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Water Processing Solutions

Screening Technology
for Water Intakes
Geiger ® – Johnson Screens ® – Passavant ®

Water Intake Technologies
by Geiger ®, Johnson Screens ® and Passavant ®

Aqseptence Group GmbH provides our customers with best practice

solutions to enhance their water intake systems. Our custom-designed
equipment will optimise your plants’ ­l ifecycle costs and minimise the
effects on aquatic life.

Raw water, process or cooling water must be we support our customers in all project phases
cleaned before use. Cleaning systems have to fulfill ­including conceptual design, assistance with regula-
specific requirements, depending on their source tory re­q uirements, computational modelling (if
(i.e. rivers, lakes or the sea) and the type of industrial ­r equired), equipment supply, commissioning and
plant in which they will be used. Furthermore, each follow­u p service.
plant’s facilities vary in their require­ments. Aqseptence
Group GmbH meets these challenges thanks to a We offer custom-­m ade solutions for open channel
­v ariety of flexible solutions and the implemen­t ation and passive water intake systems that include com-
of the latest manufacturing technology. prehensive consulting services and the optimal coor-
dination of system technology and structures. Further­
Our environmentally­- friendly solutions are used in more, we custom­- design and build sophisticated
both open surface water and submerged passive constructions to suit the particular application area.
water intakes to de­liver debris­-free water; for example, Our state­- of­- the art, in­- house production ensures that
cooling water at power plants, process water at our machines meet the highest quality standards.
­industrial sites, raw water at pot­a ble water plants,
desalination plants and irrigation plants. Our premium bar and mesh screening machines find
their best application when high-­g rade power units
The combined experience of Geiger ®, Johnson such as con­d ensers and pumps need to be protected
Screens ® and Passavant ® is unsurpassed, with each from damage by debris and other foreign bodies.
brand existing for more than 100 years.Together we Our Johnson Screens ® passive intake screens ­p rovide
have supplied more than 15,000 intake screens a low and even slot velocity whilst operating contin-
worldwide. From small municipal drinking water uously without any downtime for routine mainte-
plants to next generation large-­s cale power plants, nance.

Open Channel Johnson Offshore Intake Systems ™
Water Intake Systems (JOIS ™)

Patented MultiDisc ® Technology: Patented internal flow modifier:

Unique and compact zero carry ­o ver design. High efficiency and low costs.

Our product range includes:

Coarse Screening Machines Page 4

Fine Screening Machines Page 6

Johnson Offshore Intake Systems™ Page 8

Special Solutions Page 10

Coarse Screening Machines

Aqseptence Group GmbH supplies a complete range of bar raking

­m achines for both coarse and fine screening in the context of open
channel water intakes.

We differentiate between coarse and fine screening, The advantages of our bar screening machines are:
depending on the width of the bar spacing and the • Fully automatic cleaning
type of debris. Coarse screening is the first stage of • C ustomised design and manufacturing depending
cleaning for the removal of large or bulky debris on the flow conditions, debris type and material
­u sing robust bar screens with bar spacing of requirements
30 - ­1 00 mm. Our bar screen solutions can also be • A design operating life of around 35 years
used for fine screening (as a 2nd stage) with narrower
bar spacing of 2 - 30 mm, for example, in case of Geiger® coarse screening machines are precise, highly
high levels of seasonal debris. reliable, low mainte­n ance and highly durable. The
machines undergo constant technical updates and
re­- design procedures, standards that are maintained
thanks to our continuous research and development

Aqseptence Group GmbH has its finger on the pulse

when it comes to using state­- of­- the-­a rt-technology,
and is always aware of innovative ideas for products
and projects, helping to provide the best solutions for
the customer.

We offer the following coarse screening ­m achines, adapted to meet
the customer’s ­s pecific requirements:
High-Load Revolving Chain Screens
Liftable Bar Racks
Cable-Operated Grab Cleaners with Bar Screens – Stationary and Traversing
Claw Screens and Climber Screens

Geiger ® Cable-Operated Grab Cleaner

Geiger ® Claw Screen Geiger ® High-Capacity Revolving Chain Screen

Fine Screening Machines

As the last cleaning stage in the water intake process, efficient fine
screening using fine screening machines is essential to protect pumps,
condenser tubes and other critical equipment.

For decades, Geiger ® fine screening machines have The advantages of Geiger MultiDisc ® are:
been successfully implemented on a global scale in • I ts compact design allowing significant cost
the water intake structures of power plants, petro­- ­r eductions in civil structure volume
chemical plants, desalination, LNG, pulp & paper, • I ts fast and simple plug-­in installation
­p otable water, irrigation and other processing plants. • I ts low operating costs:
One of our main features is the high throughput a) Only one maintenance-­f riendly bar chain
­c apacity with reduced channel sizes. b) E asy maintenance; mesh panels can be
changed at operator’s floor level
Looking for a completely new concept and in view (no need for channel dewatering)
of modern requirements, we developed the re- • L ower head loss: water only passes through the
nowned Geiger MultiDisc ® screen which has been screen once
success­f ully installed hundreds of times worldwide. • O ptional fish protection (EPA clean Water act –
­s ection 316b pre­- approved technology) – intensive
and efficient cleaning of the mesh panels
• Zero carry-over of debris to the clean water side
• Shorter channels

Executed projects have proven that the Geiger Multi-

Disc ® can be retrofitted into existing water intake
structures within 24 hours, including removal of the
old through­- flow band screen, installation of the
­G eiger MultiDisc ® and commis­s ioning. Both the
­G eiger MultiDisc ® and our Travelling Band screens
are available project­- specifically with plastic or
stainless steel mesh ranging from 0.2 – 10 mm.
­F urthermore, for special applications we offer micro
drum screens with a mesh size down to 15 microns.

We offer the following fine screening machines, adapted to meet
the customer’s specific requirements:
Centre­- Flow Travelling Band Screens (In­- to­- Out Flow Pattern)
Dual-­F low Travelling Band Screens (Out­- to-­I n Flow Pattern)
MultiDisc ® Screens (Through­- Flow Pattern)
High-Capacity Drum Screens

Geiger ® Centre-Flow Travelling Band Screen Geiger ® Travelling Band Screens

Geiger MultiDisc ® Travelling Water Screening Machines Geiger ® High-Capacity Drum Screens

Johnson Offshore Intake Systems™
(JOIS ™)

Johnson Screens ® high capacity passive intake screens provide

­u ninterrupted water withdrawal from lakes, rivers and oceans.

The Johnson screens ® high capacity passive • Non-plugging Vee-Wire ®

intake screens are constructed using non-­p lugging • T hree standard configurations – drum, tee and
Vee­W ire ® with a patented internal flow modifier that half screens
creates a nearly uniform low velocity flow through • Selection of materials available from 304 and 316L
the entire screen surface. This significantly reduces stainless steel for fresh water to Duplex and Super
impingement and entrainment of debris while Duplex for seawater applications and Z-alloy (CuNi)
­p rotecting aquatic life. Passive screens are designed for repelling zebra mussel attachment and anti-bio
to meet regulatory requirements for a maximum slot fouling
velocity of 0.15 m/s which is the maximum velocity • D ual-flow modifier – provides low and even slot
at which a juvenile fish can turn around, swim away velocity (cFD modelling is available on demand)
and not be impinged onto a passive screen. This, com-
bined with a typical slot width range of 2 - 10 mm Half Intake Screens
will determine the screen sizing. The large open area As water demands increase for cities, towns and
and low velocities result in a very low headloss. industry, shallow water resources previously hard
to withdraw from due to their lack of depth, have
Key Features become a more viable option. Our patented half
• L ow capital costs and no moving parts, and low screen has all the same attributes (low slot velocity,
maintenance needs Hydroburst ™ option, VeeWire ®, etc) as the standard
• E nvironmentally-­f riendly – this approach meets passive intake screens but can operate in a much
the ePa’s 316b regulations for fish protection lower depth of water. Our standard passive screens
• N o waste stream – there is no debris brought to require approximately half a diameter clearance
the surface to be handled or disposed of around the screen. The half screen sits flat on the
• E asy cleaning – with a periodic blast of com- bottom and only needs the top clearance.
pressed air using our Hydroburst ™ system

Hydroburst ™ Air-Backwash System
With time, general debris will gather on the outer screen surface and will need periodic cleaning to
keep the screen functioning continuously and properly. Our Hydroburst ™ system offers an efficient
method of regular cleaning without having to send divers in to clean the screens. Our Hydroburst ™
­s ystem is designed to deliver a sufficient volume of air in 3 - 5 seconds time – a real solid blast of air
that has proven to work in all types of applications and conditions. This volume of air comes out from
the bottom of the screen, and as it rises and expands, grabs and carries impinged debris away from
the screen surface, returning the screen to a clean operating condition. Our application engineers
­e valuate screen size, depth and distance away in order to deliver the correct amount of air. Systems
can be as basic as operating a manual valve, a program­m able timer system or to a PLC system that
commu­n icates to a central data control system/SCADA system for control.

Johnson Screens ® Passive Intake Screen (half stainless steel (left Johnson Screens ® Half Intake Screen
side), half Z-Alloy (CuNi) (right side))

Johnson Offshore Intake Systems ™ (JOIS ™) Installation Hydroburst™ with Surface Blast

Special Solutions

Cathodic corrosion protection and fish protection are key issues in the
planning and operation of cooling water intake structures at seas and
oceans, for hydropower plants and river pumping stations.

The EU flora­- fauna-­h abitat guidelines and the EPA withstand the rigours of different plants. Stop logs
CWA Rule 316b are the basis for establishing the are of welded construction, manufactured from steel
necessary protection measures. geiger ® and Johnson plate and Feature­- rolled steel ­s ections. A pre­f ormed
Screens ® fish pro­t ection concepts are the result of the neoprene seal is fitted around the outer edge of the
latest developments in mechanical and electrical gate to ensure reliable sealing. Our stop logs have
engineering combined with decades of experience valves through which the isolated chambers are
in the field of fish protection. flooded. Hence, the pressure is ­b alanced and the
stop logs can be withdrawn easily. Operators recom-
Our fish protection concept covers the following: mend our lifting beams as the valves are operated
• E lectrical fish-­r epelling systems as behavioural automatically, meaning there is no need for addi-
barriers (particularly on rivers and lakes) tional equipment such as spindles.
• M eets environmentally­- friendly guidelines
• A utomatic fish return systems for bar and fine Cathodic Corrosion Protection
screening machines To ensure continuous reliable operation and value
• I mmobilisation of fish preservation, we highly recommend supplementing
• T he Geiger MultiDisc ® Band Screen is careful and regular maintenance with a special plant
particularly enviromentally­- friendly with protection system, particularly when the equipment
specially shaped fish buckets is installed in aggressive environments. Our cathodic
• O ur technology is pre­a pproved in accordance corrosion protection systems are the most efficient
with the EPA 316b cWa method to protect steel equip­m ent from natural cor-
rosion in aggressive environments such as seawater.
Shut Off Devices Aqseptence Group GmbH has decades of expertise
In water intake systems, Aqseptence Group GmbH’s in this field and holds patents for the protec­t ion of
and stop logs are tailor­m ade and installed accord- machines in saltwater in order to secure the plant’s
ing to on-­s ite requirements. They provide shut­o ff long­t erm economic value. These systems preferably
­s ervices for maintenance and revision work on the use impressed current and have been successfully
machines. Deluge valves enable pressure equalisa- installed and operating in 100s of desalination and
tion for easy lifting. Our stop logs are custom built to power plants for decades.
Geiger ® Fish Repelling System Geiger ® Stop Log with Lifting Beam

Two Channel Water Intake with Geiger ® Fish Repelling and Passavant ® Weir Sluice Gate
­G eiger ® Fish Return System

A Team of Specialists
for Individual Tasks
Aqseptence Group GmbH provides a wide range of services for the whole
service life of a plant. These include manufacturing and s­ upplying
spare parts, fulfilling maintenance contracts and making plant revi-
sions, as well as adapting equipment to meet modified site conditions.

We also modernize plants, for example, by supplying Service

­lubrication-free chains and modern materials, as well Our strong commitment to providing high­- quality
as modifying existing guide ways with wear ledges. products and professional customer service is reflected
Dedicated and highly specialised teams of engineers in long­t erm partnerships with customers all over the
and technicians ensure that the customers’ benefits world. Aqseptence Group GmbH offers a qualified
are maximised, so that they profit from the know-how service upon delivery on­s ite. Our supervisor and
we have gained during decades of experience. We ­installation teams are made up of committed and
endeavor to solve even the most complex challenges ­internationally experienced specialists, dedi­c ated to
with professional engineering – for both passive and providing installation of equipment, commissioning
open channel water intake, complemented by a and training of operating personnel. The after­s ales
­v ariety of special features. support team assists the customers by giving
­c ompetent advice with regard to operation and
Systematic Quality Control maintenance work. Aqseptence Group GmbH’s
The systematic approach of the project teams ­ensures ­p roduct range is well-­k nown for its high quality and
that each project is a success from start to finish. long ­s ervice life. Our mission is to provide a fast,
­E xpert advice, the choice of the appropriate technol- most ­e xperienced and effective response to all our
ogy, the adaptation of the systems to harmonise with customers.
the civil structures, and the machines’ ­d esign and
manufacturing are subject to stringent controls per-
formed in accordance with the highest quality and
safety standards (for example, SCC**). Complete,
­d e­t ailed documentation and our spare parts service,
including in­-house design and manufacturing accord-
ing to the latest technologies, ­e nsure a long service­
life and trouble­-free operation for your application area.

** Safety Certificate Contractors

Systematic Quality Control Service

A Selection of References
Power Plant Moorburg, Germany Power Plant Atacama, Chile
12 MultiDisc ® Screens, 6 Cable­- Operated grab 4 Cable-Operated Grab Cleaners, Stop Logs,
cleaners, Stop Logs, Fish Protection Technology 4 Travelling Band Screens, Cathodic Corrosion
Protection System
Nuclear Power Plant DC Cook, USA
15 MultiDisc ® Screens, operating + control systems Mining Plant, Sumbawa, Indonesia
4 MultiDisc ® screens, Cathodic Corrosion Protection
RO-­D esalination Plant Al Taweelah, UAE System
24 x T54 316L Passive Intake Screens
Power Plant Zawia, Libya
Power Plant Al Taweelah “A”, UAE 4 Cable-Operated Grab Cleaners, 4 Travelling Band
12 Cable­-Operated Grab Cleaners, 12 Travelling Band Screens,2 sand removal units, Cathodic Corrosion
Screens, operating + control systems, Stop Logs, Protection System
­C athodic Corrosion Protection System, accessories
Municipal Intake Clinton TN, USA
Desalination Plant: Tuaspring, Singapore Half T-Intake Screen on guide rail, Hydroburst™ System
3 Stop Logs, 3 Travelling Band Screens, 3 Cable-
Operated Grab Cleaners, Cathodic Corrosion Power Plant, Diemen, Netherlands
Protection System 2 Travelling Band Screens, Fish Protection System,
Cable-Operated Grab Cleaner, 2 Pen Stocks
Industrial Intake Office Chiller System,
Hudson River, USA Power Plant Milwaukee WI, USA
2 x T Passive Intake Screens, Hydroburst System 24 x T96 Z­a lloy Passive Intake Screens, Hydroburst ™
Power Plant Sousse, Tunisia
2 Cable-Operated Grab Cleaners, operating + Power Plant Song Hau 1, Vietnam
control systems, 2 Travelling Band Screens, Cathodic 1 Traversing Cable-Operated Grab Cleaner with Bar
Corrosion Protection System Screen, 4 Travelling Band Screens, Cathodic Corro-
sion Protection System
Power Plant Qurayyah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
36 Revolving Chain Screens, specially designed Thermal Power Plant Verchnetagilsk, Russia
equipment for the removal of jellyfish 2 MultiDisc ® Screens

Nuclear Power Plant Brokdorf, Germany Desalination Plant Barka 4, Oman

8 Cable-Operated Grab Cleaners, 8 Revolving Chain 3 Cable-Operated Rake Cleaners, 3 MultiDisc ®
Screens,Cathodic Corrosion Protection System Screens, Cathodic Corrosion Protection System

Johnson Screens ® Passive Intake Installation: Drinking Water Plant, in South Carolina, USA

GKM 9 Power Plant, Mannheim, Germany DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant, USA

Aqseptence Group GmbH
Division Water Processing Solutions
Water Intake Systems

Hardeckstrasse 3
76185 Karlsruhe
Phone +49 721 5001-0

16 The technical data stated in this ­b rochure are indicative only and have to be ­d etermined for each individual case.
Subject to technical changes.

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