrations) In olden days, temples were built in such a
way that the floor at the centre of the temple were good conductors of these positive
vibrations allowing them to pass through our feet to the body.

Ringing Bell: (Hearing Sense) These bells are made in such a way that when they
produce a sound it creates a unity in the Left and Right parts of our brains. The duration of
echo of the bell is good enough to activate all the seven healing centres in our body. This
results in emptying our brain from all negative thoughts.

Lighting camphor: (Sight Sense) Usually main Gabhara is dark and This light seen
inside the dark activates your sight sense.

Offering Flowers : (Smell Sense) The fragrance of the flower, camphor and instance
sticks all together have the strong essence to keep your smell sense active and pleasant
giving calmness to the mind.

Tilak / Kumkum : On the forehead, between the two eyebrows, is a spot that is
considered as a major nerve point in human body since ancient times. While applying
Kumkum the points on the mid-brow region and Adnya-chakra are automatically pressed.
This also facilitates the blood supply to the face muscles.

Coconut & Banana: Coconut and Banana are the only two fruits in this world which are
considered to be “Sacred fruits”. All other fruits are tainted fruits (partially eaten fruits).
For example, the apple tree grows from the seed of another eaten fruit and that fruit is
treated as tainted.
Temple is just a guiding place for people on a path. Lets understand
our Science. Start Visiting Temples often
Re-Discovering India
The Ancient Indian Philosophies

1. Samkhya: 1 BC
It postulates that everything in reality stems from Purusha (Self or Soul or
mind) and Prakriti ( Matter, energy, creative agency)

2. Yoga: 2BC
Yoga sutras, accepts the Samkhya Philosophy and meta physics, but is, more
theistic with the addition of a divine entity to Samkhya’s 25 elements of
reality, The relatively brief yoga sutras are divided in to 8 ashtangas( Limbs)

3. Nyaya 2 BC
Nyaya believe that obtaining valid knowledge ( the four sources of which are
perception, interference, Comparison & testimony) is the only way to gain
release from suffering.

4. Vaisheshika: 6 BC
The basis of the schools philosophy is that all objects in the physical universe
are reducible to finite number of atoms and Brahman is regarded as the
fundamental force that cause consciousness in these atoms.

5. Purva Mimamsa:
The school began to teach the doctrines of Brahman and Freedom, allowing
for the release or escape of the soul from its constraints through enlightened

6. Vedanta:
This school concentrates on the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads.
The Vedanta focus on Meditation, Self Discipline and Spiritual Connectivity.

Indians had never read about these philosophies in their text books.
These are the Philosophies, which the world learnt from us.


Re-Discovering India
The Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali
2 B.C
Collection of 196 Yoga Sutras

Translated to 40 Indian Languages and 2 Non Indian

Languages- Old Javanese and Arabic.

Yoga Sutras are a condensation of two different traditions,

namely “Eight limb yoga" (ashtanga yoga) and Action Yoga
(Kriya yoga)
Ashtanga, the eight components of yoga (Steps)

1. Yamas
Yamas are ethical rules and can be thought of as moral imperatives.
2. Niyama
This includes virtuous habits, behaviours and observances (the "dos")
3. Āsana
A posture that one can hold for a period of time, staying relaxed, steady,
comfortable and motionless.
4. Prānāyāma
The practice of consciously regulating breath (inhalation and exhalation).
5. Pratyāhāra
A process of retracting the sensory experience from external objects
6. Dhāraṇā
Holding one's mind onto a particular inner state, subject or topic
7. Dhyāna
If the concentration was on one object, Dhyana is non-judgmental,
non-presumptuous observation of that object
8. Samādhi
Putting together, joining, combining with, union, harmonious whole, trance.
Samadhi is oneness with the subject of meditation.

Today , the World is Celebrating Yoga Day. The World Understands,

benefits of Yoga. As Indians, how much are we appreciating it??
Re-Discovering India
Ancient Indians - The Eating Posture ???

1. Helps digestion
When you sit on the floor and eat, you sit in sukhasana or the cross-
legged position. This one is a yogic position which is known to induce
better digestion.

2. Promotes weight loss

Sitting on the floor while eating ensure
better functioning of Vagus nerve,
Preventing Overeating

3. Improved flexibility
It stretches your knees, hips, spine, chest, and ankles, thereby making
them more flexible.

4. Increases life expectancy

According to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive
Cardiology, people who sit in the cross-legged position and are able to
get up without any support are more likely to live longer.

5. Keeps the knees and hip joint healthy

Sitting on the floor keeps your knees and hip joint healthy.

6. Improved circulation
Sitting on the floor improves blood circulation in Stomach .Sitting on a
chair and eating makes blood circulation going in the opposite direction.

7. Keeps your mind and body at peace

Sitting on the floor, keeps your mind and body at peace as well. Not to
forget, a peaceful mind is essential for better digestion.

And Ancient Indians where Intelligent to Know this. But Modern Indians
Never studied this anywhere??? Who will teach this to Future Indians??
Re-Discovering India
Ancient Indians – Leaf Plates

1. Banana Leaves
Packed with plant-based compounds called
polyphenols, which are the natural antioxidants.
,warm food served on the plantains stimulates the
polyphenols which gets absorbed in the food. Also,
antibacterial properties and contain Vitamin A,
Citric acid, Calcium and Carotene.
This leaf has is the phytonutrient. Consuming a
diet rich in phytonutrients seems to be an
“effective strategy” for lowering risks for
cancer and heart disease, says the research
from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
The leaves also help in detoxification, controlling diabetes and even
improving your immune system, when food served on this.
Rich in natural fibre, and astringent
property, they are very good for the skin.
Also Have natural form of glucose which
gets absorbed in food.
The alkaloids present in the leaves gets
absorbed and are a natural cure for
diarrhoea, while also helping improve
heart function and blood circulation
These leaf plates are good for Recycling as well…But Where do our
Children learn about this…No one taught us and we don’t teach
Re-Discovering India
Ayurveda – What is it ???

The principles are basic yet extremely effective

Ayurveda is based on the principle that the body is made up of 5
elements – space, air, water, fire and earth. When all these elements
work in congruence they make a healthy person.

The 3 doshas make you who you are –

Kapha, Pitta, Vata
Doshas tell the practitioner what ailments you are most likely to suffer
‘Astavidha rogi Pariksha’ - Diagnosis methods.
Eight methods to examine a patient.– Naadi (Pulse), Mutra (Urine),
Mala (stool), Shabda (voice),Jivha(tongue), Sparsha (skin), Drik (Eyes)
and Aakriti (body build).

Ayurveda looks at your body as a whole including Environment

Ayurveda involves more than just herbs
Apart from herbs, other substances like milk, ghee, butter, honey,
molasses, gingelly oil, rock salts, minerals, ashes and self-fermented
alcohol are also help in medicating.
Ayurveda cures the root of the problem not the symptoms alone.

Ayurveda has many specialties

Surgery (Shalya chikitsa), Diseases above the shoulder (Shalakya),
Internal medicine (Kaayachikitsa), Psychiatry (Bhutavidya), Pediatrics
(Kaumarabhrutyam), Toxicology (Agadatantram), Rejuvenation
(Rasayanam) and Aphrodisiacs (Vajikaranam).
Ayurveda is a lifestyle
Why , the importance of this Medicine , is not taught, way from
School.. When foreigners come here for this, why not is this Famous
among Indians. Who was behind this conspiracy???
Re-Discovering India
The Indian Classical Dances
Compilation dated to 200 BC to 200 CE
The Natya Shastra is the foundational treatise for classical dances of India. and
this text is attributed to the ancient scholar Bharata Muni.
The most studied version of the Natya Shastra text consists of about 6000 verses;
describes the theory of Tāṇḍava dance (Shiva), the theory of rasa, of bhāva,
expression, gestures, acting techniques, basic steps, standing postures

8 forms of The classical dance

from India :
1. Bharatanatyam - Tamil
Nadu , Karnataka
2. Kathak - North India
3. Kathakali - Kerala
4. Kuchipudi - Andhra &
5. Odissi - Odisha
6. Sattriya- Assam
7. Manipuri - Manipur
8. Mohiniyattam- Kerala

These Classical Dances of Indians originated in 200 BC, has a great

connection between Science, Mathematics, and Art.
How Many Indians Know this???
Re-Discovering India
8 Ancient Universities of India

5 BC

427 TO 1197 CE

600 AD TO
1200 AD

1077 TO
1120 AD

800 AD TO 1200 AD

800 AD TO 1200 AD 2 BC
The Photos are the remains..
How many of us had read about them in our History books?
Re-Discovering India
Great Queen Warriors of India
Rani Lakshmibai
1828 – 1858
Varanasi, Jhansi
Rani Padmini
13th -14th Centuary
Rani Ahilyabhai
1725 – 1795
Rani Chennamma
1778 – 1829
Rani Avanti Bhai
1831 to 1858
Madya Pradesh

Rani Velu Nachiar

1730 – 1796
Tamil Nadu
Rani Jijabai
Mother and Mentor
of Shivaji Maharaj

How many of us have studied them in Detail in our History books..

They were all ,mothers, Wives and great Queens, but more than
that, Great Warriors… “Multi talented Brave hearts”
Re-Discovering India
Surya Namaskar

Strengthens the entire body.

1: Pranamasana
Relieves constipation
2: Hastauttanasana
Promotes healthy digestion.
3: Hastapadasana
Stimulates the nervous system 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Maintain proper blood pressure 5: Dandasana
Strengthens heart muscles. 6: Ashtanga Namaskara
Cures irregular heart beat. 7: Bhujangasana

Improves the capacity of the lungs 8: Adho Mukha Svanasana

9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Stimulates oxygen supply to vital organs
10: Hastapadasana
Provides beautiful glow to the skin.
11: Hastauttanasana
Activates basal metabolic rate of a person’s body.
12: Tadasana
Remedy for managing menstrual cramps
Reduces strained joints problems.
Lubricates sore muscles and joints
Improves mental and physical balance of the person’s body.
Improves flexibility of the body and releases stiffness.

Why, does Children do not study this in Curriculum.

Because, this technique was originated in India? Is that so??
Re-Discovering India
The Vaastu Sastra – A Myth or Science???
Entire universe including our body is composed of five basic elements
- Air, Earth, Fire, Space and Water called “Panch Mahabhoot”.
Vaastu Focuses on maintain the balance between dwelling/structure and the
elements of universe

There are five basic principles on which Vaastu science is built…

1. Examination and Selection of Site: - Bhu Pariksha.

2. Orientation:-Dik Nirnaya.
3. Planning of various component:-Padavinyasa (Vaastu Purusha Mandala)
4. Proportion and Measurement of building:-Manna and Ayadi.
5. The aesthetics of the building: - Bhulambamana or Chanada.

Though Vaastu as art and science has its concrete origin on the Indian
subcontinent, the applied principles are universal. One can find the
application of them in all cultures of the world

Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of
nature and balances them with the man and the material.
But Westernized Curriculum ignores a great Science and calls it as
Myth… When can our Children learn about this in Schools???
Re-Discovering India
Guru Poornima – What is the Fact??
1. Guru Purnima occurs on the 1st full moon
in the lunisolar month of Ashadha.
This falls after the summer solstice, when sun
has already started southwards journey.
And earth is in its receptive phase. This is
Ideal time for receiving knowledge or wisdom

2. In lunisolar ashadha month, sun is either in late degrees of Gemini or

in sign of cancer. In both cases, it has strong influence of Jupiter.
And moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, which again is influenced by
Jupiter. Thus , both sun and moon are inclined towards Jupiterian
qualities .Thus its ideal time to focus on Jupiter or Guru , as a Source of
Positive Energy.

3. Bringing Indian Astrology, the primary motivation of Ashadha

nakshatra is Liberation - This is actually Given by a Guru or a Teacher..
The one who liberates us from Darkness to Light(Knowledge). That’s
why you Celebrate Guru on this day.

4. In the solar system, objects like probes, satellites sent to outer planets
(Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) so far, have used gravity assist of
Jupiter. Without which it may not been possible for those objects to
transcend the gravity of sun starting from earth!!Jupiter is also famous
for protecting earth from the impact of long term comets. Thus a Guru or
a Teacher helps us to go Beyond our Basic abilities and Protect us, with
their teachings.

Guru is the Indian Mythical name of Jupiter . There is a Science, why

we Celebrate Guru or the Teacher or the Jupiter in India on a
particular Day. How many Indians Know this?? Which Curriculum
Teaches this??
Re-Discovering India
Did India had Caste Based Discrimination?

Maharshi Veda Vyas, who wrote the

Mahabharata, which also contains the
Bhagavad Gita, was the son of a
He is respected equally to God…

Maharishi Valmiki, once a

highway robber, who composed
the Ramayana, was also from a
fisherman’s community; He is
also considered to be a Divine

The Two Great Epics of India, were written by People, who

were Not kings or Queens or Rich… But People, Who
transformed themselves, to attain Great Knowledge..

These two People are given at most Respect, in most of the

Vedic Rituals in India…
It was East India Company, which created Caste and
Religious Discrimination in the System, for them to make
So, Ancient Indians, never Considered or Discriminated people by
Birth or Work…They gave respect to the efforts one made to gain
Knowledge.. If this is taught, to the Young Generation, India will
become a Great country with Harmony…
Who teaches this to young Generation????
Re-Discovering India
Surya Siddantha – First Astronomical Text

The author is unknown but it is believed

to be written by Mayasura , who is the
father-in-law of epic Ramayana's villain
But it is also believed that Mayasura got
his knowledge directly from the Sun god/
Written about 20 lakh years ago.

It was later shown by ‘Varahamihira'

who lived in the 4th or 5th century
during the period of Gupta empire in

This text Details……

The Mean Motions of the Planets True Places of the Planets
Direction, Place and Time The Moon and Eclipses
The Sun and Eclipses The Projection of Eclipses
Planetary Conjunctions Of the Stars
Risings and Settings
Certain Malignant Aspects of the Sun and Moon
Cosmogony, Geography, and Dimensions of the Creation
The Gnomon The Movement of the Heavens and Human Activity

Spherical Shape of Earth, Orbiting time of planets, everything

was Explained 2 Million Years ago, Gravity, Trigonometry,
everything is Described in this Text Detailly.

Newtons told about gravity only in late 17th Centuary AD.

Indian texts has told this in BC. Many Foreign Scientist refer this..
But what do our Children Read??
Re-Discovering India
What Little Krishna taught to the World???

Eating Home
Kaalinga Mardhan made Cheese
“Save Rivers “Eat Home made
Do not Pollute” Nutritious foods.
No Junk Foods”

Govardhana Giri Pooja

“Save Mountains Playing Flute
and Trees Music
That saves you” “Listen to music.
Good for your

Domesticate Cows Reward to

“Cow Products Mango seller
are good For “Help others
your health” and God
rewards you”

Being a God, still Krishna & Sudama

accepts Mom’s “Example of
Punishment Being a
“Be humble and Friend”
Respect your Mother”

And do you teach your kids about this???


Re-Discovering India
Ganesha Chaturthi- The Scientific Reason behind

Ganesha idols should be made only of

clay. Ganesha Chaturthi, comes right
after south west monsoon and before the
North east monsoon. Generally, water in
rivers are polluted due to heavy rains and
lot of Soil Erosion occurs due to floods.

Ganesha idols made out of natural clay

are worshiped with 21 herbs and these
herbs mix with water during immersion
and cleans the water.

Clay can be dissolved easily in water, forms a

layer below and does not sink into earth for a
long time and thus helps to compensate
erosion of previous monsoon and maintaining
ground water levels , onset of next monsoon

Ganesha idols made of natural clay, when

immersed in water; they get dissolved very
easily in water and cleanse the water without
causing pollution. This also develops immunity
and resistance to fight with bacteria.

For every Reason of Celebration in Ancient India, there is a

Scientific Responsibility of Saving Natural Resources. Who
conveys this to the Next Generation???
Re-Discovering India
Sushruta Samhita – Earlier to 1 Millennium BCE

The "Sushruta Samhita" is an ancient

Sanskrit text that covers areas of
both surgery and medicine.
It's widely regarded as one of the
most important documents on these
topics to have reached present day
from the ancient past. This
compendium is also considered to be
one of the main foundations of
Ayurveda, which is a traditional form
of Indian medicine.

Sushruta, known by some as "the founding father of surgery," is

credited as being the main author. It's believed that he was a
physician who lived sometime in the period between 1200 B.C.E.
and 600 B.C.E

America’s Columbia University has given the credit of

plastic surgery to ancient Indian physician named
Sushruta – widely regarded as the ‘father of surgery’.

Plastic surgery isn’t the modern luxury and its roots date back
more than 1 BCE in India. But Which Student learns about this
and in Which text book???


Re-Discovering India
Electric battery & Many more- Who Found it First??

The ancient text of Agastya Samhita

describes the method of making electric
battery, and that water can be split into
oxygen and hydrogen
Modern battery cell resembles Agastya’s
method of generating electricity.

This Electricity was used by him to separate Hydrogen and

Oxygen from water and use the gases for many different
applications including flying. (like Hydrogen balloon)

David Hatcher Childress, refers to this, technology

from Rishi Agastya , helps a lamp to be lit, for
many years inside a well, in Travancore Temple ,in
his book, “Technology of the Gods: The Incredible
Sciences of the Ancients”

All we know, is Edison, tesla and other Foreign Scientists, who

discovered Electricity and other such stuffs.. Is that Ok, for us to
remain like this and make our Kids believe, what we studied ??


Re-Discovering India

The Seven Mothers of Vedic India

1) ADAU MATA: the first mother, to whom we are born.

2) GURU-PATNI: the wife of the spiritual master.
3) BRAHMANI: the wife of a qualified priest.
4) RAJA-PATNIKA: the wife of the raja ,a qualified king.
5) DHENU: the cow, she gives us milk.
6) DHATRI: the nurse.
7) PRTHVI: the earth.

In infancy the biological mother provides vital nourishment in the form of

breast-milk, allowing her baby to develop a healthy body and fight off
In childhood, the mother nurtures her son or daughter by providing care,
protection, and essential life lessons. Through her example, the mother
instills such qualities as compassion, self-discipline, tolerance,
dutifulness, cleanliness, religiosity, and practical wisdom into her
children. As children grown into adolescents and adults, these original roles
of the biological mother are extended.

The wife of the teacher, elder women in the community, the wife of the local
political leader, the cow, the nurse, and the earth provide the same affection,
instruction, and variegated care that originally came from the mother of

And more than that, The Supreme Goddess , is Considered as

“Sree Maatha” means, Mother of all…
In India, a child's development was more a Societal responsibility,
than an individual responsibility. Which culture other than ours
explains this?
Re-Discovering India
Indian Martial Arts – What we Know??

Two Great Texts Explaining Indian Martial Arts:

Arthashastra - 4th Centuary BCE
Agni Purana – 8th to11th century

The War concepts were divided in to

6 Main categories
Yuddhakalā - warfare art
Āyudhavidyā- knowledge of arms
Vīravidyā - science of being a warrior
Śastravidyā - science of weaponry
Dhanurveda - science of archery
Svarakshākalā- art of self-defence

Few Major styles were: Regional Versions and names

Swordsmanship (Khadgavidya) Andhra Pradesh- Talim
Staff play (Lathikhela) Bengal - Dao khela
Spearplay Bihar -Pari-khanda
Archery (Dhanurvidya) Karnataka -Kai varase, Katti varase
Mace-fighting (Gadayuddha) Kashmir - Sqay
Wrestling (Mallayuddha) Kerala - Kalari
Wrestling (Pehlwani) Maharashtra - Mardani khel
Boxing (Mushtiyuddha) Manipur -Huyen Lalong
Kicking Odisha -Pari khanda
Pugilism Punjab &Rajasthan - Śastravidyā
Bal Vidya Tamil Nadu - Silambam

All these arts helped in focused and healthy way of living..

And still how many of us know about these Indian stuffs???
Re-Discovering India
Āryabhata – What do we know?
Aryabhata (476–550 CE) was the first of the major mathematician-
astronomers. His works include the Āryabhaṭīya and the Arya-

Gitikapada: (13 verses): large units of time—kalpa, manvantra, and yuga

Ganitapada (33 verses): covering mensuration (kṣetra vyāvahāra), arithmetic

and geometric progressions, gnomon / shadows (shanku-chhAyA), simple,
quadratic, simultaneous, and indeterminate equations (kuṭṭaka).

Kalakriyapada (25 verses): different units of time and a method for

determining the positions of planets for a given day, calculations
concerning the intercalary month (adhikamAsa), kShaya-tithis, and
a seven-day week with names for the days of week.

Golapada (50 verses): Geometric/trigonometric aspects of the celestial sphere,

features of the ecliptic, celestial equator, node, shape of the earth,
cause of day and night, rising of zodiacal signs on horizon, etc.
Other than this, he also explains detailly on
Place value system and zero Approximation of π
Trigonometry Indeterminate equations
Algebra Motions of the solar system
Eclipses Sidereal periods

Global mathematicians, have used Aryabhata’s works

ALL These verses, explained the application of Maths, and imagine, if our
History book ,had lessons of Aryabhata, it could have helped the kids to
understand applications of Mathematics rather than memorizing
formulas. Who will do it??
Re-Discovering India
The Game of “CHESS”

In Sanskrit, "chaturanga , literally means "having four limbs (or

parts)" and in epic poetry often means "army" (the four parts are
elephants, chariots, horsemen, foot soldiers). The name came from
a battle formation mentioned in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The
game chaturanga was a battle-simulation game which rendered
Indian military strategy of the time.

Precursors to chess originated in India

during the Gupta Empire, in the 6th
century was known as Chaturanga,
From India, the game spread to Persia.
When the Arabs conquered Persia,
chess was taken up by the Arab world
and subsequently spread to Southern
Europe. In Europe, chess evolved into
roughly its current form in the 15th

Chess was designed for an ashtāpada (Sanskrit for "having eight

feet", i.e. an 8×8 squared board), which may have been used
earlier for a backgammon-type race game. Ashtāpada, the
uncheckered 8×8 board served as the main board for
playing chaturanga. Other Indian boards included the
10×10 Dasapada and the 9×9 Navapadha.
Most of us Play Chess and how many of us, know its roots to India.
A detailed Study of these kind of Games, in Schools, can really bring
out Great Strategic revelations to our kids
Re-Discovering India
Sanskrit- Science behind Brain Development

Dr James Hartzell, neuroscientist, in the

journal Scientific American has coined the term
“The Sanskrit effect.” He writes that memorising
Vedic mantras increases the size of brain regions
associated with cognitive function such as
memory (both short-term and long term
Sanskrit has also been proven to help in speech
therapy. Research suggests that learning the
language improves brain functioning and
students improve academically.
James Junior School in London has made Sanskrit compulsory.
Students of this school are among the toppers in various fields and
worldwide exams year after year. Some schools in Ireland also have
made Sanskrit compulsory.
A research with MRI Scan of Brains of Sample of people who
learnt Sanskrit and Sample who did not, was done, with India-
Trento Partnership(Italy) for Advanced Research (ITPAR), at
India’s National Brain Research Center . A similar experiment,
was done in Houston, TX, USA.
They found the grey matter in People who learnt Sanskrit to be
denser and the cortex thicker than in ‘controls’, and the
hippocampus regions, associated with long- and short-term
memory was more pronounced.

Sanskrit, a Language, which is Misunderstood, that it belongs to certain

community or Religion. Never…It is a Science… Learning this language,
actually helps brain development in Kids. Its not a Hindrance to Mother
tongue… Its complex, that why Indians do not understand the science…


Re-Discovering India
Indian Music- What we need to Know

The 30,000 years old cave at Bhimbetka rock shelters in Madhya

Pradesh shows music instruments .Dancing Girl sculpture (2500 BCE)
was found from the Indus Valley Civilization
Vedas (1500 – 800 BCE) document rituals with performing arts and

1.Hindustani music -Northern Part of India

2. Carnatic music – Southern Part of India
3. Light classical music(Semi Classical
Thumri, Dadra, Bhajan, Ghazal, Chaiti, Kajri, Tappa, Natya
Sangeet and Qawwali.
4. Folk music and Melodic
Bhangra and Giddha- Punjab
Bihu and Borgeet – Assam
Dandiya – Gujarat
Jhumair and Domkach -Nagpuri
Lavani – Maharashtra
Langas, Sapera, Bhopa, Jogi and Manganiya- Rajasthan
Rabindra Sangeet – Bengal
Sufi folk rock Present Pakistan
Tamang Selo- Nepal
Pann- a Melodic from Tamilnadu
Were some popular forms across India.
Each state had its own songs and Musical instruments, that were
very famous
But , Which text book, teaches detailly on all these?? Then how will the
younger generation, understand, the cultural past of India? How will
innovation happen, in such a great music literature, when no one learns
about it at the school??
Re-Discovering India

Namaste is usually spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed

together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to
the chest. This gesture is called Anjali Mudra or Pranamasana.

In Indian culture, people greet each other by joining their palms –

termed as “Namaskar.”
The general reason behind this tradition is
that greeting by joining both the palms
means respect. Scientifically speaking, joining
both hands ensures joining the tips of all the
fingers together; which are denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears,
and mind.

Pressing them together is said to activate the pressure points which

helps us remember that person for a long time.
And, no germs since we don’t make any physical Touch
It is used both for salutation and valediction.
Practicing Anjali mudra
• Promotes flexibility in the wrists and arm joints.
• Improves focus during meditation
• Promotes mindfulness and inner awareness
• Calms the mind
• Relieves stress
• Connects the brain's right and left hemispheres

Today, when we have so much of New Viral Infections, The world is

Practicing “Namaste” . Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Acknowledges it. But we Indians ??? The Future Generation should
understand this…..


Re-Discovering India
“Sadhus” of India

The Word “Sadhu” in India, originated well before the time of

Rigveda – 1500 BCE

In the Rigveda (6.15.16) the word Sadhu is described as Savitr

Becoming a Sadhu is one of the highest goals in Many religions.

Sadhu means a good person, an accomplished person or a person of
excellence, purity, virtue, perfection, completeness, righteousness,
honour, nobility, etc. One becomes a Sadhu through the practice
(sadhana) of devotion, worship, Yoga, renunciation, or spiritual
transformation, using the means (sadhan) of accomplishment and
Sadhutvam in itself is a highly Regarded quality. It
is devoid of anger, deceit and violence and bestows
peace and equanimity upon those who take refuge
in it. Association with it is association with truth
(sath) itself, and leads to the predominance of
sattva (purity)
In India, there are So many Sects of Sadhus, according to
Sampradayas, Parampara, and Akhara.

Whatever sect they are, A Sadhu focus is on Detachment, Helping

others, Spirituality, Calmness, Non-violence, Truthfulness of life

India, is the only land, with so many Diversities, still united , because of
the Various teachings and Philosophies of “Sadhus” we had ,even before
1500 BCE till Now. Which Text book, explains this Concept to the Next
Generation in the Right Way?


Re-Discovering India
Why Feng Shui when we have Our Own..??

Ganesha- Bring positive energy and success

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Locket - One can improve

your health by wearing this Rudraksha locket.

Hanuman Chalisa Yantra Kavach -Pacify

the negative effects of malefic planets

Shri Lakshmi Kuber Dhan Varsha Yantra

Experience increase in prosperity and

Meru Shree Yantra - signifying unlimited

abundance and positive powers

Black Horseshoe Ring- brings good luck,

reduces the adverse effects of Sade Sati

Slowly , Over the time, we see, Chinese Feng shui is Present at every home
Its time to Rediscover our own Vastu Sastra, and Replace Feng Shui..
There are many such things in our Vastu than the Feng Shui..
Re-Discovering India
United India..

K. S. Munshi, a politician, was granted an

audience with Sri Aurobindo, ‘…At the
end of the interview, Munshi asked if there
was anything Sri Aurobindo wanted to say.
Immediately he asked, “When will India be

Ancient India was composed of the modern-day countries of Afghanistan

(some portions), Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Srilanka , India ,Tibet
and Pakistan. They had the People, who were at the south of Himalayas and
had almost same cultural believes...

As different countries today, with the same underlying culture, the Separation
was an effect of British ruled India..

‘Ancient Bharath , has got in its Map, Afghanistan called “Upganathan”,

Kabul “Kubha Nagar”, Peshawar “Purushpur”, Multan “Moolsthan”, Tibet
“Trivishtap” , Sri Lanka “Singhaldweep” and Myanmar called
“Brahmadesh”. Of course, Pakistan and Bangladesh were Just torn apart from
India during the Independence Era, by the Britishers and their Partners..

With all of them, together, How strong , could have been India and the idea of
United Bharath or “Akhand Bharat”

How many history books, even, taught us or our Kids, about this Idea..
What was the force behind hiding these realities to the younger


Re-Discovering India
Ancient Indian Concept- Is it Right ??

The Concept of Ancient India, Never

differentiates you as a Black or White..

The Concept of Ancient India Never Says, My

belief is Supreme or Your Belief is Inferior

The Concept of Ancient India, Never Forces you,

either by threats or By Wealth, to Believe its

Then What is the Concept of India and is it Right to get Aligned with it , even
Now… About 1500 BCE, in Rig Veda, also in Maha Upanishad, a Verse
ayaṃ nijaḥ paro veti gaṇanā laghucetasām।
udāracaritānāṃ tu vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam॥

“This is mine, that is his, say the small minded,

The wise believe that the entire world is a family”

Approx , between 1st BCE and 5th BCE, a Tamil Literature, “Purananuru”
“Yaadhum Oore, Yaavarum Kelir”
“Every Place is my Place and Every Person is My Relative”

So, its never Wrong to Align to the Concept of Ancient India, which teaches
Universal Brother Hood. Its Right to Be RIGHT

How Many Curriculums, have detailed discussions on this thoughts and

Verses which were , as Old as 1500 BCE, and Originated in Our


Re-Discovering India
Lord Ram- What is Not taught ???
Role Situation Duty
Prince Fights for Saving Good Kills Demons, who was troubling good People.
Son Father gives a word Goes to the Forest, for keeping Fathers words
Goes a long route, crosses the Ocean and Kills the
Husband Wife was Kidnapped enemy and takes backs the wife. Remains Loyal to
one wife
Ram loved all his brothers and Never got offended,
Brother Different situations in his life
even in a situation to give his kingdom to his brother
Knowing Valli can help him to save sita, very easily,
Friend Helps Sukriva and Hanuman still does not leave Sukriva, to save Dharma &
Friendship and Kills Vaali
Goes to extreme step to create confidence among the
King A Citizen has a concern
Be it Jadayu- a Bird, Hanuman - a Monkey,
Jambavan- A Bear, and even a Squirrel was a Part of
Human Loved all creatures
his life. He never thought someone low or Someone
Though he killed Raavan, for his Misdeeds, he
ensured that, his Last rights, were performed with
Winner Respects Ravan
due respect and Made Vibishan- Raavans Brother, as
a good king for his kingdom.
Eats the balance of fruits, half Sabari, gives him half eaten fruits, and still, though a
Master eaten by Sabari – a poor King, never says No to it, as he sees, the affection ,
woman rather than, the Pride of Being a King

There are many more. So in Every Role he Played,

He Performed the Duties of the Role, Perfectly,
Irrespective of Situation, he had.

If Everyone in this World, start delivering

their Duties, like Lord Ram, How great this
world would be..

Following Lord Ram, helps us to transform as better Human Beings. He is

for whole Humanity…If this is Taught to Kids at early age.. Then how
good would be the world…


Re-Discovering India
Indian Independence – What is Not Taught

We all study, that we got Independence in the Year 1947.

But then, there was No idea of Pakistan, till 1946 or little earlier
than that...

Indian Independence ,
started, in the Mid 1800 or
Even before that..

But Just few years or even less , before the official Independence, of
India, from where did the idea of Partition came in???...

So, it was Britishers, who wanted to gain something out of Partition…

Until then, the whole of today’s India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, was Only
India and we fought the British for Independence together..

Just before the Golden Moment, India was torn in to Pieces, and
the Brothers were divided..
Who was responsible for this..
Who was Behind this…
Why No great men we had, did not stop this Partition…

And is this the reason, till today, we are facing aggression internally
and externally???

What is Not taught in our Books, are the Major reasons, that had Divided
a great Culture... United we stand, Divided we fall… How many of us
Know the real reason???


Re-Discovering India
The “Mother of All Martial arts”

We all know, about, Kungfu, Karate, Shaolin , Taekwondo, Judo etc..

But how many of us know, about the “Mother of all these Martial
Historical literature first mentioned Kalari as an accepted style back in
the 14th century in Kerala, but its origins can be traced as far back as
15,000 BCE. Sage Parasuram is considered to be the creator of
Kalarippayattu. But it was Bodhidharma whose travels spread the art
form across east Asia and which is todays, Kungfu and Karate.
It boosts flexibility , improves the strength, ensures to make you
fast, cuts down the ‘laziness", improves concentration power ,
patience is improved, very good de-stress, improves presence of
mind ,helps in surviving a real attack
Chuvadu (Salutation Forms) ,Adithada
(Unarmed Combat), Pootu (Locks) ,Valivu
(Throws), Maypayattu (Flexibility Forms), Rad
Veesh (Long Session Staff), Neduvadi (Long
Stick),Kuravadi (Short Stick), Cheruvadi
(Medium Stick),Kathi
(Dagger).Kadara,Vettukathi,Valum (Long
Sword),Churika (Medium Sword),Valum
Parichayum (Sword & Shield),Spear ,Maru
(Axe),Urumi (Spring Sword),Marma Adi are
different levels in learning Kalari
Why, no curriculum teaches this great art at school ?


Re-Discovering India
Aryan Invasion – Is that true???

All of us has read, Aryan, and Dravidian…

But, was it true or was it Mere Politics…Britishers, emphasized on
this theory more, only to boast that, the superior culture of India, was
derived from Aryan existence and Aryans had the central European
So, this helped the Britishers to take control of ruling India, and obviously,
later, Hitler’s Germany used it for a Political use.. And later on, other
Political organizations, took it forward, only and only for Political
gains…In the Vedic doctrine, the astral life span of a pitra, or ancestor, is
3,000 years. A nameless woman who died in Rakhigarhi, a settlement in
Haryana of antiquity, and an ancestor of the Harappan civilisation, would
never have guessed that she would be the centre of a debate 4,500 years
DNA tests showed that the deceased, whose long-
forgotten name has been replaced by the number
‘14411’, did not possess the R1a1 gene—the ‘Aryan
gene’ of the Bronze Age people who lived 4,000 years
ago in the Central Asian ‘Pontic steppe’ situated
between the Black Sea and the Caspian.

The ultimate, truth is, people of India, from the

North till the south and from East to West, had
similar genes, mostly, ANI, ASI and a mixture of
both of these, which were not a part of any central
Asia, or Europe or China.
Till today, there is no real evidence of Aryan identity except for books
written sometime , by somebody. But there is a Proof, for such a Fake
theory existed only politically and the worst part is , this has been in the
curriculum, for ages now..


Re-Discovering India
Family Goals & Couple Goals – From Ancient India

In a family, every person is given equal importance,

allowed to have their Personal space and work on
what they like, within the limits of the Family and
Social environment.
The parents, equally play their part to strengthen
the Kids, but Shakti or the Mother, takes a Higher
role in empowering the Kids.
There is nobody superior. The Husband and wife are equal
halves. (Arthanariswara). There can be arguments and
differences, but sort it out ;be committed and get back.
When a Kid or a family member, gets angry and goes out
of mood the Parents or rest in family should do their best
to bring them again to normalcy
Sometimes, Kids, teach a great lesson. If so, accept
and agree and learn from them. Though you know,
Listen to your kids…

Teach great values to Kids.

Sometimes its hard, but still the
value matters.

Water is as important as your life. Conserve water, for

the future Generation.
Though there are many, here are a few learnings from “Shiva
Kutumbam” . The Back bone for India, compared to the world, is
our “Family Structure”. And remember, the Gods, were leading as
Examples... How do we teach to the Next Gen X???


Re-Discovering India
Newtons Laws of Motion or Kannad’s laws of Motion

Newton was Born in 1643 AD and Acharya

Kaṇāda (Sanskrit: कणाद) was a Sage and
philosopher who was born in Prabhas
Kshetra (near Dwaraka) in Gujarat, India.
He composed few Sutras around 600 BCE.

3 Vaishesika Sutras proposed 1800 years before Newton’s

Three Laws of Motion

•वेगः निमित्तववशेषात किमणो जायते |

Translation : Change of motion is due to impressed force.
(The law stated that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and
an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same
speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an
unbalanced force.)

•वेगः निमित्तापेक्षात किमणो जायते नियतददक क्रियारबन्धहेते तु |

Translation : Change of motion is proportional to the
impressed force and is in the direction of the force.

•वेगः संयोगववशेषववरोेी |
Translation : Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
The Categories or Padārtha

Now all of us learnt that 3 Laws of motion was proposed by

Newton. How bad was the British System of Education, which
literally killed all the Knowledge existed in Bharath and started
the Indian History after 1500s. Who will teach today’s kids??


Re-Discovering India
Theory of Evolution

According to Darwin's theory, life began in the ocean; the species

then began coming out of the water ; soon, there was the need to
traverse long distances, so creatures developed legs. Then animals
slowly changed as Humans , short apes, early humans with
Weapons and then slowly evolved as cultured humans with

Now lets get to Dasavathar; Fish in the water, then the Turtle an
Amphibian, then the Boar in the land, the Narasimha, half human
and the Vamana, Short ape like man , Parasuraman, the Early
man with weapons and Ram, Krishna, Balram or Buddha and
Kalki…the evaluation of intellectual Human beings

Darwin was Born in 1809 AD and the references of Dasa avatar

was done in Garuda Purana, an approximate time was 800 CE.
Which means, even before that, this information was available. So
Who told the theory of Evolution to the World???
Re-Discovering India
Rock Architecture or Rock Moulding technology

Indian rock-cut architecture is more various and found in greater

abundance in that country than any other form of rock-cut architecture
around the world. Starting from ,6000 BC, till 15th Centurary AD,
there are Great rock structures, for which even till date, there is
no clarity on how they were Built. More than 1500 Architectures
are in India. Few are listed here..
Saptaparni Cave Tirumalai
Ajanta and Ellora Kalugumalai
Barabar Caves- Bihar Pallava Rock Architecture
Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves Chand Baori
Ezhadippattam, Sittanavasal Cave Badami cave
Gautamiputra vihara Kanheri Caves
Manmodi Caves Guntupalle
Tulja Caves Bojjannakonda
Pandavleni Cave Lingalakonda
Samanar Malai Thanjore temple

How many of these details, we have learnt as kids? And how much
will our Kids Learn from their books??
Re-Discovering India
Who invented Flights?

Valmiki has mentioned the word ‘Vimana‘ at least 19 times in his

epic poem Ramayana which happened in 7th Centaury BCE. At
many other instances Valmiki has also mentions different layers of
atmosphere in which different sizes Vimanas could fly.

Vimanas are mentioned even in Mahabharata and many other

ancient Indian scriptures like Puranas.

The Rigveda mentions aerial cars in 1500 BCE

Vaimaanika Shastra which came at later part of 19th centuary

used texts from Puranas and Vedas to explain in detail , the
metals and alloys and other required material, which can make an
aircraft imperishable in any condition There are diagrams of
three types of aeroplanes – “Sundara”, “Shukana” and “Rukma”.

And we all learn that, Wright Brothers

Invented Planes in early 1900’s.
Good to be Indians…

If efforts would have been done to imbibe these Knowledge to

Indian kids, we could have great inventions in aviation. Who will
do it?
Re-Discovering India
USD 45 Trillion

“Britain Between 1765 and 1938, the

drain amounted to 9.2 trillion pounds
($45 trillion), taking India's export
surplus earnings as the measure, and
compounding it at a 5 per cent rate of
Indians were never given due credit for their precious resources
like gold and forex earnings, which all went to feed the people of
the British country. As per Utsa's research, the per capita income
was almost steady during the period from 1900 to 1945-46. In
1900-02, India's per capita income was Rs 196.1, while it was just
Rs 201.9 in 1945-46, a year before India got its independence.
During this period, the per capita income rose to maximum Rs
223.8 in 1930-32. All this happened when "India registered the
second largest export surplus earnings in the world for three
decades before 1929.

while people of India died due to malnutrition and several other

diseases just like "flies", the Britishers kept taking away hard-
earned money of poor Indians.
Britain exported food grains and imposed high taxes, which
spread famine in India and reduced its purchasing power.

If only Britain has taken so much of wealth, What about, the

Mughals, Portuguese, French, Dutch who invaded and looted
billions of wealth from India. And we hail them for our current
education system which was done to encourage Slavery mindset.
And you never learn about the looted Net worth…
Re-Discovering India
Ashta Siddhi

Classic yoga texts, such as Patanjali’s Yoga

Sutras, written about 2000 years ago, tell us that if
you sit quietly, pay close attention to your mind, and
practice this diligently, then you will gain
supernormal powers. These advanced capacities,
known as siddhis, are not regarded as magical;
they’re ordinary capacities that everyone possesses.
We’re just too distracted most of the time to be able
to access them reliably.
The sage Patanjali also tells us that these siddhis can be
attained by ingesting certain drugs, through contemplation of
sacred symbols, repetition of mantras, ascetic practices, or
through a fortuitous birth. Though there are 24 Siddhis, the
below 8 Yogic Powers are considered to be Greatest among the
1.Aṇimā: Ability to reduce one's size
2.Mahima: Ability to increase one's size
3.Garima: Ability to increase one's weight infinitely
4.Laghima: Ability to become lighter than the lightest
5.Prāpti: Ability to Obtain anything
6.Prākāmya: Ability to acquire anything desired
7.Iṣiṭva: Lordship over creation
8.Vaśitva: Having control over things
There are many things, which are never Proved by Science.
Extensive Research should be done in these Yoga Sutras; if done,
India would become a Super Power in Technology; where , Today
we see so many tales, becoming reality
Re-Discovering India
Hanuman Chalisa- What is Not Known

Hanuman Chalisa was composed by Tulsidas, a

15th-century poet-saint who was also philosopher
and reformer. Tulsidas composed Hanuman Chalisa
in 40 days in Jail of Third Mughal Emperor
Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar. Tulsidas has written
this to inspire spiritual aspirants to become
devotees of Lord Rama so that they are blessed and
protected by Hanuman, and are spiritually
He chanted this for forty days and on the 40th day,
suddenly an army of giant monkeys descended
upon Fatehpur Sikri, unleashing havoc in all
corners of the town, entering each home as well as
Akbar’s harem, scratching people and throwing
bricks. An old Hafiz told Akbar that this was the
miracle of the Hindu fakir. Akbar immediately fell
at the feet of Tulsi Das, apologized and freed him.

The Distance Between The Sun and Earth mentioned in

Hanuman Chalisa is almost accurate which even Western
scientist failed( to be close to the value)

Practically, Hanuman Chalisa has a calming effect. It is known

to cure diseases, Insanity, etc. If chanted by someone in trouble
or for someone in trouble, it said the problem goes away.

How many of us Know, the History behind “Hanuman Chalisa”.

How many of us recite and Teach to our Kids???


Re-Discovering India
Subash Chandra Bose- Netaji

The British premier who oversaw the transfer of

power in India, Clement Attlee, admitted in 1956
that the British had to leave the country in haste
due to the patriotic fervour ignited by Subhas
Chandra Bose and his INA.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in his interview with the BBC
in 1955 had clearly stated the reason behind
Britain’s hasty departure from India— “because of
the national army raised by Subhas Chandra Bose”.
Bose became fascinated by teachings of Swami Vivekananda

Subhash Chandra Bose was expelled from college when he assaulted

Professor Oaten, who allegedly made anti-India comments and
manhandled Indian students
In 1923, Bose became the President of the All India Youth Congress
and then eventually became the Congress President in 1938. He had
a falling out with Congress in 1939 and was expelled from his
leadership position as Mohandas Karamchand and he had
differences in their approaches to fighting the British.

Bose was jailed 11 times during his fight for freedom

Bose started the newspaper 'Swaraj’
Netaji had women troops in INA even before Independence

Just recollect, how much had we known about Netaji, from the
text books from our Schools. A great history was hidden to Indian
kids. If this would have been detailed, How great each kid, who
studied it, would become.
Re-Discovering India
1500 BC to 1500 AD – Where is that Indian History??

Everyone of us, have read History and Social Books. At least

reading, those books now for our Children…Vedas Originated about,
1500 BC, means, Languages and culture, were born Years before
Now, 1500 BC, was the Period, where we had our Own Culture and
Heritage…Giving equal rights to women, men and great
Philosophies.. ..

And Most of our History book portions, except, 2 or 3

Paragraphs or lines, contain what???
Invasion, Culture, Architecture, Governance of…

• Portuguese (AD 1498)

• Babur (AD 1526-1530)
• Humayun (AD 1530-1556)
• Akbar (AD 1556-1605)
• British East India Company (1600)
• Dutch East India Company (1602)
• Jahangir (AD 1605-1627)
• Danish East India Company (1616)
• Shah Jahan (AD 1628-1658)
• Aurangzeb (Alamgir) (AD 1658-1707)
• French East India Company (1664)
• Indian Freedom Movement ( till 1947)
What has to be a Paragraph, is a Lesson and what has to be a lesson is a
Paragraph.. Great Scientific discoveries and historical facts in India,
happened, between 1500 BC to 1500 AD. .. How much did we miss..??


Re-Discovering India
Be proud to Be an Indian

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Its time to “Rediscover India for Indians”

What is needed from the reader is just a small

"transformation” and a small “Action” to take the
Greatness of Bharath to the next generation.
However small it may be... Not just a Forward…


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