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Yellow Organic Natural Sunflower Biology Worksheet

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Sunflower Facts about one of the most

famous flowers in the world

Basic Information They have a

history of healing!
Name: Common Sunflower
Location and Habitat: Sunflowers also serve as
Prairies and dry, open areas home remedies in some
cultures, like in Mexico,
Scientific name:
where the blooms are used
Helianthus annuus
to soothe chest pain. Some
Native American tribes,
such as the Cherokee and
Dakota, use parts of the
Facts on sunflowers plant in their medicinal
concoctions for relieving
kidney and pulmonary
Sunflowers are actually "sun issues.
followers" through a type of plant
behavior called heliotropism.
Their buds and blossoms start
the day facing east and then follow
the sun until it sets in the west. But
when the flowers are undergoing
seed production, mature flower
heads become heavier and stiffer
than usual and remain facing east
for the rest of the day.

The sunflower head, which looks like

a single flower resembling the sun, is
actually made up of smaller flowers.
The yellow petals surrounding the
head are called "ray florets." Unlike
regular flowers, these florets cannot They have been
reproduce. But the disk florets, out of this world!
located in the middle of the
sunflower head, can produce seeds.
U.S. astronaut Don Pettit
They have male and female parts,
brought sunflower seeds to
allowing each disk floret to make
outer space during his 2012
seeds and self-pollinate.
trip to the International
About six to eight hours of sunlight Space Station. He planted
are needed for sunflowers to grow the seeds and
well. As if reaching for the skies, documented his out-of-
some sunflower plants can grow as this-world gardening
tall as 16 feet! Different species journey by taking photos
grow at varying heights, and the of the growing sunflowers
distance between plants in a plot and sharing his experience
can also influence this through a blog.

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