High-Torque Direct Drives: Permanent-Field Synchronous Motors
High-Torque Direct Drives: Permanent-Field Synchronous Motors
High-Torque Direct Drives: Permanent-Field Synchronous Motors
Permanent-field synchronous motors
be in motion
High-Torque Direct Drives DST2-560
Time to make the change these goals will not be met using high-mainte-
Today’s machine concepts have to meet a formi- nance transmissions and high-loss standard motors
dable set of requirements. In addition to increased or hydraulic systems. But if you use direct drive
productivity and availability, as well as higher en- technology instead, you can benefit from the
ergy efficiency, costs also have to be reduced. But many advantages. See for yourself!
DST2-560 ProSimulation
Direct drive technology for innovative machine solutions
The torque motors in the DST2 series are permanent- noise emission from the motor. The robust and
magnet multi-pole synchronous motors in water- compact motors are also largely maintenance-free,
cooled design. Because of the high torque densities which is another plus for economical operation.
in the low and medium speed range, the energy-
efficient motor series is particularly suitable for the
direct drive in general mechanical engineering.
In combination with the high overload capability
and the very good smooth running characteristics
of the drives, sophisticated and dynamic applica-
tions can be implemented.
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Characteristic curves DST2-560
The motors are also available with nominal speeds of 100 min-1 or 200 min-1
Dimensional drawings DST2-560
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The automation solution
for your press
Compared with conventional hydraulic or for your machine. On request, Baumüller can pro-
mechanical presses, servo presses provide consid- vide long-term life cycle management for presses
erable advantages, such as increased productivity that meet your individual needs and those of your
and product quality. Furthermore they offer more customer. On request we will also support you with
flexibility. the installation and commissioning of your system
anywhere in the world.
Consisting of both control and drive technology,
the Baumüller system solution gives you the ad- Whether remanufacturing or new equipment –
vantages of servo presses while at the same time Baumüller provides the perfect solution for your
providing an instantly usable and flexible solution press.
Innovative press drives Comparison mechanical press / servo press
Cycle time of a mechanical press
Compared to conventional presses, servo presses
Lifting height
patible control unit, the processes of servo presses
can be optimized with regard to cycle time, tool
wear and tear, energy use and environmental
compatibility. lifting height Synchronization
with peripheral
Optimal Standstill at bottom device
deformation rate dead center
Avoidance of noise
Improved accuracy via and vibrations during
standstill Integration of further processes impingement
www.baumueller.com 7
Strong servo drives
for recycling
Baumüller set the standard in the early 90s with the introduction of direct drive technology for printing
machines. With direct drives, we now offer the most technologically and economically advanced solution
on the market for the recycling industry as well, in particular for shredders. Our torque motors can power
the wheels of the grinders either directly or through internal gears – both solutions are well established
on the market.
DST motors for extruders
Image source:
Many market leaders rely on Baumüller high-torque motors with an integrated pressure bearing to
power an extrusion screw. This optimally satisfies the requirements of extrusion technology and offers
numerous advantages to the machine maker.
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With a hybrid drive, the ship’s propellers are powered electrically by converter-fed synchronous motors
which receive their energy from battery and diesel generators, e.g. LNG, diesel, fuel cells, etc.
Many benefits make the combination of combustion motor and electric motor particularly attractive for
shipping. Along with a significant reduction in fuel consumption in moving bodies of water, this system
also reduces noise and vibrations by up to 28 percent.
Battery Battery
Powerbank Powerbank Powerbank Powerbank
On-board power
Video and case study for the project are available at www.baumueller.com
Maximum efficiency
An additional advantage is the improvement in This means the motor is not running inside of its
overall efficiency through an output reduction ideal efficiency range. When an electric drive is
feature on the diesel engine, ensuring travel within used in these situations, by contrast, the frequency
the optimal speed range. Ships that maneuver converter directly controls the propeller speed via
precisely on the open sea or have to remain within the synchronous motor, which allows it to run much
a set application location, for example, only more slowly. Since synchronous motors achieve
require minimal output. With a pure diesel drive, high efficiency even at low speeds, the electric
the speed in these cases is massively reduced mode saves fuel.
compared to the previous, faster moving journey.
Parallel hybrid
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Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH, Ostendstraße 80–90, 90482 Nürnberg, Phone: +49 (0) 911 5432 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 911 5432 - 130 www.baumueller.com
Baumüller Anlagen-Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Ostendstr. 84, 90482 Nürnberg, Phone: +49 (0) 911 54408 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 911 54408 - 769
Baumüller Reparaturwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Andernacher Straße 19, 90411 Nürnberg, Phone: +49 (0) 911 9552 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 911 9552 - 999
Baumüller DirectMotion GmbH, Flugplatzweg 2, 37581 Bad Gandersheim, Phone: +49 (0) 5382 9805- 0, Fax: +49 (0) 5382 9805 - 55
All data/information and particulars given in this brochure is non-binding customer information, subject to constant further development and continuously updated by our
permanent alteration service. Please note that all particulars/figures/information is current data at the date of printing. These particulars are not legally binding for the purpose
of measurement, calculation or cost accounting. Prior to using any of the information contained in this brochure as a basis for your own calculations and/or applications, please
inform yourself about whether the information you have at your disposal is up to date. Therefore, no liability is assumed for the correctness of the information.
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