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Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Multi-Cell Box Girder Curved Bridge

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Multi-cell Box

Girder Curved Bridge
Khairmode A. S.1, Kulkarni D. B.2
PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, RIT, Rajaramnagar, Maharashtra, India.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIT, Rajaramnagar, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: Prestressed concrete structures are widely used in all over the world. They give better performance with smaller cross
sections. The prestressed concrete construction is more suitable for medium and long span bridges with heavy loads. Now the
prestressed concrete system is also used in curved bridge with long span. It has become challenge to analyze this bridge deck due to
geometric complexities and interaction between bending and torsion. In this paper, the analysis of horizontally curved prestressed
concrete box girder bridge deck is studied by using three dimensional modeling and analysis. Section geometry, material properties and
radius of curvature are same in all the models while angle of curvature is varying from 0o to 90oand angle of curvature are kept
constant as 30°,60° and 90° and its radius of curvature varying from 25 m to 50m.Analysis is carried out using the IRC Class AA
loading. The 3D Finite Element Models are prepared using SAP software. The results for stresses are observed by keeping the same
material properties.

Keywords: Prestressed concrete, curved bridge, Finite element analysis, Indian Road Congress, Class AA load

1. Introduction bridge by using finite modeling models and analysis.

Bridge span, geometry of section and material properties
Horizontally curved bridges are the most reasonable options are kept same, only the angle of curvature is varying from
at complicated conditions where geometric restrictions and 0 to 900.From result it is proposed that the distribution of
constraint of limited site space make difficult the adoption tendons across the width should be varying for optimizing
of standard straight superstructure. Usually these bridges has the bridge capacity. Also it is concluded that the reduction
cellular cross section so that it can resists the high torsional in resultant stress is possible because of prestressing.
moment economically. As compared to straight bridges a  Vikash Khatri et al (Sept. 2012): has done the prestressing
rare documentation on study of horizontally curved bridges of steel concrete composite bridge. In their paper they
has been available. There is no separate guideline available studied the effect of the total area of steel girder,
for the curved bridge in the current specification of IRC. prestressing force required in the cable and stresses in the
deck slab using span length from 20 m to 100 m and 4
Ali R. Khaloo and M. Kafimosavi has studied about the girders and 5 girder systems. They concluded that
enhancement of flexural design of horizontally curved prestressing force at zero deflection under dead and
prestressed bridges(1). The flexural behavior of horizontally imposed load helps to eliminate shrinkage cracks and
curved prestressed(post tensioned) box bridges is studied increase the stress levels in the deck slab.
with the help of three dimensional finite element modeling  Suren Chen et al (2014): has analyzed comprehensive
and analysis. The result of this study shows that the stress performance on eight bridge configurations of various
distribution in curved bridge is different in comparison to degrees of skew and curvature with low to moderate
straight bridges. seismic excitations which are characteristics of mountain
west region. The result of this paper gives the impact on
AASHTO has given strict restrictions on the use of stress seismic performance due to the effect of skew and
distribution formulas for horizontally curved bridges. But curvature with combined geometries. They also made the
there is no special considerations has been made on the use complexities of curvature, skew, direction of loading and
of stress distribution formulas for prestressed bridge. There boundary conditions which leads to informed design
is very limited knowledge about behavior of prestressed decisions practicing engineers in the future.
curved bridges is available, both in AASHTO specifications  Thomas Wilson et al (June 2015):has studied the seismic
and the literature. performance of a reinforced concrete curved and skewed
bridge under vertical ground motion.The effect of vertical
In this paper, stresses at mid-span of the bridge were ground motion on skewed and curved bridge is presented
investigated due to prestressing using different angles of for moderate to high seismic region. The ground motions
curvature. The main objectives of this research are to study selected are composed of a range of near-fault earthquake
the behavior of prestressed curved box bridges. records with varying component characteristics such as
site condition, fault distance, and vertical-to-horizontal
2. Literature Survey acceleration ratios. This study indicates that excluding the
components of vertical ground motion from analysis
 Ali R. Khaloo and M. Kafimosavi (Sept.2007): has imposes a larger risk margin than previous.
studied the flexure behavior of curved prestressed box

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162 2455
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
 J. Senthilvasan et al (April 2002): has carried out an
experimental investigation on a continuous curved
concrete bridge which has the twin-cell box girder system.
The bridge was tested for moving heavy vehicle at
different speeds.The strains and deflections due to heavy
vehicles are recorded. The experimental results were
compared with the results which are obtained from
analytical interaction of bridge-vehicle model and with the
bridge design code. It is concluded that dynamic
amplification depends on position on span and location on Figure 1: Cross section adopted
cross section. Results shows that there is larger dynamic
amplification in strains as that of in deflections. At both the ends of the bridge 30 cm(1ft) diaphragm are
provided which reduce local effects and provide uniform
3. Problem Statement distribution of the large support reactions. All these bridges
contain two traffic lanes. Profile adopted for prestressing
In this paper, it is proposed to carry out the Seismic tendon is as shown in the figure 2. These prestressing
behavior of Prestressed Concrete curved bridge deck under tendons are distributed in the 5 web girders with the tensile
moving load. The four cell box girder with 12 m carriage force of 5000 KN per tendon.
width and 2 m deep is taken for the study. The prestressing
force of 5000 KN is applied on the tendons. The bridges
with curvature angle of 30º, 60º and 90º and varying radius
of curvature from 25 m to 50 m are considered. results
obtained by software are validated by available research

4. Finite Element Method

The main advantage of Finite Element Method is that its

universal acceptance for variety of problems. The finite Figure 2: Profile of tendon in curved bridge.
element method is one of the method which handle all types
of structure. The application of FEM to bridge problems will 5.1 Live load consideration
need a detailed understanding and knowledge of almost all
the facets of advanced structural mechanics and numerical All the models are designed for class AA loading.
techniques which many times a design engineer may not According to IRC specification the bridge designed for class
have. AA loading should be checked for class A loading also,
because the maximum bending moments are occurred due to
During the past two decades, the Finite Element Method class A loading.
(FEM) has become a popular technique in engineering for
computerized complex solutions. The FEM solves the The carriage width of bridge is 8.4m.Therefore according to
problem by using mathematical modeling in which the IRC number of lanes should be 2 and live load combinations
structure should be considered as assembly of two or three are 1 lane of 70 R vehicle or 2 lanes of class A vehicle.
dimensional elements connected to each other at their nodal
points, possessing an appropriate number of degrees of

The entire structure (Box Girder) is divided into small

elements and the stiffness of that structure is assembled from
the membrane and the plate bending stiffness of each

5. Analysis
The study of stresses of horizontally curved prestressed
concrete box bridges is presented by using three Figure 3: FEM Bridge model for curved bridge.
dimensional finite element analysis software SAP 2000.The
multi-cell box girder bridge with different angles of
curvatures were selected for the study of stress distribution.
All the bridges has radius of 40 m and the Curvature angles
varying from 00 to 900.The corresponding spans are from
13.96 m to 62.83m in length. The geometry of bridge is as
shown in the Fig.1
Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162 2456
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 4: Extruded curved bridge model

6. Result and Discussion Figure 4: Top stress distribution

The stress distribution in the bridges due to prestressing is
listed in the Table 1 and 2.The distribution of stress is not
symmetrical in prestressed curved box girder bridges. For
prestressing load case, the longitudinal stresses increases at
the internal part of the section and goes on decreasing
towards the external edge. All the section area is still in
compression and within AASHTO limits.

6.1 Midspan Longitudinal Stresses

The longitudinal stresses at top and bottom level of the

bridge deck are obtained. These longitudinal stresses are
obtained for prestress loading case. The values of stresses
are negative which means that stresses are in compression. Figure 5: Bottom stress distribution

Table 1: Mid span Stress Distribution for curvature angle Table 4: Mid span Stress Distribution for radius of
300 curvature 40m
Radius(m) Span(m) Longitudinal Stress(MPa) Curvature Span(m) Longitudinal Stress(MPa)
Top Bottom angle Top Bottom
25 13.09 -4.66 -1.22 200 13.96 -4.67 -1.57
30 15.708 -4.38 -1.67 300 20.94 -4.66 -0.959
35 18.326 -4.53 -1.75 400 27.92 -4.39 -1.509
40 20.94 -4.67 -0.96 500 34.91 -4.65 -1.677
45 23.56 -4.82 -0.83 600 41.89 -4.015 -1.955
50 26.18 -2.22 -1.33 700 48.87 -3.887 -2.109
800 55.85 -3.64 -2.72
Table 2: Mid span Stress Distribution for curvature angle 900 62.83 -3.54 -2.67
Radius(m) Span(m) Longitudinal Stress(MPa) Table 5: Mid span Stress Distribution for radius of
Top Bottom curvature 50m
25 26.18 -2.17 -13.30 Curvature Span Longitudinal Stress(MPa)
30 31.42 -2.12 -12.96 angle (m) Top Bottom
35 36.65 -4.56 -2.85 200 13.96 -4.529 -1.404
40 41.89 -2.03 -3.07 300 20.94 -2.224 -1.329
45 47.12 -2.19 -4.51 400 27.92 -4.383 -1.195
50 52.36 -3.946 -1.787 500 34.91 -4.232 -1.032
600 41.89 -3.946 -1.787
Table 3: Mid span Stress Distribution for curvature angle 700 48.87 -3.714 -2.097
900 800 55.85 -3.407 -2.921
Radius(m Span(m) Longitudinal Stress(MPa) 900 62.83 -2.953 -4.372
) Top Bottom
25 39.2727 -3.7616 -2.79
30 47.12 -3.71 -2.69
35 54.98 -3.43 -3.37
40 62.83 -3.39 -3.24
45 70.69 -3.21 -4.21
50 78.54 -2.95 -4.37

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162 2457
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 8: Midspan Vertical Deflection

Figure 6: Top stress distribution
Table 7: Midspan deflection for radius of curvature
Angle of Curvature(m) For 40 m in (m) For 50 m in (m)
20° 0.082326 0.07296
30° 0.065082 0.0645
40° 0.05837 0.051297
50° 0.050788 0.046073
60° 0.04887 0.0424
70° 0.04373 0.039401
80° 0.04238 0.037001
90° 0.03994 0.0349

Figure 7: Bottom stress distribution

5.2 Midspan Vertical Deflection

The deflection is caused due to the different loadings to

which the structure is subjected. The midspan deflection for
all the models are computed.

Table 6: Midspan deflection for curvature angles

Radius of For 30° in For 60° in For 90° in(m) Figure 9: Midspan Vertical Deflection
Curvature(m) (m) (m)
25 0.0841 0.0868 0.05027 7. Conclusion
30 0.18 0.04 0.04735
35 0.069 0.05 0.04265 With increase in the radius of curvature and angle of
40 0.06508 0.048 0.03889 curvature, the stresses at the top of the prestressed curved
45 0.0645 0.036 0.0376 bridges increases while stresses at the bottom of the bridges
50 0.0615 0.0424 0.0349 decreases. As the radius of curvature and angle of curvature
of prestressed concrete curved bridge increases the midspan
vertical deflection goes on decreasing.

8. Future Scope

 The performance of box girder by changing the profile

and positions of the tendons.
 The performance of the deck can be investigated by
changing the deck sections like trapezoidal or circuler
 The effect due to change in boundry conditions and
varying the loading conditions may be studied.

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162 2458
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
 The effect on continues span bridge can be computed in
future study.

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Author Profile
Khairmode A.S., student IVth sem, structural
engineering, Civil Engineering Department,
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar,
Islampur, India.

Kulkarni D.B., Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department,

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar, Islampur,

Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162 2459

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