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002 Majnoon Site Specific HSE Plan

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Contractor’s Company Name









Name: ------------------------ ----------------------- -----------------------

Signature: -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------

Position: HSE Officer Project Eng. Managing Director

Date: ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------


Name: ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------

Signature: ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------

Position: Contract Holder Contract Owner UIM/Q/MJ/AMI

HSE T/Lead

Date: ----------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------

Revision 00
Toble of Content
1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 3
1.1. HSE Policy ................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. HSE Objectives .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3. Scope of Work ......................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Organization and responsibilities...................................................................... 4
2. Health and Safety Requirements ........................................................................ 5
2.1. HSE induction, Safety Training and communications .................................... 5
2.2. Working Hours ....................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Incident Reporting ................................................................................................ 6
2.4. Accident Prevention .............................................................................................. 6
2.5. HSE Meetings .......................................................................................................... 6
2.6. Subcontractor Management ................................................................................ 7
2.7. Plants and Equipment........................................................................................... 7
2.8. Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) ............................................................ 7
3. Hazard Assessments and Control ....................................................................... 8
4. Emergency Preparedness and Response .......................................................... 8
5. Waste Management ............................................................................................... 8
6. Journey Management ............................................................................................ 9
7. Security Plan ........................................................................................................... 9
8. Performance Measurement and Incident Reporting ..................................... 9
9. General Requirements........................................................................................ 10

1. Introduction
This HSE Plan identifies measures to be taken by AKER RESOURCES to minimize
hazards to persons working on and visiting the project site and to comply with all
applicable safety requirements and regulations. Measures identified in this plan
apply to work within the project area defined as the right of way, access roads, gas
plant, flowstation etc.

1.1. HSE Policy

WORKERS’ HEALTH AND SAFETY. If a job represents a potential safety, health or
environmental threat, every effort will be made to plan a safe way to do the job.
Shortcuts in safe procedures by workers will not be tolerated. If a worker observes
any job, which may pose a potential threat to their health or safety, he or she must
inform AKER RESOURCES management and management will take adequate

1.2. HSE Objectives

The purpose of this plan is to describe safety standards and practices that will be
implemented to minimise health and safety concerns during the execution of this
contract with the goal of eliminating fatalities, injuries, asset and environmental
damage. AKER RESOURCES will ensure this contract is injury–free by doing the
 Assessing all risks and putting appropriate controls in place.
 Using competent/qualified personnel.
 Using standard and fit-for purpose. Equipment & tools.
 Using safe working procedures and following safety rules
 Job hazard analysis for every task
 Making regular job site safety inspections.
 Providing & enforcing the use of appropriate PPE.
 Providing risk based safety orientation/ training.
 Enforcing safety rules and using appropriate discipline
 Using a qualified Safety Officer

In the event of any injury or emergency a designated first aider will be on hand for
first line response prior to being transferred to a retainer clinic if necessary.

1.3. Scope of Work

The contract, involves different types of works, ranging from transportation of
personnel, materials and equipment welding operation, mechanical and
instrumentation installations and hook-ups etc.

The project execution is considered under the following activities:

 Mobilisation, HSE, Community issues, Project Planning and Documentation.
 Collection of material from SHELL specified location and transport to site.
 Provide equipment, materials, labour and prepare, fabricate/install/NDT test of
about 600m of various sizes (1"to 4") of CS piping/fittings with adequate pipe

supports/clamps, installation of various valves and tie-in to LP & HP separators
and Gas engines/generators inclusive of QA/QC documentation.
 Provide equipment, materials, labour and prepare, fabricate/install/NDT test of
about 200m of 2" galvanized piping/fittings with adequate supports/clamps,
installation of various valves and hook-up to the air compressors inclusive of
QA/QC documentation.
 Carry out pre-com/commissioning of the integrated fuel gas/air system.
 Project close-out/as-built, Demobilisation and site clean-up.

1.4. Organization and responsibilities

Although, ultimate responsibility for safety rest with AKER RESOURCES but the safety
requirements in this plan shall be implemented and maintained via coordination
between AKER RESOURCES and the client (SIPD) supervisors. The following
responsibility matrix shall be used to manage this contract.


 Responsibility for the  Approve contractor safety plan
safe work on site  Issue PTW to contractor when required
 Provision of safe work  Observe and monitor adherence to procedures
plan  Inform the Contractor of violations if the violation
 Provision of safety presents immediate danger to human life or property
training and orientation  Order an immediate stoppage of work until unsafe
for personnel conditions or practices are corrected.

For safe execution of this contract the following key personnel shall be provided on

S/N Project Roles and responsibilities

1 Project  Organize and carry out work as stated in the HSE Plan.
engineer  Implement the correct work method.
 Manage interface with client site rep and subcontractors
 Implement the use of fit for purpose equipment on site
 Hire competent personnel for the job
 Enforce the use of suitable personal protective equipment.
 Induct and instruct new employees in precautions to be taken
before they are allowed to start work.
 Obtain permits for all jobs requiring Permit-to-Work
2 Welders and  Weld and install the pipes
3 Safety Officer  Carry out safety walkabout to verify that the work is carried
out under safe conditions without any violations
 Advice site supervisors and workers of corrective actions
when any unsafe conditions or violations are observed.
 Collate, analyze and submit HSE statistics report to site
supervisor and SPDC site rep and make recommendations for
safety improvement (for incident).
 Maintain and share Learning-From-Incidents (LFIs) and other
HSE communications
 Check on the use of all types of personal protective
equipment, evaluate effectiveness & suggest improvements.
All Employees  Do nothing to endanger himself or co-workers
 Use the correct toos and equipments for the job.
 Keep tools in good condition.
 Use proper personal safety equipment provided at all times
Key Project  Site Engineer
 Site Supervisor
 Certified Safety Officers
 Welders
 Grinders
 Vehicle Driver
 Trained Industrial First Aider or Nurse
 Unskilled labourers
 Painter
 Mechanics
4 First Aider  Respond to any medical emergency

Other Project personnel shall be provided as may be required by the size and
complexity of the site. These includes but not limited to grinders, mechanics, crane
operators, helpers etc.

2. Health and Safety Requirements

2.1. HSE induction, Safety Training and communications

Information pertaining to safety requirements on site shall be disseminated to all employees.
This will include the notification of hazards brought onto site or created during the course of
the work. This will be done by posting the hazard sheets on notice boards, or advised during
regular Toolbox Talks. The aim is to ensure that all workers on site are aware of the hazards
as they arise and equally to be advised when they no longer exist. Other means of
communication includes but not limited to HSE inductions, meetings etc.

2.2 HSE Induction:

It is mandatory that all workers must attend safety induction on first day at work No
worker will be permitted to work on the site without safety induction. The HSE officer
on site will give the orientation. The safety induction shall include but not limited to

 Brief explanation of the workscope / activities.

 Brief explanation of the safety program.
 HSE / Security control policy.
 Emergency procedures (Medical/first aid services, security and Fire)
 Each worker’s safety responsibilities.
 All workers shall attend any required SIPD orientation or safety training.
 Engineer and safety officer must have Local or International Institute of safety
professional certification.
 All workers to be trained in
HSE Training
The following training shall be implemented prior to or during the execution of this project

 Level 3 HSE training – Key staff

 HSE Induction - All staff
 PPE use and maintenance – All staff
 Defensive driving course – drivers
 General safety awareness – All staff
 Unsafe act auditing
 Basic fire fighting
 First responder training
 PPE usage and maintenance
 H2S
 Etc

All staff carrying out specialized jobs shall have their certificates.

2.3 Working Hours

 Working hours shall be between the hours of 07:00 and 16:00hours.
2.4 Incident Reporting
 Report and record all incident, near misses and potential incidents (unsafe
act/unsafe conditions)
 Maintain an incident logbook on site.
 Maintain an HSE performance board on site and display the daily HSE statistic.
 Investigate all high risk or actual incident with actual risk in the medium to high
range and share learning during the HSE meeting.

2.5 Accident Prevention

 Implement the training program above to ensure that employees can recognize
and effectively react and report hazardous situations
 It is the responsibility of the Project supervisor to ensure that personnel meet
the training requirements.

2.6 HSE Meetings

 Toolbox talks before start of work everyday
 Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly HSE meetings.

Daily Site Toolbox Meeting

Every morning before start of work a safety toolbox talk session will be held by the
Supervisor with the crew to instruct and discuss:
 Work activity of the day
 Work procedures.
 Safety instructions for using equipment and tools.

 Particular hazardous conditions and precautions to be taken, for the work

Monthly Site HSE Meeting

A monthly site HSE meeting will be held for all workers and staffs (if the work runs up
to 30 days or more). The safety officer will maintain a written record of attendance
dated and signed by each employee. Safety officer Name will produce the minutes of
meeting for SIPD within 2 working days.

The safety officer will maintain a written record of attendance dated and signed by
each employee.

2.7 Subcontractor Management

Sub-contracting is not applicable to this project. If a decision to use a subcontractor
were made at any time, this would be agreed with the client.

2.8 Plants and Equipment

The following equipment may be required for this job they will be duly premobed and
certified fit for use by SIPD before being mobilized to site.
 Vehicles and trucks
 Fire extinguishers
 Hand tools & Toolbox
 Welding machine
 Scaffold Set
 Oxy-acetylene cutting set
 Grinding Machine
 Tripod stand
 Mobile crane
 Fire extinguishers
 Pipe supports
 Staff vehicle & MediVac vehicle
 Grinding machine (at contractor yard)
 Flushing pump
 Pressure testing pump
 Chain block
 Welding machine (at contractor yard)

The equipment shall be checked daily, before the commencement of any work. The
check shall be done by means of equipment checklist, which will be logged and
recorded each day by the project engineer. Any plant or equipment found faulty
should be removed from site immediately.
2.9 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
All employees (including community workers) shall be provided with relevant PPEs
and Safety Equipment to complement Safe Systems of Work. The types of
PPEs/specification that may be required for this project are listed below:

 Hard hat - BS 397
 Welding goggles (acetylene cutting & welding (EN 175,EN 166, EN 169)
 Grinding - Eye goggle with face shield (BS EN 166)
 Hearing protection - EN 352-2(Ear Plugs)
 Hand gloves for general/secure handling (EN420/EN388)
 Leather Hand gloves for welding - EN420/EN388/EN407
 Coverall for general works
 Safety boot - EN 345(Ankle Class-2), ASTM F24-13-05
 Nose mast for nose protection

3 Hazard Assessments and Control

The key potential hazards envisaged in this project includes
 Fire/explosion from welding/cutting operation
 Dust from cement particles
 Working at height (climbing the piling lid)
 Fatality/injuries from lifting operations
 Suspended load during crane operation
 Poor house keeping at the site
 Slippery surfaces on the barge
 Using incompetent swimmer for work
 Fire resulting from welding equipment/welding operations.
 Fatality/injuries from lifting operations, and
 RTA from land transportation

As this is a detailed Hazard analysis or JHA shall be developed and signed-off between
AKER RESOURCES and SIPD for every job. A method statement shall be developed for
every job in the scope of work; this shall be reviewed to reflect site conditions for
every job.

4 Emergency Preparedness and Response

Due to the nature of the project, there may be emergency situations, which could
require contingency planning, these include but not limited to.

 Fire incident
 Medical emergency
 Security emergency – a separate security plan has been developed for this

In the event of an emergency the site alarm will be sounded and all workers must
promptly move to the muster point. The type of alarm and position of the muster point
will form part of the site induction. See Attachment for emergency contact numbers for
this operation.

5 Waste Management
The types of waste expected to be generated in this project are
 Pipe off-cuts
 Electrical/Instruments Cable off-cuts
 Food waste
 Waste from wood
 Oily waste
 Pure water sachet
 Chemical waste

The waste will be segregated at source and moved to an approved disposal site. A
Waste Consignment Note will be completed and maintained for the waste stream.

6 Journey Management
Land movement will feature in this project. Equipment and personnel would be moved
daily by road from their accommodation in Oben/Warri to the SPDC-Oben site. The
following measures shall be put in place to manage transportation safety.

 A movement log shall be kept for all vehicular movement

 A journey manager will be trained and formally appointed for the project
 All journeys will be planned and authorized by the Journey Manager
 All vehicles used will be certified fit by SIPD
 All drivers will have National driving license and shall have attended the SPDC
defensive. Driving program.
 There will be no night driving (approved hours – 0600hrs – 1800 hours)
 Where unforeseen circumstances leads to night driving a waiver will be obtained.
 All drivers will have valid national driving license and shall have attended the SPDC
defensive driving program.

7 Security Plan
Aker Resources shall latch on to the SPDC Project Security plan. All workers will
familiarize themselves with the project security plan, it will form part of the HSE
induction. In the event of threats from community or armed, employees will follow the
instructions in the security plan.

8 Performance Measurement and Incident Reporting

The performance target for this project is
 Zero injuries to personnel
 Zero damage to property
 Zero damage to environment

HSE performance will be monitored and reviewed by the project engineer in

conjunction with the HSE adviser. The following statistics will be reported in the HSE
performance report:.

 Number of incidents (fatalities, lost time injuries, medical treatment, occupational

illnesses & first aid cases).
 Number of Near Misses (NM)
 Number of unsafe acts/conditions (UA/UCs)
 Number of exposure hours worked

All incident, near misses and potential incidents (unsafe act/unsafe conditions) will be
reported to the safety officer and recorded in the incident / potential incident book.

An HSE performance board will be maintained on site to record and display the daily
HSE statistic (personal on board, exposure hours etc.)

Potential incidents of high risk or incident with actual risk in the medium to high range
will be investigated and reviewed and learning shared during the HSE meeting.
The summary of HSE activities to be performed on site is attached as HSE activity

9 General Requirements
The Contractor shall ensure that the following measures are implemented:
i. Obey the applicable SHELL 12 Life Saving Rules and the 3 Golden Rules
ii. Adhere to all procedures and the HSE Plan
iii. Focus on the job and environment, don’t run, and no horseplay on the job
iv. Report all unsafe act/conditions, near misses, accidents/injuries to site supervisor
v. Review and closeout any unsafe conditions or situations.
vi. Work safely so other employees are not placed at risk.
vii. Use specified and required personal safety equipment in performance of duties.
viii. Maintain good housekeeping on site.
ix. Ensure that all equipment is premobbed and properly maintained.
x. Do not use illegal drugs or alcohol or be under the influence of the same on the
project, inform your supervisor if taking any strong prescription drug.
xi. Use only extension cords of the three-prong type. Use ground fault circuit
interrupters at all times and when using tools in wet atmosphere or with any
temporary power supply. Check the electrical grounding system prohibited.
xii. Ensure personnel are at safe distance during radiography and place radiation
warning signs on the safe corridor.
xiii. Keep alternate means of communication on-site with each work spread in case cell
phone coverage is inadequate.
xiv. Know where fire-fighting equipment is located and be trained on how to use it.
xv. Lift correctly - with legs, not the back. If the load is too heavy GET HELP.
xvi. Do not operate any equipment until you have been properly instructed in the safe
work methods and become authorized to use them.
xvii. Barricade danger areas and do not enter an area, which has been barricaded.
xviii. Do not remove, displace, damage, or destroy any safety device or safeguard
provided for use on the job, or interfere with the use thereof.
xix. If you must work around mobile plants/equipment, make sure operators can
always see you. Barricades are required for cranes.
xx. Never oil, lubricate, or fuel equipment while it is running or in motion.
xxi. Before servicing, repairing, or adjusting any powered tool or piece of equipment,
disconnect it, lock out the source of power, and tag it out.
xxii. Open fires or smoking are prohibited.
xxiii. Know what emergency procedures have been established for your job site.
(Location of emergency phone, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, evacuation plan, etc.)
xxiv. Never enter a CONFINED SPACE without permit - Make certain a qualified person
tests the confined area with an appropriate detector before entry, that the
necessary safety equipment is worn. Standby person may be required to be
stationed at the entrance.
xxv. Never move an injured person unless it is absolutely necessary. Keep the injured
as comfortable as possible and utilize job site first-aid equipment until an
ambulance arrives.

HSE Plan Monitoring Matrix
S/N Description Frequency Responsi Status
1 Premobilization
1.1 Hold project kick-off meeting Once
1.2 Review Scope of Work to identify HSE requirements Once
1.3 Develop and endorse Project HSE Plan Once
1.4 Develop and endorse Work method statement Once
1.5 Engage Community and obtain FTO Once
1.6 Develop and sign-off security plan Once
2.0 Mobilization
2.1 Premob inspection of equipment Once
2.2 Premob inspection of personnel Once
2.3 Premob inspection of retainer clinic Once
2.4 Carry out HSE Training As per plan
2.5 Carry out HSE induction/orientation Every new
2.6 Conduct required emergency response drills As per plan
2.7 Train and appoint Journey Manager Once
2.8 Carry out medical test of workers including those subject to Every new
the fitness to work protocol worker
2.9 Obtain relevant permit to work (PTW) As required
2.10 Develop daily task plans Daily
2.11 Perform JHA for site activities Per activity
2.12 Train workers on first aid and fire fighting Once
2.13 Provide appropriate and adequate PPE Once
3.0 Execution
3.1 Prepare and secure work site Once
3.2 Toolbox talks with work crew Daily
3.3 Perform required Emergency Drills As per plan
3.4 HSE walkabout/site inspections Daily
3.5 Compilation and report safety statistics Daily
3.6 Report, investigate and share learning from incidents As required
3.7 Report incidents, near miss, unsafe act/conditions and Any time
occupational illnesses
3.8 Hold planned HSE Meetings As per plan
3.9 Decode and analyze IVMS reports Monthly
3.10 Inventories waste generated and disposed Weekly
3.11 Provide shock cards for chemicals used on site As required

Job/ Activity: Reviewed by:

Task Steps Hazard/Hazar Threats Top Consequenc Who and/or Inheren Barrier/Control Recovery Res Action Party
d Source Event es What may be t Risk Risk
Road Driving -Bad Road -Loss of -Injury -Personnel P: 5D -Journey Mgt -First Aid P: 2C Aker Resources
Transportation -Poor traffic control / -Fire -Assets A: 5D procedure -Medevac A:1C -Safety officer
of personnel condition vehicle -Vehicle -Environment E: 2C -Maintenance - -Supervisor
from Aker -Poor vehicle collision damage R: 2C schedule Communica
Resources condition/Faulty -Fatality -Driver certification tion (GSM)
yard to SIPD / Uncertified -Land -IVMS -Emergency
equipment contaminatio -Use only Pre- response
-Driver n from petrol mobbed vehicles procedure
competency or diesel or -Journey Mgt audits
-Driver condition fire -Driver’s welfare
-Weather -Asset
-Other road users damage
-Armed Attack
- Load in/on
Mobilisation to Sea/River -Poor Boat -Loss of -Injury -Personnel P:5C -Journey Mgt -First Aid P: 2C -Aker Resources
site (Marine control / -Fire -Assets A:3C procedure -Medevac A:1C Mgt
transportation, Condition/Faulty Boat -Vehicle -Environment E:3C -Maintenance - -Safety officer
Embarking & / Uncertified collision damage R:2D schedule Communica -Supervisor
Disembarking) equipment -Boat -Fatality -Quartermaster tion (GSM)
-Weather Capsize -Land certification -Emergency
-Boat Driver contaminatio -Use only Pre- response
competency/con n from petrol mobbed boat procedure
dition or diesel or -Journey Mgt audits
-Armed Attack fire -Boat Crew’s welfare
-Load in/on -Asset
boat/ vessel damage
-Waterway &
-Other Waterway
Mechanical & Slippery -Wet surface Trip /Fall -Severe -Personnel P:4C -Workplace safety - Throw a P1C Aker Resources
manual lifting surface, -Uneven surface -Loss of Injury -Assets A:1C checklist life bouy, -Site Supervisor
of Manual -Wrong stability, -Asset -Training of First Aid -HSE officer
materials/tool materials positioning Dropping damage personnel -Medevac, -SPDC-CSR
s/Equipment handling, -Falling objects of load, -Drawn -Good housekeeping
Work at height -Lack of training man over -Use of competent
Unbalanced -Defectives lifting board, personnel
Load, equipment -TBM,JHA, on
manual handling,
- Life bouy
Inspection and Obstructions, -Wet surface Trip/fall, Injury to -Personnel P:4C -Workplace safety, Throw a P1C Aker resources
measurement slippery -Uneven surface man over personnel, -Good housekeeping life bouy , -Site Supervisor
of existing surface, -Wrong board Drawn TBM, JHA, PPE. Life First Aid -HSE officer
Piping & positioning bouy. -Medevac, -SPDC-CSR
Fabrication Sharp objects, Exposure to Cut, -Severe Personnel P4C properly bonded Throw a life P1A Aker resources
and cutting to Flying particles personnel, electric injury, Cable joints , TBM, bouy site supervisor,
size of Pipes & Electric, Exposed cable shock Fatality JHA, , Gas- test at First Aid HSE officer ,
Plates welding fumes wires, Exposure Inhalation Drawn. intervals, -Medevac, SPDC CSR
grinding to fumes/ non- of fumes PPEs. Trained

/welding use of PPEs. man over personnel. Life bouy
machines, board
Dismantling, Sharp objects, Exposure to Cut, Injury to Personnel P2B, Flash back arrestor, Throw a life POB, Aker resources
flame cutting, Bottle under personnel Explosion personnel, Assets A3C, correct PPEs, TBM, bouy A1C, Site supervisor,
grinding and pressure Exposed cable Electric Asset damage Environment E4C JHA, Gas - test at First Aid E1B HSE officer ,
removal of Flying particles wires , shock Environment intervals, use -Medevac SPDC CSR
Existing Piping , unguarded Drawn guarded grinding
Electric grinding machine,
grinding machine, gas properly bonded
/welding leakage Cable joints.
machines Life bouy Portable
fire extinguisher,
water hose
Flushing Overflowing of Wear and Tear man over Injury to Personnel, P2B, -Workplace safety, Throw a life POB, Aker resources
activity oil-water due to long board, Personnel, Asset A3C, -Good housekeeping bouy A1C, site supervisor,
(Pollution) usage, Poor Injury , damage to Environment E4C TBM, JHA, PPE. Life First Aid E1B HSE officer ,
Back pressure connection of damage , Assets , bouy. -Medevac SPDC CSR
build up hose(s),Loose Pollution Pollution
Installation, Sharp objects, Exposure to Cut, Injury to Personnel P3C Flash back Throw a life P1A Aker resources
Preparation, welding personnel Electric Personnel Arrestor,correctPPE bouy site supervisor,
positioning particles/arc Exposed cable shock, Drawn s,TBM, JHA, , Gas- First Aid HSE officer ,
and Welding Electric wires, in exposure test at intervals, Life -Medevac SPDC CSR
activities welding fumes appropriate PPE, to bouy, Do not work in
grinding in experience welding the rain,
/welding personnel, Bad arc, Portable fire
machines, weather man over extinguisher, water
Lightning. condition. board, hose
Installation of -Tools -Defective tools - -Body injury -Personnel P:2D -Use right tools -First Aid P:2D -Pinac site supr.
Instrument -Equipment -Incompetence Injury(cut -Asset -Assets A:2D -Follow work -Medevac (if A:2D -HSE Officer
devices and -Facility -Wrong work s) damage procedure required) -SPDC Reps
Instrument/el procedure -loss of -Use competence
ectrical cables -Slippery surface stability workers
-Wrong -Use correct PPE
positioning -Fumigate relevant
-Uneven surface areas
-Hostile reptiles
Scaffolding Work at height, Falling object, Man over Drawn Personnel P3C Life bouy, Throw a life P1A Aker resources
work Defectives Wrong board, Injury to Harness, bouy site supervisor,
materials, positioning, hitting personnel Work safely , First Aid HSE officer ,
incompetent incompetent object trained -Medevac, SPDC CSR
Personnel personnel ,wrong personnel,TBM,PPE
use of JHA.
House keeping Slippery -Wet surface, Trip/fall Injury to P2C -Workplace safety , Throw a life P0A Aker resources
surface, sharp Exposure to man over Personnel Personnel PPEs Life bouy TBM bouy site supervisor,
objects personnel board Drawn. First Aid HSE officer ,
-Medevac SPDC CSR



1 Noyep Jihem SIPD- Contract


2 Allen Biakpara/Steve Burnett SIPD - Contract Holder

3 SIPD - Project

4 SIPD Security Manager

5 SIPD Ops Manger

6 SPDC Control Room

7 Duty Officer SIPD

8 MD, Aker Resources

9 Construction Manager

10 Hospital/Clinic



Area Security Adviser (Majnoon

field, DS-1, Yabani Bridge, DS-2, SIPD REPRESENTATIVE
CPF & PC Camp) 42194, 1. Analyze situation, keep calm.
08070312424 2. Alert people around
3. Workers gather at mustering Point
Personeel on site


- Activate the Alarm - Contact Safety Officer -Hostage Taking SPILL
- Apply Fire - Site Nurse to arrange -Armed Attack -Isolate leak if
Extinguisher if safe to First Aid. - Community Invasion possible
do so - Kidnap -Contact Site Supr.


TEL NO.122, 08070311434
08070244515 NECESSARY
NECESSARY 08070311433


Retainership Clinic
Name of Hospital 08070244988


Tel No: 08070311103 Number
Contractor Company Name
MD’s Number
Construction Engr No

Allen Biakpara/ Steve Burnett

Noyep Jihem


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