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Thomas Jefferson: "The study of the law qualifies a man to be useful to himself, to his neighbors,
and to the public." II. Ask Several Students to give their definition of "Law." A. Even after years and
thousands of dollars, "LAW" still is not easy to define B. What does law Consist of ? Law consists of
enforceable rule governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their
society. 1. Students Need to Understand. a. The law is a set of general ideas b. When these general
ideas are applied, a judge cannot fit a case to suit a rule; he must fit (or find) a rule to suit the unique
case at hand. c. The judge must also supply legitimate reasons for his decisions. C. So, How was the
Law Created. The law considered in this text are "man made" law. This law can (and will) change
over time in response to the changes and needs of society. D. Example. Grandma, who is 87 years
old, walks into a pawn shop. She wants to sell her ring that has been in the family for 200 years.
Grandma asks the dealer, "how much will you give me for this ring." The dealer, in good faith, tells
Grandma he doesn't know what kind of metal is in the ring, but he will give her $150. 1. Grandma
needs cash to buy medicine and therefore accepts the $150. 2. The ring turns out to be solid gold
and is really worth $25,000. 3. Question. Can Grandma get the ring back or recover the difference
between 25,000 and 150 or is she merely out of look. a. Ask was there a bargain for exchange b. Was
the ring purchased in good faith without knowledge of its value THIS IS WHAT WE WILL ENCOUNTER
IN THIS COURSE2 III. Schools of Legal Thought. A. Background. When we look at the development of
law, there are several things they have had a major influence. Some of the more important element
are customs, history, and logic. B. The "Problem". The major problem is that philosophers disagree
on what are the major factors. C. Outcome. This disagree has lead to 2 different schools of thought
on what the major factors are: 1. The Traditional Approach. The first school of thought is the
"traditional approach." The traditional approach looks to the past to discover what the principles of
the current law should be. a. Strict Decisions are followed. Followers of this school look to prior
decisions which are on point and will usually follow them to the letter. b. Example. Homer left the
neighbor's house and was obviously intoxicated. The neighbor knew Homer was intoxicated but kept
serving him drinks and then allowed him to drive. Homer lost control of his car and killed a 6 year old
child. Homer has no money or insurance. (1) The child's parents want to sue the "Neighbor" for
negligence as a social host. (2) Case Was recently decided stating that social host are not liable for
their guest. (3) Under the traditional approach, parents lose. The court will follow prior decisions. 2.
The Sociological Approach. The second school of thought is called the "sociological approach." Under
this approach, social forces and needs are the primary factors. a. The key to this approach is that
historical cases don't drive future law. Under this approach, as society changes, the law should also
change. b. Earlier Illustrated Case. Under this approach, the social host issue would probably have a
different outcome (1) Why? Because the court would see this as a public safety issue and would put
the (1) put the burden on individuals contributing to the occurrence and (2) provide a financial
outlet for those who have been injured. IV. COMMON LAW. A. Background. First, common law is still
alive and well in many aspects. This is the law that is common to the entire realm or population. 1.
As the text states, common law includes some aspects of statutory and case law dating back prior to
the American Revolution. a. What is Case Law. Case law is merely the rules of law announced in
court decisions. Case law may consist of interpretations of statutes, regulations and provisions in the
3 constitution. (1) You will hear the terms "precedent" and "stare decisis" when case law is
discussed. (A) Precedent is merely a prior case which is similar in legal principle or fact. (B) Stare
Decisis is the practice of deciding new cases with reference to former cases. b. What is Statutory
Law. In its simplest terms, statutory law consists laws enacted by state legislatures and at the federal
level, by Congress Example 1: Rape Statutes. Example 2: Divorce Statutes Example 3: Business
Incorporation Statutes III. REASONING A. Background. A judge cannot merely render an opinion on
an issue and stop there. He must articulate a legitimate reason why he has ruled in such a manner.
B. One form of Reasoning is "Syllogism" (Sin e ism). This is deductive reasoning using a major
premise, a minor premise and a conclusion. 1. Example. For example, if an individual is charged with
the crime of false imprisonment, the judge will: a. State that the law requires that the person
confined is not free to leave and he must also know of his confinement. b. The plaintiff in this case
was unaware of his confinement c. Therefore, there is no false imprisonment. C. Justification for the
Ruling. A judge has a wide variety of resources to rely on when rendering his opinion. They include:
1. Previous case law and legal principles 2. Statutes 3. Society's values 4. Customs and Course of
dealings SOURCES OF LAWS V. LET'S LOOK AT "CONSTITUTIONS" A. First Paragraph on Constitutions
is "critical". Review 4 1. The federal and states have separate constitutions 2. The US Constitution is
Supreme. Any law in violation of this will be declared unconstitutional and will not be enforceable. a.
Therefore, State statutes and regulations which conflict with the US Constitution will not be
enforceable. 1. IF the state constitution does not conflict with the US Constitution, then it is the
supreme law within that state's borders. 3. What are some of the things the US Constitution does? a.
The Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce (i.e
commerce between or among states) b. The Constitution also details out how the powers are to be
divided between the three branches of government (i.e. the judicial, legislative and executive
Court Appointments. One of the key duties of the President is to make appointments to the
Supreme Court. a. Why is this so Critical. This is critical because the Supreme Court gets to interpret
the Constitution. (1) So? Once the Supreme Court interprets a controversial issue, then this becomes
VI. WE ALSO HAVE STATUTORY LAW. This is law passed by Congress and various state legislatures.
Administrative Agency. Administrative Agencies are created by the executive or legislative branches
of government. VIII. The Uniform Commercial Code. A. The UCC will Follow in Most of Your Business
Dealings. B. What is the UCC? The UCC primarily deals with the sale of goods and was designed to
assist in commercial business transactions. THIS WILL BE DISCUSSED IN GREATER DETAIL IN FUTURE
CHAPTERS. IX. Brief Look at the Classification of Law. A. THREE DISTINCTIONS WILL BE MADE 1.
Distinguish between Substantive and Procedural Law 2. Distinguish between Public and Private Law
3. Distinguish between Civil and Criminal Law 5 B. Distinction between Substantive and Procedural 1.
Substantive Law governs the behavior of all of us in ordinary life. a. It regulates the creation and
exchange of property and contracts. b. It also defines what creates a criminal issue and a tort claim
2. A working definition of procedural law is the rules and principles that govern the behavior of
courts and lawyer in dealing with disputes. a. Procedure helps answer the following questions: (1)
What does one have to say to get a court to pay attention? (2) From whom a may a person with a
grievance seek relief? (3) How can I obtain information from my adversary? C. Public versus Private
Law 1. One Sentence. Public law addresses the relationship between persons and their government,
while private law looks at dealings between to persons. D. Criminal versus Civil Law 1. Civil Law spells
out the duties that exist between persons or between citizens and their government. a. One
Example would be whether there was a valid contract between two parties. 2. Criminal Law looks at
crimes against the public. Criminal law is always public. In such a case, the government is attempting
to penalize guilty persons. a. Examples of Criminal Offenses include (1) Burglary, (2)Murder, (3) Rape
and (4) Assault and Battery IX. REMEDIES AT LAW VERSUS EQUITABLE REMEDIES A. Remedies at Law
are usually monetary remedies. 1. Their Purpose is to return the parties to an equal footing. B.
Sometimes, remedies at law is inadequate. This is when Remedies in Equity come into play. C.
Equitable Remedies come into play when: 1. Damages cannot make the injured party whole. 2.
Damages are speculative and uncertain 3. Insolvency of the person committing the act 4. The harm is
so major it can not be fully compensated by money. 6 E. Three Primary forms of Equitable Relief 1.
Specific Performance. Specific performance is a remedy by which one party to a contract is ordered
to perform according to the contract's terms. a. Example. An example of this would be where you
contracted with the executor of Graceland to Purchase Elvis' Cadillac. IT'S A ONE OF A KIND ITEM 2.
Injunction. This is where a person wants to prevent the occurrence of a certain activity. a. Example.
For example, your neighbors have excessively loud parties and you want to stop them. 3. Rescission.
Rescission is the remedy whereby the original contract is considered to be voidable and thus may be
rescinded. a. In other words, rescission puts an end to the transaction and leaves the parties as
though the contract had never been made. X. HOW TO FIND CASE LAW A. State Court Decisions. At a
state level, the usually which are usually published are the appellate decisions. The appellate
decisions are the decisions of the State's Court of Appeals and the State's Supreme Court. 1. How Do
You Find Such a Case. After the decisions are published, they can be found by what is commonly
referred to as "citing." Each state has its own state reports. a. Additionally, the National Reporter
System divide the states into regions and report cases by region. "NORTH CAROLINA IS IN THE
SOUTHEAST REGION." (1) Griffin v. Griffin, 45 N.C. App. 531, 263 S.E.2d 39 (1980). (2) Jackson v.
Gastonia, 247 N.C. 88, 100 S.E.2d 241 (1957). (A) Note, two cites are given for each of these cases.
This is called "parallel citations." (B) Note, the "2d" indicates the case was reported in the second
series. B. Federal Court Decisions. 1. Federal Trial Court Opinions are reported under West's Federal
Supplement (F.Supp.) 2. Federal Court of Appeals decisions are reported in West's Federal Reporter
(F. or F.2d) 3. Supreme court decisions are reported in: a. The Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.) b. The
United States Reports (U.S.) c. The Lawyers' Edition of the Supreme Court Reports (L.Ed.) 7 4.
Examples. a. North American Oil Consolidated v. Burnet, 286 US 420 (1932). b. Internal Revenue v.
Indianapolis Power and Light Company, 110 S.Ct. (1990). c. City Gas Company of Florida v.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 689 F.2d 943 (11th Cir. 1982). * 11th Circuits denotes that this
case was decided in the US Courts of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. XI. ANALYZING A CASE. The author
states that each case presented in the text is summarized for ease of reading. A. Believe Me, reading
a court case is not that simple. B. The cases in the text have the following components: 1. The Case
Name and Cite 2. A brief summary of the background and facts 3. The decision and the rationale
behind it. C. Decisions and Opinions. If you ever get a chance to read an original court decisions, you
will come across one of four terms in the opinion 1. Unanimous Opinion is the First. This is when all
of the judges agree. 2. Majority Opinion. When there is not a unanimous opinion, a majority opinion
is written. This outlines the views of the majority of the judges on this particular issue. 3. Concurring
Opinion. Concurring opinions are usually written when a judge agrees with the decision for but for a
different reason. 4. Dissenting Opinion. This is sometimes called the "minority opinion." This is
written by the judges who disagree with the majority opinion. 8 CHAPTER 3: COURTS AND
ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION I. QUESTION: How many of you have ever been in a court room
either as part of he case or as a witness. II. PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to give you an
understanding of when a court and which courts have power to decide a dispute. III. LET'S START
WITH JURISDICTION. A. Background. Once the decision to sue has been made, a lawyer must make
some procedural decisions. The first major procedural decision is the selection of a proper court B.
Jurisdiction. Before any court can hear a case, it must have the power to hear the case. This is called
"jurisdiction." PARAGRAPH ONE IS "VERY IMPORTANT" 1. A court of proper jurisdiction is one that
can render a judgment that is binding on the parties and is enforceable in other courts. Without
jurisdiction, a court cannot exercise any authority in the case a. In order for a court to exercise valid
authority, one of two things must occur: (1) The court must have jurisdiction over the person against
whom the suit is brought and subject matter of the case OR (2) The court must have jurisdiction over
the property involved and the subject matter of the case. C. Personal Jurisdiction. The first key point
that we must remember is that " in order to consider a case, a court must have power over the
person or the property involved in the action. Do example. 1. Three Types of Personal Jurisdiction.
There are three types of personal jurisdiction a. In Personam Jurisdiction. The first is "in personam
jurisdiction." This is merely power over the person (1) Example. Larry sues Mo in a North Carolina
Court. Larry and Mo live in NC. Under this situation, the court has "in personam" jurisdiction over
Mo because Mo lives in NC. b. In Rem. Compare this with "in rem" jurisdiction. In this case, the
action is taken directly against the property (1) Example. If Larry lived in NC and Mo lived in Florida,
then NC can't get "in personam" jurisdiction, but if the property was in NC, then the NC court would
have jurisdiction over the property. D. Subject Matter Jurisdiction. Subject matter jurisdiction is
defined as the power or authority of a court to "decide a particular type of legal dispute. 1. Usually
Defined by Statute or the Constitution. The subject matter jurisdiction is usually defined 9 in the
statute or constitution that created the court. a. Example 1: Probate Court - Court that handles only
wills and estates. b. Example 2: Family Court - Court that handles disputes involving members of the
family (such as divorce and child custody). E. General vs. Limited Jurisdictions. You must also know
generally the difference between a court of general jurisdiction and a court of limited jurisdiction. 1.
General Jurisdiction. A court of general jurisdiction can decide almost any type of case. Some
examples of such courts are district courts, circuit courts and county courts. 2. Limited Jurisdiction. A
court of limited jurisdiction hears only specialized or limited subject matter cases. Again, the family
court is one example. F. Original vs. Appellate Jurisdiction. The text clarifies this distinction. Courts
having original jurisdiction are those who first hear the case, while appellate jurisdiction deals with a
court who reviews the decision of a lower court. 1. Example. NC Court of Appeals may review cases
of district courts of North Carolina. NC Court of Appeals are never the court of original jurisdiction.
IV. VENUE. Venue simply means the "place of trial." Venue rules attempt to allocate cases within a
judicial system in a manner that is convenient for the parties, witnesses and the court. 1. General
Rule. The general rule is that venue is proper where the incident occurred or where the parties
involved in the suit reside. a. Example 1: Barney Fife ran into Gomer's car. Barney and Gomer live in
NC and the accident occurred in NC. What state has proper venue? (1) Answer. NC because Barney
and Gomer lived in NC and the incident occurred in NC. b. Example 2: Barney ran into Floyd's car.
Barney lives in NC and Floyd lives in Texas. The accident occurred in Florida. Where is venue proper?
(1) Answer: NC, Texas, or Florida. NC because Barney lives there Texas because Floyd lives there
Florida because the accident occurred there. V. STANDING TO SUE. This is a "WHO" question. When
we say a person must have standing to assert a claim, we mean a party must have a legally
protectible and tangible interest at stake in the litigation. A. Standing focuses on the party asserting
the claim. B. The party must have been injured or be threatened with injury by the action
complained of. C. EXAMPLE. Barney Fife was a member Mayberry's police force. He was also a
member of the local police lodge. You had to be a police officer to be a member of the lodge. After
Barney opening opposed Major Pike's re-election, the police lodge voted to expel Barney out of the
lodge. Barney resigned from the police force the next day. After Barney's resignation, he file an
action in the federal district court seeking to be re-instated into the lodge. WHAT'S THE OUTCOME?
(A) BARNEY LOSSES. Since Barney resigned from the Mayberry police force, he lacks standing 10 to
challenge his expulsion because you had to be a police officer to be a member of the police lodge.
VI. COURT SYSTEMS. Let's take a look at the court systems. A. State Court System. 1. Background. I
want to try to keep this concept pretty simple because there are variations based on the
circumstance. In general, there are three level to a court system: the trial court, Appellate Court and
the State Supreme Court. a. General Rule. The general rule is that a trial court decision is
automatically appealable to the Appellate Court. BUT, the Supreme court must accept it before it
will hear the case. (1) NC Supreme Court. There are two types of cases that are automatically
appealable to the State Supreme Court. They are Utility Rate Case Hearing and hearings where the
person has been sentenced to "death." 2. Become familiar with Exhibit 2-1 on page 23; You will
probably see it again. 3. General v. Limited Jurisdiction Trial Courts. We briefly touched on this topic
earlier. Just to make sure we got it, general jurisdiction trial courts can hear practically any case,
while limited jurisdiction trial courts can only hear certain types of cases. 4. Hierarchy of Courts.
Some additional points about state court decisions. a. In most states, the state supreme court is the
highest court in the state. b. Appeal court's responsibility is to review lower courts decisions. They
try to determine whether the lower court committed an error. (1) NOTE, the Appeals court looks for
an errors in "law and procedure" not in fact. c. US Supreme Court may override. The general rule is
that the State's Supreme Court Decision is final. The only exception is when it is a question of federal
law. In this case it may be overruled by the US Supreme Court. B. Federal Court Systems. 1.
Organization. a. District Courts. These courts are very similar to state trial courts in that federal cases
usually arise in this type of court. The key points are: (1) Each state has at least one district court. (2)
District judges are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of Congress. (3) US
District courts have original jurisdiction in federal matters. b. US Courts of Appeal. The Courts of
Appeal hears cases from the district court. Key points are: 11 (1) Usually, the decisions of the Courts
of Appeal are final, but in rare situations they may be appealed to the US Supreme Court. c. Supreme
Court of the United States. This is the highest court in the land. (1) This court consists of nine
justices. These justices are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. (2) Once they
get there, they are in the job for life (i.e. a lifetime appointment) (3) The Supreme Court can review
any case decided by a lower federal court and it may review some state court decisions. 2. Judicial
Review. Judicial review means that the courts have the authority and power to determine if a
particular law is in violation of the Constitution. a. Marbury v. Madison. This was established in the
famous case of Marbury v. Madison. b. Why is this so Important? It is important because any statute
or law passed by government is subject to the courts' review. You see, the government may pass a
law, but if the court rules that it is unconstitutional, then the law is void. c. Roe v. Wade was a classic
example. In this case, the Texas legislature mandated an out right ban on abortion. (1) The US
Supreme Court held that such a ban violated an individual's right to privacy and therefore struck
down the Texas Statute as being unconstitutional. 2. Jurisdiction and Standing to Sue. a. The General
Problem is " to what extent may Congress curtail the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court or the lower
federal courts. (1) Answer. Congress has the power to control the number and kind of inferior courts
in the federal system. This is critical because it helps spread the balance of power between the
different branches of government. b. Federal Question. Whenever a cause of action is based on the
US Constitution or any federal law, then it is a federal question. If it is a federal question, then the
case comes under the jurisdiction of the federal courts. Some examples include: (1) Claims based on
rights granted by an act of Congress (2) Claims based on violation of Constitutional rights. (3)
Diversity of Citizenship. Diversity of citizenship cases are those arising between (1) citizens of
different states, (2) a foreign country and citizens of a state and (3) citizens of a state and citizens or
subject of a foreign country. The amount in controversy must also exceed $50,000. (a) Look at the
"Big Picture." The primary reason for diversity of 12 citizenship is that it was feared that State courts
would be biased against individuals from other States. (b) Heavy Dee, who is from (let's say NY) hits
Aunt Bees car. Aunt Bee is from Texas. The accident also happens in Texas. Aunt Bees car is totally
destroyed and she has substantial medical bill (i.e. exceeding $50,000). Do you think Heavy Dee is
going to get a fair trial in a Texas Court? (A) Answer. Probably not. That's why Heavy Dee may take
the case to federal district court. d. Which Case Reach the Supreme Court. (1) General Rule. The
general rule is that there is no absolute right of appeal to the US Supreme Court. (2) Writ of
Certiorari. To bring a case before the Supreme Court, a party requests the Court to issue a "writ of
certiorari." This is an order issued by the Supreme Court to the lower court requiring the lower court
to send the case to them for review. (A) NOTE, such a writ is not automatic. It is in the discretion of
the Supreme Court. (B) Page 29 lists some situations in which the Supreme Court may issue a writ of
certiorari. 13 CHAPTER 4: COURT PROCEDURES I. PROCEDURAL RULES. Understanding and meeting
procedural rules are essential in the litigation process. II. Consulting an Attorney. This is key because
the attorney will represent your interest. Legal fees and all settlement issues should be thoroughly
A. Background. In this section of the chapter, we are asked to follow a case through the court
system. Formats or procedures have been established so that a case may progress smoothly through
the court system. B. Stage One: The Pleading. 1. The complaint and the answer make up the
pleadings. 2. The suit starts when Kirby files the complaint. The complaint will contain 3 things (see
exhibit 4-3, page 67): a. A short statement of the grounds for jurisdiction. Items 1 and 2 b. A short
and plain statement of the facts necessary to show that the plaintiff is entitled to relief. Items 3 and
4 c. A statement of the remedy the plaintiff is seeking. Last paragraph. 3. Service of Summons. After
the complaint is filed, the Sheriff serves a summons and a copy of the complaint on the defendant
(in this case, Jones). See Exhibit 2-6 on page 32. The summons: a. notifies Jones that he is prepare an
answer to the complaint. b. The summons informs Jones that failure to answer will result in a
judgment by default for the plaintiff. 4. Answer and Counterclaim is the Next Step. The answer either
admits the statements or allegations set out in the complaint or denies them and sets out any
defenses that the defendant may have. a. If Carvello admits to all of the allegations in Kirby=s
complaint, a judgment will be entered for Adams. b. If Carvello denies Kirby=s allegations, the
matter will go to court. 5. Answer and Affirmative Defenses. Carvello could admit the truth of Kirby
complaint but raise new facts. D. The Next Stage is Possible Dismissible and Judgment before Trial. 1.
Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. This motion is made after the pleadings are closed (i.e. after
the complaint, answer and any counterclaims). a. This motion may be used when no facts are
disputed, and only questions of law are at issue. 14 2. Motion for Summary Judgment. This is similar
to a "motion for judgment on the pleadings." a. The only difference is that a motion for summary
judgment may be supported by evidence outside of the pleading. (1) For Motion on the pleadings,
you can only look at the pleading. E. Discovery. Before a trial begins, the parties will want to gather
information about the case. This is called "discovery." There are many devices which may be used to
obtain information about a case including: 1. Depositions. A deposition is a device by which one
party may require another party or witness to appear before a court reporter and answer oral
questions put to him by the opposing lawyer. a. The questions and answers are taken down, sworn
to and signed. 2. Interrogatories. Interrogatories are written questions to a party. AFTER the answers
are prepared, they are signed under oath. a. Interrogatories are directed only to the parties; not the
witnesses. 3. Physical and Mental Examinations. When the physical or mental condition of one party
is in question, the opposing party can ask the court to order a physical or mental examination. The
party must also show; a. good cause for the examination b. notice is given to the person to be
examined. c. the court order specifies the time, place, manner and scope of the examination. IV.
PRETRIAL HEARINGS. Either party may request a pretrial hearing. A. Purpose. The purpose of the
pretrial hearing is to identify the matters that are in dispute and to plan the course of the trial. B.
This is not a mechanism for the parties to settle their disputes. V. JURY TRIAL. A. Purpose. The
purpose of any trial is to persuade the judge or jury that your facts are more truthful and accurate
than the opposing lawyer. C. 7th Amendment. The 7th amendment to the Constitution establishes
the right to a jury trial. B. A trial can be held with or without a jury. 1. If there is no jury, the judge
determines the truth of the facts alleged in the case. 2. The right to a jury trial does not have to be
exercised and many cases are tried without juries. VI. JURY SELECTION. A. General Rule. The general
rule is that all persons are qualified to serve as jurors and to be included on the jury list. 15 B. First
stage - Assembling a pool of jurors for the particular case. Normally a pool of jurors is selected from
voting lists or city directories. 1. Exempt individuals are eliminated. Exempt individuals include
lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. C. Second Stage - Assembling a jury panel for the particular case.
From the list of nonexempt jurors, a panel of jurors is selected to try the case 1. The selection
process is called voir dire examination. a. The jurors are called into the courtroom and examined by
the lawyers and in some cases by the judge. b. Each side has an unlimited number of challenges for
cause (e.g. a juror is employed by one of the parties). c. Each side has a "limited" number what is
called "peremptory challenges. Under this method, a party can disqualify a juror for no reason at all.
X. THE TRIAL. A. Opening Statements. AS the text states both attorneys are allowed to make opening
statements concerning the facts to be proved. B. Calling Witnesses. After the opening statements,
each side gets to call its witnesses. 1. Direct Examination. In this case, Adams is the plaintiff and has
the burden of proving his facts are correct. He will therefore call and question the first witness. This
examination is call "direct examination." 2. Cross Examination. Once Adams has finished is
questions, it is then Jones turn to ask the witness questions. This is called "cross examination." 3.
Redirect and recross may occur. C. Move For Directed Verdict. At the conclusion of plaintiff's case,
the defendant may move for a "directed verdict." Such a verdict will be issued if the plaintiff has
failed to prove his case. SUCH MOTIONS ARE RARELY GRANTED. D. Defendant Puts on his Evidence.
Same procedure as plaintiff (i.e. direct examination, cross examination, redirect and recross). E.
Either party may move for a directed verdict at the end of defendant's case. F. Closing Arguments.
After both sides have rested their case, the attorneys present a closing argument. G. Jury
Instructions. The next step is that the judge will give the jury instructions. H. Jury then returns a
verdict. I. JNOV. The losing party can ask for a judgment not withstanding the verdict (called a
"JNOV"). 1. The losing party must have first request a directed verdict. 16 2. The standard is the
same as that for a directed verdict. VII. THE APPEAL. A couple of quick points about appeals. A.
Notice of appeal must be given within 30 days of entry of the judgment. b. Appeals courts do not
hear evidence. The appeals court decision is based on the record and the briefs. C. The appellate
court may reverse, affirm or modify a judgment. D. Higher Court Appeals. We have already talked
about appeals to the Supreme Court. VIII. OTHER FORMS OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION. There are
several other forms of dispute resolution. The text lists "Mediation" and "Arbitration." A. Mediation.
In the mediation process, the parties themselves must reach an agreement. The mediator is what we
call a "facilitator." His job is to merely keep the parties talking until a resolution can be reached. 1.
Mediators usually are not attorneys. B. Arbitration. In contrast, with arbitration, the arbitrator's
decision is legally binding on the parties. 17 CHAPTER 5: CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO REGULATE
States Constitution is the supreme law in this country. Neither Congress nor any state may pass a
law that conflicts with the Constitution." II. Goals for the Chapter. In this chapter we will look at the
structure, power and limitations of government power. III. Federalism. The United States has a
federalist system. That is, the national government and the government of each of the states
coexist. A. The fundamental attribute of federal power is that the federal government can only
assert those powers specifically granted by the U.S. Constitution. B. Comparison with the State
Power. The power of the state on the other hand are more of a "general police" power because the
states have the power to protect the health, safety or general welfare of state residences. 1. An
action by the state government is valid under federal law unless it violates some specific limitation
imposed by the U.S. Constitution. IV. Separation of Powers. The federal government is divided into
three branches of government. The executive branch enforces the laws; the legislative branch makes
the law and the judicial branch interprets the laws. A. Each Branch of Government has Separate
Power. Each branch of government has separate power granted to it by the Constitution. B. System
of Checks and Balances. A system of checks and balances is also an important part of the
Constitution because it keeps any one branch of government from accumulating too much power. 1.
Example. The text provides several examples. Congress has the power over spending and commerce,
but the president can veto that legislation. 2. Example. The executive branch is responsible for
foreign affairs, but treatises with foreign governments require the advice and consent of the Senate.
V. Commerce Clause. A. Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution grants Congress the
power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the
Indian tribes." 1. Mr.???, based on your readings, what does this mean. B. This is probably the most
power clause in the Constitution. It is very powerful because it is so far reaching. ALMOST
Supreme Court has ruled that Congress can regulate every commercial enterprise in the US. This
includes the regulation of commercial activity between states and within one particular state. 18 C.
HEART OF ATLANTA MOTEL v. UNITED STATES. 1. Facts. Owner of Motel refused to rent rooms to
blacks. This was in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. a. Contact With Interstate Commerce. The
motel was two interstate highways, derived 75% of its occupancy from out-of-state guests, and
solicited business in national advertisements. 2. Motel Owner's Argument. The motel owner argued
that Congress had exceeded its power to regulate commerce. 3. District Court Rulings. The district
court said that the 1964 Civil Right Act was constitutional as it was applied to this case. The owner
appealed. 4. US Supreme Court's Ruling. The Supreme Court held that the motel could
constitutionally be reached by the Civil Rights Act, under the Commerce Clause. a. KEY POINTS. (1)
The court took note of Congress' findings that racial discrimination discouraged travel on the part of
a substantial portion of the black community, THEREFORE such discrimination could be regulated by
Congress. (2) The court also held that Congress had the power to regulate local incidents if it could
have an effect on Commerce. (A) QUESTION. MR?? How could racial discrimination discourage
travel? D. The Power of the State to Regulate. We talked earlier about the power of the state to
regulate activity within its own borders. 1. We stated, that states may regulate private activities to
protect or to promote the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare of its citizens. 2. MR????,
what happens when state regulations interfere with Interstate Commerce? 3. Answer. The court
usually applies what is called a "balancing approach." a. In essence, they look at the merit and
benefit to the state and compare this to the burden being placed on interstate commerce. VI.
SUPREMACY CLAUSE. Article VI of the Constitution provides that the Constitution, laws, and treaties
of the United States are the "supreme Law of the Land." A. MR???, what does this mean (In your
own words) 1. Answer. Where there is a direct conflict between a federal law and a state law, the
determine whether a federal law preempts a state law, the courts must first determine Congress'
intent. 19 1. Look at how detailed the federal law is laid out. The more detailed the law, the more
likely it will be held that the Federal law preempts the state law. C. BURBANK v. LOCKHEED AIR
TERMINAL. 1. Facts. In this case Burbank's city council passed an ordinance which made it unlawful
for jets to take off between the hours of 11pm and 7am. 2. District Court Ruling. The district court
ruled that the ordinance was unconstitutional under both the Supremacy Clause and the Commerce
Clause. 3. Court of Appeals affirmed the district court's decision. 4. Supreme Court. The Supreme
Court also held that the ordinance was unconstitutional because federal law did in fact "preempt"
the ordinance. The court noted that "the pervasive nature of the scheme of federal regulation of
aircraft lead them to conclude that there is pre-emption. VII. TAXING AND SPENDING POWERS.
Under the taxing and spending powers, just note that Congress does in fact have the power to tax
individuals and companies AND Congress has the right to spend the monies they have accumulated.
VIII. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. A. General Rule. The First Amendment provides that "Congress shall
make no law that reduces the freedom of speech." 1. Exceptions. We just need to note that there
are a few exceptions to the first amendment. They include (1) obscene material, (2) profanity and (3)
fighting words (i.e. those things that tend to incite riots or violence). DON'T REVIEW METROMEDIA v.
SAN DIEGO IX. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. The First Amendment contains two distinct clauses designed
to protect religious freedom. A. Establishment Clause. The first is called the "Establishment Clause."
It forbids any laws which establish religion B. Free Exercise Clause. The second clause is called the
Free Exercise Clause. It bans laws that prohibit the free exercise of religion. C. Purpose of the
Clauses. The purpose of the clauses is to protect the freedom of every individual to worship or not
worship as he or she wishes (without government interference). X. SEARCH AND SEIZURE. A. Fourth
Amendment. The fourth amendment protects the rights of people to be free from unreasonable
searches and seizures. 1. Search Warrant. In most cases the government is required to obtain a
search warrant prior to searching a person's property. a. Exception to the Search Warrant. One of
the exceptions to the search warrant 20 requirement is when the police officer believes that the
item will be removed before a warrant can be obtained. 2. The Requirements for a Warrant to be
Issued. In order for a search warrant to be issued, there are at least two general requirements: a.
Requirement One. The warrant must be issued by a neutral magistrate or judge. This means that the
judge can't have any political or monetary ties to the case. b. Requirement Two. The warrant must
state the place to be searched and the items to be seized. XI. SELF-INCRIMINATION A. Fifth
Amendment. The Fifth Amendment guarantees that no person "shall be forced to testify against
himself." TWO OTHER COMMENTS 1. The fifth amendment does not apply to corporations or
partnerships. 2. Sole Proprietors who have not incorporated may also plead the fifth. XII. DUE
PROCESS. A. Introduction. The text summarizes three (3) courses into one page. This was a stuff task.
B. Fifth and 14th Amendments. The 5th and 14th amendments provide that no person shall be
deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. C. TWO PARTS TO DUE PROCESS.
There are two aspects of due process. 1. Procedural Due Process. The first aspect is procedural due
process. This requires that when government takes private property or upset someone's rights,
there must be fairness in the process when is used. 2. Substantive Due Process. The second aspect is
substantive due process. This focuses on the content or substance of the legislation. A couple of key
points: a. Fundamental Rights. If a law or government action limits a fundamental right, the action
must be necessary to promote a compelling and averring government interest. (1) Fundamental
Rights include (1) the right to travel, (2) the right to privacy, (3) the right to vote and (4) and all first
amendment rights (i.e. speech, religion, etc.) a. If not Fundamental Right. If it is not a fundamental
right, all the government must show is that the law is rationally related to a legitimate government
interest (a far less stringent standard). XIII. EQUAL PROTECTION. The fourteenth amendment
provides that "no State shall make or enforce any law which shall deny person within its jurisdiction
the equal protection of the law." A. Definition. Equal protection means that the government must
treat similarly situated individuals in the same manner. 21 B. Classification. Classification is the key
to this area of the law. In essence look at individuals in the same class and see whether they are
treated differently. If they are equal protection has been violated. 1. Example. All males are given an
"A" in Legal Environments and all females are given a "C". THIS VIOLATES EQUAL PROTECTION 2.
Example. All females got A's because they scored higher on the exams than the males. THIS DOES

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