10 To 13 SHybrid FAQs
10 To 13 SHybrid FAQs
10 To 13 SHybrid FAQs
No testing to be performed on
active HV system connections.
HV Battery (A100)
HV Power Electronics
control module (N129/1)
Interior CAN
Chassis CAN
Note: Electric refrigerant compressor request has highest priority – customer cannot
switch off compressor using AC off button at this time.
PaigeE Learning & Performance 05-28-09 S-Class Hybrid Technical Introduction 9
HV Battery Cooling
1 Condenser A100 High-voltage battery assembly Y67 Rear air conditioning refrigerant
2 Fluid reservoir B10/6 Evaporator temperature sensor shutoff valve
3 Expansion valve B10/11 Rear air conditioning evaporator
temperature sensor A High pressure, gaseous
4 Evaporator B12 Refrigerant pressure sensor B High pressure, liquid
5 Rear air conditioning evaporator Y19/1 High-voltage battery cooling system C Low pressure, liquid
A9/5 Electric refrigerant compressor shutoff valve D Low pressure, gaseous
PaigeE Learning & Performance 05-28-09 S-Class Hybrid Technical Introduction 10
Power Down / Up High Voltage
Power Down (Deactivation)
In order to work on or near hybrid high voltage components the high voltage
system must be powered down (deactivated) by a qualified person that has
successfully completed the required training
Type: M272.974
Valves: 4 per cylinder
Displacement: 3498 cc
Compression Ratio: 10.7 : 1
Power: 279 hp @ 6000
Engine 272 has been modified and optimized for the hybrid
- Atkinson principle
Atkinson Principle: - M272 SPORT cylinder heads
The development engineers utilized some of the - Standard M272 intake manifold (no actuation of
benefits of the Atkinson principle whereby the tumble flaps)
expansion phase is longer than the compression - Modified camshafts with a different camshaft
phase. The intake valve is kept open slightly control system
longer between the intake and compression - M272 SPORT pistons.
phases, which improves the engine's thermal - Regulated output oil pump, to reduce engine load
efficiency while reducing the specific fuel - New fuel management version (ME 17.7)
consumption and untreated emissions.
M Torque
n Engine speed
P Power
Nm lb ft kW hp
400 295 210 281
350 258 70 94
300 221 40 54
250 184 20 26
1 Pedal movement
2 Travel at pedal force simulator
3 Free travel
These eyelets together with the engine hoist and engine crane must Required to disassemble/assemble the elastic permanent ribbed
be used for the removal/installation of the HV battery (weight 40kg - V-belt (stretch fit belt). To remove/install belts, a clamp is
100kg) in hybrid vehicles. The ring bolts have a defined thread length fastened onto the belt pulley. Rotating the crankshaft enables the
of 13mm. It is mandatory to maintain this thread length. If a longer ribbed belt to be lifted off the belt pulley without damaging it
thread length is used the battery cells of the HV battery will be (without any overstretching and twisting). It is fitted in the reverse
damaged and the HV battery will be unusable. order. The use of assembly levers or other prying tools will cause
damage to the belt pulley and ribbed belt.
For safety reasons, vehicle must not carry any voltage (0V) while work To release the crankshaft's center bolt (e.g. replacement of
is being conducted on it (e.g. hybrid vehicles). To prevent any crankshaft radial sealing ring) the vibration damper on this engine
unauthorized reactivation of the system thereby putting people at risk, has to be held steady. This major assembly is equipped with 2
a lockable safety plug is fitted to the connecting point. This serves to stretch fit belts on the vibration damper, which is why the working
ensure that only those people can put the vehicle back into service surface for the counter holder is seated very low in the vibration
who are authorized to do so. damper. For this reason, existing counter holders cannot be used
on this engine.