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Management, Organization, Administration Concept

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Difference Between Administration

And Management

Definition of Management :
Management is defined as an act of managing people and their work, for
achieving a common goal by using the organization’s resources. It
creates an environment under which the manager and his subordinates
can work together for the attainment of group objective. It is a group of
people who use their skills and talent in running the complete system of
the organization. It is an activity, a function, a process, a discipline and
much more.

Planning, organizing, leading, motivating, controlling, coordination and

decision making are the major activities performed by the management.
Management brings together 5M’s of the organization, i.e. Men,
Material, Machines, Methods, and Money. It is a result oriented activity,
which focuses on achieving the desired output.

Definition of Administration :
The administration is a systematic process of administering the
management of a business organization, an educational institution like
school or college, government office or any nonprofit organization. The
main function of administration is the formation of plans, policies, and
procedures, setting up of goals and objectives, enforcing rules and
regulations, etc.
Administration lays down the fundamental framework of an
organization, within which the management of the organization

The nature of administration is bureaucratic. It is a broader term as it

involves forecasting, planning, organizing and decision-making
functions at the highest level of the enterprise. Administration represents
the top layer of the management hierarchy of the organization. These top
level authorities are the either owners or business partners who invest
their capital in starting the business. They get their returns in the form of
profits or as a dividend.

Key Differences Between Management and Administration

The major differences between management and administration are
given below:

1. Management is a systematic way of managing people and things

within the organization. The administration is defined as an act of
administering the whole organization by a group of people.
2. Management is an activity of business and functional level,
whereas Administration is a high-level activity.
3. While management focuses on policy implementation, policy
formulation is performed by the administration.
4. Functions of administration include legislation and determination.
Conversely, functions of management are executive and
5. Administration takes all the important decisions of the organization
while management makes decisions under the boundaries set by
the administration.
6. A group of persons, who are employees of the organization, is
collectively known as management. On the other hand,
administration represents the owners of the organization.
7. Management can be seen in the profit making organization like
business enterprises. Conversely, the Administration is found in
government and military offices, clubs, hospitals, religious
organizations and all the non-profit making enterprises.
8. Management is all about plans and actions, but the administration
is concerned with framing policies and setting objectives.
9. Management plays an executive role in the organization. Unlike
administration, whose role is decisive in nature.
10. The manager looks after the management of the organization,
whereas administrator is responsible for the administration of the
11. Management focuses on managing people and their work. On
the other hand, administration focuses on making the best possible
utilization of the organization’s resources.

Basis For Management Administration


Meaning An organized way of The process of

managing people and administering an
things of a business organization by a group
organization is called of people is known as
the Management. the Administration.
Authority Middle and Lower Top level
Role Executive Decisive
Applicable to Profit making Government offices,
organizations, i.e. military, clubs, business
business enterprises, hospitals,
organizations. religious and
Work Putting plans and Formulation of plans,
policies into actions. framing policies and
setting objectives
Function Executive and Legislative and
Governing Determinative
Focus on Managing work Making best possible
allocation of limited

Theoretically, it can be said that both are different terms, but practically,
you will find that the terms are more or less same. You would have
noticed that a manager performs both administrative and functional
activities. Although the managers who are working on the top most level
are said to be the part of administration whereas the managers working
on the middle or lower level represents management. So, we can say that
administration is above management.
Organization: Meaning, Definition,
Concepts and Characteristics


Louis Allen, “Organization is the process of identifying and

grouping work to be performed, defining and delegating
responsibility and authority and establishing relationships for the
purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in
accomplishing objectives.”

Koontz and O’Donnell, ‘The establishment of authority

relationships with provision for co-ordination between them, both
vertically and horizontally in the enterprise structure.”

George Terry, “Organizing is the establishing of effective authority

relationships among selected work, persons, and work places in
order for the group to work together efficiently”.

Concepts of Organization:

There are two concepts of organization:

1. Static concept

2. Dynamic concept
1. Static Concept:

Under static concept the term ‘organization’ is used as a structure, an

entity or a network of specified relationship.

2. Dynamic Concept:

Under dynamic concept, the term ‘organization’ is used as a process of

an on-going activity. In this sense, organization is a process of
organizing work, people and the systems. Dynamic concept lays
emphasis on individuals and considers organization as a continuous

Characteristics of Organization:

Organization is the establishment of authority relationship among

persons so that it helps in the achievement of organizational objectives.

Some of the characteristics of organization are studied as follows:

1. Division of Work:
Organization deals with the whole task of business. The total work of the
enterprise is divided into activities and functions. Various activities are
assigned to different persons for their efficient accomplishment. This
brings in division of labour. It is not that one person cannot carry out
many functions but specialization in different activities is necessary to
improve one’s efficiency. Organization helps in dividing the work into
related activities so that they are assigned to different individuals.
2. Co-Ordination:
Co-ordination of various activities is as essential as their division. It
helps in integrating and harmonizing various activities. Co-ordination
also avoids duplications and delays. In fact, various functions in an
organization depend upon one another and the performance of one
influences the other. Unless all of them are properly coordinated, the
performance of all segments is adversely affected.

3. Common Objectives:
All organizational structure is a means towards the achievement of
enterprise goals. The goals of various segments lead to the achievement
of major business goals. The organizational structure should build
around common and clear cut objectives. This will help in their proper

4. Co-operative Relationship:
An organization creates co-operative relationship among various
members of the group. An organization cannot be constituted by one
person. It requires at least two or more persons. Organization is a system
which helps in creating meaningful relationship among persons. The
relationship should be both vertical and horizontal among members of
various departments. The structure should be designed that it motivates
people to perform their part of work together.

5. Well-Defined Authority-Responsibility Relationships:

An organization consists of various positions arranged in a hierarchy
with well defined authority and responsibility. There is always a central
authority from which a chain of authority relationship stretches
throughout the organization. The hierarchy of positions defines the lines
of communication and pattern of relationships.

The nature of organization can be viewed in two ways:

(1) Organization as a process

(2) Organization as a structure or framework of relationship

(1) Organization as a Process:

As a process, organization is an executive function. It becomes a

managerial function involving the following activities:

(i) Determining activities necessary for the accomplishment of the

business objectives,

(ii) Division of work,

(iii) Grouping of inter-related activities,

(iv)Assigning duties to persons with requisite competence,

(v) Delegating authority, and

(vi) Co-ordinating the efforts of different persons and groups.

When we consider organization as a process, it becomes the function of
every manager. Organizing is a continuous process and goes on
throughout the life-time of an enterprise. Whenever there is a change in
the circumstances or material change in situation, new type of activities
spring up.

So, there is a need for constant review and re-assignment of duties.

Right persons have to be recruited and necessary training imparted to
make them competent to handle the jobs.

The process of organization thus, involves dividing the work in a

rational way and integrating the activities with work situations and
personnel. It also represents humanistic view of the enterprise since it is
the people who are uppermost in the process of integration of activities.
Continuous review and adjustment makes it dynamic as well.

(2) Organization as a structure (or, framework of relationships):

As a structure, organization is a network of internal authority and

responsibility relationships. It is the framework of relationships of
persons operating at various levels to accomplish common objectives.
An organization structure is a systematic combination of people,
functions and physical facilities.

It constitutes a formal structure with definite authority and clear

responsibility. It has to be first designed for determining the channel of
communication and flow of authority and responsibility. For this,
different types of analysis have to be done. Peter F Drucker suggests
following three types of analysis:

(i) Activities analysis

(ii) Decision analysis

(iii) Relations analysis

A hierarchy has to be built-up i.e., a hierarchy of positions with clearly

defined authority and responsibility. The accountability of each
functionary has to be specified. Therefore, it has to be put into practice.
In a way, organization can be called a system as well.

The main emphasis here is on relationships or structure rather than on

persons. The structure once built is not liable to change so soon. This
concept of organization is, thus, a static one. It is also called classical
concept. Organization charts are prepared depicting the relationship of
different persons.

In an organization structure, both formal and informal organizations take

shape. The former is a pre-planned one and defined by the executive
action. The latter is a spontaneous formation, being laid down by the
common sentiments, interactions and other interrelated attributes of the
people in the organization. Both formal and informal organizations, thus,
have structure.
Difference among Organization,
Administration and Management

Difference # Organization:

1. The function of organization is to set up a harmonious inter-relation

between the employees and their work by delegating authority and
responsibility among them.

2. Establishment of organization is one of the basic functions of


3. Organization is the work-centre of the employees of all levels of the


4. Organization is the foundation of managerial work.

5. Through the process of creating organization structure authority and

responsibility are delegated. So, the nature of this process is

6. The nature of organization is reflected through the performance of


7. Organization may be compared to the hands of a human body;

because it helps directly in performance of work.
Difference # Administration:
1. The task of administration is to determine the objectives and policies
of the enterprise.

2. Administration includes formulation of plan and determination of

organization structure.

3. Administration is the centre of the employees of higher level.

4. Administration determines the structure by which the functions of

management are directed.

5. The work of administration is to determine rules, regulations and

principles. Therefore, it is determinative in nature.

6. The nature of administration is reflected in fixation of objectives,

determination of policies and decision-making.

7. Administration may be compared to the brain of the human body;

because its activities relate to thinking process like fixation of target,
decision making etc.

Difference # Management:

1. The activity of management is to get the various works done by the

operative employees to fulfill those objectives according to the policies
determined by administration.

2. Planning, setting up organization structure, giving command and

direction, motivating the subordinate employees, coordinating and
controlling the various functions performed by them etc. are the
activities of management.
3. Management is the work- field of the employees of middle and lower

4. The managers supervise and control the work of the subordinate

employees according to plan.

5. Management implements those rules, regulations and principles. So, it

is an executive function.

6. The nature of management is disclosed by the performance of work

and application of the rules and principles.

7. Management may be regarded as the eyes of a human being; as it

observes whether the work is being performed according to the rules and
policies to achieve the desired result.

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