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Deltapix Camera and Software Overview

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DeltaPix Camera and Software Overview

DeltaPix Scientific cameras

DeltaPix cameras are very well suited DeltaPix makes a difference.
for a wide range of research and Many manufactures make digital cam-
routine applications in laboratories, eras for science and medical use, us-
industry, hospitals, universities and ing the same sensors and technology.
more. On these pages, some of the DeltaPix is different. We try to add
features and advantages that DeltaPix ideas and innovations not offered by
products offer are illustrated and any other brand, in order to match the
described. needs of a variety of users at afford-
able prices. Technologies like DeltaVu
(hi resolution technique), DeltaNR
(automatic dark current compensa-
tion) are good examples. These inno-
vative techniques make our cameras
usable for applications normally only
matched by cameras that are much
Stunningly high quality more costly.
The combination of the extended fo-
cus capability in the DPXView Pro EF
software and the extreme high resolu-
tion capability of the Infinity X, makes
it easy to capture stunningly high
quality images with almost unlimited
focus depth, ideal for biomedical re-
search and routine work.
Because of the ease of use and ex-
treme high image quality, DeltaPix
cameras are very well suited for rou- Noise canceling without
tine biomedical applications as well as artifacts.
advanced research and documenta- The Infinity X camera includes a p
tion. Because of the C-mount, all cam- ent pending method, which automa
eras can be easily fitted to almost any cally removes dark current from t
microscope brand, and due to the use images (without having to capture
of USB2, multiple cables are avoided. dark frame). This method makes t
Infinity X able of capturing imag
fluorescence for example, norma
only possible with cameras which are
much more expensive. Below you see
two zooms from images captured with
long exposure time and high gain, with
Software that makes life and without Delta Noise Reduction.
DeltaPix cameras and software in-
clude a number of functions that
makes them ideal as a daily tool
for pathologists as well as for bio-
medical research: configurable user
interface, live video for easily view
finding, calibration functions, anno-
tation, high sensitivity and easy at-
Fluorescence tachment and set up by means of the
DeltaPix digital cameras are suitable
standard available USB2 interface. It
for a wide range of low-light scientific
can be a balancing act to juggle the
imaging applications, and the DPX
choice between highly sophisticated,
View PRO software supports RGB
complicated and difficult to use
image composition from images
software with easy to use software,
captured through mono channel
which lacks necessary features. This
filters has been carefully managed with
DeltaPix software packages.
DeltaPix camera software
Don’t guess the colors DeltaPix software is intended as a
In a traditional color camera 1/4 of supplement for the cameras, in order
the pixels are blue, 1/4 are red and for the users to be able to exploit and
1/2 are green. As a 24bit RGB im- benefit from all the advanced features
age needs all colors for all pixels, of the cameras. The software is
the missing colors are interpolated configurable and available in different
or estimated from neighboring pixels. versions with features as image
This process is called “demosaicing”. browsing, fluorescence support,
If a 3M pixel demosaicing camera extended focus, extended dynamics
has to capture a color image of a and much more.
blue material, it’s in reality reduced
to a 0.750M Pixel camera! With pixel
shifting cameras like the Infinity X or
3-CCD cameras, the color resolution
is maintained, no matter the colors magnified, but from a 3Mpixel image
in the image. At the right is an image made with the Infinity X. Even that
captured of a plastic material which is both images are 3Mpixels, the image
painted blue. At the left bottom you in the bottom misses a lot of details,
see a magnified part of the image because it’s in reality only a 0.75M
made with a high quality 3Mpixel de- blue pixel camera.
mosacing camera. At the left top you
see the same part Extended focus and
With The extended focus and dy-
namics capability of DeltaPix DPX
Industrial and materiel
View PRO EF EE software, perfectly science
focused and exposed close up im- DeltaPix cameras are very well suited
ages of diamonds, jewelry and for a large range of industrial applica-
many other objects used in the tions and material sciences, from PCB
industry is now only a few mouse inspection to geological research.
clicks away. Even displaced images
of objects captured through a stereo
microscope, are automatically com-
pensated to form a perfect extended
focus image. Bellow the process of
capturing images with different fo-
cus and exposure level is displayed

Macro Capture

Macro capture.
With DeltaPix cameras you can
capture very high resolution macro
photography images. DeltaPix
Save the details. offers a number of complete macro
The extreme high spatial and color solutions with stand, light, lens and
resolution, makes the Infinity X the camera, in order to ensure that all
best choice for getting high quality components match the high quality of
image capture for publications or de- the cameras.
tailed documentation. Remember that
once the object is away, you can’t get
details back that were not captured
at the saving time. Filing an image at
high resolution, makes it possible later
on to discover details not seen when
the image was captured, as if the
object was under a microscope again.
This can save high costs at a later
stage, when the object is no longer
available. At the right you see a digital
zoom from at PCB board made with
1.3Mpixel, 3Mpixel and 11 Mpixels.
With an image at 11-21Mpixels, you
will never miss the details.
DeltaPix camera software
User-Friendly Menu DpxView LE
Comprehensive and consistent menu structures DpxView LE software, comes as standard with all DeltaPix cameras. The high
resolution live image display in combination with a lot of other helpful features
Capture Function makes image capture fast and simple. DpxView LE supports TWAIN and DirectX.
Capture high resolution images.

View Function User Configurable Menu and Functions

View high resolution images. This solution is primarily designed to match your individual applicatio
Individual functions can be enabled / disabled, a powerful feature of DeltaP
DeltaPix software is designed to aid the smooth workflow and accurate documentation
on required in a modern laboratory.

Camera Settings Toolbar

Adjusting Contrast, Brightness,
Gamma, Hue, Saturation and Gain.

Exposure Control
Selective Auto Exposure Range
or Manual Exposure Control.

DeltaPix Viewer offers a simple
way of maintaining magnification
information in the image. A
calibration ruler embedded in
the image can be a convenient
AVI Recorder
Time-lapse feature that allows the user to capture
solution, allowing for recalibration if
sequential images of dynamic events. The Timer
the image is imported in third party
settings panel is utilized to configure variables
included in time-lapse experiments, and to start and
stop recording of image sequences.
DeltaPix Software solutions
DpxView software is available in four editions depending upon your needs. This is in order to satisfy the professional needs in indus-
trial, scientific and medical applications. Pick the one that’s right for you. You will find it very useful and easy-to-use!

Characteristics DpxView LE DpxView Pro DpxView Pro EF DpxView Pro EE

Capture / View X X X X
Manual / Auto Saving Routines X X X X
Manual / Auto White Balance X X X X
Manual / Auto Exposure Time X X X X
Predefined Application Setups X X X X
Camera Settings Toolbar X X X X
Calibration X X X X
AVI Recorder (Video Capture) X X X X
Text, Date and Time Stamps X X X X
Focus Aid X X X X
Fast Focus Mode X X X X
Full Screen Video F9 X X X X
Black Frame Compensation X X X X
Shading Correction X X X X
Binning X X X X
Frame Average X X X X
Color Correction X X X X
Annotation X X X X
Measuring Tools X X X
Thumbnails (Image Gallery) X X X
View in View (Viewfinder) X X X
Active Zoom (Magnifier) X X X
Multiple View (Tile Function) X X X
Merge Images X X X
Extended Depth of Focus X
Extended Exposure X
DpxView Pro
DPX ViewPro is an image handling software package designed for the easy annotation,
display and basic measurements of images. In addition, it stores and retrieves images
and supports creation of on-line image galleries with browsing capabilities. DpxView Pro
meets most demands for routine and advanced standard applications.

The magnifier in DpxView Pro allows you to zoom with a view.

The viewfinder is the window, through which the image is viewed through to
compose the scene.

The best known tools around “Annotation” are
supported with the DpxView Pro. Simply click on
the appropriate icon, and draw right on the image
to produce overlays of circles, arrows, text, and

Merge Images
DpxView Pro supports Merge function. It is possible to merge two
images or more either by the Sum or Average of the images.

Add or Edit Comments

This function makes it possible to add / edit comments to an image.

DpxView Pro EF - Extended Depth of Focus

Microscopy imaging often suffers from limited depth-of-focus. However, the specimen can
be “optically sectioned” by moving the object along the optical axis; different areas appear
in focus in different images. Extended depth-of-focus function in DeltaPix software,
DpxView Pro EF, can combine those images into one single sharp image.

DpxView Pro EE - Extended Exposure ±EXP

Extended Exposure EE is a function used to ensure that images can be properly exposed,
especially in challenging lighting situations.

Extended Exposure function in DpxView Pro EE works in the way that it combines multiple
images, each of them captured with different exposure time and having only a part of the
image correctly exposed, to form a perfectly sharp and uniform exposed image. This can
be necessary when the object under inspection has reflections or very dark and light areas
in combination, thereby making it impossible to expose the total image correctly with one
single capture.
DeltaPix Camera solutions
DeltaPix offers a range of camera systems with both CMOS and CCD
sensors to suit most requirements. For bright field applications where
light levels are not a limiting factor, CMOS cameras offer the most cost
effective solution. Because DeltaPix CMOS cameras use the latest
and highest quality CMOS sensors combined with DeltaPix camera
technology, most specifications are similar to cameras based on CCD
sensors. For low light applications, CCD cameras can be a better

DeltaVu… A Unique Technology

DeltaVu technology has made it possible to produce cameras with
an extremely high resolution and reliability, yet at a very affordable
price. This technology is introduced in the highly successful Infinity X
camera. DeltaVu technology makes it possible to discern details not
visible with traditional cameras.

Delta Noise Reduction is a pioneering technique that automatically
minimizes dark current from the images without having to capture a
dark frame (automatic dark current subtraction). This method makes
the Infinity X able to capture e.g. fluorescence images, normally only
possible with cameras which are much more expensive.

Characteristics Infinity X DP 200 DP 252 DP 253 DP 300

Resolution 1.3 – 21 M 1.3 M 1.4 M 1.4 M 3.1 M
Chip Size ½“ ½“ ⅔“ ⅔“ ½“
Pixel Size 5.2 x 5.2 µm 5.2 x 5.2 µm 6.45 x 6.45 µm 6.45 x 6.45 µm 3.2 x 3.2 µm
Colour Format C/M C/M C/M C/M C
Exposure Time 100 µs – 6 s 100 µs – 6 s 200 µs – 20 min 200 µs – 20 min 100 µs – 6 s
Live Video YES
Interface USB 2.0
Optical Mount C-mount Lens Adapter
Mechanical Mount Tripod for macro photography
Frame Rates 15 fps @ 1280 x 1024 15 fps @ 1392 x 1040 6 fps @ 2048 x 1536
24 fps @ 1024 x 768 Higher fps with binning & ROI 15 fps @ 1280 x 1024
37 fps @ 800 x 600 60 fps @ 640 x 480
60 fps @ 640 x 480

Power USB 2.0 External 6 V. USB 2.0

System Pentium lll, 1.3 GHz or similar. 256 MB RAM , 15 GB free HD space,
Requirements UBS 2.0 port, Windows XP or 2000

DeltaPix cameras are compact and very easy to install. Simply

connect to any PC via the USB2.0 interface and to a microscope using
the standard C-mount or a tripod for macro imaging. For more details
about DeltaPix cameras, please see separate camera data sheets.

DeltaPix works with a network of competent dealers who

can provide you with the best local service and support.

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