Chapter Two Principles & Basis of Accounting For Government & NFP Entities
Chapter Two Principles & Basis of Accounting For Government & NFP Entities
Chapter Two Principles & Basis of Accounting For Government & NFP Entities
Note that because a fund is an accounting entity, each fund has the following:
■ Its own accounting equation
■ Its own journals, ledgers, and other accounting records needed to account for the
effects of external transactions or inter fund activities on the net assets/activities accounted
for in the fund
■ Financial statements that report on the fund itself
Business-type activities are accounted for in a category of funds called proprietary funds.
General governmental activities are accounted for in governmental funds. There are two types
of proprietary funds and five types of governmental funds. Fortunately, accounting for each of
the two types of proprietary funds is quite similar, and accounting for each of the five types of
governmental funds is also quite similar. Thus, once you learn to account for one type of
proprietary fund, you will know most of what is needed to account for all other proprietary
funds. Likewise, once you can account for one type of governmental fund, you know most of
what is needed to account for all governmental funds.
B. Special Revenue Funds-This fund accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue
sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. As example, the
city council of a given city may specify that any money collected from the sale of zoo
animals may be spent to acquire new animals. Thus money received from this source is
monitored by inclusion in the special revenue funds until expended.
C. Capital Projects Funds -To account for financial resources to be used for the
acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by
proprietary funds and trust funds). As the title implies, capital project fund accounts for
costs incurred in acquiring or constructing major government facilities such as bridges,
high schools, roads or municipal office complexes (compound). Funding for this project
is normally collected from general revenues or from the sale of bonds. Capital project
funds exist only for the period of acquisition or construction of the fixed Asset. After
the acquisition or construction is completed the capital project fund will be abolished
(closed down). If the governmental unit has a number of capital projects going on at the
same time they might be accounted for together in one capital project fund. If the
governmental entity has capital projects going on continuously, the capital project fund
will be more or less perpetual.
D. Debt Service Finds- Debt service fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for
and the payment of general long term debt principal and interest. These funds serve to
record money accumulated in order to pay long-term liabilities and interest as they
become due. Debt service funds maintain a record of the monetary resources available
to satisfy long-term liabilities as well as the eventual payments of principal and interest.
2. Proprietary Funds
Proprietary funds are non expendable. They are for a part of the government that is run like a
private business, where the income and fees for the services of the fund is expected to cover
at least a part of expenses. Accordingly, according to Governmental Accounting Standard
Board, the proprietary funds are used to account for a government’s ongoing organizations
and activities that are similar to those often found in the private sector. To facilitate financial
reporting the proprietary funds are broken down in to two major divisions that is Enterprise
fund and Internal service fund.
(b) Where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues
earned, expenses incurred and /or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance,
public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. As an example
we can mention public transport organization involved in determination of income
such as Ethiopian air lines, Regional Bus transportation service organizations, Public
Telecommunication organization etc.
B. Internal Service Funds- accounts for the financing of goods or services provided
by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the
governmental unit, or to other governmental units, on a cost reimbursement basis.
A shared garage is a common example of an internal service fund,
particularly in NGOs. The garage would repair all NGOs vehicles,
regardless of which project or fund uses them. Charges are made to the
various funds for the repair costs. As non expendable fund, part of the
charge made to the various funds could be intended to be accumulated for
future years for the purchase of tools and equipment.
3. Fiduciary funds
Fiduciary funds are those funds that are used to account for assets held by a governmental unit
in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, and other
governmental units. These include:
A. Agency Funds- A fund Used to account for any resources held by a
government as an agent for individuals or other government unit's one body on behalf of
another occasionally collects tax etc.
B. Pension Trust Funds: A fund Used to account for an employee
retirement system because of need to provide an adequate benefit.
Modified accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenue in the accounting period in which it is
both measurable & available to finance the expenditures of the period. Expenditures are
recognized in the accounting period in which the liabilities are both measurable & incurred.
The above first point that is, the annual budget concept is not an accounting or financial
reporting principle, but it is a necessary pre-condition to accounting system for appropriate
budget control and budgetary comparison.
Principle 10- Transfers, Revenues, Expenditures, & expenses account classification
1. To distinguish internal shifts of resources and long term borrowing from revenues,
expenditures and expenses. In general, the following summaries are provided as per the
governmental Accounting Standard Board (GASB) for Transfer, Revenue, and Expense
Account (or Accounting) classification.
Inter fund transfers and proceeds of general long-term debt issues should be classified
separately from fund revenues and expenditures or expenses.
Governmental fund revenues should be classified by fund and source. Expenditure
should also be classified by fund, function (or program), organization unit, activity,
character and principal classes of objectives.
2. Proprietary fund revenues and expenses should be classified in essentially the same manner
as those of similar business organizations, functions, or activities.
The statement of activities should present governmental activities at least at the level of detail
required in the governmental fund statement of revenues expenditures, and changes in fund
balances at a minimum by function. Governments should present business type activities at
least by segment.
The preceding principle is intended to ensure that account classifications provide for separate
financial statement reporting of transfers from revenues and expenditures (or expense) and for
appropriate level of detail in the basic financial statements.