Gujarat Technological University: Semester - V Subject Name: Python Programming
Gujarat Technological University: Semester - V Subject Name: Python Programming
Gujarat Technological University: Semester - V Subject Name: Python Programming
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3151108
Semester – V
Subject Name: Python Programming
Prerequisite: Fundamental knowledge about computer systems and positive aptitude to learn
programming, Basic knowledge of C Programming.
Python is general purpose programming language becomes very popular in last decade. In this age, every
Electronics, Electrical and Computer engineers must learn Python Programming to build applications in
their core domain. Python is becoming popular in artificial intelligence and machine learning. MicroPython
is sub-set of Python Programming useful to port in hardware for embedded and IoT applications.
w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3151108
dictionaries, Importing own module as well as external modules,
Programming using functions, modules and external packages
4 Python File Operations: 4 15%
An introduction to file I/O, use text files, use CSV files, use binary files,
Handle a single exception, handle multiple exceptions, Illustrative
programs, Exercises
5 MicroPython: 8 25%
Introduction, main difference between MicroPython and Python,
Installation of MicroPython on Hardware, MicroPython libraries, GPIO
programming on MicroPython Hardware, Sensor Programming using
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. John V Guttag. “Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python”, Prentice Hall
of India
2. Python Programming Fundamentals- A Beginner's Handbook by Nischay kumar Hegde
3. Kenneth A. Lambert, “Fundamentals of Python – First Programs”, CENGAGE Publication
4. Introduction to Python for Engineers and Scientists, By. Sandeep Nagar, Apress
5. MicroPython for the Internet of Things (A Beginner’s guide to programming with Python on
microcontrollers) By. Charles Bell, Apress
Course Outcomes:
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3151108
CO-2 To create applications using Python Programming 20
CO-4 To write programs for general purpose I/O devices using MicroPython 30
List of Experiments:
[4] Write python programs to create functions and use functions in the program
[7] To become familiar with MicroPython and NodeMCU. Configure NodeMCU for MicroPython.
[8] Write program in MicroPython to send digital data on GPIO pins of NodeMCU and glow LED
connected with NodeMCU or any other MicroPython supported board.
[9] Connect Digital/Analog I/O module with NodeMCU and write program to display temperature in
[10] Connect NodeMCU with with WiFi Access Point and transmit data from NodeMCU to Cloud. Connect
Digital/Analog I/O module with NodeMCU and send temperature and light data on cloud (Thingspeak,
Firebase or any other cloud service)
Major Equipment/software:
Digital analog Input Output boards consisting LEDs, Switches, LDR, Temperature sensor, POT
Python Software
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3151108
Turtle -
PyLab -
Anaconda software
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19