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Premium Connections

for Demanding
TenarisHydril offers out- threading shops, we develop and supplier of steel tubes
standing premium connection solutions to meet the needs and integrated tubular
design and technology of any E&P operations. services to the world’s energy
worldwide. With a compre- industry.
hensive range of high perfor- TenarisHydril premium
mance products backed by connections are provided For further information
an extensive global field and supported by Tenaris, please visit us at
service network and licensed a leading manufacturer

Aberdeen Copenhagen
Prudential Silcotub
Dalmine Almaty

Denver Pittsburgh
Hickman Louisville NKKTubes
Conroe Counce
Cedar Springs

Poza Rica Tamsa
Mexico City Dos Bocas Maharashtra

TuboCaribe Kuala Lumpur

Barrancabermeja Warri
Lagos Port Harcourt
Luba Batam

SPIJ Jakarta
Callao Darwin

Rio das Ostras Dampier

Santiago Siderca Perth

Villa Mercedes Siat

Manufacturing Centers Service Centers

R&D Centers Commercial Offices

2 TenarisHydril
Design & Technology
TenarisHydril offers a comprehensive range of outstanding
and proven products designed to meet the requirements of
even the most challenging applications.

Blue™ Series
Our Blue™ Series incorpo-
rates the most advanced pre-
mium connection technology
available. Designed for the
most complex and environ-
mentally sensitive wells and
for testing under ISO 13679
CAL IV, these connections
are the perfect choice for HP/
HT drilling operations all
around the world.

Including coupled and integral the most complex and sensitive They are perfect for tight
configurations plus our environments. It is also an clearance applications like
Dopeless® option, Blue™ ideal choice for operations lean profile, which generates
Series connections reduce that lack infrastructure, cost savings for our customers,
drilling risk by providing where ease of handling, due to their slim profile and
performance you can rely preparation and installation compression, torque and
on when you most need it. reduces risk and costs. bending capacity. Wedge
Series 500™ connections are
Dopeless® Wedge Series 500™ available in flush, near flush,
Dope-free products can pro- Specifically designed for use upset and threaded and cou-
vide substantial operational where torque strength is criti- pled configurations, with or
and HSE benefits in complex cal, our Wedge Series 500™ without metal-to-metal seals.
conditions. connections provide superior
compression and bending Legacy Series
Our Dopeless® technology is resistance and also several TenarisHydril products have
a dry, multi-layer coating times the torque strength of been at the forefront of pre-
which is applied through a most competing technologies. mium connection design
controlled industrial process. They are used in demanding and technology for the past
applications from highly 60 years. Our Legacy Series
Originally developed in deviated wells to strings that includes tried and proven per-
response to stringent environ- must be rotated and pushed formers which have provided
mental requirements for off- into place. many years of reliable service
shore operations in Norway, in challenging drilling envi-
Dopeless® technology has the Wedge Series 500™ connec- ronments around the world.
potential to transform drilling tions reliably perform even
and completion operations in on pipes with thin walls.

TenarisHydril 3
Tubular Services
Tenaris works closely with its customers to offer comprehensive solutions
to manage their tubular requirements worldwide.

In addition to the field services Our global Technical Sales The full menu of tubular ser-
and repair shops network, team helps customers identi- vices comprises: technical
Tenaris has expanded its sup- fy the most appropriate solu- services, inventory handling,
port for its customers by offer- tion for their operations. field services, operation &
ing comprehensive services Through our unique manu- production consultancy and
that add value through cus- facturing network of licensed remnant & post-installation
tomized supply, operational, threading, repair shops and activities.
administrative and technical service centers, Tenaris sup-
solutions for E&P operations. plies a wide variety of premi- Whether you are interested
um products, services and in one service or many, you
We cover all stages in well field experts to assist with can be assured of our single
operations, from string design well installations and inspec- purpose - to add value to
to remnant management. tions worldwide. your well operations.

Quality & Manufacturing

TenarisHydril connections are promptly and flexibly to
manufactured under Tenaris changes in required specifica-
standards resulting in a con- tions and other unexpected
sistent worldwide quality conditions while maintaining
management system. the highest quality standards
expected by the industry.­­
Our presence in more than
twenty five countries, grants us For further information about
greater flexibility to adapt to the licensed threading shops,
our customers’ needs. their qualifications and capaci-
ty, please visit us at
By manufacturing premium
connections as part of an
integrated process of pipe
design, production, treatment
and finishing, we ensure our
products’ quality to our cus-
tomers. We also respond

4 TenarisHydril
Application Guide

Threaded & Coupled Threaded & Coupled Threaded & Coupled Conventional Liners
Wedge 563™ (*) Blue™ (*) Blue™ (*) Blue™ (*)
ER™ (*) Wedge 563™ (*) Wedge 563™ (*) Blue™ Near Flush (*)
3SB™ 3SB™ Wedge 523™ (*)
Integral MS™ MS™ Wedge 521™ (*)
Wedge 523™ (*) HW™ Wedge 513™ (*)
Wedge 521™ (*) Integral Wedge 511™ (*)
Wedge 513™ (*) Integral Blue™ Near Flush (*) SLX™
Wedge 511™ (*) Blue™ Near Flush (*) Wedge 523™ (*)
Wedge 523™ (*) Wedge 513™ (*) Rotating Liners
Wedge 521™ (*) SLX™ Blue™ (*)
SLX™ MACII™ Blue™ Thermal Liner (*) (**)
MACII™ Wedge 563™ (*)
Wedge 523™ (*)
Wedge 521™ (*)
Wedge 513™ (*)
Wedge 511™ (*)


Extended Reach Wells

Threaded & Coupled Casing/Liners - Metal Seal Metal Seal Metal Seal
Blue™ (*) Blue™ (*) Blue™ (*) Wedge 503™ (*)
Blue™ Thermal Liner (*) (**) Wedge 563™ (*) Wedge 563™ (*) Wedge 533™ (*)
Wedge 563™ (*) Wedge 533™ (*) Wedge 553™ (*)
Wedge 561™ (*) Casing/Liners - Thread Seal Wedge 503™ (*) Wedge 563™ (*)
Blue™ Thermal Liner (*) (**) Wedge 553™ (*) PH4™
Integral ER™ (*) PH4™ PH6™
Wedge 523™ (*) PH6™ CS®
Wedge 521™ (*) Slotted Pipes, SAGD CS® PJD™
Wedge 513™ (*) Blue™ Thermal Liner (*) (**) PJD™
Wedge 511™ (*) Wedge 521™ (*) 3SB™ Thread Seal
Wedge 511™ (*) MS™ Wedge 561™ (*)
Wedge 531™ (*)
Production Tubing Wedge 501™ (*)
Wedge 503™ (*) Wedge 551™ (*)
Wedge 511™ (*) Wedge 511™ (*)
Blue™ (*)
Blue™ Thermal Liner (*) (**)


Threaded & Coupled Wedge 563™ (*) Threaded & Coupled Threaded & Coupled Heavy Wall
Blue™ (*) Wedge 533™ (*) Wedge 563™ (*) Blue™ (*) HW™
Blue™ Thermal Liner (*) (**) Wedge 553™ (*) Blue™ (*) Wedge 563™ (*) MACII™
Wedge 563™ (*) PH4™
ER™ (*) PH6™ Integral Integral
CS® Wedge 533™ (*) Blue™ Near Flush (*)
Integral Wedge 553™ (*) Wedge 523™ (*)
Wedge 523™ (*) PH4™ Wedge 521™ (*)
Wedge 521™ (*) PH6™ Wedge 513™ (*)
Wedge 513™ (*) CS® Wedge 511™ (*)
Wedge 511™ (*) PJD™ SLX™

(*) Dopeless® technology available. (**) TenarisHydril Blue™ Thermal liner formerly known as TenarisHydril Blue™ SAGD.

TenarisHydril 5
Product Characteristics
Threaded & Coupled

Blue™ Blue™ Thermal Wedge 563™ 3SB™

Available in sizes from Liner Available in casing sizes Available in sizes from
2 3/8" to 13 5/8" Available in sizes from from 5" to 16" 2 3/8" to 13 5/8"
Dopeless® technology available 2 3/8" to 10 3/4" Available in tubing sizes
Connection formerly known as from 2 3/8" to 7"
Features TenarisHydril Blue™ SAGD. Dopeless® technology available Features
• Designed for high performance Dopeless® technology available • Reliable and field proven
and versatility. ISO 13679 CAL Features connection design, especially
IV tested and field proven. Features • 100% rating in tension and on chrome materials.
• Trouble-free make-up is • Special design for slotted compression provided by the
developed with the rugged, pipes to be used on heavy oil dovetail threads. Applications
coarse pitch thread and step operations. • 100% collapse rated thread seal • Intermediate casing
taper for deep stabbing. • Fast and easy make-up with created by full-form contact • Production casing & tie-backs
• 100% internal and external minimum cross-threading risk. of the dovetail threads, also • Production tubing & workstrings
pressure metal to metal seal. providing a secondary internal
Applications pressure seal rated at pipe body. Options
Applications • Drilling with casing • 100% internal pressure rated metal • Special Clearance
• Intermediate casing • Liners to metal seal maintains gas sealing • Special Bevel
• Production casing & tie-backs • Horizontal and extended reach capability under high axial loads.
• Production tubing & workstrings wells • Wedge 563™ is interchangeable
• Casing drilling • Thermal wells with Wedge 533™, Wedge
• Liners 503™ and Wedge 553™.
• Horizontal & extended reach Options
wells • Dopeless® Applications
• Thermal wells • Special Clearance • Surface casing
• HP/HT & deep wells • Special Bevel • Intermediate casing
• Production casing and tie-backs
Options • Drilling with casing
• Dopeless® • Liners
• Matched Strength • Horizontal and extended reach wells
• Special Clearance • Thermal wells
• Special Bevel • HP/HT and deep wells
• Corrosion Barrier
• Dopeless®
• Matched Strength
• Recess free bore (RFB)
• Corrosion Barrier

6 TenarisHydril
Integral Semi Flush

MS™ ER™ HW™ Blue™ Near Flush

Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from
2 3/8" to 14" 7" to 24 1/2" 5" to 10 3/4" and 14" 5" to 13 5/8"
Dopeless® technology available Dopeless® technology available

Features Features Features Features

• Proven design provides excellent • Easy stabbing, fast make-up with • Specially designed for medium • Designed for high performance,
gas tightness with high minimum cross threading risk. to heavy wall pipes. structural efficiency and
mechanical properties. • Suitable for salt dome maximum clearance. ISO 13679
Applications applications. CAL IV tested and field proven.
Applications • Surface casing • Box OD is only 2–3% larger
• Intermediate casing • Drilling with casing Applications than pipe body (1–2% larger
• Production casing and tie-backs • Intermediate casing than API maximum) permits
• Production tubing and Options • High pressure and heavy wall use in clearance situations.
workstrings • Dopeless® casing
• Matched Strength Applications
Options • Special Clearance Options • Intermediate casing
• Matched Strength • Special Bevel • Special Clearance • Production casing and tie-
• Special Clearance • Special Bevel backs
• Special Bevel • Liners
• HP/HT and deep wells

• Dopeless®

TenarisHydril 7
Integral Semi Flush

Wedge 523™ Wedge 521™ SLX™ MACII™

Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from
7" to 16" 4" to 18 5/8" 4 1/2" to 13 5/8" 5 1/2" to 16"
Dopeless® technology available Dopeless® technology available

Features Features Features Features

• 100% collapse rated thread seal • 100% pipe body internal yield • Triaxial performance achieved • Triaxial performance achieved
created by full form contact and collapse strength created by machining pin and box on by machining pin and box on
of the dovetail threads, also with the lubricant seal of the formed ends increasing both formed ends increasing both
providing a secondary internal dovetail threads. tension and combined load tension and combined load
pressure seal rated at pipe body. • High compression rating provided performance. performance.
• 100% internal pressure rated by the reverse angle stab flank • Patented seal saver protects the
metal to metal seal maintains of the dovetail threads makes pin seal from handling damage Applications
gas sealing capability under high the Wedge 521™ suitable for and acts as a stiffener to • Intermediate casing
axial loads. the most severe compression improve metal seal functioning. • Production casing and tie-backs
• High compression rating provided applications. Compression rating • Liners
by the reverse angle stab flank of is typically 80–89% of the pipe Applications • HP/HT and deep wells
the threads makes the Wedge body, and is usually higher than • Intermediate casing
523™ suitable for the more the tension rating. • Production casing and tie-backs
severe compression applications. • Excellent for large diameter • HP/HT and deep wells
• Compression strength exceeds pipe, the dovetail thread
tension strength. eliminates thread pull-out, even
• Wedge 523™ is interchangeable on thin wall pipe.
with Wedge 513™.
Applications • Surface casing
• Surface casing • Intermediate casing
• Intermediate casing • Drilling with casing
Production casing and tie-backs • Horizontal and extended reach
• Drilling with casing wells
• Liners Horizontal and extended • Thermal wells
reach wells • HP/HT and deep wells
• HP/HT and deep wells
Options • Dopeless®
• Dopeless®

8 TenarisHydril
Integral Flush Integral Upset

Wedge 513™ Wedge 511™ Wedge 533™ Wedge 503™

Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from
4 1/2" to 16" 2 1/16" to 18 5/8" 2 3/8" to 7 5/8" 2 3/8" to 4 1/2"
Dopeless® technology available Dopeless® technology available Dopeless® technology available Dopeless® technology available

Features Features Features Features

• 100% internal pressure rated • High compression rating • 100% collapse rated thread seal • 100% pipe body ratings for
metal to metal seal maintains provided by the reverse angle created by full form contact tension and bending provided
gas sealing capability under high stab flank of the dovetail of the dovetail threads, also by machining pin and box on
axial loads. threads makes the Wedge providing a secondary internal API EUE upset.
• High compression rating 511™ suitable for use as slotted pressure seal rated at pipe body. • Reverse angle stab flank provides
provided by the reverse angle liners in geothermal and steam • 100% internal pressure rated 100% compression rating.
stab flank of the dovetail threads injection service. Compression metal to metal seal maintains • 100% collapse rated thread seal
makes the Wedge 513™ strength exceeds tension gas sealing capability under created by full form contact of
suitable for all liner applications. strength. high axial loads. the dovetail threads, also
Compression strength exceeds • 100% pipe body collapse • 100% ratings for tension and providing a secondary internal
tension strength. strength created with the bending provided by machining pressure seal rated at pipe body.
• Wedge 513™ is interchangeable lubricant seal of the dovetail pin and box on hot forged • 100% internal pressure rated
with Wedge 523™. threads. internal-external upsets. Reverse metal to metal seal maintains
angle stab flank provides 100% gas sealing capability under
Applications Applications compression rating. high axial loads.
• Surface casing • Surface casing • Wedge 533™ is interchangeable • Wedge 503™ is interchangeable
• Production casing and tie-backs • Drilling with casing with Wedge 503™, Wedge with Wedge 533™, Wedge
• Drilling with casing • Liners 553™ and Wedge 563™. 553™ and Wedge 563™.
• Liners • Horizontal and extended reach
• Horizontal and extended reach wells Applications Applications
wells • Thermal wells • Production tubing and • Production tubing and
• HP/HT and deep wells • HP/HT and deep wells workstrings workstrings
• Drilling with tubing • Thermal wells
Options Options • Tubing for internal coating (CB)
• Dopeless® • Dopeless® Options
Options • Dopeless®
• Dopeless®
• CB ring

TenarisHydril 9
Integral Upset

Wedge 553™ PH4™/PH6™/CS® PJD™

Available in sizes from Available in sizes from Available in sizes from
2 3/8" to 7 5/8" 3/4" to 7" 2 3/8" to 5"
Dopeless® technology available

Features Features Features

• 100% collapse rated thread seal • 100% tension strength • Streamlined, clearance OD
created by full form contact of produced by machining pin and facilitates running, pulling,
the dovetail threads, also box on hot forged upsets. and circulating and eliminates
providing a secondary internal • Worldwide reputation for coupling face hang-up.
pressure seal rated at pipe body. durability in production tubing • 100% pipe body performance
• 100% pipe body ratings for and workstring applications. in tension, compression,
tension and bending developed bending, internal and external
using non-upset pin end and Applications pressure.
upset box end pipe. Reverse • Production tubing and
angle stab flank provides 100% workstrings Applications
compression rating. • Drilling with tubing • Production tubing and
• 100% internal pressure rated • Tubing for internal coating (CB) workstrings
metal to metal seal maintains • Drilling with casing
gas sealing capability under high Options • Drilling with tubing
axial loads. • Matched Strength
• Wedge 553™ is interchangeable • CB ring Options
with Wedge 503™, Wedge • CB ring
533™ and Wedge 563™.

• Production tubing and
• Drilling with tubing
• Tubing for internal coating (CB)

• Dopeless®
• CB ring

10 TenarisHydril
Connections Nomenclature
technology Acronyms technology Acronyms

Blue™ Series Legacy Series

TenarisHydril Blue™ TSH BLUE TenarisHydril 3SB™ TSH 3SB
TenarisHydril Blue™ Dopeless® TSH BLUE-DPLS TenarisHydril 3SB™ Special Clearance TSH 3SB-SC
TenarisHydril Blue™ Matched Strength TSH BLUE-MS TenarisHydril 3SB™ Special Bevel TSH 3SB-SB
TenarisHydril Blue™ Special Clearance TSH BLUE-SC TenarisHydril MS™ TSH MS
TenarisHydril Blue™ Special Bevel TSH BLUE-SB TenarisHydril MS™ Matched Strength TSH MS-MS
TenarisHydril Blue™ Corrosion Barrier TSH BLUE-CB TenarisHydril MS™ Special Clearance TSH MS-SC
TenarisHydril Blue™ Thermal Liner TSH BTL TenarisHydril MS™ Special Bevel TSH MS-SB
TenarisHydril Blue™ Thermal Liner Dopeless® TSH BTL-DPLS TenarisHydril HW™ TSH HW
TenarisHydril Blue™ Thermal Liner Matched Strength TSH BTL-MS TenarisHydril HW™ Special Bevel TSH HW-SB
TenarisHydril Blue™ Thermal Liner Special Clearance TSH BTL-SC TenarisHydril HW™ Special Clearance TSH HW-SC
TenarisHydril Blue™ Thermal Liner Special Bevel TSH BTL-SB TenarisHydril ER™ TSH ER
TenarisHydril Blue™ Near Flush TSH BNF TenarisHydril ER™ Dopeless® TSH ER-DPLS
TenarisHydril Blue™ Near Flush Dopeless® TSH BNF-DPLS TenarisHydril ER™ Matched Strength TSH ER-MS
TenarisHydril ER™ Special Clearance TSH ER-SC
Wedge Series 500™ TenarisHydril ER™ Special Bevel TSH ER-SB
TenarisHydril Wedge 563™ TSH W563 TenarisHydril PJD™ TSH PJD
TenarisHydril Wedge 563™ Dopeless® TSH W563-DPLS TenarisHydril PJD™ Corrosion Barrier TSH PJD-CB
TenarisHydril Wedge 563™ Matched Strength TSH W563-MS TenarisHydril SLX™ TSH SLX
TenarisHydril Wedge 563™ Corrosion Barrier TSH W563-CB TenarisHydril MACII™ TSH MACII
TenarisHydril Wedge 563™ Recess Free Bore TSH W563-RFB TenarisHydril PH4™ TSH PH4
TenarisHydril Wedge 523™ TSH W523 TenarisHydril PH4™ Matched Strength TSH PH4-MS
TenarisHydril Wedge 523™ Dopeless® TSH W523-DPLS TenarisHydril PH4™ Corrosion Barrier TSH PH4-CB
TenarisHydril Wedge 521™ TSH W521 TenarisHydril PH6™ TSH PH6
TenarisHydril Wedge 521™ Dopeless® TSH W521-DPLS TenarisHydril PH6™ Matched Strength TSH PH6-MS
TenarisHydril Wedge 513™ TSH W513 TenarisHydril PH6™ Corrosion Barrier TSH PH6-CB
TenarisHydril Wedge 513™ Dopeless® TSH W513-DPLS TenarisHydril CS® TSH CS
TenarisHydril Wedge 511™ TSH W511 TenarisHydril CS® Matched Strength TSH CS-MS
TenarisHydril Wedge 511™ Dopeless® TSH W511-DPLS TenarisHydril CS® Corrosion Barrier TSH CS-CB
TenarisHydril Wedge 533™ TSH W533
TenarisHydril Wedge 533™ Dopeless® TSH W533-DPLS
TenarisHydril Wedge 533™ Corrosion Barrier TSH W533-CB
TenarisHydril Wedge 503™ TSH W503
TenarisHydril Wedge 503™ Dopeless® TSH W503-DPLS
TenarisHydril Wedge 553™ TSH W553
TenarisHydril Wedge 553™ Dopeless® TSH W553-DPLS
TenarisHydril Wedge 553™ Corrosion Barrier TSH W553-CB

TenarisHydril 11
For additional information, please visit

TSH / PCS / Version 03 / October 2010

Tenaris has produced this brochure for general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, Tenaris
does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, injury resulting from the use of information and data herein. Tenaris products and services are only subject to
the Company’s standard Terms and Conditions or otherwise to the terms resulting from the respective contracts of sale, services or license, as the case may be. The information in
this publication is subject to change or modification without notice. For more complete information please contact a Tenaris’s representative or visit our website at
This brochure supersedes Version 03 / September 2010. ©Tenaris 2010. All rights reserved.

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