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Part Two: Application of Toolbox To Student

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You are a resource teacher and you have been allotted $100 to spend to purchase materials for Gary, a
6 grade male student with dyslexia who is 3 years behind grade level in spelling, reading and writing.

After reviewing the Technology Based Resource Toolbox take one resource from each category
(Spelling Tools, Reading Tools, Writing/Notetaking Tools and Applications for iPad and Google
Chrome) and investigate its usefulness in working with students with dyslexia.

1. Determine the best resource in the category of spelling, reading and writing for Gary.
Determine which resources will keep you within a budget of $100.00. Describe the process
you went through in selecting the materials and the reason you selected your materials

Tools Selected- Process and Rationale and Cost

● Reading
● Writing
● Spelling

Tools Selected Process Rationale Cost

Reading Epic! The reading app The app features various popular age Free or
is available to appropriate books that are also grade- $2.99 a
download for free specific and high-interest. This is an month
and has a important combination for Gary
$2.99/month fee because he is a delayed reader that
for those that may also be reluctant to pick up books
would like to that do not target his specific interests.
expand user Furthermore, the app presents
ability. additional support features such as
Read-to-Me and Dictionary look-up.
This makes the app especially useful
for read alouds, literacy centers,
research projects and creating custom

Writing Draftbuilder The program is The program is popularly known to $60

very versatile in assist students with various disabilities
that it can be and learning delays as well as grade
used on various levels that range from early elementary
platforms which to post-secondary transitions. The
enables the program can also be used for various
student to projects and tasks such as electronic
complete tasks references and resources, multimedia
through various projects, and creating organizational
electronic plans. The program can assist
mediums. students through the process of
breaking down the writing process
which will be useful for Gary since he
struggles to create grade-level writing

Spelling Grammarly The app/program Grammarly is a tool that can be used in Free or
features several various digital mediums such as email, $2.99 a
different versions Word documents, Facebook, Twitter, month
that allow users etc. This will enable Gary to create
to test whether grammatical improvements in his
the app is writing while being versatile in the
appropriate for applications of this spelling tool. He
their needs can use the tool to edit various typed
before works and even convert written texts to
committing to typed form with corrections if given the
additional appropriate assistance from an
purchases. This educator. The tool will be able to
will be useful in demonstrate frequently used mistakes
establishing that Gary applies in his writing such
familiarity with that he can begin to recognize some of
the product so his mistakes through the writing
that Gary process and eventually will not require
understands and so much prompting when attempting
appreciates the to draft or edit his completed work.

2. Develop a SMART goal in each academic area, spelling, reading and writing, to address the
student's needs by using this tool (s).

● Reading: By the end of the academic school year, Gary will be able to read a grade-level story
from the Epic! app at the instructional level. Gary will identify the main idea and at least two
supporting details from the story with 80% accuracy in four out of five trials.
● Writing: By the end of the academic school year, Gary will use Draftbuilder to outline, draft
and edit a one-page essay. Each paragraph will include a topic sentence, at least 3 details
and a conclusion. Gary will earn a score of 3 or higher on a writing rubric for each writing
assignment. There will be at least four writing assignments per quarter.
● Spelling: By the end of the academic school year, Gary will use the Grammarly tool to edit a
500-word typed assignment with no more than 50 spelling errors being detected by the
program. The 500-word typed assignment will be completed within a one-hour timeframe
and consist of a grade-level specific subject approved by the instructor. Gary will complete
the task with 90% accuracy or higher after 4 consecutive trials.

3. Develop 3 lesson activities using the materials you purchased. Explain either how to use tool or
specific activity with tool.

● Reading: Teaching visualization and Listening comprehension

○ Anticipatory set: Students will discuss with the teacher the different components of a
story (beginning, middle and end) and what each component contributes to the
overall structure of story building.
○ Modeling: The teacher will play an audiobook that is available through the Epic! app.
Students will follow along in their individual iPads, and the teacher will pause when
each component of the story has been thoroughly introduced in the audiobook.
○ Independent/Guided Practice: Students will draw three different pictures that
encapsulate the three different components of the audiobook story that they went
over as a class. Students will be able to use the Epic! app to go back to each different
part of the story in order to review their knowledge of the contents and events of the
story. The teacher will guide students through the activity as necessary.
● Writing: Outlining through Graphic Organizers
○ Anticipatory set: The teacher will introduce the concept of brainstorming an idea and
begin the process of brainstorming through the use of a whiteboard in the form of a
whole-class activity/discussion.
○ Modeling: The teacher will guide students through the process of developing their
own graphic organizer through the Draftbuilder program such that it functions as a
means of outlining a main idea. The teacher will demonstrate how to start the
graphic organizer with a main idea and develop an outline by connecting relevant
ideas to the central idea.
○ Independent/Guided Practice: Students will then be instructed to create their own
outline of a main idea through the use of the graphic organizer feature on
Draftbuilder. The teacher will be able to monitor student progress as well as any
difficulties students may have with utilizing the program.
● Spelling: Identifying and anticipating spelling errors
○ Anticipatory set: The teacher will begin the class by presenting students with a set of
vocabulary words to review. The list of vocabulary words includes words that are
related to the subject matter that has been reviewed in previous lessons.
○ Modeling: The teacher will then instruct the class to create a paragraph that she will
write down on a whiteboard utilizing the words within the list. The teacher will correct
students when words are misused, or sentences are grammatically unstructured.

○ Independent/Guided Practice: The teacher will then instruct students to type their
own paragraph using the Grammarly app to correct any mistakes that they make
including spelling errors. Students will mark down the number of errors that they
make through the Grammarly app and practice a system of self-assessment through
the Grammarly program.

Explain though processes and rationale for plan with student

While I am only vaguely introduced to the difficulties associated with the student Gary, the
plan that I have attempted to establish for the said student incorporates a great deal of flexibility
such that I can take into consideration his learning pace when these various technological tools will
be implemented into his learning curriculum. Some of these tools may indeed help him gain
momentum in his learning and encourage him to move several grade levels towards his currently
enrolled grade while others may not function with the same speed. The versatility in pricing is what
makes such a process possible given the constraint of a $100 limit. Furthermore, as a 6 th grader
Gary will likely have varied interests that should embody a reading curriculum that allows him to
appreciate his current tastes while also introducing him to new concepts. Gary’s learning needs
demand that he continues to be introduced to grade-level content and concepts while being
gradually scaffolded in the realms of reading, writing and spelling.
The SMART goals that I have developed for Gary utilize each program and application to its
maximum potential so that Gary can be familiar with every aspect of these tools’ functions.
However, all of the SMART goals assume that the tools will be easy to teach Gary and he will
appreciate their assistance given his limitations. If Gary does not wish to utilize these tools then
meeting the SMART goals will be increasingly difficult. This is of course one of the challenges
associated with creating a SMART goal that is supposed to incorporate a piece of technology that is
entirely new to a student. Therefore, the lesson activities that I have outlined for each technological
tool has a means of guiding Gary through the process of using the technology appropriately while
also introducing appropriate grade-level concepts.


1. PART ONE (What was your contribution to the technology toolkit?)

2. PART TWO narrative listing
a. Tool selected with rationale and cost
b. SMART GOALS for each literacy area
c. Overview of activity to use with tool or to teach how to use tool
3. Reflection on new knowledge or application

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