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Student Academic Performance Prediction Using Supervised Learning Techniques

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Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

Student Academic Performance Prediction using

Supervised Learning Techniques

Muhammad Imran (*), Shahzad Latif, Danish Mehmood, Muhammad Saqlain Shah
Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract―Automatic Student performance prediction is a crucial job due to

the large volume of data in educational databases. This job is being addressed by
educational data mining (EDM). EDM develop methods for discovering data that
is derived from educational environment. These methods are used for understand-
ing student and their learning environment. The educational institutions are often
curious that how many students will be pass/fail for necessary arrangements. In
previous studies, it has been observed that many researchers have intension on
the selection of appropriate algorithm for just classification and ignores the solu-
tions of the problems which comes during data mining phases such as data high
dimensionality, class imbalance and classification error etc. Such types of prob-
lems reduced the accuracy of the model. Several well-known classification algo-
rithms are applied in this domain but this paper proposed a student performance
prediction model based on supervised learning decision tree classifier. In addi-
tion, an ensemble method is applied to improve the performance of the classifier.
Ensemble methods approach is designed to solve classification, prediction prob-
This study proves the importance of data preprocessing and algorithms fine-
tuning tasks to resolve the data quality issues. The experimental dataset used in
this work belongs to Alentejo region of Portugal which is obtained from UCI
Machine Learning Repository. Three supervised learning algorithms (J48, NNge
and MLP) are employed in this study for experimental purposes. The results
showed that J48 achieved highest accuracy 95.78% among others.

Keywords—Educational Data mining, Educational Data Mining, Predicting

Student Performance, Decision Tree, Ensemble

1 Introduction

Educational quality is compulsory in the development of each country. The data

amount in education domain is getting increase day by day with the help of admission
system, academic information system, learning management system, e-learning etc.
The data collected from students are usually used for making simple quires for decision
making. But most of the data remain unused due to complexity and large volume data
sets. Therefore, to analyze this huge amount of educational data is the great interest to
predict student performance. Data mining is the practice of find out useful information

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

from huge sets of data, also known as knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). It has
been applied successfully in multiple domains including banking, medical, business and
now has been used for educational purposes called Educational Data Mining.
The prediction of student performance is a crucial task which is being researched by
using EDM. This task foresees the value of an unidentified variable which describes
the students regarding outcome (Pass/Fail), grades, marks etc. Predicting student Attri-
tion, failures, success are the main areas which are discussed in the literature review of
this study. Each stakeholder belongs to this domain wants an early warning system to
predict learning on early stages. This early warning system not only reduced the learn-
ing costs but also time and space requirements.
One of the biggest challenges is to improve the quality of the educational processes
so as to enhance student’s performance. Instructors can update their teaching method-
ology to fulfill the requirement of poor performance students and can provide additional
guidance to deserving students. The prediction results might help students develop a
good understanding of how well or bad they would perform in a course and then can
take steps accordingly. Increasing the student retention is a long-term target of any ed-
ucational institutions around the globe. There are many positive impacts of increased
retention such as increased college reputation, ranking and better job opportunities for
alumni etc.
To analyze data using classification technique, well known classification algorithms
such as Decision tree (DT), Artificial neural networks (ANN), K-neatest neighbor
(KNN) and Rule Induction (RI) are being used for prediction purposes. Quality of a
predictive classification model is measured by its ability to find out the unknown pat-
terns accurately. This study employed three classification algorithms J48 from DT,
NNge from IR and MLP from ANN for experimental purposes. The major objective of
the proposed methodology is to build the ensemble classification model that classifies
a students’ performance as Pass or Fail.

2 Previous Work

Dorina et al. [1] proposed a predictive model for student’s performance by classify-
ing students into binary class (successful / unsuccessful). The proposed model was con-
structed under the CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) re-
search approach. The classification algorithms (OneR, J48, MLP and IBK) were ap-
plied on the given dataset. The results show that the highest accuracy was achieved by
the MPL model (73.59%) for identification of successful while other three models per-
form better for the identification of unsuccessful students. The model was unable to
work out for data high dimensionality and class balancing problems.
Edin Osmanbegovicet al. [2] builds a model to predict student academic success in
a course by reducing data dimensionality problem. Various machine learning classifiers
such as NB, MLP and j48 were evaluated in this study. The result shows that the Naïve
Bayes gained the highest accuracy 76.65%. The proposed model not handles the class
imbalance problem.

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Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

Carlos et al. [3] addressed a student failure prediction model based on machine learn-
ing techniques to resolve the class imbalance and data dimensionality problems. Ten
classifiers were applied on dataset. The ICRM classifier achieved the highest accuracy
92.7% among others. Due to varying student’s characteristics at each educational level,
the performance of proposed model was not tested for other levels of education.
Another EDM Challenge is to predict the drop-outs of the students from their courses
[4]. Four data mining methods with six combinations of attributes were participated in
this study. The result shows that the support vector machine model with the combina-
tion of the predictor variables was more accurate while classifying the data. The inclu-
sion of an attribute, earned grades of pre-requisite courses in the data set was the limi-
tation of this study because it might be possible that during study of any course the
student might have improved his knowledge of pre-requisite of this course.
Ajay et al. [5] conducted study on the prediction of student performance. The main
contribution of the study was to introduce a new social factor called “CAT” which de-
scribes that in early times Indians were divided into four types of groups on the basis
of their social status etc, which have a direct effect on the student education. Four clas-
sifiers oneR, MLP, J48, and IB1 were applied on the data set. The results indicated that
the IBI model was the highest accuracy (82%) achieved.
Build an improved version of the ID3 model, which predicts the student academic
performance [6]. The weakness of the ID3 model was its intension to select those at-
tributes as a node which had more values. In a result generated tree was not efficient.
The proposed model overcomes such problem. Two output classes were produced by
this model (Pass and Fail). The classifiers including J48, wID3 and Naïve Bayes were
applied and results compared. The wID3 achieved high accuracy 93%.
Alaa Khalaf et al. [7] proposed a model to predict student success performance in
courses. Three Decision Tree classifiers such as (J48, Hoeding tree, Reptree) were em-
ployed by this study. The highest accuracy 91.47 % was achieved by Reptree. The
model was unable to work out for data high dimensionality and class balancing prob-
Dech Thammasiri et al. [8] proposed a model to provide early classification of poor
academic performance of freshmen. Four classification methods with three balancing
methods were applied to resolve class imbalance problem. In results the combination
of support vector machine and SMOTE achieved the 90.24% highest overall accuracy.
An early warning system was proposed to predict the student learning performances
during an online course based on their learning portfolios data [9]. The results showed
the approaches accompanied by time dependent variables had high accuracy than other
approaches which were not included it. The model was not tested on offline mode. The
performance might be decreased in offline mode using time dependent attributes.
Mostly previous studies were assumed that the data mining algorithms performed
well with only large data sets but this study supported that the data mining is also suit-
able for small datasets as well [10]. This research proposed a student success prediction
model. A small dataset including student academic data was used by using three deci-
sion tree approaches (Reptree, J48, M5P). The result claims that the Reptree obtained
the highest accuracy above 90% among them. The proposed model not supported to
data high dimensionality and class balancing problems.

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

Camilo et al. [11] proposed a model to predict student academic attrition by over-
coming class imbalance problem. Two algorithms Naïve Bays and Decision tree were
used by this study. A cost-sensitive approach. Metacost was used to manage this prob-
lem. After that highest accuracy was got by naviey bays upto 85%. The data collection
at the end of academic period is not feasible because no one can get benefit at that time.
A student academic performance prediction model was proposed in this study [12].
The classifiers namely J48, Decision Stump, Reptree, NB and ANN with three kinds of
attribute setups were evaluated in this study. The J48 classifier achieved the high accu-
racy 90.51%.
Proposed approached was contributed by evaluated three number of classes (drop-
out, persisting, and completed) while predicting student dropout [13]. Ten classification
models were assessed. The results of experiments depict that the Naïve Bayes algorithm
had the highest predicting levels for the three classes of students.
Bilal et al. [14] presented a student failure prediction model which identified the
students that might be at-risk. Four output classes (Average, Risk, below Average and
Above Average) were generated by the proposed model based on the CGPA of the
students. Six classifiers including were applied on the given dataset. The ID3 got the
highest accuracy 79.23%. The model was unable to work out for class imbalance prob-
An ensemble model including classifiers (NB, SVM, KNN) was proposed for the
identification of weak students [15]. The dataset included a most effective attribute as
standard based grading assessment in addition to typical score-based grading. The re-
sults of proposed model with six other individual classifiers were compared and con-
clude that the accuracy of ensemble model was 85% which is higher than others.
A multilevel classification model was proposed to resolve the multiclass classifica-
tion problem in the prediction of student performance [17]. The goal of study was not
only to increase the model accuracy but also increase the accuracy of the individual
classifier. The model contains two levels. Initially a re-sampling technique was per-
formed on the dataset to overcome the class distribution problem in the preprocessing
phase. In the first level, four classification models were applied on the dataset namely
IBK, MLP, NB, J48. Results were evaluated and compared. The results show that the
decision classifier (j48) was highly accurate and selected for use in the next level. In
the level two, outliers were identified by comparing the previously predicted results
with actual results and removed accordingly. Once again re-sampling technique with
high accurate classifier which was selected previous (J48) was applied onto the filtered
dataset and results were compared with the results of applying remaining classifiers
also on the filtered dataset. The results depict that the J48 classifier got the above 90%
accuracy for overall model as well as for individual classes prediction.
An early student failure identification model was proposed in this study by evaluat-
ing data mining techniques as well as preprocessing approaches. Several techniques and
models were applied (ANNs, decision trees, support vector machines, naïve bayes) in
this study and conclude that the support vector machines is outperformed from the oth-
ers ones [18]. The data was collected from two different types of data sources. Model
not supported for reducing the classification errors.

iJET ‒ Vol. 14, No. 14, 2019 95

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

The rest of the report is organized as Section-III Methodology Section –IVResults

and Discussion and Section -V Conclusion

3 Methodology

To address the common issues of above literature review such as class imbalance,
data hi-dimensionality and classification errors, this study has proposed a model which
have following phases. Figure 1 shows the main steps of proposed methodology.

3.1 Data collection

A student performance data set used in this study has collected from UCI Machine
Learning Repository [16]. The data was collected for academic session 2005-2006 of
two schools of Alentejo region Portugal. It includes 1044 instances with 33 attributes
including student grades, demographic, social and school related features.

3.2 Data preprocessing

Pre-processing plays an important in data mining. Its purpose is to convert raw data
into a suitable form which can be used by mining algorithms. Following tasks are per-
formed in this phase.
Data integration: Data Integration means to gather the data from the multiple
sources into single repository. Redundancy is the common problem occurred when in-
tegrating data. The dataset consists of two comma separated values files which were
taken from UCI Machine learning repository. These files contained the performance
data of two courses (Portugal Language holds 395 instances and Mathematics holds
649 instances) which were studied by Portuguese Students. In this step, multiple files
are integrated into one file. In order to perform consolidation, an attribute (Course) is
added to describe the course such as (P for Portugal or M for Mathematics).
Data cleaning: In this phase, missing and noisy data is handled to achieve data con-
sistency. The dataset occupied by this study not have any missing and outliers etc.
Discretization: The discretization mechanism is used to transform the desire data
from numerical values into nominal values. Some classifiers are not applicable on con-
tinues data. That’s why target attribute G3Grade has converted into nominal. Such as
other countries, Portuguese education system follows the 20 point grading scale. In
which 0 shows the lowest and 20 is the perfect score. The student availed grade points
of three sessions have converted into binary target nominal intervals by applying fol-
lowing rule. Declared Pass as P, if points are greater than ten and declared Fail as F, if
points are less than or equal to ten. The target variable (Class Label) is G3Grade which
describes whether student is pass or fail.

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

Fig. 1. Proposed System for Student Academic Performance Prediction

3.3 Class balancing

In this phase, data balancing approach is applied after data pre-processing for solving
the class imbalance problem. The class imbalanced problem arises when the number of
instances in one class is much smaller than the number of instances in another class or
other classes. Traditional classification algorithms provide high accuracy for majority
classes when data is un-balance because during classification, they have much intension
towards majority class instances and have less intension for minority class instances. In
the collected dataset, 22.03% of students failed the course, resulting in a serious class
imbalance problem. The adjustment of the ratio of two class samples can improve the
machine’s learning performance. Therefore, we employed a class balancing method
known as re-sampling in this phase.
Figure 2 shows the class distribution.

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Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

Class imbalance problem



Pass Fail

Fig. 2. Class Distribution on Scale

After re-sampling on the training set, 50% PASS and 50% FAIL students are ob-

3.4 Feature selection

The student performance dataset may contain many attributes, which may be inap-
propriate for classification purposes. The problem of data high dimensionality arises
when included large amounts of student’s characteristics which can influence student
performance such as educational background, social, demographics, family, socioeco-
nomic status etc. This issue can be resolve by selecting important features from the
The purpose of feature selection is to select an appropriate subset of features which
can efficiently describe the input data, which reduces the dimensionality of feature
space and removes irrelevant data. Feature selection methods are mainly categorized
into wrapper-based and filter-based methods. Filter method is searching for the mini-
mum set of relevant features while ignoring the rest. It uses variable ranking techniques
to rank the features where the highly ranked features are selected and applied to the
learning algorithm.
This study applied filter method using information gain-based selection algorithm to
evaluate the feature ranks. It’s checking which features are most important to build
students’ performance model. During feature selection, a rank value is assigned to each
feature according to their influence on data classification. The highly ranked 12 out of
33 features have selected while others are excluded.
Table 1, shows the list of some selected features as sample features after filter-based

Table 1. Samples of Selected Features with Rank values

Sr. # Selected Attribute Description Ranked Values
1 G2Grade Pass / Fail in 2nd Term 0.5936
2 G1Grade Pass / Fail in First Term 0.4921
3 Failures No of failures in past class 0.4747
4 AbsRate Absence rate in class 0.4038
6 Fedu Father qualification 0.3331

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

3.5 Model construction

The literature review recommends that in general there is no single classifier that
works best in all contexts to provide good prediction.
In this paper, student’s performance prediction model is build using ensemble
method. Ensemble method is a learning approach that combines multiple models to
reduce their classification errors as well as to enhance the accuracy of weak classifiers.
The predictions made by ensembles are usually more accurate than predictions made
by a single model.
Generally, there are following two types of Ensemble approaches:
• Homogeneous ensembles: A combination of one ensemble learning (Meta model)
such as Bagging, Boosting and one base model.
• Heterogeneous ensembles: An ensemble that combines at least two different base

This study has employed homogeneous ensemble approaches.

In model building, first J48 classifier is applied on the clean dataset. Then a Meta
classifier Realadaboost has applied to enhance the accuracy of J48 classifier by reduc-
ing its classification errors. After studied literature survey it has been observed that the
educational data sets are belongs to category of small kind of datasets and Decision
Tree (DT) classifiers has ability to work accurately on small kind of datasets. Therefore
we have selected DT classifier (J48) as base classifier for our proposed study. DT is a
well-known and powerful supervised learning technique. It comprises a hierarchical
structure comprising nodes and branches; an internal node represents an input variable,
the branch of an internal node represents a subset of the values of the corresponding
input variable, and a leaf node is associated with a value (or a class label) of the output
Realadaboost is a version of boosting algorithm. The main idea behind this algorithm
is to pay more attention to patterns that are hard to classify truly. It increased the pre-
dictive accuracy and reduced the misclassification instances ration.

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Model evaluation

For our experiments, three classifiers J48, NNge and MLP have evaluated using 10-
folds cross validation technique. This technique divides the data set into 10 subsets of
equal size; nine of the subsets are used for training, while one is left out and used for
testing. The process is iterated for ten times, the final result is estimated as the average
error rate on test examples.

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Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

4.2 Evaluation measures

In our experiments, we use five common different measures for the evaluation of the
classification quality. Details are under as:
• CCI (Correctly Classified Instances): represents the number of correctly classified
instances divided by the total instances. It is also known as accuracy.
The CCI formula is= (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)

• ICI (Incorrectly Classified Instances): represents the number of incorrectly classi-

fied instances divided by the total instances
The ICI formula is= (FP+FN)/ (TP+FP+TN+FN)

• Precision: of algorithm represents the percentage of accurate classified instances

from all truly classified instances.
Precision = TP/TP+ FP
• Recall: reflects the division number of correctly classified instances by the total
number of all instances (almost recall value be same as CCI).

TPrate= TP/TP+FN
• F-Measure: measured from recall and precision values (double value of precision
multiplied by recall divided by the value of summation of recall and precision).

4.3 Result analysis

In the first experiment, three classification algorithms (J48, NNge and MLP) are
simply executed individually on dataset without using proposed model steps. In the
light of results mentioned in Table 2 and graphical representation of figure 3, it has
been observed that the highest accuracy achieved by J48 which is not enough as com-
pared to previous studies and lowest accuracy has achieved by MLP.

Table 2. Classification Method Results with origional dataset

Algorithm CCI ICI Precision Recall F-Measure
J48 90.13 % 9.86 % 0 902 0.901 0.902
NNge 89.55 % 10.46% 0.897 0.896 0.896
MLP 88.98 % 11.01% 0.895 0.890 0.892

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

40,00% J48

20,00% Nnge
0,00% MLP








Fig. 3. Single Classifier Based Performance Measures

In the second experiment, proposed methodology has performed step by step. Re-
sults can be seen in table 3 with graphical representation in figure 4. It has been ob-
served that the highest accuracy achieved is 95.78% by J48 classifier and the lowest
accuracy achieved 92.81% by NNge. It has observed that after reducing class imbal-
ance, data high dimensionality as well as by using ensemble method the proposed
model accuracy has improved significantly for all classifiers.

Table 3. Results of proposed Model

Algorithm CCI ICI Precision Recall F-Measure
J48 95.78 % 4.21 % 0.958 0.958 0.958
NNge 92.81 % 7.18 % 0.929 0.928 0.928
MLP 93.39 % 6.60 % 0.934 0.934 0.934

60,00% J48
40,00% Nnge









Fig. 4. Proposed Model Performance Measures

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Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

During this experiment, we have also measured the classification errors in terms of
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Figure 5 shows the graphical representation of
RMSE. This clearly shows the results with and without ensemble classification errors








Fig. 5. RMSE of single and Proposed Model Comparison

4.4 Model comparison

In this section we compared the results of other student performance prediction
model with our proposed system. Table 4 shows the detail of participated approaches
such as SVM, Decision Stump, Reptree and Our proposed ensemble method with their
performed actions. Our proposed model performed all the actions such as class balanc-
ing, feature selection and use of ensemble methods. The results show that our proposed
study has an improvement, being higher than others in terms of accuracy.

Table 4. Comparison of Proposed Model with other Tehniques

Data Class Feature Ensemble of
Ref Technique Data source Proposed
set Balancing Selection Method Reference
study Da-
[8] SVMTulsa, USA 2165 Handled Handled Not Used 90.24% 92.22 %
Decision Not Han-
[12] Student 649 Handled Not Used 90.51% 90.81 %
Stump dled
Not Han- Not
[7] Reptree Student 1044 Not Used 91.47% 91.28 %
dled Handled
Proposed (J48,
Student Per- 1044 Handled Handled Used 95.78 %
Model Realada-

Paper—Student Academic Performance Prediction using Supervised Learning Techniques

5 Conclusion

The accurate student academic performance prediction model is demand of every

educational institute nowadays. But to resolve the data quality issues in student perfor-
mance prediction model is often biggest challenge. This research work, presented a
student performance prediction model based on supervised learning technique Decision
Tree. The performance of Student’s predictive model is assessed on dataset by set of
classifiers namely; J48, NNge, and MLP. In addition, an ensemble method is applied to
improve the performance of these classifiers. The result shows that the proposed en-
semble model including Decision tree (J48) classifier achieved the high accuracy which
is 95.78 %.
In future the proposed model will be tested on large dataset with more number of

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7 Authors
Muhammad Imran is Assistant Professor of computer science in the department of
computer science at Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology
(SZABIST), Islamabad, Pakistan. He received hid PhD degree in Information Technol-
ogy from University Tun Hussin onn Malaysia. His main research interests include data
mining, Evolutionary computing, Computer Vision and Medical image processing.
Shahzad Latif received PhD degree in Electronics Engineering from ISRA Univer-
sity, Islamabad Pakistan. Currently he is Assistant Professor in the department of com-
puter science at Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology
(SZABIST), Islamabad, Pakistan. His main research interests include Computational
Intelligence, Digital Signal Processing and Fuzzy systems (dr.shahzad@szabist-
Danish Mehmood received PhD degree in Smart Grid from Comsats University,
Islamabad Pakistan. Currently he is Assistant Professor in the department of computer
science at Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology
(SZABIST), Islamabad, Pakistan. (
Muhammad Saqlain Shah got his degree of Master of Science in the Faculty of
Computing and engineering sciences from Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology (SZABIST), Islamabad, Pakistan. His main research interests in-
clude data mining, machine learning (
Article submitted 2019-02-13. Resubmitted 2019-03-22. Final acceptance 2019-03-25. Final version pub-
lished as submitted by the authors.


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