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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheet in ENGLISH
(Grade 8)

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Table of Contents

Examine biases (for or against) made by the author ..................... 4
Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of
..................... 17
Appreciate literature as a mirror of people to a shared
heritage ..................... 22
Analyze intention of words/ expressions used in
propaganda ..................... 33

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


English 8
Name of Learner________________________________ Grade level: ____________
Section:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________


Why Women Wash Dishes
by: Filomena N. Colendrino

Background Information for Learners

The Filipino Women

Although most women in the Philippines are the ones who usually wash dishes,
Filipinas have always enjoyed greater equality in Philippine society than in other parts of
Southeast Asia. Since pre-colonial times, a woman’s right s to legal equality and to inheritance
of family property have not been questioned. They are recognized as wives and mothers in a
culture that inherently respected women in these roles. Today their significant roles continue
as they educate the society about peace, justice, and balance governance.

Learning Competency:
Examine biases (for or against) made by the author (Q3 week 1EN8RC-IIIg3.1.12 Q3)

Exercise 1. Directions: List down some words or phrases that can be associated to the words
“Women” and “Men”. Write your answers in the box provided.

Women are recognize as wives and mothers to their family

Filipinas have always enjoyed greater equality in philippine society.
Women 3.______________________________
Women in the philippines are the ones who usually do all the house holds.

Women now a days are more independent than men.


In the early years people has no fair treatment on women.

5 men are stronger than women.
Fathers are the one who sits in the center of the dining table

Men males are mascular than females

Men works hard to support their family
boys has short hair.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Exercise 2. The following underlined words were used in the story, “Why Women Wash
Dishes’’, using context clues, determine its meaning by choosing the correct answer from the
choices provided in the box. Write the letter of your choice in the blank before each item.

a. Meddling; curious

b. interferers; gossipers

c. sickness or disorder

d. a pledge to do something

e. a husband who never contradict his wife

f. cast a spell over

g. not genuine

e 10 years of marriage, he turns out to be henpecked husband who always says yes
to his wife.
b was branded nosy parker because he wanted to know everything about his
a malicious meddler tried to discover sensitive information by poking around.
c grief for the death of his grandmother caused him a fatal malady.
d decided to stay away from roulette table since he didn’t have enough money to
f behaved very strangely, her family was convinced that she had been bewitched.

Exercise 3. Read the story “Why Women Wash Dishes’’ and answer the questions after


by: Filomena N. Colendrino

In the town of Santa Rosa, there once lived a couple named Hugo and Imelda. Every
mealtime they ̭ would quarreled over the chore of washing the dishes. Imelda would scold
Hugo if he refused to wash the dishes. Sometimes she would become angry and call him names,
and if he talked back she would get coconut midrib broom and would chase him with it. He
would run to the house of his compadre and hide there till his wife’s anger had passed.
The neighbors familiarly called Imelda, Ka Maldang and Hugo, Ka Ugong.
One day just as they were finished their lunch, Ka Ugong announced; “I’m not going
to wash the dishes anymore.” He threw out his chest and lifted his chin.
“Who says so?” asked Ka Maldang, holding up her chin, higher than his.
“I say so; I worked so hard in the field this morning. I’m not going to wash any dish.”

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Ka Maldang stood up and with her arms akimbo, she glared down at Ka Ugong across the
table. She was a big woman. Her arms were stout. Her voice was also big. “And who, Mister
Hugo, is going to wash these dishes?” she asked.
Ka Ugong’s chest sank again. His chin also went down. He held on the edge of the table
“You!” he said in a much lower tone. “You are the woman. You should do all the housework.”
“And what do you do?” asked Ka Maldang. “You tie the carabao to the reeds in the field and
then you lie down on the grass to watch it graze. You call that hard work? I cook, clean the
house, wash your clothes, I scrub the floor, I do all the work that only slaves should do. And
yet, you even refuse to help me wash the ̭dishes!” Ka Maldang’s voice raised to a high pitch
and her tears posed on her eyelids at Ka Ugong and at her broom. She grabbed the broom. She
raised the broom to strike him, crying, “You, you, you lazy man!”
Ka Ugong ducked under the table, “Don’t” he cried. “Don’t hit me!”
“Come out from under the table, you coward.” ordered Ka Maldang.
“Put down your broom,” said Ka Ugong.
“All right, all right. Come out.” Ka Maldang put her broom behind the door.
Ka Ugong returned to his seat opposite her at the table.
“What have you to say?” asked Ka Maldang, wiping her eyes.
“Let’s stop quarreling over the plates. Let’s have a wager. whoever speaks first, after I said
‘Begin’ will wash the dishes. Always”
“Only that?” said Ka Maldang. “The first one who talks will always wash the plates, and bowls,
and pots and pans. Always.”
“Right.” said Ka Ugong. “If you ever say just one word to me or to anybody, or to anything
after I had said ‘Begin’, you will always wash the dishes.”
“That’s easy. I can keep my mouth shut even for a week. You can’t. You even talk to your
“All right, are you ready?” asked Ka Ugong.
Ka Maldang sat upright in front of him across the table. She nodded her head, compressed her
lips, and Ka Ugong said “Begin.”
They both fell silent. They sat at the table looking at each other across the unwashed plates,
bowls and spoons. They did not like to leave each other for fear that one would talk to himself
without the other’s hearing. They sat there just staring.
Soon the cat began to mew for its food. Neither Ka Maldang nor Ka Ugong paid attention to
its mewing. The cat jumped upon the drying dishes to lick the leftovers. Ka Maldang did not
drive the cat away. Neither did Ka Ugong. The cat licked the pot and pans on it, overturned a
kettle, spilled its contents, and then went to lie down under the table. Ka Ugong pretended that
nothing had happened. He continued to sit still, and so did Ka Maldang.
Soon, it was getting late in the afternoon but they went on sitting silently at the lunch
table. Their eyes were tired from staring hard at each other. Tears began to roll down their
cheeks. Ka Ugong’s shirt became damp with his sweat. Ka Maldang’s sweat gathered on her
forehead, and trickled down to the sides of her face, and fell drop by drop to her breast.
A neighbor called, “Compadre Ugong! Oh! Compadre!” Ka Ugong did not answer.
The neighbor called again, “Comadre Maldang! Yoo-hoo Comadre Maldang. Yoo-hoo,
Compadre Ugong, may I borrow your ax?”
Ka Maldang did not answer. Ka Ugong looked at her silently.
“Perhaps nobody is at home,” they heard the neighbor murmured say to himself. “But why did
they leave their ladder at the door? They usually remove the ladder when they go somewhere
away. Well, I’ll just go up get the ax and return it later.” The neighbor went up.
When the neighbor went upstairs through the bamboo ladder he was surprised to see Ka
Maldang and Ka Ugong sitting silently at the table where the plates had dried up with the

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


leftovers. He hurried toward them. Ka Ugong neither moved nor talked. The neighbor repeated
his question. He shook Ka Ugong;s shoulder. Ka Ugong let him shake him, closing his lips
The neighbor turned to Ka Maldang. “Speak, Comadre! What happened?” He shook her
shoulders, too.
She pushed him roughly aside but did not speak.
“Did you eat something poisonous? Some food that has made you dumb?” He shook each one
alternately. But still neither stood up nor talked.
The neighbor was alarmed. He did not get the ax but ran out to the rest of the neighbors, He
told them that something terrible had happened to his Compadre Ugong and Compadre
Maldang. The neighbors gathered at Ka Maldang’s dining room. They took turns trying to
make them speak. But the two continued to sit staring at each other in silence. Ka Maldang
looked at her husband threateningly for a moment then closed her eyes. Ka Ugong knew
that she did so to avoid looking at the neighbors, He also closed his eyes and ignored everyone
who had come up to his house. Ka Maldang was very angry with her Compadre’s interference
but she dared not to speak her mind, she pretended to be asleep.
The compadre was very much worried. He ran to the village herb man. The herb man came
and when he saw the motionless, silent husband and wife sitting at the table, he declared that
they were bewitched. He spread a woven bud mat in the center of the sala and asked the
“bewitched” couple to lie down. Ka Ugong obediently lay down and closed his eyes. He curled
up and went to sleep. But Ka Maldang refused to get up from where she sat at the dining table
The herb man said “Ah, the spirit that has taken possession of her is very stubborn. I must
break its spell.”
He turned, and then produced from a small bag which he always carried nine pieces of betel
leaf, a piece of areca nut, and a little lime from a tiny bottle. He examined the leaves closely
to choose those which had veins running in identical arrangements on each side of the midrib.
He cut the nut into nine pieces. He spread a little lime on each betel leaf, rolled them and
wrapped them around each piece of areca nut. He now had nine rings of the leaves.
“This represents the lost spirit of the couple,” he said.
He chewed the leaf and nut. When he had chewed it he spat it on his palm, dipped a forefinger
of the other hand into the nut colored saliva and marked with it a cross on the foreheads of Ka
Ugong and Ka Maldang. Ka Ugong did not seem to feel the old man’s finger on his forehead.
Ka Maldang caught the man’s forefinger and twisted it. The old herb doctor cried “aray” and
pulled back his hand. He moved toward Ka Ugong who was lying down. Calling his name
softly and slowly several times. “Come, Ugong, Come back, Ugong!” Ka Ugong did not move
nor speak.
“Come Maldang…come home to your body now…come. Maldang…!” chanted the old man.
Ka Maldang did not answer.
Evening fell on the frightened village, frightened because the herb doctor said that the
spell might be cast on some other villagers besides Ka Ugong and Ka Maldang. He called to
the bewitched couple softly at first, and then louder, but became tired so she reclined against
the bamboo wall.
The old herb man said, “This is the first witchery of its kind that I have met here. By their
silence I believe that they are dead. Their spirits, driven away by the witch, have left their
bodies. The only thing to do in order to keep their souls in peace and to prevent this witchery
craft from spreading among us is to bury them.”
The herb man ordered some of the men to look for boards and make two coffins immediately
before the malady would go to them. In no time, the two coffins, made of rough planks,
hurriedly nailed together, were finished.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


The women began to weep for Ka Maldang. She had leaned rigidly against the back of her
chair, closed her eyes, and shut her lips tight. The herb man asked the men gathered around to
lift the couple into the coffins.
“We shall bury them at sunrise. Some of us have to stay to keep the wake for the dead,” he
The man easily lifted Ka Ugong and placed him inside his coffin. Surely, he thought to himself,
he would win the wager. He would not be afraid of being buried. Why, he would just get cut
of the grave when the neighbors were gone. He thought everything going on was great fun and
he was enjoying himself. How he would frighten them all when he returned from his grave!
The herb man approached Ka Maldang. Although her eyes were closed, she had been
listening to his directions. She was afraid that he would surely force her into the coffin if she
did not tell him to go away. But she did not want to talk. She hoped her husband would object
to the men’s lifting her into the coffin.
“Surely, Hugo will not let me be buried tomorrow. Uh, I’m afraid to sleep in that coffin tonight.
No, I’ll not let them lift me into it,” she thought to herself.
But she did not hear Ka Ugong speak. She opened her eyes just as the herb man, aided by two
other men, put his arms around her to lift up from her chair.
Ka Maldang pushed the men, got up to her feet, and shouted, “Don’t touch us! Get out! Get
out of my house. Shame on you for coming here, meddling with our lives!”
Ka Ugong leaped to his feet. He also shouted, “You talked first!”
He jumped about clapping his hands and saying to the astonished neighbors, “She talked first.
We had a wager. Now she will always wash the dishes!’
Ka Maldang lifted up the lid of Ka Ugong’s coffin to strike his head with it but he ran out with
his neighbors, still shouting happily and saying “I won, I knew I would win! Now I’ll never
wash dishes.

1. What ideas, feeling, and beliefs do you have about the title “Why Women Wash
Women wash dishes beacause men can't wash the dishes properly always leaving
the plates dirty and the glass cups are alaways has a left over soap,or that boys are
just really lazy and women likes organized environment.That is why women do the dishes and other house
hold chores.

2. Would you say that dishwashing is only for women?

would say people are capable of doing dishes,men or women we must clean our
dirty dishes because this is a part of our health and what ever goes into our stomach
we used are plates so they won't get bacteria and any kind of germs,doing dishes has no
gender preference when you are concered about your personal health.

3. What does this drama show about the position of women in the Philippine society?
Women are not treated fairly,They all do the hard work and yet they are unappriciated
by men,women are fighting for their rights yet men won't listen because of their pride
and child like behavior.

4. Point out character/s or situations in the play that reflect Filipino culture.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Women do all the house hold chores / the house wife and men will be the one working
day and night to support their family in their finances.

5. What cultural, social, or political conditions influence the characters to act or believe
that way?
maybe beacause of the weird befavior of the married couples acted towards
them,like who wouldn't be scared of a person who suddenly went quiet and
even how hard you tried it still dosen't work,in some point you became
desperate and will do anything just to make something go back to normal.

Key Concepts
Bias is defined as:

• A prejudice against something an author is writing about.

• favoritism for something an author is writing about.
• An author letting feelings or emotions cloud his/her objectivity with regard to
something he/she is writing about.

How to recognized author’s biases?

• Loo or loaded words – words that are charged with emotion (whether positive or
negative) can reveal an author’s opinion about his/her topic.
• Watch out for stereotypes – if the author labels an entire group, the writing is
probably biased.
• Notice vague language or generalizations – if the author isn’t using specific

language, this could be an indicator of bias.

Exercise 4. A. Examine biases made by the author. Cite words or lines that the author used
• Be on the lookout for one-sided arguments – if the author only presents one side of
that show she is for or against the following topic:
an argument, his/her writing is probably biased.

Topic For Against

beliefs or tradition
Herb doctor

B. What are your reactions to the drama “Why Women Wash Dishes”?

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


In my opinion it is very amusing that a wife and a hasband can fight with the most
simpliest thing to do and to think that they are fine to be buried 6 ft. underground so
they can win an argument and not just talk about lt like an adult person.As my mother
had said working together can make things faster and easier,so why not help each
other and avoid arguing?.

C. What do you think is the author’s purpose in writing the story?

that people will fight for their rights and to be appriciated and be respected
even until they die while in the other hand your ego is taking your whole body that
you dont even care if you're being burried 6th feet underground and not just talk about it
like an adult they are.

Carolina T. Gonzales, et al, English for 1st Century (Afro-Asian) Textbook

Exercise 5. Directions: Consider the following paragraphs. Read each one carefully then answer the
given questions.
1.“It’s morning again in America. Today more men and women will go to work than ever
before in our country’s history. With the interest rates at about half the records highs of 1980,
nearly 2,000 families today will buy new homes, more than at any time in in the past four
years. This afternoon 6,500 young men and women will be married, and with inflation at less
than half of what it was just four years ago, they can look forward with confidence to the future.
It’s morning again in America, and under the leadership of President Reagan, our country is
prouder and stronger and better. Why we ever want to return to where we were less than four
short years ago?’’
Written and narrated by ad man Hal Riney
SOURCE:http://en/ in America

A. What is the stand of the speaker in the ad?

that the society is improving,many are making their dreams come true and it adds up day by day
B. What are the facts he presented?
Men and women will go to work than ever before in the country's history and is prouder,stonger and much better.
C. What are the speaker’s biases?
the improvements of the past four years

2. While men complain about women talking too much, it’s actually men who are the
loudmouths. The fact that men talk more than women is directly linked to men’s more
dominant status in society. It seems that both men and women have the perception that men
have the right to talk more. That’s because in traditional marriage, the husband conducts most
of the family’s important business. In one minute segment of conversation, a woman will use
more qualifiers, such as adjectives and adverbs, while she talks. But a man will make concrete
points. Men are prone to say. “Let’s get to the point” or ask, “What’s the bottom line?” in their
conversation. But when women talk, they don’t get to the main point and it seems like a lot of
time is consumed.
-Magpayo et al.
Developing writing skills

A. What is the paragraph all about?

That men are complaining about women being talkavtive while in fact that men
are loud mouths that's becuase men are more dominant than women
in the statues of the society that we are currently living in.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


B. Does the author have a favorable view of men?

In my observation the author has more favorable view with women given the
fact that the author called men loudmouths.

C. What are the words used by the author to sway the reader’s mind?

D. Why do you think the author has this particular opinion or point of view?


3. Citizens of the Fairlawn Park area look with alarm at the diabolical plot to change a
beautiful spot into a baseball park. If this malicious plan is carried out the lovely trees
will be cut down. Values of the property within the area will drop sharply as the park
fills with filth and debris of the bulldozers and other equipment. Later the shrieks of
the young ruffians who take over the park will destroy the peace and quiet of the
neighborhood. Obviously no one cares about the poor citizens who has slaved to pay
for his home and to keep up with his taxes.>kendall

A. What is the author’s stand about the changes in the Fairlawn Park area?

B. Cite words or phrases in the paragraph that reveal the author’s biases.
C. What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing the text?

Exercise 6. Read each paragraph carefully. Identify the topic of each paragraph and give details
that the author used that show she or he is for or against the topic. Write your answers in the
box provided below each paragraph.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


1. My daughter’s boyfriend is very rude. He calls so late at night-sometimes as late as

12:00 at night! Yesterday he called me Henry instead of Mr. Quinez- I quickly
corrected him. So insulting! Today, he came over for a breakfast -without even asking
if it was okay.

__________________ __________________________________
___ __________________________________

2. When I met Mayor Geovelli, I noticed that he had the appearance of a hobo. He was
unshaved and wearing dirty clothes He spoke to me about his horrible plan to fix our
city’s roads. Anyone who knows the plan will tell you that it will bankrupt our city.
The plan to fix our roads mostly benefits friends of the Mayor. He plans to pay his
buddies in the construction business thousands of dollars over the next two years. I do
not want to insult anyone, but the Mayor is of Italian decent, and we all know what
reputation they have in this part of the country. Need I remind you of Al Capone and
other Italian Mafia members?

Topic _______________________________________
_________________ _______________________________________
_____ _______________________________________

3. Everyone who cooks should own a food processor. This marvelous invention is now
being used by over 12 million vegetarians, compared with only half that number a
couple of years ago. Vegetarians rarely have a weight problem since most vegetables
are low in calories and contain little or no fat. They do not suffer a build-up of
cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow older. Some doctors have suggested a link
between vegetarianism and longevity. As Americans become more health-conscious,
vegetarianism will certainly become more popular.>kendall

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.



Topic ________________________________

Exercise 7. Directions: In this activity, write 3-5 paragraphs about the role of men and
women in the society. Be guided with the rubrics provided. Write you answer in a separate
sheet of paper.

Criteria 25%

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding
0 pts 15 pts 25 pts
5 pts

Content & - Content is - Content is not - Content is accurate and - Content is

Development incomplete. comprehensive persuasive. comprehensive,
- Major points and /or - Major points are stated. accurate, and
are not clear. persuasive. - Responses are persuasive.
-Specific - Major points are adequate and address - Major points are
examples are addressed, but topic. stated clearly and are
not used. not well - Content is clear. well supported.
supported. -Specific examples are - Responses are
- Responses are used. excellent, timely and
inadequate or do address topic.
not address topic. - Content is clear.
examples do not
support topic.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Organization &
Structure - Organization - Structure of the -Structure of the paper
and structure paper is not easy - Structure is mostly is clear and easy to
detract from the to follow. clear and easy to follow. follow.
message. - Transitions - Transitions are present. - Transitions are
- Writing is need - Conclusion is logical. logical and maintain
disjointed and improvement. the flow of thought
lacks transition - Conclusion is throughout the paper.
of thoughts. missing, or if - Conclusion is logical
provided, does and flows from the
not flow from the body of the paper.
body of the

Grammar, - Paper - Paper contains - Rules of grammar, - Rules of grammar,

Punctuation contains few grammatical, usage, and punctuation usage, and punctuation
& Spelling numerous punctuation and are followed with minor are followed; spelling
grammatical, spelling errors. errors. is correct.
punctuation, Spelling is correct.
and spelling

Complete this statement:
What I have learned in this activity

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Carolina T. Gonzales, et al, English for 1st Century (Afro-Asian) Textbook, pp. 252-261

Answer Key
Exercise 1(possible answers)
Women Men
1. fragile 1. strong
2. affectionate 2.powerful
3. submissive 3.hunky
4. precious 4. athletic
5. talkative 5.hero
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
1. The tone of the story is humorous; however, it seriously shows the typical traditional role
of woman in the society
2. Nowadays, there are men who do household chores including washing dishes.
3. Traditionally, rural women in the Philippines do all the household chores, but the heavy
works that require more strength done by the household are usually done by men. The
Filipino women live in a culture that is focused on the community, with the family as the
main unit of society. At present, the Philippines is described as a nation of strong women,
who directly and indirectly run the family unit business and government agencies.
4. It is evident in the story that we Filipinos are very much willing to help each other. The
community also, believes in witchcraft.
5. Answers vary:
• Herb doctor and the neighbors believes in witchery
• The place or responsibilities of a mother and a father

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Exercise 4
Topic for Against
beliefs or Bury the couple at sunrise Witchcraft
men He worked hard in the field all Henpecked husband
morning He’s not going to wash the
women Answers may vary Should do all the housework
neighbors They are concerned about the Ka Neighbors as meddlers
Ugong and Ka Maldang
Herb doctor Answers may vary Answers may vary

B. Answers may vary

C. Answer may vary
Exercise 5
1. Apparently, the speaker is in favor of President Reagan since he is hopeful and positive
about the changes under his leadership.
B. With the interest rates at about half the records highs of 1980, nearly 2,000 families
will buy new homes.
C. The speaker tries to persuade others to believe in his opinion by mentioning that
under the leadership of President Reagan, their country will be prouder and stronger and
2. A. The paragraph talks about the issue of who between men and women has the right to
talk more.
B. No, the author has an unfavorable view of men.
C. The author used the phrase, “men complain about women talking too much”, and the
word loud mouth to show that he is against men.
D. Answers may vary
3. A. The citizens have a negative impression about the changes that will happen in the
Fairlawn Park area.
B. The author used the words “diabolical plot”, and “malicious plan” to show that he is
strongly disagrees with the changes in their park.
C. Answers may vary.

Exercise 6:
1. Daughter’s boyfriend
a. rude
b. so insulting
2. Mayor Geovelli
a. unshaved and wearing dirty clothes
b. horrible plan
c. the plan will tell you that it will bankrupt our city
3. Food processor
a. marvelous invention
b. vegetarianism will certainly become more popular.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Prepared by:

Gender roles in society means how we’re expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and
conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are
generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating,
and nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold
Every society, ethnic group, and culture has gender role expectations, but they can
be very different from group to group. They can also change in the same society over
time. For example, pink used to be considered a masculine color in the U.S. while
blue was considered feminine.

Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world
. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization
of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new
realities and challenges. They are likely to be the prime initiator of outside
assistance, and play an important role in facilitating (or hindering) changes in
family life.
while in the other hand most believe that being a good provider means supporting a
family financially. It means much more than that. A man should also contribute to the
emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of his family. In order to do
this, he must recognize that there are other currencies, in addition to money, that
need to be provided.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: ______________
Section: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
Cohesive Devices

Background Information for Learners

Cohesive devices refer to the conjunctions, connectives and pronouns used to link the parts
of a piece of writing. Cohesive devices are also called transitional
words, linkers, connectors, linking words, cohesive words, and discourse markers.

Here is a list of some most common transition words and phrases or cohesive devices
classified according to meaning:
Addition: in addition to, and, and then, too, moreover, besides, further, furthermore, indeed,
next, equally

Alternation: else, otherwise, both...and, as…so, either…or, neither...nor, not only…but also

Concession: it is true that, granted that, no doubt, to be sure

Contrast: conversely, but, on the other hand, yet, on the contrary, however, notwithstanding,
and yet, nevertheless, still

Comparison: as…so, so…as, similarly, likewise, in comparison with, in the same way

Illustration: as follows, for example, namely, for instance, such as, indeed, in fact, that is

Logical conclusion, result: so…that, so, therefore, in order that, thus, whereupon,
accordingly, thereupon, consequently, hence, then, as a consequence, as a result

Paraphrase or summary: in conclusion, that is, to summarize, in other words, to sum up, in
short, to conclude

Cohesive devices may also be classified as follows:

Conjunctive adverbs: further, notwithstanding, furthermore, accordingly, besides, so, also,

consequently, moreover, hence, likewise, therefore

Pure conjunctions: for, and, neither, but, or, yet, so

Correlatives: either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also

Looking at these lists, and knowing different uses of cohesive devices, you may tend
to memorize some of them but that is a mistake. Just like grammar and vocabularies, you
must learn to use them in actual sentences with the proper context.
In conclusion, we use cohesive devices to link sentences, paragraphs or any pieces of
text. In other words, cohesive devices make our content coherent. Sometimes, people tend to

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


overuse cohesive devices and this might confuse or irritate the readers. Remember to only
use cohesive devices when necessary.
Overusing cohesive devices or not using them enough might affect the reader negatively.

Learning Competency with Code

Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of speech.

ACTIVITY 1: Cohesion with adverbial conjunctions

Directions: Read each sentence below. Underline the correct cohesive device to make the
sentence coherent.
1. (Despite, However, Although) the rain, we still went to the beach.
2. (Despite, However, Although) it was raining, we still went to the beach.
3. It was raining. (Despite, However, Although), we still went to the beach.
4. I was washing my hair (since, once) the phone rang.
5. All flights were cancelled (because, due to) of the pandemic.
6. I was cooking (after, while) he was playing.
7. We decided to go for a walk (after, since) we had our breakfast.
8. A piece of wood hit the boy on the head. (Despite, Nevertheless), he was not injured.
9. I am not a sporty person and (neither, either) my brother.
10. She only accepted the job (although, because) the salary is high.

ACTIVITY 2: Cohesion with Pronouns

Cohesion is created when a noun in the 1st sentence is replaced by a pronoun – a subject or
object pronoun in the 2nd sentence.


(use these after a verb or a preposition)
He/She/They/It him/her/them/it

Directions: Read the 2 sentences below. Notice the underlined noun in the 1st sentence. In
the 2nd sentence, replace it with the correct subject or object pronoun.
Buntun bridge is found in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. It is considered as the longest river
bridge in the Philippines.

1. My grandmother will retire soon. ____ is planning to live in Canada after.

2. Where is Ralph? I did not see _____ all day.
3. Erika and Camille are good friends. _____ are always together.
4. Daniel is a good guy. ____ loves to help other people who are in need.
5. Robert and Jun are late. _______ should hurry.
6. Who is that girl? Do you know _____?
7. Aunt Mary is not here. _____ is at work.
8. Jack and Tom are busy. You can call ______ later.
9. Mr. Abad works at a hospital. _____ is a doctor.
10. We have new neighbors. I really like _______.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


ACIVITY 3: Cohesion with conjunctions

Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate cohesive devices. Choices were given inside
the box below.

Before in order to Than both…and

Until not only…but also Due to despite
But and When So

1. I learned ______ how to cook during quarantine ____ how to plant.

2. I love ______ my mother ____ my father.
3. Cactus ______ succulents are now on trend.
4. I like oranges more ______ apples.
5. We can go back to face-to-face learning modality ______ there is already a vaccine
for the virus.
6. Our family have plans to go abroad for a vacation _____ it was cancelled because of
the pandemic.
7. The game was cancelled ______ the bad weather.
8. We will stay here ____ the sun sets.
9. They worked overtime ____ finish the project.
10. We must bake the cake ______ we put the frosting on it.

ACTIVITY 4: Sentence construction

Directions: Use the following cohesive devices in your own sentences.
1. still
2. meanwhile
3. such as
4. besides
5. therefore
6. on the other hand
7. for instance
8. for example
9. otherwise
10. despite

ACTIVITY 5: Spot the cohesive devices.

Directions: Underline the cohesive devices used in the paragraph below.

There are a few things you can do to eliminate computer viruses. First, turn on
Windows Firewall. To do this, go to the Control Panel, and click on Windows Firewall. When
the window pops up, you should click on the button next to “Turn Firewall on.” Next,
download a good anti-virus program, like Kaspersky, Norton, or Avast. Before you run it,
make sure you shut down all programs, and also disconnect from the Internet. Now, run a full
scan with the program. When the scan is finished, follow the recommendations of the program
to delete or quarantine any viruses it finds. But before you delete any files, back up your
registry and make a restore point. This is important. For example, I once forgot to do this and

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


deleted an important file by accident, so I had to reinstall everything on my computer.

However, if these steps did not work, consult with a professional computer technician.

ACTIVITY 6: Writing
Directions: Write a speech
(entertaining/informative/demonstrative/persuasive/motivational) using at least 5
cohesive devices.

Complete this statement:

What I have learned in this activity


Activity 1
1. despite
2. although
3. however
4. once
5. because
6. while
7. after
8. nevertheless
9. neither
10. because

Activity 2
1. She
2. him
3. They
4. He
5. They
6. her
7. She
8. them
9. He
10. Them

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Activity 3
1. Not only…but also
2. Both…and
3. And
4. than
5. when
6. but
7. due to
8. until
9. in order to
10. before

Activity 4
Answers may vary

Activity 5

There are a few things you can do to eliminate computer viruses. First, turn on
Windows Firewall. To do this, go to the Control Panel, and click on Windows Firewall. When
the window pops up, you should click on the button next to “Turn Firewall on.” Next,
download a good anti-virus program, like Kaspersky, Norton, or Avast. Before you run it,
make sure you shut down all programs, and also disconnect from the Internet. Now, run a full
scan with the program. When the scan is finished, follow the recommendations of the program
to delete or quarantine any viruses it finds. But before you delete any files, back up your
registry and make a restore point. This is important. For example, I once forgot to do this and
deleted an important file by accident, so I had to reinstall everything on my computer.
However, if these steps did not work, consult with a professional computer technician.

Activity 6
Answers may vary

Prepared by


References: Bienvenido V. Santos, Ed.D, Simplicio R. Cabrera, Jr., Ana Marie B. San Diego,
Moving Ahead in English IV, FNB Educational, Inc. pages 376-377

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Name of Learner: ______________________ Grade Level:_______________
Section: ______________________________ Date:_____________________


Myanmar – The Golden Land
Background Information for the Learners

The Literature of Myanmar (Formerly Called Burma)

Myanmar literature started in the eleventh century, during the Bagan period. It was
initially written on stones which called the kyauksa. Today, these stones are still in
existence. Several works such as the Yakhaing minthami eigyin (Cradle Song of the
Princess Arakan), Maniratanapum (a collection of traditions), and Hatthipala Pyo (long
poems on the life of Buddha) were greatly influenced by India and Thailand.

In the fifteenth century, there was a shift in the theme of literature; it became
religious in nature. Some of their popular pieces include the Jataka tales told by Buddha to
answer his disciples’ questions, the kagyin or war poems written by monarchs, and prose
centered on law and history. Moreover, many dramas were written during the sixteenth to
eighteenth centuries.

During the British Colonial rule in the nineteenth century, Myanmar literature began
to evolve in style and form. Instruction was formalized and unified and often bilingual, in
both English and Burmese. And with the founding of the University of Rangoon in 1920, a
sudden increase in Burmese literary outputs came and literature became more nationalistic.

Learning Competency (Code): Appreciate literature as a mirror of people to a shared

In thediverse
heritage with 1930s,backgrounds
modern literature in Myanmar sprung and its first novel written was an
adaptation of Alexander Dumas’ “The Count of Monte Cristo”. Notable writers included
Dr. Htin Aung, who wrote “Burmese Drama and Burmese Folk Tales” and U Zhan Kaw, a
poet and short story writer, who wrote the biography, “Burma in My Lifetime.”

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Activity 1. Vocabulary Drill

Directions: Read the following Myanmar song. Accomplish the vocabulary tasks that

Rice Pounding Songs

(Folk Songs from Myanmar)
Translated by U Khan Saw

1 6
Set down the mortars, line them up neatly. I live in a house of teak,
Girls of the She Noun, take up the pestle- Bright at night with torches,
stones; It’s true my parents are strict;
Then we sing Shwe Nyaung and chant it Yet if you dare not come yourself,
merrily in time, You can at least send a letter.
As gracefully as we pound away.
2 The poor man is moping in the house,
What means that noise, that bustle we hear? Feeling out of sorts and shaky
Oh, a lady of the She Noun is giving alms, Because he’s short of opium.
With the music of drums and gongs. Very well, wry,
Sell my fine gold earplugs if you must,
3 But make sure get a good price for them!
There is red-gold radiance over there;
Perhaps the sun has risen. 8
No, it’s the dyed robes of the monks My handsome brother, a word with you
On their rounds with their begging bowls. Before you leave for lower country;
Come fill them with alms – food! If you find a wife there do not leave her;
Bring her to us, we’ve use for her.
4 She can fetch us water, gather firewood,
This Chicrkransia which I planted And pound our rice – oh, lots of uses!
Isn’t it lovely? Tiny buds on slender stems
But if you pluck them before they flower, 9
My plant will wither away, you know. I’ve bought a pair of sandals,
Such pretty red sandals.
5 But I shan’t wear them yet.
Hey there, maiden at the loom, When you and I are truly wedded,
What cloth are you weaving? Then I shall wear them.
Oh, need you ask, in these thin times?
It’s cotton coverlet for me.

Source: Rice Pounding Songs Vol. 2 by U Khin Zaw, 1954 (Folk Songs from Burma)

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


1. Directions: Unlock the meaning of the highlighted words in the text. Use them in a
sentence with the letters of the word POUND as the initial letters of the first word of each

Please do not pluck the bird’s feathers. (The first letter of the first word started with P.)

1. P _________________________________________________________________
2. O _________________________________________________________________
3. U _________________________________________________________________
4. N _________________________________________________________________
5. D _________________________________________________________________

2. Directions: Review the song. Find out which of these literary devices were used by the

Literary Devices Meaning Examples

1. Assonance The repetition of the same vowel A noisy noise annoys an
sound in words oyster.
2. Alliteration The repetition of initial letter in He’s the tutor who tooted a
successive words for effect flute.
3. Consonance The repetition of the same The bad dog dug a deep hole.
consonant sound in words
4. Onomatopoeia The use of a word that imitates the I hear the buzz of busy bees.
sound it represents
5. Cliché A word or phrase that has become No pain, no gain.
overly familiar or commonplace Don’t worry, be happy.

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________

Activity 2. Let’s Discuss!

Directions: Go back to the text. Answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the message of the folk song?


2. What particular role of Myanmar wives is mentioned in the song? Which stanza gives the
answer to this question?

3. In stanza 2, how is the lady described?

4. In Stanza 3, what particular group of Buddhist monks is referred to?
5. Describe the rich man in stanza 6 and the poor man in stanza 7.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


6. To whom is stanza 8 addressed to? Does this show high regard for women? Justify your
7. What occasion may be gleaned in stanza 9?
8. What does the color red signify in the last stanza?

Activity 3. Myanmar and Philippines in Perspective

Directions: Analyze the Rice Pounding Song of Myanmar and Planting Rice Song of the
Philippines. Compare them in terms of the following points and choose a graphic organizer
to present your output. Be guided by the given rubric.

• Theme
• Literary Devices
• People’s Way of Living
• Cultural Beliefs
• Social Issues

Rice Planting Song

(Filipino Folksong)

1 5
Planting rice is never fun It is hard to be so poor
Bent from morn till the set of sun, And such sorrow and pain endure,
Cannot stand and cannot sit, You must move your arms about,
Cannot rest for a little bit. Or you'll find you must go without.

Planting rice is no fun
Bent from morn till set of sun,
Cannot stand, cannot sit,
Cannot rest a little bit.

Oh, come friends and let us
homeward take our way,
Now we rest until the dawn is gray,
Sleep, welcome sleep,
we need to keep us strong
Morn brings another workday long.

Oh, my back is like to break,
Oh, my bones with the damp still ache,
And my legs are numb and set
For their long soaking on the wet.

Note: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


Rubric for Graphic Organizer

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Organization • Extremely well • Organized • Somewhat • Poorly
organized • Structure organized organized.
• Order & structu allows reader • Structure • A clear sense
re of to move allows reader to of direction is
information is through content move through not evident.
compelling and without some of the • Flow is
flows smoothly confusion. content without frequently
• Flows confusion. interrupted.
smoothly • Flow is
Content • Thorough and • Complete • Shows some • Shows incomp
insightful understanding understanding lete
understanding of the two of the two understanding
of the two songs songs songs of the two
Creativity • Enthusiastically • Use of materials • Shows some • Shows minimal
uses materials and ideas for use of materials effort for
and ideas for enhancement and ideas enhancement of
enhancement materials and
Ideas • Insightful and • Ideas • Ideas are • Ideas are
well considered are considered; somewhat on unclear
ideas making more than one topic; makes • few
multiple thoughtful some connections
connections connection is connections

Activity 4. Paraphrasing Time

Directions: Choose 2 stanzas in the song. Paraphrase them. Make sure that the original
meaning is captured and the original length is retained.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Rubric for Paraphrasing

Progressing Proficient Exemplary
Not Met
(10) (15) (20)
Student uses
Student uses effective
effective paraphrasing
paraphrasing strategies, does
Student is in
strategies and not violate any of
minor violation of
The text is does not violate the paraphrasing
one of the
plagiarized due any of the rules (order,
to a major paraphrasing phrasing, ideas),
Paraphrasing rules (order,
violation of rules (order, and develops a
phrasing, ideas),
paraphrasing phrasing, ideas), smooth, natural
but the text cannot
rules. but the sounding
be considered
paraphrased text paraphrase of the
is not completely original text with
smooth and grade level
controlled. appropriate

Activity 5. Let Your Voice Be Heard

Directions: One of the messages of the text is equality between men and women. Centered
on the idea, “Men and Women are Equal”, write a persuasive speech of at least three
paragraphs. You may use the box to brainstorm and organize your thoughts before drafting
your speech.



Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times




Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Checklist for Editing

Put a check (√) as appropriate.

Does the speech have three paragraphs?

Does the introduction have a hook and a thesis?
Does the body paragraph have a topic sentence?
Does the body paragraph give reasons and explanations?
Does the conclusion refer to the main idea of the essay?
Are connectors used to show support or opposition between ideas?
Did the essay reach 175-200 word count?

Persuasive Speech Rubric

Score Task Achievement Structure Grammar &Accuracy

30 • Addresses task fully • Writing is cohesive • Uses a wide range of
• Well rounded in all • Progresses logically structures
aspects • Sentences and • Few mistakes in taught
• Excellent supporting paragraphs skillfully structures
ideas crafted • Rare and minor errors
• Meets required length or slips
25-29 • Addresses task • Writing follows logical • Uses a variety of
sufficiently sequence structures
• Well-developed • All aspects of sentence • Good use of taught
response and paragraph structures
• Good supporting ideas structure are well • Majority of sentences
• Good conclusion managed are error free
• Meets required length
20-24 • Addresses all parts • Writing is coherent • Adequate control of
of task, but some with clear progression taught structures
more fully covered throughout • Some errors, but do not
than others • Adequate overall impede meaning
• Adequate content and structure, but
conclusion cohesion between
• Adequate supporting sentences and
ideas paragraphs may falter
• Supporting details well
15-19 • Addresses task • Some organization • Limited range of
partially but not evenly structures

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


• Unclear development organized • Limited control over

• Some main ideas • Some cohesion taught structures
presented, but not evident, but • Mistakes predominate
developed structure • Punctuation
• Some ideas collapses in parts often faulty
10-14 • Does not address task • No logical progression • Attempts
adequately • No control of sentences, but
• Few ideas, mostly organization errors distort
undeveloped or meaning
irrelevant • Only uses memorized
• No topic sentence, few phrases
details, no conclusion
0-9 • Writing is off topic • No logical message • Cannot use sentence
• Not related to the task forms at all

The Rice Pounding Song of Myanmar literature shows some of the country’s issues
on gender roles and social stature. Think back and reflect on the following points:

1. How did Myanmar literature help you understand its culture?


2. What is the greatest lesson the literature has taught you?


3. Today, do you think these issues still hold true? If yes, how could they be resolved? If
no, how were they resolved?



A. Books

Gonzales, Carolina, et. al., (2018). English for 21st Century Learning (Afro-Asian). Department
of Education.

Savage, A. & Shafiei, M. (2007). Effective Academic Writing. Oxford University Press: USA

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


B. Websites

Burmese literature. Retrieved from

Philippine folksongs (2011). Retrieved from

Rice Pounding Songs (2019). Retrieved from

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Answer Key

Activity 1A
1. Passing by the garden each day at seven in the morning, Keddy would pluck a rose
flower for his loved one.
2. Odie opened the room and searched under the coverlet to locate where the ring was.
3. Using teak to build houses rather than light materials is very necessary nowadays.
4. Never was it thought in history that the opium in China would extremely damage
5. Dave nodded at Danica and gave her a wry smile during the party.

Activity 1B
1. Assonance - No, it’s the dyed robes of the monks
2. Alliteration - Oh, need you ask, in these thin times
3. Consonance - Tiny buds on slender stems
4. Onomatopoeia - With the music of drums and gongs
5. Cliché - Isn’t it lovely?

Activity 2
1. Men and women are equal, rich or poor deserve to be happy
2. Stanza 8 – Bring her to us, we’ve use of her. She can fetch us water, gather firewood,
and pound our rice.
3. The lady is sharing food during a festive season.
4. These Buddhist monks come from monasteries that live simply and depend on common
people for their living.
5. The rich man lives in a house made of teak while the poor man is a servant.
6. It is addressed to women who are expected to help or do chores.
7. A marriage/wedding
8. Red means good luck

Activity 3
Answers may vary

Activity 4
Example: Stanza 2
What does the bustle nearby mean?
There’s a woman from She Noun sharing food
In the rhythmic beat of drums and gongs

Activity 5
Answers may vary

Prepared by:

Teacher III
Cataggaman National High School
SDO-Tuguegarao City

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Name of Learner:_____________________ Grade Level:_____________
Section:_____________________________ Score:_____________________



Background Information for Learners

Propaganda is a technique that attempts to influence the opinion, emotion, attitude or behavior
of other people. When a piece of writing tries to persuade you to think or feel a certain way, it
is called propaganda. Sales talk and political speeches are obvious examples of propaganda,
aimed at persuading you to buy a product or vote for a certain candidate. One of the most
widespread forms of propaganda is advertising.
Advertising calls the attention of the public to a product or business, especially to
promote sales. You, the youth, are the most common targets of advertising. The power of
advertising leads you to believe that one brand of rubber shoes is better than another, or that it
is “cool” to sport a T-shirt with a designer label on it. From newspaper and magazines, from
radio and TV, and especially from the billboards we see as we walk down the street, we
encounter advertising countless times everyday.

Learning Competency with code

Analyze intention of words or expressions used in propaganda techniques
(Quarter 3, week) EN8V-111h-26

5 Types of Propaganda Techniques

1. Bandwagon---“ Everyone else is doing it!”
2. Loaded words---“Those words are powerful!”
3. Testimonial---“I trust celebrities and experts.”
4. Transfer---“ A picture is worth a thousand words”
5. Repetition---I remember things I see often”

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Activity 1: Ad Analysis
Directions: Analyze the advertisement of “Sunsilk” shampoo and explain its message or
purpose by supplying what are asked in the boxes.

Product Description:The Year 2012 Sunsilk

Shampoo on 375ml volume
Smoother & more manageable so hair always falls
back into place! Cleanse & Refresh...and smoothen
fluffy hair from the first wash. Infused with
nourishing creamy yogurt energizers, it gently
cleanses and wraps around hair strands, so hair is less
fluffy and more manageable.

1. What do you see? 2. What symbol (picture, person, color, words) is

used in the advertisement? Is the symbol used
clear or easy to understand?

3. Why do you think this symbol is used? What is the message or purpose of the advertisement?

4. What words or expressions helped you 5. What propaganda technique was utilized?
identify the intention of the advertisement?

Activity 2: Propaganda Hunter

Directions: Observe commercials on TV, radio, magazine or newspaper. List two (2)
of each kind of propaganda used.
Propaganda Examples
1. Name-calling
2. Glittering Generalities
3. Transfer
4. Testimonial
5. Card Stacking
6. Bandwagon


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


1. Most of the propaganda techniques specified are not included in the list that was given
earlier. Include the propaganda techniques enumerated in Activity 2 in the list that
was given in the discussion or Background Information for Learners.
2. Add columns that require answers necessary in the attainment of the competency.
Refer to questions 3 and 4 in Activity 1.
Activity 3: Come One, Come All!
Directions: Your English Club will hold a stage play for the benefit of CoVid-19 patients. The
ticket will cost P100.00 each. Create a colorful blurb or flier to be distributed in your school
to attract more students to buy tickets and watch the show.

Note: Use a literary piece from Afro-Asian literature.

Exemplary 9-10 Accomplished 7-8 Developing 4-6 Beginning 3-1 TOTAL
points points points points
Content Flier addresses all Flier addresses Flier has some Flier is poorly
the necessary some of the good ideas. It organized and
information and necessary lacks the difficult to
elements. It is information and necessary understand. It
clear and well elements. It information and does not include
organized. follows pattern. elements to believable facts.
make this flyer
Technical There is little or There are few There are There are many
no grammatical spelling and several spelling spelling and
errors in the flier. grammatical and grammatical grammatical
It is clear and errors in the flier errors in the errors in the
organized. It is organization is flier. It needs flier. It is poorly
easy to follow. good. There is more organized. It
There is good use some use of organization. lacks creativity.
of visual displays. visual displays.
Timeliness Output is Output is Output is Output is
submitted three or submitted two submitted a day submitted on
more days after days after the after the time.
the deadline. deadline. deadline.>document
Activity 4: Read Me!
Directions: Read the following excerpt from Leon Panetta’s article “The Price of Spin Versus
Truth”. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Huey Long- the infamous Louisiana politician of the Thirties—once promised a
certain constituency in an election campaign that he would deliver a public works project
to them if elected. When he failed to deliver the project after he was elected, he was asked
why. His reply: ‘’I lied!”
Long’s admission was brutally frank. It was the kind of honesty that worked well for
Long. Why is it so difficult to work for many of those in public office today?
The typical strategy is to tell people what consultants and pollsters say the public wants to
hear and when the facts prove differently, to keep repeating the same words in the hope
that repetition somehow will make it right. But there is a terrible price to be paid for this
political ‘’spin” game – the lost of trust of the people…

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


As our parents did, we try to teach our children to be truthful. Our very democracy
is dependent on a strong relationship of trust between the people and their leaders. But in
recent years, whether because of lost values or the ease and speed of modern
communications, a bad example is being set for future generations by those who tell people
the political message rather than what is really happening.
This may provide some short-term political gains, but ultimately, the nation pays a
terrible price. Huey Long decided to tell the simple truth when he said he lied in his
campaign. It might just be that telling the simple truth can work to restore both our politics
and our democracy. Long knows, it’s worth a try.
From The Price of ‘Spin’ Versus the “Truth” by Leon E. Panetta , The Monterey County Herald, September 09,2001

Respond with your thoughts below.

1. Panetta says,” honesty…worked well for Long. Why is it so difficult to work for
many of those in public office today?”
What kind of honesty worked well with Long? Can you consider it a form of honesty?
Why do you think public officials find it difficult to be honest?
2. Do you agree with Panetta when he says that due to the “spin game”, the people have
lost trust in government and politics? Why? What evidence makes you tell this?
3. Panetta also states, “a bad message is being set for future generations by those who
tell people the political message rather than what is really happening.” How do you
interpret this comment? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
4. “This [spin]may provide some short-term political gains, but ultimately, the nation
pays a terrible price.” What price do you think Panetta is implying?
Activity 5: Bring Out the Star in You
Directions: Invent or create your own piece of advertisement (sales, media, politics etc.) or TV
commercial using any of the propaganda strategies discussed. Send your output
privately to the messenger account of your teacher. For those who do not have
gadgets, you may opt to create a Print Advertisement instead.



Originality The project The project The work is an The work is a
shows shows some extensive minimal collection
significant evidences of collection and or work of other
evidence of originality and work of other people’s ideas,
originality and inventiveness. people’s ideas, products and
inventiveness. products and images.
The majority of images. There is no
the content and There is little evidence of new
many of the evidence of new thought.
ideas are fresh, thought or
original, and inventiveness.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Writing The writing is The writing is The writing is The writing is

legible, clear and legible and clear mostly legible and illegible and/or
grammatically with few clear with some unclear with full
correct. The grammatical grammatical grammatical
writing entices errors. The errors. The errors. The writing
the consumer. writing entices writing is is unenticing.
the consumer. somewhat
Presentation The The The advertisement The advertisement
Format advertisement is advertisement is is pleasing and is a is unoriginal and is
aesthetically aesthetically satisfactory not an example of
pleasing, pleasing/creative example of the the chosen format.
creative and / or original and a chosen format.
original example good example of
of the chosen the chosen
format. format.
Advertising The The The advertisement The chosen
Technique advertisement advertisement uses the advertising
uses the chosen uses the advertising technique is not
advertising advertising technique followed or no
technique technique very satisfactorily, but advertising
excellently and satisfactorily and not creatively. technique exists.
creatively. somewhat


Complete this statement:

What I have learned in this activity


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times



Karpowicz, Josh. "Loaded Words". Propaganda Techniques, 2020.
From The Price of ‘Spin’ Versus the “Truth” by Leon E. Panetta , The Monterey County
Herald, September 09,2001

Answer Key

Activity 1. Answers may vary

Activity 2. Answers may vary

Activity 3. Answers may vary
Activity 4. Answers may vary
Activity 5. Answers may vary
Prepared by:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


“All right, all right. Come out.” Ka Maldang put her broom behind the door.
Ka Ugong returned to his seat opposite her at the table.
“What have you to say?” asked Ka Maldang, wiping her eyes.
“Let’s stop quarreling over the plates. Let’s have a wager. The first one of us who will speak after
I’d said ‘Begin’ will wash the dishes. Always”
“Only that?” said Ka Maldang. “The first one who talks will always wash the plates, and bowls, and
pots and pans. Always.”
“Right.” said Ka Ugong. “If you ever say just one word to me or to anybody, or to anything after I
had said ‘Begin’, you will always wash the dishes.”
“That’s easy. I can keep my mouth shut even for a week. You can’t. You even talk to your carabao.”
“All right, are you ready?” asked Ka Ugong.
Ka Maldang sat upright in front of him across the table. She nodded her head, compressed her
lips, and Ka Ugong said “Begin.”
They both fell silent. They sat at the table looking at each other across the unwashed plates and
bowls and spoons. They did not like to leave each other for fear that one would talk to himself
without the other’s hearing. They sat there just staring.

Soon the cat began to mew for its food. Neither Ka Maldang nor Ka Ugong paid attention to its
mewing. The cat jumped upon the drying dishes to lick the leftovers. Ka Maldang did not drive the
cat away. Neither did Ka Ugong. The cat licked the pot and pan on it, overturned a kettle, spilled
its contents, then went to lie down under the table. Ka Ugong pretended that nothing had
happened. He continued to sit still, and so did Ka Maldang.
Soon, it was getting late in the afternoon but they went on sitting mutely at the lunch table. Their
eyes were tired from staring hard at each other. Tears began to roll down their cheeks. Ka Ugong’s
shirt became damp with his sweat. Ka Maldang’s sweat gathered on her fore heat, and trickle down
to the sides of her face, and fell drop by drop to her breast.
A neighbor called, “Compadre Ugong! Oh! Compadre!”
Ka Ugong did not answer.

The neighbor called again, “Comadre Maldang! Yoo-hoo Comadre Maldang. Yoo-hoo, Compadre
Ugong, may I borrow your ax?”
Ka Maldang did not answer. Ka Ugong looked at her silently.
“Perhaps nobody is at home,” they heard the neighbor say to himself. “But why did they leave their
ladder at the door? They usually remove the ladder when they go away. Well, I’ll just go up get the
ax and return it later.” The neighbor went up.
When the neighbor went u the bamboo ladder he was surprised to see Ka Maldang and Ka
Ugong sitting silently at the table where the plates had dried up with the leftovers. He hurried
toward them.

Ka Ugong nether moved nor talked. The neighbor repeated his question. He shook Ka Ugong;s
shoulder. Ka Ugong let him shake him, closing his lips tighter.
The neighbor turned to Ka Maldang. “Speak, Comadre! What happened?” He shook her shoulders,
She pushed him roughly aside but did not speak.
“Did you eat something poisonous? Some food that has made you dumb?” He shook each one
alternately. But still neither stood up nor talked.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times

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