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Chapter Five: 5.1. Conclusion

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This chapter will present conclusions and recommendations based upon the research


5.1. Conclusion

The Independent variable “Application Functionality” and the dependent variable

“Customer Satisfaction” of ride hailing services (Go-Jek and Uber) are not

statistically significant. Based on the finding results out of 5 sub variables of Go-Jek,

Indonesia only two of them were below P value threshold of 0.05 while those of

Uber, out of 5 sub variables, only 3 sub variables were below the P value threshold of


The Independent variable “Usefulness of ride hailing services” and the dependent

variable “Customer Satisfaction” are not statistically significant. Based on the

findings, all 5 sub variables of Go-Jek were above the P value threshold of 0.05 while

3 sub variables out of 5 sub variables of Uber were below P value threshold value of


The study theories support the strategies used in developing products within the

application of those two ride hailing companies in creating Blue Ocean. From the

theory of Rate of Adoption where it has expressed on how the services has started


been accepted in the market to the point right now where people has found its

importance. Also, the theory of Generic strategies it has explained on how the study

managed to blend both cost leadership and differentiation strategies that the

companies were using to manage their operation within the market ground. And last

was the discussion of the Blue Ocean strategy, where the study has explained on all

the issues related to how it has managed to solve the pain of the customers as well as

for them to grow more in the competitive market.

5.2 Recommendation

Both ride hailing services used in this study need to continue actively investing in

technology. Because technology is rapidly changing along with changing social

trends and expanding customer expectations, further research should be conducted by

these companies to better understand how to use these technological advancements in

creating more services and customer demand.

The analysis of this study indicated that, these two ride hailing companies need to

continue further research and development in regards to the factors which were not

statistical significant. For Go-Jek Indonesia their smartphone application should be of

a high professional designed standard, made simpler, user friendly, and to be fast

loading. Also multiple languages should be included to cover a larger range of

potential customers. In regards to the usefulness of Go-Jek services, they should be

prompt, safer, the fares should be transparent fares and promotions should be

available to users who pay using cash. For Uber Tanzania customers they want the

quick availability of services, the application also need to be simplified and made

more user friendly. Some other important features are cashless payments and the

addition of other services.

Further recommendation to Go-Jek, is that they need to facilitate the use of other

products within its application. The researcher believes that in spite of Go-Jek being

very new in the market, but it has proven the high usability of technology through

development of its products which have been customize in accordance to the need of

its customers. This can somehow prove that the results of Go-Jek customer in relation

to transportation were unsatisfactory because majority of customers are fond of other

products aside from transportation such as Go-Food, Go-Pay etc.

Also, the researcher believes that, companies that follow these strategies should ripe

greater profit and great market share. The growth of these successful companies with

their large profit will hopefully allow them to contribute to other broader areas. For

example, addressing environmental issues and providing societal benefits such as

greater employment opportunities.

Lastly, to the Policy makers and regulators also need to be actively involved by

looking at the current rules, regulations and laws which are in place to ensure that


they are applicable to the evolving industry. If they are not current doing so, this

needs being given a priority in the near future.


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