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Vocalize!: Composed and Arr. Andy Beck

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The document discusses vocal warm-up exercises aimed at developing good vocal technique.

Exercises like 'Feet Are Firmly Planted', 'With a Joyful Tone', and 'Project' are mentioned.

The jazzy canon exercise was inspired by 'Take Five' by Dave Brubeck.


45 Accompanied Vocal Warm-Ups

that Teach Technique
Composed and arr. Andy Beck
Each exercise in this valuable resource is designed to reinforce
fundamental vocal concepts for choral and solo singers of any age.
Organized in 11 focused categories, the purpose of every warm-up Available in
is evident, and clearly stated directions optimize growth. Supportive
piano accompaniments, including progressive modulations, are lightly
orchestrated on the enclosed recording—perfect for ensemble rehearsals,
studio lessons, or at-home practice. As an added bonus, PDF files on the
VOCALIZE! – Singer Page 2
enhanced CD provide extracted vocal lines on reproducible singer pages.

Come Now, Let Our Voices Ring

00-40024 | Book & Enhanced CD | $34.99

Topics and Titles Include:

For many singers, the healthiest part of the voice is in the middle range. This exercise begins in that “sweet
Posturespot” (for most) and gently descends.
BreathBeSupport Dynamics/Articulations
cautious not to add extra weight as the notes go down, but rather Scales/Intervals
Feet Are Firmly Planted
float like a feather to the lowerFlying, Sighing
pitches. Dynamics Are Fancy and Fine Do Is Like a Rock
Roll Your Shoulders Take Time to Breathe Sing Legato, Sing Staccato
Beginning Warm-Ups Octaves and
1 Sevenths
Optional: Sing only the vowel sounds of each word, drawing attention to mouth shape and space.
Though theCome
Notes Now,May Rise
Let Our Voices RingResist Caving In Sing We Sforzando Sing a Half Step

b 4
Drop Your Jaw
& b bbb 4 œ œ Don’t œTone Quality
œ Wantœ to œBe Throaty
œ. œ ‰ œ
œAre Planned
œ œ œ 42 44
Ó Songs
All Through the Night
Nee, Neh, Nah, Noh, Noo Never
Come now, let our Louder Than Lovely
voic - es ring. Seashells
“Al - le - lu - ia” we will sing. Music in the Morning
With a Joyful Tone Project Woodchuck The Turtle Dove
Beginning Warm-Ups 1
Come Now, Let Our Voices Ring

b bbb 44 œ Want ‰ œ œ œ œ 42 4 Ó
I &Just œ œ œ to
œ Sing œ œ 4˙
I just want to Sing

## 4 œ œ.
& 4 œCome œ œnow,œ letœ œourœ voic œ œ œ œ “Al
- es œring.
œ œ œ- leœ - luœ - œia” œ œ weœ œwillœ œ sing.œ œ œ Œ
This simple exercise is a great way to capture the attention of singers at the start of rehearsal. It serves as
a cue to “singIcorrectly”
just want every
to singtime.
to- day,
Beand sing of
mindful coreverything
-rect-ly all you
the way,to sing good
know about cor -rect -ly is
vocal the on - lyandway to sing.
apply it throughout. Beginning Warm-Ups 1
Come Now, Let Our Voices Ring
Optional: Try to perform the four-bar phrase in one breath.
b 4 2 4
&#b b4bb 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. ‰ œ œ œ œ 4 œ œ 4 ˙
I just want to Sing
œ œ œ sing.œ œ œ Œ
Sing a Joyful Song
& b 4 œCome œ œnow,œ letœ œourœ voic œ œ œ œ “Al
-œes œring.
œ œ- leœ - luœ - œia” œ œweœ will
&b b C œ œ œ œ ˙. Œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Œ œ œ
I just want to sing to- day, and sing cor -rect-ly all the way,to sing cor -rect-ly is the on - ly way to sing.
Sing a joy - ful song, sing it all day long. Fa la

&b b œ œ œ œ
I just want to Sing œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙
Sing a Joyful Song

& bb#b44Claœ œ la œ œla œ œla œ la œ laœ œla,œŒ œfa œ la œ la œ laœ œlaPrice

Sing a Joyful Song œ œislainœU.S.œ$la.and subject
œ œŒ œ œ
Πwithout notice.
œ œ œ œ œ
to change
& œ œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ ˙
I just want to sing to- day, and sing cor -rect-ly all the way,to sing cor -rect-ly is the on - ly way to sing.
Singthe jaw
Without forcing a or joy - ful
tongue, song,
allow the sing inside
mouth to be open both it andall day
out on words long.
like “song,” Fa la
Warm - ing up our voic - es, read - y, set, let’s go: do, re, mi, fa, sol, mi, sol, fa, mi, re, do.
Sing loud and proud when it’s for - te, sing soft when pi - an - o is the sign, make a

bb j j

&2 b b œ œ œ œ. œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ Dynamics/Articulations ˙ Ó
Dynamics are Fancy and Fine

Feetb b Are Firmly Planted

& b b 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
me f- di - um sound when mez - zo VOCALIZE!
is a - round,– Singer
p dyPage
- nam11
-ics are fan - cy and fine.

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ
Sing We Sforzando
Sing Legato,
Good standing Sing
Sing loudis absolutely
posture and proud essential
when it’s for
- te,singing.sing
Followsoft when closely
the lyrics pi - an -as
o instructions
is the sign, make a

# 4 j j j j
& bb#bb4 œœ œœ œ œ œ.œ œœ œœ œœ œœ ˙œ œ œ.‰ ‰œ œ.j œ‰ œœ. ‰œ œ.jœ‰ œ œ.œ œ. œ.˙ œ œj Ó‰ Œ
for proper alignment. Check yourself as each body part is mentioned,Posture mf relaxing into position and
avoiding tension.

. .
Feet are Firmly Planted
Before performing this exercise, try to sustain the highest pitch at your fullest forte, then try it at your softest
b 4
&b 4 œ œ œ œ œ Œ
pianissimo. How quickly can you get from one to the other? Add a controlled crescendo after the initial

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙.
Sing le- um
- gasound
- to, fa la la la la.
œ œ ˙
to go! when mez - zo is a - round,Sing dystac
me - diready
attack and you’re - -ics
- nam ca are- to,fan - cy ha
andha ha
fine.ha ha.
Note: Sforzando may be abbreviated sf or sfz. When followed immediately by p, the correct notation is sfp.
Feet are firm - ly plant - ed on the ground. Knees and hips and chest a - lign. 40024
Sing We Sforzando

b mf
Sing Legato, Sing Staccato

& b#4# 4œ œ œ œ œ j œœj ‰œ jœ‰ œœ œ ˙ Ó jÓ‰ Œ

sfp mf

& 4 4˙ œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œœ œ ˙ ˙wPosture
œ œ œ. ‰ œœj œ‰ . ˙œ. . . œ. œ. œ
. . 1
Feet areShoul -ders
Firmly are
Planted re - laxed, arms hang - ing down. Head is bal -anced on the spine.
Sing le - ga - to, we fa la sfor
la la -la. zan Sing stac- - ca - do!
to, ha ha ha ha ha.

& bb 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. Œ
We Are œ
Sing We Sforzando œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ
& 4433 mfœ ˙ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ sfp
We AreRelease ˙w Œ œ œ œ mfœ ˙ œ Óœ œ ˙.
Feet are firm - ly plant - ed on the ground. Knees and hips and chest a - lign.
p cresc. poco a poco

& 4b œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ ˙œ œ Ó œ
œœ œ œa - œvoidœ anœ-œy strain.
& b Reœ˙œ - œlax,œ œ reœœ- lease, fromœall œ ˙
Free œ
˙ we œ as- - cend, do! tenœ
- sion, tight - ness, or pain.
The popular gym workout phrase, “no pain, no gain,” has absolutely no truth for singers! Never allow loud
Sing are cres -wecen - do -
sfor ing - as
zan grow - ing
Follow the dynamics closely. Imagine seven numbers on the volume dial of a music player. Each measure strain- er the
Shoulin-ders are re
or- throat.
laxed, arms hang
fInstead, - for
ing comfort
down. from head
Head to
is toe.
bal -anced
poco on
a pocothe spine.
˙. œ œ œ
or tightness the body strive decresc.

& bœ œ œ ∑ bœ œ œ
you sing is one level louder or softer than the previous measure.
Roll Your Shoulders
Optional: Perform
Count upthis
We Are Crescendoing exercise
or down onwhile swayingasgently
your fingers from side
you change to side. Release your legs, knees, arms,
4 er poco
elbows, shoulders, neck, and head.
& b3 4p œ-cresc. œ awepoco
œ climb. œ ˙ œ œde - cres - cen - do - ingŒ
Relax,high We’re
œ œ œ œ
& 43
& 4 œ ˙ œ œœ ˙ œ œ œ œ œœ œ ˙ œ
Œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œœœ ˙pœœ ˙. œ
& œ Roll œ your œshoul - ders œ high œ and œ œ low,asœ weœbackœas œand
œ œforth, œ and to and fro.
- cend,œ grow œ œ loud -˙.er the
We are cres - cen - do - ing rit. - ing

& bbasœ œ œwe œ deœœ - œscend, Œ - er anddecresc. œ this ˙ time. Ó

Re - lax, re - lease, a - void an - y strain. Free from all ten - sion, tight - ness, or pain.
˙. œ
go - ing
∑ œ œ œ œ
œ œ
poco a- poco
œ b œ
& œ œ œ œ
Roll YourRoll your shoul-ders all
Shoulders a - round, then re - lease them back and down.
high - er we climb. We’re de - cres - cen - do - ing

bb 4 œ œ to˙photocopy withœpurchase.
œ œ œ
& œ4 œ œ œ œ œœ œœ Right
& œœ œ ˙ .
© 2013 Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc.
Though the Notes may Rise
œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙
b 4
& b asb 4 Œ we deœ - œscend, œ go - œing soft w - er and Œsoft rit.- erœ œ œtime. œ
Roll your shoul - ders high and low, back and forth, and to and fro.
& b œ œ œThoughœ the œ notes
œ ˙.may
œ œ œ œ œ and
œ ˙
the notes
b Roll your shoul-ders
Œ all a - round, œ œ. then Œre - leaseœthemœbackœ and
&b b .

˙ œ œ œ J œ w
Though thefall,
Notes may Rise hold the chin lev - el with the head up tall.

b 4
&b b 4 Œ œ œ œ œ
w Œ
œ œ œ œ
Though the notes may rise, and the notes may

b œ œ.
& b b ˙. Œ
Œ œ œ œ œ w
œ œ œ
© 2013 Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc.
40024 fall, hold the chinRightlev - el
to photocopy with purchase.with the head up tall.
© 2019 by Alfred Music
All Rights Reserved.
The Vocalize!

Canon Collection
55 Rounds
16 for Choral and
Chairs to Mend
Classroom Singing CD: X SP: X

Compiled and to Andy
(with enunciated
Imagine old-time street merchants selling their wares in a crowded marketplace. Crisp diction
and healthy projection (with solid support) were required in order
to attract as many customers as possible. As you develop these same vocal attributes, be sure to
anchor the sound with breath.
This impressive collection
Imagine old-time of rounds
street merchants is their
selling ideal forinwarming
wares up, sight-Crisp diction (with enunciated
a crowded marketplace.
singing, technique-building, and more! From traditional and
consonants) Pair
and with the
healthy following
(with solid exercises:
support) were required familiar
in order to as many customers as
to attract
possible. AsBreath Support
you develop • Project
these • Theattributes,
same vocal Lips, the Tongue,
be sure tothe Tip of
anchor thethe Teeth
sound with breath. Available in
original and unexpected, each of the tuneful melodies easily stacks into
two, three, or more layers. Enhanced CD includes accompaniment tracks William Hayes (1708-1777)
and printable PDFs.
1 2

& b&44Enhanced
00-46274 | Book œ. œ
œCD œ| $34.99
œ. œ œ
Œ œ. œ œ œ
Canons Include:
Chairs to mend, old chairs to mend! Mack - er - el, fresh

Ah, Poor Bird Come, Follow Hine Ma Tov One Bottle of Pop Thula, Thula Ngoana
Ding-a-Ding, Dong
Ahrirang Jubilate Deo The Orchestra Song Ubi Sunt Gaudia
& b Perish
All Things Shall œ. œ œNobis Pacem
œThe Larkœ and the
Kyrie Canon
œ Magpie œ Burning
Rise Up, O Flame
œ WeŒMerry Minstrels
Are You Sleeping? Donkeys andœCarrots
œ œ œ Scotland’s Whether the Weather
Be Welcome The Ghost of John Let Us Sing Together Shalom Chaverim White Coral Bells
mack - er - el! An - y straw - ber - ries, an - y straw - ber - ries?
Candlelight Canon Hashivenu Mi Gallo Sing and Rejoice Winter Canon
A Child of Song Here’s a Merry Jest Oh, How Lovely Sing We Merrily And more!


A Child of A Child of Song

Moderately (q = ca.


This jazzy canon inspired by "Take Five" by the American pianist and composer Dave
œœ œœ œœ œ œ œœœ œœœ œœœ
& b 44 œ œ Œ .. œœ.. œœ œœ œœ
Brubeck. Its uplifting message and attention-grabbing rhythms offer a great way to begin
a rehearsal.
This jazzy canon was inspiredœ
When œ
by “Take œ
you establish good
Five” by the singingpianist
American habitsand
at the start, those
composer Dave habits willItscontinue
for the remainder of your rehearsal. Posture, vowels, and vocal freedom are always important!
uplifting message and attention-grabbing rhythms offer a great way to begin a rehearsal. When you
establish goodPair
with habits at the start, those habits will continue for the remainder of your rehearsal.
œ œ œ œ œ œ
the following Vocalize! exercises:
?b 4 Œ œ œ .. œ
Posture, vowels,
Feetand vocal
Are freedom
Firmly are•always
Planted With aimportant!
Joyful Tone • Project
4 œ œ œ
Derryl Herring and Andy Beck

1 2 3 4

& 4 ˙. ˙. œ œ ˙. œ ˙. Œ
œ œ œ œ
j j
repeat as needed final ending

& b œ
œ. . œ
œ ˙˙ .. œœ œœ œœwhen œœ I w ˙˙ Óing.
Sing me a
wake in the morn -

# œ œ ˙.
? b œ˙. œ
& œœ œœ ..˙.œ
œ œ
œ œ œœ
œ œ
œ .˙
Play me a tune in the cool of the night.

Price is in U.S. $ and subject to change without notice.


Alleluia CD: X SP: X

Alleluia It's all about the vowels. Tall vowels encourage an open space, which improves tone quality. Vowels
that are uniform across the choir help with blend and intonation. The word "Alleluia" includes just
three pure vowels (the first and last syllables are the same). Concentrate on each as you perform.
It’s all about
Also,the vowels.
note Tall vowels
that the encourage
first four an open
pitches step space,
down which
a major improves
scale. tone quality.
Be certain to sing Vowels that are
descending intervals
uniform in across the choir help with blend and intonation. The word “Alleluia” includes just three
tune. Optional: Gesture with index fingers that float upward throughout the first phrase. pure vowels
(the first and last syllables are the same). Concentrate on each as you perform. Also, note that the first four
Pair down
pitches step with the following
a major Be certain exercises:
scale.Vocalize! to sing descending intervals in tune.
Come Now, Let Our Voices Ring • Drop Your Jaw • Flying, Sighing • Take Time to Breathe
Optional: Gesture with index fingers that float upward throughout the first phrase.

William Boyce (1711-1779)

& 22 w
w w ˙. Œ
Al - le - lu - ia,

& ˙. œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙. Œ
al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.

& Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ ˙
œ œ œ œ
Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al -

& œ œ ˙ Œ ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙. Œ
- le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.


& ˙. ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ Œ
#˙ œ
Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al -

& ˙ Œ œ ˙ ˙ Ė .. Œ
˙ ˙
le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.

© 2019 by Alfred Music

45274 Allto©Rights
2017 Alfred Music
photocopy with purchase.


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