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Learning Activity Sheet in General Physics 1 Lesson 11: Periodic Motion

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Learning Activity Sheet in General Physics 1


Name of Learner: ________________________________ Date: __________________________

Grade Level: ____________________________________ Section: _______________________

GRAVITATION: The learners demonstrate an understanding of...

1. Periodic Motion
2. Simple harmonic motion: spring- mass system, simple pendulum, physical
3. Damped and Driven oscillation
4. Periodic Motion experiment
5. Mechanical waves


Solve multi- concept, rich context problems using concepts from rotational motion,
fluids, oscillations, gravity, and thermodynamics


1. Relate the amplitude, frequency, angular frequency, period, displacement, velocity, and acceleration of
oscillating systems . (STEM_GP12PM-IIc-24).
2. Recognize the necessary conditions for an object to undergo simple harmonic motion (STEM_GP12PM-
3. Analyze the motion of an oscillating system using energy and Newton’s 2nd law approaches
(STEM_GP12PM- IIc-26)
4. Calculate the period and the frequency of spring mass, simple pendulum, and physical pendulum
(STEM_GP12PM- IIc-27 )
5. Differentiate underdamped, overdamped, and critically damped motion (STEM_GP12PM- IId-28 ).
6. Describe the conditions for resonance (STEM_GP12PM- IId-29)
7. Perform an experiment involving periodic motion and analyze the data—identifying discrepancies between
theoretical expectations and experimental results when appropriate (STEM_GP12PM- IId-30)
8. Define mechanical wave, longitudinal wave, transverse wave, periodic wave, and sinusoidal wave
(STEM_GP12PM- IId-31)
9. From a given sinusoidal wave function infer the (speed, wavelength, frequency, period, direction, and
wave number (STEM_GP12PM- IId-32)
10. Calculate the propagation speed, power transmitted by waves on a string with given tension, mass, and
length (1 lecture) (STEM_GP12PM- IId-33)


PERIODIC MOTION: Understand the Elastic Potential Energy; Simple Harmonic

Motion; A Model of Simple Harmonic Motion; Position, Speed, and Acceleration;
Trigonometric Notation; The Simple Pendulum; The Physical Pendulum; Damped
Harmonic Oscillator.

Many events in both nature and technology are periodic, with a certain motion repeating
itself over and over again. As its name suggests, simple, harmonic motion, is the most
basic kind of oscillation. A tree swaying in the wind, a child on a swing, the pistons of a
car engine, the vibrating atoms in a solid-all are undergoing simple harmonic motion, or
very nearly so. In fact, every periodic event is either simple harmonic or else the result of
several such motions mixed together.
In harmonic motion the energy of the vibrations goes back and forth between kinetic and
potential forms. The potential energy may be elastic rather than gravitational; we will find
later that the notion of potential energy has even wider scope. The electrical equivalent
of potential energy, in particular, can lead to electrical equivalent of potential energy, in
particular, this oscillations that make possible the electronic recording and transmission
of sight and sound.

Brief Discussion


“The work done to deform an elastic object.”

Open the lid of a jack-in-the-box and out pops jack. How fast does he move? How
high does he go? Not a very dignified problem for a serious science like physics, one
might think, but the principles behind a jack-in-the-box apply equally well to any other
system that stores elastic potential energy.
When we pull out a spring, it resists being stretched, and if we then let go, the
spring returns to its original length. As we know, this is typical of elastic behavior. On the
other hand, when we pull out a piece of taffy, it also resists being stretched, but if we then
let go nothing happens: the deformation is permanent. This is typical of plastic behavior.
In the case of the stretched spring, a restoring force comes into being that tries to
return the spring to its normal length. The more we stretch the spring, the more the
restoring force we must overcome. Exactly the same thing happens when we compress
the spring: It resists being shortened, and if we let go, the spring goes back to its normal
length. Again, a restoring force arises, and again the more the compression, the more
the restoring force to be overcome.
The amount x by which an elastic solid is stretched or compressed by a force is
directly proportional to the magnitude F of the force, provided the elastic limit is not
exceeded. This proportionality is called Hooke’s law.


Where k is a constant whose value depends on the nature and dimensions of the
object. A stiff spring has a higher value of k than a weak one.

W = PE = 1/2kx^2 (elastic potential energy)


“The energy of an oscillator shifts back and forth between PE and KE.”

Simple harmonic motion, in physics, repetitive movement back and forth

through an equilibrium, or central, position, so that the maximum displacement
on one side of this position is equal to the maximum displacement on the
other side. ... That is, F = −kx, where F is the force, x is the displacement, and
k is a constant.
The period T and frequency f of a simple harmonic
oscillator are given by T=2π√mk T = 2 π m k and f=12π√km f = 1 2 π k
m , where m is the mass of the system. Displacement in simple
harmonic motion as a function of time is given by x(t)=Xcos2πtT x ( t )
= X cos 2 π t T


“How to derive the formula for the period of SHM.”
Simple harmonic motion can serve as a mathematical model for a variety of
motions, but is typified by the oscillation of a mass on a spring when it is
subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hooke's law.
The motion is sinusoidal in time and demonstrates a single resonant


“Formulas that apply to any harmonic oscillator.”
The principles of conservation of energy gives us a way to express the speed of an
object in SHM in terms of its frequency f, amplitude A, and displacement x. The total
energy of the oscillator (object plus spring) is the sum of its kinetic and potential
energies at any time, which are, respectively, 1/2 mv^2 and 1/2kx^2.

Total energy = KE + PE

1/2kA^2 = 1/2mv^2 + 1/2kx^2 or

v = (√ k/m)( √ A^2 – x^2)

v=(2)(pie)(f) √A^2 – x^2) speed at given displacement

v = (2)(pie)(f)(A) maximum speed

“It’s period is independent of its mass.”

A simple pendulum is one which can be considered to be a point mass suspended from a string or
rod of negligible mass. It is a resonant system with a single resonant frequency. For small
amplitudes, the period of such a pendulum can be approximated by: Show. For pendulum length.


“How to find the period of any swinging object.”

For small amplitudes, the period of a physical pendulum only depends on the moment of inertia of
the body around the pivot point and the distance from the pivot to the body's center of mass. It is
calculated as: T=2π√Imgh T = 2 π I mgh . The period is still independent of the total mass of the
rigid body.


“The greater the damping, the slower the oscillations and the sooner they
die out.”


DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice. One (1) point for each number. Select the correct
answer from the given choices. Shades your answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. The product of the period and the frequency of a harmonic oscillator is always
equal to?
A. 1 B. pie
C. 2pie D. The amplitude of the motion

2. The period of a simple harmonic oscillator is independent of its?

A. Frequency B. amplitude
C. Force constant D. Mass
3. The amplitude of the motion of an object undergoing SHM is?
A. Its total range of motion B. Its maximum displacement on
either side of the equilibrium
C. Its minimum displacement on D. The number of cycles per second
either side of the equilibrium it undergoes.

4. The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator does not affect its?

A. Frequency B. Maximum speed
C. Maximum acceleration D. Maximum KE

5. The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator’s is doubled. Which one or more

of the following is also doubled?
A. Its frequency B. Its period
C. Its maximum speed D. Its total energy

6. Which one or more of the following statements about an object in SHM in a

straight line is not true?
A. Its acceleration can be 0 at B. Its acceleration can be greater
times. that g at times.
C. Its amplitude must be small D. Its KE is constant.

7. An object undergoes simple harmonic motion. Its maximum speed occurs when
its displacement from its equilibrium position is?
A. Zero B. A maximum
C. Half its maximum value D. None of the above

8. In simple harmonic motion there is always a constant ration between the

displacement of the mass and its?
A. Speed B. Acceleration
C. period D. Mass

9. An object attached to a horizontal spring undergoes SHM on a frictionless

surface. Its PE?
A. Is 0 B. Equals its KE
C. Does not equal to KE D. May be any of the choices,
depending on its displacement.

10. A pendulum comes very close to executing simple harmonic motion provided
A. Its bob is not too heavy B. The supporting string is not too
C. The arc trough which it swings is D. The arc through which it swings
not too small is not too large.

11. The period of a simple pendulum depends on its?

A. Mass B. Length
C. Total energy D. Maximum speed

12. A pendulum clock is in an elevator. The clock will run fast when the elevator is?
A. Rising at constant speed B. Falling at constant speed
C. Accelerating upward D. Accelerating downward

13. An object pivoted at an arbitrary point swings back and forth with the period T.
the number of other points in the object at which it can be pivoted and have the
same period is?
A. 0 B. At least 1
C. At least 2 D. Unlimited

14. An object pivoted at an arbitrary point is struck at its center of oscillation.

A. The object oscillates with a B. The The object oscillates with a
shorter period than if struck longer period than if struck
anywhere else. anywhere else.
C. There is no reaction force on the D. The reaction force on the pivot is
pivot. a maximum.

15. S spring whose force constant is k is cut in half. Each of the new springs has a
force constant of
A. ½ k B. K
C. 2k D. 4k

16. A string force constant 1.0 N/m is joined end-to-end to a spring of force constant
2.0 N/m. the force constant of the combination is?
A. 0.67 N/m B. 1.0 N/m
C. 1.5 N/m D. 3.0 N/m

17. A force of 0.2 N is needed to compress a certain spring by 2 cm. its potential
energy when compress is?
A. 2 X 10-3 J B. 2 X 10-5 J
C. 24X 10-5 J D. 8 X 10-5 J

18. A 0.40 lb toy car is pressed against a horizontal spring of force constant 12.0
lb/ft. the spring is compressed 1.5 in and then the car is let go. If there is no
friction, the car leaves the spring with a speed of
A. 0.68 ft/s B. 3.9 ft/s
C. 11 ft/s D. 46 ft/s

19. When a 1.0 kg mass is suspended from a spring, the spring stretches by 50
mm. the force constant of the spring is?
A. 0.20 N/m B. 1.96 N/m
C. 49 N/m D. 196 N/m

20. If the suspended mass of multiple choice 19 oscillates up and down, its period
will be approximately?
A. 0.032 s B. 0.071 s
C. 0.45 s D. 4.5 s
Note: This will be your answer sheets for all the exercises that you need to answer in the
succeeding lessons. You are allowed to photocopy this.

1. At what point or points in its motion is the energy of a harmonic
oscillator entirely potential? At what point or points is its energy
entirely kinetic?
2. A wooden object is floating in a bathtub. It is pressed down and the
released. Under what circumstances will its oscillations be simple
harmonic in natures?

2. A person swings an iron ball in a vertical circle at the end of a string.

At what point in the circle is the string most likely to break? Why?


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presented, presented, presented, presented,
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explained. explained. explained. explained.

Crisostomo, A.L. and Reyes, S.B. (2015). Physics Laboratory Manual. Revised
Edition. National Bookstore

MODERN TECHNICAL PHYSICS. 6th Edition. Arthur Beiser

Giambattista, A.,Richardson, B. and Richardson, R. (2007). College Physics. 2nd
Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Companies, Inc.

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Checked and Reviewed by:

Master Teacher I-SGH-Science

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