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Name of Teacher : PoojaAsopa

Class : B.Tech. I Semester (Section- A) Paper: Computer Fundamentals and Programming

Basics and Arithmetic:

1. Prints Hello on screen.
2. Calculate sum of 2 numbers.
3. Calculate difference between 2 numbers.
4. Calculate multiplication of numbers.
5. Calculate division of numbers.
6. Calculate average of given numbers.
7. Combine all above 5 arithmetic operations in one program.
8. Print ASCII value of char input.
9. Demonstrate the working of \n \r and \t.
10. Find Quotient and reminder, input is 2 numbers.
11. Find area and perimeter of circle.
12. Find area of rectangle.
13. Swap two numbers using third variable.
14. Swap two numbers without using third variable.
15. Calculate Simple Interest & Compound Interest.
16. Convert temperature Fahrenheitto Celsius.
17. Calculate gross salary of person.
18. Calculate distance between two cities in km. and change it into meters, feets and inches.
19. Calculate aggregate of student marks.
20. Calculate the sum of first and last digit of given 4 bit number.
21. Demo of constant using #define.
22. Demo of const keyword.
23. Demo of enumerated data type.
24. Program to separate decimal and integer part of given floating point number.
Decision Making & Branching:
25. Program to check even or odd numbers.
26. To find absolute value of given number.
27. To check whether number is positive or negative.
28. To find maximum of 2 numbers.
29. To find maximum of 3 numbers
30 .To find profit and loss if selling n cost price is given.
31. To check whether the year leap year or not.
32. To calculate the electricity bill when the condition of meter reading are: units less than 1002.25, 100-200  3.00, 200-5004.25 and
above 7.00Rs.
33. To find roots of a quadratic equation.
34. Check whether a given character is alphabet/ digit/ vowel/ consonant/ special character.
35. Perform arithmetic operations (addition/ subtraction/ multiplication/ division) on two given numbers according to user’s choice.
36. To find the day of week given input from 1-7.
37. Mini Calculator that performs action on char bit input like +,-,*,/
38. Generation of table according to given input.( using all three loops)
39.To find the factorial of a given number.
40. To check whether the given number is prime/ armstrong/ perfect/ palindrome.
41. To display all prime numbers in a given range.
42. To find reverse of a given number.
43. Compute series 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + …
44. Compute series 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5! + …
45. Compute series 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + …
46. Find reverse of a given number.
47. Find HCF and LCM of two given numbers.
48. Find GCD of given number.
49. Draw patterns: Given below with its mirror and reverse order
1 1 1 * *
22 12 12 ** **
333 123 123 *** ***
4444 1234 1234 **** ****
A A 1 **** *
AB BB 11 *** **
ABC CCC 121 ** ***
ABCD DDDD 1331 * **
50. To draw Pascal pyramid.
51. Initialization of one dimensional array.
52. To find max and min value of array.
53. To reverse an array.
54. Insert an element in array.
55. Delete the element from array.
56. Sort array using bubble sort.
57. Sort array using insertion sort.
58. Sort array using selection sort.
60. Search an element in array using linear search.
61. Search an element in array using binary search.
62. Initialization of two dimensional arrays.
63. To find the addition of 2 matrices
64. To find the subtraction of 2 matrices.
65. To find the multiplication of 2 matrices.
66. Program to Merge 2-Arrays.
67. Program to calculate sum of rows of Matrix.
68. Program to calculate sum of columns of Matrix.
69. Program to calculate diagonal sum of Matrix.
70. Program to find transpose of matrix.
71. Program to print a simple string.
72. Demonstrate the string functions like strcat,strcpy,strrev,strlen,strcmp etc.
73. Program to reverse a string.
74. Program to count number of vowels in a string.
75. Program to find number of words in a string.
76. Program to check string is palindrome or not.
77. Demo of no return type and no parameter function.
78. Demo of return type and with parameter function.
79. Nesting of function.
80. Convert the case of character using function.
81. Print Fibonacci series using function.
82. To reverse a given number using function.
83. To find factorial of given number using function.
84. Sort array using bubble sort using function.
85. Sort array using insertion sort using function.
86. Sort array using selection sort using function.
87. Search an element in array using linear search using function.
88. Search an element in array using binary search using function.
89. Find factorial of a number using recursion in c program
90. To generate Fibonacci series using recursion in c
91. To find power of numbers input by users.
92. To find GCD of given number.
93. Reverse a string using recursion.
94. Find sum of series 1+2+3+...+n using recursion.
90. Program to print address of a variable along with its value.
91. Program to compute sum of all elements stored in an Array.
92. Program to swap 2 no’s using call by value.
93. Program to swap 2 no’s using call by reference.
94. Program to demonstrate pointer as structures.
95. Program to demonstrate pointer as char strings to determine the length of char string.
96. Program to copy 2 strings using pointer.
Structure & Union:
97. Program to demonstrate the working of structures in c with input and output.
98. Program to demonstrate the Array of structures in c for student’s details.
99. Program to demonstrate the nesting of structures in c for employer’s personal and professional details.
100. Program to find complex variables solution using function of structures.
101. Program to demonstrate the working of Union.
102. Program that defines the difference of memory location between structure and union.
103. Program to convert binary number to decimal.
104. Program to convert decimal to binary number.
105. Program to convert octal to decimal number.
106. Program to convert binary to hexadecimal number.107. Program to convert decimal to hexadecimal number.

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