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Eastar Manual

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Chapter 1 Introduction
Before reading this User‟s Manual, The repair personnel of all authorized avoid the person injury, you can findthe
you should understand the service stations, who passed the answers in this manual, which is included
professional trainings, can properly repair in the explanation for the alarm symbols
following things. your vehicle and vehicle equipment. The with triangle. Please read carefully and
Thanks for your purchase of Chery vehicle.
spare parts in Chery authorized service abide by the contents thereof.
In order to operate your vehicle properly
station are of Chery genuine spare parts. The equipment marked with
and guarantee your rights and benefits,
Equipment Scope asterisk (*) is only used in lot
please spend some time to read this
This manual defined the maximum size on certain model structures,
manual carefully.
possible equipment scope installed in which is supplied as optional equipment
This manual provides the important
accordance with the Eastars series for some models or is only available in
instructions and hints on the daily driving
(SQR7240&SQR7200) model plan till the certain markets.
and regular maintenance and care, with the
print date, namely for all the standard When this symbol is present on
purpose for your familiarity with the
equipment and optional equipment in the vehicle, make sure to read
operation of your vehicle. Only the more
Eastars series model, some equipment may the related chapters of this
understanding to your vehicle can
be supplied in the future or may be only manual before any operations.
guarantee the safety and economy of the
vehicle driving as well as enjoy the available in certain markets. Therefore, Environmental Protection
pleasure thereof. some items in this manual may not apply We must contribute our
Any improper operation may damage your to your vehicle. responsibility and liability in the
vehicle as well as may be deprived of your This vehicle model is equipped with two working of environmental
maintenance right. types of engine (Mitsubishi and ACTECO), protection. It’s the important step to
The periodical maintenance to your and users can read it according to different achieve such objective by operating your
vehicle will help maintain the driving symbols. vehicle properly and disposing the used
performance and used value of your Alarm Symbols within This cleaning articles and lubricating materials
vehicle. The Chery authorized service in accordance with the laws and
Manual regulations. This manual displayed the
stations all over the country boasted During the vehicle operation, to
numerous repair experts to provide you information on this aspect by means of
reduce the damage to the vehicle tree symbol.
with service anytime. and the vehicle equipment and to
New Vehicle Inspection of the new vehicle must abide by the run pollution.
Before delivering the vehicle to you, the in regulations strictly. The engine speed should not be excessive
dealer of Chery Company has already Run in Regulation within 1,000km low during driving. Shift to the low gear
performed the vehicle inspection in  Full speed driving is absolutely when the engine runs toughly.
accordance with the regulations of Chery prohibited; In cold state, you don’t run the engine at
Automobile Co., Ltd.  Generally, do not drive the vehicle at top speed at neutral gear or any other drive
The dealer of Chery Company should fill the speed above 100 km/h; gear.
in the vehicle delivery date in the "Vehicle  Avoid driving at the top speed at
Delivery Inspection Certificate‖ column of whichever gear.
this manual and seal with the stamp of Run in Regulation from 1,000km
dealing agency.
The dealer should verify the entire vehicle
to 1,500km
performance and introduce the operation  Increase to the top speed gradually or
knowledge of the vehicle against the drive at the allowable max engine
―Chery Vehicle Sale & Delivery Card‖ speed.
that to be dually signed by the salesman Notice during Run in Period:
and the user. For the driving of vehicles with engine
Run in of New Vehicle tachometer, the allowed short period top
Due to the manufacture and assembling engine speed is 6,000r/min. During the
deviations, the frication resistances manual gearshift, make sure to shift to the
between the moving components of the next high gear when the engine tachometer
new vehicle at the initial stage of indicator reaches red indication area at the
operation will be much greater than the latest.
ones in normal condition. The run in Avoid the running of engine at
effects of the vehicle at the initial stage of unnecessary high speed. The
operation will exert great influence on the earliest shift to high gear will help
use lifetime, working reliability and save the fuel, reduce the working noise as
economy of the vehicle, therefore, the use well as diminish the environmental
The new tires don’t have the best adhesion Company will appoint one service
at the beginning of use; therefore, the tires consultant to serve you at the purchase of
also need run in. The vehicle speed should your vehicle. In case of any problems
be relatively low during the first 100km during your vehicle use, you may contact
driving and the driving should be your service consultant, who will provide
extremely careful. you with the best services.
The new brake friction lining also needs
run in, since the brake doesn't have ideal
friction force during the first 200km
driving. During this period the brake
effects are a little poor, therefore the
pressure on brake pedal may be reasonably
increased. Such condition is also
applicable each time the friction lining is
replaced with a new one.
When the new vehicle traveled for 800km,
the wheel nuts must be re-tightened to the
specified torque. Please refer to the
chapter ―Capability and Specification
Parameters‖ of this manual for correct
torque values. Also, if the wheel has been
replaced or the wheel nuts have been
loosened, then the wheel nuts should be
re-tightened in accordance with the
specified torque after traveling for 800km.
 “One-To-One” Service
In order to provide you with better service
and vehicle use, the dealer of Chery

Vehicle Delivery Inspection Evidence:

This is to certify that this vehicle has completed the

vehicle delivery inspection defined by Chery
Automobile Co., Ltd. and its quality met with the
technical specification of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. Vehicle Owner Responsible Service Station Name

Name (Unit)

Vehicle Delivery Date: _____________

Tel: Tel:

Dealer Stamp:

Vehicle Delivery Date

Dealer Stamp


Body VIN No:

Engine Serial No.:

Transmission Serial No.:


Chery Vehicle Sale & Delivery Sheet

Category No. Item Whether inspected OK and

clearly explained
1 Engine Yes □ No □
2 Engine oil, brake liquid, steering liquid, coolant, battery liquid Yes □ No □
3 VIN number, engine serial number, nameplate and other identifications Yes □ No □
4 Entire vehicle locks and keys Yes □ No □
Entire Vehicle Performance

5 Entire vehicle lamps, including head lamp, turn lamp, fog lamp, combined lamp, Yes □ No □
compartment lamp, brake lamp, backup lamp, tail lamp, reading lamp, door
lamp, and instrument lamp
6 Windscreen glass and body paint Yes □ No □
7 Speedometer, engine tachometer, odometer Yes □ No □
8 Hub cap, spare tire in luggage compartment, vehicle attached tools and entire Yes □ No □
vehicle operation manual
9 Safety belt, cigarette lighter, A/C switches and vent, glove box and sun visor Yes □ No □
10 Glass lifter, rear view mirror, wiper, washer, horn, radio (CD player) and Yes □ No □

1 93# gasoline fuel Yes □ No □

2 Normal operation during run in Yes □ No □
3 Operation of entire vehicle lamps Yes □ No □
4 Meaning of alarm indicators Yes □ No □
5 Correct maintenance period and mileage Yes □ No □
Operation 6 Vehicle maintenance items in winter and summer. Yes □ No □
Knowledge 7 Correct understanding of cooling system/coolant usage. Yes □ No □
8 Correct operation of A/C Yes □ No □
9 Notices for vehicle start Yes □ No □

10 Correct operation of audio equipment Yes □ No □

Salesman Signature: Date: User Signature: Date:


“One-To-One” Counseling Service Card  One user is only served by one service counsel: "One-To-One‖
User Name: Vehicle Purchase Date:  User may choose other service consultant when dissatisfied
Sales Agency: Model: with current service consultant.
Vehicle VIN Number:
III. Major Job introduction of service counsel (―√‖ for Yes as ―×‖
Following items should be validated by the user:
for No)
I. Related items confirmation at vehicle delivery (―√" for Yes as
 Repair maintenance service reception
―×‖ for No)

Form One Saved by Service stations

 Complaint acceptance
 Basic vehicle operation method has been introduced and the
onsite delivery inspection is certified OK.  Periodical maintenance reminding visits
 Quality warranty policy has been introduced.  Repair/Maintenance consultant explanation
 Vehicle driving notice has been introduced.  Periodical greeting visits
 The importance of vehicle periodical maintenance and  Repair/maintenance reservation acceptance
maintenance period/mileage has been introduced.  Service activity reminding visits
 The importance of vehicle maintenance/repair at Chery  Annual authentication reminding/acceptance
authorized service station has been noted.  Important festival greeting
 Maintenance Manual and User’s Manual has been handed over  Other activities of user’s needs
and the reading is reminded. IV. Establishment of ―One-To-One‖ counseling service
 The function and operation method of service hotline of Chery relationship.
Company has been noted.
II. ―One-To-One‖ counseling service mode introduction (―√‖ for
Yes as ―×‖ for No) Service Counsel Card
 Contact the service counsel instead of anyone else in case of
any problems or needs.
 The service counsel appointed by the service station is the
exclusive person to communicate and contact with the user. User Signature/Date: Service Counsel Signature/Date:

“One-To-One” Counseling Service Card  One user is only served by one service counsel: "One-To-One‖
User Name: Vehicle Purchase Date:  User may choose other service counsel when dissatisfied with
Sales Agency: Model: current service counsel.
Vehicle VIN Number:
III. Major job introduction of service counsel (―√‖ for Yes as ―×‖
Following items should be validated by the user: for No).
I. Related items confirmation at vehicle delivery (―√" for Yes as  Repair maintenance service reception
―×‖ for No)  Complaint acceptance

Form Two Saved by Customers

 Basic vehicle operation method has been introduced and the  Periodical maintenance reminding visits
onsite delivery inspection is certified OK.  Repair/Maintenance counsel explanation
 Quality warranty policy has been introduced.  Periodical greeting visits
 Vehicle driving notices have been introduced.  Repair/maintenance reservation acceptance
 The importance of vehicle periodical maintenance and  Service activity reminding visits
maintenance period/mileage has been introduced.  Annual authentication reminding/acceptance
 The importance of vehicle maintenance/repair at Chery  Important festival greeting
authorized service station has been noted.  Other activities of user’s needs
 Maintenance Manual and User’s Manual has been handed over
and the reading is reminded. IV. Establishment of ―One-To-One‖ counseling service
 The function and operation method of service hotline of Chery relationship.
Company has been noted.
II. ―One-To-One‖ counseling service mode introduction (―√‖ for
Yes as ―×‖ for No) Service Counsel Card
 Contact the service counsel instead of anyone else in case of
any problems or needs.
 The service counsel appointed by the service station is the
exclusive person to communicate and contact with the user. User Signature/Date: Service Counsel Signature/Date:
Instrument Panel
Common Vehicle Symbol Instruction

Symbol Definition Symbol Definition Symbol Definition

Front and rear side Please refer to the
Parking lamp
power window User Manual

Rear window switch

Safety warning Sound alarm

Rear fog lamp Power seat Fuel

Brake pad alarm

Front fog lamp Cigarette lighter

Electronic throttle
A/C A/C system Brake system
Trouble indicator
Instrument Panel
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition Symbol Definition

ABS Fasten the safety belt Interior lamp

Danger flash alarm
self-examination Horn
trouble light

Engine coolant fan Power + pole No fire

Head lamp switch Air bag
indicator lamp

Rear window heating Rear view mirror

indicator heating
Instrument Panel
Symbol Definition Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
Jack Caution---fan

Vehicle maintenance
High beam lamp Acidic

Low beam lamp Air bag identification Wiper switch

Snowfield mode
Trouble indicator
indicator lamp
Instrument Panel

Chapter 2 Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel ( )
Instrument Panel
Dashboard ( )
Instrument Panel
When oil level of fuel tank is short of 10 driving at a high speed. Refer to the
Warning Device liters, the indicator will be immediately Section ―Braking‖ for important points for
Warning device indicates operating status
ON for alarming, while fuel gauge pointer attention related to use of the ABS system.
of driver’s car and whether the vehicle has
will point to the red alarm scale mark.
some problems that possibly result in Parking braking warning
serious damages or injuries. If the car fails When the indicator is ON, please replenish
in some system function, the warning fuel. indicator
indicator concerned will light up or blink.
ABS warning indicator
When ignition switch is turned on, the
majority warning indicators should be ON
for a short period, indicating system The indicator functions only when ignition
self-check underway. If some warning switch is turned on.
indicator remains OFF, please turn to The indicator will keep ON if the parking
Chery chartered service station for help. If When ignition switch is turned on, the brake lever is pulled up.
some warning indicator keeps ON or indicator will be ON for a short period,
blinking after the engine is started, please and the ABS system will have a self-check Braking system warning
turn to Chery chartered service station to determine if the system functions well. indicator
immediately for examination and repairs If the indicator keeps ON or blinking after
of relevant systems. the ignition switch is turned on or during
the journey, it suggests that the ABS
Low fuel level warning system is being impaired by fault(s).
indicator However, the vehicle still functions in When ignition switch is turned on and the
conventional braking (without ABS), indicator is ON, it is suggested that the
unless otherwise the braking system alarm brake fluid level is so low that more brake
lamp also lights up. In such a case, turn to fluid should be filled to raise the level
Chery chartered service station for between MIN mark and MAX mark.
examination & repairs as early as possible; Please ask Chery chartered service station
but you should drive prudently, avoiding to check the system.
Instrument Panel

If the braking system Door Open warning When ignition switch is turned on, the
warning indicator lights up warning indicator will be ON to prompt
during running, it is shown indicator driver to well fasten the safety belt if the
that one of the dual braking loop has driver doesn’t have his safety belt
a fault. In such a case, drive fastened.
prudently. Turn to Chery chartered
service station nearby immediately Engine fault indicator
for examination & repair by
professionals. In consideration of When ignition switch is turned on, the
serious degrading of braking indicator will be ON if any car door fails
performance and prolonged braking to be closed rightly.
distance, a much longer distance When ignition switch is turned on, the
should be kept from the car in the Parking/position indicator warning indicator will be ON to show that
front during running. Press the electrical control system of engine is under
pedal hard in braking according to
self-check. If the system has no faults, the
the situation. indicator shall be OFF after the engine is
If ABS warning indicator and started.
braking system warning indicator If during running, the indicator is ON, it is
keep ON simultaneously, stop your The indicator will be ON when the shown that the electrical control system of
car immediately with safety assured. position indicator lights up. engine has a fault. Please turn to Chery
Please put the car at Chery chartered service station for examination
chartered service station for Seat belt warning indicator & repair as quickly as possible.
inspection of the braking system.
Electric throttle fault
indicator ( )
Instrument Panel

When ignition switch is turned on, the matter whether the vehicle is on the run. snow mode indicator in the dashboard will
warning indicator is ON, and electrical Stop driving it and contact Chery be ON. Start the engine and push the
control system of engine will make a chartered service station immediately. operating rod at the position D (Drive),
self-check of electric throttle. If the system and the speed variator starts at 2nd gear to
has no faults, the indicator shall be OFF
Automatic cruising drive your car (it is suggested that the
when the self-check is over. If the indicator ( ) mode be selected when starting is done
indicator keeps ON, check the electric from such roads as cladded by snow with
throttle necessarily. low attachment coefficient). Then, press
If during running, the indicator is ON, it is down the snow mode button, and the snow
shown that the electric throttle of engine mode indicator in the dashboard is OFF;
has a fault. Please turn to Chery chartered the system exits from the snow mode.
service station for examination & repair as When ignition switch is in the position of High beam indicator
quickly as possible. ON, press down the ON button of cruising
controller, and the automatic cursing
Automatic transmission indicator in the dashboard blinks to
suggest initiation of pre-cruising; if during
fault indicator ( ) running, automatic cruising system works, The indicator will be ON when high beam
the indicator keeps constantly ON to show is used or front headlight blinks.
that the system is at work.
Snow mode indicator
( )
When automatic transmission circuit has a
fault, automatic transmission fault When ignition switch is in the position of
indicator should be constantly ON if ON, press down the snow mode button
ignition switch is in the position of ON, no near the gear shift operating rod, and the
Instrument Panel
Steering signal indicator shown that some fault code exists though Power indicator
it doesn’t affect regular work of the airbag
If during running, the fault indicator is ON,
it is shown that there is a fault. Send the
car to Chery chartered service station for When ignition switch is turned on, the
There are indicator lamp, left turn and indicator is ON. It should be OFF after the
indicator lamp, right turn. When the system check.
engine is started.
indicator lamp, left turn or right turn is Low engine oil pressure If the indicator is not OFF or is ON during
turned on, the steering signal indicator running, stop the car immediately, shut off
concerned will blink (relatively slow). warning indicator the engine, and check dynamo belt.
When hazard warning flasher is set on, the If the dynamo belt is normal, please keep
indicator lamp, left turn, indicator lamp, on driving to Chery chartered service
right turn, and left –and-right turn signal station nearest for examination & repair
indicator will blink simultaneously. immediately. However, accumulator
When ignition switch is turned on, the
If a turn signal indicator blinks at a two battery will keep continuous discharge
indicator should blink immediately, and
times normal rate, it is shown that the turn during running. Thereby, all unnecessary
should be OFF after the engine is started.
light concerned has a fault. electric appliances should be turned off,
If the indicator is not OFF after the engine
is started or blinks during running, please including air conditioning system.
Airbag warning indicator If dynamo belt has been damaged,
stop the car immediately to quench the
( ) engine and check the engine oil level. continuous driving should be suspended.
If the oil level is over low, replenish oil Ask professionals for examination &
immediately. repair.
Please turn to Chery
When ignition switch is turned on, fault chartered service station
check indicator should be OFF after for check if engine oil is
blinking six times. If the fault indicator consumed too quickly.
lasts 6 seconds and is then OFF, it is
Instrument Panel
Coolant temp warning Luggage compartment Sideslip protection
lamp gate open warning lamp indicator ( )
( )

When ignition switch is turned on, the The indicator appears at the display screen
The indicator appears at the display screen
indicator will be OFF after being ON for above central air outlet of instrument panel.
above central air outlet of instrument panel.
seconds. If the indicator fails to be OFF The indicator is ON when sideslip
When ignition switch is turned on, the
after several seconds or lights up during protection function is enabled.
indicator will be ON if luggage
running, stop the car immediately, shut off compartment gate fails to be closed TCS indicator ( )
the engine, cool the engine, and check rightly.
coolant level. Contact Chery chartered
service station immediately. Windscreen washing TCS
Beware of scalding! indicator ( )
When the engine is hot,
cooling system is at high The indicator appears at the display screen
temperature and under high above central air outlet of instrument panel.
pressure. Therefore, open radiator The indicator is ON when tractive force
cap only when the engine is cooled. control system works.
Keep off radiator fan!
The indicator appears at the display screen Brake strip thickness
above central air outlet of instrument panel. warning lamp ( )
The indicator is ON when windshield
wiper works.
Instrument Panel
The indicator is ON for alarming when the servicing and maintenance of the entire
brake strip is heavily worn. Drive car.
carefully and hurry to a service station for
brake strip replacement.

Servicing & maintenance

indicator ( )

When mileage counter reads preset

mileage accumulated (5000km), the
warning indicator will be ON to prompt
users to go to a service station for
Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel
Engine coolant temp station for examination & repair, if the Beware of scalding!
pointer remains in this range for long. Don‟t open water box
gauge cover if the engine is still
Between L and H–Normal hot. The engine can‟t be started only
temperature range when faults are well dealt with.
The pointer should remain in this range in
normal running status. Note:
The pointer may deviate from this range Installation of auxiliary front headlight in
when external temperature is very high the front of the cold air inlet under front
and the engine has a very workload. The bumper will affect circulation of cooling
car can still run normally, if coolant blast, disadvantageous to cooling of
warning lamp is not ON. If coolant engine.
warning lamp is ON for alarming, the The engine is easily overheated, if external
engine should be shut off, and the cooling temperature is very high and the engine
system should be checked. works with a heavy load.
Front spoiler also directs cooling air. If it
Higher than H–Overheated range is damaged or even ruptures due to
When the pointer falls within the red range, collision, the engine many be overheated.
It displays engine coolant temperature. please have your car stopped in a safe way. Please turn to Chery chartered service
Lower than L–Low temperature Turn off ignition switch and pinpoint station for repair and restoration.
range causes to the problem after the engine
cools off.
The engine works in this range for a short
duration during warming-up process. In
this range, avoid rotation of engine at high
rate; workload of engine shouldn’t be over
Please turn to Chery chartered service
Instrument Panel
Fuel quantity gauge Please replenish fuel when low oil level Mileage counter and digital
warning indicator is ON. See ―Low fuel
level warning indicator‖. clock ( )
Speed meter

Gear shifting is displayed on the left of

mileage counter; overall mileage is
displayed in low right part; and time or
single-trip mileage is displayed in right
upper part.
Time is displayed in two modes, namely,
It indicates current running speed of the pointer type and digital type.
Fuel tank capacity: 60L car. Switching and adjustment of time and
When the pointer reaches the empty oil Notice: single-trip mileage as follows:
position (E, arrow position), there is still Speed meter is affected by tire size of the Switch between time and single-trip
10L fuel in the tank approximately. car. Please use Chery tire of original size. mileage through operating tuning and reset
Otherwise, speed meter can’t display button on speed meter.
The pointer will float to the full oil  When mileage counter displays
position (F) after a car fully fuelled runs vehicle speed correctly.
single-trip mileage, press down the
for a distance. tuning and reset button on speed meter
The fuel that can be filled is lower than for long to set to zero.
nominal volume when the car is refueled,  When mileage counter displays time,
due to residual oil. press down the running and reset
button on speed meter for long to
Instrument Panel
adjust clock.
To shift to a higher gear at an early time
helps save fuel and reduce running noise.
Engine speed indicator
Once the engine runs unsteady, please
shift to a next lower gear immediately.

Avoid engine running at a

high rotation speed during
running-in period.

It displays engine speed (Rpm).

The red area on the right of the dial
indicates maximum permissible revolution
range at working temperature of engine for
a short period after running-in.
However, it is advised that gear shift
operating rod be pushed to the next higher
gear position or move your foot away
from accelerator pedal at the latest when
the pointer reaches this area.


Chapter 3 Audio
Note: Read carefully the instructions for audio attached, if the vehicle is not configured with the audio
system below.

Audio Panel
4 3 2 5 22 6 78

1 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 15 19 16 21 20 9

Panel description
1— Push for short for start-up; push for long for shutdown; 17— Preset key 4: Push for long for radio.
clockwise rotation for increase in volume; anticlockwise rotation :: Push for short to page up (USB/MP3 playback).
for decrease in volume. 18— Preset key 5: push for long for radio.
2— Push the button to shift to playback of CD/MP3. 19— Preset key 6: push for long for radio.
3— Push the button to shift to FM or AM. :: Push for short to page down (USB/MP3 playback).
4— Push the button to shift to playback of USB audio source. 20— Next/FF (USB/CD and MP3 playback).
5— LCD display. 21— Prev/FB (USB/CD and MP3 playback).
6— Disc out. 22—CD disc entrance.
7— AST: Auto Store.
SET: Enter into setup (push for more than 2 seconds).
Clock setup
● Push the SET button for 2 seconds at least to enter into or exit
8— Radio frequency/CD/MP3 audio track scanning.
from the menu of SET UP.
9— USB interface.
10— Audio effect mode selection. ● Push the button to turn to the ―TIME‖ item.
11— Low frequency scanning (radio)/fast reverse/normal playback ● Push the SET button to select ―12H‖or ―24H‖.
(CD/MP3 playback). ● Push the button to pitch on the hour.
12— Mute. — Display example: ―16:33‖ (24H) or ―PM 04:33‖ (12H)
13— High frequency scanning (radio)/fast forward/normal
playback (CD/MP3 playback).
14— Preset key 1: Push for long for radio.
RANDOM: Push for short for random playback of CD/MP3
15— Preset key 2: Push for long for radio.
16— Preset key 3: Push for long for radio.
REPEAT: Push for short for repeated playback of CD/MP3
● Push the SET button to enter into the audio effect mode to select
the option you want to adjust.
● Rotate the ON/OFF button to adjust setup of the audio mode
already chosen.

— BASS (low pitch) (-7, +7)

— TREBLE (high pitch) (-7, +7)
— The hour option blinks.
— BAL (L/R volume balance) (-7, +7)
● Push the SET key to adjust the hour.
— FRADER (F/A loudspeaker control) (-7, +7)
● Push the button to select the minute. — LOUD (Off, Low, Middle and High) (OFF, LOW,
— The minute option blinks. MID, HI)
● Push the SET button to adjust the minute. — Enter into the audio effect mode (BASS-TRE,
— Push the button again to return to the hour option for JAZZ, VOCAL, POP, CLASSIC, and ROCK)
— Clock runs from the time as regulated. ● The audio effect chosen will be displayed when the selection is
● Push the SET button for 2 seconds at least to leave the menu of over.
— If the clock mode has been activated, time will be displayed
after any key is operated for 10 seconds.
Audio tuning
● Push the PWR key to turn and off the audio system.
Volume ● The display will return to the former operating mode
● Rotate the ON/OFF button to adjust volume. automatically after 5 seconds.
— Please ensure that you can still hear traffic signals (air siren, Notice: Only the audio modes, namely, ―BAL‖, ―FRADER‖ and
alarm whistle, etc.). ―LOUD‖ can be set up in an audio effect mode rather than
Audio/audio effect mode adjustment ―BASS-TRE‖.
Auto Store (AST)
Radio You can store 6 most desirable stations in the waveband of FM
AST or 6 stations in the waveband of MW (AM) AST. When you
● Push the FM/AM button to select the waveband you want:
use the AST feature, the stations originally stored in the FM AST
or MW (AM) waveband will be covered.
● Push the AST button to enter into Auto Store; subsequently,
Frequency scanning (SCN) — The radio set makes a noise (―Hwa‖ sound) and then becomes
● The frequency scanning feature enables you to listen in each mute, and the display blinks;
local station of current waveband for 10 seconds. — Upon completion of storage, the display will stop blinking
● Push the SCN button to enable/disable frequency scanning. when you hear the same noise again.
Automatic station search — Stations are stored at the preset keys 1-6.
— The number of stations may be short of six sometimes.
● Push the button to tune to LF (low frequency) stations. Preset stations (1-6)
● Push the button to tune to HF (high frequency) stations. Store stations into preset keys manually.
● Push the or button to search for another station. Store 6 stations into each waveband with preset keys (1-6).
Station search sensitivity ● Tune to each station you want.
● Switch between local and remote modes. See the ―LO/DX‖ item ● Push the preset key concerned for 2 seconds at least, and you can
of ―Equipment‖. hear the noise (―Hwa‖ sound) – current station will be stored into
Manual tuning the preset key.
● Switch to manual tuning (see the ―TUN‖ option of ―SET UP‖ Call out preset stations
and set it as ―MAN‖; the host will keep the mode of manual tuning ● Push the preset keys (1-6) to call out the stations preset.
until you change it back to ―AUTO‖). Switch to radio
● Push the button to tune into to LF stations. ● Push the FM/AM button to switch to the mode of radio to select
the waveband desirable.
● Push the button to tune into HF stations.

● Push the CD button to start playback of CD/MP3 disc.

CD/MP3 playback ● Screen display:
CD/MP3 playback
— Audio effect mode (if chosen), ● Push the D button to enter into the previous list of MP3
— Track No. and elapsed playback time of current CD/MP3. disc.
Track scanning
The track scanning feature enables you to hear the first 10 seconds Disc ejection
of each track. ● Push the button to eject the disc.
● Push the SCN button to enter into track scanning. Disc maintenance
● Push again the SCN button to exit from track scanning. ● Don’t leave your fingerprint on disc, please.
Previous/next track ● A disc should be placed into a disc box after disc ejection to
avoid being damaged or protect against dust.
● Push the or button to select the next/previous track.
● Avoid heating or insolation of disc.
For example: Push the button - T002>003; push the button -
● Played when pitched on.
Playback in the USB mode
FB/FF This audio panel keeps available a MINI USB interface. You can
have your USB memory device connected with the patch cord
● Push the or button for fast forward/backward. furnished by manufacturer.
● Another keystroke helps recover normal playback.
Random playback Document decoding description
● Push the RANDOM button to enter into the mode of random — Support audio files: Only the files with the postfix *.mp3
playback. (*MP3) are supported.
● Another keystroke helps exit from the mode of random playback. — Support the memory unit of 32Mbyte_4G with FLASH as
Repeated playback medium.
● Push the REPEAT button to enter into the mode of repeated — Support mobile HD (single disc space supported only).
current track play. — Support Layer 3.
● Push the REPEAT button for long again to exit from the mode of — Support the partition storage modes of FAT16 and FAT32.
repeated playback. — Sampling rates supported: 8K, 16K, 32K, 11.025K, 22.025K,
MP3 disc list selection 44.1K, 12K, 24K, and 48 KHz
● Push the D button to enter into the next list of MP3 disc. — Bit rates supported: 8K, 320Kbps and VBR (MP3 PRO)
● The following will be displayed during normal playback
Device attachment — Audio effect mode (if chosen already)
● Insert a USB disk; if the connection is normal, push the USB — Current playback track No. and elapsed playback time.
button to enter into the USB mode to display:

● When all tracks in the last album are completely played, the host
will proceed automatically to the first MP3 file of the next album
● If there is no USB disk or the USB device is pulled out, push the in order.
USB button, and the display will be as below:
Previous/next track playback
● Push the or button to select next/previous track to

Note: It takes several to dozens of seconds of latency for

initialization of host to start MP3 due to early insertion of USB
disk according to capacity of USB disk and size of storage files.
Don’t pull out the USB disk in a hurry during the period of time.

Scanning playback
● Each track will be played for 10 seconds, as displayed below,
when SCN is pushed during playback.

1. Don’t pull out a USB disk forcibly when files of the USB disk
are played, because your files may be damaged in this way. You’d
better insert or pull out a USB disk when the host is shut down.
● Return to normal playback mode when the SCN button is pushed 2. Don’t extend the USB connecting line provided by manufacturer
again. with another extension cord, because the USB protocol has high
demands for length, impedance, time delay, etc. of cables & wires.
Select previous/next album Otherwise, the machine may fail to read the USB disk.
● Push the <D > button for short to select the previous album, Setup
You can modify initialization setup to your taste:
and push the <D > button for short to select the next album, as
● Push the SET button for 2 seconds at least to enter into the menu
displayed below:
● Push the or button to select the options you desire to
● Push the SET button for option modification.
● Push the SET button for 2 seconds at least to exit from the menu
When a special album is pitched on, it is displayed below: The machine will exit from the mode of SETUP automatically
approximately 1 minute after your last operation.
Option Option than reference volume when the audio is turned off, and the initial
( or ) [SET] volume is taken as reference volume when the audio is restarted.
Select the clock mode required For another instance, the volume is lower than reference volume
TIME [OFF, 12H, 24H]
(see ―Clock Setup‖) when the audio is turned off, and the initial volume is still as
[EUROPE, Select a tuner in accordance with reference volume when the audio is restarted.
RADIO AMERECA, European, Latin, American or
LATAM, ASIA] Asian standards. Inspections prior to maintenance
Identify number of preset stations When you feel that some functions of the automobile audio fail,
FM [06, 12, 18]
in the mode of FM. please read carefully the operating instructions of the manual
Select ―OFF‖ to close MW (AM). before sending it for repair and then make a detailed check against
Note: LW (ON, OFF) is displayed the table below. This will be of help to your handling of faults.
only when the EUROPE option is Phenomenon Possible causes and solutions
set up in the status of RADIO. General conditions
Identify number of preset stations The host idling, no Take out the host from the instrument and inspect the
MW (AM) [06, 12]
in the mode of MW (AM). display host and fuse and adapter connector of automobile.
Select automatic tuning or manual The host working, Volume up;
tuning. without noise or check the balance position of loudspeaker, back and
Select ―LO‖ when you would like with very little forth, right and left; check antenna and adapter
SRCH [LO, DX] to search for intense frequency noise connector
only in automatic tuning. The machine body The machine generates heat regularly.
CD [-2, -1, 0, +1, +2] CD play volume, relative to tuner slightly heating
Select and confirm the volume of Radio
BEEP [-2, -1, 0, +1, +2]
the ―Hwa‖ sound. Bad effect of Inspect whether the antenna is well connected (whether
Select ―ON‖ to assure that reception the cathode is earthed); inspect whether the aerial
LOG [OFF, ON] automobile engine still remains amplifier in the vehicle is damaged; employ manual
effective after one hour. tuning if signals for desirable stations are too weak.
Notice: Set up initial volume by means of tuning the volume USB playing
button in the mode of SETUP. For example, the volume is higher Some audio files Please determine whether the file is a MP3 file. The
that can’t be played machine supports MP3 format only. blasting/noise or noise when original MP3 files are recorded. Please
Unsteady volume in Because MP3 songs have wide sources and are lacking confirm with other (media) players whether it’s the
MP3 playback in a unified standard, it is possible that the set volumes problem of the machine itself.
vary much when MP3 songs are compressed. In such a CD
case, tune volume yourself. ―NO CD‖ displayed No CD disc placed
Failure in This system doesn’t support display of ID3 and ―Hwa‖ sound
displaying such information. available
information as ―CD ERROR‖ CD disc reversely placed, damaged or smirched; CD
singer/track/song displayed and disc type erroneous
name ―Hwa‖ sound
Interruption of Possibly arising from different compressed formats of available
music in playback songs Volume distortion Disc damaged or smirched
Unable to read Please confirm that there is only one disk partition of in playback
songs in mobile HD HD. This system doesn’t support multiple disk ● Please send the machine to a maintenance point for repair if
partitions. faults can’t be removed still.
If no less than two disk partitions have bee divided, Don’t disassemble the machine randomly to make a repair by
e.g., E disk and F disk, or more disk partitions, the
machine will be unable to read MP3 songs from the
HD. If you want to use it, please combine all disk
partitions into a single disk partition on your computer.
Unable to read Please confirm on your computer that the storage
songs from a partition mode of your memory is FAT16 OR FAT32.
memory device If it is not, set the mode as the one compliant with 1. It is normal for a disc not to be read or that the sound is
requirements. interrupted when a car runs on bumpy roads.
Unable to read MP3 This system supports the commutator with a single 2. Please use original disc. Normal quality warranty
songs from USB port only.
all-in-one USB
doesn’t cover the faults incurred due to use of pirated
commutator software.
Sound Sound blasting/noise may be caused by the equipment
Air Conditioning System

Chapter 4 Air Conditioning System

Air Conditioning System

Air conditioning system Air renewal

External air enters into the vehicle
through air inlet before windshield.
Please keep the air inlet beneath
windshield glass clear of snow deposit,
tree leaf, etc. to ensure regular and
effective heating and ventilation.
Foul air within the vehicle is dissipated
from the exhaust port in side lining of
baggage compartment.

Don‟t obstruct exhaust ports when
baggage is loaded.
Air Conditioning System
Air Conditioning System
Air cleaner Central air outlet and side air
Air cleaner ensures that toxic particles outlet
(such as pollen, industrial dustfall and
road dust) contained in air are removed by
filtration before the air flows into the
It is suggested that fans be closed down to
avoid accumulation of wax on air cleaner
when the car passes through an automatic
car washer.
Air cleaner should be replaced according
to driving environment and customer To be adjusted as required
Maximum air flow
Air flow distribution
Maximum air flow can flow to pedestal
Air flows and directions may be adjusted area or windshield glass when central and
through buttons on air conditioning side air outlets are shut off.
control panel and control devices of side
air outlet and central air outlet.
Air Conditioning System

Electric controlled automatic air conditioning system ( )

Air Conditioning System
1. Air conditioning display panel

Note: Some symbols for air conditioning system are displayed in the figure above. When air conditioning system runs, some symbols may
not appear. Relevant symbols only appear in relevant operating modes. Thereby, they represent current operating modes of air conditioning
system. We’ll make an introduction below.
Air Conditioning System

2. Internal air circulation set. adjusted manually. When wind rate is

reduced to Grade 1, please exit from the
button 3. Fan rotation speed mode of AUTO; when wind rate is
control button increased to Grade 6, please exit from the
mode of AUTO, too.

4. Temp control
Push down or up internal air circulation knob/external temp
button to switch between external air display button
intake and internal air circulation. In the
mode of internal air circulation, the
internal circulation symbol will be
displayed. Push down the triangle-up button to
Fan voltage is reduced by 1V (4.9~10V) improve rotation speed of air blower to
when internal air circulation is switched to; increase wind rate; push down the
when external air intake is switched to, fan triangle-down button to decrease rotation
voltage is restored. speed of air blower to reduce wind rate.
Fan rotation speed can be divided into six This button is used to adjust air
In high temperature weather, turn on air
levels for manual adjustment, gradually temperature, which may be regulated in a
conditioning and push down internal air
increased from minimum wind rate (Grade step-by-step way (with each step as
circulation button to rapidly cool the air
1) to maximum wind rate (Grade 6). 0.5℃).
inside the vehicle. Internal air circulation
 Right-handed rotation: temperature
mode may be also used to keep off odor Air conditioning control system will adjust rise, 0.5℃ increased every cascade
outside. fan rotation speed automatically when the rotated.
When windshield defrosting is mode of AUTO is chosen to keep
selected, the button will not function; and temperature at the set value. In the mode
thus, internal air circulation mode can be of AUTO, fan rotation speed may be
Air Conditioning System
 Left-handed rotation: Temperature fall, be re-displayed after three seconds and toward face and feet. Air blowing mode
0.5℃ reduced every cascade rotated meanwhile, the external temperature may be changed via the MODE button.
The AUTO and MODE buttons are
The temperature value set will be symbol will disappear. During the
mutually independent.
displayed on the AC (air conditioning) period when external temperature is
display panel. displayed, rotation of the knob won’t alter The defrosting function is correlated with
the temperature value set. windshield wiper signals. That is, air
The standard value suggested is 22℃.
conditioning is automatically set in the
Temperature may be set between 18℃ and 5. AUTO mode switch mode of defrosting (with wind rate, etc.
32℃ with switch. LO will be indicated for
unaltered) when the windshield wiper is
temperature lower than 18℃ and HI for
temperature higher than 32℃.
Operating mode of compressor is
Left-handed rotation may increase cooling
determined by the temperature set. If the
capacity when the cooling system works. When the button is pushed down, the temperature set is higher than 28℃, the
In the position of ―LO‖ (lower than 18℃), control system will adjust automatically compressor won’t pull in.
the system will be set to the status of low position of air mixture door, air
conditioning status, rotation speed of fan The system will switch to internal
temperature; in the position of ―HI‖
and external air intake or internal air circulation automatically, when any of the
(higher than 32℃), the system will be set
circulation to regulate temperature inside three conditions below are met:
to the status of high temperature instead of
the temperature when air conditioning is to the value set, according to the  Air conditioning system starts running
ready. temperature set, external temperature (i.e., compressor is initially started
signal, and variance of internal up).
When the knob is pushed down, the set temperature signal.  The driving speed 10Km/h lasts over
temperature value as displayed will be
The automatic running symbol 10s.
replaced with external temperature value
will be displayed.  The vehicle is in a state of rest.
for a short duration, while the external
The system will runs according to the
temperature symbol will be also In the mode of AUTO, the initial status of operating mode or interface set by user
displayed. The temperature value set will air blowing is defaulted as the mode last time.
Air Conditioning System

6. Air conditioning OFF push the button to switch between the Push down the ―A/C‖ button to start up the
three modes below to display the cooling system; meanwhile, the ―Snow‖
switch following three symbols: symbol will be displayed.
The cooling system works only when the
following conditions are met:
 Engine in running order.
 Towards feet; air output fully to foot
Turn off the air conditioning system. space.  Ambient temperature higher than -1℃.
The system will enter into the state of OFF  Air blast switch at gear 1-4.
when the button is pushed to close down
the display. Meanwhile, actuating With the cooling system working, not only
mechanisms will be shut down fully. the temperature inside could be reduced,
 Towards face; air output fully to the but also humidity of the air flowing inside
Push the AUTO button or A/C button or area at the height of face. could be reduced. Thus, customers inside
the defrosting button to automatically start will feel more comfortable, and vehicle
the system, when the system is in the state windows avoid fogging.
of OFF. The system will enable the
operating mode or interface set by user
last time.  Towards feet and face; air output
partially to foot space and partially to
7. Air blowing mode switch face area.

8. AC cooling switch

Change the air blowing mode once when

you push the button each time. Repeatedly
Air Conditioning System
To achieve the best cooling effect, all consumes engine power. To save energy glass misting.
vehicle windows should be closed when and reduce fuel consumption, turn off the
It is suggested that human body be
the cooling system works. air conditioning system when air
protected from direct cooling air.
conditioning is not necessary. It is
9. Windshield glass suggested that vehicle windows or doors Brief operating instructions
defrosting/defogging be opened to dissipate hot air when the car
for automatic air conditioning
switch parked has its interior space highly heated
due to insolate. This helps improve system in hot days
cooling effect and reduce fuel
1. Push ―AUTO‖.
2. Push the ―Internal circulation button‖
Don’t open the air conditioning system
to select internal air circulation mode.
during running when windows keep open.
This switch is used for windshield 3. Set the temperature to ―LO‖.
defrosting. Push down the button to General description
change the air intake mode into external 4. Re-set temperature to personal
The air conditioning system absorbs comfort level after temperature is
air intake. The cooling system will be also
moisture of air, which will be condensed reduced.
started up. All air output will flow to
into water on an evaporator. Therefore, a
windshield glass and side Tip:
little amount of water may appear beneath
defrosting/defogging outlets.
the vehicle when your car stays Please keep internal air circulation when
The windshield defrosting symbol temporarily. automatic air conditioning system is used
will be displayed. in hot days to achieve best cooling effect
Heating effect depends on coolant
temperature of engine. Thereby, the and protect against external odor.
Cost-effective operation of air
heating system functions effectively only
conditioning system when the engine is in warm-up mode.
Fuel consumption will be It is suggested that air blower be placed at
increased because air low-speed gears during running to avoid
conditioning compressor
Air Conditioning System

Failure recovery Rear window Notice:

defrosting/exterior Once rear window is transparent, cut
Cooling system idling off the heating system to reduce current
 Ambient temperature may be lower rear-view mirror heating consumption and save fuel.
than -1℃. Rear window defrosting will be
 A fuse may blow. automatically over when defrosting lasts
10 minutes or ignition switch shifts to the
Please check the fuse. Replace it when position of OFF. When defrosting lasts
necessary. If a failure is not caused by fuse, less than 10 minutes, please push the
turn off the AC cooling system (with the D defrosting button again if you want to stop
―AC‖ button). Turn to professionals for rear window defrosting in a manual way.
inspection. Rear window defrosting control switch is
set at central console of the instrument To initiate rear window defrosting will
Cooling efficiency weakened panel. also enable exterior rear-view mirror
Once cooling efficiency is found abated Light ice and mirage on rear window
and wind rate reduced, please turn off the could be removed, when the defrosting
system and turn to professionals for and heating button is pushed down.
Rear-window defrosting & heating device
works only when the igniting circuit is put
through. Push down the electrical heating
button to enable/disable the heating
system. When the heating system is put
through, the indicator lamp will light up to
display heating.
Air Conditioning System

Manual air conditioning system ( )

Air conditioning control panel
Air Conditioning System

Temperature regulation knob When ambient temperature is higher than Air conditioning compressor will consume
4℃, engine is running, wind speed engine power when air conditioning is
Temperature regulation button is used to adjustment button for air blower is set at used for cooling; thus, fuel consumption
control temperature of the air blown out of any of the 4 gears, and air conditioning will be increased.
ventilator scoops. The knob is rotated to system has a normal pressure, the
select appropriate temperature. indicator lamp will be ON to start up the Wind speed adjustment knob
air conditioning compressor for air for air blower
conditioning and cooling after the button
is pushed down. Push the cooling button Wind speed adjustment knob for air
again to disenable air conditioning. blower is used to control wind speed of air
blower (4 gears in total). Wind speed is
When the cooling system works, not only adjusted with air blower. To improve
the temperature inside can be reduced, but comfort, air blower may be started up
also temperature of the air from outside during running.
can be reduced, to make passengers more
comfortable and avoid fogging of vehicle
All vehicle windows should be closed to
achieve best cooling effect, when the
Blue range: Cooling cooling system works.
Red range: Heating
Notice: Air conditioning enabled will
Cooling button make engine over-heated when the car
climbs up a long slope or comes across
traffic congestion. Observe water
thermometer, and turn off the air
conditioning system if the engine is
Lamp Control
Internal/external air circulation button

To switch to external fresh air mode or internal air circulation mode is achieved through this button.
External circulation
External air into the car is used for normal ventilation, heating and cooling.
Internal circulation
Internal air is circulated inside the car. Indoor circulation mode is used in dusty environment or in the case of waiting for pass
permission (indicated by green light) in urban area, and for rapid cooling or heating of indoor air.
Notice: Internal circulation mode can be used only for a short duration, because continual use of internal circulation mode produces
stuffiness inside and hazing of vehicle windows.
Airing mode control button

This button is used to choose direction of air flow. There are five options inclusive of ―Towards head‖, ―Towards heard and feet‖,
―Towards feet‖, ―Towards feet and for defrosting‖ as well as ―Defrosting‖.
Lamp Control
Refer to the airing mode introduction contained in the part ―automatic air conditioning‖ for details of each exact mode of air flow

Air conditioning system maintenance instructions

If air conditioning system is not used for a month or a longer period, curb idling of engine with air conditioning enabled is necessary
even in winter. The air conditioning system should be started up once every month at least and for several minutes in order to keep
approximate lubrication and tightness of air conditioning compressor to extend service life of the system.
Lamp Control

Chapter 5 Lamp Control

Lamp Control
Lamp Control Headlamp High/Low Flash of Front
Please abide by related traffic regulations
Beam Selector Switch Headlamp
when using the following illuminating

Headlamp Switch
When you need the flash of headlamp
Under the condition that the lamp is during driving, you only pull the handle
turned on, pull the handle towards the IP towards the steering wheel direction to
direction to shift into the high beam lamp the force application point and then
after passing the force application point. release the handle. Repeat such action to
When the headlamp high beam is turned flash the headlamp consecutively.
on, the high beam indicator in the
instrument will light. Pull the handle
towards the steering wheel direction to
The headlamp will light
OFF – Turn off the external lamp.
return to the original position so as to automatically.( )
Gear 1 will light the parking resume the low beam lamp.
lamp/position lamp, the component
illuminating lamp such as instrument and
switch, and license plate lamp.
Gear 2 the front headlamp
will light (low beam or high beam).
Only when the ignition switch is turned
on, the headlamp can work. When the
engine is started or the ignition switch is
turned off, the headlamp will be off
Lamp Control
The headlamp switch with auto turn-on
system has the AUTO position; when the
Front/Rear Fog Light Use fog lamps correctly
ignition key is turned to the ON position, Switch according to the traffic rules.
the headlamp switch will be on the
AUTO position, and when the ambient
When the front fog light is turned on, the
light is weak, the headlamp will light
front fog lamp switch inner indicator will
automatically (if the ambient light is
turn on.
relatively strong, the headlamp won’t
light). The front fog light should only be used
under the conditions that severely
affected the visibility, such as fog, snow
Adjustment Switch of or rain.
Electrical Regulated When the rear fog light is turned on, the
Headlamp ( ) rear fog lamp switch inner indicator will
The front fog light and the rear fog light turn on.
are located on the central console of the
Since the rear fog light is very dazzling,
dashboard, under the audio control panel.
it's allowed to be used only under the
When the headlamp switch is at gear conditions with poor visibility.
1position, press the front fog light switch
to turn on the front fog light, but it can’t
turn on the rear fog light directly.
The adjustment switch of electrical
regulated headlamp is located on the left When the headlamp switch is on the gear
lower corner of the dashboard. 2 position, press the front and rear fog
lamp switch, the front and rear lamps can
Such switch has four gears of 0, 1, 2, and turn on at the same time; also the rear fog
3. The adjustment of four gears can lamp can turn on only by pressing the
adjust the light type of the electrical rear fog lamp switch.
regulated headlamp.
Lamp Control
Turn Signal Lamp Lane change signal lamp Interior Front Ceiling

Pull the handle upwards and downwards

to the force application point and the
relevant turn lamp will flash, and
meanwhile the turn signal lamp in the
dashboard will also flash.

Press the left switch: The left

The turn signal lamp will operate only Dashboard illumination illuminating lamp will keep illuminating.
when the ignition switch is turned on.
dimmer Press it again to turn off the lamp.
Left turn signal lamp – pull the handle
Press the right switch: The right
illuminating lamp will keep illuminating.
Right turn signal lamp – pull the handle Press it again to turn off the lamp.
When the turn signal lamp is turned on,
the turn signal indicator will also flash.

During the working period of the

external lamp, use the illumination
dimmer to adjust the instrument
Lamp Control
subject to the control of ignition switch). lamp will be off.
Interior Rear Ceiling Please close the luggage boot cover
The key cylinder lamp is located around
Lamp securely after parking.
the ignition key cylinder. When each
Also set the lamp in the OFF status, that front door is opened, the lamp will light
is, the lamp won’t light when the boot so as to assist the driver to insert the
cover is opened. Therefore, press the ignition key, or such lamp will turn off
trigger switch to the locking position. when the key is turned to the ―ON‖
The lamp can light by releasing the lamp. position.

Sun visor vanity mirror Danger Flash Alarm

Lamp Switch

The OFF position: The illuminating lamp

turns off.
The vanity mirror lamp will light once
The ON position: The illuminating lamp
the vanity mirror cover is opened. This alarm lamp should be used only
will keep illuminating.
under emergent conditions so as to alarm
The middle position (door control Front Sill Lamp and Key the following vehicles that this vehicle
position): The interior lamp will light has trouble or danger. Press this switch to
when the door is opened; the interior
Cylinder Lamp turn on/turn off this system. The danger
lamp will keep illuminating for 8s when When the front door is opened, the key flash lamp is operational when the
the door is closed so as to seat passengers cylinder lamp and the front sill lamp will ignition switch is turned off.
safely. both light.

Luggage Boot The front sill lamp is located on the inner

trimmer panel between the two front
Illuminating Lamp doors. If the door is opened, whatever the
ignition switch is on, the sill lamp will
Such lamp will light when the luggage
light in the sill area and also guide the
boot cover is opened (This lamp is not
driver. When the door is closed the sill
Lamp Control
The indicator on the switch will flash
after the alarm lamp is turned on.
Meanwhile, if the ignition is turned on
the turn indicator lamps of the combined Check the headlamp
instrument will also flash. installment carefully when replacing
bulbs to make sure the correct
Note: When the vehicle runs in the rain, installment and good seal! Otherwise
the vehicle glass becomes cold the headlamp maybe has water or dust
dramatically and the temperature around insides!
the glass also becomes lower, so the
moisture in the air will agglomerate and
be attached to the insides of the glass to
form dew. The theory of the dew inside It is strictly prohibited
the headlamp cover is the same as it. flushing the engine compartment via a
That is, the moisture in the air increases water-cannon, especially lamps. As
as the temperature becomes high. If the the pressure of the water-cannon is
temperature becomes low, the moisture too high, it may cause lamps parts to
will agglomerate and form dew loosen or drop, vent hole and harness
commonly called fog phenomenon. connectors to become damp, and the
When the lamp has moisture and the high lamps have water or moisture insides,
or low beam lamps are turned on within which can’t dissipate for a long time.
30 minutes, the moisture will gradually At last, the dew forms, very serious.
start to disappear; after one hour, the
moisture naturally disappears, that is
normal phenomenon, otherwise, it maybe
has water insides. If so, please contact
Chery authorized service station for
check and service.
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices

Chapter 6 Operation and Adjustment

of Interior Device
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices

Interior Device Operation and Adjustment

Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
switched off. false startup to avoid damages to the
Steering lock/ignition starter and engine flywheels.
If it is impossible or very difficult for the
switch key to turn from the LOCK position to In cause of unsuccessful startup, the
this spot, please rotate the steering wheel ignition key must be rotated to the position
slightly to unloosen the lockup mechanism of LOCK prior to restarting and then
of the steering wheel. rotated to this position. After startup,
loosen your hand, and the key will bounce
The key to the ignition switch shouldn’t be
back to the position of ON.
placed here for long to avoid electric
power exhaustion of accumulator cells. Loosen your key
immediately once the
ON–The ignition circuit is put through and
engine is started up.
all electric loops can start working.
Warning indicator and indicator lamp light The steering lock will be initiated to lock
Combined-type steering lock/ignition up. This is the normal position of key in up the steering wheel when the key is
switch has the positions of key below: driving and the position necessarily pulled out from ignition switch.
selected when the vehicle is towed and
LOCK–Ignition switch is turned off and trailed.
the steering wheel is locked.
START–Starting motor is put through to Don‟t rotate the key to the
To lock the steering wheel up, please start engine up. position of LOCK when the vehicle
rotate the steering wheel when the key is moves.
pulled out until you hear the gripping Front headlamp and electrical equipment
sound of the steering wheel. of high power consumption are all
switched off when the locking hole is at
ACC–Steering system unlocked; electric this position.
fittings are put through and the small
electric appliances as audio and indoor The device against redundant startup is
lamp are operable, but ignition switch and installed in ignition switch. Once engine
primary electric loop should be all runs, the device will protect starter from
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
loosen the arresting lever and lock up the
Steering wheel position of the steering wheel.
Windshield wiper and
adjustment Don‟t adjust the steering
washing system
wheel in running.


Check whether wiper blades

are frozen on windshield
glass in cold seasons before
windshield wiper is used. If they‟re
frozen on windshield glass, they
can‟t be used unless they‟re melted.
Otherwise, wiper motor will be
easily damaged.
To operate windshield wiper will
also damage wiper motor if
windshield glass is covered with
In order to drive your car in a safe and
Loudspeaker buttons are located at both obstacles including snow, etc.
comfortable way, overhang and height of Obstacles must be removed before
the steering wheel may be adjusted sides of the steering wheel, as indicated by
arrows above. windshield wiper is operated.
sometimes. In this case, the arresting lever Don‟t operate windshield wiper on
on the shield of steering post may be dry windshield glass. Otherwise,
raised towards the steering wheel. Then, glass may be scratched and
the steering wheel can slide up and down permanent damages are possibly
and be adjusted to any position. When the incurred to wiper blades.
steering wheel is adjusted into place,
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
The following features are enabled only Automatic wiping( ) Wiping at a high rate
when ignition switch is put through.
If automatic wiping is configured,
Interval wiping( ) ―AUTO‖ indicates automatic wiping;
windshield wiper will work automatically
in rainy weather, when the control lever is
moved upwards from ―OFF‖ to ―AUTO‖.
The windshield wiper will stop working
automatically when there is rainfall in
small amount or no rain.
Move the control lever upwards from
If windshield wiper is not set as automatic, Normal wiping ―OFF‖ to ―HI‖ by three levels.
―AUTO‖ indicates interval wiping; move
the control lever upwards to ―AUTO‖ Water spray switch
from ―OFF‖ to achieve interval wiping
(the knob may be rotated to adjust time
interval during interval wiping: the wider
the pattern indicated by arrow is and the
larger the area is, the interval time will be
much longer; the narrower the pattern Move the control lever upwards from Pull the switch handle to the steering
indicated by arrow is and the smaller the ―OFF‖ to ―LO‖ by two levels. wheel and hold it on. Cleaning liquid will
area is, the interval time will be much be poured out from the water jet before
shorter). windshield. The water jet will stop water
injection when the handle is loosened;
however, the windshield wiper still works
for a little while thereafter.
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
The duration for water
injection shouldn‟t exceed
Window visor Sunglass box
10 seconds, but no
operations are allowed to be done
if no cleaning liquid is available in
accumulator tank.

Interior rear-view mirror

Cosmetic mirror available on window
visor may be opened for use; window
visor may be released from fixation clamp
and rotated to side window. Push and open it.

Rear manual blind

The blind may be rolled out through the
pull handle in the middle. Then, fasten the
The regulating stem may be pulled buckles on hangers at both sides of ceiling.
backwards to adjust the angle of rear-view
mirror for reducing glare in night driving.
After window visor is rotated to side
window, extension board may be pulled
aside to enlarge the scope of sunshade.
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
Electric rear-view mirror is adjusted with
Rear electric blind switch the regulating switch on driver’s side car
( ) door. The regulating switch can’t start
working only when ignition switch is
turned on.
Rotate the regulating switch into place in
an anti-clockwise way to adjust left
exterior rear-view mirror; rotate the
regulating switch into place in a clockwise
This switch is located at central console
way to adjust right exterior rear-view
behind the shift bar.
If a rear electric blind is mounted on a car, When the regulating switch is rotated into
push this button to close the blind, and place leftward or rightward, it may be
push the button again to open it up. pushed to learn forward, backward,
leftward and rightward to adjust the
Control switch on car Electric exterior rear-view position of mirror up, down, left and right
respectively. Rotate it to the central
door mirror ( ) position when the mirror position is well
Folding electric exterior
rear-view mirror ( )
Rotate the regulating switch of rear-view
mirror by 180 degrees; push the switch
leftward to fold the rear-view mirror and
push it rightward to unfold the rear-view
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
Note: Though some cars have electric Electric window control button on the plaque of the
folding switches, they have no electric window.
folding features. Left front door
A car window can be opened or closed
Manually folded exterior with the button pressed down or lifted.
rear-view mirror ( ) Loosen the button when the car window
rises or descends to keep glass staying in
current position.
There are also control buttons on the
Right front door plaque of the window at driver’s side for
the other three car windows in addition to
the control button thereon for driver’s side

Window safety switch

Exterior rear-view mirror may be Back door

manually folded backward if necessary,
e.g., in narrow space. Fold the rear-view
mirror outward (to restore it into its
original position) until it is geared into the
right position.
Images reflected into a
convex mirror look smaller
and further than physical
objects. Pay attention not to Electric window works only in the state
overestimating actual distance of that ignition switch is turned on.
an object. Each car window can be operated with a
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
There is also a rear window safety switch Air purification switch ( )
button on the plaque of window at driver’s
Switches on central
side. Push the button to kick it up to console
disable the switches of electric windows
for two rear doors and left front door. At
this time, rear window switches at driver’s
side can be only used to control
corresponding rear windows. It is advised Push the switch to start interior air purifier.
to do so when there are kids on rear seats. Push the switch again to stop the purifier.
Notice: Front-row ashtray
Be careful when you close a window! Uncap a cover plate to open it.
Observe prudently to protect against
any injury caused by squeezing. Take out the let-in piece to empty it.

Driver seat heating switch

( )

Push the switch to start the driver seat

heater. Push the switch again to stop
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
Cigarette lighter( ) Prepositional cup holder

Cigarette lighter can‟t be Open the cover plate to use the

kept in the state of prepositional cup holder on the central
inserting to avoid console.
hazards. If any kid is left alone in
a car, take away cigarette lighter. Don‟t place hot drink in
prepositional cup holder
Press in the cigarette lighter to kick it up during driving to avoid
for use. The cigarette lighter can be also injury incurred by spillage.
used, even if ignition switch is turned off.
Cruise control switch ( )
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
See ―Electric cruise control system control indicator (TCS indicator) will be Carrier box
( )‖ of the part ―Driving‖ for detailed ON. At this time, you’ll hear running noise
functions of the switch. of electric pump from power plant nacelle;
in the meanwhile, the engine speed won’t
Don‟t use the cruise control be increased if you tread upon the
function when traffic is acceleration pedal continuously. All these
jammed. Don‟t use the are normal phenomena of the system.
function on undulated, curved, Don’t worry about that.
slippery or unpaved roads, either.
If your car plunges into icy snow, you may
Tractive force control switch attempt to shut off the tractive force
control system. In such a case, trackslip of
( ) the wheels ―excavates‖ the vehicle from
icy snow and drives it out in the mode of
In case the system fails, TCS indicator will
be ON, and the tractive force control
switch won’t function. Your car should be
This switch is used to disable or enable the Carrier box is located at the central
repaired and maintained.
tractive force control feature. armrest. Push driver’s side button to open
Tractive control system can help keep lower carrier box, and push the button at
stability and steering performance of your front passenger’s side to open upper
car, especially during running on slippery carrier box only.
roads (e.g., snow cladded roads) and
gravel pavement. In such conditions, the
system provides better tractive force for
the car.
If the system functions, the tractive force
Operation and Adjustment of Interior Devices
Rear-row ashtray Postpositional cup holder Power Outlet

Postpositional cup holder is located in the

front of central armrest of backseats.

Power outlet is set at left front side of

front passenger’s side seat and on the right
lower guard plate of central console.
It is used to provide power for external
power consumers including car-mounted
refrigerator, etc.
Door Lock & Theft Protection
Supply voltage is 12V and
rated power is 120W.
Don‟t connect power
consumers with total rated power
over 120W to this outlet.
Otherwise, fire disasters might be
caused. Don‟t use a power
consumer with rated voltage not
as 12V at this outlet. Otherwise,
the power consumer is possibly
damaged or fire disasters caused.

This outlet has its power

supplied by accumulator
cells on the car. If the
outlet is used to supply power to
power consumers for a long
period after engine misses, the
accumulator cells will be seriously
short of power to result in failure
of the engine in startup.
Door Lock & Theft Protection

Chapter 7 Door Lock & Theft Protection

Door Lock & Theft Protection
car key back into the remote controller for buttons at driver’s side or front
Door Lock & Theft convenience. passenger’s side are pushed.
Protection You can control all locks on you car with In unlocking, all safety buttons on car
the remote control car key. In case of car doors prop upwards. In locking, all safety
Car Key key being lost, you can obtain a new one buttons on car doors move downwards.
Ordinary remote control key from Chery chartered service stations. Car doors can be also locked by pushing
Keep the spare key in safe places for safety buttons.
future emergency purpose.
*In locking car doors with remote
controller after all doors are closed, keep
Central Door Locking pushing the lockup button on the remote
System controller for 3 seconds to lock doors and
raise door glass, if door glass fails to rise.
Collapsible remote control key Drive when all car doors are
closed and locked so that car
interior can be sheltered
All car doors can be operated with car key, from outside forcible intrusion.
remote controller or the control switches
on the door plaques at driver’s side and
front passenger’s side. Door Lock
All car doors can be locked and unlocked Front doors can be locked and unlocked
with car key at driver’s side door. outside with your car key. Unlock can be
enabled inside with a door handle.
All car doors are simultaneously locked by
pushing locking buttons on the door
Push the key pop button on a remote plaques at driver’s side or front passengers
controller to eject car key from within the side; all car doors are unlocked
remote controller. When not used, fold the simultaneously when the unlocking
Door Lock & Theft Protection
Push locking bar to lock rear doors when locking. Luggage compartment light will light up
getting out of car. automatically.
In hot weather, temperature
inside car rapidly rises after
Rear Door Child Safety engine stops running. Man
Filler Cap Release Bar
Lock and animals have their health
jeopardized or even die in high
temperature environment (brain
death covered). Infants are
especially vulnerable to such threat.
Therefore, infants or animals must
not be left in car.

Luggage Compartment
Door Opening
Pull up release bar on the left side of
driver’s seat to open filler cap.

Toggle forward the switch for rear door

child safety lock to enable the lock. With
child safety lock enabled, rear door can be
unlocked only from outside. Toggle Push the luggage compartment control
backward child safety lock switch for button on the door gate at driver’s side to
unlocking. open luggage compartment.

Unlocking position of child safety lock is Luggage compartment can be also opened
indicated above. Toggle forward the with car key. In unlocking, turn car key
deflector rod of child safety lock for clockwise.
Door Lock & Theft Protection
1. Pull handle of the bonnet is located in
the left front of driver’s side; pull the
pull handle backward to kick up the
bonnet partially.
2. Walk to the front of car, reach your
hand under the bonnet front to hold the
bonnet pull handle; push the pull
handle leftward, and pull the bonnet
upward. Pull up the release bar to open
the bonnet lock.
4. In closing the bonnet, lower the bonnet
Tank cup can be screwed down and placed 20-30cm away from bonnet lock and
upon filler cap as shown in the figure then, let bonnet fall into latches to be
above. closed.
Bonnet Opening 5. Remember to uplift the bonnet after it
has been closed for assuring that the
bonnet is fully locked.

Bonnet shall be tightly closed

in driving. In case of loosely
locked bonnet in driving,
3. Raise the bonnet, which is supported immediately stop driving and close
by two air shock eliminators. the bonnet tightly.
Door Lock & Theft Protection
In case that car can not be released, direction light blinks once, and
Wireless Remote Control unlocked due to remote luggage compartment cover will be open.
System with Antitheft control frequency
interruption, you may directly use
Function ( ) car key to lock/unlock the car. Other Luggage compartment can not be
short range wireless emitters may locked with remote controller and must
use the emission frequency of remote be manually locked.
controller (for example, amateur
station, medical equipments, wireless Antitheft Alarm System ( )
earphone, remote control and alarm The alarm system prevents unauthorized
system). personnel from opening car doors, luggage
compartment or bonnet.
Car Door Locking & Alarming ( )
When carelessly pushing If unauthorized personnel attempt to open
Push the button once to lock all car car doors, luggage compartment and
or (to point your doors. Simultaneously, direction light bonnet, siren will blare for 30 seconds
car key straight towards car blinks once and horn blares once, with danger flasher blinking for 5 minutes.
is unnecessary in this case, e.g., the indicating antitheft function enablement.
car key is kept in pocket), car door When the button is pushed again, all car Any attempt to start engine or dismount
or luggage compartment door will doors get unlocked and in the meanwhile, radio causes siren to blare again.
open. direction light blinks twice to deactivate
Remote controller works in a range of the antitheft function.
about 6m. When the distance between car
and remote controller exceeds 6m, the
Remote Control Luggage
remote controller may be invalid. Compartment Unlocking
When the button is pushed and
Door Lock & Theft Protection
Remote Control Battery Replacement
If the action range of remote controller is gradually reduced, batteries shall be replaced (model: 3V CR 2032).
Take the following steps:
1. Use parallel tools to open remote control unit from side clips.
2. Be careful when pulling out batteries. Install new batteries between two contacts and keep ―+‖ sign upward.
3. Install remote control unit in steps opposite to dismounting procedures.

Used lithium batteries can not be disposed of as domestic waste. Discard used batteries pursuant to environmental protection

Engine Electronic Antitheft System ( )

Car electronic theft protection is designed for engine theft protection and greatly enhances overall vehicle safety.
Chips are embedded in every car key to integrate key, electronic alarm, and engine computer unit into an organic system of antitheft layout.
If unauthorized personnel with a duplicate car key of the same size try to start the engine, car engine will not be started due to that the
duplicate car key has no chips compliant with electronic alarm and engine computer. Risks of car theft are thus reduced.
If you lose your car key accidentally, please go to Chery chartered service station as soon as possible to ask for a new key matched with
your car and to invalidate the key lost
Door Lock & Theft Protection

Chapter 8 Seat and Safety Protection


Seat and Safety Protection

Max. 30°

Correct sitting posture

Seat, headrest, seat belt and SRS airbag all help protect passengers. If made full use of, they can make a further protection. Therefore, expect
your compliance with the following points:
 Erect sitting posture adopted; the lower end of your back to be backward to the most extent, and seat back slanting by no more than 30
 Adjust headrest appropriately to make the top of headrest level with upper end of your head;
 Don’t make front seats excessively close to instrument panel. Hold the steering wheel with slightly bent arms in driving. Your feet
should be also bent slightly so as to tread the pedal to the furthest extent.
 Shoulder belt should tightly cross slantwise through your breast by way of external central shoulder. Avoid seat belt to pass through
neck region. Lap belt should tightly pass across the hip instead of stomach.

Don‟t adjust your seat

during running.

To adjust the seat at front passenger‟s side

To move a seat forward and backward

Pull up the regulator rod at the external leading edge to your seat forward and backward. Release the regulator rod when the seat is adjusted
into place. Then, rock the seat forward and backward again to determine whether the seat has been locked on skid rails.
To adjust inclination of seat backrest
Lean your body close to seat backrest. Then, pull seat backrest to adjust the handle. Adjust the backrest to a desirable angle through
alteration of body inclination.
To adjust the electric seat at driver‟s side ( )
There is a control plate outside the seat cushion of electric seat, which operates an electric seat to make 8-directional adjustment (to and
back as bi-directional, four operations in total); there are two control switches with exact functions below:

Switch 1: Used to adjust angle of inclination of seat backrest.

 Push upper end of switch forward or backward with your finger to cause seat backrest lean forward or backward.
Switch 2: Used to adjust your seat forward and backward and regulate rise and fall of the forepart and afterpart of seat cushion.
 Push the switch forward or backward to make your seat move forward or backward;
 Push front end of the switch upward or downward to make the forepart of seat cushion upward or downward;
 Push back end of the switch upward or downward to make the afterpart of seat cushion upward or downward;

A car may be out of control

to result in traffic accidents if
electric switch is adjusted
during running. Thereby, the electric
switch can be only adjusted when
the car stops.

Don‟t allow any person

except for a driver to touch
upon the electric switch
during running to avoid
displacement of driver‟s seat, which
might cause the car to be out of
control to result in traffic accidents.
To adjust waist-rest

Waist-rest regulating handle is located at external side of seat back. Rotate the handle to adjust the waist-rest.
When the handle points forward, the waist-rest will jack up; when the handle points upward slantwise, the waist-rest will be taken back.
If during the running, your car is rear-ended by a car that follows, the headrest will protect your neck vertebra by limiting movement of head.
However, the protection is effective only when the headrest is rightly adjusted into place.
Front headrest

The headrests with height adjustable are available on front-row seat back. Occupants should adjust the headrests to appropriate height
according to their body heights for effective protection.
Note: Angle of front headrest is also adjustable for some cars.
Headrest adjustment method:
Hold both ends of headrest with two hands to pull up or push down it;
The optimal height of headrest assures that its top keeps level with one’s head.
Headrest dismounting and mounting methods:
To dismount headrest, press the spring clamp outside guide part of headrest and pull the headrest out from guide part; to mount headrest,
distinguish front/rear seat headrest (pins of front seat headrest are of arc type, while those of rear seat headrest are of straight-bar form at
their toes) and then, thrust headrest pins into guide part until spring clamp is correctly geared into pins.
Rear headrest
Headrest height can’t be adjustable.
Headrest adjustment:
It‟s forbidden that
headrest is dismounted or
adjusted too low to avoid that
your neck is hurt in collision
accidents because your head is
lacking in support. Adjust
headrest to an appropriate
Rear seat

There is a carrier platform in the central backrest of rear seat, which can be turned inside out to be laid down on seat cushion. There is a
retainer plate behind the platform; the retainer plate may be laid down to connect to luggage carrier.
Delivery of luggage
Luggage and other articles
loaded should be placed in
luggage carrier as forward as
possible. Driving is extremely
dangerous when tail gate remains
open. Excessive exhaust gas may be
sucked into the vehicle via open tail

If articles must be carried

inside, please fix them to
protect against displacement.

Seat belt
Use seat belt/children emergency seat from time to time. Seat belt can’t be shared with another occupant. Ensure that seat belt be well
fastened, not relaxed and twisted, and clear of obstacles.
Driver and front occupant
should well wear safety belts
during running.

Avoid wearing over

corpulent and thick clothes.
Seat belts should be tightly
fastened to body for best
protective effect.

Don’t let children sit on adults’ laps after a car moves. Adults can’t protect children from injury in case of traffic accidents.

Seat belt warning indicator

This indicator should light up when ignition switch is turned on. The indicator will keep ON to prompt driver to wear seat belt.
Fasten seat belt
Pull the seat belt out steadily. If you operate too forcibly or the car is on a slope, the seat belt may be locked up. Seat belt should runs
through external shoulder center with the waist part tightly through the hip instead of stomach.

Insert clapper into buckle

until the click sound is heard.
Otherwise, seat belt fails to
be rightly locked up.

To release the seat belt, push down the red button on the buckle to draw it back.
Ensure that each seat belt uses a buckle rightly.

Please pull it with efforts and

then release it, if a seat belt
can‟t be pulled out. Then, the
seat belt will be able to be pulled out
Two-point safety belt for central rear seat

This safety belt can’t be adjusted in length automatically. When using it, insert the clapper into buckle until the click sound is heard. Then,
adjust its length manually to make it tightly through the hip.
Don’t lean front seat excessively. Safety belt provides best protection only when seat is approximately erect.
To adjust height of front seat safety belt

Seat belt can’t pass by neck. For height adjustment, push down the lock knob on height controller to move safety belt through central
shoulder area; then, release the lock knob and rock the controller to determine whether the controller is locked up.
Seat belt pre-tensioner ( )

Don‟t dismount seat belt

pre-tensioner. The
pre-tensioner can be only
maintained by specially trained
Seat belt maintenance
Seat belt inspection

Check if safety belt is damaged or wears away.

Over-tensioned safety belt (e.g., after a traffic accident) should be replaced by Chery chartered maintenance point immediately with
anchoring parts inspected.
Make no attempts to repair
or lubricate roller or buckle
mechanism of safety belt.
Don‟t modify safety belt in any way.
To clean seat belt

Clean and naturally dry up seat belt with in-vehicle detergent or clean tepid water. Manual heating should be avoided.

Don‟t use chemical

detergent, boiling water,
bleacher or dye. Don‟t let
water run into roller mechanism of
seat belt.

SRS airbag ( )
Combinational use of SRS airbag and safety belt helps reduce risks of serious injuries caused by material collision accident.
SRS airbag gives out great noise in gas charging. In addition, nontoxic powder remainder similar to fume will be produced. All these
are normal phenomena.

Front-row occupants can be effectively protected only when they’re in sitting posture as erect as possible.

Fasten safety belt always and

keep an appropriate distance
from the steering wheel.
Only when safety belt is used can
your body be in a position where
SRS airbag can produce best effects.

Front SRS airbag

Extremely dangerous! Don‟t
use backward CRS (Child
Restraint System) on a seat
configured with front SRS airbag.

Seat and seat back must be correctly positioned to match SRS airbag in achieving best protective effects. Erect sitting posture should be
adopted, and the lower back end should be tightly close to seat back with caster angle of seat back no more than 30 degrees. Don’t bring
front seats excessively close to the instrumental panel. Hold the steering wheel with slightly bent arms during driving. This is the ideal
driving posture, which helps reduce the risks exposed to driver when SRS airbag inflates.

Serious head-on collision (being central or within 30 degrees on the left or right) may detonate SRS airbag. The SRS airbag will be inflated
within 1 ms upon collision; when the airbag touches passengers’ bodies, it will deflate to cushion their forward movement. SRS airbag won’t
be detonated in slight collision, tumbling and rear/side collision.

Keep the frontal area of

SRS airbag clear of There are no safety systems that can make a full protection in serious collision. Even if safety belt
anything. Nothing is is worn and SRS airbag inflates normally, injury, or even fatal injury is still possibly incurred.
allowed here or above. Don’t observe and determine if SRS airbag can work regularly with the naked eye after collision;
determine through the impact strength borne by vehicle body. In some accidents where SRS airbag isn’t inflated and detonated, excessive
damage of vehicle body proves that the car has already absorbed collision energy in large amount; thereby, it is unnecessary for SRS airbag
to function. In some other serious collision accidents, e.g., chassis collision, where vehicle body might not be damaged to a large extent,
SRS airbag may be inflated and detonated.
SRS airbag won’t function in the following conditions:
1. Side collision
2. Rear-end collision
3. Tilting
4. Slight frontal collision

SRS airbag is not a substitute for safety belt. It is integral to the passive safety system of the entire car. Please use it together with safety belt.
Only in this way can SRS airbag provide best protection.

For your safety, please
fasten safety belt. SRS
airbag can be used only as the
supplemental device of safety belt.
Random dismounting of SRS
airbag elements possibly results in
human safety hazards. Don‟t
modify inherent elements of SRS

Only are trained

technicians allowed to
repair the steering wheel,
the steering post and the SRS
airbag system. Accidental
detonation of SRS airbag possibly
incurs injury. Chery chartered
maintenance stations provide
technicians qualified for repairing
and maintaining your car.
SRS airbag/seat belt pre-tensioner warning indicator

When ignition switch is rotated to the position II, the indicator on the instrumental panel will be ON for about 3 seconds to show that the
system is operable.
If the indicator is not illuminated or keeps ON intermittently or continuously during running, it indicates failure occurrence. For your safety,
please send your car to Chery chartered maintenance station for inspection.
As suggested by manufacturer of the SRS airbag installed on the car, the SRS airbag should be replaced every 10 years. By then, efficiency
of inflating agent and effectiveness of SRS airbag will have been deteriorated.
If service life of your car/SRS airbag is unclear to you, Chery chartered maintenance stations are willing to provide you with the information
SRS airbag system can be only disposed of by Chery chartered maintenance stations.
CRS (Child Restraint System)
Extremely dangerous! Don‟t
use backward CRS on a seat
configured with front SRS
Read carefully and comply with manufacturer’s instructions when the CRS is installed.
Don‟t embrace children on
your laps during running.

Children, 12 years old or younger, or 150cm high and below, must use a special CRS (e.g.,
baby seat, child seat or elevated seat cushion).
CRS must apply and be approved by government.
Combination of such emergency seats and seat belts helps assure safety for children to the
most extent.
 Infants less than 10kg in weight or one year old or younger should be placed in a
baby bed on rear seat, restrained or fixed in the bed in horizontal position.
The best alternative for infant protection is backward CRS on rear seat.

 Babies, four years old or younger or 10~18kg in weight, should be placed in CRS on rear seat.

 Children, 4~12 years old or 18~36kg, should be placed at rear seat with elevated seat cushion. Adjustable auxiliary safety belt fastened
on elevated seat cushion ensures that diagonal safety belt traverses the shoulder area appropriately. Elevated sitting position assures the
seat belt for adults through central shoulder area instead of neck region and the waist belt tightly through buttock instead of stomach.

Each safety seat

accommodates one child

In accordance with
provisions of Law of the
People‟s Republic of China
on Road Traffic Safety, it is
forbidden that children sit on front
seats, and children should occupy
emergency seats applicable.

Chapter 9 Driving

and exhaust pipe to result in ignition send the car to Chery chartered service
Driving possibly. station for inspection & repair. Running of
Don‟t start a car in airtight engine at a rate higher than rated idling
Start garage or other airtight places speed for over 10 minutes is forbidden.
Preparations prior to start due to toxic nature of tail gas Before the car is started:
emitted by automobile. Open the
Starting of engine is controlled by electric garage door necessarily before engine 1. Confirm that all occupants wear safety
control system of engine. is started. See “Caution against belts well. See the chapter ―Seat and
exhaust fume” of this chapter for Safety Protection‖ for details about
Don’t step on the gas prior to, and during safety belt and usage.
starting of an electro-jet engine. Use the details.
throttle only when there are difficulties in 2. Confirm that head light and other
starting. See ―Starting of engine‖ of this If there is a smell of exhaust electrical fittings are switched off.
chapter for details about how to start a car. fume in your car, please turn
to Chery chartered service 3. Confirm that hand brake is pulled up.

Racing of engine for long station for inspection. Continuous 4. Confirm that the selector rod is at the
results in overheating of driving is forbidden. position ―P‖ (parking) for AT
engine and exhaust system to (Automatic Transmission) cars.
Safety tips:
produce hazards of fire disasters and Engine is started only when the AT
other damages. Idling speed of engine is controlled by selector rod is at the position ―N‖ or ―P‖.
electric control system. The idling speed is
Don‟t park, run idle or drive high when the engine is started to facilitate Your car is configured with an additional
on the pavement covered with temperature rise of engine. When locking device of selector rod, which
dry grass or other dry articles. temperature of engine rises, the idling functions when the selector rod is at the
Exhaust system causes rise of speed should be reduced automatically. If position ―P‖.
temperature of power plant nacelle the idling speed can’t be lowered down,
Step on the foot brake and push the safety belt won‟t be illuminated. hand brake to shift in the running gear
locking button to displace the selector rod and to be ready for running.
after the engine is started. To start an engine
Pull up the hand brake or
5. Confirm that the selector rod is at a 1. Twist the ignition switch to the step on the foot brake
neutral position for MT cars. position START. Don’t step on the gas. before gear shift.
Loosen your key immediately when Otherwise, automobile may move
6. Twist the ignition switch to ―ON‖ the engine is started, and the key will during gear shift to result in
instead of ―START‖. be back to the position II. damages.
If it is hard for the key to be rotated, rotate 2. If the temperature is higher than -12C
and the engine can’t be started within 5. For MT cars, run idle for several
the steering wheel to the left or right until
5 seconds the first time, twist the key seconds after the engine is started and
the key can be smoothly rotated. There
to the position OFF and try again after then, step on the clutch, shift in the
might be the factors below for such a case:
10 seconds. running gear and loosen hand brake to
 Front wheel deflection. be ready for running.
3. If the temperature is lower than -12C
6. For MT cars, the reverse gear can be
 Front wheel hits upon road edge. and the engine can’t be started within
shifted in, only when the gear shifter is
15 seconds the first time, twisted the
 The steering wheel is rotated when pushed down when the vehicle is at
key to the position OFF and try again
you get on/off a car. rest. Step on the clutch pedal to the
after 10 seconds. If the engine can’t be
7. Determine if the warning indicator of bottom before gear shifting and shift
started for two times continuously,
instrument panel is ON for a short the gear appropriately after a few
step on the gas to the bottom and hold
period while ignition key is turned on; seconds so as to prevent the bad gear
on, and twist the key to the position
if the warning indicator is not ON, coupling of transmission from
START. Loosen the key after the
turn to Chery chartered service station producing the noise of quack lingo,
engine is started; and then, loosen the
for inspection & repair. when the engine is running. When
accelerator pedal slowly along with
ignition switch is put through, the
heightening of engine speed.
If driver‟s safety belt has been well reversing light of rear end will be ON
4. For AT cars, run idle for several
fastened before the ignition key is immediately when the reverse gear is
seconds after the engine is started and
turned on, the warning indicator for shifted in.
then, step on foot brake and loosen
Don‟t place your hand on Exhaust system of automobile and
gear shifter during ventilation system should be checked in
running. Otherwise, the the cases below:
pressure of your hand might be
 When automobile is lifted up for
transmitted to the shifting fork
inspection & repair;
(for gearshift) within the
transmission to cause the shifting  Sound of the exhaust system changes;
fork to wear away in an early way.  Automobile is damaged due to
Caution against exhaust
Some components of engine Remove snow deposit, falling
fume exhaust gas and certain leaves and other articles that
Though automobile exhaust fume is chemicals contained or block the air inlet to improve
colorless and tasteless, it contains carbon emitted by some auto parts may lead ventilation of automobile.
monoxide. Please protect against its to cancer, defects of the newborn or
hazards. other damages to the genital system. Self-adaptive function of
If there is a smell of exhaust Pay attention to ventilation engine control system
fume in the car, turn to If battery jar wires have been ever
Chery chartered service When a car parks in a wide area and runs
idle for long, the vehicle window should dismounted from accumulator cell,
station immediately for assistance. automobile will present some abnormal
Continuous driving is forbidden. be opened by over 2.5cm. There is an
alternative that the ventilation function of phenomena in the initial phase during
Exhaust fume is toxic, possibly running when the wires are reconnected.
endangering life. air conditioning is opened to let fresh air
in. This is a process that the control system of
engine learns to adapt to the engine. It can
be ignored.

Engine RPM Limiter Notice: When one braking loop fails,

it costs a lot of efforts to step
Engine speed is limited by an electronic When ignition switch is turned off and
on the braking pedal, and
device for engine protection. the engine is shut off, the temperature is
the parking distance is also
still very high, and it takes about 10
prolonged. In such a case, please
Engine shutdown minutes for electronic cooling fans of
head to Chery chartered
radiator to operate continuously. Even
maintenance point for inspection &
if the cooling fans stop operations, they
repair and then continue your
may operate again all of a sudden due
to high temperature. Thereby, be
particularly careful when working Brake fluid
beside the engine.
If the warning indicator for the braking
Brake system is not OFF when hand brake is
released, it indicates that the level of brake
Release the accelerator pedal. Turn off fluid is too low.
ignition switch when engine speed is Check height of brake fluid level on a
reduced to the idle speed. scheduled basis, as required.

Don‟t step on the accelerator

Add brake fluid immediately to
pedal before the engine is
keep the fluid level with the
shut off.
mark of MAX. Send your car
Double loop braking system to Chery chartered maintenance point
Don’t shut off the engine immediately in
parking after running at high speed for for inspection of the braking system.
Your car is equipped with a diagonal
long. Make the engine operate for another double-loop braking system. If one loop
2 minutes at a rate higher than idle speed fails, the other loop still keeps working
to reduce the temperature gradually. effectively.
Work descriptions of the stoppage. Therefore, head to Chery Brake booster:
chartered service station to check
braking system thickness of brake lining or replace the Brake booster is subject to
It is normal that the braking system makes brake lining necessarily in consideration vacuum control of engine.
a noise once in a while. However, the of the maintenance mileage as specified in This device functions only
brake disc may suffer heavy wear and is the maintenance manual. when the engine works. Thereby, don‟t
necessarily replaced, if metal milling noise slide with loss of ignition in downslope
Shift in a lower gear appropriately in running.
or zip lasts for long. In such a case, turn to downslope running, making full use of the
Chery chartered service station for braking function of engine to mitigate If brake booster can’t work due to that the
inspection & repair. loads of the braking system. At this vehicle is drawn by a tractive force or fails
Head to Chery chartered service station for moment, don’t keep stepping on the brake itself, step on the brake pedal with more
inspection & repair, if persistent jittering pedal even if braking is required. efforts to compensate the booster.
or vibration is transmitted to the steering Wet brake disc degrades braking efficiency. Each pedal should be stepped
wheel during braking. In water related conditions, rainstorm or on to the bottom and fully
New brake lining can achieve its best after car wash, step on the brake pedal return into place, keeping
braking effect only after green run. In the slightly to generate heat between brake flexible movement.
initial 200km, the braking effect is abated disc and brake lining to evaporate water
Therefore, the floor around the brake
slightly; in such a case, the braking effect for restoration of braking effects.
pedal shouldn’t be paved with foot pad or
can be compensated with more efforts in other coverings to the best. If necessarily
stepping on the brake pedal. This key paved, the foot pad shouldn’t curb pedal
point also applies to new lining replaced. movement and slide.
Wear conditions of brake lining depends
largely on operating conditions and mode
of driving. The working conditions for
brake lining are more rigorous for urban
traffic vehicles due to frequent startup and
Antilock brake system (ABS) To brake with ABS ABS self-check
The ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) avoids Step on the brake pedal with full efforts in The ABS will make a self-check after your
locking of vehicle wheels, assuring that emergency conditions to initiate the ABS car is started. During the period, you can
the vehicle can keep steering performance immediately. However, you still keep hear mechanical noise. This is normal.
even in emergency braking to help you control of steering; if there is enough
If the ABS warning lamp is
evade obstacles. space, you can also evade obstacles.
ON during running, it
The ABS integrates EBD (Electric It is suggested that you shall be familiar indicates that the ABS has
Brakeforce Distribution) to ensure its with the braking technique while taking no faults. Please park the car and
performance more excellent. unnecessary risks. contact Chery chartered service
ABS actions Though the ABS can ensure
best braking efficiency,
stopping distance varies
according to road conditions. The
ABS can‟t always assure a shortened
braking distance. For example,
braking distance of a car equipped
with ABS may be longer than that of
one not equipped with ABS.
The ABS doesn’t function in normal
Similarly, working of the ABS can‟t
braking, effective only when vehicle
eliminate hazards caused by much
wheels are to be locked. In braking,
shorter distance from the car in the
pulsation of brake pedal with noise front, water involvement, over-fast
indicates the ABS is functioning; the turn or bad pavement, neither can it
pulsation and noise are normal. prevent accidents arising out of
Don’t loosen the brake pedal at that negligence and incorrect driving. Be
moment. careful in driving. Decelerate the car
in turning.
Hand brake Steering
To avoid damages to the power steering
 The duration for the steering wheel to
be rotated to the extreme (to the dead
point leftward or rightward) shouldn’t
exceed a few seconds when the engine
Pull up hand brake tightly after parking to  When power steering liquid of power
protect against car rolling due to steering solution tank is lower than the
negligence. mark of MIN, fill the power steering
Pull up the hand brake liquid immediately. No driving is
necessarily before leaving allowed before filling.
your car. When power steering system fails or the
The braking warning lamp is ON when engine is shut off, the vehicle will lose the
hand brake is pulled up in the state that boosting force for steering. You can still
ignition switch is turned on. rotate the steering wheel, though to do so
demands great efforts.
Pull up hand brake lever to use hand
brake. If the vehicle wanders or swings during
running, please check the items below:
Pull the hand brake lever upward slightly,
and push down the release button on the  Whether tyre pressure is sufficient
top of handle and push the hand brake
downward, to release hand brake.
Hand brake controls rear wheels.
 Whether type attrition is equal 1. Equipped with F4A4 automatic 2. Equipped with DPO automatic
transmission (AT) gearshift control transmission (AT) gearshift control
 Whether suspension parts are loose or
mechanism: mechanism:
wear away
 Whether steering parts are loose or
wear away
 Whether vehicle wheels are correctly

Automatic transmission
operations ( )
The automatic transmission equipped is an
electronically controlled quad-speed
variator. Relevant operations of automatic
transmission will be introduced below.
Reference relevant information for
automatic transmission type indicated.

Gearshift control mechanism

diagram Positions optional for
gearshift lever
P = Parking
R = Reversing gearshift lever without stepping on the case, there is no driving force transmitted
brake pedal (with key of ignition switch at to the driving wheels.
N = Neutral
the position ―ON‖).
D = Drive D = Driving
Gear “P” unlock button It is the position of the gearshift lever in
Manual shift mode protecting cover ( ) normal driving.
+ = Gear up
For DPO automatic transmission, when Manual shift mode
- = Gear down key of ignition switch is turned off and the
gearshift lever is at gear ―P‖, pry open this The manual shift mode can be shifted in
P = Parking protecting cover. Then, push the gear ―P‖ only when the gearshift lever is at the
At this position, transmission output shaft unlock button therein with appropriate position ―D‖.
is locked up to lead to that the driving tools (e.g., screwdriver) to move the
Toggle the gearshift lever into place
wheels can’t rotate. gearshift lever even if the brake pedal is
rightward if you want to shift in manual
not stepped on.
This position can be selected gearshift mode.
only when the vehicle fully R = Reverse gear In manual gearshift mode, push the
stops. gearshift lever towards + direction to gear
Shift in this position necessarily in
Gearshift lever can be moved from the backing a car. up the transmission into adjacent higher
parking position only when the brake gear; push the gearshift lever towards –
pedal is stepped on and key of ignition This position can be selected direction to gear down the transmission
switch is at the position ―ON‖. only when the vehicle fully into adjacent lower gear.
stops and the engine runs
SHIFT LOCK = Shift lock idle. In manual mode, to gear up applies to any
speed; but to gear down can be
( ) N = Neutral implemented only when vehicle speed
For F4A4 automatic transmission, please falls within allowable band.
This position can be selected only when
push down the key of ―SHIFT LOCK‖ the engine is started or runs idle. In this
(shift lock), if you want to move the
Gear display The position “N”: Shift lock
The position of gearshift lever will be
displayed into central display panel when
ignition switch is turned on.
Each gear is displayed, as indicated below:
The position “P”: The position “D”:

Manual mode:
The position “R”: In manual shift mode, the gear selected by
driver will be displayed in figures in the To move the gearshift lever from the
display panel. Take gear 2 as an example position ―P‖ to ―R‖, from ―N‖ to ―R‖, or
below. from ―R‖ to ―P‖, push down the limit
button on the handle of gearshift lever to
release the shift lock. It is unnecessary for
the limit button to be pushed down for the
gearshift lever to move to other positions.
Note: The operating methods for the
vehicles equipped with two types of
automatic transmissions keep the same.
Get off the mark forward, or vice versa. The key principles for driving
Keep the engine idle and step on the brake Avoid gearshift between driving gear and of AT cars on different road
reverse gear (rocking) for long; this will
pedal to move the gearshift lever to a
make transmission over-exhausted. The
driving gear. When the brake is released,
the vehicle will run slowly itself. Step on period for rocking shouldn’t exceed 1  It is suggested that gear D is used for
the accelerator pedal to improve vehicle minute. the flat roads with small gradient. Step
speed. on the gas rapidly* to obtain
In rocking, try to keep the engine running
immediate acceleration capability.
AT cars can‟t be towed or at low speed.
pushed to be started. Please Compulsory gear-down * Step on the gas rapidly: Driver can step
use jumper wires to connect on the accelerator pedal to the bottom
to supporting accumulator cells for Automatic transmission can provide rapidly. The function of rapid stepping on
jump-starting. augmented torsion in climbing up an the gas is to gear down by one scale for
abrupt slope or overtaking. To obtain the purpose that the torsion is increased
In special circumstances, gear 2 may be
compulsory gear-down effects, step on the and then the speed is accelerated to a
chosen in the manual mode as the starting
gasoline throttle to the bottom at gear D higher level at a higher gear to obtain
gear for running on icy snow cladded
and hold on. The transmission will switch excellent acceleration capability.
to the next gear when the engine achieves
maximum speed of rotation. Notice:
Running out of slit and icy
snow The vehicle will be vibrated slightly when
Parking on the way geared down while being accelerated. This
If the driving wheels plunge into silt or icy Unloosen the accelerator pedal and step on indicates that compulsory gear-down
snow, try to rock the vehicle through the foot brake. Keep the gearshift lever in functions rather than the engine expedites
repeated forward/backward going. Alter its original position. Release the foot brake jittering. All these are related to rapid
the gearshift between the positions ―D‖ for another start. stepping on the gas. This is one key
and ―R‖ and slightly step on the gas. In driving principle necessarily mastered by a
order to enhance effects, shift to the driver.
position ―R‖ when the vehicle still moves
If you step on the gas slowly, it is incur damages to transmission. Pay special very large gradient.
relatively hard for the vehicle to be geared attention.
down while being accelerated. If you step  If the period for continual braking
Electronic Cruise Control
on the gas slowly to one half or two thirds lasts too long in downslope driving, System( )
of the stroke, it is impossible for enough the braking performance will fade due In order to reduce the driving pressure of
acceleration horsepower (torsion) to be to overheating of the brake. Please use stepping on accelerator pedal, cruise
obtained, though some horsepower engine braking* to lower the vehicle control system keeps the car steadily
(torsion) may be increased. This is the speed. running faster than 25km/h and slower
reason why customers feel the horsepower * The engine braking refers to the braking than 130km/h within engine power
is low. In addition, jittering will be much effect achieved by shifting in a lower gear toleration.
larger in stepping on the gas slowly; during journey and releasing the
avoidance is thus necessary. accelerator pedal, enabled by engine
 It is suggested that gear 3 or gear 2 be deceleration and low transmission gear Use of cruise
used in the manual mode for the roads ratio. control system is not
with intermediate gradient. Stepping The lower the gear is, the better the effects recommended in traffic
on the gas rapidly* provides of engine braking will be.
immediate acceleration capability.
hubs and unfavorable
 Please use gear 1* in the manual mode To shift in a lower gear driving conditions (for
for the roads with large gradient. imposes great impact upon example, slippery roads,
Don’t use gear D. Stepping on the gas engine and transmission vehicle skidding or
rapidly provides immediate during driving at high speed. Shift in
acceleration capability. a lower gear only when the vehicle is
rolling forward).
*Drivers can’t use gear 1 for the whole speeded down appropriately. Recommended car speed
journey. Depending on gradient change, for cruise driving ranges
the gearshift lever should shift in gear 2 or  Please use the manual shift mode from 35km/h to 130km/h
to the position D for normal driving. To before downslope driving to shift in
use gear 1 for long and forget shifting to the lowest gear to achieve best braking
and low speed cruise
the position D for normal driving may effects for the downslope roads with driving may accelerate
the wearing down of
transmission gear.
Cruise Button Function 2. In cruise status, push the OFF button
to exit from cruise status, and cruise
Definition indicator blacks out; in cruise status,
Cruise buttons ON and OFF to the left of step on accelerator pedal (cruise
steering wheel are shown in the figure indicator constantly shines), and car
below: speed rises; when accelerator pedal is
released, car speed falls to cruise
speed before accelerator pedal is
stepped on;
3. In cruise status, when accelerator
1. Ignition switch is accessible through
pedal (cruise indicator constantly
ON button; push the ON button, cruise
shines) is stepped on, car speed rises;
indicator lights up and keeps blinking
when accelerator pedal is released, car
(normal pre-cruise status); when
speed automatically falls to the cruise
driving at 25km/h to 130km/h, push
speed when accelerator pedal is not
the button SET/-, vehicle runs at a
stepped on;
constant speed (Don’t place foot on
accelerator pedal; cruise system 4. In cruise status, step on accelerator
automatically adjusts the opening of pedal (cruise indicator constantly
Cruise buttons RES/+ and SET/-to the left air throttle); at the same time, cruise shines), and car speed rises; release
of steering wheel and under the buttons indicator constantly shines, suggesting accelerator pedal, and push the SET/-
ON and OFF are shown in the figure progress into cruise status; continued button, and the car cruises at new
below: blinking of cruise indicator suggests speed;
non-realization of cruise status, please
try again to enter cruise status (if
failed, please contact with Chery
chartered service station and ask for
inspection & repair service);
5. In cruise status, short-press the RES/+ cruise indicator blinks (suggesting be unable to enter into the cruise status
button once (shorter than 0.5 sec and normal pre-cruise status), and car with cruise indicator blinking.
cruise indicator constantly shines), and speed falls; if car speed does not fall
car speed rises by 2km/h; in cruise below 25km/h, the car will run back Manual Transmission
status, long-press the RES/+ button into cruise status before brake pedal is
(longer than 0.5 sec and cruise stepped on, and cruise indicator Operation( )
indicator constantly shines), and car constantly shines, when brake pedal is Chery Eastar has five driving gears and
speed constantly rises; when the released and the RES/+ button is one reverse gear for manual transmission.
RES/+ button is released, speed rise pushed;
stops and the car runs at a constant Gear layout is shown in the figure below:
8. In cruise status, when brake pedal is
speed when releasing the RES/+
stepped on, cruise indicator constantly
button (long-pressing RES/+ button
shines (suggesting normal pre-cruise
not recommended as car speed keeps
status), and car speed falls; if brake
rising leading to potential driving
pedal is released when car speed falls
safety risks);
below 25km/h and the RES/+ button is
6. In cruise status, short-press the SET/- pushed, the car will be unable to run
button (shorter than 0.5 sec and cruise back into the cruise status before brake
indicator constantly shines), and car pedal is stepped on. However, driver
speed rises by 2 km/h; in cruise status, can step more heavily on accelerator
long-press the SET/+ button (longer pedal to raise car speed above 25 km/h,
than 0.5 sec and cruise indicator and push the RES/+ button while Gearshift
constantly shines), car speed keeps accelerator pedal is released; then, the Operating instructions and notices:
rising; when the SET/- button is car will run back into the cruise status
released, car speed rise stops and the before brake pedal is stepped on, and
car runs at constant speed when cruise indicator constantly shines;
releasing the RES/+ button;
9. In case of complete vehicle faults
7. In cruise status, step on brake pedal, affecting cruise safety, the car would
 In gearshift, step on brake pedal to the  Don’t continuously hold the gearshift Reverse gear is strictly
bottom, move shift lever into desired lever with your hand when gear prohibited in driving;
gear, and exert more force to send shift engagement and gearshift are otherwise, transmission may
lever into that gear. In case of completed so as to prevent transfer of be damaged. Such faults are not
inflexible gear engagement, step on excessive force from hand to gearshift warranted by Chery Automobile.
brake pedal again and quickly move fork; otherwise, premature wearing of
gear lever into place after releasing gearshift fork might occur.
transmission from engine torsion.
 In case of such abnormal phenomena
 Shift to low speed gear when driving in driving as abnormal noise detected When inevitably encountering water in
down slope; sliding of a car in transmission and obvious driving, drive carefully and slowly
declutched should be avoided. unwieldiness in operation, especially when facing undefined
immediately stop and check your car; situation.
 When shifting transmission from a low
and continue your driving when all
gear to a high gear, trip-stop operation
faults are cleared.
should be prohibited lest service life of When water submerges rim,
synchronizer is undermined.  In normal driving status, please don’t Don‟t drive forward.
keep your feet on clutch pedal to avoid
 In neutral engine shutdown, engine When wading through water, both car
unnecessary wearing of clutch.
startup through forceful engagement tractive force and braking performance are
with synchronizer is strictly prohibited;  Move the gear lever to reverse gear reduced, and risk of engine shutdown is
otherwise, service life of synchronizer only when car stands still. When possible.
is undermined. engine is running, step on the clutch to
When water permeates into engine air inlet
the bottom before gearshift, and shift
 Drastic pulling and pushing pipe, the engine can be seriously damaged.
in a gear after several minutes, so as to
movements are strictly prohibited in When wading through deep water, water
prevent quacking noise produced by
gearshift; constantly press on the gear seeps through transmission vent-hole into
unfavorable transmission engagement.
lever so that the period for lock loop transmission gear to cause damages to the
When reverse gear is enabled, rear
of synchronizer will be greatly transmission.
reversing light will blink after ignition
switch is turned on.
After wading through water, drive slowly Note:
and slightly and step on brake pedal
When engine keeps running, catalytic
several times to remove water from it.
converter will be extremely heated. Wear
Water on brake will degrade braking
protective gloves in maintenance to avoid
Catalytic Converter Drive cars equipped with
Catalytic converter helps reduce exhaust catalytic converter
gas pollution.
In case engine ignition is in
trouble or engine
Make sure that leadless fuel is
performance is degraded in
used. Leaded fuel causes
driving, please drive your car slowly
permanent damages to
to Chery chartered service station
catalytic converter and hot oxygen Narrowed oil filling port is available with
nearest. Don‟t step on the gas in
sensor. Chery Automobile is not gasoline engine car and can only
responsible for damages due to use of accommodate compressor gun nozzle of
leaded fuel. Such damages are leadless gasoline pump. Please prevent unburned or partially
unwarranted. In case that you burned fuel oil flowing into catalytic
When gasoline engine operates,
accidentally add leaded fuel, please converter, especially when engine is
high tension line of ignition coil
immediately contact Chery chartered extremely heated.
shall not be pulled off. Check
service station nearest.
whether engine works normally or Avoid the following phenomena:
observe spark flashover by resorting to
cylinder extinguishment method;  Exhaustion of fuel oil.
otherwise, catalytic converter might be  Keep starting the engine for a long
damaged. period.
 Engine running when any cable joint may accidentally slide and incur personal Traffic and road conditions
of spark plug is removed. injuries or property loss.
 Start a car whose engine is in Traffic congestion, climbing slopes,
Chassis protection multiple detours and rough road surface
operating temperature with trolley or
tractor. Your car is equipped with insulating panel. unfavorably affect oil consumption.
Don’t apply painting dressing to insulating
 Turn off ignition switch in driving. panel, exhaust pipe or catalytic converter
Good driving habits
or the area close to these devices. Don’t Foreseeing risks and keeping proper
Parking disassemble insulating panel. distance away from cars running ahead not
only reduce oil consumption but also
Oil Consumption decrease wearing of brake and noises.

Oil consumption is affected In case of level crossing

congestion or waiting for red
by the following factors: light for long, driver is advised
Don’t park car, lay idle car or drive car on Car speed and gear selection to turn off engine.
dry leaves or grass. Even when engine is When car speed is constant, the Engine running idle for 3 minutes
turned off, potential fire hazard exists higher the gear is, the lower oil consumes the equivalent amount of fuel
because exhaust gas will emit certain consumption will be; to keep that can support a car to travel 1km.
amount of heat for a short period. low gear to improve acceleration will Car load condition
In parking a car, don’t use selector rod to result in obviously higher oil consumption.
substitute hand brake. Make sure that hand Increase of car load leads to high oil
brake be pulled up tightly and selector rod Mileage/engine temperature consumption.
be placed in the position ―P‖. Frequent cold start and short distance
Remember to turn off ignition switch driving lead to obviously increased oil
when getting out of car. Turn off engine consumption.
when nobody is in car; otherwise, your car
Emergency Response
Technical status
Over-low tyre pressure or improper maintenance of engine and vehicle also lead to high oil consumption.

Essentials about fuel saving and environmental protection:

 In driving, adhere to the principle of oil consumption economy, and resort to extra electric loads only when necessary.
 Start driving without previous warming-up of engine is proper.
 Step on the gas gradually in a smooth way.
 Shift in the next higher gear to achieve lower engine speed.
 Foresee traffic conditions.
 When unnecessary, immediately turn off air conditioner and windshield heating.

 Regularly check and adjust tyre pressure.

 Regularly implement car maintenance, and ask for help from Chery chartered service station for best results.

Radiator Fan
Radiator fan is electrically powered with its operating status controlled by engine ECU. When temperature of cooling liquid or engine
compartment reaches certain level, the switch automatically connects to fan circuit.
Radiator fan continues to work
for a while (about 10 minutes)
as engine temperature takes
time to fall after engine is turned off.
But the fan can possibly restart
Emergency Response
abruptly due to drastic temperature
rise in engine compartment influenced
by external ambient temperature.
Therefore, take extreme care when
operating inside engine compartment
to avoid accident occurrence.

When cooling liquid temperature rises to fan starting temperature and fan fails to start, check whether fan fuse is blown, and replace the fuse
when necessary.
Fan rotation speed has nothing to do with engine rotation speed. Shift in a lower gear can not enhance cooling effect, therefore, to shift in a
lower gear is unnecessary as long as engine operates steadily and car speed does not suffer obvious decrease in slope climbing.
Emergency Response

Chapter 10 Emergency Response

Emergency Response
Emergency Response
on fueling at this time. Otherwise,
Warning Flasher Prompt Fueling there will be no expansion space in the
fuel tank; once temperature rises, fuel
If fuel gauge indicates low oil
will spill over the fuel tank.
level or the warning
indicator is ON, add fuel  Screw down the fuel tank cup after
immediately. fueling, please.
When fuel is at a low level, the low oil  Please comply with local pertinent
The warning flasher is for emergency use level warning indicator will be ON. Please laws & regulations when canned
only to warn against vehicles in the front head to the gas station nearest for fueling. standby fuel is carried along with your
and those following that your car drops car.
Unprompted fueling will
anchor or is in hazardous conditions. result in loss of ignition and  For the purpose of safety, it is
Push the button to turn on or off it. When difficulty in startup, possibly suggested that canned standby fuel be
ignition switch is turned off, the warning incurring damages to the engine. not carried along with the car to avoid
flasher can be still operated. Turn to Chery chartered that the oil cans are damaged to spill
maintenance point for emergency gasoline and result in fire disasters.
Local operating function services immediately.
Bulb Replacement
The control system of the engine has local Please correctly use compressor
operating function. It can still work even gun for fueling. Prior to replacement of any bulb, turn off
the system has faults. However, engine the light and turn off ignition switch, and
performance might be degraded.  Insert a compressor gun into the fuel dismount anode of accumulator cell.
tank completely. Don’t lay it beside oil
filling port in a slanting way.
 If an automatic compressor gun is
Head to Chery chartered used for fueling, automatic shutoff of
maintenance point for the gun indicates that the fuel tank has
inspection immediately. been fully filled. Don’t attempt to keep
Emergency Response
Beware of electric shock! 12V 55W
For a vehicle with xenon
Bulbs for steering,
Calibrate the head light each
headlight, bulb of headlight can‟t be
reversing and rear fog time when its bulb is
replaced unless anode of
accumulator cell is dismounted.
Otherwise, you may get a high lamps: Head light bank (high
tension electric shock.
Don’t touch upon bulb glass with you 12V 21W
beam/passing lamp/parking
fingers directly. Otherwise, the fingerprint light/turn light)
left thereon will be heated and volatile Bulbs for license plate,
after the lamp is ON to be deposited on
mirror surface and darken the reflector.
side steering and high
Use bulbs of the same type in replacement.
Prior to installation, please examine the
bulb specification. positioned brake lamps:
It is suggested that a box of standby bulbs
12V 5W
be carried along with the car for accidental
conditions. Chery chartered service
stations keep available bulbs of various
Bulbs for brake/parking The head light bank must be dismounted
specs. For the purpose of safety, the for dismounting of any bulb above.
following bulbs of great importance to light: 1. Open the power plant nacelle cover.
traffic safety should be carried:
2. Dismount the three screw bolts that
12V 21W/ 5W fasten the head light bank (with
Bulb for front headlight: positions as indicated below).
Bulb for front fog lamp:
12V 55W
Emergency Response
2. Dismount the anchor screws and pull
out the lamp holder, replace the bulb
damaged with a new bulb. Screw
down the anchor screws and well
install the protective cover of head.

3. Pull out the head light bank carefully 4. The high beam holder can be pulled
and disconnect cable joints. out when the clamp spring is released,
as indicated below:
High beam/passing lamp bulbs
1. Push the lock catch of protective cover
to dismount the cover of passing lamp.

3. Open the holder cover according to the

direction indicated on the cover of
high beam holder, as shown below.

5. Pull out the plug, and take down the

bulb damaged and replace it with a
new one. Then, plug it in.
Emergency Response
6. Fix the bulb and high beam cover with slightly.
the clamp spring.
7. Calibrate lamplight of high beam with Bulb for front fog lamp 2. Screw off the holder in a direction
headlight beam tester. reverse to the locking direction
Jack the car to replace bulb for front fog indicated on the holder to take it out.
Notice: lamp from the back; or dismount the fog
3. Push the bulb with slight pressure and
lamp for replacement. Thereby, you’d
better turn to Chery chartered service rotate it anticlockwise to take it out.
Well fix the halogen bulb into the holder stations for replacement of bulb for fog Replace the bulb.
necessarily. lamp. 4. Install it in a reverse order.
Bulb for front turn light
Tail light bulb 5. Check if the light works regularly after
1. Rotate the holder anticlockwise and installation.
pull it out. Push the bulb with slight
pressure, and rotate the bulb Bulb for high positioned
anticlockwise to take it out. Replace brake lamp
the bulb.
1. Open the tail gate, and dismount two
2. Install a new bulb in a reverse order. cross recessed screws to know down
the cover plate. Unshackle the
Bulb for parking light electrical joints to take the lamp bank
The dismounting method is the same with out, pull out the cover plate, and take
that of bulbs for front turn light. the bulb out for replacement.

Side turn light (exterior 2. Install the bulb in a reverse order.

rear-view mirror) 1. Open the tail gate. Uncouple the
back-kick holding-down clip of tail
Bulb for license light
Turn to Chery chartered service stations light bank cover inside the luggage Position for installation: installed under
for replacement, please. compartment. Pull out the light bank the guard plate of license light.
Emergency Response
1. Dismount the tapping screws that
fasten license light to take them down.
Emergency Response
2. Pull out the light holder and take down Bulb for luggage Position of front headlight must adapt to
the bulb damaged.
compartment load conditions of the vehicle.
3. Install a new bulb into the holder and Screw A - Vertical adjustments
install the holder into place. Mounted position: Installed on the veil of Screw B - Horizontal adjustment
left rear loudspeaker. Indicated above is the screw for right
4. Fasten the holder with the tapping
1. Extrude the position of A with your headlight adjustment. Take down the
hand from back of the lamp; and cross protective cover of headlight in
Bulb for interior front/rear the protruding step to dismount the adjustment.
lamp for luggage compartment. The screw for left front headlight
ceiling light adjustment is symmetrical with that for
2. Replace the bulb. right headlight. The adjustment methods
1. Turn off body light.
3. Install it into the mounting hole on the keep the same.
2. Insert screwdriver between lamp shell
veil of loudspeaker.
and lamp house to pry out the lamp Fuse and Relay
house carefully. Front headlight beam Turn off ignition switch and
3. Replace the bulb and keep reflecting adjustment all electrical equipment
mirror in place. before fuse and relay are
4. Install the lamp shell into mounting
hole of the lamp house again. Replace the defective fuse with a new fuse
of the same rated value. The fuse box
Visor dressing glass lamp: including primary fuse and relay is
It’s positioned behind the visor. positioned as below.
Front headlight beam adjustment involves Replacement of relay requires professional
Pry out the glass block and replace the knowledge.
bulb. driving safety. Thereby, special
instruments are allowed for beam
adjustment only. Comply with relevant
laws & regulations in adjustment.
Emergency Response
It is suggested that some standby fuse be Fuse tube
carried along with the vehicle for
emergency purpose.
Chery chartered maintenance points keep
available fuses of various specs.
Blown fuse is identified through that fuse
is disconnected. All fuses are of thrust-in
Mini fuse
Any authorized change to
electrical or fuel system of
automobile will affect
automobile performance and
possibly cause fire or safety hazards.
It is hereby suggested that all work
involving dismounting of fuel or
electrical system or replacement of
relay be implemented by Chery
chartered maintenance points.
Emergency Response
Fuse box for power plant nacelle (*Rather than Version 07)
It is positioned on the left of power plant nacelle and behind accumulator cell. Pull up the covering plate after releasing the latch to dismount
the cover plate of fuse box.
Emergency Response

F4 fuel injector/carbon tank/air flow

R1 fan relay S2 air blower fuse F14 passing lamp
meter/camshaft position sensor

R2 air blower relay S3 fan fuse F5ECU44, 45 and 63/oxygen sensor F15 rear windshield defrosting

R3 fan relay S4ABS fuse F6 ECU/diagnosis interface F16 seat adjustment

R4 oil pump relay S5 ignition switch F7 electric generator F17 vehicle window

R5 engine relay S6 ignition switch F8 oil pump F18 brake switch

R6AT relay S7 fuse box F9 for standby use F19 radio

R7 air conditioning relay S8 ISU power supply F10 high beam F20 rear-view mirror defrosting

R8 fog lamp relay F1 ceiling/rear window curtain F11 automatic transmission case F21 dimmer switch

F22 left rear tail light/left license

R9 defrosting relay F2 luggage compartment switch F12 air conditioning
light/left front small light
F3 ceiling light/door lamp/key F23 right rear tail light/right front &
S1 fan fuse F13 passing lamp
signaling lamp rear fog light/right front small light
Emergency Response
Fuse box for power plant nacelle (*Version 07)
It is positioned on the left of power plant nacelle and behind accumulator cell. Pull up the covering plate after releasing the latch to dismount
the cover plate of fuse box in fuse check or replacement.
Emergency Response
R1 fan relay (low R11 high beam F2 luggage compartment
F12 air conditioning F21 dimmer switch
speed) relay switch
F22 left tail light/left license
R2 air blower S1 fan (low F3 ceiling light/door lamp/key
F13 passing lamp plate lamp/left front small
relay speed) fuse signaling lamp
F4 fuel injector/carbon tank/air F23 right tail light/right
R3 fan relay (high S2 air blower
flow meter/camshaft position F14 passing lamp license plate lamp/right front
speed) fuse
sensor small light
S3 fan (high F15 rear windshield
R4 oil pump relay F5 ECU/oxygen sensor
speed) fuse defrosting

R5 engine relay S4ABS fuse F6 ECU/diagnosis interface F16 seat adjustment

R6 automatic S5 ignition
F7 for standby use F17 vehicle window
transmission relay switch
R7 air S6 ignition
F8 oil pump F18 brake switch
conditioning relay switch
R8 passing lamp
S7 battery jar F9 windshield wiper switch F19 radio
R9 front fog lamp S8 BCM power
F10 high beam F13 passing lamp
relay supply
R10 small light F1 ceiling/rear F11 automatic transmission F20 rear-view mirror
relay window curtain case defrosting
Emergency Response
Fuse box of the instrument panel
(Mitsubishi engine configured) It is positioned at left nose nacelle to the Windshield wiper
left of the instrument panel. Fuse box 9 10A
cleaning controller
cover can be seen immediately when the
door at driver’s side is opened. Replace 10 Windshield wiper 25A
the fuse after opening the cover. 11 SRS airbag 10A
Central fuse distribution box 12 For standby purpose 10A
Fuse Circuits protected A Automatic transmission
13 10A
Rear-view mirror control module
1 10A 14 ISU unit 10A
adjustment switch
2 AV unit 15A Air conditioning control
15 10A
Seat heating and standby module
3 20A 16 Primary relay 15A
power supply
Air conditioning control 17 Reversing light 15A
4 10A 18 ABS control module 15A
5 Diagnosis device 10A 19 ATC and ISU 10A
Glove box lamp and 20 Air blower 20A
6 20A 21 For standby purpose 10A
cigarette lighter
7 Audio system 15A 22 For standby purpose 20A
Radio & recorder and 23 Safety clip
8 automatic ceiling 10A
Emergency Response
Fuse box of the instrumental
panel (ACTECO engine
It is positioned on the left of the
instrumental panel. Fuse box cover can be
seen when the door at driver’s side is
opened. Replace the fuse after opening the
Emergency Response
Emergency Response

F45 reverse gear

F30 seat heating (for standby
F35 cigarette lighter F40 seat heating switch/engine theft
protection module

F31 rear-view mirror/ceiling

F36 radio F41ABS module F46 ISU

F37 instrument/theft
F32 loudspeaker relay F42 ISU F47 gearshift switch
protection indicator

F43ECU13/driving speed
F33 noctilucent switch/headlight
F38 windshield wiper motor sensor/ignition coil/air conditioning F48 air conditioning module
high and low-voltage switch

F34 front fog lamp relay F39 washing motor F44 instrument and light switch/ISU F49 SRS airbag module
Emergency Response
Fuse replacement Vehicle Wheel
Fuse tube color standard
Fuse color standard
Color Ampere
Color Ampere Please follow the precautions
Blue 20
Grey 2 below before the car is
Pink 30 jacked.
Purple 3
Green 40 Park your car at an appropriate position.
Pink 4 Please confirm that tyre replacement will
Red 50 neither affect traffic nor endanger your
Brown 5
Yellow 60 safety.
Auburn 7.5 Please confirm that the vehicle is on the
Auburn 70
Red 10 steady and level ground. If necessary, use
Black 80 appropriate wedge blocks to prevent the
Blue 15 steering wheels for further fixation of your
Yellow 20 Fuse drawbench is attached to your car. car.
You can find it in the fuse box of power
Colorless 25 plant nacelle. Please confirm that front wheels point
right ahead.
Green 30
If the vehicle features automatic
transmission, please choose the position
Emergency Response
Spare wheel Lifting jack attached
If size of some wheel To jack the car with a lifting
(whether it is a steel ring or jack is only used to replace
tyre) differs from other vehicle wheels. Don‟t operate
wheels installed, please comply with under the vehicle.
the provisions below.
Spare wheels are located under the
cover plate of luggage compartment
bottom board. Lifting points
The maximum working load
is 1200kg for lifting jack.

Lifting jack is placed within the storage

tank on the left of luggage compartment.

Triangle warning plate

1. Lift the cover plate of luggage Lifting jack can only prop up the car at the
compartment bottom board. Triangle warning plate is placed in the
luggage compartment. particular groove part beneath the chassis
2. Unscrew the screw bolt fully. above.
3. Take the spare wheel out.
Emergency Response
Wheel dismounting Wheel installation
6. Push the wheel into the wheel bolt,
1. Confirm that front wheel points right
screw down wheel nuts clockwise, and
fasten the wheel.
2. Turn off ignition switch. 7. Jack down the vehicle and remove the
lifting jack.
3. Please select the position ―P‖ for
8. Screw down wheel nuts fully in the
automatic transmission.
diagonal mode.
4. Ask passengers to leave the car. 9. Press in the hub cap steadily with both
5. Turn on hazard warning flasher and hands.
pull up hand brake. 10. Keep the lifting jack and defective
wheel into place in a reverse order and
6. If necessary, use appropriate wheel fix them.
limit stop to fix the vehicle to prevent 11. Turn to Chery chartered maintenance
rolling or sliding. points for inspections of wheel nut
10. Place the lifting jack to ensure the screwing torsion and tyre pressure.
7. Insert the slotted point screwdriver whole pedal side is on the hard
between steel ring and hub cap and ground.
then twist it to dismount the hub cap. Accumulator Cell
11. Lifting jack must prop up the lifting
8. Erect a triangle warning plate 100m point vertically. Safety tips
distant from the vehicle.
12. Prop up the vehicle until wheels leave The following preventive
9. Use special tools to unscrew wheel the ground. measures are necessarily
nuts, as indicated below. adopted in transportation of
13. Dismount wheel nuts and then take accumulator cells.
down the wheel.
Emergency Response

 Keep children distant from  Electronic ignition system has high

accumulator acid. voltage built in. Don’t touch upon
these components when the engine
runs or ignition switch is turned on.

Dismounting and mounting

 Accumulator acid is corrosive. Wear The following preventive
gloves and eye protector. Don’t let measures are necessarily
acid or lead touch upon your skin or  Accumulator cell releases explosive adopted in dismounting and
clothes. Don’t tilt an accumulator cell gas when charged. mounting accumulator cells.
because acid liquor may flow out  Your car is equipped with the
through gas vent. If acid liquor is lead-acid accumulator free of
splashed into eyes, please rinse the maintenance (12V, 65Ah).
eyes with clean water for several
minutes and go to hospital
immediately. If acid liquor is splashed
on skin or clothes, neutral the acid  Open fire, sparkles and smoking are
liquor with alkaline water (soap water) forbidden. Please avoid sparkles in
and then wash it with clean water. If wiring and electrical operations. Don’t
acid liquor is swallowed, please be connect electrodes; otherwise, the
hospitalized immediately. short circuit resulted therefrom will
produce sparkles and incur injuries.
Emergency Response
 Accumulator cell is replaced with the reconnected. This indicates that the
lead-acid accumulator instead of control system of engine is
other types of accumulator cells. re-adapting to the engine. It can be
Current and capacity of new ignored.
accumulator cells must comply with Used accumulator cells contain
those of old accumulator cells or sulfuric acid and lead. They can’t
Chery specifications. Consult Chery be discarded as ordinary Lead wire connection
chartered maintenance points for domestic waste. Please send them to local
correct specifications of accumulator waste disposal stations qualified.
 Dismount the cathode ( ﹣ ) cable
firstly after ignition switch and all
electrical devices have been already
turned off.
 Please avoid carefully that metallic
tools touch upon both electrodes of
accumulator cell simultaneously or
touch upon the anode and vehicle Engine Jump-starting
body accidentally.
 Connect the anode (﹢) cable firstly
and then the cathode cable in Accumulator cells with same rated
reconnecting accumulator cells. voltages (12V) can be connected only. Use
the jumper wires with insulating clips and
 Automobile may show some the cables of appropriate dimension. Don’t
abnormalities in performance in dismantle accumulator cells from the
early period of driving after electrical system of your car.
accumulator cell is dismounted and
Emergency Response

1. Park two cars appropriately to make  Remove the conductor B (﹣) firstly
them not touch each other. and then the conductor A (﹢).

2. Turn off ignitions of both vehicles.

Turn off all unnecessary electrical
devices. To start the engine
3. Connect the positive (﹢) post of the In order to reduce voltage
accumulator cell short of power to that surge in dismounting, put
of supporting accumulator cell via through the fan and electric
conductor A. heating switch (rear windshield),
4. Connect one end of conductor B to the please.
negative (-) post of supporting
accumulator cell and the other end of Don‟t illuminate the head
conductor B to the metallic part of the light to replace heating-type
engine to be started. windshield glass. Voltage
surge may damage bulbs.
To be connected to the
negative (-) post of the 1. Engine of the vehicle with supporting
accumulator cell short of accumulator cell runs at a high speed
power is forbidden. appropriate.
5. Confirm that jumper cable won’t 2. Start up the engine of the vehicle with
interfere with operating parts of the an accumulator cell short of power.
3. Run the two cars for 3 minutes before
lead wires are removed.
Lead wire removal
Emergency Response
is required, the driving wheels should be
Breakdown Trailer elevated from ground. In towing, the
The vehicle is equipped with trailer rings vehicle towed must head forward.
fore and aft for installation of towing
The vehicle towed can‟t
Slowly and smoothly run to avoid head backward to rotate
bouncing of trailer and your car in towing. driving wheels in towing;
Too large tractive force of towing ropes otherwise, automatic transmission
may damage your car. may be damaged. An AT car can‟t be
started through the towing method.
Ignition switch of the vehicle
Please adopt jump-starting using
towed should be set at the
jumper wires.
position “ON” to ensure that
steering wheel, turn light and brake
light can all work. Due to loss of
ignition of the engine, there are no
braking and steering boosting forces.
As a result, the operating forces
required are larger. The forces for
braking and steering should be
enhanced accordingly.

To tow AT cars
In towing an AT car, gearshift lever of the
vehicle towed must be positioned at the
position ―N‖ (neutral). Speed of a trailer
shouldn’t exceed 50km/h with a distance
not beyond 50km. If long-distance towing
Servicing & Maintenance

Chapter 11 Servicing & Maintenance

Servicing & Maintenance
The sedan car you drive is made by Chery process. The Manual makes available to 4008838888, and we will try whatever in
Automobile, and features superb safety you detailed maintenance arrangements our utmost capacity to provide our best
and comfort, outstanding dynamic (see regular maintenance regulations service. Remember to clearly indicate in
performance and economic efficiency. hereunder), including the first-time free letter the information about model, chassis
Regular reception of cover-all servicing & service delivery. Please strictly conform to number, engine number, mileage, and car
maintenance at Chery chartered service those arrangements in the Manual when acquisition date.
stations is advised as recommended in undertaking maintenance so that your car
Manual and maintenance regulations so keeps running in best performance and
Servicing & Maintenance
Servicing & maintenance falls into two
that you can always have your car in its status, hidden troubles immediately
categories, daily maintenance, done by car
best running status. All Chery chartered spotted and cleared to prevent failures, and
owners independently and regular
service stations sincerely promise to service life effectively extended. Please
inspection and maintenance, completed by
deliver to you best services. carefully read the detailed elaborations
Chery chartered service stations.
Please use engine oil, gasoline, brake hereunder on the regular methodology of
liquid and antifreeze liquid as exactly maintenance, trouble detection and Chery as the Permanent
recommended in this Manual lest possible prevention.
damages happen to your car. Service life Chery Authorized Service Station is the Service Provider
of your car can only be extended when solely authorized professional In order to maintain vehicle reliability and
using original parts and materials as maintenance point (MP) of Chery driving performance, please conform to
recommended by Chery chartered service Automobile. Service staff receives strict regular maintenance arrangements in this
stations. Hereby, we call for your special and professional training before they are Manual. Taking Chery as the permanent
attention to the fact that original parts trusted to deliver the best after services. In service provider is recommended.
belonging to Chery Automobile are case that service effect at Chery chartered Must-do Checks
available only at Chery chartered service service stations in or near your Regularly check liquid level and add
stations throughout the country and it is neighborhood falls short of your liquid and oil when necessary; check tyre
only from those service stations that you expectations or proves to be unsatisfying, pressure, and working status of lights and
can obtain the original parts. please directly write to: after service dept., braking system; check warning lamp; refer
Regular maintenance is a must-do Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., EDZ, Wuhu, to Regular Maintenance Arrangement
procedure during your daily driving Anhui, or call customer service hotline: Table.
Servicing & Maintenance
The tank of braking liquid, cooling liquid cells and tyres, deliver the same only to Monthly Check:
and power steering liquid is translucent eligible waste material processing entities  Cooling liquid level (engine
containers to inspect quickly and visually. or make inquiries about replacements to under cold condition)
concerned manufacturers and suppliers of  Leakage in engine assembly,
High voltage is present in the same products; do not dump the waste pipes, tubes and oil tanks
electronic ignition system; do as part of domestic refuse or drain off the  Power steering oil level
not touch these parts when same into public drainage system.  Air conditioner operating status*
engine runs or ignition switch is Environmental protection is a concern for  Hand brake operating status
turned on. all and calls for effort from all.  Horns operating status
Maintenance Arrangement NOTICE:
Prior to operations in engine Table Air conditioner shall operate at least for 30
compartment, turn off minutes every month.
ignition switch; take care to Daily Check: Engine oil, lubricant grease
avoid having clothes (possibly ties in Operating status of external and and oil liquid shall be kept
particular) entangled into cooling internal lights; replace burnt-out or away from children‟s reach;
fan or driving belt as cooling fan dim bulbs; make sure that all lens are avoid contact between human skin
may run into automatic operation clean. and used engine oil as provided in
though ignition switch is off. Check When Adding Fuel Oil: Safety Instruction on containers.
Conventional Maintenance  Engine oil level
Fuel oil, grease and engine oil residuals  Braking liquid level
may get washed off when washing engine.  Windshield detergent level
Only use car wash area causing  Tyre pressure and condition
no damage to ecological drainage (cold condition only)
system.  Check against frayed and bent
For the disposal and treatment of pipes in crankcase ventilation
used engine oil, braking liquid, system
antifreeze liquid, accumulator
Servicing & Maintenance

Engine Compartment Maintenance Job (Mitsubishi engine)

Servicing & Maintenance
Engine Oil Dipstick out dipstick and wipe the same clean with Turn filler cap in anticlockwise direction
lint free cloth, restore to its position and and draw the same out to open the same. Do
draw out again. not open filler cap when engine is running.
In case of oil level between MIN mark and Do not use oil additive or
MAX mark at the lower end of dipstick, oil engine treating agent, which
filling is unnecessary. Hot engine oil may are unnecessary and may
(Mitsubishi Engine) MAX MIN
expand and exceed by several millimeters cause damages to engine, which is
the above gap marks. not covered by warranty promise.
In case of oil level at or below MIN mark, Turn filler cap clockwise until you hear a
add engine oil qualified for Chery cracking sound to close the same.
designated specs till oil level rises to stay Empty waste engine oil containers
(ACTECO Engine) MAX MIN between MIN and MAX. For details, refer shall not be discarded together
to ―Capacity and Specs‖. with domestic refuse. Please resort
Engine oil consumption is influenced by Engine Oil Filler Cap to eligible local waste disposal facilities to
multiple factors. A new engine usually discard the containers.
reaches normal oil consumption around Braking Liquid/Clutch Oil
5,000 km. Engines in high load operation Take care to avoid contact
consume much more oil than usual. between human skin and
Regularly check engine oil when making eyes with the liquid; in case
new additions or prior to long distance of such contact, please wash the
driving. affected parts with water and
Drive and park your car on flat ground immediately resort to medical
when checking engine oil; turn off ignition treatment.
switch and wait for several minutes for
engine oil to flow into oil sump (as (Mitsubishi Engine) (ACTECO Engine)
temperature outside car may happen to be
unusually low or engine temperature needs
more time to reach operating level). Prior to
engine oil check, do not start engine. Draw
Servicing & Maintenance
Braking liquid and clutch oil are supplied Cooling System Liquid Tank mixture into tank.
with the same tanks. Take utmost caution when
Oil level shall be kept between MIN mark adding cooling liquid to
and MAX mark on one side of oil tank. In avoid spill of the same onto
case of oil level falling down to MIN mark, any part.
braking liquid level warning lamp shall Engine Cooling Liquid
light up. Take care to avoid contact
Only braking liquid qualified for Chery between human skin and eye
designated specs is eligible for filling. Refer with the liquid. In case of
to ―Capacity and Specs‖. In case of system such contact, please wash the
leakage, send concerned parts to and ask for affected parts with water and
check job from Chery chartered service Do not open tank cap when
engine runs in extreme heat. immediately resort to medical
stations. treatment.
When adding braking liquid, make sure that The fact that modern engine frequently
the same is purely clean. operates under extreme high temperature
Watch cooling liquid level through
In case of contact between conditions renders inferior cooling liquid
translucent tank. When engine is in cold
painted surfaces and oil incapable of providing adequate protection
condition, cooling liquid level shall remain
liquid, please wipe the against corroding effects. Therefore, it is of
between MIN mark and MAX mark. When
surfaces with wet sponge or wash the great importance to use cooling liquid with
engine warms up, cooling liquid expands
same with enough water. the right strength, which not only protects
and liquid level rises to exceed MAX mark.
Add cooling liquid only when engine is engine from cold exposure but also renders
under cold condition. In case of filling year-round protection against corrosion.
when engine temperature substantially rises, Please use eligible cooling liquid qualified
wait for 10 minutes in the first place for for Chery designated specs. Refer to
engine temperature to cool down. Turn ―Capacity and Specs‖.
Mark on the back of braking liquid tank loose tank cap by a quarter turn to release
indicates wax free braking liquid. pressure. Wait for some time and
completely open tank cap. Mix water with
cooling liquid by 50 to 50 and add the
Servicing & Maintenance
Do not cross-use cooling Power Steering Liquid Level Accumulator cell
liquids of different colors and
specs. Check
Add Cooling Liquid When Engine
is under Cold Condition

Accumulator cell calls for occasional

maintenance. Liquid level is checked during
routine check procedure.
Accumulator cell exempted from
Liquid level shall rise to MAX mark when maintenance procedure is available for your
engine is under cold condition. car. Accumulator cells of all other different
In case of liquid level below MIN mark, models are not recommended. Current
add designated oil liquid. properties and capacity of new and old
accumulator cells shall be in conformity.
Automatic Transmission Oil For information on the right cell specs,
Level please consult Chery chartered service

Chery chartered service stations will check

automatic transmission oil level when
delivering routine maintenance procedure.
Servicing & Maintenance
Windshield Washer System Check Wiper Blade Replace Wiper Blade

Hold up wiper arm in perpendicular

position to wiper blade. When removing
Slide finger tips along wiper blade edge to wiper blade, press down fixture clip along
Front and rear washer systems share one check its roughness. Grease, silicon resin arrow direction; draw off wiper arm in
same water tank. Mix clean water with and fuel may cause wiper blade failure. opposite direction after loosening wiper
windshield cleaner at the ratio of 1 to 20, if Cleaning of wiper blade with glass cleaner blade.
necessary. is recommended.
Refer to instructions on container to Tyre
determine the right strength. Safety Considerations
Please close tank cap after When adding fuel oil, please check tyre
completing filling. pressure (including spare wheel) after tyre
temperature cools down. Refer to ―Capacity
and Specs‖ for details on suggested tyre
Servicing & Maintenance
When driving with heavy load and at high according to local environmental protection or winter tyres), relevant directions
speed, special attention should be paid to regulations. Once road conditions being shall be followed or reference to
conformity with correct tyre pressure. satisfied, immediately replace winter tyres proposals from Chery chartered
Insufficient tyre pressure undermines with summer ones so that oil consumption service stations be made.
stability, increases rolling resistance, and noise level are lowered.
exacerbates tyre abrasion, and may lead to Tyre Replacement NOTICE:
traffic accidents. Unsuitable tyres and steel Speedometer is influenced by tyre sizes. In
When driving on road borders, drive slowly rings cause accidents and are case of non-original tyre size (diameter),
and try to approach road borders with tyres not covered by warranty send your car to Chery chartered service
in perpendicular positions to the former; provisions. station to adjust speedometer lest incorrect
avoid standing and sharp-edge obstacles; do speed reading occurs.
not scratch tyre sidewalls. Tyres for you car have been selected
Regularly check against cuts, extraneous
Snow Chain
through and with careful considerations for Snow chain applies to all summer and
objects and materials and uneven abrasions best driving controllability, comfort and winter tyres listed in the table but only to
on tyre surface. Uneven tyre treads suggest safety. The tyre-rim arrangement aforesaid driving wheels (front wheels).
incorrect wheel alignment. applies to steel or aluminum alloy rim. For
information on whether tyres and rims of Do not drive faster than
other different types apply to the car model, 50km/h when using snow
please consult Chery chartered service chain.
Use of original tyres is strongly
recommended or you may refer to proposals
from Chery chartered service stations.
Tread wear depth has been legally limited.
Abrasive belt is confirmed when wear depth
reaches 3mm, which indicates greatly Immediately remove snow
When installing chain when driving onto
reduced tyre performance and safety and
non-standard tyres or rims snowless roads.
stipulates replacement.
(for example, light alloy rims When using snow chain, driving
Worn-out tyres shall be disposed
Servicing & Maintenance
performance of cars with antiskid control trouble or damages to your car; therefore, of clean water is the key to protect the paint
system may suffer some abnormalities, driving belt tightness shall be checked once work of your car.
which shall be reasonably addressed by every 1000 km driving distance. Use only cold water or tepid
shutting down the same system. Checking Procedure
To avoid damages to full diameter hubcap, 1. Turn off ignition switch and take off
water when washing your car.
remove the same before installing snow key.
chain. 2. Thumb-press upon the middle part of
Restore wheel cover after removing snow belt (about 100N force applied) to
chain. check belt deflection.
Wheel Train Belt Maximum deflection toleration:
The fact that driving belt is among the most 10mm.
severely strained car parts dictates that belt 3. In case of maximum deflection
quality must be reliable and superior to toleration being exceeded, please
immediately resort to adjustment at Automatic Car Washer
meet high operating demands. The best choice is a brushless wash in a
When replacing driving belt, size authorized service stations.
well-equipped car wash station. You may
conformity is not adequate for safety choose a car wash station where high
consideration and original belts made by pressure water is available to spurt strong
Chery Automobile are the best waterflow into your car.
recommended choice. Driving belts
applicable to and adequately qualified for
safety considerations are available at Chery Turn off warm air blower
chartered service stations. before driving in automatic
Driving Belt Tightness Check car washer.
Car Wash Manual Wash
NOTICE: Washing materials shall not be discarded
Please thoroughly flush your car with
together with domestic refuse. Please resort
After being used for some time, driving belt adequate amount of water and wipe your
to local waste treatment facilities.
will naturally extend in length till the car clean and dry when using car washing
Use only car wash area with
problem of excess looseness occurs to cause detergent.
eco-friendly drainage system. Use
Servicing & Maintenance
After car wash, please elements and radio antenna. Do not use To guarantee the endurance
slightly step on brake pads solvents of whatever kind or sharp objects of paintwork, clear off any
several times when driving to clean glass. harmful objects and
to remove water from brake disc. Chassis Anti-Corrosion materials, such as birds‟ droppings,
Cleaning Head Light resin, residuals left by insects, tar
Treatment spots, snow-thawing agent and
To prevent damages to plastic lens of head Anti-corrosion treatment has been applied
light, do not use corrosive abrasive or industrial fallen pollutants, etc.
to chassis. Regularly check anti-corrosion
chemical solvents. Do not wipe head light protection and when necessary ask for Paintwork Protection
when lens surface is dry or clean lens with maintenance from authorized service Wax your car’s paintwork once or twice
sharp objects. stations. every year to keep it smooth and prevent
Cleaning Rear Windshield small water drops from residing on the
Wash Wheels same.
Glass According to driving distance, wash and When polishing your car,
clean car wheels once every week to avoid take care to avoid contact
dust and dirt concentrating on brake. Use between polish and plastic
washing detergent or warm water and soft surface lest cleaning difficulty
sponge; do not use abrasive materials so ensues. Do not polish your car in
that damages to especially finished surface strong sunlight.
can be avoided.
Leather Facing Maintenance
Use only suitable leather
cleaning materials and
Cleaning Products detergents.
Please use car maintenance products in the Use wet cotton cloth and towel to wipe
right manner to achieve best cleaning leather surface and wipe dry the same with
results. clean soft cloth. Use neutral detergent when
Depainting Treatment cleaning extremely dirty surfaces, such as
Damages or slight scratches to paintwork soap lather detergent.
When cleaning rear windshield glass, use
caused by gravels on road surface shall be Leather maintenance with dedicated leather
only soft cloth to avoid damages to heating
handled by Chery chartered service stations. curing agent once every six months is
Servicing & Maintenance
recommended during regular use.
Do not over-wet leather and take special
care to prevent water from flowing into

Regular Maintenance Regulations

Please drive your car to Chery chartered service stations to receive maintenance services when your car has covered certain mileage as
specifically defined by Chery Automobile. Chery chartered service stations will deliver maintenance services according to the service list of ―99
Servicing & Maintenance
Items‖ as designated by Chery Automobile
Order Description
5,000 15,000 30,000
1 Install ―Three cases and one cushion‖ ★ ★ ★
2 Record in detail oil mass and mileage ★ ★ ★
3 Check car appearance ★ ★ ★
4 Clue on keeping of valuables ★ ★ ★
5 Issue work order ★ ★ ★
6 User signs after check ★ ★ ★
7 Deliver work order to workshop staff ★ ★ ★
8 Check head light ★ ★ ★
9 Check passing light ★ ★ ★
10 Check high beam ★ ★ ★
11 Check left front turn light ★ ★ ★
12 Check right front turn light ★ ★ ★
13 Check warning lamp ★ ★ ★
14 Check fog light ★ ★ ★
Order Description
5,000 15,000 30,000
15 Check finished ★ ★ ★
Servicing & Maintenance
16 Check high and low-sounding horns ★ ★ ★
17 Check back lights ★ ★ ★
18 Check rear brake light ★ ★ ★
19 Check left rear turn light ★ ★ ★
20 Check right rear turn light ★ ★ ★
21 Check rear warning lamp ★ ★ ★
22 Check rear reversing light ★ ★ ★
23 Check rear fog light ★ ★ ★
24 Check license light ★ ★ ★
25 Check finished ★ ★ ★
26 Check steering wheel ★ ★ ★
27 Check air conditioner buttons ★ ★ ★
28 Check air port ventilation ★ ★ ★
29 Check indicator lights on instruments ★ ★ ★
30 Check parking handle controllability ★ ★ ★
31 Check gear lever status ★ ★ ★
32 Check clutch pedal ★ ★ ★
Order Description
5,000 15,000 30,000

33 Check brake pedal and accelerator pedal ★ ★ ★

Servicing & Maintenance
34 Check front and rear wiper blades and nozzles ★ ★
35 Check instrument desk buttons ★ ★ ★
36 Check CD player and speaker ★ ★ ★
37 Check front ceiling light ★ ★ ★
38 Check rear-view mirrors on both sides ★ ★ ★
39 Check central locking system ★ ★ ★
40 Check electric glass lifters on all doors ★ ★ ★
41 Check sun shield, saucer and ashtray ★ ★ ★
42 Check cigarette lighter, sundries box, electronic clock ★ ★ ★
43 Check driver seat, safety belts, front door switch and door lock hinge ★ ★
44 Check left rear door glass lifter switch, door switch, door hinge, seat and safety belt ★ ★
45 Check right rear door glass lifter switch, door switch, door hinge, seat and safety belt ★ ★
46 Check right front door glass lifter switch, door switch, door hinge, seat and safety belt ★ ★
47 Open rear door, check door lock hinge, driver tools and spare tyre ★ ★ ★
48 Open engine hood ★ ★ ★
49 Install fender hood ★ ★ ★

Order Description
5,000 15,000 30,000
50 Check air filter element ★ ★ ★
Servicing & Maintenance
51 Check spark plug gap and its combustion status ★ ★
52 Check power assisted steering oil ★ ★ ★
53 Check windshield glass detergent ★ ★ ★
54 Check and measure engine cooling liquid ★ ★ ★
55 Check accumulator cell ★ ★
56 Check transmission oil mass ★ ★ ★
57 Check engine oil mass ★ ★ ★
58 Check braking oil level ★ ★ ★
59 Check timing belt ★
60 Check dynamo belt ★ ★ ★
61 Check air conditioner pipes ★ ★ ★
62 Check cooling pipes ★ ★ ★
63 Check oil leakage in the upper part of engine ★ ★ ★
64 Check engine harness ★ ★ ★
65 Check shock absorber ★ ★ ★
66 Loosen tyre bolts ★ ★ ★
67 Support vehicle ★ ★ ★
Order Description
5,000 15,000 30,000
68 Raise vehicle for the first time ★ ★ ★
Servicing & Maintenance
69 Disassemble tyres ★
70 Check brake disc ★
71 Check whether hub bearing produces abnormal sounds ★ ★
72 Check tyre pressure and external appearance ★ ★ ★
73 Switch tyre position ★
74 Check spare tyre pressure and appearance ★ ★ ★
75 Raise again vehicle ★ ★ ★
76 Discharge used engine oil and replace oil plug ★ ★ ★
77 Change new engine oil filter and clean engine bottom ★ ★ ★
78 Change gear box oil and clean gear box ★
79 Change gasoline filter ★
80 Check chassis bolt moment ★ ★
81 Check rear axle and oil tank ★ ★ ★
82 Check whether leakage happens to pipes related to chassis ★ ★ ★
83 Check drive shaft and tiebar ★ ★ ★
84 Check whether drive shaft universal joint sheath is broken ★ ★ ★
85 Check whether tiebar universal joint assembly sheath is broken ★ ★ ★
Order Description
5,000 15,000 30,000
86 Check knuckle buttonhead sheath and gap ★ ★ ★
Servicing & Maintenance
87 Put down vehicle ★ ★ ★
88 Tightening wheel nuts and replace spare tyre and driver tools ★
89 Add engine oil in designated amount ★ ★ ★
90 Turn on engine for 3 minutes ★ ★ ★
91 Test engine computer and sensor ★ ★ ★
92 Turn off engine and wait for 90 seconds to confirm engine oil level ★ ★ ★
Raise vehicle again, check engine oil filter, oil sump, oil drainage bolt and gear box for oil leakage
and put down the vehicle again ★ ★ ★
94 Test-drive vehicle and collect test results and fill the same in work order ★ ★ ★
95 Wash car ★ ★ ★
96 Accompany users to check their cars and make payments ★ ★ ★
97 Remind users to take maintenance next time ★ ★ ★
98 Take off ―three cases and one cushion‖ ★ ★ ★
99 Express thanks to users and see them off ★ ★ ★
Note: Change gear box oil for every manual gear box once a driving year or when mileage reaches 30,000 km; braking liquid must be
changed once every two driving years or when mileage reaches 5,0000 km.
Servicing & Maintenance
Maintenance Service Car owner: ___________________
CHERY Company (name):_________________
Card for the First
Address: ________________________
5,000 km Driving
Tel.: ________________________
Distance E-Mail:_____________________
(or effective within six Purchase date:____________________
months after purchase) Purpose: ____________________
License plate No.:____________________
Date: _______________ Stamped by service station
Mileage: _______________ Car Information
Purpose: ___________
License plate NO.:
___________ Chassis No.
Stamped by (service
station) Model

Model Description
Signed by ____________
(car owner)
Engine No./Gearbox No.

Paint Designation/Internal equipments

Optional parts

Note: Free maintenance service for the first 5,000 km driving distance or effective within 6
months after purchase is delivered on the earlier date between both.
Servicing & Maintenance
Free Maintenance Service Card for the First 5,000 km
Driving Distance (or effective within 6 months after Maintenance Service
purchase) Card for the First 5,000
Date: ____________ Mileage: ____________ km Driving Distance
Check jobs: NO YES Check jobs: YES NO
1. Check whether leakage occurs □ □ 10. Check tension of dynamo and □ □ Date:_______________
in lubricating system, cooling air conditioner belts and adjust the Mileage:_______________
system and fuel system same when necessary Purpose: ___________
License plate No.: ___________
2. Change engine oil and filter □ □ 11. Check bonnet hinge and dead □ □
bolt. Stamped by service station
3.Check cooling liquid level, add □ □ 12. Check against air conditioning □ □
cooling liquid when necessary or system leakage
adjust cooling liquid level
4.Check against transmission oil □ □ 13.Check against power steering □ □
leakage □ □ pipe leakage and make additions of
5.Check against damaged tiebar power steering oil Signed by ___________
dust cover (car owner)
6.Check against damaged □ □ 14. Check the installation of and □ □
transmission shaft constant possible damage to steering
velocity universal joint dust cover universal joint dust cover
7.Check against braking liquid □ □ 15. Check against inflexible gear □ □
leakage and damaged brake duct switch of manual transmission.
8.Check against nonworking brake □ □ 16. Check loosened bolts □ □
cylinders connecting chassis and body.
9.Check against abnormal tyre 17. Check control arm ball pin and □ □
inflation pressure tiebar
Note: Free maintenance service for the first ball km
5,000 pin driving distance or effective within 6 months after purchase
is delivered on the earlier date between both.
Servicing & Maintenance

Maintenance Certificate
Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance
5,000 km maintenance service is 15,000 km maintenance service 5,000 km maintenance service is
delivered when driving distance is delivered when driving delivered when driving distance
reaches 10000 km or 6 months distance reaches 15,000 km or 6 reaches 20,000 km or 6 months
after the previous service months after the previous service after the previous service
delivery delivery delivery

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________ Mileage:_______________

Signed by service station Signed by service station Signed by service station

Signed by car owner Signed by car owner Signed by car owner
Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service
delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________

Maintenance service is delivered according to the regular technical maintenance regulations for Chery Eastar (maintenance term
aforementioned is determined according to the earlier between mileage and time).
Servicing & Maintenance

Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance

5,000 km maintenance service is 30,000 km maintenance service 5,000 km maintenance service is
delivered when driving distance is delivered when driving delivered when driving distance
reaches 25,000 km or 6 months distance reaches 30,000 km or 6 reaches 35,000 km or 6 months
after the previous service delivery months after the previous service after the previous service
delivery delivery
Date: ________________
Mileage: _______________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________
Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________
Signed by service station
Signed by car owner Signed by service station Signed by service station
Agreed next-time service delivery Signed by car owner Signed by car owner
date and mileage Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service
delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage
Date: ________________
Mileage: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________
Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________

Maintenance service is delivered according to the regular technical maintenance regulations for Chery Eastar (maintenance term
aforementioned is determined according to the earlier between mileage and time).
Servicing & Maintenance

Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance

5,000 km maintenance service is 15,000 km maintenance service 5,000 km maintenance service is
delivered when driving distance is delivered when driving delivered when driving distance
reaches 40,000 km or 6 months distance reaches 45,000 km or 6 reaches 50,000 km or 6 months
after the previous service months after the previous service after the previous service
delivery delivery delivery

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________

Signed by service station Signed by service station Signed by service station

Signed by car owner Signed by car owner Signed by car owner
Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service
delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _____________ Mileage: ________________ Mileage: ________________

Maintenance service is delivered according to the regular technical maintenance regulations for Chery Eastar (maintenance term
aforementioned is determined according to the earlier between mileage and time).
Servicing & Maintenance

Regular Maintenance
Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance
5,000 km maintenance service is
delivered when driving distance 30,000 km maintenance service 5,000 km maintenance service is
reaches 55,000 km or 6 months is delivered when driving delivered when driving distance
after the previous service distance reaches 60,000 km or 6 reaches 65,000 km or 6 months
delivery months after the previous service after the previous service
delivery delivery
Date: ________________
Mileage: _______________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________
Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________
Signed by service station
Signed by car owner Signed by service station Signed by service station
Agreed next-time service Signed by car owner Signed by car owner
delivery date and mileage Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service
delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage
Date: ________________
Mileage: _____________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________
Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________

Maintenance service is delivered according to the regular technical maintenance regulations for Chery Eastar (maintenance term
aforementioned is determined according to the earlier between mileage and time).
Servicing & Maintenance

Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance

5,000 km maintenance service is 15,000 km maintenance service 5,000 km maintenance service is
delivered when driving distance is delivered when driving delivered when driving distance
reaches 70000 km or 6 months distance reaches 75,000 km or 6 reaches 80,000 km or 6 months
after the previous service months after the previous service after the previous service
delivery delivery delivery

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________

Signed by service station Signed by service station Signed by service station

Signed by car owner Signed by car owner Signed by car owner
Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service
delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _____________ Mileage: _____________ Mileage: _____________

Maintenance service is delivered according to the regular technical maintenance regulations for Chery Eastar (maintenance term
aforementioned is determined according to the earlier between mileage and time).
Servicing & Maintenance

Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance Regular Maintenance

5,000 km maintenance service is 30,000 km maintenance service 5,000 km maintenance service is
delivered when driving distance is delivered when driving delivered when driving distance
reaches 85,000 km or 6 months distance reaches 90,000 km or 6 reaches 95,000 km or 6 months
after the previous service months after the previous service after the previous service
delivery delivery delivery

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________ Mileage: _______________

Signed by service station Signed by service station Signed by service station

Signed by car owner Signed by car owner Signed by car owner
Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service Agreed next-time service
delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage delivery date and mileage

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

Mileage: _____________ Mileage: _____________ Mileage: _____________

Maintenance service is delivered according to the regular technical maintenance regulations for Chery Eastar (maintenance term
aforementioned is determined according to the earlier between mileage and time).
Capacity and Specs

Safety & Protection System

In case that air bag restraint system (ABRS) is available on your car, the ABRS shall be changed ten years after service commencement, and
Chery chartered service station shall be trusted to do the job.

Please timely go to Chery chartered service stations to change ABRS so that the system works normally.

In case that ABRS is replaced before scheduled date (when accident occurs), please carefully fill out replacement record for future reference.
Capacity and Specs
Safety System Replacement Record
 Driver airbag
 Co-driver airbag
 Left airbag
 Right airbag
 Airbag control module
 Airbag harness
 Pretensioner belt
 Other parts


Signed and sealed by authorized
service station
Capacity and Specs
Safety System Replacement Record
 Driver airbag
 Co-driver airbag
 Left airbag
 Right airbag
 Airbag control module
 Airbag harness
 Pretensioner belt
 Other parts


Signed and sealed by authorized
service station
Capacity and Specs
Safety System Replacement Record
 Driver airbag
 Co-driver airbag
 Left airbag
 Right airbag
 Airbag control module
 Airbag harness
 Pretensioner belt
 Other parts


Signed and sealed by authorized
service station
Capacity and Specs
Safety System Replacement Record
 Driver airbag
 Co-driver airbag
 Left airbag
 Right airbag
 Airbag control module
 Airbag harness
 Pretensioner belt
 Other parts


Signed and sealed by authorized service
Capacity and Specs
Safety System Replacement Record
 Driver airbag
 Co-driver airbag
 Left airbag
 Right airbag
 Airbag control module
 Airbag harness
 Pretensioner belt
 Other parts


Signed and sealed by authorized
service station
Capacity and Specs
Instrument Replacement Record Instrument Replacement Record Instrument Replacement Record

Date: Date: Date:

Mileage: Mileage: Mileage:

Signed and sealed by authorized service Signed and sealed by authorized service Signed and sealed by authorized service
station station station

Date: Date: Date:

Mileage: Mileage: Mileage:

Signed and sealed by authorized service Signed and sealed by authorized service Signed and sealed by authorized service
station station station
Capacity and Specs

Chapter 13 Capacity and Specs

Capacity and Specs

Vehicle data plate can’t be bought for a while or the engine

Capacity and Specs
has the following faults inclusive of
Automobile ID difficulty in startup, idling and
unsteadiness, decay of power, etc.,
appropriate additives should be added
Vehicle ID Code when fuel is filled. Fuel oil additives
Printed on the (chassis) brattice within the protect engine from corrosion and scale
power plant nacelle formation and help clean the fuel supply
Engine No. system.
Located at the interior upside of luggage
Chery chartered service stations keep in
Located on upper part of engine cylinder compartment cover
place fuel oil additives verified by our
Fuel company. Working personnel of the
Type plate service stations are proficient in how to
Fuel tank capacity
Located at motor head
Petrol engine: 65L use the additives and how to address scale
Use fuel of the grade below and high formation of engine. They will provide
quality fuel containing detergent and other services for you to their best.
additives. To use the fuel of a lower grade Don‟t use additives or
may incur damages to engine. engine treating compounds
If high quality petrol containing additives not verified by our company. Not
Capacity and Specs
only are these additives fuel will cause permanent damages to Don‟t use engine oil
unnecessary, but also they may catalytic converter. It is suggested incompliant with above
specifications and
damage the engine in some that the nearest Chery chartered requirements. To use inappropriate
circumstances. Such damages are service station be contacted engine oil might damage your
not warranted. immediately for help. engine. Such damages are not
You may hear fizz or hiss (noise) when the
Engine Oil Fueling of engine oil
fueling cap is opened. It’s normal and can
shouldn‟t exceed the MAX
be ignored. Replacement of engine oil
mark of oil dipstick.
+93# lead-free gasoline (octane Please use oil products designated for
Chery automobile. Such oil products are
value over 93) Don‟t use additional
available in Chery Automobile chartered
Cars with catalytic converters equipped additives or engine treating
service stations. The engine design of your
can use lead-free gasoline only. compounds. Not only are these
car requires use of the kind of engine oil.
In order to avoid accidents incurred by additives unnecessary, but also they
To achieve best performance, please use it
erroneous oil filling, the fuel tank adopts may damage the engine in some
as required.
the design of necking-type oil filler, which circumstances. Such damages are
Chery chartered service stations keep a
supports the compressor gun for lead-free not warranted.
record of oil replacement dates and use
gasoline only.
engine oil recommended.
If your fuel tank has leaded
gasoline filled by accident,
If you need detailed advice or information, Automobile Oil
Chery chartered service stations are
don‟t start up the engine (even if only Replace oil at the interval indicated in
willing to give you help.
a little is filled). The lead contained in maintenance manual.
Capacity and Specs
Transmission oil filled. In case any dirty article
Please use oil products designated for enters into the braking system, the
Chery automobile. Such oil products are braking performance might be lost.
available in Chery Automobile chartered Coolant Capacity (L)
service stations. Use the coolant with the blending ratio of
4 (Mitsubishi
Check oil level periodically during regular water to ethylene glycol as 1:1.
Engine oil engine)
inspection period. Windshield glass cleaning Oil filter included 4.5 (ACTECO
Power assisted steering oil liquid engine)
Use hydraulic oil compliant with Chery Automatic 6.5 (F4A4)
Fill the stock tank with the concentration
specifications. transmission 6 (DPO)
solution for Chery windshield glass
Brake fluid and clutch oil cleaning and water (1:20). If the Power assisted The MAX
Use Dot 4 brake fluid. Fill it to the mark temperature outside the vehicle is steering mark
of MAX, as required. relatively lower, use the windshield glass Cooling system 7.5
Use the brake fluid free of paraffin only. cleaning liquid designated for winter. Windshield glass The MAX
In heavily loaded conditions Refer to descriptions on the container for cleaning system mark
(e.g., driving of a towed reasonable concentration. Fuel tank 65
vehicle for long in mountainous Empty/used oil container and Brake fluid/clutch oil The MAX
area), replace brake fluid in the oil filter can’t be discarded as tank mark
meanwhile that the braking pad is domestic waste. Please make
Manual transmission 2.2
replaced. Ensure brake fluid use of local waste disposal facilities
absolutely clean when the fluid is authorized.
Capacity and Specs

Vehicle Weight
Please abide by the
carrying capacity specified
herein (if applicable).
Don‟t exceed the total weight
permitted. Otherwise, the braking
and operating performances of
automobile may be changed to
result in accidents possibly.

The service weight refers to the weight in

working order, including coolant, lubricant,
fuel tank 90% loaded, tools, standby tyre
and driver’s weight (75kg).
Payload equals to the balance that total
weight permitted is deducted by service
Optional devices and additional equipment
will reduce payload.
Capacity and Specs

Vehicle Type SQR7240T SQR7240 SQR7200T SQR7200 SQR7201B11 SQR7180B11

1470 1450 1460 1440 1440 1440
Payload 375
Total weight
1845 1825 1835 1815 1815 1815
Capacity and Specs
tyres for winter use are used.
Wheel and Tyre
 See the self-adhesive label pasted within the filler cap plate
Tyre pressure for specified value of tyre inflation pressure.
Check pressure of the tyre in cold condition before you start your
journey (pressure of standby tyre unforgotten).
Tyre Rim
Tyre pressure (cold tyre) (kPa)
205/65R15 94H 6J×15
Front Rear
Item Standby tyre 205/55R16 91V 6J×16
wheel wheel
200 210 250 Note:
The moment of tightening force for the binding bolt of
200 210 250 vehicle wheel is 100N.m.
The pressure values above should be added with 20kPa, if tyres for
winter use are used.
Tyre pressure cautions:
 Check tyre pressure once every month. Pay attention to tyre
pressure, especially during running at high speed.
 The pressure values above apply to cold tyres. Tyres, when
heated, have a pressure slightly heightened, but it is
unnecessary for the pressure to be reduced.
 The pressure values above should be added with 20kPa, if
Capacity and Specs

Engine Datasheet
Engine model No. 4G63S4M 4G64S4M SQR484F SQR481FC

4-cylinder in-line, 4-stroke, water-cooling,

Engine model 4-cylinder, water-cooling, DOHC 16V, MPI

Cylinder diameter mm 85 86.5 83.5 81

Piston stroke mm 88 100 90 89.5

Air displacement Cm3 1997 2350 1971 1845

Output power kW 92(6000r/min) 95(5500r/min) 95(5750r/min) 97(5750r/min)

Output torque N•m 167.7(3000r/min) 198.1(3000r/min) 180(4500r/min) 170(4500r/min)

Fuel required 93# 93# 93# 93#

Ratio of compression 10:1 9:1 10:1 10.5:1

Order of ignition 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2

Spark plug (NGK) BKR6E-11 BKR6E-11 RTDTC FR7DTC

Capacity and Specs

Capacity and Specs
Note: Different tyres equipped may differ in height slightly.

Dimension (mm) Sedan
Minimum ground clearance
A= Max. length 4770 125
(crankcase oil tray) mm
B= Full width 1815
314(205/65R15) ,
C= Full height (service weight) 1445 Tyre rolling radius mm
D= Wheelbase 2700
294(205/65R15) ,
E= Tread Front 1550 Tyre static radius mm
Rear 1530
Sincerely congratulate you on your ownership of a Chery Eastar!
Sincerely thank you for your choice of our company and our product!
Chery Eastar boasts advanced technological level, outstanding performance and high cost efficiency. This
Manual is designed to specify technical characteristics, operation guide and relevant precautions of Chery
Eastar, for the convenience that you could be familiar with characteristics of Chery Eastar as rapidly as
possible and operate and maintain your car correctly, fully enjoying its excellence, ensuring driving safety,
and keeping its sound performance.
Please read the Manual carefully prior to first use of the car.
This Manual published was prepared in the light of the design features of Chery Eastar at an earlier time.
Along with constant improvement of product, the manual will make necessary amendments for
republication in the future. Please understand that such amendments may not be notified separately.
All trained professionally, the whole staff of Chery Automobile’s chartered sales & service network will
provide you with top quality services. Welcome your valuable advice.

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.

☆ Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “Chery Automobile”) is
obligated to provide quality assurance services for you, being reasonably entitled to require you to
use your car in strict accordance with the Manual. Especially, the chapter titled “Quality
Warranty” should attract your special attention to help you avoid that you forfeit the quality
warranty right due to violation of regulations for use;
☆ It is strictly forbidden that products of the Company be randomly refitted or added with any
device to any extent, especially such systems (electric fittings, braking, steering, etc) as involve
product safety. Chery Automobile shall bear no liabilities for any direct or indirect damage
arising from random refitting or addition of various devices;
☆ The Company sets technical maintenance provisions for products in different phases.
Maintenance is necessary for Eastar after the first 5,000km‟s running. Servicing & maintenance
above is of great importance to safe use and keeping of your car in sound status, for your
☆ Running-in and routine maintenance of a new car purports to better prolong service life of it and
safeguard user‟s legitimate interest. Therefore, it is deemed that a user shall waive the right for
quality warranty automatically, if he/she fails to make maintenance within a set period or at
certain mileage, implements incorrect vehicle operations, and refuses to sign and seal
maintenance certificates as required. To be certain, the Company will be no longer obligated for

quality warranty as normally understood;
☆ Please use the parts and components furnished by Chery Automobile (genuine spare parts) and
turn to Chery Automobile‟s chartered service stations for acquisition of “genuine spare parts” for
Chery Automobile. Chery Automobile shall not bear any liability for any direct or indirect loss
arising from use of anything rather than „genuine parts”;
☆ If our products are found defective, the products concerned shall be examined and repaired by
Chery Automobile‟s chartered maintenance point (MP). During the inspection and repair, Chery
Automobile has the right to decide whether repairs should be made or equivalent parts be
replaced for maintenance, as the circumstances may require;
☆ Please turn to Chery Automobile‟s chartered Maintenance Points (MPs) for servicing and
maintenance. The whole staff of Chery Automobile chartered MPs are strictly trained in a
professional way, committed to providing best services for you;
☆ Please place the Manual on your car for service and help from time to time. If you transfer the car
to others, please hand over the full set of documents attached to the new car owner;
☆ Chery Automobile and its chartered MPs will render to you a more detailed explanation of the
unclear and obscure parts of the Manual.

Wish your driving pleasant!


Introduction Rear window defrosting/exterior rear-view mirror heating

Safety and Environmental Protection Lamp Control
New Vehicle Inspection Headlamp Switch
Run in of New Vehicle Headlamp High/Low Beam Selector Switch
Common Vehicle Symbol Instruction Flash of Front Headlamp
Instrument Panel Front/Rear Fog Light Switch
Warning Device Turn Signal Lamp
Instruments Lane change signal lamp
Audio Dashboard illumination dimmer
Panel description Interior Front Ceiling Lamp
Performance Interior Rear Ceiling Lamp
Use notes Luggage Boot Illuminating Lamp
Operation Method Sun visor vanity mirror
Operation Method of Attachment Front Sill Lamp and Key Cylinder Lamp
Removal fault Danger Flash Alarm Lamp Switch
Error Operation and Adjustment of Interior Device
Audio System Modification Steering lock/ignition switch
Air Conditioning System Steering wheel adjustment
Air renewal Loudspeaker
Electric controlled automatic air conditioning system Windshield wiper and washing system
Failure recovery Interior rear-view mirror

Window visor Start
Sunglass box Caution against exhaust fume
Rear manual blind Self-adaptive function of engine control system
Rear electric blind switch ( ) Engine Rev Limiter
Control switch on car door Engine shutdown
Switches on central console Brake
Postpositional cup holder Steering
Power Outlet Automatic transmission operations ( )
Door Lock & Theft Protection Wading
Car Key Catalytic Converter
Central Door Locking System Parking
Rear Door Child Safety Lock Oil Consumption
Luggage Compartment Door Opening Radiator Fan
Filler Cap Release Bar Emergency Response
Bonnet Opening Warning Flasher
Wireless Remote Control System with Antitheft Function ( ) Prompt Fueling
Seat and Safety Protection Bulb Replacement
Seat Fuse and Relay
Seat belt Vehicle Wheel Replacement
SRS airbag Accumulator Cell
CRS (Child Restraint System) Engine Jump-starting Procedures
Driving Breakdown Trailer

Servicing & Maintenance Fuel
Must-do Checks Engine Oil
Engine Compartment Maintenance Job (Mitsubishi engine) Automobile Oil
Tyre Vehicle Weight
Wheel Train Belt Wheel and Tyre
Car Wash Engine Datasheet
Maintenance Wheel Train Belt
Regular Maintenance Regulations Dimension
Free Maintenance Service Card for the First 5,000km Driving Parameters
Distance Emergency Maintenance Guide
Maintenance Certificate General
Quality Warranty Service Make the best of the Chery’s special service station
Complete Vehicle Warranty First aid
Vulnerable Parts Quality Warranty Term Chery Automobile Customer Service Voice
Special Part Quality Warranty Term Query System
Warranty Coverage Introduction to Chery Automobile Customer Service Voice
Capacity and Specs Query System
Automobile ID Description Cities and area codes of Chery chartered service stations


Operations of Manual Transmission Case( )

The manual transmission of Eastar sedan has five forward gears and one reverse gear.

The arrangement of gear positions is as following figure.

Methods and attentions for use/operation:

 When shifting gear, completely apply clutch pedal, move gearshift lever to the selected gear position, and then apply a little force to
load the gearshift lever into the gear position. If unsmooth gear-shifting is felt, apply clutch pedal again and re-shift the gear. After
driver gets rid of torque of engine, rapidly control the gearshift lever to shift gear.

 Use low speed gear when running downgrade and turning, do not slide with clutch disengaged.

 When shifting the transmission from a lower gear to a higher gear, do not step over gear; otherwise, the synchronizer’s service life
may be affected.

 Utilizing synchronizer to forcibly shift gear to start engine under Neutral and flameout state is forbidden; otherwise, the
synchronizer’s service life may be affected.

 When shifting gear, flapping method (i.e. one push and one release) is forbidden and you should keep pressing the gearshift lever, thus
greatly reducing sliding and rubbing time of the synchronizer’s lock ring and reducing friction.

 After finish of gear-shifting or gear change, do not leave your hand on shift handle, so as to prevent transfer of the force on your hand
to gearshift fork to cause early wear of the gearshift fork.

 Stop the car to inspect when abnormal sound in transmission is heard and such abnormal phenomena as obvious resistance during
operation etc. are found. Continue to drive after the failure is removed.

 Under normal running state, do not leave your foot on clutch pedal, so as to prevent unwanted wear of clutch.

 Shift gearshift lever to reverse gear only when the car is still. When the engine is running, apply clutch pedal to bottom before gear
change and then change gear after several seconds, so as to prevent transmission gear from generating quacks due to bad engagement.

After ignition switch is turned on, once shifting to reverse gear, the backup lamp at tail of the car will light.

During traveling forward,

shifting to reverse gear is
forbidden; otherwise, the
transmission may be damaged. Any
failure of this kind is beyond the
guarantee scope of Chery company.



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