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Brosur ADVA Cast 512

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Grace Concrete Products

ADVA® Cast 512

High Early Strength Polymer-based
Superplasticiser for Precast Concrete
ADVA® Cast 512 is a polymer-based high
range water-reducing admixture that is
specially designed for producing superior
high early strength concrete in precast

ADVA Cast 512 contains no added chloride.

It is formulated to comply with specifications
for chemical admixtures for concrete: ASTM
C 494 and Type F; BS 5075: Part 3: 1985.

One litre weighs approximately 1.06 kg ± 0.02 kg. Advantages

• Superior Early Strength Enhancement
ADVA Cast 512 accelerates cement
Advantages hydration at a very early stage. Together
• Superior Early Strength Enhancement with the very efficient dispersion effect,
• High Workability ADVA Cast 512 achieves very high early
• Superior Surface Finish strength for the production of precast
• Superior Water Reduction structural elements.
• Optimise Precast Concrete Production
• High Workability
ADVA Cast 512 is ideal for precast
Dispersion applications, where high early strength is
ADVA Cast 512 is a superior dispersing desired, and where high workability will
admixture, having a marked capacity to aid faster placement and improved mix
disperse cement agglomerates normally consolidation.
found in a cement-water suspension. The
capability of ADVA Cast 512 exceeds that • Superior Surface Finish
of normal water-reducing admixtures (Type ADVA Cast 512 produces concrete with
WR) and High Range Water Reducers (Type superior surface finish, without stickiness,
HWR), resulting in lower dosages and better tearing or spotty set characteristics.
• Superior Water Reduction
Uses With up to 40% water reduction possible,
ADVA Cast 512 produces concrete with ADVA Cast 512 is highly effective in low
high early strength for precast concrete water-cement concrete, producing high
elements, while at the same time achieving strength and high early strength concrete.
high workability for easy and fast placement
of concrete. It also allows concrete to be
produced with very low water-cement ratios
in low to high slump ranges.
• Optimise Precast Concrete Production Dispensing Equipment
The accelerated set times of ADVA Cast ADVA Cast 512 should be kept under
512 may reduce or eliminate the need continuous circulation. This system can be
for heat curing to achieve high early installed in all bulk tanks. A complete line of
strength concrete. The earlier removal of admixture dispensers is available. Accurate
forms leads to reduced cycle times, faster and easy to maintain, the dispensers are easily
mould turnaround, reduced total costs and adapted to new or existing batching plants.
increased productivity.
Addition Rates ADVA Cast 512 is available in 205L pails and
Addition rates of ADVA Cast 512 can vary in bulk.
with type of applications, but will normally
range from 200 to 1,000 ml / 100 kg of ADVA Cast 512 contains no flammable
cementitious material. In most instances, ingredients. It will begin to freeze at
the addition of 300 to 800 ml / 100 kg of approximately 0ºC, but will return to full
cementitious material will be sufficient. strength after thawing and thorough agitation.
Should conditions require using more than
recommended addition rates, please consult In storage, and for proper dispensing,
your local Grace representative. ADVA Cast 512 should be maintained at
temperatures above 0ºC.
ADVA Cast 512 is not compatible with Health and Safety
Darex® Super 20, Daracem® and other NSFC- Please refer to ADVA Cast 512 Material
based admixture products. ADVA Cast 512 Safety Data Sheet or consult Grace
is compatible with most water-reducing Construction Products.
admixtures as well as specialty admixtures
like accelerators, DCI® Corrosion Inhibitor,
Eclipse® Shrinkage Reducing Admixture and
V-MAR® Rheology Modifying Admixture.
All admixtures should be separately added
to the concrete. Pre-testing of the concrete
should be performed to optimise dosages and
addition sequence of these admixtures.
Australia: Adelaide (61-8) 8261 8622, Brisbane (61-7) 3277 7244, Melbourne (61-3) 9359 2121,
Perth (61-8) 9353 3433, Sydney (61-2) 9743 8811
Hong Kong (852) 2675 7898 Indonesia (62-21) 893 4260 Japan (81-3) 5405 2991 Korea (82-32) 820 0800
China Mainland: Beijing (86-10) 6786 3488, Guangzhou (86-20) 3833 0775, Shanghai (86-21) 5467 4678
Malaysia (60-3) 9074 6133 New Zealand: Auckland (64-9) 448 1146, Christchurch (64-3) 335 0451,
Wellington (64-4) 238 2048 Philippines (63-49) 5497 373 Singapore (65) 6265 3033 Taiwan (886-3) 461 5462
Thailand (66-2) 709 4470 Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3710 6168
ADVA, the ADVA logo, DCI, Eclipse, V-MAR, Darex and Daracem are registered trademarks of W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn.
The information given is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the user’s consideration,
investigation and verification. Since the conditions of use are beyond our control we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Please
read all statements, recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale including those limiting warranties and
remedies which apply to all goods supplied by us. No statement, recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would
violate or infringe statutory obligations or any rights belonging to a third party.
These products may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2009. W. R. Grace (S) Pte Ltd 13-ADVA-57C Printed in Singapore 11/09

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