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Flame Tests Lab

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Flame Tests Lab

According to the Bohr theory of the atom, electrons may occupy only specific energy levels. When an atom
absorbs sufficient energy, an electron can “jump” to a higher energy level. Higher energy levels tend to be less stable,
however, and if a lower energy level is available, the electron will “fall” back, giving off energy in the process. The
difference in energies between the two levels is emitted in the form of a photon of electromagnetic radiation. The
energy of each photon is described by the equation E = hν, where h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of the
radiation. If the wavelength of the released photon is between 400 and 700 nm, the energy is emitted as visible light.
The color of the light depends on the specific energy change that is taking place.
White light is a continuous spectrum in which all wavelengths of visible light are present. An excited atom,
however, produces one or more specific lines in its spectrum, corresponding to the specific changes in energy levels of
its electrons. Because each element has a distinct electron configuration, each has a unique line spectrum.
Flame tests are a quick method of producing the characteristic colors of metallic ions. The loosely-held
electrons of a metal are easily excited in the flame of a lab burner. The emission of energy in the visible portion of the
spectrum as those electrons return to lower energy produces a colored flame. The color is a combination of the
wavelengths of each transition, and may be used to determine the identity of the ion.
In this investigation you will perform flame tests on seven metallic ions, then use your results to determine
the identity of several unknowns.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Write out the electron configurations for each of the metallic ions to be tested in this investigation.
a. Ba2+
b. Cu2+
c. Li+
d. K+
e. Sr2+
f. Ca2+
g. Na+
2. What does a flame test indicate about the energy changes taking place among the electrons in a metallic ion?
3. Explain why a metallic ion produces characteristic color in a flame test, regardless of the compound used as
the source of the ion.
4. What wavelengths correspond to the visible spectrum? Which color has the shortest wavelength? The
5. What precautions should be taken when using 6.0 M HCl?
6. Why is it important to use a clean nichrome wire for each test?

Chemical splash goggles
Laboratory apron
Latex gloves
Well plate
Marker pen
Solutions of the following salts:
Barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2)
Copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2)
Strontium nitrate (Sr(NO3)2)
Lithium nitrate (LiNO3)
Potassium nitrate (KNO3)
Sodium chloride (NaCl)
Calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2)
Nichrome wire loop
Beaker, 50-mL
Hydrochloric acid, 6.0 M
Lab burner
Wash bottle with distilled water
3 unknown solutions

Wear you goggles and lab apron at all times during the investigation. The 6.0 M HCl is corrosive and irritating to skin,
nasal passages, eyes, and clothing. The salt solutions, with the exception of NaCl, are toxic. Handle all of the solutions
with care, and do not inhale their vapors. If a solution should splash on your skin, wash the affected area with large
amount of water and notify your teacher. When you work near the burner flame, tie back or cover loose hair, and
secure loose or bulky clothing.

1. Put on your goggles and lab apron. Obtain a well plat and use a marker to label seven wells with the names
of the known solutions. Put a dropperful of each known solution into its labeled well.
2. Put on your latex gloves. Obtain a beaker with about 10 mL of 6.0 M HCl and a nichrome wire loop. Light
the burner, and adjust the flame to low.
3. For each test, be sure that the nichrome wire is clean, so as not to contaminate the solutions. To clean the
wire, first rinse it was distilled water, using the wash bottle. Then dip it in the 6.0 M HCl solution. Place it in
the burner flame for a few moments. Determine the color of the clean nichrome wire in the flame. This is
the color you should see after every trial.
4. Sodium has a very strong color, which may affect your other tests, so test the sodium solution last. Dip the
clean nichrome wire in one solution. Place the wire in the burner flame and observe. Record your
observations on Data Table 1. Clean the write and repeat this step with the next known solution until you
have tested all known solutions.
5. Obtain three unknowns from your teacher. Repeat step 4 for each unknown. Record your observations in
Data Table 2.
6. Turn off the burner. Clean up your work area and wash your hands before leaving the laboratory.


Salt Solution Color


Unknown Color

Analysis and Conclusion Questions

1. What metallic ions are present in the unknown solutions?
2. Summarize the process that produces the colors seen in the flame tests.
3. What is the relationship of the colors you saw and the lines of the electromagnetic spectrum produced by the

1. When a glass rod is heated, a yellow flame is observed around the point of heating. What does this yellow
flame indicate? Why is it observed when glass is heated?
2. The line spectrum of lithium has a red line at 670.8 nm. Calculate the energy of a photon with this
3. What other equipment could you use in this investigation if burner were not available?
4. How do you think metallic salts are used in fireworks?

1. Neon is a gas that has a reddish-orange emission spectrum. Find out why neon lights can display a multitude
of colors.
2. The invention of the spectroscope by Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchoff opened up a new era of chemical
investigation and research. Bunsen and Kirchoff discovered two new elements through the use of their
invention. Find out which elements they discovered, and how the spectroscope is now used.

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