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The Little Prince LP

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A. Content Standard B. Performance Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
literature and other lend tend types serve as instruments
to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of
research, campaigns and advocacy.
C. Learning Competencies
 ____________: Explain how the elements contribute to the theme of the particular literary selection.
 Answer questions based on the story/excerpt read.
Quarter 4 Lesson 1: Respecting Differences;
“The Little Prince” Antoine De Saint-Exupery (an excerpt)
A. Reference
Grade 10 Learner’s Material pages 411-416.
B. Materials
Module, teacher-made MS Powerpoint Presentation, mini speaker, video of the scene, copy of the tasks.
Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Instructions Students’ Possible Response/Task
A. Routinary Activities

Prayer Everybody stand, bow your head and let us all pray.

Greetings Good afternoon everybody! Good afternoon Ma’am ________

Classroom Management Class, kindly arrange your seats properly and pick up the pieces of (The students will arrange their seats and pick up the pieces of paper
dirt under it. under their chair).
Checking of Attendance
Is there any absentee? Class Secretary kindly, check the attendance. Yes, Ma’am
Thank you.
B. Presenting examples/instance of the lesson. Class, observe the following pictures by paying attention to the what Friend Request from Facebook
it suggests. People you may know
Motivation Friend suggestions

Very good! That means you are familiar with the features of social
medium like Facebook and how it is used

Unlocking of difficulties Before we study the literary work this afternoon, let us unlock the Answer will be posted on the board.
meaning of the following words that you may encounter in the
excerpt of the story “The Little Prince”.

Let us check the background of the author and find the connection of Learners will read information of the author of the story – “The Little
the text to its writer. Prince” Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Discussing new concept & practicing new skill #1.

After backgrounding, the class will be given a brief synopsis of “The
Little Prince’s” travel before he met the fox.

Then, class will be given allotted time to watch/read the excerpt of

the story “The Little Prince” where he first met the fox.
Processing Question:

1. Who are the characters present in the excerpt? Describe

2. 2. How important is the ‘rite’ or ‘ritual’ of taming in the
friendship of the Little Prince and the Fox?
3. Do you think you have tamed another and have been tamed The Little Prince and Fox
as well?

Answer may vary

Discussing new concept & practicing new skill #2. After viewing/reading the excerpt, the class will go to their respective
groups and each is given specific tasks to be accomplished within
ten (10) minutes:
(Verbal-Linguistic) Group 1. Compose an open letter to the different
planets that the Little Prince visited. Then letter must focus on how
each of these planets may achieve peace.
(Visual-Spatial) Group 2. Create a big greeting card with a message
promoting respect for differences.
(Bodily Kinesthetic) Group 3. Role play a scenario when the Little
Prince met the fox.
(Musical) Group 4. Write a song about the Little Prince’s travel and
perform it. Answer may
(Interpersonal) Group 5. Your group is part of San Jose NHS Student
Government and the Little Prince is your president. Design a school
program that would foster friendship and camaraderie.
Scores of each group will be the average score from the scores of
four (4) other groups. Scores will be 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest and
5 is the highest based on their performances.
Making generalization and abstractions. How important is the time and patience in building a relationship?
How valuable it is to look not only in the surface but what is hidden
(Men buy things already made in the stores. But as there are no
stores where friends can bought, men no longer have friends.) A Answer may vary
human must earn a friendship, not buy it.
V. Evaluation
Directions: On a 1/4 sheet of paper, answer the following questions
based from the excerpt of “The Little Prince”. Write only the letter of
the correct answer.

1. Who are the characters in the excerpt read? A.

A. Little Prince and fox
B. Little Prince and rose
C. Rose and fox
D. Fox and the pilot

2. What is the tone and mood of the story “The Little Prince”? C.
A. Innocent
B. Thoughtful
C. Solemn and careful
D. Careless

3. What the fox means by “tame”?

A. They will come to mean something to each other and will A.
need each other.
B. They will become known to each other right away.
C. They will become against each other.
D. The fox wants to become special to the prince.

4. To what conflict is the prince struggling with?

A. Character vs another character
B. Character vs society C.
C. Character vs himself
D. Character vs nature

5. What is the lesson brought by the story?

A. It is only when someone touches your heart that you see
them as one of a kind. A.
B. It is unnecessary to establish relationship to everyone.
C. One can learn through his or her own experience.
D. Wander aimlessly by seeing things only what is on the
Index of Mastery Level How many got

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