Zoho Product Details-1
Zoho Product Details-1
Zoho Product Details-1
From: To:
Subject: Product & Price List with Feature Comparison List of Six Products of M/s Zoho Technologies Private
Limited (ZOHO), a Service Provider empanelled under ICT Enabled Digital Services Facilitation
1. In continuation of IOM of even numbers dtd 18-03-2021 regarding MOU with ZOHO (followed by AMA event
organised with Mr Shridhar Vembu on 16-04-2021) and dtd 24-05-21 regarding training of field offices held on 25-
05-2021, please find enclosed herewith the Updated Product & Price List and the Feature Comparison List of each
of the six products of M/s ZOHO i.e. Bigin, Books, Commerce, CRM, Inventory and Workplace. The feature
comparison list may be used by the field offices in assisting the prospective MSMEs chose the best fit version of
the product selected by the unit.
2. Accordingly, the Product& Price List contained in the MOU may now be treated as obsolete and only the updated
P&P List may be referred which is also being made available in public domain on Corporate Website. The product
brochures contained in the P&P list may be used as promotional collaterals to prospective MSME units as well as
Industry Associations.
3. Product Specific Webinars are being scheduled in July-2021 by ZOHO and all the field offices should disseminate
the calendar of such webinars amongst the prospective MSME units with request to attend the such webinars for
having a detailed overview of these products and make an informed decision to select the products of ZOHO. These
webinars may also be attended by the personnel handling business development to make themselves aware of
ZOHO’s products in order to appropriately guide the prospective MSME units. The link for such webinars is as
4. Now the field offices are expected to promote the products/services of ZOHO under ICT Vertical.
Encl: I. IOM with P&P List and Feature Comparison Lists (for Intranet only) -59 pages
II. Updated Product & Price List (for Corporate Website) – 10 pages