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All India Integrated Test Series: JEE (Advanced) - 2022

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JEE (Advanced)-2022
TEST DATE: 06-12-2020


Physics PART – I


1. ABD

2. AD

Sol. Given that initially the system is at rest so, v CM = 0
Now as in firing the bolls no external force is applied to the system

v CM = constant = 0
 
m v1  M v 2
i.e., =0
 
or m v1 + M v 2 = 0 [as m + M = finite]
   
 r1 r   r
or m + M 2 = 0 as r  
t t  t 
 
or mr1 + Mr2 = 0 [as t ]
 
or m d1 + M d 2 = 0
 
[as  r = d = displacement]
or md1 – Md2 = 0
 
[as d 2 is opposite to d1 ] .....(1)

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022 2

Now as cannon balls cannot leave the car, so the maximum displacement of balls relative to car is
L. And as in doing so the car will shift a distance d2 relative to the ground opposite to the
displacement of balls, the displacement of balls relative to ground will be


d1 = L – d 2
[i.e., d1 + d2 = drel = L] ....(2)
Substituting the value of d1 from Eqn. (2) in (1), we get
M(L– d2) = (m + M) d2
 mL  L
i.e., d2 =   =
mM (1  M / m)
Now as M and m are both > 0 and finite
so d2 < L
i.e., no matter how the cannon balls are fired, the rail road car cannot travel more than L.

3. CD
Sol. Work done by the gravitational force is independent of the path if change in height is the same.

4. BC

5. AD
Sol. Angular velocity of the camera = Angular velocity of line joining the car and the camera. Angular
velocity of line joining the car and the camera = Velocity of the car/ perpendicular distance.
The rate of increase in the distance between the car and the camera is equal the component of
the velocity of car along the line joining them =40 sin30°

6. BC
Sol. Assuming origin at the ground we have
y0 = + at 02 ;
2 at0
v0 = + at0 ;
Substituting the above values in the equation
1 2
1 at 0 Y
y = y0 + v0t + at2 2
2 X
1 1
we get 0 = at02 + at0t – gt2
2 2
2at 0 t a
or t2 – –   t 02 = 0
g g
Solving the quadratic equation, we get
at  g
t = 0 1  1  
g  a 

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3 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022


7. 2
Sol. In series K = K1 + K2
K ± K = (K1 + K2) ± (K1 + K2)
K = [(5 + 10) ± 0.3] = [15 ± 0.3]
0.3  100
K = [15 ± 2%] because the error in percentage is = = 2%

8. 5
Sol. Let X’ be the leftward displacement of A and x and y be the leftward and downward
displacements of m. Then by constraint
x=X  x=X  ax = Ax
and l1 – x + l2 + l3 – x + l4 + y
= l1 + l2 + l3 + l4
where l1, l2, l3, l4 are the instantaneous lengths of the segments of the string
 2x = y  2x = y  2ax = ay
N = max and mg – T = may
and 2T – N = MAx = Max

Eliminating T, Ax and N
2mg 4mg
ax = and ay =
M  5m M  5m
2 5mg
 a= a 2x  a 2y =
M  5m

9. 4
Sol. Let T be the tension produced in the stretched string. The centripetal force required for the mass
m to move in a circle is provided by the tension T. The stretched length of the spring is r (radius of
the circle). Now,
Elongation produced in the spring = (r – l0)
Tension produced in the spring,
T = k (r – l0) ........(A)
Where k is the force constant
Linear velocity of the motion v = 2r n.
mv 2 m(2rn ) 2
 Centripetal force = =
r r
= 42 r n2 m ........(B)
Equating equation. (A) and (B), we get
k (r – l0) = 42 r n2 m ( T = mv2/r)
 kr – k l0 = 4 2 r n2 m
r (k – 42 n2 m) = k l0
k 0
r= ........(C)
( k  4 2 n 2 m )
Substituting the value of r in eqn. (A) we have

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022 4

 k 0 
T=k  2 2
 0 
 ( k  4 n m ) 
4 2 n 2 m 0 k
or T = ........ (D)
( k  4 2 n 2 m )

10. 1
Sol. As in a collision momentum is always conserved
mAu = mAvA + mBvB
or u = vA + kvB
KB = mBv2B
mB 2u
But as k = and vB =
mA 1 k
(from Eqn. 3)
1  2u  2m A u 2 k
KB = kmA   =
2 1 k  (1  k ) 2
4 (K A )k
or KB = [as KA = (1/2) mAu2]
(1  k ) 2  4k
So KE will be max. when (1 – k)2 = min = 0
i.e., k= = 1 or mB = mA

11. 5
Sol. Under the action the impulsive force F, from the angular-impulse momentum theorem the ball will
acquire some angular velocity (0) while leaving the cue.
From the linear impulse-momentum theorem for the ball during the course of impact.
px = Fx t
mv0 – 0 = F t ……(1)
Now from angular impulse-momentum theorem about an axis passing through the C.M. of the ball
and perpendicular to the plane of fig.
Lz = z t
Ic0 – 0 = F h t ……(2)
From Eqs. (1) and (2), Ic0 = mv0h
mv 0 h
or 0 = ……(3)
Eq. (3) clearly indicates that when the ball leaves the cue, it is not in pure rolling but in rolling with
slipping or sliding.
After leaving the cue, the ball is under the action of three forces shown in fig. In the force diagram
the kinetic friction (N) which is the only horizontal force directed towards right increases its
velocity up to v0, (when the pure rolling starts). From the equation of dynamics for translational
motion of the ball. Fx = m acx
N = m ac,
or  m g = m ac
So, ac =  g ……(4)

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5 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022

For rotational motion of the ball :

cz = Icz
–  N R = Icz,
or –  m g R = Ic z
 mgR
or z =
 mgR
Hence,  = in anticlockwise sense. ……(5)
Let the ball start pure rolling at time, t = t after leaving the cue at time t = 0. Then the linear
velocity of the ball at time t, from the kinematical equation.
vcx = v0cx+ acxt
v = v0 + g t,
7 0
2 v0
or, t= ……(6)
And the angular of the ball at time t :
z = az + zt
 = P8
  mg R  mv 0 h 2 mRv 0
–  t=
 –
 I C  I C 7 IC
mv 0  2 
or = h  R ……(7)
IC  7 
But when the pure rolling starts, v = R
9 mv 0  2 
So, v = h  R R
7 0 IC  7 
9 5 m  2 
or = 2
h  R R
7 2 mR  7 
 2 
 I C  5 mR for a solid ball
 
9 5  2  5 h 5
or = h  R = –
7 2R  7  2 R 7
Hence h =

12. 3
Sol. = 3x + 4y
  
F = – = – î – ĵ
x y

F = – (3 î + 4 ĵ ) N

 F
Acceleration a = = – ( 3î  4ˆj ) m/s2

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022 6


13. 36000.00
Sol. (a) The distance travelled by the rocket during burning interval (1 minute = 60 s) in which
resultant acceleration is vertically upwards and is 10 m/s will be
h1 = 0 × 60 + (1/2) × 10 × 602 = 18000 m ...(1)
And velocity acquired by it will be
v = 0 + 10 × 60 = 600 m/s ...(2)
Now after 1 minute the rocket moves vertically up with initial velocity of 600 m/s and acceleration
due to gravity oppose its motion.
So, it will go to a height h2 till its velocity becomes zero such that
0 = (600)2 – 2gh2
 h2 = 18000 m [as g = 10m/s2] ..(3)
So from eq. (1) and (3) the maximum height reached by the rocket from the ground.
H = h1 + h2 = 18 + 18 = 36 km

14. 00015.00
Sol. The maximum acceleration of the upper block is
m2 F = 10 N

f max
(a1)max = = µg = 0.3 (10) = 3ms–2

Both blocks will move together if the acceleration of the lower block does not exceed
fmax = µm1g a2
m2 F = 30 N

(a1)max = 3 ms–2
Thus, Fmax = (m1 + m2) (a1)max
= (2 + 3) (3) = 15 N

15. 00004.24
Sol. Kinetic energy of the block
1 1
= mv2 = × 0.5 × 32 = 2.25 J
2 2
Path AB is frictionless
In the path BD, work done against friction
= K mgs
= 0.2 × 0.5 × 10 × 2.14 = 2.14 J
So at D, kinetic energy
= 2.25 – 2.14 = 0.11 J
Now if the spring is compressed by x, from energy conservation.
0.11 = kx2 + Kmgx
0.11 = × 2 × x2 + 0.2 × 0.5 × 10x
x2 + x – 0.11 = 0
 x = 0.1 m [  x = –1.1 is in admissible]
Compressed spring exerts a force
F = kx = 2 × 0.1 = 0.2 N

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7 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022

Limiting (maximum) static frictional force between block and track

Ffmax = s mg = 0.22 × 0.5 × 10 = 1.1 N
 F < Ff max
The block will not move back
So, the total distance moved by the block
= 2 + 2.14 + 0.1 = 4.24 m

16. 00031.25
Sol. Let the linear speed of the centre of mass at the equilibrium position be v and angular speed .
Since the cylinder rolls without slipping, v = r, where r is the radius of cylinder.

Translational kinetic energy = mv2
1 2
Rotational kinetic energy = l
1 1 1
= . ( mr2) (v2 / r2) = mv2.
2 2 4
Thus, rotational K.E.= translational K.E.
1 1 3
Total energy = mv2 + mv2 = mv2.
2 4 4
This should be equal to the total potential energy stored in the spring when it is stretched 0.25
metre and the cylinder released from rest.
3 1 1
 mv2 = k (0.25)2 = × 3.0 × (0.25)2
4 2 2
1 4
or mv2 = × 3.0 × (0.25)2 ×  
2 3
= 0.125 joules

Rotational kinetic energy

1 1
= mv2 = (0.125) = 0.03125 joules
4 4

17. 00002.72
Sol. As Fext = 0, linear momentum of the system is conserved,
i.e., m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2 + M) V
or 0.08 × 10 + 0.08 × 6
= (0.08 + 0.08 + 0.16) V
i.e., V = (1.28 / 0.32) = 4 m/s ……(i)
Also as ext = 0, angular momentum of the system about centre of mass is conserved
i.e., – m1v1r1 + m2v2r2 + 0
= (m1r12 + m2r22 + IR) 
or – 0.08 × 10 × 0.5 + 0.08 × 6 × 0.5
= [2 × 0.08 × (0.5)2 + 0.16 × ( 3 )2 / 12] 
or – 0.40 + 0.24 = 0.08 
i.e.,  = – (0.16 / 0.08) = – 2 rad/s …… (2)
(–ive sign here indicates that rotation is clockwise).
From Eqns. (1) and (2) it is clear that the bar will translate and also rotate, so that its final KE will

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022 8

1 1
KF = MV2 + I2
2 2
i.e., KF = (0.08 + 0.08 + 0.16) × 42
+ (0.08) × (–2)2
i.e., KF = 2.56 + 0.16 = 2.72 J
However, the initial KE of the system was
1 1
KI = × 0.08 × 102 + × 0.08 × (6)2 + 0
2 2
i.e., KI = 4 + 1.44 = 5.44 J
So there is loss in KE = KI – KF = 5.44 – 2.72 = 2.72 J

18. 00000.25
Sol. Consider an elementary strip of disc of thickness dr at a distance r from the centre.
Mass per unit area of the disc = M/ R2
Mass of elementary strip = × (2 r dr)
R 2
Weight of elementary strip
= × (2 r dr) × g
R 2
Frictional force on the strip
=× × (2 r dr) g
R 2
( weight of strip = normal reaction N)
Torque due to friction = d
 M 
 d =   2
 (2 r dr ) g  × r
 R 
In order to find out the total torque of the disc, we integrate this expression. Thus
M R
× 2g × 0
r 2 dr

M  R3 
= × 2g ×  
R2  3 
 
1 4 g
= MR2 × = I
2 3R
where I = moment of inertia of disc, and
 = (4 g/3 R)
   3R 3 R
Now, time t = = =
 4g 4g

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
9 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022

Chemistry PART – II


19. AB
Sol. Lattice energy > Hydration energy compound is sparingly soluble
Lattice energy < Hydration energy compound is insoluble

20. AC
Sol. KEmax  hv  w

21. CD

22. BCD

23. ABCD

24. AB


25. 5
mass of CaCO3
Sol. Hardness of water  106
mass of H 2O

26. 5
Sol. Molecular orbital theory

27. 3
Sol. Periodic properties

28. 2
Sol. SO2 , HCHO

29. 3

30. 2
Sol. 1.67  5  x   5

31. 00000.27
Sol. Salt hydrolysis

32. 00039.20
Sol. 1.19  W / V %
10 1.19 100
  Molarity
100 34
11.2 1.19 1000 10
Volume strength   392
100  34

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022 10

33. 00008.00
Sol. Ba(OH) 2 .xH 2O  aq   HNO3  aq  
 Ba  NO3 2  H 2O   
Eq. of Ba  OH 2 .xH 2O  eq. of HNO3
0.7875 1 20
2    x8
171  18 x  4 1000

34. 00024.63
38 0.9
Sol. PH 2O  760  722  atm; nH 2O 
760 18
0.9 0.0821 300
V   760
18 38
 V  24.63L

35. 00000.69

36. 00000.45

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11 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022

Mathematics PART – III


37. AC
Sol. OP = 5 2 sec
OP1 = 5 2 cosec

 PP1P2 = O P
sin 2
( | PP1P2)min = 100   = /4 P2
 OP =10  P = (10, 0), (-10, 0) .

38. AB
Sol. The equation of the line can be written in the slope form as
a1/ 3 a a
y x i.e. y  mx 
b1/ 3 
a / b
1/ 3 1/ 3
 m
a1/ 3
Where m  
b1/ 3
So it touches the parabola y2 = 4ax
b1/ 3  b 
The equation of the line can also be written in the form x   y   1/ 3 1/ 3 
 b / a 
1/ 3
b b1/ 3
i.e. x  my  where m  1/ 3
m a
So it touches the parabola x2=4by also.

39. ABCD
Sol. Equation of tangent at 
x cos  y sin 
 1
a b
x y
  1
asec  bcosec
 intercept d  a 2 sec 2   b 2 cos ec 2 
 d2  a2 sec 2   b2 cos ec 2 

   2a
d d2 sin 
 2b2
cos 
d cos 3
sin3 
a2 sin  b2 cos 
i.e 
cos3  sin3 
b2 b
 tan4   2  tan   
a a
b 1 b
  tan1 ,  tan
a a
b b
    tan1 ,   tan1
a a

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022 12

40. AC
Sub  r cos ,r sin   in the equation of hyperbola
Sol.  r cos ,r sin  
2 2
1 cos  sin 
 
r2 a2 b2 O

1 1 cos2 1  cos2 2 sin2 1  sin2 2

  
r12 r22 a2 b2 B

2  1 
1 1 cos2 1  sin2 2 sin2 1  cos2 1
 2  2  
r1 r2 a2 b2
cos 2 1  sin2 1 sin2 1  cos 2 1  1 1
a 2

b 2 
 cos2 1  sin2 1  2  2 
a b 

1 1 1 1
max 2  2  2  2
r r2 a b

1 1 cos2 1 sin2 1 cos2 2 sin2 2 cos2 1  sin2 1 sin2 1  cos2 1 1 1

 2  2
 2
 2
 2
 2
 2
 2  2
r1 r2 a b a b a b a b

1 1
 is constant
r12 r22

41. AC
Sol. As the third vertex lies on the line y  x  3, its co-ordinates are of the form  x, x  3  . The area
of the triangle with vertices  2,1 ,  3, 2  and  x, x  3  is given by
 2x  2  5  given 
2 x  2  5
3 7
 x ,
2 2
42. AC
Sol. f  x  is a decreasing function and for major axis to be x-axis,
f  k 2  2k  5   f  k  11
 k 2  2k  5  k  11
 k   1, 2 
Then for the remaining value of k, i.e., k    , 3    2,   , major axis is y-axis.

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13 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-2)-PCM(Sol.)-JEE (Advanced)/2022


43. 1

44. 5
Sol. Midpoint of chord = midpoint of chord intersected

45. 6

46. 0
Sol. ecos x  2  5

47. 1

48. 2


49. 00009.00

50. 01950.00

51. 00018.00

52. 00064.00

53. 00410.00

54. 03125.00

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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