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Phase Conjugation by Four-Wave Mixing of Electromagnetic Surface Waves

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Phase conjugation by four-wave mixing of electromagnetic surface waves

N. F. Pilipetskii, A. N. Sudarkin, and K. N. Ushakov

Institute of Problems in Mechanics, USSR Academy of Sciences
(Submitted 8 January 1987)
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 93,118-126 (July 1987)
We have studied phase conjugation by four-wave mixing of electromagnetic surface waves, both
experimentally and theoretically. In the experiment, an electromagnetic surface wave was excited
at the edge of a silver film by means of frustrated total internal reflection. We obtained a reflection
coefficient of 10% in the conjugate wave, with an energy density in the pump waves of 5 mJ/cm2;
the fraction of the wavefront conjugated was 75%. We have investigated the mechanism whereby
the permittivity grating is recorded.

1. INTRODUCTION of frequency w are incident at an angle 8 on the upper bound-

As shown by an example of second-harmonic genera- ary of the film z = I (see Fig. la), with tangential field com-
t i ~ n , ' - ~involvement of electromagnetic surface waves ponents
(ESW) in nonlinear optical interactions makes it possible to Ej=&, exp[-iotf ik,p-ik,(z-l)] ,
raise their efficiency significantly. The production of a vol- j=1, 2, 3,
ume signal wave can then arbitrarily be divided into three Ikj\=k=(wIc) &,"'sin0,
steps. In the first, frustrated total internal reflection k,=(w/c) el"'cos 0,
(FTIR)'.4 of the original volume radiation is used to excite
ESW of the same frequency at the boundary between a metal where p is a two-dimensional coordinate in the plane of the
film and a dielectric. Next, because of the nonlinear interac- surface El and E2are the reference waves and are reflected in
tion of the electromagnetic wave with the near-surface layers opposite directions by the surface (k, = - k,; see Fig. lb),
of the metal2 or diele~tric,~ a signal-bearing ESW is formed. while E3is the signal undergoing conjugation. Waves of the
Finally, the latter excited a volume signal wave, which is form
then detected as part of the experiment.
It has recently been shown experimentally576that in a
rZj exp [-iwtf ik,p+ik, (z-I) 1,
similar approach, when the middle step employs degenerate are reflected from the surface, where r is the complex ampli-
four-wave mixing (FWM) of electromagnetic surface tude of the reflection coefficient. At angles of incidence 8
waves, it is possible to obtain a volume wave which is coun- greater than the total internal reflection angle for the inter-
terpropagating relative to the volume signal wave. The feasi- face between the upper and lower dielectrics, , ,O, = arc-
bility of phase conjugation7 by degenerate FWM of surface sin(&,/&,)'I2, the tangential field component distribution in
waves has thereby been demonstrated. As in the case of four- the lower medium may be written in the form
wave mixing of volume waves, which has of late been studied
in three ESW were excited in the experiments de-
scribed in Refs. 5 and 6, with two of them (the pumps) coun- We may find the values of r and T by solving the Max-
terpropagating. Because of the nonlinear response of the well equations in all media, taking the boundary conditions
metal5 or the d i e l e ~ t r i c ,the
~ ' ~signal and one of the pump . ~the thickness I of the
at z = I and z = 0 into a c c ~ u n tIf
waves records a permittivity grating. Taking it into account,
the other pump wave forms a fourth ESW with a wavefront
which is conjugate to the signal ESW. This conjugate wave
constitutes the source of the volume wave propagating in the
direction opposite that of the signal volume wave. It has been
shown that a thermal mechanism is responsible for the ob-
served effect, recording the permittivity grating. However,
the FWM efficiency obtained in Refs. 5 and 6 was fairly low,
and the quality of the conjugate wave was not checked. At
the same time, as we shall show in the present paper, the
approach described enables one to obtain a high reflection
coefficient into the conjugate wave, with good quality, at
relatively low pump energies. We also examine in detail the
mechanism whereby the permittivity grating is recorded.

Consider a metal film of thickness I (medium 2 in Fig.
la) situated between two dielectrics. We shall neglect the
imaginary part of the permitivities E,, E, of the dielectrics,
and assume that E, < E, < - Re E,. Threep-polarized waves FIG. 1. Layout for excitation of electromagnetic surface waves.

66 Sov. Phys. JETP 66 (I), July 1987 0038-5646/87/070066-05$04.00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 66
metal layer is chosen optimally, then an ESW will be excited amplitude S,, ( t ) , it is necessary to know the temperature
efficiently at the lower boundary of the film for certain an- profile in the lower medium during the entire laser pulse.
gles of incidence 8, as manifested by a reduction in the (in- Numerical estimates show, however, that if the pulse is sev-
tensity) reflection coefficient R = lrI2 for optical beams in- eral tenths of a nanosecond long, the depth of localization of
cident on the surface. l s 4 The intensity of the electromagnetic the electromagnetic field in the lower medium is much
field at the lower boundary of the metal layer then rises sub- greater than the thickness d of the heated layer: l / Q ) d . In
stantially, so that the factor that event, the problem is greatly simplified, since the effec-
tive amplitude S,, is determined by the quantity of heat tak-
ing part in the writing of the grating. Transforming ( 3 ) , we
which characterizes the increase, can reach values of the or- I a&,
der of lo2. 6,, ( t ) = 2 Q - - g ( l - R ) c o s O I W 1 ( t )W 3 ( t )I"', (4)
Because of dissipation of the energy of the interfering PCP 82'
beams in the metal layer from the onset of the laser pulse, a wherep and c, are the density and heat capacity of the lower
temperature grating arises which with time is also trans- medium, respectively, a ~ , / d Tis the temperature derivative
ferred to the dielectrics. If the permittivity of the metal and of the permittivity,
the lower dielectric depend on temperature, a permittivity 1

grating will be recorded in both media. Since the dielectric wj(t) = j I 9 ( t f dt')
may be a liquid, with a high degree of thermal nonlinearity, 0

the permittivity grating recorded in the lower medium elicits is the instantaneous value of the energy density in the beam,
the greatest interest. In what follows, we devote most atten- I, = 18, l 2 is the beam intensity, and 6 is the fraction of the
tion to that medium. energy propagating in the lower medium which is absorbed
For the nanosecond laser pulses used in the experiment, by the film. In determining f , it is necessary to take into
gratings with a high spatial frequency were washed out on account the fact that since the angle between the signal beam
account of the high thermal conductivity of the metal. We and reference beam E, is small, heat exchange between the
therefore assume the angle q, in Fig. l b to be small, and con- maxima and minima of the temperature grating can be ne-
sider only the grating formed by interference of the signal glected. A metal film with a thickness of several hundred
with the passing reference wave E , . The increment in per- angstroms is heated up in a time 10- 12-lo-" sec, which
mittivity of the lower medium, which is directly responsible means that the temperature can be taken to be constant
for the growth of the conjugate wave, may then be written as throughout the thickness. The overall amount of thermal
A E ~ (=z , ~t ) exp [i ( k l - k 3 ) p ] . energy propagating in the upper and lower dielectrics is
niuch greater than that portion remaining in the film. Mak-
When the second wave E2 is scattered from this grating, a ing use of the foregoing, we can determine 6, which is con-
conjugate wave of the form stant during the entire pulse:

arises in the upper medium. If we replace the amplitude of Here /Ij and X, are the thermal conductivity and thermal
the permittivity grating S(z,t) with some effective value diffusivity of the dielectrics, respectively. Finding the effec-
S,, ( t ) which is independent of z, then the amplitude 8,of tive amplitude S,, in this way and substituting into ( 2 ) , we
the conjugate wave is easily found, using results on phase obtain after some manipulation an expression for the time-
conjugation by a surface: dependence of the conjugate beam intensity:

Differentiating the well known expression for the amplitude

reflection coefficient r (Ref. 9), we can transform ( 1) to the
Knowing the shape of the laser pulse, we can also determine
1 ik, k2 the total energy W4in the conjugate beam. Thus, for a pulse
& , = 4- - e1Q
(I+~) ?6,P2.
with a parabolic time envelope,
Given an arbitrary z-distribution for the amplitude of the
permittivity grating S(z,t ) ,a rigorous solution of the electro-
dynamic problem makes it possible to find its effective value: where W, is the total energy density in the beam. For a Gaus-
sian pulse, Eq. ( 7 ) remains valid, up to a factor of order
6,, ( t )= 2Q J 6 ( z , t ) eZQVdz. (3 unity.

Note that the approximation of plane interacting waves is 3. DETERMINATION OFTHE PERMITTIVITY OF SILVER AND
only valid when the transverse dimensions of the beams inci- THE THICKNESS OFTHE FILM
dent on the film are much greater than the propagation dis- In our experiment, electromagnetic surface waves were
tance of the ESW along the lower boundary of the film. This generated at the boundary of a thin silver film by radiation
condition was satisfied in our experiments. from a single-mode ruby laser with a wavelength /Z = 694
In general, for an exact determination of the effective nm. Metal films were prepared by vacuum deposition of sil-

67 Sov. Phys. JETP 66 (I),July 1987 Pilipetskil etal. 67

ver on the diagonal face of a right-angle glass prism. A cell
was attached to the prism, and when necessary it could be
filled with ethanol, which was then in contact with the silver,
making it possible to excite ESW not only at the silver-air
interface, but at the interface between the silver and the eth-
anol as well. Radiation polarized in the plane of incidence
passed through a side face of the prism and fell on the metal
film from the glass side. The angle of incidence 6 of the beam
on the film was varied during the experiment.
It can be seen from the previous section that the effi-
ciency of FWM depends strongly on T, specifically on the
permittivity of all three media and the thickness of the film I.
For a quantitative comparison of experimental and theoreti-
cal results, it is therefore desirable to determine these quanti-
ties to fairly high accuracy. Since the permittivity E, of the
FIG. 3. Angular dependence of efficiency of four-wave mixing.
metal, especially its imaginary part, depends strongly on the
deposition conditions, the data from various papers show a
large spread and cannot be used. Direct methods for deter- 4. ANGULAR DEPENDENCEOF FOUR-WAVE MIXING
mining the thickness of the metal film also fail to provide the EFFICIENCY. TEMPORAL BEHAVIOR OFTHE CONJUGATE
requisite accuracy. BEAM
To determine these quantities, we have measured the For our study of the angular dependence of FWM effi-
transmission coefficient of the metal film when it is illumi-
ciency, threep-polarized beams were incident on the film. In
nated. Furthermore, we have measured the angular depend-
each laser burst, all beams had the same angle of incidence 6
ence of the reflection coefficient R of p-polarized radiation
on the film, with the El and E2 reference beams reflected
from the metal film with FTIR geometry at angles of inci-
from the surface in counterpropagating directions
dence corresponding to efficient excitation of ESW at the
(k, = - k,) . The angle between E, and the signal beam was
silver-ethanol interface. For the film used in subsequent ex-
fixed at 1.5" (in glass). The ratio of beam energy densities
periments, this dependence is shown by the points plotted in
was held constant in this experiment, with
Fig. 2. Using the value of the angle at which the reflection
W,: W,: W, = 1:10:13. We measured the energy density of
coefficient has a minimum, one can determine Re E,. The
the conjugate beam propagating in the direction opposite
thickness of the film is determined using its experimentally
that of the signal beam. The points in Fig. 3 are experimen-
measured transmission coefficient. Finally, by varying the
tally measured values of FWM efficiency K = W,/ W, W2W,
magnitude of Im E,, it is possible to match the calculated
with ESW excited at the silver-ethanol interface. The mea-
angular dependence of R (solid curve in Fig. 2) to the ex-
surements were carried out with low energy densities in the
perimental data. As a result, we obtained the values
reference beams, since at high W, the cubic dependence of
E~ = - 19.8 + 0.9i and I = 475 h;. Note that the refractive
signal energy on laser beam energy breaks down; we shall
index of the glass and the reference are 1.57 and 1.36 respec-
subsequently have more to say about this.
tively, and the thickness of the film as determined by weigh-
In the second section of this paper, it was suggested that
ing lay in the range 400-500 h;.
the permittivity grating in the ethanol was mainly responsi-
In Fig. 2, besides the reflection coefficient, we have also
ble for generating the conjugate wave, and that the grating
plotted the angular dependence of the quantity T (dashed
formed in the metal could be neglected. To test this assertion
curve). The maximum value of T is seen to be equal to 70.
experimentally, we measured the angular dependence of
Note that when an ESW is excited at the silver-air interface,
FWM efficiency with the ethanol missing, exciting an ESW
as shown by the calculations, the same film can give
at the silver-air interface. The conjugate wave is then pro-
T = 225.
duced by the permittivity grating formed in the metal. The
maximum efficiency was 15 times lower than with the eth-
anol present. At the same time, calculations show that if the
effect were due to the grating in the metal for the silver-
ethanol interface, then FWM efficiency would, on the con-
trary, be an order of magnitude higher. Thus, we conclude
that with the ethanol in place, the contribution of the grating
in the metal can be neglected for nanosecond pulses. Accord-
ing to (7), FWM efficiency should then be proportional to
( 1 - R ) 'T ', which has been calculated and plotted in Fig. 3
as the solid curve. Clearly, the theory provides a good de-
scription of the angular dependence of FWM efficiency.
Equation (7) also enables us to compare the maximum
efficiency with theoretical predictions. Unfortunately, we
did not know the thermophysical constants of the glass,
FIG. 2. Angular dependence of the factor T and the reflection coefficient which are required for an accurate calculation of the fraction
R. of the energy which takes part in writing the permittivity

68 Sov. Phys. JETP 66 ( I ) , July 1987 Pilipetskilet a/. 68

FIG. 6. Energy dependence of the conjugate-wave reflection coefficient
T,,: filled circles correspond to 9 = 6 5 2 , open circles to 9 = 65.6".

FIG. 4. Pulse shapes for incident ( a ) and conjugate ( b ) beams.

grating. These constants vary only slightly with the type of One of the most important characteristics of the phase
glass used, and we can estimate 5 to within a factor of two as conjugation phenomenon is the absolute value of the energy
f = 0.2-0.4. The same quantity can be calculated using the reflection coefficient in the conjugate wave, 7,= W,/ W,. In
experimetal data. The value thus obtained, & = 0.24, lies Fig. 6, we show how this quantity depends on the energy
within the expected range, i.e., there is reasonable quantita- density W, of the first pump wave at angles of incidence
tive agreement between theory and experiment. 8 = 65.2"to 65.6", the latter angle corresponding to the high-
Also of interest is the temporal history of the conjugate est efficiency of ESW excitation (see Figs. 2 and 3 ) . For
wave pulse. Figure 4 shows pulse shapes for the incident small W,, according to ( 7 ) , the reflection coefficient 7,in-
(Fig. 4a) and conjugate (Fig. 4b) beams. The incident pulse creases quadratically with W,. This behavior no longer
duration at the half-power points was 27 nsec. The conjugate holds, however, for large W,. The reason for this is that up to
pulse was shortened to 17 nsec, and had a noticeable time this point, in calculating the variation of the permittivity in
delay relative to the incident pulse (see Fig. 4). Simulta- the lower medium, we have not taken into account any trans-
neous recording of both pulses makes it possible to calculate versely homogeneous decrease due to an overall temperature
both the instantaneous energy density W(t) in the incident elevation in the lower dielectric. Consequently, at the end of
beam (solid curve in Fig. 5) and the instantaneous reflection the laser pulse, the values of R and T, which depend strongly
coefficient in the conjugate wave ~ ( t =) 14(t)/13(t) (dotted on c3,can differ substantially from R and T a t the beginning
curve in Fig. 5). Since according to ( 6 ) , the reflection coeffi- of the pulse. This can be shown graphically in the following
cient is proportional to the square of the instantaneous ener- way. As the length of the laser pulse increases, the curves in
gy density, the dashed curve in Fig. 5 has also been plotted to Fig. 2 are shifted to the left, with practically no change in
show the time dependence of W 2 ( t ) .It can be seen that the shape; the size of this shift increases with increasing refer-
observed temporal behavior of the reflection coefficient q ( t ) ence beam energy. Therefore, for 8 = 65.6", the time-aver-
is in fair agreement with the theoretical predictions. aged FWM excitation efficiency is a maximum only at low
reference-beam energy, and it decreases with increasing en-
ergy. At an angle of incidence 8 = 65.2", the average ESW
excitation efficiency first increases and then also decreases.
Thus, when the angle of incidence of the beams on the metal
film is reduced, the experiment value of 7, increases (see
Fig. 6 ) .


In studying another important characteristic of phase
conjugation, the quality of the conjugate wave, we used stan-
dard methods employing a phase plate and beam splitter.'.''
Our measurements have shown that the phase conjugation
efficiency with uniform reference-wave intensity in the inter-
FIG. 5. Time dependence of laser beam eneregy W(t) (solid curve), its action region is fairly high, about 75%. It is important that
square W2(t) (dashed curve), and instantaneous coefficient of reflection the quality of the conjugate wave not be degraded as the
into a conjugate wave ~ ( t (dotted
) curve). reference-wave energy and the reflection coefficient 7, are

69 Sov. Phys. JETP 66 ( I ) ,July 1987 Pilipetskilet a/. 69

increased. Since the conjugate wave has an angular spectrum sively used for degenerate four-wave mixing of volume
of finite width, it is important to ascertain the limiting width waves, making a comparison of the two methods possible.
which will have no effect on phase conjugation quality. To The expression in (6) for the efficiency of phase conjugation
do this, we have measured the power reflection coefficient 7, involving ESW differs from its counterpart for FWM of vol-
as a function of the angular offset of the signal wave, for fixed ume waves (see Sec. 7.2.3 of Ref. 7 ) by a factor T 2 f 2. Conse-
angle of incidence 8 of the pump waves. The most important quently, for the same pump-beam energy densities, the re-
factor is the deviation of the signal beam from its optimum flection coefficient v0 in our case should be more than two
orientation in the plane of incidence. This changes the angle orders of magnitude higher, which has been verified experi-
of incidence 8 of the beam at the film, which leads to a reduc- mentally. This leads us to believe that there are experimental
tion in ESW excitation efficiency by the signal. As a result, situations in which the phase conjugation method described
the reflection coefficient 7,is halved by an angular offset of could successfully supplant degenerate four-wave mixing of
0.5". Deviation of the signals beam perpendicular to the volume waves.
plane of incidence, if it increases the angle between the signal
and first reference waves, also reduces 70.This occurs be-
cause of the increased spatial frequency of the interference 'V. M. Agranovich and D. L. Mills (Editors), Poverkhnostnye polyari-
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value of 7,decreases by a factor of 3.5. Since as a rule, the 4E. Kretschmann, Z. Phys. 241,313 (1971).
angular size of the signal wave is no more than 0. lo,the de- 5J. M. Ninzi and D. Ricard, Appl. Phys. B 35,209 (1984).
pendence of the reflection coefficient on the angular offset of 6 Y ~V.. Mukhin, N. F. Pilipetskii, A. N. Sudarkin, and K. N. Ushakov,
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7. CONCLUSION 'A. Yariv, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 14,650 (1978).
9M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, 6th ed., Pergamon Press,
We have shown in this work that the phase conjugation Oxford (1980).
method we have described enables one to obtain sizable re- 1°B. Ya. Zel'dovich, N. F. Pilipetskii, A. N. Sudarkin, and V. V. Shkunov,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 252,92 ( 1980).
flection of the conjugate wave without deterioration of quali- "A. V. Mamaev, N. A. Mel'nikov, N. F. Pilipetskii, A. N. Sudarkin, and
ty. We have obtained a reflection coefficient 7,= lo%, with V. V. Shkunov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 86,232 (1984) [Sov. JETP 59,132
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The thermal nonlinearity mechanism has also been exten- Translated by M. Damashek

70 Sov. Phys. JETP 66 ( I ) , July 1987

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